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  • 8/12/2019 WAAS OVERVIEW-Honeywell.pdf


  • 8/12/2019 WAAS OVERVIEW-Honeywell.pdf


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    approach capability: Space-based (SBAS), Ground-based (GBAS), and Aircraft-Based (ABAS) Augmentation

    Systems. The FAAs WAAS program is an example of a SBAS architecture, and the FAAs LAAS program is an

    example of a GBAS architecture. ABAS refers to augmentation methods that rely upon multiple aircraft sensors

    that provide additional ranging sources that aid in the position estimate of the aircraft. An FMS augmented withGPS and INS would be an example of this type of system.

    The performance of GPS navigation equipment is specified with respect to accuracy, integrity, continuity, andavailability. Accuracy specifies the precision of the position estimate of the GPS receiver with respect to the true

    location of the aircraft, and is expressed as a requirement for a given phase of flight. Integrity is the assurance that

    the GPS solution is not corrupted and providing potentially hazardously misleading navigation information to the

    pilot. Todays aviation GPS receivers provide integrity monitoring by use of Receiver Autonomous Integrity

    Monitoring (RAIM) algorithms that alert the pilot to integrity issues with the GPS receiver solution. Moresophisticated receivers can detect and exclude satellites with errors in their ranging signals from the overall position

    estimate through the use of Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE) algorithms. Availability requirements assure that

    the navigation function can support a particular phase of flight or operation. Continuity requirements provideassurance that the pilot will not lose the navigation capability, once available, during a particular phase of flight or

    operation. To accommodate the desire for increased airspace capacity, efficiency, and safety, the ability to operate

    in the oceanic, en route, terminal and non-precision and precision approach airspace environments are requiringincreasingly demanding levels of the four basic performance metrics. An overview of the various performance

    requirements with respect to each of the operational phases of flight are included for reference in Table 4 and Table

    1 at the end of this paper.

    What is the WAAS? Why is it necessary and how is it di fferent from the GPS systems usedtoday?

    A SBAS, or WAAS, is a satellite-based system that provides regional augmentation of GPS signals unliketraditional ground-based navigation aids. In traditional navigation systems, ground-based transmitters produce

    navigation information relative to the terrestrial location and direction from the aircraft. The complementary

    airborne equipment consists of receivers that determine the relative direction and/or distance from the ground

    stations. In contrast, basic GPS airborne navigation equipment requires no terrestrial based infrastructure, but

    instead determines absolute latitude and longitude of the aircraft by triangulation of ranging information fromnumerous GPS satellites orbiting the earth. To achieve higher levels of performance however, terrestrial based GPS

    equipment is necessary to provide fixed references for use in assessing real-time errors in the satellite-only position

    estimates. The calculated errors in turn are used to produce differential corrections and additional integrityinformation for broadcast to the airborne equipment. WAAS airborne navigation sensors (WAAS/GPS receivers)

    are currently certified by the FAA under TSO-C145a, and airborne navigation equipment (WAAS/GPS navigators)

    are certified under TSO-C146a.

    The WAAS ground infrastructure consists of many Wide-Area Reference Station (WRS) sites located throughout

    the continental US (CONUS) and Alaska. These WRS locations are precisely surveyed so that their location with

    respect to the GPS coordinate system is absolutely known. Each of the WRS sites process the ranging information

    from the GPS constellation and calculate a position estimate. The WRS position estimates are then forwarded to theWAAS Master Station (WMS) via a ground-based communications network. At the WMS, the estimates from each

    reference station are compared to the actual WRS survey positions, the differences calculated, and the WAAS

    augmentation messages generated. In addition to position correction messages, the WMS also calculates andprovides integrity information regarding the GPS constellation. In general, the messages contain error and

    performance information that allow WAAS capable GPS receivers to remove errors in the GPS signal and flagspecific satellites in the GPS constallation that are providing degraded or misleading information, allowing for a

    significant increase in location accuracy and integrity.

    Once processed by the WMS, the augmentation messages are sent to uplink stations to be transmitted to

    geostationary communications satellites (currently INMARSAT). There are currently two satellites in orbit that are

    transmitting the WAAS signal-in-space, with plans for a third to provide a level of redundancy for the system. Thenavigation payloads provide bi-directional communications to the WMS and convert and re-broadcast the

    augmentation messages to aircraft on GPS L1 spectrum in a WAAS message format. WAAS capable GPS receivers

    on aircraft then process both ranging information from the raw GPS constellation and the augmentation message to

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    provide corrected position estimates for the current position, and integrity information for the GPS constellation.

    The GPS-like signal from the WAAS geostationary transponder can also be used by an airborne receiver as an

    additional ranging source for calculation of the position estimate, i.e. the WAAS geostationary satellite doubles for

    another GPS satellite. Integrity information provided in the WAAS augmentation message allows the airbornenavigator to isolate malfunctioning satellites and exclude them from the overall navigation solution. With this

    information included in the WAAS messages, the RAIM and FDE algorithms of the raw GPS navigator are non-

    essential, but can be used to augment the integrity and fault isolation capabilities of the airborne receiver. Figure 1provides a pictoral overview of the WAAS operation.

    In comparison to Space-based augmentation, Ground based GPS augmentation systems like the FAAs LAAS

    provide local augmentation by collecting information from the GPS constellation with a locally surveyed ground

    station, typically located at an airport. GPS correction, integrity, and approach information is then transmitted via aterrestrial VHF datalink to the aircraft operating within range of the transmitter, typically 20 to 30 nautical miles.

    Airborne GPS solutions must have the capability to receive and interpret these VHF transmissions and apply the

    correction information to the overall navigation solution. The principle and implementation of differentialaugmentation is the same, but the operational performance achievable with the LAAS is greater than that of the

    WAAS since the augmentation service is confined to a smaller region of coverage.

    Figure 1: WAAS Architecture and Operation (Ref. Performance Specification FAA-E-2963, WAAS GeostationaryCommunication and Control Segment, Draft, June 2002)

    Accuracy and Integri ty How much is better? What s the di fference?

    The accuracy achievable with raw GPS navigation is incredible when compared to traditional navigation aids, andthe capability to navigate directly between to arbitrary points on the earth has changed the way we look at operations

    in the future airspace environment. Differentially corrected GPS positions provide nearly another order of

    magnitude better accuracy. Table 1provides a comparison of the accuracy achievable with raw GPS and the WAAS

    and LAAS. Accuracy however, is only part of the equation when assessing performance of GPS-based navigationsystems.

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    Table 1: GPS Position Accuracy Performance


    Horizontal (Meters)


    Vertical (Meters)GPS Position Accuracy

    PerformanceGoal Observed Goal Observed

    Raw GPS with S/A Active* 100 45 100 156 156

    Raw GPS with S/A Off 100 6 156 16

    GPS with SBAS (WAAS) 7.6 2 7.6 3

    GPS with GBAS (LAAS CAT I) 1.0 0.4 2.0 0.6

    *Selective Availability (S/A) dithering removed from GPS Signal on May 1, 2000

    The basic design of GPS makes accuracy an intrinsic capability of the performance equation and is therefore theeasiest element to achieve. The remaining performance elements, i.e. Integrity, Continuity, and Availability also

    need to be addressed when assessing the overall navigation capability. The real challenge and limiting factor to

    WAAS performance, and GPS navigation in general, is the systems ability to the meet the integrity requirementsfor precision vertical navigation operations.

    As GPS satellites change their orbital positions and ionospheric conditions fluctuate, the WAAS coverage and

    performance levels experience slight fluctuations. If the performance degrades below the minimum requirements,

    the WAAS must provide notification to airborne receivers within several seconds to alert the pilot of a potential lossof service. Although the WAAS accuracy performance typically exceeds the specifications as shown in Table 1,the

    integrity performance can only protect to 40m horizontal and 50m vertical.

    Continued improvements are planned for WAAS to further expand the benefits it provides. The first set of

    improvements will focus on the expansion of the WAAS. Current FAA plans include the addition of 10 WAAS

    reference stations and 3 geostationary satellite communication links to replace the INMARSAT satellites used today.

    This continued development would increase the availability of the WAAS signal to pilots, and expand the broadcastcoverage area to include 100% of the continental U.S. and most of Alaska. Other improvements may be made to

    incorporate changes associated with GPS modernization, but the FAAs commitment and schedule for all of the

    upgrades is uncertain.

    What types of WAAS receivers are available?

    An overview of functional and operational classes and capabilities for WAAS equipment is given in Figure 2. MostGPS sensors in service today do not have WAAS capability, but many designs are being updated to accommodate

    the WAAS signal-in-space. Several current receiver designs can be upgraded with software modifications but are

    limited to Class 2 operations, and only two commercially available receivers can support Class 3 operations. It is

    fully expected that within the next several years, most GPS sensors in new and retrofit products will have Class 3capability.

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    Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4



    Oceanic, En route,

    Terminal, NPA

    Oceanic, En route,

    Terminal, NPA,


    Oceanic, En route,

    Terminal, NPA,



    Class (Equipment)


    Oceanic, En route,

    Terminal, NPA

    Oceanic, En route,

    Terminal, NPA,


    Oceanic, En route,

    Terminal, NPA,




    N/A N/A N/APrecision Approach

    (APV, LPV)

    Operational Class


    WAAS Equipment Classes


    Figure 2: WAAS Receiver Types

    What is the status of the WAAS program?

    The WAAS program reached a milestone in July 2003 by receiving commissioning for operational use in the USnational airspace (NAS). Although the initial operational capability (IOC) does not meet the original design goal of

    Category I minimums, the current performance will provide some operational benefit to light general aviation users

    and potential for others when reduced minimums using WAAS are introduced as modifications to the current RNAV

    approach procedures. Some of the high-level milestones for past and future capability for the WAAS developmentinclude:

    WAAS Initial Operational Capability IOC (LNAV/VNAV) - July 2003- 95% of Continental U.S. (CONUS), portions of Alaska- Equivalent capability to Baro-VNAV operations with Class 2/3 receiver- 350-ft minimumsThis provides aircraft equipped with Class 2 or 3 WAAS capability to fly RNAV approaches with vertical

    guidance and LNAV/VNAV. This is equivalent to flying an LNAV/VNAV approach today with an aircraft

    equipped with Baro-VNAV capability.

    WAAS Operational (Initial LPV) September/October 2003- 7 procedures drafted to publish in Sept./Oct. database cycle- Remaining LPV procedures TBD (2003 through 2006)- 250-ft minimumsSeven LPV procedures will be published in the Sept./Oct. 2003 database update cycle. Of those seven,

    several have come very close to reaching the desired 250-ft minimums, and all have resulted in lower

    minimums than LNAV/VNAV. These seven approaches however provide a narrow sampling of LPV

    minimums to ascertain the exact improvement over LNAV/VNAV operations today. Therefore the

    cost/benefit of the airspace design and aircraft investment for LPV approaches is impossible to quantify at

    this time. Aircraft equipped with Baro-VNAV and WAAS augmentation capability will provide equivalent

    vertical guided approach capability on all RNAV (GPS) approaches to LNAV/VNAV minimums.

    WAAS Full Operational Capability FOC (LPV) - 2006- Full Continental U.S.- Most of Alaska-

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    LPV TERPS criteria. For those airports with ILS approach capability to some runway end, much of the

    obstacle survey data is available, but adding WAAS LPV at those airports has limited utility to operators.

    Airports without ILS approaches will have the largest benefit by the addition of precision vertical

    guidance, but unfortunately do not have the appropriate obstacle data to support the procedure design.

    The FAA is currently investigating methods that can expedite this process, however 2006 may be an

    optimistic estimate for completion of the entire process.

    WAAS FOC+ (GLS L5) 2013- WAAS 200 Minimums- Interference Mitigation- Addition of a 3rdGeostationary satellite

    Long-term WAAS improvements require an additional GPS frequency (L5 in addition to L1, L2) and

    modified equipment capable of receiving the new signals. This is required for SBAS to reach Category I

    landing capability without other forms of augmentation.

    The addition of a third geostationary satellite and/or replacement of the current INMARSAT payloads are

    also much-needed improvements to the system. With the two-satellite system currently in operation, the loss

    of one satellite would in effect result in the loss of half of the WAAS augmentation signal coverage. A third

    satellite is necessary to mitigate this failure mode. Procurement of the third satellite is under way, and will

    probably occur well before 2013.

    What approach procedures are available today that make use of WAAS capability? Are therereally over 500 approaches available for WAAS capability?

    There indeed are over 500 RNAV (GPS) instrument approach procedures defined and published by the FAA today.

    These approaches have been previously designed for aircraft equipped with raw GPS navigators, or a FlightManagement System (FMS) that may or may not have barometric VNAV (baro-VNAV) capability. Each of the

    procedures has published minimums for non-precision (Circling and LNAV) approaches, and for vertical navigation

    operations (LNAV/VNAV). Aircraft equipped with GPS equipment certified to TSO-C129a IFR capability may

    perform these RNAV approaches to non-precision minimums, and those equipped with baro-VNAV capability may

    perform the approaches to any of the non-precision or vertical navigation minimums.

    With the introduction of WAAS, the RNAV (GPS) approaches will be modified to contain minimums for another

    type called LPV. LPV is an acronym that has evolved into one with no true meaning, but loosely refers to Lateralguidance with Precision Vertical, or Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance. Currently, there are seven

    (7) approaches that have been designed for LPV minimums that are to be published in the September or October

    2003 database update cycle. Table 2 lists the locations and details for each of these approaches. The intent is toprovide a set of approach minimums specifically for use by WAAS equipment that result in lower minimums than

    that of the baro-VNAV approaches. Of the seven approaches, all LPV types have resulted in lower minimums than

    LNAV/VNAV, and some have come very close to achieving 250 minimums. The true extent of this improvement

    to the broader scope of RNAV (GPS) approaches however is unknown at this time.

    It is of interest to note that several of the seven LPV amended RNAV approaches have resulted in LNAV minimums

    that have increased when compared to the currently published procedures. This is true for cases where the approach

    geometry required modification to accommodate the obstacle clearance requirements of LNAV/VNAV and LPV.Others that did not require geometric modification are unaffected. The extent to which this will occur in the overall

    RNAV approach redesign process is not known.

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    Table 2: Proposed Amendments to RNAV IAP(s) with LPV Minimums (Sept./Oct. 2003)

    A B C D

    LPV (DA)

    LNAV/VNAV (DA) 1020 - 2 1/2 724

    LNAV (MDA) 1 000 - 2 7 04 1000 - 2 1/4 704

    Circling 1080 - 2 1/2 777

    LPV (DA)


    LNAV (MDA) 1 200 - 2 6 77 1200 - 2 1/4 677

    Circling 1 200 - 2 6 61 1200 - 2 1/4 661

    LPV (DA)


    LNAV (MDA) 1 080 - 2 6 98 1080 - 2 1/4 698

    Circling 1 080 - 2 6 91 1080 - 2 1/4 691

    LPV (DA)


    LNAV (MDA) 640 - 3/4 448 640 - 1 448

    Circling 720 - 1 3/4 528 760 - 2 568

    LPV (DA)

    LNAV/VNAV (DA)1600/40

    318 (400-3/4)

    LNAV (MDA)1840/50

    558 (600-3/4)


    558 (600-1 1/4)

    Circling1840 - 1 1/2

    545 (600-1 1/2)

    1860 - 2

    565 (600-2)

    LPV (DA)


    LNAV (MDA)

    Circling1740 - 1

    445 (500-1)

    1760 - 1

    465 (500-1)

    1760 - 1 1/2

    465 (500-1 1/2)

    1860 - 2

    565 (600-2)

    LPV (DA)


    LNAV (MDA) 1240/40 432 1240/50 432

    Circling 1260 - 1 1/2 451 13 60 - 2 5 51

    8+ ...TBD

    1020 - 2 1/2 724

    1110/24 302

    1160/40 352

    1240/24 432

    1260 - 1 451

    1840 - 1 545 (600-1)

    1530/50 253

    1580/50 303 (300-1)

    1580/50 303 (300-1)

    700 - 1 3/4 508

    1540/24 258

    1600/24 318 (400-1/2)

    1840/24 558 (600-1/2)




    640 - 1 257

    740 - 1 1/4 358

    1080 - 1 698

    1080 - 1 1/4 691

    480 - 1/2 287

    720 - 1 1/4 528

    640 - 1/2 448





    Oshkosh, W I W ittman Regional



    Oklahoma City, OK Will Rogers World(ILS)


    Oklahoma City, OK Will Rogers World(ILS)


    Manassas , VA Manassas Reg iona l /

    Harry P. Davis Field(ILS)


    Leesburg , VA Leesburg Executive(ILS)


    Gaithersburg, MD Montgomery County



    1200 - 1 6771200 - 1 1/2 661

    Frederick Municipal(ILS)


    1000 - 3/4 704

    1020 - 2 1/2 717

    780 - 1 257

    920 - 1 1/2 397

    #Aircraft Performance Category

    690 - 1 1/2 394Frederick, MD1

    City Airport Identifier RNAV Approach

    Is the WAAS service available worldwide?

    No, the WAAS provides regional augmentation and at this time is intended to provide coverage only within the

    continental US and Alaska. There are however, several SBAS systems similar to the FAAs WAAS that areplanning to provide basic interoperability with avionics that are designed for WAAS operation. These include the

    European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) and Japans Multi-Transport Satellite (MT-SAT)

    based Augmentation System (MSAS). India has also begun some preliminary work on its own SBAS, the GPS andGEO Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system.

    In terms of WAAS capability for the CONUS and Alaska, Figure 3 and Figure 4 show snapshots of the VerticalNavigation Service for the WAAS coverage area for a typical morning and afternoon on July 23, 2003. The

    snapshots provide information regarding the Vertical Protection Level (VPL) provided by WAAS augmentation as

    colored contours, and outlined service contours for LNAV/VNAV (dashed) and LPV (red) vertical navigation

    service levels. Figure 3 represents a near best case scenario, whereas Figure 4 is representative of the lower limit of

    capability. As shown in each of the figures, availability of the WAAS augmentation necessary for precision vertical

    navigation is not assured to the extents of the intended coverage areas and varies dramatically throughout the day.The continental U.S. has fairly good coverage, however coastal areas and many border fringes of the country have

    periods where vertical navigation service will be limited to LNAV/VNAV (Baro-VNAV) or LNAV (NPA)

    minimums. Alaska on the other hand has periods where the vertical navigation service will not support anyLNAV/VNAV capability and will be limited to LNAV only operations. Note that aircraft equipped with Baro-

    VNAV capability will still be able to operate in these situations to LNAV/VNAV minimums regardless of the

    WAAS VPL performance at the time of the approach.

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    Figure 3: WAAS VPL on July 23, 2003, 10:58am Figure 4: WAAS VPL on July 23, 2003, 4:17pm

    Reference: http://www.nstb.tc.faa.gov/vpl.html

    In general, what benefit does the WAAS provide for me as an operator? What changes to myaircraft are necessary?

    The actual benefits and the changes required to provide those benefits will vary depending on whether operations

    utilize Air Transport, Regional, Business, and/or Light GA aircraft, and where the bulk of the operations occur. The

    following table attempts to address the affects of WAAS upgrades to current equipage for the various aircraft types.

    Table 3: Notional Operational Benefits and Upgrades to WAAS or Equivalent Capability

    Aircraft TypeTypical Operational

    EnvironmentDescription of WAAS or Equivalent Capabilities and Upgrade

    With Baro-VNAV capability:

    All air transport aircraft are suitably equipped with ILS precision approach and many willhave Baro-VNAV capability provide by FMS.

    - Upgrade to WAAS capability will most likely require new Class 3 receiver design forMulti-Mode Receiver type LRU. This would also require integration with otheraircraft navigation systems such as an FMS.

    - Upgrade provides extremely limited benefit over Baro-VNAV capability currentlyavailable since reduction of minimums will not have much impact at majority of

    airports served. ILS is already available, and LPV minima provide questionableimprovements that justify investment in modification.

    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS service until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available, and mitigate ILS outages with Baro-VNAV capability.

    - Investment in RNP and RNP-RNAV capability will continue to improve the RNAVapproach capabilities.

    Air Transport High-Altitude En route

    Terminal AreaApproach

    Surface Movement

    Upper Tier airports with ILS

    (CAT I/II and some CAT III)

    approach capability.

    Without Baro-VNAV capability:

    All air transport aircraft will be suitably equipped with ILS precision approach and some

    will NOT have Baro-VNAV capability provide by FMS.


    Upgrade of FMS to provide Baro-VNAV capability. This typically requires softwaremodification and would be lowest cost alternative to provide vertical guidance in

    addition to ILS. This upgrade also provides worldwide vertical navigation coverage

    due to autonomy of the capability in the airborne equipment.- Upgrade to WAAS capability will most likely require new Class 3 receiver design for

    Multi-Mode Receiver type LRU.

    - WAAS upgrade provides marginal benefit when compared to Baro-VNAV upgrade.ILS is already available for the majority of airports served and absence of publishedLPV approaches

    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS service until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available.

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    Aircraft TypeTypical Operational

    EnvironmentDescription of WAAS or Equivalent Capabilities and Upgrade

    Aircraft with Inertial Reference Systems (IRS):Many air transport aircraft will be equipped with Inertial Reference Systems (IRS) that may

    be integrated with FMS/GPS to provide enhanced approach capability as part of an Aircraft

    Based Augmentation System (ABAS).

    - WAAS/SBAS upgrade to these systems would provide potential benefit depending onthe level of integration with other navigation systems.- Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS services until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available. LAAS upgrades alone will most likely achieve Performance

    Type I (Category I service levels), but tightly integrated IRS augmentation may be

    one method of achieving requirements for LAAS Performance Type II and III

    approaches (Category II and IIIa,b,c service levels).

    Aircraft without GPS capability:Many air transport aircraft will not be equipped with raw GPS capability.

    - Upgrade to future GPS capability will most likely include WAAS and potential LAAScapability.

    - Investment in RNP and RNP-RNAV capability without GPS sensors will continue toprovide and improve RNAV approach capabilities.

    With Baro-VNAV capability:

    All regional aircraft are suitably equipped with ILS precision approach and some will haveBaro-VNAV capability provide by FMS.

    - Upgrade to WAAS capability will most likely require new Class 3 receiver design forfederated navigation radio package or integrated avionics system. This would alsorequire integration with other aircraft navigation systems such as an FMS.

    - Upgrade provides extremely limited benefit over Baro-VNAV capability currentlyavailable since reduction of minimums will not have much impact at majority ofairports served. ILS is already available, and LPV minima provide questionable

    improvements that justify investment in modification.

    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS service until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available and mitigate ILS outages with Baro-VNAV capability.

    - Continued investment by operators in RNP and RNP-RNAV capability will erodebenefit of WAAS equipment upgrades.

    Without Baro-VNAV capability:

    All regional aircraft are suitably equipped with ILS precision approach and many will NOThave Baro-VNAV capability provide by FMS.

    - Upgrade of FMS to provide Baro-VNAV capability. Typically requires softwaremodification and would be lowest cost alternative to provide vertical guidance in

    addition to ILS.- Upgrade to WAAS capability will most likely require new Class 3 receiver design for

    federated navigation radio package or integrated avionics system.

    - Upgrade may provide some questionable benefit in l ieu of Baro-VNAV within thecontinental U.S.

    - For the majority of airports served, the WAAS capability may provide mitigation ofILS outage situations. In these cases however, LNAV approaches are typically

    available, and LPV minimums provide marginal benefit to justify investment in an


    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS service until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available.

    Regional Mid/High-Altitude En route

    Terminal AreaApproach

    Surface Movement

    Mid to upper-tier airports with

    ILS, VNAV and NPA

    approach capability.

    Aircraft with Inertial Reference Systems (IRS):

    Most regional aircraft will most likely NOT be equipped with Inertial Reference Systems(IRS). Some regional aircraft WILL be equipped with Inertial Reference Systems (IRS)

    that may be integrated with FMS/GPS to provide enhanced approach capability as part of

    an Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS).

    - WAAS/SBAS upgrade to these systems would provide potential benefit depending onthe level of integration with other navigation systems.

    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS services until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available. LAAS upgrades alone will most likely achieve PerformanceType I (Category I service levels), but tightly integrated IRS augmentation may be

    one method of achieving requirements for LAAS Performance Type II and III

    approaches (Category II and IIIa,b,c service levels).

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    Aircraft TypeTypical Operational

    EnvironmentDescription of WAAS or Equivalent Capabilities and Upgrade

    With Baro-VNAV capability:Most business aircraft will be suitably equipped with ILS precision approach and many will

    have Baro-VNAV capability provide by FMS.

    - Upgrade to WAAS capability will most likely require new Class 3 receiver designupgrade and/or replacement of federated navigation radio package or integrated

    avionics system.- Upgrade to WAAS provides extremely limited benefit over Baro-VNAV capabilitycurrently available. Reduction of minimums will not have much impact at majority of

    airports served. ILS is already available, and LPV minima provide questionable

    improvements that justify investment in modification.- Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS service until GBAS (LAAS)

    capability is available.

    - Potential but limited benefit at airports that currently do not have ILS services due toBaro-VNAV capability.

    Without Baro-VNAV capability:

    Most business aircraft will be suitably equipped with ILS precision approach and some may

    NOT have Baro-VNAV capability provide by FMS.- Upgrade of FMS to provide Baro-VNAV capability. Typically requires software

    modification and would be lowest cost alternative to provide vertical guidance in

    addition to ILS.

    - Upgrade to WAAS capability will most likely require new Class 3 receiver designupgrade and/or replacement of federated navigation radio package or integrated

    avionics system.- Upgrade to WAAS provides questionable benefit in lieu of Baro-VNAV within the

    continental U.S.

    - For the majority of airports served, the WAAS capability may provide mitigation ofILS outages. Baro-VNAV capability would provide similar mitigation and would belower cost solution to current equipage.

    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS service until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available.



    Mid/High-Altitude En route

    Terminal AreaApproach

    Surface Movement

    Potentially all airport types,

    but typically mid to upper-

    tier, most with ILS and manywith a minimum VNAV and

    NPA approach capability.

    Aircraft with Inertial Reference Systems (IRS):Many business aircraft will be equipped with Inertial Reference Systems (IRS) that may be

    integrated with FMS/GPS to provide enhanced approach capability as part of an Aircraft

    Based Augmentation System (ABAS).

    - WAAS/SBAS upgrade to these systems would provide potential benefit depending onthe level of integration with other navigation systems.

    - Most operators will likely continue to use existing ILS services until GBAS (LAAS)capability is available. LAAS upgrades alone will most likely achieve Performance

    Type I (Category I service levels), but tightly integrated IRS augmentation may beone method of achieving requirements for LAAS Performance Type II and III

    approaches (Category II and IIIa,b,c service levels).

    Without TSO-C129a GPS Navigator Capability:

    Many Light GA aircraft within the U.S. do not have GPS navigation capabili ty today.- Upgrade to TSO-C129a IFR navigation equipment would provide en route, terminal

    area, and non-precision (NPA) RNAV approach capability to LNAV minimums.

    - Upgrade to TSO-C146a, Class 2 WAAS/GPS navigation equipment would provide enroute, terminal area, NPA, and RNAV/VNAV capability to LNAV/VNAV minimumsequivalent to Baro-VNAV. These approaches are available today.

    - A Class 3 WAAS/GPS navigator would provide additional RNAV/VNAV capabilityto LPV minimums. Only 7 of these approaches have been designed with others to be

    determined over the next 2 to 3 years.



    Low/Mid-Altitude En route

    Terminal AreaApproach

    All airport types, but typically

    lower to mid-tier, some with,and some without ILS

    capability. Many with RNAV(GPS) approaches, and most

    with at least NPA approaches.

    With TSO-C129a GPS Navigator Capability:Many Light GA aircraft within the U.S. have been equipped with TSO-C129a VFR/IFR

    GPS navigation capability.

    - Units without approach capability would require replacement if vertical guidance isdesired and/or required.

    - Upgrade of existing IFR approved equipment may require replacement of unit sinceGPS engines may not be WAAS capable. Some receivers may have provisions to be

    upgraded to WAAS Class 2, which would provide approach capability to

    LNAV/VNAV minimums.

    - If LPV approach performance is desired, replacement or addition of a TSO-C146aClass 3 navigator is required.


    - Regional, and Business is aircraft with Flight Management Systems (FMS) include raw-GPS (TSO-C129a) capability

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    Table 4: Navigation Performance Requirements


    OperationalPhase-of-Flight Accuracy(95%) Time-to-Alert Alert Limit Probability ofHMI

    Availability(Range) Continuity(Loss of Nav.)


    RNP Type(H/V)


    En route

    & Remote

    12.4 nm2 min 12.4 nm 10-7/ hr

    0.99 0.99999

    1 x 10-5/ hr 5 20(No Vertical)


    En route

    2.0 nm

    (3.7 km)1 min 2.0 nm 10-7/ hr


    0.999991 x 10-6/ hr 2 10

    (No Vertical)

    Terminal0.4 nm

    (0.74 km)30 sec 1.0 nm 10-7/ hr


    0.999991 x 10-6/ hr 1

    (No Vertical)



    220 m

    (720 ft)10 sec 0.3 nm 10-7/ hr


    0.999991 x 10-5/ hr 0.5 0.3

    (No Vertical)


    100m 8 sec 556m (H)50m (V)

    10-7/ hr 0.99 0.99999

    1-5 x 10-5




    7.6 (16) m (H)

    7.6 (20) m (V)6 sec

    40m (H)

    50m (V)

    1-2 x 10-7/




    1-5.5 x 10-5/


    APV-2 (TBD)


    XXm (H)

    XXm (V)5.2 sec

    40m (H)

    20m (V)

    6 x 10-8/



    0.99999Y x 10-Z/ hr 0.03/50

    Precision (PT-1)

    Category I

    16 m (H)

    4.0 m (V)6 sec

    40 m (H)

    10 m (V)

    2 x 10-7/




    8.0 x 10-6/


    Precision (PT-2)

    Category II

    6.9 m (H)2.0 m (V)

    2 sec17.3 m (H)5.3 m (V)

    2 x 10-9/Approach

    0.99 0.99999

    4 x 10-6/ 15s 0.01/15

    Precision (PT-3)Category III

    6.2 m (H)2.0 m (V)

    2 sec1 sec (goal)

    15.5 m (H)5.3 m (V)

    2 x 10-9/Approach

    0.99 0.99999

    2 x 10


    / last 15s1 x 10-7/ last 15s



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    Table 5: Existing and Proposed RNP Operational Types

    Required Accuracy(95% Containment)


    TypeHorizontal Vertical


    20(No Vertical) 20.0 NM N/A The minimum capability considered acceptable to support ATS routeoperations.

    12.6(No Vertical)

    12.6 NM N/ASupports limited optimized routing in areas with a reduced level of

    navigation facilities.

    10(No Vertical)

    10.0 NM N/ASupports reduced lateral and longitudinal separation minima and

    enhanced operational efficiency in oceanic and remote areas where

    the availability of navigation aids is limited.

    5(No Vertical)

    5.0 NM N/AAn interim type implemented in ECAC airspace to permit the

    continued operation of existing navigation equipment. Equates to B-

    RNAV in ECAC airspace.

    4(No Vertical)

    4.0 NM N/ASupports ATS routes and airspace based upon limited distances

    between navaids. Normally associated with continental airspace but

    may be used as part of some terminal procedures.

    2(No Vertical)

    2.0 NM N/A Domestic Enroute.

    1(No Vertical)

    1.0 NM N/ASupports Arrival, Initial/Intermediate Approach andDeparture; also envisaged as supporting the most efficient ATS route

    operations. Equates to P-RNAV in ECAC airspace.

    0.5(No Vertical)

    0.5 NM N/ASupports Initial/Intermediate Approach and Departure. Only

    expected to be used where RNP 0.3 cannot be achieved (poor navaid

    infrastructure) and RNP 1 is unacceptable (obstacle rich environment)

    0.3(No Vertical)

    0.3 NM N/ASupports Initial/Intermediate Approach, 2D RNAV Approach, and

    Departure. Expected to be the most common application.

    0.3/125 0.3 NM 125 ftRNAV/VNAV Approaches using Barometric inputs or SBAS inputs.


    0.xx/xxx 0.03 NM 125 ft LPV

    0.03/50 0.03 NM 50 ft RNAV/VNAV Approaches using SBAS or GBAS. (APV-II)

    0.02/40 0.02 NM 40 ftProposed for CAT I Precision Approach to 200 ft DH

    (ILS, MLS, GBAS and SBAS)

    0.01/15 0.01 NM 15 ftProposed for CAT II Precision Approach to 100 ft DH

    (ILS, MLS and GBAS)

    0.003/z 0.003 NM z ftProposed for CAT III Precision Approach and Landing including

    touchdown, landing roll and take-off roll requirements.(ILS, MLS and GBAS). No vertical requirement specified to date.


    Eurocontrol Document , Guidance Material for the Design of Terminal Procedures for Area Navigation (DME/DME, B-GNSS,

    Baro-VNAV & RNP-RNAV, Version 3.0.

    ICAO Annex 10, Aeronautical Telecommunications, Volume 1, 5 thEdition, Radionavigation Aids, July 1996.

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    Table 6: Navigation System Performance metrics and their relationship to Operational Considerations




    ContinuityAvailabi li ty


    The integrity of a system is a quality that indicates the trust that can be placed in the correctness of the information supplied by the total

    system. Integrity risk is the probability of an undetected (latent) failure of the specified accuracy. Integrity includes the ability of the

    system to provide timely warnings to the user when the system should not be used for the intended operation.

    Integrity is uniquely related to safety since misleading information without warning is a safety of flight situation. Integrity is the glue

    for the remaining performance metrics of Accuracy, Continuity, and Availability for operational capability.


    The degree of conformance between the estimated or measured value and the true value at the time of the measurement.

    Accuracy is more closely related to safety since the lack of conformance could result in a potential safety of flight situation. Accuracy

    is a trade-off favoring the required performance for safe operations and economic cost to provide that operational performance.

    ContinuityThe ability of the total system (comprising all elements necessary to maintain aircraft position within the defined airspace) to perform

    its function without interruption during the intended operation. More specifically, continuity is the probability that the specified systemperformance will be maintained for the duration of a phase of operation, presuming that the system was available at the beginning of

    that phase of operation.

    Continuity is more closely related to economic considerations since loss of function once committed to an operation does not

    necessarily result in an unsafe condition. With integrity, loss of function during an operation does not necessarily result in a safety of

    flight situation. Continuity is a trade-off favoring the economic cost to provide continuity of function and the required performance for

    safe operations.


    The ability of the navigation system to provide the required function and performance at the initiation of the intended operation. Short-term system availability is the probability that the aircraft can conduct the approach at the destination given that the service at the

    destination was predicted to be available at dispatch. Long-term service availability is the probability that the signal in space from the

    service provider will be available for any aircraft intending to conduct the approach.

    Availability is more closely related to economic considerations since loss of function prior to an operation does not necessarily result in

    an unsafe condition. With integrity, loss of function prior to an operation does not result in a safety of flight situation. Availability is

    uniquely related to the economic considerations of the design, i.e. a system that exhibits low availability provides little utility and

    operational benefit, but is not a safety issue.