wa time trial 2012

Time Trial As the winner of the 2011 Time Trial, Len Douglas was the organizer of this event for 2012.

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WA time trila 2012


Time Trial

As the winner of the 2011 Time Trial, Len Douglas was the organizer of this event for 2012.

TIME TRIALAs the winner of the 2011 Time Trial, Len Douglas was the organizer of this event for 2012. Those attending met at the Point Fraser car Park in central Perth and after being given the sheet of directions and the usual “Clever person “ quiz sheet all about Vauxhalls, we were off. Following the directions was easy as we were in convoy until some traffic lights saw the group split up a bit. No problem, we just tried harder to follow the directions and managed to do so without too many mishaps ...One only really when we failed to see a street sign and went sailing past. We did not do too badly though as many who had left before us came in for morning tea after us.The morning tea stop was in the hills at Munday Park near Lesmurdie Falls. To our delight there was a wedding about to take place, and so we watched the bride arrive, baby and all, for her special day. The timed section of the day was to start about 20 minutes after we left the tea stop via the ZIG ZAG! Phew, do we hate that road when we have to get to 10kph to take some of the corners and there is a big drop off at the right hand side of the road.At the check point we were held back in five minute slots so it meant no one could follow anyone else. This time we had no problems following the rather tricky directions and keeping to the speed limit, but again arrived at the finish in Rushton Park a long time ahead of many who had left earlier than us! Some members missed a few directions and ended up having to get out the trusty street map to find their way to Rushton Park.Lunch was at the park and it was after we had eaten that Len announced the winners ...Kaye and Frank Lewis who were the ones lost, but came in only two minutes out of time. They will have the dubious pleasure of organizing next years’ Time Trial. Ian and Jill Bain were in second place with no job for next year and a lovely box of choccies.Winners of the “Clever Person” quiz were Norm and Maria Mihailov..though Maria says all she did was write down the answers. Those who attended and enjoyed a well planned and happy Club day out with fellow members were Len and Joy Douglas, Holden, Anneke and Mal Ivatts, Morris, Ian and Jill Bain with Margo , Victor Estate, Rod and Barb Colson, E ute, Les and Pat Power, PA, Pam and Norm Johnson and friend , L sedan, Noreen and Barry White, J sedan, Terry Duke, who acted as Marshall, in his newly pained E Sedan , Rene’ and Celine Chaperon, back home after a long holiday with family, Frank and Kay Lewis, Nadia and Jack Watson and Norm and Maria Mihailov all came in moderns. Donelle Phillips was an apology as the alternator in her VIVA as about to fall off and she felt it wise to stay home. Everyone was happy to see Frank Lewis up and about again, after his stint in hospital. But when he was asked how he was enjoying the role as navigator as he is not allowed to drive just yet, there was a deadly silence from them both!Also doing a fantastic job with recovery is Noreen White. She had a knee reconstruction June 29th and yet was able to walk the long distance to the lunch stop on her crutches.Thanks must go to Len for a good day out.