w/::=~~1· the pointer · 4/9/1970  · dr. fritkhel bu .... been a member ot 1j titum vlaldftl...

I W/::=~~1 · THE POINTER SERI ES VIII, VOL 13 D iff ord Off To "Big Muddy" 0r. WlnthJVp C. DWord, du n ,if uie K'f"adu. 1 ..- c0lka, and di· rtrlilr of ,umm,r ~u!Of"II ot s:eu•M Point Stale Uni versity i.-.,-r, today for a n educaU..V. n11Hion to South Vietnam·, In, ,u1uuoru of hl&he r lumma: . 11~ wlll be°"' tuth person to r..•r..r,·si' nt ?t..- ,..-iu Polnt State on 1~.:11 c0n1utlllnllihlp1 durln1 t he μ.,s tlhree y('ani . 11,wm be iO'W! about a nwnlh. and hiJ Job baJlcally wlll 1,r to ,r rana;e l)l'O&rama the of- fk!als o! I~ 11,·, South Viti· 11.3m Unl,•t r1ltltscanlmplemcnt 1n the !leldl of tt1btratioo, aca. dernlc el'Nl t 1y..tema, hut1tut· j,n.a\ rts<eurch and 1tuck-nt coun. stllnc. lit \,\'m be batM ln Sul,oo, but trJ,el 10 caml)Ukt ln Dalal, Can Tllo aod l~ue. Lo,ter In U'lll sprin,, nnothcr ttpre.entatlve Jrom the Stevena Point campu• onJ 1he Ori(' 1ron1 the University ol W~consln • Mndllon \.\111 cu on mltslons l o auiJt I.he Vl~- namt'ltl n lmplementina;pallclts IJ)ed down by Or. DU!ord. On hll return trip Dr. D iffo r'd ,u!] slop In AnchOra&e, Alukll, w ninCrr 1, dth a man ,.,,ho plans w do &rlldua le work at Stevens t>11,n1Stll.J,e. Dr. DUfonl orl(lnall)' plannert to tra~el lo Southeul Aila with l'rMklen l Lee Sherman Drt)'Cu1 m:is ix-~ eekperioddurin&parts .l J anuar)' and FebNary. Be- Nrt lh:i t. other campus otnclat. v:::!e!! =~ ::.;. ucatlon and United States Aaen- cy lor International Dettlo~ ment were Dr. Bw-delte E.&Ofl, WIUtam Vicktnl&I.I, and the late PruklentJamu AJt»rtaon. Dr. Dllford, who taUiht about 20 )'tart at colleaes and unlver- 1itlt1 In the East before comln& to Steve!ns Point In 1968. vaca· tloned with his lamll)' In Ha- wall the l)Ut week. He it Qyln& fromtheretoS&J.son. DIFFORD · Cold Duck Released Soon The tint edlllon of an annual literary ma1ntne, "Co Id Duck," lO be publls~ annual. b)" Ste,·ens Point Suate Uni· ,:tl"fLI)' I0,"1\1 be oft the Prffl '.',!I)' l, l ta turin& ~. poell")', photo. and an work by 111 stu· dentJ. Tot 32-publl caUon wlll be par- tially lunded by memorl 1.ls 111·· tn \au fall In memocy ol looa· time English profeuor, Leland lhrrou,hs. H~ dl«I In Novem• btr. 9un'out:h1 had promoted m:dent literary activities on the S!fl"i'IIS Point State campus dunng the nearly SO yean he 1 a111ht here, eithe r on a lull· time or part-time baslt . Oiltl Edltors WIiiiam r.folullfr. IOl'l of Mr. and Mn. Leo- nud :>.!eiune r of S38 Flflh St., Baraboo, and Kate Pa trykus . daUihter of Mr. 11nd Mn. E .G. Patf)ku;; of 3501 Monroe Ave .. £1 PaJo. Tex.. 11nnounced the ,1udtnu from this and two oth- tr cal'llpUIH \Oo~ .... -ork will btlncludC'd: Pl"'Oie - Russ Baum&11rtner. <oil of Mr. and Mn. Robert L B.aum&artner ot 3925 N. 100 St . :>.lilwaukee. who wrote '" J)o,,\TJ to His La.s t Ra bbit Ma· r1clan": Mike Houlihan, son of :i.1r and Mn . Daniel Houlihan. Rt . t Box 84. Stevens Point, 111hc) .,.,rote "After . the Exe<:u- tion, Whi t Ne-xt ror Ha r"Ye-y?·': UICI Kalt Patcy)(UI who wrote ''The VI.sit." Pott ry - Joy Mead, who IIITQtt "Yleldlng"; Unda Shea- han. .. lnscrlpUon·· a n d "A ~ight or CfO'Nllli"; Jam~ ~r- George Wins Lai rd Award Fllllds lved at a te,tlmon,- lll progrllffl for Melvin R. Lalrd lu1 year. in reccgnltlon of bll 1pi,omunfflt u U.S. Sti:retary ol Dtftnw, have- bttn uMd to • ntabliih a 1cholanhl p ln hll hooor al Stevens Polnt State Lnl1tnlty. ~eh 1pf1ni, an outstandlna :~r ki~r. =~ =~ lllltionexpen1e1 (or thefolloW- :~ ~1 1be value will Tht first winnur Is Bev Ct.S'l{t. a sophomore trom Rt . l. Birchwood, and a 1968 crad- u.~ nt Rice Lake Hi&h Scllool, Sbt hasnopreleflted h.ercla.u ~hut April and thlssprinl: P4llS to make· • bid for' the ltllate Pre&lden.cy. . · U " she wins. ahe woukl be lht nm. COfd In recent blltor)' to hold lhe p)litlon on the Ste- '"'DJ Point campus. No other "Orntll at the other ei&ht Wb- ~ln State Unlvenlty camp.II·, t1 •~ p~ldents ol thelr sen- ""· Bev. d.i.U&hte r or Mr. and ll:11. tu~ Geot1e, i. a -bual- llell lldmlniltradon majo,:'. She Wai selected for the lkMD R. StUdent Senate Seholar- ~id~~!' &:'Thlet aaJd "tht tllnlributlona ahe bU ~ ina. She bu been a Pol,itofttabllltylntheMD1te." 111 BeYttly l'ttdvl'd the award ortke ol Unlverllb' Pl'N- 1.,ff Shmnan I)nyful. tollno, "Eve of July Fourth:' "Mtmorlal Park at Sun~." anrt one untitled poem; J oel B. Belland. ··elood," and "The C o w'1 Progttu"; O\arle. Hansmann, "Leaves" and "I Would Bulld Tires" II students from o.hkolh : BUI Goodman who wrote "Man H1Y\ni FinWll'd F't&htlfl&' Hls Hand": and Ed ~ker. "Daybreak Meal" both 1tudttita 11 Eau Claire: OIU Spre1cher of 1900 Dixon St., Ste1•ens Potnt, who wrote "Valley of · Crus",; Michael Harper 10o-ho wrote "The Snow Sea" and "The Contract·': and Bill Meisane.r who wrote "One ot the Cqey Hunt en" • n d •·EplJoiue for the Last 100."' Photos - Mike Doml--.kl of Ste\'ef\l Potnt. Tilomas Ku- jawski. son of ?,.11"11. Katherine Kuja-kl, 1950 Wat.er St .. Ste- Ycnt Point: and Micha.Harpelrtworx - Judy J ashinl~ of SteveN Point. Jon Hannafin, • 1tudtnt a t Eau Claire: on d Jamea Bertolino. • student at Oshkosh .. Besides the chief edlton, "Cold Duck" was complied by Steven Haasch, son of Mr. and Mn. Nor man W. Haasch ot 3208 S. 57 St., Milwaukee, bull· neu mana,er : Judy J ashlnsky of Stevens Point, · art consul- tant: and Qiarles Bruske of 1205 Dlvlslon St., S1evt1111 Point, edltorlal consultant. Orden fO?" "Cold Duck," al 50 cents 1pteee plus 10 cents for m1Ulna cotts. will be re- «lvl'd pY Haasch at UOO Main St., SteYcnt Point. · Hours Vote Slated April 9 Lists Happenings· In Gleason This Weekend By DA&LENE i'l':'l'ER.80N Al It St!em& "Flee to Glea- son" has from the sci-too i tudenta that I fl&W""(I would io, to the presently predicted 2, 000 11udfn11. BttaU5e or 1h11 Increase, I thou&ht t had belltr explain the takl:'O\·er a little ::::."' lh•n Jn /oil1ln• l &rtTo quote ,,(' letter 'l\,Tl llen to a nations! maaadne : "Instead of plamln& IQ Invade 1 1mall toWn and run wild for a lllffk· ttid. the Clea.on Bettennerit Association has turned It In~ • 1tudcnt rally where students from all over can come and relax - or bet ter atlll. get to nlff t oth~ 1tudents In a peace- tul non-vlolent manner. l wlsn to stress the point that this rally b meant to be • peaceful aalherlna: of students - no riots, prote111 or demonstno.· t lon1. The! run Intent of tl.e week-end 11 to 1pre11d- a Unle love and undtrttandln& - with- out copplfl( out on society." Some of the th~&• planntd for the wttk-end 11.re an out• door COl'l\"Oeltloo. a folk rally - to which some local folk a:reups havc bffn lnvllftl, and alto some polltkal and l'duc~· tlonal people have been Invited to speuk. A 1pokesman fOf' the Clu- '°" Betll.'r ment Association (which did not ori& ln.nle in Cleuon, but rl&hl here In Polntl Informed me that they 10o'OUld like to clean up tht town: just to show that stu- dents can do 10methln1 useful. " Above all, 1 ' she 1ald, "We do not want t:roqble. We' re not p- in& to Cltason to cause any; and we do, ... t ,,,. ant an)' from Cleason. This ls not another New E. D. Dean Will Take Over This Summer A Miisou.rl educator In his 30th ytar u a teacher today was named dean ot the edu.ca· Uon colle&e at Stevens Point Stale Unh·el'lllty. He Is Dr. Arthur L. Frltscllel. 50. dun of butn.1cUon a l North- eu l Mluourl State Collqe In Kirksville, and wlll auume his new duties thls 1ummer. Unlvenlty President Lee 5™!rman' Dre)'fUI sald m o r e than 50 men -re candidates lorthepoaltlon. The oollr&e Is one of nve :::C o:O~: e~~ ta~~;; has about SO faculty memben and tradltlonall)' producn one or the untwnl!1"'• lar&est num- ber ol tTaduates. A faculty selection oonunlt, tee. chaired by Rot:er Wood, has been 11 worll more than six months. Other memben were John Peanon. John Gach, Hef'Wrt Wenaer, Mary Shum- way a nd William o.vklM!n. Dr. Frlllchel will replace Or- land Radke, dlttetor of extend- ed serv\ce1 at Steven1 Point State, wbo has doublfd u dean on .aa 1cti"I: bull ·dnet Jut summer when Or. Burdette Eqon was promoted to an as- aodate vice praldent. · Dr. Fritschel tau&flt music 1lx years In Pl,lbllc IChoob In Qlk>. ndo, Nebrub, Iowa and Dll- nolll. Froml.M6tol96lhewu a proreuo,- at Westen, llllrJOll Unlvusfty In Macomb, ID., and torthelasttenyeartonthat job allo served u chairman ot the l'ducatlon department. He hU bffn at "Klrluvtlle tbe put .,, .... ,..,.. A oatitt ol Minneapolis. Mfm. he WU p-adualftl lrom Nortb 0 Hlah Scbool tt,ere in U36. He holds three deP'ffl In the neJd ol. edu.ca• - bache- lor'• from ())lorado Sta~ Col- ~. ~ · rn.n Northwfft. ern Univualb' and doctonte from the Univeralty ot Olb'a.- do. He allo d&d poat-doetoral mld;y at Stanford Unlwnlty. Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ on Acicn;clit.- dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He bNded a tN.m. tba put year. He also hu been • COlllUltant to lchool board for bulkUoc pro- &:J"&m.l and bondlna wues, a member ot nwnerou. protes.- 1lonal Ofl'&nlzatlonl and l1cull)' conunlttt'ff foeUWlt on mo1t phues ot unlvertlty ope.rt.UDnl. A Lutheran, he has served 11lnee 1962 on the board of dlrec- \0'1 ot AUCU9tan.a 0:>Ue,ie, I churdHLupported l111tit.Uon In Rock Island, Ill. In his job 1pplleatlon, Dr. Frltschel died need r~ edu- eatJon colk&H to provide a var,, lety of services to area schook. " At tbe same time, tbe coneie m111t conlilUIU*O' be allfaNI ol. needl ol , tbe tucben' re a I world so these need.a can be lncorport.'*d in pre«rvl~ pro- anau:." His eoUea.,ues ha.Ye •lnlled him out u a le9dff in 1Dnov1Uve 1.ppro,1,cbes to teacher trlinlrC activltiea. Married, his wUe, who holda mulen' decree in specla.l edl.tca.don. teachel in • public school system. A 90D. Larry, ~lslntbl!Armed Force.sandwillttturntoscbool: for bq Pb.D. in pbyalcs It the Uidwnil.Y ot IlllnDII. Another - . ADen.lsajunlol'at~ hit liOpouri, Ind twin d&~ ten. Nm and Blrbua, ue la ... _ ..... . .. Zllp. N.o.•• To continue, f would l!ke '" consider a fcv.• 11a1cmm11 made Jn atta newspapers. One stati'd that "Supposedly II a ll lilal'ted with an Invitation from a col.leie &lrl trom Gleason I.J visit her home 1own." This Is not true.r am not tree lo dis- close how lt 1tarted or why. but I can 1ay no Cle1son alrl would challen&r 8.000 1tuden11 to \'Ult her homrtown. 'Ille arti- cle alto stated that the Idea orl&lnated In Ste.vens Poine, a fact which I mUlit confirm - becaue from all lndlc11tlons , tt. did. Thl1 article wrnt on to 1oy that the number of predicted lludcntll ( thffl 1,000) was equJ. valent to 100:000 coming to Point. 1'wi ii: an exaueraUon, as It 10o'OWd be tquivalent to about 70.000. Perhaps 30.000 people 1sn·t much to the writer o! theartlclr. Another article stated tha t the people ot GleaMJn were disturb- ed !lnd .. . 111 be 1pendin& the we ek br•cln& t hemaelves :i,galnlt the "poulble and un- anticipated 1prln1 visit." L lnte?'\'lt'Yo'ed a 11udent from Ck>ason and 1he ln!ormed me that Gita.ton wu unaware of exactly what Was planned. ''They have ~a firm be'llef lh:at their homes are about to be Invaded by hlpplu.·· When I asked her how she ftlt about the propoM:d take- over. she pkl; "I dl;Jn't !Ike the word takcottr. I woukln·t want to see my home demc> IIIMd. I ......nt to Co u • pe11ce- M llffr. " Uthe kidl can really &OW Cleuon and have a lot or tun, and u the purpoan: or the i n- counter are ful led. thls cM be a re!illy . "'lthlnkCI itone/t~ IV\'9t ett kit to hit the cam· JIU.I - II y let Gleason re- ;:: 8i! l~wi" a quiet _erace!ul She went on to Inform me ot what Gleason's reactkm to the wttk-end was. ' ""n)ey held two town meetlnp. 11,e, reac- Uon ol the lOWIU: peopie from pure hysteria and fri1ht to a few lo&ical people otferinl be.ms to. slttp in and who are also settln& up oonceuion stands so - won't starve to death. · "11le poUce In Uneoln count)' ILH on the alert; at the least bit ot ttouble they will all bead ror Gleason. Our .sheriff tried tocal mthepeop&e~. " He tried 1.3 convince them not to set out- their shotaUns· re! like to warn any .tudents noi to tresp111 on any property ii U}e)' don't want you there : a.s tKeM people are detenntned to protect their own. In tact. Cle~- aon 1t b0Plnl: fol' r1in or 1U10W, " For !he .-kc ol G1eason, Ind also for our 1ehool'1 name-. I would like to uk all stucknb who plan to CIUIC troubie to 1tay at borne. Thoae who Intend on comln&:, iJhoukl brln& alon& their KUitart and other mustbl tnatruments, or anythlns to ue,. ate a pod time. Artyonewholsplannin&:on iolnc ahould ~mbff" to brinl their flaahllclu and Jattftm, their llftpln& baa, or blankeU, and above all - food. To au . who are ,oinl. I wlah you a rood dme, and I'd Wrie tD - tben . 8 PAGES NO. 24 "Lion In Winter" Cast Chosen r1 Two drama teachers, one a Roma n •C..thol.lc nun and the other a Vietnam War veter an with a newly-sl&ned dt.char&e, WSUS Lauded As No . 1 Radio Station The 11-monlh-old WS\JS..FM ot Stevens Point State Unlvenlty bas been na med •talion or the year In the North Central Rq- lon ol the lntercolle1l1te Broad· easlinl:System. Adviser Vlc1or Fochl learned 1 hlsweek the 1wardwu baM<I on compe1ldon with 36 1t11tlonl In Wlsconllln. Mlnne10ta, North D&lcota and Sou.th Dllkota. · Steve Lammers. Route 2, Shiocton. wa1 11atlon man11er during the period ~ommlna 11nd staff activities ...-i'no con-. Midercd lor recognltlon. , Lost December, the Journal or ColltQ:e Radio, main publlca· ! Ion of the lnter coUeilat'e Broadcnlln& System. named WSUS 1t11ion of the month ind currledath.rec-paaeteature 11ory 11bou1 the new opera1lon . F\Jdu;, who has 1dvlsed the 11atf slntt It "went on the air" In September of 1968, sakl 1 communlca!lon rettlved by him.self and 1 he 1tudfflts clti"d WSUS tor "f\lrtherlng college radio both amoni their con1tl- tueney on campwi and amon& 01her colleala1e broadcutertol lhererion." Theta'iallO~a community service pc"Ojl!ct con- dueled l&1t 1 .U via telethon to ralse Sl.800 ioeally lot the Catholic ~!al Service. and Operation Bookstr1p. Beska, thole 1ctlvltles, WSUS h&1 been =~.::tu: :a,::~~ Ste-wn1 Point televb:lon cable system lo p,-esmt lS. minute new., we1lhe.r Ind 1poru shows Monday lhrou&h Friday nl&hts on Ouinnel 6. ' Fochl said the MWHt Wider- l aking ii the n:tabllshment ot an educational bn>adcutln&: net- work which Involves producing !apes Joealty for re . broadcast by educational radio 1tatlon1 lhn>U&,hOUI the country, lnd!Jd. In& New York Oty. I.M Aflaeles and Seattle. Station ol " the year awa rds have been 1ranted In the North Central Reslon for live years. WSUS.F'M Is the first rec:lplent In Wisconsin. Other wlnnen nave Included the Unlvenlty ol. Minnesota and St. John's U9i- vertlty In Colleaevtlle, Minn. 1'be 1taUon has powu to ICr"Ye an area at leaat 10 m lle1 on 111 lldes of St.evens Point. Broadcastlna; beglns at 4 p.m. weekdays and runa to 1 •. m. and b on the air 1111 at least 2 a.m. on Saturday morntna1, all d.ay Saturdays and Sunday•. will share the 1potll1ht with leudlnr rolet In "1lle Uon In Winter." to be lta&ed May 6 to g at Stevi'l'II Point S t • t e Unh·enlt)'. 1be pl ay, la.s t ol four In the 1969-70" season, chronicles the dy1111tlc a.nd domestic dUllcuJ. tle1 of Kina: Henry IJ Ind Quffn Eleanor of A.gultalne. Cl.st !nr the parta are Sliter Teresa Francis. drama tic 0011ch and lru;tructor at Marla Hlah School, a md Robert E. En&land. who earned muter ot tine arts degree Crom the Unlvtt- 1lty of Wisconsin befac"e rnttr· Ing military service, and thil li' mHll.'r h1ll been teach.lJ\i part-lime on campus. Supportln& roles In "The Uon In Winter" have been awarded to: Terrence McCoYtm, San· sota. Fia .. u PhUlp, Kina: ot France: J eanne Pfelfer. Mil- waukee, as Alals, French Prln«u: Noel Sal(ofd m. Cr«n BIi)', u Geolfnoy. the middle son; · Alan 8lalbaum, :~."1'::; :iu~c~ ~ · Bau, Raci.ne, a1 John, the yot.mgell son. Clnny,Lynn Seh- lol~ ol. Peshtigo was n11.med as the assistant director. Tickets !ortheplayare1vall · able at the drama departmfnt. Indian Affa irs Subject Of Nash Tal k Phllleo Uh, to~r C,om. mlUloner ot Indian Affairs, will be 011 campus April Hth and 15th to tOnduct a two day semi- nar on the eultul'f and anatomy or:;~sh~ :e ~~u ::; on the subject ol poverty, has served as Sta te Department Ad- viler In I ndia and Is former Ueutenant Governor of t he state of . Wlseonaln. Htt Is eur- renily a O>nlultant In Applied AnthropoloJY ln WUhinpld and 11 11 Research A.ssoclate with the Smitlaonlan Inttltute. In the openlna; 1e11kJn Mr. NUh will addreas Dr. Geoq:e Dlxon'1 1r1.duate da.u In ml· norlty groups con.cemlna the topic ol pO\'erty and tbe Amer- ican Jndlan. Thi.I lecture will ' be held on Tueld1y, A~1' 1:i .b~ ..- lnvllftl to attend. On the lolJot,r.olna d Dr. Nuh will s peak 11 10:t5 un. In room 125 ot the Clulroom Bulldlna;. His talk here w!.li cen- ter on poverty Ind the Ameri- can Social Sy1te:m. Wednesday att.emoon will be devoted to Informal dlsct.malonl °:; :.e~n~e~b' Althouih tbe seminar w!U deal mainly with the problem ot pove,rty In this country, 11u- dent.s may wish to'\,UIC lh1s time to take 1dvantqe ot Dr, Nuh'1 baclqround In vulety of•re-u. The seminar beln& 1pm, IOred. by the \Vtsconlin Sludent Movtment. / P-0int Blank ~ - Call lat. 135 II)' BEV BUENING Why are &be snamben ol the 8oanl at polWcaDy appolated. &Del wily do they IIOt bave &o be atrula&ell WW.. - educa&alal mUWUoll IIIOI" do Ute)'" bave &o be prot-'oMI ..._ c::uonf &A.JI. . O r. E. Sl,mund. un. to the VP. of Academic AUalra. aid that accordlnr to Wlaconsln illtatutes, the 1ovunor 1ppolnta the n:,enll a.nd the~KNite approves them. U the leJialature wanted to ch.a.n.re the law to uy that ~ta hive to be prolaaJonal l'ducaton or alllllalftl with an l'ducatlonal lnsdtutlon. they could do .o. M ion&' u the majority of people ue content with the law, It wU1 atay u It IL An advantare ot hlvtn1 n:,tnta not connectl'd with an educaUonal lnadtution is that they are able to tak.e Into consideration the dettres of both tNChff a.nd tupl)'era when mak1.nJ nillnp "; Wllilt about a Mllw.ube U-f A poor JIUwa.iabe ..... __. Pre:tldent Dreyfus pushed for the Manh1Sek1, · W1uau, and Wlsconatn Rlpldl toll·tree telephone llnn prlmarOy beeauae ot the money the unlveralty is 1Ne to ave on Jone distance cal:11 to theR are-u. Second4', but not u import.ant, is the fact that they ue aervloe'to atudenll and ~nta. The 11tate is allow· lna theee lines on a.n uperimental hula, to aee U they are nandally advantareoua, accordln&: to Adolf Torvwakl. of Gen· ert.1 ServlceL- For other Unn to be lnlt&lled, the uniwnlty would hive to pro-ve, that It would ave money by maldna .act& . ..... . lla~U~ tlle MW~~u.:' - .::::.-:-~ . ... ----. 111 .......... ......... .,.,. . ...- . .......... .... ,. ..... . r,;. Pa~ ehainnla of the hl9tory de;P&t'tmmt. ald that ~~ot ln ~ =- ~ u tor .:W~~ :,! . nezt ,-r'a catuJS.

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Page 1: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He



Diff ord Off To "Big Muddy"

0r. WlnthJVp C. DWord, du n ,if uie K'f"adu.1..- c0lka, and di· rtrlil r of ,umm,r ~u!Of"II ot s:eu•M Point Stale University i.-.,-r, today for an educaU..V. n11Hion to South Vietnam·, In, ,u1uuoru of hl&her lumma:.

11~ wlll be°"' tuth person to r..•r..r,·si'nt ?t..- ,..-iu Polnt State on 1~.:11 c0n1utlllnllihlp1 durln1 the µ.,s tlhree y('ani .

11,• wm be iO'W! about a nwnlh. and hiJ Job baJlcally wlll 1,r to ,rrana;e l)l'O&rama the of­fk!als o! I~ 11,·, South Viti· 11.3m Unl,•t r1ltltscanlmplemcnt 1n the !leldl o f tt1btratioo, aca. dernlc el'Nl t 1y..tema, hut1 tut· j,n.a\ rts<eurch and 1tuck-nt coun. stllnc.

lit \,\'m be batM ln Sul,oo, but trJ,el 10 caml)Ukt ln Dalal, Can Tllo aod l~ue. Lo,ter In U'lll sprin,, nnothcr ttpre.entatlve Jrom the Stevena Point campu• onJ 1he Ori(' 1ron1 the University ol W~consln • Mndllon \.\111 cu on mltslons l o auiJt I.he Vl~­namt'ltln lmplementina;pallclts IJ)ed down by Or. D U!ord.

On hll return trip Dr. D iffo r'd ,u!] slop In AnchOra&e, Alukll, w ninCrr 1,dth a man ,.,,ho plans w do &rlldua le work a t Stevens t>11,n1Stll.J,e.

Dr. DUfonl orl(lnall)' plannert to tra~el lo Southeul Aila with l'rMklenl Lee Sherman Drt)'Cu1 m:is ix-~ eekperioddurin&parts .l J anuar)' and FebNary. Be­Nrt lh:i t. other campus otnclat.

~ v:::!e!! =~::.;. ucatlon and United States Aaen­cy lor International Dettlo~ ment were Dr. Bw-delte E.&Ofl, WIUtam Vicktnl&I.I, and the late PruklentJamu AJt»rtaon.

Dr. Dllford, who taUiht about 20 )'tart at colleaes and unlver-1itl t1 In the East before comln& to Steve!ns Point In 1968. vaca· tloned with his lamll)' In Ha­wall the l)Ut week. He it Qyln& fromtheretoS&J.son.


· Cold Duck Released Soon The tint edlllon of an annual

literary ma1ntne, "Co Id Duck," lO be publls~ annual. h · b)" Ste,·ens Point Suate Uni· ,:tl"fLI)' I0,"1\1 be oft the Prffl '.',!I)' l, lta turin& ~. poell")', photo. and an work by 111 stu· dentJ.

Tot 32-publlcaUon wlll be par­tially lunded by memorl1.ls 111·· tn \au fall In memocy ol looa· time English profeuor, Leland lhrrou,hs. H~ dl«I In Novem• btr. 9un'out:h1 had promoted m:dent literary activities on the S!fl"i'IIS Point State campus dunng the nearly SO yean he 1a111ht here, eithe r on a lull· time or part-time baslt.

Oiltl Edltors WIiiiam r.folu• llfr. IOl'l of Mr. and Mn. Leo­nud :>.!eiuner of S38 Flflh St., Baraboo, and Kate Pa trykus. daUih ter of Mr. 11nd Mn. E .G. Patf)ku;; of 3501 Monroe Ave .. £1 PaJo. Tex.. 11nnounced the ,1udtnu from this and two oth­tr cal'llpUIH \Oo~ .... -ork will btlncludC'd:

Pl"'Oie - Russ Baum&11rtner. <oil of Mr. and Mn. Robert L B.aum&artner ot 3925 N. 100 St . :>.lilwaukee. who wrote '" J)o,,\TJ to His La.s t Ra bbit Ma· r1clan": Mike Houlihan, son of

• :i.1r and Mn . Daniel Houlihan. Rt . t Box 84. Stevens Point, 111hc) .,.,rote "After . the Exe<:u­tion, Whi t Ne-xt ror Ha r"Y e-y?·':

• UICI Kalt Patcy)(UI who wrote ''The VI.sit."

Pott ry - Joy Mead, w h o IIITQtt " Yleldlng"; Unda Shea­han. .. lnscrlpUon·· a n d "A ~ight or CfO'Nllli"; Jam~ ~r-

George Wins Laird Award

Fllllds ~«lved at a te,tlmon,­lll progrllffl for Melvin R. Lalrd lu1 year. in reccgnltlon of bll 1pi,omunfflt u U.S. Sti:retary ol Dtftnw, have- bttn uMd to

• ntabliih a 1cholanhlp ln hll hooor al Stevens Poln t State Lnl1tnlty.

~eh 1pf1ni, an outstandlna

:~rki~r. =~ =~ lllltionexpen1e1 (or thefolloW-:~~ 11be value will

Tht first winnur Is Bev Ct.S'l{t. a sophomore trom Rt. l. Birchwood, and a 1968 crad­u.~ nt Rice Lake Hi&h Scllool, Sbt hasnopreleflted h.ercla.u ~hut April and thlssprinl: P4llS to make· • bid for' the ltllate Pre&lden.cy. . ·

U "she wins. ahe woukl be lht nm. COfd In recent blltor)' to hold lhe p)litlon on the Ste­'"'DJ Point campus. No other "Orntll at the other ei&ht Wb­~ln State Unlvenlty camp.II· , t1 •~ p~ldents ol thelr sen-

""· Bev. d.i.U&hte r or Mr. and ll:11. tu~ Geot1e, i. a -bual­llell lldmlniltradon majo,:'. She Wai selected for the lkMD R. ~ StUdent Senate Seholar-

~id~~!'&:'Thlet aaJd "tht tllnlributlona ahe bU

~~~~:·~~ ~ ina. She bu been a Pol,itofttabllltylntheMD1te."

111BeYttly l'ttdvl'd the award ~ ortke ol Unlverllb' Pl'N-

1.,ff Shmnan I)nyful.

tollno, "Eve of July Fourth:' "Mtmorlal Park at Sun~." anrt one untitled poem; J oel B. Belland. ··elood," and "The C o w'1 Progttu"; O\arle. Hansmann, "Leaves" and " I Would Bulld Tires" • II students from o.hkolh : BUI Goodman who wrote " Man H1Y\ni Fin• Wll'd F't&htlfl&' Hls Hand" : and Ed ~ker. "Daybreak Meal" both 1tudttita 11 Eau Claire: OIU Spre1cher of 1900 Dixon St., Ste1•ens Potnt, who wrote "Valley of · Crus",; Michael Harper 10o-ho wrote "The Snow Sea" and "The Contract·': and Bill Meisane.r who wrote "One ot the Cqey Hunten" • n d •·E plJoiue for the Last 100."'

Photos - Mike Doml--.kl of Ste\'ef\l Potnt. Tilomas Ku­jawski. son of ?,.11"11. Katherine Kuja-kl, 1950 Wat.er St .. Ste­Ycnt Point: and Micha.Har•

pelrtworx - Judy J ashinl~ of SteveN Point . Jon Hannafin, • 1tudtn t a t Eau Claire: on d Jamea Bertolino. • student at Oshkosh . .

Besides the chief edlton, "Cold Duck" was complied by Steven Haasch , son of Mr. and Mn. Norman W. Haasch ot 3208 S. 57 St. , Milwaukee, bull· neu mana,er : Judy J ashlnsky of Stevens Point, · art consul­tant : and Qiarles Bruske of 1205 Dlvlslon St. , S1evt1111 Point, edltorlal consultant.

Orden fO?" "Cold Duck," al 50 cents 1pteee plus 10 cents for m1Ulna cotts. will be re­«lvl'd pY Haasch at UOO Main St., SteYcnt Point. ·

Hours Vote Slated April 9

Lists Happenings· In Gleason This Weekend

By DA&LENE i'l':'l'ER.80N

Al It St!em& "Flee to Glea­son" has ~ from the sci-too i tudenta that I fl&W""(I would io, to the presently predicted 2,000 11udfn11. BttaU5e or 1h11 Increase, I thou&ht t had bell t r explain the takl:'O\·er a little

::::."' lh• n Jn /oil1ln•l &rtl·

To quote,,(' letter 'l\,Tl llen to a nations! maaadne : "Instead of plamln& IQ Invade 1 1mall toWn and run wild for a lllffk· ttid. the Clea.on Bettennerit Association has turned It In~ • 1tudcnt rally where students from all over can come and relax - or better atll l. get to nlff t oth~ 1tudents In a peace­tul non-vlolent manner . l wlsn to stress the point that this rally b meant to be • peaceful aalherlna: of students - no riots, prote111 or demonstno.·

t lon1. The! run Intent of tl.e week-end 11 to 1pre11d- a Unle love and undtrttandln& - with­

out copplfl( out on society."

Some of the th~&• planntd for the wttk-end 11.re an out• door COl'l\"Oeltloo. a folk r ally - to which some local folk a:reups havc bffn lnvllftl, and alto some polltkal and l'duc~· tlonal people have been Invited to speuk.

A 1pokesman fOf' the Clu­'°" Betll.'r ment Association (which did not ori&ln.nle in Cleuon, but rl&hl here In Polntl Informed me that they 10o'OUld like to clean up tht town: just to show that stu­dents can do 10methln1 useful. " Above all,1' she 1ald, "We do not want t:roqble. We're not p­in& to Cltason to cause any; and we do, ... t ,,,.an t an)' from Cleason. This ls not another

New E. D. Dean Will Take Over This Summer

A Miisou.rl educator In his 30th ytar u a teacher today was named dean ot the edu.ca· Uon colle&e at Stevens Point Stale Unh·el'll lty.

He Is Dr. Arthur L. Frltscllel. 50. dun of butn.1cUon a l North­eu l Mluourl State Collqe In Kirksville, and wlll auume his new duties thls 1ummer.

Unlvenlty President Lee 5™!rman' Dre)'fUI sald m o r e than 50 men -re candidates lorthepoaltlon.

The oollr&e Is one of nve

:::Co:O~:e~~ta~~;; has about SO fa culty memben and tradltlonall)' producn one or the untwnl!1"'• lar&est num­ber ol tTaduates.

A faculty selection oonunlt, tee. chaired by Rot:er Wood, has been 11 worll more than six months. Other memben were John Peanon. John Gach, Hef'Wrt Wenaer, Mary Shum­way and William o.vklM!n.

Dr. Frlllchel will replace Or­land Radke, dlttetor of extend­ed serv\ce1 at Steven1 Point State, wbo has doublfd u • dean on .aa 1cti"I: bull ·dnet Jut summer when Or. Burdette Eqon was promoted to an as­aodate vice praldent. ·

Dr. Fritschel tau&flt music 1lx years In Pl,lbllc IChoob In Qlk>. ndo, Nebrub, Iowa and Dll­nolll. Froml.M6tol96lhewu a proreuo,- at Westen, llllrJOll Unlvusfty In Macomb, ID., and torthelasttenyeartonthat job allo served u chairman ot the l'ducatlon department. He hU bffn at "Klrluvtlle tbe put .,,....,..,..

A oatitt ol Minneapolis. Mfm. he WU p-adualftl lrom Nortb


Hlah Scbool tt,ere in U36. He holds three deP'ffl In the neJd ol. edu.ca• - • bache­lor'• from ())lorado Sta~ Col­~. ~ · rn.n Northwfft. ern Univualb' and doctonte from the Univeralty ot Olb'a.­do. He allo d&d poat-doetoral mld;y at Stanford Unlwnlty.

Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit.­dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He bNded a tN.m. tba put year.

He also hu been • COlllUltant to lchool board for bulkUoc pro­&:J"&m.l and bondlna wues, a member ot nwnerou. protes.-1lonal Ofl'&nlzatlonl and l1cull)' conunlttt'ff foeUWlt on mo1t phues ot unlvertlty ope.rt.UDnl.

A Lutheran, he has served 11lnee 1962 on the board of dlrec­\0'1 ot AUCU9tan.a 0:>Ue,ie, I churdHLupported l111tit.Uon In Rock Island, Ill.

In his job 1pplleatlon, Dr. Frltschel died • need r~ edu­eatJon colk&H to provide a var,, lety of services to area schook. " At tbe same time, tbe coneie m111t conlilUIU*O' be allfaNI ol. needl ol , tbe tucben' re a I world so these need.a can be lncorport.'*d in pre«rvl~ pro­anau:." His eoUea.,ues ha.Ye •lnlled him out u a le9dff in 1Dnov1Uve 1.ppro,1,cbes to teacher trlinlrC activltiea.

Married, his wUe, who holda • mulen' decree in specla.l edl.tca.don. teachel in • public school system. A 90D. Larry, ~lslntbl!Armed Force.sandwillttturntoscbool: for bq Pb.D. in pbyalcs I t the Uidwnil.Y ot IlllnDII. Another - . ADen.lsajunlol'at ~ hit liOpouri, Ind twin d&~ ten. Nm and Blrbua, ue la ... _ ......

.. Zllp. N.o.••

To continue, f would l!ke ' " consider a fcv.• 11a1cmm11 made Jn atta newspapers. One stati'd that "Supposedly II a ll lilal'ted with an Invitation from a col.leie &lrl trom Gleason I.J vis it her home 1own." This Is not true. r am not tree lo dis­close how l t 1tarted or why. but I can 1ay no Cle1son alrl would challen&r 8.000 1tuden11 to \'Ult her homrtown. 'Ille arti­cle alto stated that the Idea orl&lnated In Ste.vens Poine, a fact which I mUlit confirm -becaue from all lndlc11tlons, tt. did.

Thl1 article wrnt on to 1oy that the number of predicted lludcntll ( thffl 1,000) was equJ. valent to 100:000 coming to Point. 1'wi ii: an exaueraUon, as It 10o'OWd be tquivalent to about 70.000. Perhaps 30.000 people 1sn·t much to the writer o! theartlclr.

Another article stated tha t the people ot GleaMJn were disturb­ed !lnd ... 111 be 1pendin& the we e k br•cln& t hemaelves :i,galnlt the "poulble and un­anticipated 1prln1 visit."

L lnte?'\'lt'Yo'ed a 11udent from Ck>ason and 1he ln!ormed me that Gita.ton wu unaware of exactly what Was planned. ''They have ~a firm be'llef lh:at their homes are about to be Invaded by hlpplu.··

When I asked her how she ftlt about the propoM:d take­over . she pkl; " I dl;Jn't !Ike the word takcottr. I woukln·t want to see my home demc> IIIMd. I ......nt to Co u • pe11ce­M llffr.

" Uthe kidl can really &OW Cleuon and have a lot or tun, and u the purpoan: or the i n­counter are ful led. thls cM be a re!illy .

"'lthlnkCI itone/t~ IV\'9tett kit to hit the cam· JIU.I - II y let Gleason re-;:: 8i! l~wi" a quiet _erace!ul

She went on to Inform me ot what Gleason's reactkm to the wttk-end was. ' ""n)ey held two town meetlnp. 11,e, reac­Uon ol the lOWIU: peopie ~ from pure hysteria and fri1ht to a few lo&ical people otferinl be.ms to. slttp in and who are also settln& up oonceuion stands so - won' t starve to death. ·

"11le poUce In Uneoln count)' ILH on the alert; at the least bit ot ttouble they will all bead ror Gleason. Our .sheriff tried tocalmthepeop&e~. " He tried 1.3 convince them not

to set out- their shotaUns· re! like to warn any .tudents noi to tresp111 on any property ii U}e)' don't want you there : a.s tKeM people are detenntned to protect their own. In tact. Cle~­aon 1t b0Plnl: fol' r1in or 1U10W, "

For !he .-kc ol G1eason, Ind also for our 1ehool'1 name-. I would like to uk all stucknb who plan to CIUIC troubie to 1tay at borne. Thoae who Intend on comln&:, iJhoukl brln& alon& their KUitart and other mustbl tnatruments, or anythlns to ue,. ate a pod time.

Artyonewholsplannin&:on iolnc ahould ~mbff" to brinl their flaahllclu and Jattftm, their llftpln& baa, or blankeU, and above all - food. To au

. who are ,oinl. I wlah you a rood dme, and I'd Wrie tD -~ tben .

8 PAGES NO. 24

"Lion In Winter" Cast Chosen r1

Two drama teachers, one a Roma n •C..thol.lc nun and the other a Vietnam Wa r veter an with a newly-sl&ned dt.char&e,

WSUS Lauded As No. 1 Radio Station

~ The 11-monlh-old WS\JS..FM ot

Stevens Point State Unlvenlty bas been named •talion or the year In the North Central Rq-lon ol the lntercolle1l1te Broad· easlinl:System.

Adviser Vlc1or Fochl learned 1hlsweek the 1wardwu baM<I on compe1ldon with 36 1t11tlonl In Wlsconllln. Mlnne10ta, North D&lcota and Sou.th Dllkota. ·

Steve Lammers. Route 2, Shiocton. wa1 11atlon man11er during the period ~ommlna 11nd staff activities ...-i'no con-. Midercd lor recognltlon. ,

Lost December, the Journal or ColltQ:e Radio, main publlca· !Ion of the lnter coUeilat'e Broadcnlln& System. named WSUS 1t11ion of the month ind currledath.rec-paaeteature 11ory 11bou1 the new opera1lon.

F\Jdu;, who has 1dvlsed the 11atf slntt It "went on the air" In September of 1968, sakl 1 communlca!lon rettlved by him.self and 1he 1tudfflts cl ti"d WSUS tor "f\lrtherlng college radio both amoni their con1tl­tueney on campwi and amon& 01her colleala1e broadcutertol lhererion." Theta'iallO~a

community service pc"Ojl!ct con­dueled l&1t 1.U via telethon to ralse Sl.800 ioeally lot the Catholic ~!al Service. and Operation Bookstr1p. Beska, thole 1ctlvltles, WSUS h&1 been =~.::tu: :a,::~~ Ste-wn1 Point televb:lon cable system lo p,-esmt lS. minute new., we1lhe.r Ind 1poru shows Monday lhrou&h Friday nl&hts on Ouinnel 6. '

Fochl said the MWHt Wider­laking ii the n:tabllshment ot an educational bn>adcutln&: net­work which Involves producing !apes Joealty for re . broadcast by educational radio 1tatlon1 lhn>U&,hOUI the country, lnd!Jd. In& New York Oty. I.M Aflaeles and Seattle.

Station ol "the year awards have been 1ranted In the North Central Reslon for live years. WSUS.F'M Is the first rec:lplent In Wisconsin. Other wlnnen nave Included the Unlvenlty ol. Minnesota and St. John's U9i­vertlty In Colleaevtlle, Minn.

1'be 1taUon has powu to ICr"Ye an area a t leaat 10 mlle1 on 111 lldes of St.evens Point. Broadcastlna; beglns at 4 p.m. weekdays and runa to 1 •.m. and b on the air 1111 at least 2 a.m. on Saturday morntna1, all d.ay Sa turdays and Sunday•.

will share the 1potll1ht with leudlnr rolet In "1lle Uon In Winter." to be lta&ed May 6 to g at Stevi'l'II Point S t • t e Unh·enlt)'.

1be play, la.s t ol four In the 1969-70" season, chronicles the dy1111tlc a.nd domestic dUllcuJ. tle1 of Kina: Henry IJ Ind Quffn Eleanor of A.gulta lne. Cl.st !nr the parta are Sliter Teresa Francis. dramatic 0011ch and lru;tructor at Marla Hlah School, amd Robert E. En&land. who earned • muter ot tine arts degree Crom the Unlvtt-1lty of Wisconsin befac"e rnttr· Ing military service, and thil li'mHll.'r h1ll been teach.lJ\i part-lime on campus.

Supportln& roles In "The Uon In Winter" have been awarded to: Terrence McCoYtm, San· sota. Fia .. u PhUlp, Kina: ot F rance: J eanne Pfelfer. Mil­waukee, as Alals, • French Prln«u: Noel Sal(ofd m. Cr«n BIi)', u Geolfnoy. the middle son; · Alan 8lalbaum,

:~."1'::; :iu~c~ ~ · Bau, Raci.ne, a1 John, the yot.mgell son. Clnny,Lynn Seh­lol~ ol. Peshtigo was n11.med as the assistan t director.

Tickets !ortheplayare1vall· able at the drama departmfnt.

Indian Affa irs Subject Of Nash Talk

Phllleo N·Uh, to~r C,om. mlUloner ot Indian Affairs, will be 011 campus April Hth and 15th to tOnduct a two day semi­nar on the eultul'f and anatomy

or:;~sh~ :e ~~u::; on the subject ol poverty, has served as Sta te Department Ad­viler In India and Is former Ueutenant Governor of t he state of . Wlseonaln. Htt Is eur­renily a O>nlultant In Applied AnthropoloJY ln WUhinpld and 11 11 Research A.ssoclate with the Smitlaonlan Inttltute.

In the openlna; 1e11kJn Mr. NUh will addreas Dr. Geoq:e Dlxon'1 1r1.duate da.u In ml· norlty groups con.cemlna the topic ol pO\'erty and tbe Amer­ican Jndlan. Thi.I lecture will

' be held on Tueld1y, A~1'

~~~~ ~~ 1:i.b~ ..-lnvllftl to attend.

On the lolJot,r.olna d Dr. Nuh will s peak 11 10 :t5 un. In room 125 ot the Clulroom Bulldlna;. His talk here w!.li cen­ter on poverty Ind the Ameri­can Social Sy1te:m.

Wednesday att.emoon will be devoted to Informal dlsct.malonl

~ °:; :.e~n~e~b' G~~ Althouih tbe seminar w!U deal ma inly with the problem ot pove,rty In this country, 11u­dent.s may wish to'\,UIC lh1s time to take 1dvantqe ot Dr, Nuh'1 baclqround In • vulety of•re-u.

The seminar ~ beln& 1pm, IOred. by the \Vtsconlin Sludent Movtment.


P-0int Blank

~ -Call

lat. 135


Why are &be snamben ol the 8oanl at ~ polWcaDy appolated. &Del wily do they IIOt bave &o be atrula&ell WW.. -educa&alal mUWUoll IIIOI" do Ute)'" bave &o be prot-'oMI ..._ c::uonf &A.JI. .

Or. E. Sl,mund. un. to the VP. of Academic AUalra. aid that accordlnr to Wlaconsln illtatutes, the 1ovunor 1ppolnta the n:,enll a.nd the~KNite approves them. U the leJialature wanted • to ch.a.n.re the law to uy that ~ta hive to be prolaaJonal l'ducaton or alllllalftl with an l'ducatlonal lnsdtutlon. they could do .o. M ion&' u the majority of people ue content with the law, It wU1 atay u It IL An advantare ot hlvtn1 n:,tnta not connectl'd with an educaUonal lnadtution is that they are able to tak.e Into consideration the dettres of both tNChff a.nd tupl)'era when mak1.nJ nillnp";

Wllilt about a Mllw.ube U-f A poor JIUwa.iabe .....__.

Pre:tldent Dreyfus pushed for the Manh1Sek1, ·W1uau, and Wlsconatn Rlpldl toll·tree telephone llnn prlmarOy beeauae ot the money the unlveralty is 1Ne to ave on Jone distance cal:11 to theR are-u. Second4', but not u import.ant, is the fact that they ue • aervloe'to atudenll and ~nta. The 11tate is allow· lna theee lines on a.n uperimental hula, to aee U they are D· nandally advantareoua, accordln&: to Adolf Torvwakl. of Gen· ert.1 ServlceL- For other Unn to be lnlt&lled, the uniwnlty would hive to pro-ve, that It would ave money by maldna .act& . ...... lla~U~tlleMW~~u.:'-.::::.-:-~ . ~ ... ----. 111 ......... . ......... .,.,. . ...-........... ....,. ..... .

r,;. Pa~ ehainnla of the hl9tory de;P&t'tmmt. ald that • ~~otln~=-~ utor.:W~~ ~ :,! . nezt ,-r'a catuJS.

Page 2: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

Why build a wall ' round o graveyard, Nobody wonts to come out.

Why build a wall ' round a graveyard, Nobody wonts to get .)n .

- Old English Lyric

Senator Speaks Just Another In A At the Student SeMtt mce,t.

lnr of March 19 our "lltusirl. ous, thou&ht-provoklne .. 1l'nior " natoc, Darryl Gumaln. lntro­tluc:ed a motion CCl\demnln& our S1uden1 Body President. Wa lly Thlel, for hls 1lattmtnt aealns t the draft ma rch and bo)·cott of "''OmfflS houri . Mr. Gennaln !tit INlt Wally had over-step­~ hll bouNh u Prnldent wh,:n he! stat~ that h<' did not •frff "'1th th<' $('Mies a<'lkln. Rather . Mr. Germain Implied that Wally should have hid him­lll'lf In SO(n(' small nldie and N!malned quit!, never \IOkinJJ hb opposition to the hastily adopted plaN tor lhe march and boycott.

Contrary to tht oplnlons of Mr. Germain and his cohons Cu thb motion wu passtd 10-S) I believe our President actNI. wisely and r,ot without undo J){'OVOCatlon. Hud the march bttn violent lthank God and thoff who participated ln II that It wasn'II the blame would ha\·e fallen b.1ck on U\(' Student Sen­ate, u 1ponson ot the march, and upon Wally. a.s President or the Scn111,. r,;ow I don't know-11bout you - but I don't Uk, eett1n1: blame-cl for 1amtthln1: I didn"t do. or don't bl'Ut"Ve In! Thi.II I feel Wally took the only course ol action open to him to protttt himll'lf, and those of us who dldn' I agrc,e with the S<'nates '"majority" actJon ol March 12, when be released h.ls i;ta~mcnt. U noth­lnc elH. it si-., that not .1111 Y«lf' elttttd student senators nertt that the best way to eti thlnp done on th\1 campus ill to march and hold boycotlll .

V.'btn the Senate wu dellber­athi&: O\•er · the tint march we held lhll ~at - the one show­tnr our support for Frank Hatch - "'T proc:ffded slowly and cauUowlly, u:amlnlrli both sldH ol the ill1lie, and even called 1peclal ffl<'etin&* to turlh­er iron-out the ltn.lqy for the matth. I think the fa-able results of th1a flnt march .,.,,,:nt to certain senaton helldl. So now they feel that the only way to get thing, done ls to match. Aa;ain I dls.11,ree. Anybody CM march and hold boycotu. But the Studeat Senate of this or an, other Univenlty hu a name and certain other rnpon­slbllltln that It can't ,xchar,ge for • placard and a demonnra­UOn any time It fed• like It ! J1,11t puttin& the Student Senate name behind a dC'monstn.tion clws ' the lfflff•I public the kiea that the whole student body Is betllnd lhll actSon. 1 don't be":lkve tha t the majority ot the sl!Jdent body wu behind the draft march and hours boy­cott for if they wt'l"t' )'OU would have lt'fln thrtt or four thou­sand studenta out demonstn.t• in&' lnltead ot three or four

""""""' It WU broua:ht up by Mr. Dahl thlit the Senate , couJd. act u Je•ders or u representatives and that lhll t1me they had choleo lo act u 1cadeh. Well •&lln I dlsqre,e. I thlnll: · Mt. Dahl could have bfflff phrued It, ' "Ibb: time wr choM: to be Jed" · - by a minority opinion thlit wu expreued at the

.March 12 rotttin(! 'J the St~ dmt: Stoate naUy wanted to •ct u ludtn, and they have In tbe put, tbty would UM the cbanMll of communication ~ID~m8Ddtrytocbancec


the 1y,1em from the Inside, rnlher than lrom the Ol.,llllde. In the }on" run lhcy will get mure 11ccom11llshed th11t way. l l"m using the tl"rm "lhey" here because I am ob\·lously part of the mlnorlly oi,inlon In the Senate rlicht now and not

Never ,Ending Series

Of Germain Fan Letters part o! !hat lllty per eent plu.1 Dear Mr. Gt'r'fflaln: OOt' (lt'n 1enntors) l' hich have ~ controlled th(' course of our nc- uaht II• I read You r tlon u or lllttl . ~ Sth 11rtlcle tha t you hlld

Maybe l"m bcln1 to hunh on mil ~em~to,=11::;:i :,!

my coUeaeues. Maybe I should Pf'O\"t thllt you had lOrfle bl.t also !ind a •m•II niche. hide of sound human judaement 1ef1.

!.';y!1t~o~:Ot m~a~:~~.~ !oi:;~,e~~=~ ~:b~ be Il l lhe next Senalt mee1ln1: without comlna: to s-rlpS with

f,t::;;;rx·~o:c.,~u~ \:,11J;a!: o/ ~e~~ ..,.,nt olf on a usual 1a n-

demnlnJ me for my 11ate- "I menb!?! I want to Uk )"OU a f<'W q1JeS.

r~ellow slutlNIII. I ask you llonl which )'OW' articles have 10 t11ke a 1tand and then tell 1llmu.lated and I hope you will your &cf\l\tor, a ll aena1ors, how stop protesttna Ion& enoueh and )'OU feel oo thb ls5ue, oo all a risw(' r them. iuues. Lt-t u., be your IHdcrs, but ruld, us In our J.cadc~hlp. D.ln't be 11patht'1ic: ntthtr be ,·oc:al. Take otr 1ht shackles that ha\·e bound the Sen11te IO Jon5:: - the shackles of a sllent

. 1tutlent body, one which doe-sn' t ,-olce lt"1 c>plnkm. Let 1.11 know l'"hether or nol wr are really ttp1tSCntin1: you alld your · Ideas or whether we have been O\"'r-stepplng our bounds u of lat<'. Hel11 us ,and we'll help you, But N!mtmber, the Stu• dent S<'nate b only as strong as each and e\•cry one ot you, the mtmbct1 ol the •tudc:nt body, make 1.11.

JOSEPH WEBER Residence Hall S<'n111.or

Pink Yest When I rtccl\·td the Univer­

sity Alumni Report 1n the mall the other dRy, l wantN to V!,)ffl lt. n-e lpl.'Ctacle depicted

~~!~~:'~~~ ~~ Sherman DN!yt'1.11 c.hatti"i aml­c:ably with the little Muuollnl of Sal,con, Niuyen Van Thku, wu ju11 • little 100 much to llomach. After all, 1 wa.s brou&ht up with a rtSpee:t for tlt'mocn.tic and humane valuct, and my two semnte-rs at Ste­vens Poin t from 19S7-l.958 brou&ht me In (.'(Intact w I t h many teachers who -1lartd this respect also.

What i. even fflOC"t' dlsCU1t­lna: •bout the March, l9'TO U~ verslty Alumni Report wu the followinc bit of nausea publish, NI on pace 2:

" Our WSU link to Vietnam hu bfoou&ht • load deal of sres­t.l&e to the University. TIie Mll· w1uktt Journal ~ lta tamou11 ·an WUt:onsln' coiumn to praise ol !hf, school for th1a prosram at the time of Pl'ft&,. dent Dreyfus" departure .....

Surely, the lcnonmus who wrote that par•anph • n o t aware of !hf fact" that the NJm­btr ho.Oman In the SaJp jur\18 ls NCYU>'ffl Cao Ky who boasted on July ,. ~ that Adolf Hltlet "'"I.I h1a one and only hero. Moreovtt, rece n t events In Sal,con have lndk•· ltd that Th1tu lh&ra Ky's n­Ptd for the Nu:i madman u hia fflt'thodolotrv far CWaU..W wlth pilldcal cll11Jdfflts II n­marbbJy Hhlttian.

lilley yean qo an academlc

Number 1. Govefflm('nt. Hu It t \·,r occurred to you. 1lr, th11t ('\"t ry society m1.11t h.ave a leader ind a multitude ol folkM-crs? U everyone tried lo overthrow the le11dcr and ~ jcctNl. hlspolitlonua foUO\O.·e r , what ll'OUkl happen to the JIOo Cl('ty? I Wnd (o think that It "'"OUid crumble to blu... This ls tn:e ot any IOCltty whether It ill the! ledcn,I i:ovcmment or WSU-SP. Perhapa you can 1'1!1· ]lze why It II lm110rtanl to be 1:lvt,n a "ntaicer" role In the bC"1:bviing and then become 11 leadet.

Number 2. Fortune. You seem, Mr. Germain, to tnttr

111 and tlo-A'Tlgr•de the f1c1 that )'OU ll\'e In America. Anyone

with lhb attitude is clearly nar­row mlnde,d •nd ha not\li!t been able to opr,n his eyes to the rdt of th<' "'-orld. Perhapi you c.;an be N rtunaie U the &THltsl problem, you face are Ui<&pent money for Winter Camlv11I, the \'elo or a Phy. Ed. requln:,­mmu bill , the curTent defenat 1y1ttm, and the declakins ol our leaders. Perhal)II you can :,llo be fortunate tha t you llve In a c:<>untry wheTe, )'OU an! allowed to protes t u we do.

l have had the opportunity to tolk a t some len,th with Mr. DN!ytus about the VlelNlm 1ltuatlon and why America and .WSU-SP 11re ln\lOlved In the c:onlllcL Have you ta lbd with Mt. Drtytus slnc:e hill return from Vietnam! Perhaps you should and )"OUr opinkin of U\('

situation .... v.tld be chanetd. I have had lhe opportunity to talk with p('Ople lrom a ll over the world aboot the problems which face their c:ounlriel. 1 am .&lad we ha~·, the kinds ol probl,cm,, In America that we dol


April 9, 1970

Survival By DAVE CRl'..flDR.£

In prevklul columN we'va aonc over the bll.slCI ot e,co­klfo'. and now (hopctullyl un-

::~ ~'n:.ri:,:~I= . ment lnte-ractlrli with the pop, ul1tbui ot anlmah and planl.l "'·hlch Inhabit It. W•''ltl ,een lhlt while the soU nutrltnu CY· cle throl.l1h the 'ec<ll)"l~m be­tween plant, and anlmala and ,~ntll&.lly re-tum to the IOII, the soi.r erwro tha t powers the ecotystem ente-rs It thnl' the photOlynthttlc activity of the planl.l, Is c:onsumed by the plant, and the anlmab that eat them, but don not cycle.

One ot the best ways 10 pl.ck 1part the ecoooncepl U to take a detailed kiok "t the dynamk:I ol one pa.ttlcular popul1doo with in It : How muiy anlmah or pluita of a p,,rtlcular lflnd ire there In the population? II the number of lnd.lviduall ln­creulng Or dt'Cl'IUln&T Ho w fut? Whit oulllde tacton are cau.sl"i th e popu.latlon to ctwt,:e? Are there any Inter­nal f1 cton, lnhel'fflt to the•~ cl<'I IIN.11, which recul,llc! the 1lzc ot the JIO(IUt.doof These ate all questions to uk Wher'I 11udyln& the p)pU.latlon dynam­ka of a p,1rtlculat 1pecles.

Let ', 1et up a hypothetical , Ind poulbly hWTIOrOWI, enm­ple :

Suppme ~e have a pop.lla.doo ol white-tailed d~r IMn& on 1 small l&Jand. N•wraJ d<"l: r food lrOWa there In re .. th,e abundanc:~. and reoorda ihow lhat deer have llvl'd on the il land for 11 lea11 two hl,lndred years. In lhe put , a few hunt­ers hive visited lhe blind t\'ery year, taklna • small number of deer. Their ot.erva, lions lell us tha l the m.ln prt­dliltor on the deer U a PoPU­la tkln of !Imber wolves, which have allO Jived on the Is land lcwa1~u11nyonecan re­mt:mber .

Now let's tta lly 11:t hypolhe­dcal. Let's wppme, th8t the ls­land hill been set askk •• • scientific l'fterve, and th.at $0tnehow tnoulCh funda w,re a lloc:11ed to atatJon a qualUled wlldllle bloqut on the bland, year around. for ~ yea.rs. Hb Job Is to kttp I dole count on the numben ol dee.r and woh·es, and to obscr"Ye the quaJ. hy ol the dee r bf'OWst (e.l, !uodl ,

F0r I h e Hn:t twfllty.nve Y~. our biolociat ttportl: that e\·erythlna: la pretty 111blr. 1be deer population'- doesn't nuctu­a le by more than five per c:enl or 10 every year. and neither docs the wolf PoPUlallon.

The blolos;lat nott't that the wotvn conc:1:ntr1t.e on okt, W'nk deer 1lck deer, end fawn.. be­c1u.O they have • 1tt1t deal of trouble rUMlnr down bell·

thrn ~ r .nn\J81 reporta, the b~ kll;lst obiff'Vn th11 t the amount of deer fOOd ttmalnl quite con­ltBllt trom ye1r to year. He ,urmbea that the wolvH keep the d<'cr population pruntd down to a number that the lood 11.1pply can 1upport, He allo ad, v•nce• the Idea thl.t the reau­l• r dttr numbel'I have the d• fee l or m1tnt•lnln1 the wolve1 at Uielr low numbcl'I . In lhorl, everylhbli b S,kc, and the t.­Jand ~Y•~m S. ·funcdalln&

~{el',1uppo1ethatsud­dmly In the ~nty-1lxth ytar of OUr study, the kindly o Id re1earch director for the 11ate C1)flser"Yatlon a1ency quit.I his job to takf the Danie.I Boone chair ol wildllte manacement •1 Woodly U. lHia replacement ill a poUtlcal 1ppoln1N w w ho couldn' t mBM1e tleld mice with ntf'YO IU,

F0r a while, everythtna aoes •Iona: as usual. Ianorance 11 bllu, and besides, the appolnlee U atraJd (a t tlrsll IO tell Pb.DI Whit to do.

But then, one tall!ful ni«tit, he see, a re-run ol. .. 81.mbl" on wlevl.slon. He remembers lhe research report from our la.land that he Plied thn.l . Wolva killed 56 dffr! Hornn­dou,! ~ next day, be 1t8rta fflOV•

Ina •nd shaklni at the rflt'arc:h department. 1l\Cl bland IOlf."I LI.I reserve l11tus. An opl'n sea­lOl'I, with a S50 bounty, Is de­clared on wolvt1. AJI huntinc ot dter b 11opped. Tourlllt t"· cllldes are lnltalled on the Lf­land, *° that boalt'n can come oot and tee the deer. As • coodlla1ory gN.ture to tht w,t­ey<'d bk>lcclstl on hb 1t111f, he ktepS an oblt'rver (our veteran ot twenty.five ye1") on the b­~nd.

Durlnit the 1wenty-1tVenth year. all hell bull.I look. Wolf hunter•, 1purrcd on by th e bounty, pursue their quarry on aoowmobllts, with squadrool ol Piper A1>1c:hes nylne 1lr cover. At an expense lo the 1taie ol ovtt n.ooo twotr hunters cheat a Jot) the wolf population b rftluced to three. Durlnr the 1prln, of the tw,nty-ellhth year , the last three wolves(• bl~h llnd two pup,) an: dnn:­ed out ~ their den and se:nt to their reward. 1be dffr pop­ulation lncn!UN 17 per ctn!.

.Dlu'lne the iw,nty-nlnth year, alfflOlt two thou.land people

come to ObNr"Ye the d«r Un. 11W111'Md, the d~ r lnc:rtt1t their popul1llon by 20 per cent Net.

AndMooandso wi Dy lhe thlrty-Ulth yur, the ial•nd la covered with dffr. T h ey 111nd around llke eow, In 1 pasture. nte 1.0Urbs. •re hippy A local photo l11b repona pro. cet1ln1 36,986 color 1lklN rA deer that ynr, mott of ll1tm eatlni: .

By the fortleth year , lhe tw,. Uta don't have to l11nd un u­bl1nd to set the dett, Tor beaclK,1 loo«llkoafow.~tod version of Atlantic city, T h, lourbtai who ventW"e uhoro lind lteveneultrtoseethedtff 1lnc,all theve1etalionhl1my'. sitrioully dlaappeared, up, ll hl&h u the sttOO&Ntbuc:kun Jump. •

Jn lhe1prlnaot theforty-11:c, ond )'t'l r , the blologjat oou,,u twelve deer. He ocdeni thrtt Ion.I ol quldtllme to •Pffd up the dt'comPolltlon of counlle11 dff r carcAMH. · 'Mlt •PllOlnitt dlredor, older but no wbef. de pjOrt'I thb lou o~ 1 v1lu~blt recreatlon11l resource 11nd or, ders 100 deer lo be llve-trapPN el-htre and s1ocktd on tht llland. Two weekl later. lilt blokllbt, dad In • "''Ol.f Ulll

~od .~":!= ~=~i:~'; ~ne,e~t ~ &~le~rr:::i~:i at the SI.I.le Home fOJ" tht f't­cullar lhe wu on Ovll Scr.­lceJ ,

A cOUple ot 1118.nt 11r11e ward1m• • .1fMmb i the biol(). 11sr, mt1Ker 1 ,uecu. come acro11 his I Ir lrdl rer>Ott, w-rluen du.tine Is ,1 Judd mom,nt : '" .•. It II to noted th8t the Catl')'Uli CIPI• rlty of thll laland tor whlt.t­talled dttr (Odooollt'us virs,N­anusl wu rnc.htd In the tenlh year or the atudy ind .,...,, mtilntalned 1.1nm the twtnl)'· seventh )'tit. Removal oC the wolves tllmln.ated the Ql\ly cun. 1rol on the Iker population, whkh thereafter underwrnl 1

prec ll)ltoul Increase. Thll ,ln. er, .. , continued uni.II the dttr completely •tripped the bland ot browse. Allempt.1 to rntotk the bl&od with deer failed, ,Ince It "''OUld tak.c at J.cut ten years tor the hablut 1o l'ftOVer from the dt"VNl.ll.lott It U recommendcd th11 the ll­l.11nd be turned over to the U.S Air Force far uu u I boml> In& ta r~t • .. "

Tiiere Is no N!uon to ~~ lhal humllUI do not have IIO follow the nm, natural ia111'I

as deer. We ar e oow , ln OIII' " fortieth" ~at. Goodbye.

Our Survival For the next few iuuee The Pointer wW devote editorial ,page 1paq: to the indM­

duala a.nd organlu.tiona who are usociated with the ENVIRONMENTAL TEACH-IN, to be held on the 21 and 22 of th1a month. ·

We &elicit thoee organiutJon.a to aubmit material concerning the teacl!-ln in p,.t· Ucular, and the general queatlons of pollu tion as they are related to th1a community and university. · ,

The Sound And The Fury 0re;~~:·11vbm a t WSU-SW­vt'M Point haa lnctta1ed from • bla1e state durlne first 1e­mester to • furious one for 1he -Student actlvllm Is aood II 11 It la run by student., and

!!.~ \:~:~:!: ~ In Stttlml Polnt ill actually ,Ur dent-run. but I ml.Ill que,tfon thelrslnceitty.

GokiMdn.wu -vlrtuallyl~ td by the student.I , 'Ibere wa• no iarJe, united effort to Ave him. Thia WU la mt.take and everyone admi ts It. Fnnk Hatch, however, wu I I v , n ~,1tudentwpport.Reso1~ dona, rnarcht'I, rrieetlnp -thne all showed • definite c,m,. . cem and, 1 believe, a deep •lnoerlty. Since then, however, •tudf:nt power hu lt'n th e he1rt, U you will, and jumped to the hc!ad. expandinc It ll"e-- · Scott Matlin, In hla Match lJ lt'tttt to the r.laler, uid .. Only a small sn,up al. abot..'l 200 ltudf:nts WU DecffAl'y to put our point •Cl'Olt to Dreytu. and the la culQ' ••• "

Oh realJyT Daft: Scott actual­ly 1hink: Or'l:)'fUI looked at our 200 ltUdentl, wiped the pera,. pin,tlon trom his brow, and de­c:lded 10 ctw In! MI said before, 1 do thlnk the mare.) wulmPorta.nt.lt~lhe Admlnistr8Uon there AR pet> pie who c've a da.mn and no lonctr CUl ~ dtdlklN be m.dt. But I really don't think the student march UX)(' Sol Mr. H8tch h1l job back. U 1 WU implied In 8 MU'Cb 21 -Edi-Since that mind~ t'WQl. thlnp have OCCW'ed ra­pidly.

I WU talttq- to a rlri wt,o - dNply- Involved wttb the march 8lt1 alt-in at tfte local dtatt baud. and I wu ~ toptaome~ulDbow andwhythaklntar•man:11 ca.m8 MIOUt. Ml .... could talk about,~.wulla'Ut~ tuUc b:,w much ~ lhe mudlwu~-~.

. obvloutJy,?'"1,111 be the objtt­tlve, It ii necessa.ry for any demon&tration ~ IUC:ceed,. But th.II per-on·, main concern uemed to be that her bat trlend WU coin& to be on T.V .• •nd aome PY ehe knew wrote a l.ta~ment which wu read on all the radio stationl. It ap,

::~Loo~ .~;1~ = ::Ir." tals here a t S~vens Point" nther than " Look at the un­fair draft.."

While we·re on ·the subj,:et, what about the draft! It ·aure makt1 a .,ood protest tu(el. A little -,, pe:rhap,, but any­one that dl11.1ren with you tua to be a Bircher, ~IT U lffrnl the draft prott'l,t WU 8nQlher ~tt move. 1btte are too many thlnp on th1l campue aklnt to pn,test befott we lhould io outalde and complain. Bealdtt, the SteveM Polnt board is "line ol the moat Ub­en,I In the ltat.t." SI wtt)'? They Mid It lhe"*-IVt'I - a reuina tocethtr. A &•thtrinc of andonados lo prou.t I o m e­thlna eveeyona, even our belov­ed Prel.ld<'nt (Veta take note). II opp»ed to. In Other word,&,

Pffll(lllal pubUcMy. • mowln&: of ttttn.cth. Pd, ultimately, ln­•lncflity· ln •cdona.

How about thHe thlnp OQ

campus we ean protnt! 'lbllt n.me nllht there wu a boycott ol women·, houn. A ttal true­to.ho:ne, llncere la1,11: , t h•t ~ ii 1cnorinc and needa aClt'ndon tJroucbt 1o IL JU&ht ! Wrona: ! 1',, It colnddfflce, N" merely oonv~ W. boycott lhould tab place ).alt befON a maJor brealrtl\fOU&h In llbtro· U.tbl ot womm·a boun ~ occur In the Adminlltratlon!' U tbl8 breakcbn:lu&h does OCCU?', ue our loul 1dtllts Soln& u, dmm all uedlt for that. too! Ihopenot -forthtlrUU.

Darryl Germairl IIUr1ll1Md me laalWHklor~tlnc :" ••• tbo quemoa al. women•, boun i. ""'inc: ~ "1 IOme com- . mluee Uu .... - -11. dal.t II quite lnwvML" W1-e, col­_. baw . we rNd m.t wwct­bdclre? Wtt, II k. D1nyI. ~

dtntl u n't be lrrelev1n1, tKit comml'ttffl, and J IUUmt It II a faculty committee, c1n t.,t,• u·, contradictory, but matt lm­porUN., II lho,,,ol lnllnetrlty.

l t seema too many student. around here &row ~Ir ti..1r Jona because they like tnt "°'1nd of the word "hiPIJW •• =.~rtJ~alk~ .. ISon., While 1 don'I thlnk. al Mr. Martin him.elf IU(ltsU 1h11 the whole nation ll watch• ln1, I can Re local, lndlvld1· ,1 peop1e wa1ch1n1. vm to "" they are lmPortanL I thtnk 1.-.. about lime w, ,ot the e1rly F'ranlt Hatch spirit back. an.I shov."t'd concern over real an.I

r:::; ~le~tri~ J!1"1!: ...... Shalom,


"'"""'" Warm Blood Dear Editor. ~lhadthe5*'>

lW'e ol wortdnc whh tht 81oocS­moblle at the Unlvetllty. Since then 1 have carried with me :a warm lfflln&' be(:ause ol thr

"""''""-11,er-e hu been .o much hon-or In m. news la~ly -

ttmln&: •tudmti that J thit I WU a llnle leery of 11 denll, pa.rdcolarly Ol'lt'9•wi kln1 hmr and " dUfttfflt' '. ~

in::th•~ll ~t:n~I~ ..., I'Ye nevtt bttn .a lfflpreu­ed. ibf,y couJddl have btC'!I mon, polite and 11.ocere.

laurewiahW'l' oould&f:tthr cenen,I population to dooalC' a1 ea&erty q the l tudenll do.

1 hope 1 e1n remember thr leupn I learned the next 1irnc I feel critkal o1 aomeont b.­CIUM be'1 cW'ftrebl thata I.

Slnc:erely, EU.EH ~'llil LS,

Editorial Photos

Page 3: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

April 9, 1970

Letters To The Editor

E-Day April 22 Course Is For The Birds The WL1conaln Stille Unfrcr­

~tliU and their communltin arc J.Hmni,: fore~ in a mutual con­.,•rn for rnvirvnmentul ~ !i'n\J, wilh the Nulional E:nYiron­n,,•n tul Tl.'11ch,Jn, April 22, Hu f...:11l11()l11t.

S1i.·11kt•rs, vane\ discussion,;, fdn i, and exhlbli.. will be tea, ,un'oJ nl the nine Stale Unh·er­Ji \J,•1 and their !our branch c11m­\1U5CJ o,, "E Day," and In many 1ni111nc,•1 Jlf')ll:rams will cxteml <l\ 't'r 1e,·cr11\ dayJ or wttkl, · lh,.' ')jlCm oflkc ln Madbon n:,.

l "rtl,

\l'SU,Eau Clair\' io.l II head start with a man plannlna: ll'l­,n>n Jun. 7 when commllk<-1 ln­wl,·lni; a wide 1Pl,'clrum or lht> ,-., rnmunily ¥1~1'\' orianlu-d. },'ea­lUN"il 1pl.'akers at the teach-In ,ull be Mrs. Oon"kl Oiaen, Gr«"n Uo.y, a nat\on .1l vlee-pn.-1-1Jct1 t or the Leaiiue of Women \ 'uh.'U, and Rob<'rt L. Herbilt, ,. ,,~utl\'e director o{ the" Izaak W.ilton Le11,uc ol America.

\\'SU-La Ctoose will tlart a "'"'k·lon&: oblct'Yance on Envlr­,•mm•ntal Sunday, A11rll 1.9, when itud,•nts and lnculty membc!'I .. d1sptak In local churche1. :kn Gaylord Nelson hill prom-1,,'ll. to ,•isl t the campus tha t ..... .,. k. Teach·ln Dny will bl, nurkf'd by student prescnlll· 1.o)IIS throughout the d1y, and a ; ... ntl d[1c1151lon that ,,·enlng 1TI\"Oh' tng ch1c ltaders, rel)n .... M·ll tilli\'t'S of thl.' O'lli1nber of (\1mmen:e J>Qllution O.,mmhlee, 111<' U. S. Fish O)nlrol Labor::i.­t • I") and the LSU faculty.

13i>lh Eau Claire and La Crollle h, ,·eorganl~Sl)(!llkershu1'­t lU5 available lo communlly dubl 11nd organb.atioru:.

A wttk·lon&; ob5en•ance Is lll· s..> bt lni; planned at WSU-Whlte­"'.lll'r by the recently ()('Janlttd lr\1 ( r,Dillolpllnary Commltttt lor i;;M·lronmentnl Qualily.

··rrojed SW'·l\·al" 11 U1;1 tlltme·!or the Aprl.121·23 obser• ,·.1"(:e at WSU-Stewna Point, "hlch,..,;Ul<-alureas,peakcrs Congres1man Dovtd Obey, Pat­rick Lucey, democratic candid, att for go,·emor, and WlUiam Balrd , wholstesting Wileonsln's 13 ... bannlna the dllplay or con, ltattptl,•ea and their sale to un­marr!OO persons. Mott than 17 hours ol proi:rams are planned, to Include mo,·IH, lecture1, a p:111el discussion and a 1llde pruentatlon ot local pollullO:i problems.

TIie teach-in w!U climax a strlt• of weekly sculonl on cn­woomental problem. which be­i;an early In February at WSU· O,hkosh, uncfor the spolllOrlh!p ol the Environmenutl Oisls Or· 1:in!zatlon. On April 22 the stu­dtnt group plans to dea l with suchen,•ironmentaltoplcsa1alr and " ·ater pollution, pesticide,, .. ,ldllfe, wlldeml'P preserva­tion. nuclear rC"acton, Project Sang:uin<-, detergents, ORAP-200, sanitary hind rm. population and TK",,,·disJ)Olal sys t,m1. A Science f illr will include exhibits pre,. ;,.red by 11n.<11 1choolt and civic groups.

W.-tkl)' forums through April. ll.'1 nlorccd by dl1play1 on cam· flU.1.& nd 00"-'TIIOl','Tl, In.' plaMed at WSU-Rh'i'r Fall.I.

WSU..Supcrior has moved Its En~ironmental Analysis Duy hack to Saturda,Y, April 11, 10 Iha \ more community, faculty. Jnd Industry lead<-n wlll be tree \., partlclpe~ .ln lhe all~ay ol> ser ... ance which w\11 deal wlth lot11\ probleml and local an­s,,,,rs. Keynote speakers .,.,iu be Do..nald I. Mount, dlrector of the

Natlonul Water Qu11l11y Labora­tory, Duluth, and Leland New­man, director, NorthwHt Wl1-ron1ln Regional Plannlna (l)m­mls1\on, S110011er.

A norw:redlt couru lor per­sons dulrlna "a more Intimate acqu.lnluilce with Wl1con1ln birds." will be olfcrN In tlve

<'d S':t p~fc!~u:n~lf::-t~!";; !~~=.\ bym~l",',',·cru~~lndlnl:~ s1iec.la\ procr,ms March lf,.20, .,. . u"" iu

during Students' Week, 1 c1r111• •Ion ot Stevens Point State Unl-tt'('e )X'rlod set ulde to allow venlly, students to l,lUrsue lhelr lnte~- • <'Its In a variety ot a«H. Thi.' Leadlna- the dlscuulon1 and Stout Erwlronm,ntal Councll I.Md lrlps .,..,m be Dr. A. Mar-""-as lormed and announced Jong. aucrlte Baum;artner, 'a visit-

~~';,': ot~=t~ lh~~est~1:. lng le<:lurer In the wllvenlty':, experimenta tion, rnearch aml department ol natural resources. ~lion lhrou1h educational and Her husb41.nd, Or. 1''Tederlck, bl uther channoll." a wildlife professor here.

WSU-Plattevllle has announc­ed !h-t topics to be dlscUQl'it at a teach-In lonim : A&:r lcultural Pol4.ltlon, Overpopulatlon, In· duatrla l and Urban PolluUon, Al.'ltheUc .Environment, nnd Pollution : The Problems of Hu­man Valu<'I.

The National Earth Day pro­if'Bm at the !ltedlord Campus, which will extend as late into th~ nl;hl as In terests 1111~. will Include speakers, films, and aroup 1tudy seuloru:. nie Fond du Lac can11JU.1 will Gp('n a thrtt-day oblervance April 24 ""'l lh I pollution mm. "The Secret Ll!e ot Rachel Carson." tolio....·ed by J)l08rlnu ot 1pcak­"rti Saturday mornlni Bnd Sun· day a !ternoon. A wildlife 1pec­lalls1 and two blologilta will be panelists for the Environmen­t.al Day oblervanct' at the Rich· lund Campus. A Pollution Con-111)1 Heiidquarten hll been ~· tabUshed a t the BarTOn COunty ca mpus to collect lntormatlon on

" local pollution and to ;alher Ideas and oplnlonl ,~ curblni: po'lutlon.

Each SaturdPy meeting w ,11 Include Infor mal lcctuttl be· 1ween 9 and U :30 a .m. on cam­pus and, t.our1 ' ot places where birch ,xe found ln area tut num­ber betwecn . l and 5 p.m.

Dr. Baumaart.ner. whoae Ph . • 0. lrom Cornell University wlll In ornllholo&Y .. will discuss "Thi! Famllles ol Blrdl," "M.laratfon Maalc," "Bird Sound and 0>ur1-1hlp Pc<rformance," and " llom.­Ufe of Bln:ls. "

TUurt will be to lhe back roo.lD o! Port111e ·0:>un1y th11l are tr1veled Infrequently, UtUc Plo,•cr N111ural AreP, Buena. Vis· lit Marsh, Ivel'IOfl Park and lhe Pio\'Cr and WLICOfllln Riv­er 1re11. The final met'tlng on May 2 ~ 9, dtlll'ndlng on ,..·e11-thcr, will Involve a car earavun to "111 many bird habitats 111 time permits," she reporls . A plcnlc lunch 11 pl11Med.

Real11ratloru:lorher clauwlll be received until March 31 In th.-


"I I d T ~ II s an reasure l's Series Finale

Wlldllfe on I tiny 11\and near the sour~ of lhe Mlululppl · River will be !eatured In the linal Audubon fllm proaram ot the 1euon Monday night 8 p.m., al Ste\'en,; Point State University.

Narratln; the coklred movie product ion will be Dr. Walter J . BreckerU"idie, director ol the M!Mesota Mtlkum ot Natural History In Minneapolis.

Dr. Breckenrld&e has entitled the ~m "bland Trusure" becau.1e ol: the abundance ol .... 1ldllfe he found on the llland. The small dot ol land 1pll1tinc the Mlsslsslpp1'1 chaMel h a , been home to snowshoe rabbi:. bald cagle and caribou. At one period In Its h\11ory, It suddet1• ly beceme Important to m.:in, " Paul Bunyan moved In aml the river was chokf'd with !lot~ aa the llland'• tores! wa.s hack­ed away. Havln&: completed his destruction, man mewed on. Toe sllO'NShoe rabbit, de,-old ot Its natural surrounding,, dlsa1, 'peered, glvlnr .,..,ay to lhe cot­tontail: thc bald ea11le !Oil out to the , reat homl'd owl: and the caribou, to the whlte-tnll ."

Dr. Br«kenrldi:e hns n.-gard­ed the 11\and a t,vorilc cam?­in; area lur many yea.rs, and has oblet'\·ed some ol the changes In lhe kinds ol, anlma.S and blnll that 111hablt 11.

113 a mUll'Um director, he

rankl among UWM's top ad· mlnistrators. But he ii equally dlsU"Kulshed u scientist and artis t.

Born In JoY,·a, he rece ived hit undervraduat<- tralnln11: • ' the Unlverslly ol: Iowa and hb muter's and doclor'1 degrees at the Unlve of Minnesota. He ii wl~ known ror his contrlbut to the field ol or-nllho and herpeto)Oay. H\1 bird palnttnr• and e tchln; , hl\'e. appeared In many orn!· lho)oa:lcal works.

Dr. Breckenridae hu been on two arctic expedltlonl, one ot which he headed, golna deep '" Into Nor lhwest Territory to one oi: the 1e1111-a tudLC'd an.-u In CBnada. He 1penl conslderahle time with the late .Major Allan Brooks, Canadian nnture ar1llt, perfectlna techniques In art .

Dr. BreckCflrid&'\' hu been l)l'elldentof lhe Mln~solaAca· d~my of S<:lence, the Minne~ la Ornlthologilts ' Union and the Wilson Ornltho\oglcal Oub.

A)ong with hi.I Olher accom-11\lshments Is wlldllfe phutogrll· phy "Island Tr-casure" whlcl1 ii hit own ,..,.,,Ml'







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Peace Within Violence

One of the s lckenlna para, duxN ol our time ls the tan• aulne viewpoint llia t th is are1 t "dcmocrallc" government 11 01JC!rating on the principles of hair play. Actua.lly moll slkN s11eak lo the contrary .. You are expecled LO be non-violent to­day while your iO\'<'tnm<'nt 11 beating up on a llttle count!')' In southeast Asia and 11 now bee:lnnlng to let blood from her nelghbo.lra.

You are expeclt.'d to be non­violent todll)' while your presi­dent and aovernment are: pro­rnotLna violence wi th the con, · 11rucuon ol II vas t anll-balllltlc mlulle 1y1tcm and a mon11l<"r called r.unv.

You are expec:ICd,. to be noo­vlotent today whll~ your iOV• l'mment pl11y1 roulette aames with )'our IUIUl"l.'I Ind popibly your ll~·n.

You are expected to be non­vlol<'nl today while )'OW' rovern­ment lnvhes you th rough u le<:· tlve 1ervlce 101 career of masa murder. Apparently the com­mandment "Tiloo ,hall not klll" has no 1ljnlllcance a t national and In ternational levcl1. You and I are a1ked to con1\nue as 1111111N in 1h11 cruel war.

You an! expected to be non­violent today while your '-,overn­mcnt has pol11rl1ed whites and black:s, l()f'jetd ng that we are all Americ11n1 reg11n:llcu of col-

You are ,xpected 10 be non­vlolcnt loday while our minds hnve bl'en metmerlzed by the hoax of VletnamWltlon. ~

You a re expecttd to be non, , •iolent today .,...hlle your ioY<'m· menthass.:,wnlhe~ of d\1tru1t ov<'r the workt I arleve lor our country. She hns fallt'n lrom · her magic 11ar .. The Uni­ted Stain ii now a bl&: bully. She Is wallowlna about In the mi.tCk ol mllllari1m. No long, r are tM.lr lreedornl clearcut .. We are belna molded Into ll naUon ot shNp, af1"11ld to 1peak out, lntlmklaled by a ttaclui: lrom ad­mlnil lratlon and authority. •

How can we 111k you young people ta adhere to non'-vlolence when II ii you who are called on lo pay the piper! How can we expect you to peacduJly aa­temble when your .. rlahU to fl'ffdorn are being anatched away. when you are being lorc­.ed Into a war of violence In which you want no par1, whrtn . you a re being treated !Ike In­terior cltlzem and lambatted by the adminlstrallon of thia go,•ernmenl tor hnvln&: minds: of yoor IM'Tl. when you are crlli· ci.ced by !he silent majority be, ClltlSe )'OU Jee.I that thll coun­try Jll\l oould be IOtt\l'thllli itttat and worth,..·hlle!

11 Is uklng much that thls demonstra tkln proceed peace­fully a nd !ntelllgcnUy, but per-­h,ps, In the face of all the violence mentioned above, II Is nceeuary to 1hoW lhe silent mnjortty, the prN\dcnt ot the Unllcd States, tha t In )'OU )'0Url8 r,taple there Is ,1111 some "''is­dom, moderation, scnsltl,•lly and rt'51loecl for lreedom.

I charge yc;Ml to 1how the kind ot lntelllgence which Is so lucking In our ciders and In our wayward lf!adcrs. Gh·e u~ sltength to cootlnuc our quiet 11rolesl In ever icn.-a1 .... r num• bers. May we restore the rrea t­nl'!ls thM once was.


'Teach-In · Offers Dramatic Hope' Nelson Asserts

Viewpoint-Uy O..UUU' L GERMAIN

• I lhouKht I ""'OUld try Mlffll• thlna dlfterent thll week at this all-ln1plrlna university ol ours - d xlOli lng tome 1:reat facull)' member a l random, anendln& one of his cla11e1, and then grading him . And now, as I

open the envelOPr, here a n the reaults ot thil hillorlc tind. (~teacher's name will re­main anonymowr, because lt'I lar from beln; the only facul ty member ot. such caliber around thil Clml)UI.

The maulve ''THch • ln on lhc EnYironmcnt" scheduJ.ed to take place on more than a thou111nd colleae cam~ April 22 Olfers 4'amatic hope that further destruction ot our pl,net may be ,topped, acoordln& to senalor Cay5ord Nelson (D .. WUI.J, lhe man who l tllr!ed the 1,ro}ect l'Qlllna.

Wrl till1 In the April Reader '• . Digest , sen. Nelson recalls tha1 he ti rst propoacd the national environmen1al teach. Ins In a speed\ at 5eallle last ta ll .

" Weexpectedthernl)Oflleto be irood," he write,. " It ha.a been lrt'mendous. A thousand college. and unlvenltlH are u­pected to participate, alon¥ with hundredl of hljh ,ehooll, civic ;roup,, ;arden clubs, Ute Le111ue of Women Voten an,f conaervatlon organlutlons hll\'1! aOO ottered a hclpin1 harwl to make the day a 1ucce1s,"

Aln.-ady, the senatOt' 11)'1, lhe movement to protest further dema;e · to the envtronment "hu produced a M:rlcs ot 1maU mlraclH In collt'je oommunltles across the nation." Unlvenlty otIIILnoils!Udents W Ued301Qn.1 ot refuse lrom a creek near lhe Oiampal;n campus. Washlna­ton. D. C., law students brouaht lc;al 11c1lron recent!)' to !or~

lhe 1tant1lt authority 10 reduce pollu1lon from 11.!1 blJK'1. Texu Unlvtnlty 111.id<'nll manai('(l lo save some lr<'el that lhe unl­venlty h11d planned 10 cut down. Student1.a1 the State Uni· venlly of New York 1>revcn1ed the buBdozlna ol a 50 • ac re marsh on the edae of the c1m1, us . AU ol these " mlrade," have bttn accomplished peice­tully, the t,enalOC' note1.

WhUe k>ca l projects wlll lorm the ma~ focusot theAprU 22 Teach-Ins.Sen. Nelson1ug;eats tha l the ooocenu: voiced on lhal day may lead ultimately to "some radloul chaniH In our national habits."

"Are we prepared, for exam• ple,tomalte~lcmodlll· ca1lons In our l)'ltem to n· vene the iUsastrous trend .... todl1poseoldllpo1abll! bottles .... to levy some kind oftutoassurelhat junkcan are collccted and ffcycled .. , .to 11)' LO the o(J companle. that they must not drlll off• .tlon, . .... todcvelopaland-use policy, to 11y 'You must not detU'Oy anymor e'!"

Tiie Teach-lnl will help to dramatlu th6C' que1tlons. But Aprl l 22 wlll be 11 1ucce1sonly It It sperlui: "a nation.ti com­mhment to do tomethln&:," Sen. Nellon writes.

Punctu11llt)' - not bad, only one mlnuie ttlarded .

PetlOflallt)'- Pat Lucey type, "(t)Odllbera l"sort.ot pel'IOfl.

Pl)lltutt - standing erect with ha~ In and out ol: pockets, bounclna back and fOC'lh, ap. parenllyoutotalOUcilot.nerv· OUlllt'II, or a vrelerence lor exei'cl1e whlle 1peakln8, · o r a dire nttd to go poddy IOOO,

Margaret Mead :

Oeli\'ery - On tht whole, It was rather 1ood - but 1Ull rather loud and inconsiderate to people with han11:overs or to

"'°" w~ind his sub~t mat­ter 10 be r !her duU and Irre­levant but requlrei\ there Is no a ppear ce ol a~ kind o(

d)1eus1lon - II l.t; detinltt,ly a lecture or nnon on the Pod· Lum t)'pe ot ' thlng: he somehoW manage1 to keep his noce,tak­lng audience awake, allhoujh yawnlna J1 ,till quite preva­lent: (someone Jus t lit a pipe and t thou;ht .ome 11 a II o r might be addN to the clasa but lt '1 Juit ordinary tobacco) llngernail-blUnk:, ~plcldqa:, head-scratchlnK, and I nk I e s hakl,w seem to be the: more populir ac1lvlUe1 •moni thole In the clau.

E-Day And Women Prailinr the •·teach-In" on our

,nvlronmenlol crislf; plaMf;d for university campusel thll month os "a call to action," Dr. Mar­icarct Mead ur,N a.tudcnta lo set "prolectlon ol our planet" 111 a goal lor their l'C!n('f'ation.

Wrltinalnlhecurrffltluueol Redbook ma;azlnl!, just n.-ln ... 00.. the l•mous anthropoloal11 called upon young women In particular to "deYi!lop new kinds · ol partnerships with men" which wlll chana, the locus ol thei'r 1L11es lrom home and community to "concern !or the whole world."

Recalling tha t .... -oman'I tr1d­\1ional rQle hll been that c,J caretaker, Dr. Mead dedared. •·11 11 women's unremlttlnK car e for their lam!Uet and hornet" that 1houJdaerve u our "model" tor tuture CCJN.et'Yn• Uon.

" Modern womcn (althou&:h their roles ha\'e cha.need dru· IIC111ly) 11111 are, u 11o-omen al­"""il)'S have. been, carttaken ol persons and, equally, caretak· crs of the things that are ,1-sentlal to tho5e thcy loveani.l for whioH well-being they are responsible. And It is jw;t this -1"1."f;ponslble and de\'Olcd caro.'· taklna- that \1 the key to Uie luture. 1t 11 thl1 capaclly ton,­late thing, to the nffds of many lnl.livldU11l1 that mnke. po11lble vl;llance ottr a Hretlme and f . ..­genc.ratton at"'r &:cneratlon."

"We are nol dealln; with a crisis that can be overcome 11"'1

anerward foraouen," Dr. Mead warned. "What we must work toward, INtead, I, a way <.,I thinking tha t wlll encoura,e all men to beoome lhe vlgllant coruervalors of their Inheritance of earth nnd ai r . lhe waters of ponds and r lver1 and 1ea1, ,nd all the Ille ot the world."

Women cnn do this because "they have been constrvalors wllhout consclou1 lhouaht, and as\nsomanyotherth~•. us. uallywlthoutVlesupportlngfor­mal rulea and ~remonln th1't characterize men'1 Important nc1Mtlet1," Dr. Meed asserted in Red~k.

"Men,evt>nlh&-~tcarcful cohlervaton, have been taughl to think about the obltacles to ' be overcome and how IO over• come them and 10 live In an opener world (than wt1men). But women have al~t atway1 been la mlllar wlth closed 1y1tem1 and understand very -11 that SUt'\1val within them depend.I on contlnuln; care and the contlnu­ln; performance of the sam e tasks 01.·er and over aaatn." L

Sldenotes - A tes t will be held luter In the week - And 1])e Brat GoH On.

AJtrr cla.a.11 I asked one ot th,: 1tudents what th.It w,.iver­sl ty would be Uke If ""'e didn ' t look ror alterna te educational experlcniea. He replied, "A wsu.sieveN Point."

Out ot pure chance, It any ot you are looklna; !or better lhlng1 to do thls week. attend the faculty meetlna: Thursday evenln11: al 7 :45, and try to make 11 to the raliY befott then at 7:00 on the steps of thl! "Bastille." I shall be addreu­lng thole dear people that ,ve­nlng &net a li ttle moral 1upport mL1ht help.

Rlaht now I'd .'uke to aaln IOffle really ttlevant knowledae and watt:tt the Dick Cavett Show - 11'1 · more worthwhile th~ many ol: the clauet around her1!.

Finest in Live Entertain.ment ·

Pour Haus THURS. -

Sound , Street FRI.-SAT. -


O,,.o Dolly at S P.M.

Opoo Fridoy ot 2.,00 P.M. -.., ~ s.,., or 1,00 P.M. ·

Page 4: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

. ... •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_!:T~H~l ~PO~ IH~T~l~l ~~~~~~--'~ ~-~~~~~~~~~-:----:-·-::---::-::--~""=--"l--'9,~19~7.:_0

Opinions Hashed While f

THEODORE OLSEN, center, a Steven.a Point State UnJveraity alumnua who baa writ­ten 27 novels, two ol which have been adapted for the screen, di.scuued h.la work

:i~n,\:~~;~ ~~:!1•~:~~~~· =~~u~r p;~:i::; :o~:t~t:~,u:7~;:; !oc~: 7 lion.

Alumnus Author Succtu as a writer hU made

ltll.le chan&e in the 1lmpl1:" IL\'· 1111 lulblia of Thl.'Odon- Oben.

As M 1111 in o dlml>· Uahtcd rt"ftaurant hett, he 1lpped a &:lllll of ~r and munched on a erbply fried hamburier , A tew mild guUa\0-S •ttalnst friv~ Jous 20th century Ille ll)'let and a ~ pla1dlhln1<11.• rehl1only bttWfrom ob1cutll.)'.

'There \O'ere no Indications from hi.I mannerbms or his at­lltudu to hint thut hl1 71 nonll wrtuen In the pa:s,t 1s yeani broua;ht c:httks totaling many t~ands or dollars to hll uv. lnp ac<:OUnL OI.Sl'n '1 dttp 01-tachment L:I lM tranquil 1pane­ly populated foreSI and lnkr COW'IIQ' ot northern Wlleonsln prtvaUtd In his con\•ersatlon.

Al a IW"\her puadox, this disciple ot HelU')' Da\'ld n­n"au and opponent of • nythlng that th rca ltns bll'IU and anl· mab or quallly of llre Inger,.. eral, Hpttlally IJ'IO""mobllt'S, hu written a book being ada~ led lnto wha t Time .Magazine calls one of the ITI06t "lol~t and aut clutching lilms In hls-

"'"'· "Soldier Blue" will be rcJeu. ed to thn'atC'rs In Auguu, star­rina: Cl.ndi«! Btr&en and Kent Eutwood, IOCU!llng on atrodtlff ne~~r belore pul on the scrttn. Jt ls about the Sand Crttk Mas­uctt. a notorious 1~ 1l1tJih­ter ol Owyenne warriors by U.S. e&\'alrymtn.

A Sl00,000 cheek lor lhe movie rights to his book, " Ar· row in the Sun," 1.s Olsen's only . consolation lor the tact hls plot had been 1wbted lrorri a lt>ntle, hwnorous yam Into a sadistic anti.war pnxtuc:llon. His story ls about an Iowa farm boy and an Euttrn 10Clallte·1 method of ttklr!I out an txbttntt a ft er beln1 the only survl\'Ors of a mauaCTC'. But movlt producer RaJph Nelson ha.s madC' It lnlo "~ commentary on war." 1n one •=· a Union cavalryman cuts off a Q,ryenne'1 arm. then ahoots an old lndlan dlr«tly In the t ~. In another. a waaon runs ovtr a child·, le-gs, sever­Inc therri with gushes or blood. To pN)Vlde authenticity for the movie's n=rous mutllltlons. Nelson has hlf'«I adul t a nd chlld tinpul.tt'S , a f'C'Vltw 1n Time repol't('d .

Olsen 11 unlmprttsed with spe,culatlon th(' movie ""ill en-­hanoe his reputatSon In prolts· s lonal drclH. ..It eould only make me famous on the acor't of somtthlng I cannot dellve ,:-," he mus«!.

Puffin, heavily on ciaarettts, Olsc!n Waned back In a rnta~ ~t chair and ?Kalled how hls ON)' other book USNt lor movie adaptation hell)td hls career. ' 'nlc Stalking Moon," sta rring Eva Marie Saint and Crqory Pe,cj[, wu an appetlztr 101' hb II0\'1'1 by the sa.me name. About 300,000 oopi('s have be,en told. HOl'-ever, IOffl(' ol his lituer­lmmm 1111lrb h.ave bec.>n t \'tn

bettt r sellers bein&" ln print a lime,: ht: can rom11kte ll n0,·el longer time. In lwo months ""hlch usually

The 38,year-old Olffn becaml! mc1r11 $\S.000 for the lint print• lnttrnted u, writing a, a chlld ...,...Ing ol 100.000 ro11ll!'J. via ""'Orlu o ( Zane Crty and Edgar Rice BurrougM. "After araduation lrom hiah .ehool, I 1pent a year ball ing around at odd i()bs, a bllnd alley ~amt ol musical chairs which usually cnde(l .,.,ith my empk)yer point· ln1t a t the nearest door and lt ll lna me not to darken It again. My bl-phUC' handicap of lt'mpenntnt wa1 tha t I was a loner with a dislike for tak­ing ordC'rs, unlucky attrlbutt1 In today'• MK'ltty unlf'U you canflnd a1ubltl1 u1e lOC'~ sumlng rood," he rt'mlnbced.

Ourlni: that period he ;round out 1lx oo,•el1, lhl:-n gol dls­eourq:ed and enrolled a t Ste­\'C'fll Poln1 Statt Unh·cnlty. OI· t,t n rt'calls "when I .,.,'Un.I In clu.ses. I wu hunched o,•er a typc,wr\lC' r lnmy room, tum lng out more bad short 1torle1 and .,.,'Ont novels. I finally took a hard squint at the quality of my oulput, did ,ome careful rt"ll!arch on the Teita.t cattle drovers ot the Pqllll C:.,vll W1r C' ra, and spent ITIOll t or a year arindlng out a novel, which I promptly ae n1 to Gokl. ~!edal Books. the belt paytna: publlst,.. er In the paperback lit ld. Their return ol It wu conslder1b\y lust u prompt, .. he oneil wrntt in • biography.

Me1nwhllt . he met I nd took a course In creiuke writing from Engllsh proleuor Nor-man Knutttn, now retired. IT h e clan mH momlng.5 around a cofftt Pol In I rt'ltauranl, and Olsen now considers Knutzen a c:alalyst for tnc:outq:lng com• pos\Oon of !uture no,·ell.)

Olsttt received his bachelor's nf .IC.l('Tlce dtrrtt from Slt \·ens Point St•te In 1955 and ~umed to Rhinelander l::i Uve with his partnts and pursue 111Tlt1na: on a fu\J•tlme buls. Five lean )'C'Prs pf'C'«ded ~ ll.st11talnlng JlltUI in the profession.

He tnCOUraps any ""'OUld·be writt r to becomt a strict d!.5: clpllnari1n about working ha· bits. Olsen spends lour hours eachdayat hlsc:olt.age. loca· led In a growth of bln:h tre,es and J.sol.alll'd from everythln, but the buzz ol anowmoblles ln rura l Rhine lander , HI.I ' pen mo-,·es at a cautious. dellber· ate pace. And like Thoruu, he dl.lc::oura.gt.J vl.llton during hi, dally ttlrt'atJ by hav\ng only two chairs In hls work room­tor 1tU and IOllt\Ee - aialn, just llke111ote1u.

In mid April, he will marry MIU Jacqueline M.lrchalek. 'A-ho wiU. in hit \Wt'dl , lit a Ila• bl!Wnf: Influence on hli carttr. She ls a Rhlnel&Dder native currently woridng In Milwaukee u a kl:al MCtttuy. Ho,.-ever." ln ffl9nia&t he wUl only wr\ le at his cott.p - the couple will be a t home In Rhlnelalmr.

Time Is valuable - ,o m e-

Westenu are among hit ltw· orll~ subjeets lur f'IO\'tll, but Ol~n keep, a n open mind IOt' any Mlory 1ha t rould produce IC~ buok ,ales. lie has baled wme of hlJ wrltin11 on per· ,on.al experiences as a bartcn• der, and currently IJ doing 11 hi.ltorlul f'IO\'t l 11boul the Ille of J eflerson Davis who wu In Wisconsin tiiihllng In lhe lndl t1n Black Hawk War In the early

"""· Writlna: VI the langua,:e ol

the limes In which his noveb are some1lmet po1es p lcma. 1n his tempered kJnd

i.uahttr. Olsc'n recalled a dla1Q8 he com~ belwttn two cow pokH of the poll Ovll \\'11r period. " \'ou' re pulllnf: me on," he wrote. The edi tor Im· mitdlattly rl'mlnded him the cit· pretslon II a by.product o( the

'""'· Alttr a tw~hour visit with repre1cnu1ti\•eii ol Stevcrui Point Stnte's a lwnnl olllce 1tolf , 01· ten~ for-one ofhblnfn. .. qUO!'nt pictures, usured Profo,. '°" E~rit\1:§ Knuaen he W11.11

11111 • 11:ood disciple of Thortau, and put!~ away In hit six· cylinder !~model c:ar,

Two Authors Here April 11

T\o.\) authors .,.,.hole books 'J>­cus on American Negroes wlU s11e:ik April 11 ut a second ar,.. nu;,l hlstory lnltl1u1.e a t Stcvenj Point State Unl\•erslty.

Dr. Richard N. C\lnTnl. pro­fttSOr of history 111 the Univer­s ity ot North Carolina . will di .. c1111 "RecorutrucUon and the Nearo : Rectont Inttrpreotatklns" durln; the momlng sessio n which beglnJ II 10 a.m. In the ltt ture hall of the Class room C<.'nler.

GMn&: the luncheon addreu a t noon In the Dc!-Bol Centt r will be Df'. Abraham Q\apman, proleaor or Ena:llsh al StevimJ

~nt11~~~ o:;'8!~~; has t?'lplled on Afro-AmtNc:an llttratutt th.al I• among I h t ~t widely used 1em througt,.. out the COWltr}' Cor 1tudents ol th1t 1ubject.

Dr. CUrttnt hu ""Tlllen "Old Thad Stt\-"ffll," ' 'The Typewrl· ttr and U,e Men V.'ho Mlde I I," "Dank-.l 1Wtbl ltt and the Risl of Na1lonal Conser.·•· tlsm." ·"J'ht Uncotn N o b o dy Knows," " John C. Calhoun," and ' 'Three Carpe1bq Gow:r­non." He hu lectured a t c.m­pUIC'I on five c:ontinf:nu a.nd In 1962 wu Hanruwonh, Pn> In.IOI' of American Kbtory at Oxford University ln En&land.

£NTERT Al NM ENT ..:· c:-.:::i··;.;:::: llteratun' ))lned 1he St,evena

Tl·esha Poln, am,.. In"'' ... ''" ~ar tooli: a leave of ablence 10 be • visiting profeaot' at an alJ.Nqro university In

TONIGHT ' fhru SUNDAY, April 12 Te;:. IW3 writers plus mem-bers o( the Stevtnl Point Stale

TA.1:-ENT L.T.D.' ~11~~

1·:!..=~~pa! FRI. & SAT., APRl,L 10 & 11 ~';:E':.,~·='=°~,:!

The Echo Beer Bar ~f?~:E • ~ mO.. Norib-.t o1 St,eveu Polat rqilter by wrilin&: or calling ..,,, on Jllstlway lt . Stft'ens Point StalC''s extemion

'------------------' dM"'1n.

Cellist Here For Series

Ste,·e"' Point Slate Unlvtr· 1l1y·, ~ \'ounic Artist In Rttl· dence Serles w\11 tealUNI 1 ~ cl1a l t-"riday by II collllt who h111 lludltd with the famtd teacher-perl11irmer P1blo Cl·

The Grass Grows Green

N O. David Szepeuy, atslltant pro­

feuor or music at Northeu t MIHourl Sla te Colloiie In Klrb­vlJIC'. wUI be J)N!M.'nted In an I p.m . pn:,eram In the Wis­sin Room ot the University Ctn­ltr. His HIN:tiol\l wlll be worka ol Beethoven, Bllch, Rachmln-­fllf, Dv0r1k and Olopln.

0n Today, S:u!PtNY will be ""'C'lcomed to c:1U11pus at a r. c:tptlon In the Turner Room from 2 IQ 4 p.m .

On t~rldoy, he will spea k at a m u.le dllc:.uulon lffllon trom 2 t.:, 4 p.m . In the Wllc:.onsln Room . All thfff evenu are open to the public:.

SzeptHY wl ll be the third Youna 1rt1,1 IO vi.11 the campus this spring under a !ederally-1ponsored pror; ram promotin, the cul1ur1I arts.

H e be11an hi, cello studies wtlh his father at age le\'cn,

und l11er . studied with JIIIOI Starker, Frltt Mall and CasalJ. Al a member ol the Pitt.burl Symphony (or two yurs, he mad{' nn eic1cn1h•e concert lour ol Europe, the Near Eut and United S1aies.

With nearly • II of hit work complct l'<i for a doclora tt, Su,. pu1y now b diverting hb 11· tent lon l rum 11udylng lo touring •• a member of the Adair Trio of Nonh Eut Missouri State 11nd the KAptl Trio of New York Ci1y.


Faculty Meeting All 11h1llenU ""' Ull;ed to a l·

tend the laeulty me,etlng tonlpt a t 1 :.U, room l2S In UIC' CU.­room Centtr.

Sj){'aklf\11 111 ! he meetlna: rep­r('Sl.'nt1n¥ Stlldenl Senate, w\11 be Sl'nk>r Senator D.trryl Ger· mail).. He will speak Ql'I 1tUdcntJ havlnr 1pe11klng and ~"Otina: rights al faculty mttUnp.

Student Sena1e. at !heir las1 ml'eting, voted to I UJ)IIOrl ha\.'• Ing an ..-qua! \'Ollng voice with the l•eully at their meoe llnp.

" I don' t lhlnk UIC're IJ enouah iulown •bout m1rijuana to ~I•· llie II," - Dc!-tccllve Jim Wide.

" It (m111juanal lobka eood for Jeaallutlon, but we don 't tuove mouch lacm '° 10 on (r~ gardln1thelegallu!lonot m1r­lJuana ) at thll time." - Dr. Leonard Gibb. ,

" It II the moUve of ,very lndlvldual to have the lrel'dorn and w rir;ht to do ..... h,t UIC'y w1ntlOdoasJonaa1they don't ha rm IOCltty .. , I don' t lhlnk the law wlll 1top the l&H

ot pot." - Dr, Robert Rouda. Th~. some 89 partlclpanta of

the MJIM 21 Fo,urn, sponlOf'td by the Communlc1UOn Depart· ment, were confronl.ed w I t h three conntctln, oplnk>ns about one oonntctln, tuue - marl· Juanti . ,-

The Forum rtlO!ved : that prohibition on poueulon and use of m 1rijuana be abollshitd. 'OW! panel members Included Df'. Robert Rouda, WSU Clem· lst,y Department; Dr. Ltonard Gibb, Student Affairs, WSU: a nd De1ecllve Jim Wade, Ste­\'tn, Point Police Department.

O:lntroversy ol the muijuana tuue _, bued not oo the le­aallzlng ot the drus, but .... 11eth­er the i.w has the r11ht to restrlc:1 • person from dolng wlat he free ly wilhH to do. Al one 1 ix11tnce ~ mber re­m1rktd, " II the ,ovemment put. ru~• on mo..-allt)', lhls will only breed mor'e contempt for the i<)\'tmmtnt."

Thl1 conwmpt for tho aovem­ment, 11ated ooe a\Elence mtmber, la the mull of the

• pttlfflt world 1trffl ol over­population. Ule hu bttome more difficult, ,ubjectlnr; ~ µle to become dctpondent. Sffk· Inc an escape, these people have turned to drup.

Thls HClpe ,OOlt hU tu.med WI Into product. of the "bottle: 11enera1loo,.. Or. Gibb ,aid. When we suffer an ache or pain, we au1omallu lly rely oo the Ultlfo whJIC' plll as the ln-11tant c:11re,.aU.

He slllled that the pre1tnl generatlonotdrugusersiJthe resul t o! their d r u re-addicted forebtaru11 who hive rHOrted to 1uch drup as aloohol, diet 1,1llls and tobacco.

Gibb ukl II ii an Jndlvldua.l dtclllon u to what peos"e do with their bodle1. but 11tres1ed that mnny of tholl,e who eitperi· ment with drugs may not bt mature fflOUlh to reallu the lull potential of their 1ctkins.

S111tlng thut ma rijuana has been ulC'd tor thousancb or years, Dr. Rooda tald nothing hu come up that would CONll· IU I(' any lona•term bad ef!ec lS. He al.to tal.d no conclusive tvl. dence hu 1holll-n that people u11ln&" marijuana tend to commit

Seniors Shot In Van Hise

Senior pcturn will be taken April 13-11. Slr;n-up for these pictures will be April u i t the lnform.atlon DHk In the Unlvtr-1lty Ctnter.

Resume' Of Blood Drive Denr Editor, s\ty O,rtst l1n FeU:,v.'ahlp. Knunt• '

The American ~ Crou Zffl Hall, NHle Hall, Phi Mu BloodmobUe, which is 1~r- Alpha Slnfonlna, Pb! Slama E~ ed by Alpha Phi Om('fl;a and ,111on FnlC'mlt)'. Pla~rs. Pray ,•J.s lted tht Campus March 11, Ha ll. P.ov.'der Putt Ski Oub, 18. 19th, wu very succent ul. Rang,,..., Roach Hall . Schmee-Due to the largt tumout or stu- ckle Hall, Slam• Phi EP1Uon dents the quola or "50 wu 1ur- Fnttmlty, Sl1m. Pl Fntem.. pas.lC'd, with 659 pint. collected. lty, Si.l[m• Tau Cantm9 Fnt·

Result. or the compctltion on unity. Simi Hall , Smith Hall , which 11 on • percenlait ba· Soll OlnsH'Vation Soclely of tis, s tio....11 Delta Sl,irma Phi America , Steiner Hall , Student f'ra ternil)', Theta Phi Alpha Senate, Tau Kappa Epallon Fra. S:Jrority, Jiy('r Hall, a.nd Stein· IC'mity. Theta Phi Alpha Soror• er Hall •re the winners IOC' tty, ThorMon Hall, WatJon Hall. this bloodmobile. HO'A"tver. to Womtn or the Whiting, Zero complete lhe lbt .,.,.e must r;lve Population Growth, Inc. (:ttdl t to a ll Ol'gllnizltioM who A · i.l'lt 1lfflount of thanka I I\"(' blood : Alpha Camm a, Al- Soll' to the - o( Tbei..

~ee':'1AJ5;::1s~~J)ha ~ =ls~lhe ~ ':°"~::

rority, Baldwin Ha ll , BurrouaM tttn •nd helped packap the Hall, Delta Sigma Phi FnlC'm-- blood durlf'l:J the thre,e day vblL lty, Delta Zei../ Sorority, 4>el- TOM SCHULTE ze\l Hall , Ce~ Oub, Han- av.RUE CRVENKE sen Hall , Hy~r \..all. lnlft'.Var- APO ~mobUe Oia.ltmC'n·

Cost Of Learning Still Soaring

CollS • '°" mo1t 1tudmtJ at• ttndlni 1M nine Wilconlln Stan: UnlversJtlea and lldng In uni­,~rslty haliJ will incrHH about $100 nex1 yt1r the WSU aylt.em oll lc:e In Ma.dllon reports.

For Wllconsln undoeran,duatN lht -i ror fte1. room · and board In 1910-TI wUJ be about S67S per semtsltt OC' $1,350 for lhe •cademlcyear,

Despite the tncreue, · a new optlonlil lnlladlment pa.ymrnt p1anwt11ma1tt11eu.1eTrorstn· dents and their lamlllea to P'IY Wl.h'ttllll)' blU., Uid Robttt W, Winter, M9dlaon. WSU 1yslC'm aalsla(lt dlttdo.- tor bullne:a affairs..

He-re b how the new plan wUI 'NOrk :

BefOn' daues start', the Wls­eonsln M\ldent w\11 make ad­Vanc:t .-ymmts or SJ:I tor ,_ and J:iO tor room and board. About the nuddle of ~ber he wW ~Y , PS!ftJJdmat.ely $120 ud hi wW make p-,menll o(

•bout n 10 uch rn October anc1 November and $155 In Deeem-

""· -A 11lmll,,r ac:hedule wUl be fol-lowtd tor lhe Jeeond semester .

The service ch&rse of t per cent on the unp,.ld balance will amount to about no per ffm­ellCT or SJ:I tor the year for such studeni..

Students not living In unlver-1lty halla wlU be billed by the untverslty only for lea. which will total about S225 Pt!' semn· te,r or $4:iO for the •c.demk year torWlloonsln~IC'II. Thole chooalnJ the t.n.tallmrnt plan will PliY servlce chafTl!!I ol about S2.

FHS tor Wllconlln ,raduate­students wW br an addldonal S5I for the academic year. Non­rnklent studenu will psy "" addldonal mo Jp fC'.ft ror un-A dtrpaduatn and I.II additional Sl,112 for ,nduate 1tudena. The lmtallmC'ot plan bl opdonal br' both f'Nldenta qd out..a( alateatudeata.

more cr1mtt, COntradlc tln&" Rood•'• claim,

Detective Wade aald • Califor­nia 11udy indle.1te1 the juverine erlme ra te s1eamln1t from dru& UN lJ ri1lng. Beuuse of thll, t11h1er cha rars have bffn Im· poled .on drua pu,hera.

Qlmmentlna on the Stevens Point area, Wade N ld young people have been on suth drup u 1cld and opium. lie 11.o 11•ted that the prnent dNI problem here ts mott prevelant now thaft It w11 fi ve yurs 110,

Wade ,aid - do net'd laws to protect .ociety, but added he beUeves IOtf\C' I IWII a re wron,. S.ld Wade, " I d o n' t think ita:1llzlna It lmar1Juana) wlll make II work." '

Rouda oxnmtn~ tha t the government should cont*m 11· 11tll wilh real drul: probltma like herotne and "ie•ve the pot 1moker1 -.Jone." He 11ld lhe

. "i.w ls the 1reat big problem !hit we have," be Ina oonvim:­C'd leaaJWng pot would not: in. C:rC'lle dNK Ullt.

One audlmce m(mber com­menltd oo the P9ychoJot\c:al de­pendence one may have on mart.Juana, comparing It to a

baby nttdlng • bottle. J ustifying th!, "p.ycholo(licaJ

d11111ndence," _.anothtir membtr ol the 1udlence 1111d bt"lnr htab hu been responsible for IIOln., o( the &ffllHt arllitJ c: Ind p,;e. tic worka created .

0,:-, Gibb lllltd that, h Ht medica l 1clMtlsts have 1,11.nd no re1ults to subltan1l1te u~ theory that one 11 more crr ;itiv, when on dru11. He also uld If you learn IOn'ltthlnc In • drua 1tate you may not bt •bit to USC' II In a non-drug 1111,

Gibb SUUeJted lonfltudlnal reat1rch into the mari.lu.an. I'" 1111e,1tatlngthat atprt1ent, wt 1re In no position to " lnw marijuana on IOClety,"

Aa on, audience membtr 0 . prtued, It bi fUtllt 10 be Ofl rhe con • kle lot m1ri.Jus1111 Today, people netd an tttar,t, unlels they PoUeu the trno, tlonal stabUlt)' lo be on a ··111-tunl hlah." Ule hu beeorn, c:ompllcal.ed b)' ovtr·populatlon 11nd under-nutrition. Pe ople ne,ed •n ffClpt; marijuana pro, vlde1 lhal esc:1pe. The only WI)' to elimina te the escape h lo eliminate the cause ol the''" c1pe.


Apr, 9 - Southc!m Door Coun1y, BnaHIJ, Wla .• 10 1.m. 1o 12 noon, Kdrcn .. Gr,· 2, Gr. s. Jr. H. Ena., Girls' Phy Ed, Ubruy, H.S. Ind. Art.Metal•.

Cudahy Public Schoola, 10 a.m. to j p.m. Primary Gra., lnterm. Cl"L, Elem., Sdence, Math.

AprU 10 - Y11der11 Public Soohola. 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Kdrn .. En1~ EnJ . .Speech. Sc:J:c· Sd. CHla.l.

AprU lJ - Waterloo Public Schools, 1 to 4 p.m. Mtth. 1-S, Dia. 7-8-9. History.

April 14 - D. C. Evere,s1 Area Schoola CRothachlldSehofltkU, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kdgn .• Gradn l , 2, 3, 4, 5, Ena.·Soc. St .. R.eadlna-Or. 6. Sci. 7'8, Spanish 1.s: Jr. H. Vocal lohllk, Jr. H. Boys' Phy' Ed., Clrla' Phy. Ed., Eng. 7,& Jr. J{. lndut. Arts, R.emedhll Reading 741, Art. Ubrart.n, Counselor-Woman. Spedal Ed. Sr . H lah - au,. Ed., Eng. 9, Algtbra.. Phy&ltal $d. 9, Sr. Set. 12. European Hl1tory, lndm. Aru-Dr. Ed .• Cltla' Phy Ed, Bo)'11' Phy. Ed., Counselor.

Apr. U - Waukeaan •City Schoola, DUnols, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. l · Gr . 1 throu1h 6, Jr. IL Math:, J r . H. Phy Ed .. Jr. H. Lang. Art.I/Soc Sd., Elem Phy. Ed., Vocal Mmlc,Elem.

April 11 - Auburndale Public Schools. 9 a.m. to ,t p.m. Gradtl K~ (Grs. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, s.61, Cr. 7'8 l...&n&, Arta, Jr. H. Scltnct, Math .• Jr. H. Soc. SL, H. S. Head Wrestlinr; Coach. 1 BoYt' Phy Ed .. ph)'IIICl•Adv. M•lh., I AIIIL Football.

Wlnenberg Public Schoola, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gr. 6, 2 M\WC' Elem., 2 Art, Gr. 7.9 Earth ~.-Ute Sd.. Kd,n.

APr . 2.0 - Baldwin Community Schoola, Baldwin, Mlchlpn.

~:,1·p:/ &_~~Jin~~i;;_ ~~. CorrtctJon, Cr. 't'. Elem.

Bonduel Publl, Schoo,.. 9 L= •• u,.m. Ch<mb"Y· (

Athf!IUI Public Schools. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Soc. Sd.·Buketball Coac:h., En1., Phy. FA IWon'IC'n). Spanlsh·En&., Gr. 2-.l, Gr. U.

Apr, !I - EdJrerton Community Schoola, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dtm. Art. Elem. Vocal Mwlc:-. Primary and Intemi. Grades, Eltm. Speech Thtrapy, Ena., H.S. Math., HS. Science, HS. Instr. Mu,lc. H.S. Glrla' Phy, Ed.

Pulukl Public Schools, 10 a.m.m to 2 p.m. Vacancies •iU be pot:ftd..

April t! - Elkhorn P ublic Schoola, 9 a.m. n, 4 p.m. Spanlsl'l. Cr. 4 OI" 5 ( man ), Elem. Art. Clrla' Phy, Ed .. Gr. 5--6 Team Teachlna, Gr. 4, Home Ee.

Tir;erton Public School&. J p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phy. Ed. ()Ian \· B.B. Coach. Ekm. Art. Bua. Ed., er. 6. Ena . .soc. s. 7-&

April %4. - New Berlin Public Sc:hools, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. WW lnten1tw all lnteruted undldalff.


SOLVED FOREVER Now thiere is no reason f Of' any man Of' woman to suf­fer from unwonted, unattract ive hair on the face, or e lsewhere. Electrolysis is the sur.e woy to remove hoir permanent ly, and with no d iscomfOl't. A gentle short

;;~1;:::t~':":s.;w;:~.st:1 :::~l~~e/o F:: con.sultolion. FOi' on appointment, colt ~ .




1000 Prent ice St. Stevens Point, W is. 54481

COLD DUCK (State Unlnnity

Lihf.ery Me1u:inel

Is Migrating To Sletens Poinl!

Loolt For It On SoJe At The Unh'enity Cnt.r I• Early May.,

Only 50c 50" of ....

~ · Juo ,,.. WSU-Strt ... .....

Page 5: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

April 9, 1970 THI POIHTll

Ken Ritzenthaler Wins Medal Of Honor Again

Clark Tells Bookmaking Techniques

l\l'fl ltill.entha1t-r haa led the \\'!•NNln Sta te Unl \'C'rslty Q,n. frrl'nct 's bllikt-lbu. 11 slatllllc, r.ir tht past three 1C1110n1 in o,·LJ soot accuracy, but his ulh· i.-t~ llfO"'i·eu U not the only 1r,llt 1.o1aesscd by the U::arabou .,•n11Jr

w,-driesday, lor the second ,1rnlJhl )'t llr, he wu named :-1..- .i1J l'\11nt 1 rt.<eh11l'nl o, !.Le wsuc Med11I or Honor ... pre· .. ·nled aMually to the athlcle "'hl) dllµt1y1 lhe icttatcst con1· t111allon of ablllly , both a thlctl, oil)' and academically. ~ ... furwan:I 1ct a con,

!trence ttc:onl In his so11ho; nlOl't' yHr whm he shot a bll1-1trinc ~percent lrom 1he ht'ltl He manaa::td a !Ii p('r c~nl mark In his Junior ye11r ~nd th is JWUI sea10n had a M 1 ... r c..-n t mark.

In June he' will 1radu1Ue with h,nun wl lh 11 11111lnr In m~'"" · mJ t1..-a . 1tch,,111n o\'\'rlllliradl: l'-'ml ot :UO and had a perl~t four 1Nlnl the fin! semnter u1hl1.}unlor)'ear.

Rlll<"nthaler Is one of t,a;"l ,thlt1t1 to ru,i~"t' the Medal

ol llonor '°" lhc se«ond 1tral.11ht )~.,. T.im C111rk of Eau Clain:! a l!IO

hal ~ n n1m,'<I lor the honQr ~ ~ .. cvnd strala::hl )'ear .

Tht Medal ot Honor Is 11ward· td CI Ch )'fill' 10 the mOlt OUI• ,mnd\n~ scholar-athlete from r;irh or !he nine conlcrence ~rhoo!s. 1l\C nward ls prcwnt· ffl to thf'junk>rorscnlor cx, h!bit!J11 lhe 1reate5t eombln:i· 11.>n o l perfor mance and arhlc\~ment In scholanhlp, a1hlftle1. and leadcrthip.

01uk, a 1tnlor from Augu.s-­t~. rff1.'l\•td alk:onference re-c• c'!;mtioo a t dtf~nsi\'C end In 19611 anJ '69 whlle also t-amlna:: :i J H scholutlc a\·e r11ge with a ma)'lr In eom11n.'ht>nsl\·c ac, NU11Un1,

Olhtr 11,i M crs for the 196~ 10 school yt-ar a re N'l'd Pelhnann of l.3 O'olse, Frank Kln11 teder i:,J Oshlu:ith, Tom Barth ol Pl1ttr\'ltlc , Ken Flouro of Rh't'r r ,u,. Loula lafena.ko ol Stou1. Da\'t Pettit ot Superior . .lll'ld J~U HutttnbYri of Whitewater. Conltren« Commi11klner trect

J•cob)' explalnl that thl'ff qual· !liutkiru are ntttlllU')' for con­tldcutlon In IIWllrdinll: the ~k• d1I of Honor : 1 - Athletic abll· !I)' i nd performance: 2 - Aca· demlc applica tion and l)trfor-

mance : l - School leadenhlii llndcll~ruhlp. ,

Alhlcllc dep,irlment membtrs a t o ch lnstl lullon sclecled the lollowln1 wlnoers :

~mllJI P . Clark, Eau Caire - The all-eonfcr cnce dl'fcnah•e end ran lor lour touchdO<Nns with l\lmbh.•s during his c111reer Including one !or II record 114 ya rds. The AUllUlta 11enlor made the Denn·s 1111 1tvtn times and rttt-lvtd 1he Oll11-1Jtwa Vnlll:!y Board of Realtor!II Scholarship and the Alumni Scholarship previously w h I I c c:ompllln1 • l .14 1rade µolnl attraec In con11)1't'hen1lve ac­countlna: .

NN.I D . PcllmaM, La Oouo1 - n lt' W11uwatoaa Jenlor with a 1ohy1lcal educ:11tlon major and n1at~m11tlcs mltlOf' tarotd 1

l .~ icrade point averace, made the Dean's 11st and athlttc 's honor roll , 11nd eamtd a Coate 1cholas1Jc scholarshlp. Ills a th , le llc 11chlt-vements lncludtd • ('Ol\ fel't'nce hlah Jump chamo, lonshlp with a rec:ord J,eap of 6 ftt t 8'( Inches.

t"'r11nk Klnatedl'r, Oshkqah -Ills coaches say this New 'Berlin senior h.as done more to pro, mole Titan wrt1tlln1 than any­one. lie tamed a 2.1 a\•tra1e wllh II ma)or In tlnlll'IC:t, won th e c:onft l't'.nct 123. po.und ch11m11lonshlp In 1969. and w.,• namt(t the 1chool'1 captain and mOil l valuable wresticr thll )'ta r .

. ~mas Banh. Pla tteville -A ruiuted homcl0\\1\ product. foolbllll Uncbackcr, and base­ba ll tint baltman, made the Dean's llat and !he alkonfcr­cnce foo1ball team. Tht junior history major and ph), lcal edu-­catlon minor also accumulatl'd a J.JS 1 rade point averaae.

Ken Flouro.' River Falls -?.1llthemntlc1 a nd wresUlni;t domln11te thl1 Horicon senior'• 111tentlon. He eamed • 3.0 class­room average II a math major and 1h11 )-tar became the 1choo1'1 wlnnlngnt WN!ltlcr. leavlni:: behind the Falcon rr,.,. Ord ol 12 vlctorlel, nine de­feats, and three lies.

Louis Mcnako, Stout - Tlt'e Oak Creek 1enklr has excelled In Industrial education, twlm· mln11:. and tenniJ durlria his )'tars at S1out. ()>captain ol the 1968-69 swlmmlna:: team. he also eomtd a 3.2.f. s.cholutlc


Stevoos Point Brewery 2617 Weter St.

averal(t and reec l\°C!d the S\otl l Medall loo Awa n:I.

Da\·e Petti!, Supt>rklr - St. ClaLnvUle, Ohlo·11L!t to Super· lot- played itu.trd In lootball fnr lour years, w~Utd one au­son, and ... 1i,1ed as student trainer . TIit 1ihy1lca l educailon major e11med a l .38 1rade JIO lnl 11 vcr111e and will xnduate with honon In J une.

J el!rey t.. lluttenbuh, Whl1e­w1ter - M • icencnl b!Mlllft, major, this Appleton senior ~1\1 a cumulallve a::rade point averaae or 3.45. earned sc:ho­lu tlc honors N 10 stralxht ycan, and sllU mana1ed to play such ouutandln1 toolba.11 thlt he wu named to the all-conlerence tea m at de renslve end.

Student Speakers Biueau

A new departmental orsanlu· lion Q nov.• btlfllt U labl11hed In the Department of Commun• lc:11!100 to meet the ne-Nt '°" 11 centra l 11gcncy lO serve 1tu­dcnt 11Je11.kers 11nd civic Of'llnl• zat lons. Up to th is time ll has been dlfllcult tor studenu who a rr Interes ted In 1peaklni out­sldt of lhe camJ)UI to m ake 111tlslaclol')' arTan&:ementa. ll hAI likewise bcC!n dlflkult for civic orianluliol\s lnttresled ln 1tudCl)I speaken to c:orllact the Interested pe"°"'. For !hele nuons the Depa rtment or Communication la 1ponl0rln1 the Student Spe11ker'1 Buruu to handle lhe reqlJCIII of both 11udcnu and oraanl.J:o. tloM.

.. At the prul.'nt time student apcaken uoi? being souaht 11nd a student Board of Cove.mors la kin& u tablWied to assla t the cki:>'rtment \JI sen lna &i­reau pol icy. As IOOn as a snt· lafactory number ot sludtl)IS havet rra::\l tel'C!d with the J3u. r eau, material will be 1ent 10 clvk ori11nlutlons In surround· in& communities.

Thla 11 an excellen1 oppor· • tunlty not only for 1t~nta to l(e t valuable public speaklni tit· perlence~bu !so to let people ou11lde of unlversl1¥ know what arc ln leres ttd In and concerned about. Any students that arr Interested In f'l'lllte r• Ing as • 1todent 1pe..ku or are Interested In bein&" on the Boln:I ot C.O.·emon arr UJ'led to come In and talk with Rlct.­a n:I Roatrs, Oll Maln, extension 238.

Students For Speeches A speakers bureau has been

cn11bllahed at Stevena Point State Unlvtnlly to book s tudcnta for 1peeches btfore olf-campu1 Ofi:an\u.tlons thn;io.&hout Centrul Wisconlln.

It will be directed by the com· munlcatlons dl.'partmcnt und.-r the Initia l' 1upervUllon o! 111· s tructor Rldu.rd S. R.oters.

n,e new 1trvlcc Is the 1tcond of Ill kind on campus, I.he Of· flee of newt _A!)d publkatloos has for st'Ycral)·tandlrttled a. speakcn buru u lor mcmbcn of t~ l11cul1y,

Rot(t'n said. " Up to this tlmt II ha.I been dllOcult for civic Or· 1anlut\.onl to contact studenU who ue lntercs~ In preHntlna prol"arns. It ha.I been equally dltrlcult for- studenU to reach ouukSe of the campus to tJt· preu their kkas to pcnorw 001 conneeted with the unlvenlty."

Prospective student 1peaken are bttnc souiht and a student board d govemors b btlni H­tablllhed In stttln&: bure11u pol. Icy. JJ soon aa a salilfac!Ol')' number or studenU have ttr:I•· tcred. the bureau will commfflpt, malllna lnlorm11tlon to orran!UI· ...... .

J im Clark, dlreclOr of Intra• murals al StcvtnS Point State, will be p,1.rt or a panel dllculs­tnc the proper -Y• and tttt.­nlquct ol kccplna accurate re&

onts a t the 21st Annual Natklnal Intramura l Altoelatlon Olnltr• tnce a t the Alr Force Academy

~ll'l?>:;;t Sprlnp, Colo ,

C111rk, who 11 alao Stevens Point 's baseball «>ach, will ad, dl't'U the COl'IYfllU0n on the fl • na l day. 11\t other m1niben Ill thl1 panel will be Dou1 Mooney, C.1t Ttth : }1oyd Wilson, llar­van:I: and Harold Wtlb, North· em Ullnola.

111 the lour years Oark ha.I headed the lntramunl l)l'Olram at Steven.I Point he haa lffn the proaram &TOW some 300 per c«it. "Al the Unlvt nlty a rew so did our proaram," H id Ourk . .. But a bit portion or w. icrowth rrflecls to the new con· ce-pt of competit ion. " We have a wlna:: • concept whereby a lellow Is tntered on • ltam ac• cordln,: to the dorm wlna In which he lives. This way one dorm can have as many u 11 tean'UI and makes lor better competition. We foel that th.r men llvlna tofl:e!.hcr should have an opportunlly to compele llh­lctlcaUy U>KeUl('r .

Al the ptt1ent time a total of 11 different sports are contnt• ed Heh yea r ..... 11h !he loolbii ll f)N)Kram growing lrom some 311 tu rns four years al() lO over l20al lhe l>n"llent time .

Trip With The Tripper TIie' U.A.B. T'rlppen have

planned two eitdtina trlPI for a ll ) 'OU adventurista on the wttk· end or April 11. Our tint rock­mountain cllmblna trip ot ' the 1prtn1 wlll bt held 11t Devils Lake from April 17th to Ap,11 19th - three big doys ol climb­ing, campina i nd fun . Every.

~1:1~~~~!:0~:~r~ nl"C.'d II your own 1\eepln1 l»IC llnd $6.00 to cottr I.he coats ol the trip. ..

Our ltcond trip; lncl!Jdff 1wn afternoon c1noetn1 triPI on the Plo\'e r Rlvtr-<ine on Sa1un:l.ay, April 18, arwl the other on Su.'l· day. APTII 19. from 12 :30 p.m. to about 4:30 p.m. each day. CII\Off 11nd tranlportatlon are provlded. The cost for each ce.noelng trip 11 U.50 per penon. Sli;n up lor t.,oth mountain c:llmli­lnit and canoeing trip, In the tunntl April 1.Sth, bcN.·cen I :JO a.m . and 12:30 p.m.

On Monday, Apri l 200,, the Trippers will hold • se«nd or-1anl.uOonal mtttlna: for tho ll'Out rlshln&: trip to Northern Wlaconsln, to be held the week• end ol May 1.51h. TI'II! area hu small and larae strums to l\-1i In, wllh Brook. BrlM-1\ and Ra in· bow Trout. Be sure to brlnit your Ideas to the mc«in.it -:­that 's April W1h, at 1 :00 p.m. In the Dod11:e Room of the Uni• \~rslly C.entcr . All 1tudents and facu\1y ~~!come.

Are Social Sciences Rele_vant To Today

Are I.he soc1aJ sciences rele,, v1111t to prnent social prob, ~ms? Thls Is the subject ot the Alpha Gamma £nay Con­tes t which ls open to all under, gra.duo.les In Kood st.anding with !he unlvtnlly, exdudin( Alpha Camma members. The HAY• can be on a ny phale ot the social aclences and may bl!! ot any lenath. They should also be: type-writlftl, double spaced, and submltled to the Stodtnt A.ctlvltlct Officf: On or befON! Friday, April 24. The first prize wl.LI bl S20 a.nd the winner's name wlll be enara ttd upon the Alpha Gamma awa r d plaque. $10 will be awarded for second place and $5 tor thln:I place. i,-or further lnlonnatlon contact ell.her Rod TIiiman, 342 Knutzen, extensiOn 608 or SUe K. Andenon, m Neale, urtcn-

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50 SPSU Alums At Dinner In DC

WSU Staffers Cited For ·Economy

About 50 alumni ot Steve,. Point Slate Unh·llnl ty d1ntd to. 1ethe r Thursday nlaht a t Uld lnte'"™IUooal Oub In Washing, ton. D.C., and heard how their a lma matl'r la excrclalnic ln­Ouence lhrouatioot the wc,rld.

TIie paMy marked formation or a Wuhincion Arta Alumni Club, and ln an endance \l.tre 1ienot11 who rndualtd bttwten 1917 and 1969.

Tlle honortd aue:11, ProttNOr. Mark Cates or the pQlitlcal ,c\. ence usoclation, waa made namesake oJ the oraanlzallion . He waa d ttd for hb won: In ~pofm& many youn& mm and \l.'Omen lor aovemmtnt•relattd PolllklN. nptdaJly In the na­tlon'a caJ)ltal.

Cu1n told !he INJUP hla de­poMment wa, movln(l Into the malnatru m ot Amt ritan pr'C)b.

~-::.~n~:;~~;~lar;;:. Uon and the pol.Ltlea at lhe en­vironment. He aald hl1 col· learUN have "ere-at con«rn

: :i c::; ~~n~ ':9 c: !ta."

To 1uppon f:fflphHla on aav. lna the quality of life In Amer· lea, Cates 1nnounctd that hi• department h.a1 hired a ne,v m11nw~ tratnlnclrithepoU· tics of Uie environment h.lio\'" Included rttelpt ol a blchtlor'1 de1ree In en&inffrina, mHter·• In blo)ocy and,doctorate In poll­llcal science.

CIIH, who will become th11 chairman or polltleal sclcnce In J uly, said he w!U auppon prv,, l(nma to cet 1tude-nu Into the ¥hCllOil and to ovcneas 11lact1 111 pnrt of !heir undera radutHe tducaUons. He 1lso expreu,'<I hope the enrollment ol Steven~ Point State could be Jlml~ to a.u,ue quality ln1tructlon.

EarUer, Gordon Mulick. a Stevens Point native now t-m· plqytd In Wllhlnru,n u a coni• munlcaUoru: attomt-y, uld the plannln& committee !Or the din· ncr p,1.rty decided to name the new club !or Cates bttaUJe or hla lrulatence on lnstlllln& t~ Importance of public serv ice among the student body. Cltr., was then preM.'nled a 11laquo1 comnwmora1ln1 the occasion.

Unlvenlly President Ltt S. Dr,:,yfus told the alums tha l SPSU la being cal~ Ul)OO by 1tatceducalionofOclab to place "lnlenM .. emphasis on R\'f'nl prorrams. He said his unlver, 11ty would promo!(, natural ~ IOUfcn, education ol the per· cC'ptuaUy handlCllp~. llnd pro. crams tor the cult,ually and ec:ooomlcally dlaad\·a ntaced,

S1evl't'II_Ptilnt'1 Involvement with the U.S. Aamcy for Inter­national Development support­Ing hlahcr education in South Vietnam " pu.11 us ln a new 1.ua:ue." he added. " I hope It makes the tacully rea llu they rra lly are bettC'r than th ey think."

11\t problem of 1lzc a t Ste­vens Point wa.s mendoned us a key prablcm ol the 19TOI, Dreyflls a.a.Id ,a;lth - hlcn­way1 to 1>e conatruc~ through central WlsC01Uln thl1 dec11de, S1evffl1 POU!t will become the c~.sroadl ol I.he st.ate "Our

unlvenlly could work toward a 20,000 enrollmenl , but 11, e don' t want to. Wc' rl! thlnklfl.¥ more In te""1 of 10,000. •·

SZudcnt Senate President Wa l, h,ce Thltl , whll Willl In WAlh­J,ni::ton that, duy YlaJ!lnj; frk-nds,

0'18-tle 11n unexpected a1,pear• ante at the p11.rty And told the 11 Jum1 to "watch the atudenta In the ' 10. beCIUM! they will be lon:eful In 111earhl:11dlr1M needed cban&e In IOClety."

Jn Uie a udience 11,·e re a luma now dolria: a::r aduate work In Washluaion, O)Yllmnwnt WOl'k· en, teachers , and ttprt-M!nta· tlves of Wlsconsln ronareumcn and senalOn. Robert Fnl('hklt, aNlatant wcret.ary 'of delen1t, rrpttSented Defense Sccrrt.ary Melvin R. Laird.-

Besides Or, te1, honored ltue!•U Wl!rt' Robert Konos1&cky, Ste­ve111 Point, pl't'lld.int of~• SPSU Alumni Associa tion : In . Otan Brundari:e. clau of 911 and faculty member In the io&Y depanment a ha lf-century aio: Dr. C. Jo&eph Nlk'l1t, pro­\-ot t and executive vice prnl· dent of C..1hoUc Unlver1l1y of Amtrlca who lut )lay w a s nurnC'd outslandlnl( aLumnu•: and Alumni Director and Mrs. Rick Frederick.

0...'f)'I lf111enohrl and Edward CnbOilkl, cJvll1t.'rvlet1 em1,luye1 at S1ev- Pulnt Stal41 Unlver• 1lty, have been died for mak• Ing 1uqe1tlons that will save uu::payer dollars In the opera• lion of public lnstllutJot..

Miu Hasmohrl . account clerk on the controller·, s t.a ll, recetv • ed a S2S check f« devlslnc a 1y1tem of 11 bbrcvla tlons that can bl! uaed on vouchers , lei, ters a nd envelopes and result In a 1avlna:1 of time for Ncre­ta rlet.

Cr11bolkl. admlnlstrallve aa­sla tant In the leamLna l't''°'-!n:ff

center, recel\'ed a merit certl· flcate for a IUU"Hllon to cat.a· Iott periodicals on cards on sui>­ply in the unlvenl ty lnltead or urderlng t ptclal ones 0n > contractwtl blUla. He then ha.I the cards prvceue,d ~ the dui>­llcalln&" depanment lnaltad of hiring a profeulonal prln tl!r.

Personnel Technician To n y 13ol'ICth 1111d the awan:1s were elven as pan of a con1tnuln& merit provra m 1poruortd by lhc St.ate Deportment of Admln­lstration to prom(ite 1rea1er tf· ficlencyand c.o.t 1avlnic1 In tu• 1upported lnstl tutklna of WL1-""'ln.

ROTC QUEEN - Miu Cheryl Longwltz., daughter of Mr. and MrB. Robe.rt Longwitz. of 215 Frame Ave., i\Vauk(>aha, wu crowned u queen of the Stevens, Point State. Univel'lity ROTC unit. The coronation wu held during lhe military ball attended by about 250 persona. Mias Longwitz., a junior majoring in ftnglilh at Stevens Point State., was aelected from a group of­five finalists in voting by the ROTC cadeta. The runner. up wu Miu Kathy Rutkowski of Milwaukee. The queen will participate in public activities sponsored through­out the next year by the military aclence department.

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Page 6: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

T\\'O STUDE..~TS, one large and one 1mall, pauaed for a moment to toss snowballs at aome common tar· get. (Willegal Photo)

Citizens Fight For

Healthy Environment S11.ldent1 of UW Unl.,,..rtl t)' ol lion! or CJrl:anlzatk,ns. •:

Wisconsin • Gn-cn Bur h11ve ,:,n. n,.-o 1eu or pe1hlon1. one for !isled lhe Pld of lhelr lt>l\ow 1ignMure by registered \'Olera 11ud..,nt.s 111 more than 75 Wis- und u. 1econd for 1l1:n1ture by <'ONln collei,:c1, unl.,•l•rsltles and non • \'Otina d 11.ttns. •re btlng l~ilnlnl 1choot. in gathering circulu.u:d. They are Identical In 1uue.,,11ue 1upport !or a proJl()ICd e\·ery 01M":r rcspttt, and both amendment IO the 1toll' COMII- \Oo' lll be dell\'\' r t:'d to the 1t1te'1 tut'°'l thot would t'5tabll1h and el:~utlve and Jeaislature,

maintain the dtw.'ns' ri;ht to a " We are uilng two peti tions clean llJld he.lley environment. bccausc \Oo'l' bellcve tlult the lea·

Petitions wcre mailed out 11111 lsl111ure "''Ill pay mott attention w~ktolheschools forthC'"'1d· to I petition restricted torl'j:is-csl possll) le ci rculation bo1h on- te rcd \'Olen," explained Scott campwi and In the con1munltit'1 BurkhlU'dt, a UWGB 1lucfont o.nd of ·!he 1ta1e. In lht' Green Bay mcmber of the committee tha t atta, M'\'l' ra\ til;h school and Is pill.Min&: thC'' Un.l~r11ty'1 UWGB ,&W(knts have a lready "Suf\'lv1I 10." t'llvironmenlo.l begun to CQlle,ct 1ign:ittres 1md JJrOKram on April 22. '"TIie petl-= lna~::C ~:~!~n 1~l':~l~~ tlon for 1lgnalure by non-voters

during sJ>rlfli vacnllon. :~\~::: =l:.!~nie '::. to the

The complet«I petllklns wlll be l't'tumed 10 UWGB on April 1lll' ldc:i for the cons1Jcutlonal 23 11nd prl'pared tor prescn1otlon amendmeru <X'iglnll«t Il l to Go\'t'rnor W:.rr·en P . Knowlca UWGB 81f10ni: member1 of the and ml'mbcl'I of 1he Wisconsin . · "Survi.,.ul 70s" commit!«'.

~;islatuf't'. :r~~l~:. 1~~~111):i;.

nie' proposed AmC'ndment hard!. Dr. Robert Cook, und Or. woukl ~come Sc<-. 2~ ot Article Eugene Robkln. prt'pared thr t ot tht' 11a1c constitution. It 11mcnd.mt•nl and 10llcl1ed an re:ids as lolbo.'S: opinion rc;ardln; !ht' eorrc<:I

"Th(' people hiwe a righ t to II t~:~:1:1,:~n 1~w::n~)' Gen· clean and healthy Nwlronmen1 and this right ha, priori!)' OYer TIit' con1tltutlonul 1mt'ndmcnl Bil)' UIC.' or tht' t'nvironmcnl lor campaign wlll conllnue until prh-ate or puhlic purposes. To April 22 when il Is cxpected that 1eau-e and mnlnt.aln this r l&hl the pctlOon will nach • IU\;e 1here Ill.a ll be an lmm«llate. num~r or con«!'nffl cl tlziens permanent, and continuous end anl'nding 1pecllll cnvlronmtnlol

Federal Grant To University Department

The fedt- r11 I Go~mment hat 111proved I $29,600 1ra.nt to I UP,­Port lpttch and htarlna: ~ jt'cll In the communicative dis· o rden deportment 1cconUn1 ID Olnji:reum•n David Obt)' I[). Wausau I.

1be lundl wlll covcr thrtt $1 ,100 tnlntnh\1,. for under-1 radu1te 11uden11 ln the 1re11 or dt'11 f tduutlon and lour $2,600 fe tlO'!t'shlps lor muter ·• dcaree e1ndlda1u.

The remainder wm !JC: used In retentJon ol !acui ty members durlna the 1ummt'r for educ:1· t lonal programs servlna IIU· denll plu1 dl1(00ltlc and lhe­rupa1lul prou11m1 for 1ptteh and hearln; Impaired pl'l'IOIUI ol \he area. !About 50 centr1I

, Wllcoruiln ttsldffll.l are aerffd in tht' . unlYCnlty'1 IPffC.h i nd hearin&: clinic. I

Tho 1rant lncrea1t't ID $80.000 the toll. I amount of INier:iJ n lOfl l,•• rece ived for 1uch pu.r· JICJl.el In lht pa1t four )'c11r1. Aboul 20 m111ter·1 deartt e1n­dld11 tcs sh11red part 01 1h 11 ,mount.

Re-clplcntll this yl'lr wcrc : M111. June DcSultl, P,l)'neth•; U!uTt• I Fcuke1, 1•ennlmurc; ·rerri ltomanl. Moun111ln, Mich. :

~ ... ':~~ 1;.::k p:i:;: ~':1i: Krlltlne t'luptad, Green 8.Qy.

Cungn'Unmn Olwy aald !ht' mor,le1arebeln111pproprl 11 tCll thr0ua:h the Department t,f lleakh, Educallon ond Well11n' divl1kll1 of tnlnlf1¥ proer11ms for h1ndlc11pped penon1.

Coeds Pledge ~ Sororities

Forty-lhrtt cONII a t Steven• Point State University Pn'

. pll'd1ln1 sororltlc:, lh lll aem<'S­te r , accordlna to Miu Helen R. Godfrey. associate dean of 1tudent11 and Panbellenlc advls-

Dy orc11nluitionl, they ar't': A11Joh11 Phi - Dlune Bt'cker,

Well Bend; t'r•nces Demmert. Sitka, Alukll: J anie Hanne­man, Edgar: Kay Kearney, Ste­vens lnl, Rebttca.Uvinpton, SI ens Polnt; Shella Stark,

cven1 Point ; Laurit Voe;el, Germantown; Cle ry\ W e r I, Ha mmond, Indiana; Kim Coun· 151.'l, Stevens Point ; Kathy Dem­brolkl, Oconlo; Agnea Ludwig, SIC\'l'fl.l Point ; Sar , MUM, M~ nona: Mary !'.lcoloy, Sun Ptal· r le; and :-.ancy !'.oble, Mari­nette.

Alpha Slama Alph11 - Donn, Fromc, O>lby ; Vicki Lecy, Wl\­consln Rapldl: Barbara Pie­ki&n, Ne,cnah: Ou-l1tlne John­Sl:WI. 8f'Ookfleld, Jll lnoll; J anel Seka,, Cedarbut1; N11ncy Sle­bC' rt, SIC'VCM Point ; Lynn Froe­lich, West & nd : Ruth Ann Koeller, ShawlflO; Ma ry L o u Prondzinski, Elm Gro-.~: O:tt­lla Srncjluil, Slurteon Day; EJ. !en Welaensel. Sun Pra lrit'; and Unda Winkler, Appleton.

Della lei.a - GeotSln lloef• ne r, WHt Allll; N11rw;y Jt'lln

~U:."t·~~ , . ~~: Crt'enlleld; Mary Muaher , MU· WllUktt: Suc Mielke , Brook· lield; Nancy QI.Ion, J unction O!y; Pcw Parkl. St'ymour : Sandi Rcf:151.', Brillloo; Unda Schmid, Wbcon.s ln R ap id s: Kathy Van Ryan, GleQOn; and Rita Wcbke. Btrlln.

PICTURED llEBE ia the Brooklyn Bridge which will be appearing In the WSU Fieldboua,e on April 29 u the

hlghllght · of the RHC W eek fe1tivitie1 .

P. R.-Director Appointed ByWHA

Mrs. Olli Mehlberg has been appointed dirt"Ctor of public re­latlons and communicatioN for the Wbcan1ln Haapltal Asaocl•· tlon.

Announclni the 1pp()intment, W1ftt'n Von Eh~n. WHA Exe­cullvc Director, Hid that Mrl. Mehlbers will also work with the Wlsconsln Heallh Council In promotion ot !he health cllftn prot'ram.

Mn. Mth1berc bu aerved as pul)llca tJons tdltor for the Board of ~enll of Wllc:onsln Sr.le Unlver1l1ies since 1961. She wu formerly dlttctor of lnlorm.1Lion he:re 111 Stevens Point. ~

A &raduate of the Unl ... enlty of MJ11ouri School ot Jouma· Usm, Vil' ha1 done a: radua!e work in joum 1Jl1m at tht' Uni· "'t:rsl ty of WilcoNln.

Mrs. ?tlehlber& 11 • member of the Madllon Preu Cub, Pro O>m, and !he Madllon J unior Woman·, Cul). She wu named one of nve "oullt.andin; )'OUn~ women ' In Wisconsin" by state: J ay« ttff In 19&4 for htT work with the Wbeonsin Federation ol Women's Qubl.

Faculty As Students A tot.II of Ul faculty mem•

ber1oflht'Will'001lnStalt' Uni· \'l'nily 1y1tem have: exchanged their profeuorlal padiums for 1tudent dHkl lhb year.

1be faculty U'lt'mbera, who lr'l' on leave of absence to do 1dvanced study 1nd research lnthelr 1pecl11lflelds,hlvert­ct'lved Teacher Jmp,ovement Aallflml'nll. which provide ha lf-pay fOC' leachert partlcipal• Ina in the pn:l&r•m, tht' ,ys. tem oflict' in Madison report,.

'"The pro&ram b intendt'd to elevate: the quality ol lnltruc· tJon a t the Stale UnJ~nltle. by lmprovina lht profeuioMI preparation of their facultJes," ,aid £u&:er1* R. Mcf>hee, WSU System executJ\'e dlttctor . " It al.lo encourage, !he ret~tion of hl&:h-quallty 11111 "'ilhln thc 1y1tem."

A facully member who re­cclvea I Teacht:r Improvement Aaignml'f\t lo.- onc or two se­mestc1'11 •I"'" to retum to his faculty paalllon for •tle11 1t twice !he J)t'riod of his lcavc. The program bea•n ln ~ with funds for U , aulcnment1. All 'bl.II five or thole who have

. bt'nl'fl.ted rrom such lea\·es ue st1ll teachlna In the wsu 1ys-1<m.

A pn,&ram of 1ummtr, granll, berun two ycar• •ro. permit• ted 303 !acuity membtn to can· llnue tht'lr araduate 11udles du·, ia the 1969 1ummtr -.. .....

Ing the0

1970.71 academic year . and 1!,0 1ummet ]tlvl'I.

Faculty mt'mbera now on Tt1chl'r Improvement Aalan­menta rcpruent , u nine o f tht' State Unlvt:rsltles 111d the Bar· l'Qfl Olunty CRke Laite) and Richland Onttr bran.ch cam-

Bus Drivers To School Even school bul drivcn •~

cncour111ed to co to collcge nowadays. An ae1d£>mlc ~l'ff l1n't mentioned to lht'm DI a IU&:1'.l'91ed roaJ, but the univer­sity cxtenslon division 1111 f f thlnla; lht')' could llnd Ule:fUI dlscunk)ns on: la.,... pertainln& to tht'lr dutita, con tr111 cts, vehi­cle procurement, service~ tracu, routln&: schedult'I, com­munity rel1tJons, driver ulec­tion, Job t1naly1ls and vehkle lnlpc,ctlon,

From Au&". n to Zl. It -1u provkle, lhrou&;h II.I 1afety edu. cotlon department, Instruction on lhose subjects, 11w llOIKl'e­dit Rmlnar wlll be aeared for penons wltl'I school bus 1uper­vlsoty retponslbilitlt's.

Thc Instructor, Donald Hoff, aa.ld meetinp -'OUld run from 9 11.m. 1o J p.m. dwina the fh·e da)'I . Raervallons are t,e.. Ing handled by Orland Radkt, dlreetar ol n-1ena1on.

Dr. Comb Featured In Opera , Dr. Ronald Combl, direct« of the opera worklhop II It ..

:: ~":.':!:=:I e,1.sion 1t1tlool thNlllpoul lhf


He m.1de the tapH lut 1prln1, with the Nortbwntern Un.lvenlty Opera w'orklhop pff>

sonel, prior to Jolnlnr the klcal faculty,

Or. O>mbl 1w lea.di In "Fll­statf," "The Country Doctor,~ • Maurt lmpttUrio, and •-n., Datt~ Berwena Tancredi and Clorinda." Kc wu cast In r mlnor f'Ok! in I filth Ol)tl'L

Early In Fcbruary, h1I pk­lure 11ppcared on tilt front cv,t•

er of the Olkqo Dilly Nt'WII' ieievWon m•;azine with the le, male lead In "Tbt' C,ountry I)oc,

t«," 1n 1vant prdc opera Which WU to be 1ho¥,.'tl OD WTIW'1 O ilcaao Fntlval Tutf­day prorram.

to any dcgr11dallon of 1he l'n· 11rogr11m1 111 uwcn and other

Theta Phl Alpha - Ruth Ha­ft'maM , West Bend; Dawn Ka­chur, Nebonvllle: Susan Pi!t11, Applelon; Susan Tiedt, Madi· 1011; and Penny Walker, Qin- · tonvllk! .

Mr. ond Mn. ?,~hlberz . and thclr1lxehlldren rnlde1t55.."6 Hrimmenley Road. MadDon.

1lll' allocation for 1eacher lm­provtment aulpments h • s be-en cut 1ublt1nl1a1ly for the 1969-n ble:Mlum, pennlttlna only 55 ll'•- of •blence dw,.

HOT ASH SHOP \ 'lronm<'nt by lndi\•lduals, public campuse• throughout the state 1gencles. and Jl"lvate COC'pora• tha t day and e,'ffling.


YOUR OWN CHURCH! We will furnish You with III Church Cherter ond you con start your own church. HHdquerten of UNI~ VERSAL LIFE CHURC.H will kNp ,-cords of your church and file wrth the federal 90'l'emment · ond fuml1h you III tax Hempt atohl1 - ell you ha.,• to do i1 repo,t your acti'f'itln to heodquarten four tiMH 111 year. hclOSe III free will offeriftf.






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Page 7: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

Blood. Mobile Quota Is Surpassed

Once a1a1n the ~mobile WU a •UCCftl on WSU-SP'1 compus. The Amcfican R e d <.:."roM Dloodmoblle ls brou,ht IO the campus Heh ,emester throu.ah the 1pcn10rthlp ol Al­pha Phi OmC!11, lhe w rvlee Ira• temlty on campua, The men nt Alpha Phi Omta• take cue of cootactl with the Red Qoou,

make arrangemenls with the Unlvenlty lor lhe vblt, and the Ht-up and ~mova1 ol the ~ulpment. They are uallted

. by the Red Croll voluntttn from the city who take ure ot cleric:al ~rk and the pn!· pa r11t lon ot the lunch which UI 1erved to the donon a t the cal· eteria area. Allo In Ulblance durin& uch visit are the wom­en of Theta Phi Alpha. They anlat with the set-up ot the ca leteria atta, suvtna the food , and pac:klni the blood for 11.0r· ....

Durlt\&' 1h11 ,emester't thrtt day vlllt to the ca.mpua, 1tu­dent and faculty donors aave 1 lotal of6li0 plntsot.. blood. Thil excttd1 the Red ero.1· quota lor the camp,wi by 210 pint.I . Day by .day the tota l1 ran at 208 pint.I, 2'20 plnll, and 232 plnta . 11111 Includes four 1p,eclo.l requc1t.1 whlcl\ v,-e re eal\ed lor by hoep!ta l1 a t

!~ari~le::~~ .~J!~ t<W

The donations at Steven1 .

F1N1SHED SEASON FIF1'H IN CONFERENCE - Front row (left to right) - Coa.ch Bob Hennecke, Mike Cuey, Gary Schnelder, Larry De Pons, Steve Koester and Manager Lan-y Hetz.el. Second row - Paul DcChant, Mike Wdnstein, John Pitch and Ken Von Arx. (Cary Schneider Photo)

Point exceed thole &lvcn a1 1

Madison dw:lna the .. me iimount ol tlme and ore 11boul t"<lua l tO thole a:lven at Osh­koth. The sponsoring and work· Ing organtzatklnl wish to thank everyone Woo dona~ a nd hope that they will ,ee many more or you at the bbodmoblle which will be on campus next Novem•

WSU Pushes Drug Education Oitcuulom of dru& problem•

- Qnce oommonpl1;1ce only In Amenca·s urbnn. <:1! nte n - a re ,1fhlli: 1hroUGh lhe Jackploc1 ol oorth<entral Wilconsln and be­lrlg ml>dl' sub.l«ts ol concern Jmoni,:: tanners' .ans and pulp cuners' daUGhten.

The " pushco:'' ol the drua fflucailon proje(:l ore Ste,·ens Pwit Stale Unh•erslty's campus ph)·udan. Dr. Donald Johnson, and auoch1te dc•n or student.I, Or Leonard Gibb. who want mGn." .,.;despread undentandlng d elft'Cts !rom marijuana, a m• phelamlne1. barbiturate• and the .,. hoJe gnmut of narcotles.

Sll'lce September , the t wo school olflclals hn\·e spoken to mort lhllf\ 9.000 peoylc, some of "'hom had ne,•er belore llnrd of the terms p,ycl\o ac-

th·e or nalluclnogcnlc dru&"•­The leetutt--dcmon1trall0fl m i.­slons have sp.anocd from Wis­consin Rapids to Minocqua, Marsn!leld to Amhel'lit .

Their ac tlvltlea may be class­ed preventative "medicine"' for ony ~'OUld-be build up ol dru.g use on lhelr campus by tuture student.I from the area. but the 1wo part.time crusade,. de•· crlbe thei r work as simply com­munity service.

Says Dr. J ohnsoo : "~ a p,hy· slclan, l"m against any over use In generttl of.any kind ot pill - lhere are other approach­ti to problem, bNldft use of drugs." That's why he and Dr. Gibb enoourage parents to a t­tend lhelr meetings u JTl\lCh .. )'OUng people,

EXct'P1 users of synlhetlc

State Schools Have Wis. State Students·

f rtshman clUSH at m o I t lllsconsln Sta te Vnlverslty campuses wUI ha\·e more Wis­consin student.I next fall bul !!'ll·tr ou1-of-state itudents, the \\"Si.; !)'Stem otfice In Madllon :tp!)MS.

App!icnti:lns from out-ol4ta!e 11,idtr\1.1 seeking 10 enter as l1r.t term fmhmcn numbered l.~? on Apr. t, CGmpared .... ith U U On Apr. 1. 1969, a drop c.f 1.2~? Of 43 per,.

The dei: rease nearlY,0

t the 111cruse of 1,357 In a pllcatlons 1t0m li,755 WJJconsln 1tudcnll µ.\r.11i ng to enrol.I as tieclnnlna: lttthmen next tall , an Increase Glliptrct"ntoyerayearago,

"A Jubf; tan tlal lncrease · In lttJ for nonresident student.I IJIOO\lbtc,dly II the major reason (QI' the decline tn out.(Jf .. late f;nhman applications," said

!:e~c~·u;~c~=·~~:su 1y~-

The basic fee paid by a n out• ol-stall!' undel"lraduate student IQI' the 19i~Tl academlc year

wtll be n .250. The lncr~ue '1s only $24 over the current year, but It compares with a basic rce ot S654 f(H' 1968-69. The ssn Increase which took eUect Jut September wa1 not etillbliihed by the state op,eratlnr budiet until molt 1tudent.1 had comple­ted rt"Si.tra tion procedum.

Apr. 1, total fn."lhman appli­cation fliuret; this year number . 19,472, an Increase of 102 or .5 per cent over the ~ one yura,zo.

AU the unlversltin exoept Plattevllle and S~perior · report lncreUN In Wllconlln fresh­man appllcanll . l..a.riHt ln­creues an a1 Eau O alre, up 5ll or 22 per ct:nt , and a t Ste­vens Point, up 442 or 15 per cent.

All exeept Supepor' ttp)rt fev,u nonresident applications, Whitewater nas U3 or 59 per ct"nl f'--r nonresident appll· canll and Oshkosh ~ports a decreue ot 352 or 62 per ct"nt ln out-of•tate' trffhman applJ. u .....

c:omPQUOd.l 1ucn II LSD and Speed, wttn:b expand the mind and a re known to eauu lrre­palrable p,hy.lenl and psychokr &"!cal dnma&es, mott c0nsumen are adu.Jll In thei r dep,endance on alcohol,. tobacco and p e p pllb.. Dr. Gibb believes educ•· Oon about all dl'ua;I will curb

.UQKe more lhan lea:lslation, "You can' t make laws tho! will 1top abuse."

Tell ing It like It 11 has been the 1peaken' w11clw,-ord1. "If you tell 10rt1ethlng lhat JJn" t

so,people~lally th e yoon&"er o - won't belle,·e anythlna ou ha\'e to sa.y," Or . Johnlon advised.

That', why they nave descrl~ ed marijuana u bulcally . not narmtul , and encouraa:ed the g<)\'emment to re&an:I lak.ln&; the weed a rnlsdemeanor In­stead of a felony. They abo believe It should be classllled as a drua: of abuse Instead of a narcotic ..

ffov.'t\'er, Dr. Gibb who be­came Interested In drui prob­lems . a fter ottendlna: a Bureau of Na rcotlc. ,eminar In Wa,h­lngton, D.C .. lut 1ummer , also point.I out h.uardl of m a.rijua• rua . Whlle It hu no known Im• m('dlalea.!ttt..effects,thecioodl· tJonlng o! a long,tlme user also Is not kncM'fl, and while It Is not believed to be addictive, statlstles ahow th.et 80 per cent of hankore nara)tlcs users started on marijuana..

Ors. Johnson and 0

Gibb find reactloN from 1tudenll about the same, regardleu of the size high school they vlslt . But In the lara:er ('()mmunlties they nave found if'C!aler t tudent awareneu of the synthetic drua:s and 1usi,N:t marijuana uua;e to be more wtdelprea.d.

The 1peak.ers ~ that par­ent.I nave the rno.t question, and appear to be Ins knowled­&eabk 11boUt the total problem than thelr llJ&h school·aaed cnll­dtta


We. only serve the Besf

No . Brag Just Fact

Young Dr. Decker Has It All Now

D. Alan Decker of the polltl· cul science facu.Jly at Slevens· Point StDte University, 11 a~ 11r lme example that ~ Ph.D. Is becomlri&" a young mllll'I de•

•=· At 24, he had completed work last summer for !he docto r• te In &ovemment 1dm1111.Jtratlon trop Claremont Gr-.dua1e School In CalUomln. But he did not olflela lly receive 1he title of "doctor" until February, the month ol hi.I 25th birthday and time of Claremont mld,Year commenct"ment .

Decker ))lned the faculty In September of 1968.

'Semester In Britain' Vacancies Still Open

Appltcatklnl are 1tlll being occepted for the "SemM;ter In Ilrltaln" program for Semester U, 1970,-71. Appl!cationl are alto being accepted for Semetter J, 1911-72.

Student.I who a pply present th ree T'\"COmmcndationl, write a 11atemen1 of commitment, and have four Interview• u part of the ae ll'Ctloo proeea.

Ap,pllcatloNI a re belni accep­ted lor the Summer Travel Study p~ ln which o. stu­dent ma)' earn six 1eme1t~r hours credit .

The ,ummer a:rou p, will ny to England and then to the Ointlnent.

Studenta who wish to apply, or want more lnfonnadon on the proerama should se,e Paul· lne Isaacson In 131 Main, Ext.


""· For thole ol )'OU who m issed

the bloodmobile vlllt from March 1'1·19 there wlll be a vl1l t of bloodmobile May 1~20 o. t the a rmory building In Ste­ven1 Polnl .

APO Clothes Drive Slated

Alpha. Ph.I Omega service fra· temlty at SttveNI Point State Unl\•erslty will sponaor a cloth· Ing drive April S to 15 for dll­advantaa:ed lndlan famlllea In northern and centra l Wllconlln.

The 3().member men's organl• :talion whleh allo sponsors the IIMUaJ Red Crotl Bloodmobllt vlll11 to campus, wi ll tum over the aar menll to the Proen,ms RecognWng Individual Deter, mlnatlon through Educatiorl (PRIDE) which b dlruted on cnmpu1 by Robert Powlen . HII •tall wi ll handle the di.tribu­tJon U'I Wllconsln Raptds, Wit• tenbe,:g and eMnomonle O;,un­ty.

Donors nave been uked to call the University Ouiltlan Movement otllce for home pick· up ,erv\ce. Boxe, will be placed In the business district durinl the l(k!.aydrlve

Student.I' Headquarters Ber• n'1 Barber Shop

Thrtt Barben You ma.y be next

P hone: 344-4.936 Next to Sport Shop


DOCTOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE ~f.'0Ch:~t·~j!';?', d!f:i:e! l'0.1!:!:ned c~~"l:·~ '1°:!.1:;~~:~ ":!~"'• "fre!"!ur»:tt!!i:. • of $J'°!: :if1 Nnd you, IM111-.:iiohly, all 10 leuo111 In .... pock•t• •lont with the D.b . c:ortfficote.



- Lo.,. beads to string - Mother's Day cards,

statun, condiH , - Sunbeam & Makepeace, · colony boob thot are

wonderful gifts - lncenM, scented candles,

fflObilH . - Hail' clips in leather &



Poge 7

Determination Brings Results

Dr. Gerakl, Johnlon brlnfl un· Ulual prac:Ucal experlmce to hls teachl.oi[ of m mfflW'llcatlve d is·

, orden at Stenn, Potnt Stale Unlven)ty. He alutten.

And he ·want.I hla 1tudenl.l to understand the problem the 11me way. So, he. ualrn• each member of hit clau to io Into a 1tnn1e 1Uuatlon and lmltat,: a 11u1tettr. " l .auarantee tha t each tlme they come back, they' ll h,,ve tome t&II 1l0ries."

11)eendtttult,hebelleve•,I• • tudent ,wuen.eu !hat people with •Ptteh and hurln& Im·

· piilrmenll cannot "muddle 111 their own lnadequr,cles If thty •rt to 1uccffd."

Dr. J ohMon himself wu one of lliole muddlen until a younc l•dy entered ~ Ufe and he real­ized th• t everyone hH -'OmC! kind ol lhortcomlna; tha t mlJllt be 1urmounted before any per· aon.al IUCl:fll i.achleved. " What t ·m .. yina:)s thatoothinccome, to you unlns you aeek It out and drive al hard as you can with· out dweJJlna: In defeaL"

A native o! the Mllwauk~ a re, . Or. JohMon hu bat'n 11 stuttererslnce childhood and hu vivid reeolleetlonl of 1nde school dayt when recn1 wU his favorite subject beuiae It Pf'f'>­vlded a relu:atlon from speak­Inc. But that didn't lnaure I few, minutes ol lellure - ther e ~re numerous planrOUnd ll&hll with other youna;sten whol leued him about the defect.

By the time he reached White• llsh Bay Hl&;h School, he d .... clded athletic, 1hould be his forte . Even thouah ll'1 or,.e ol hi. ravor-lte Jokes today, he re­cal l• the trustntion of being unt by a football coach Into a huddle with butructlonl for the quarterback to call "drive ri1ht." JIJ,; plla:ht WU being Un• able to convey the informatlonh

Next, on to Lawrence UnlV<!r· 1\ty ~·here " I wH out In UmLlo land wllhout an Idea where I :u~~.~ and a pu,:poae/{ I.ORI

After thrtt years, whlci/ he believed were wuted, he faN­fCZTed w Western Mlchla;an Unlverslly In Kalamuoo and ev,mtually brushed 1hc,ulile" with Or. Ow-let Van Riper, a stuttel'ff and na tlonally • rec­oirnlz.ed educator In the field ul 1pe«h corr«don, lmprtt1k>nt, ldeu and eoa,lt beJan bulldlng In )'01.11'1&' J ohnlon'1 mlnd, and chnUena;ea becan w be met

""'"""· Dr. Johnson recalls lhe tum· Ing point of hil Ute was when " I met and rriarrled the most , enaltive, lntellla:ent and beauti­ful woman I knQw. M.Y wifl', Maxine, a;ave me the ~r-1tandln& and kwe thllt I needed and she contlnuet to be mY creatett auet."

Delplte odds of not a;ettln&: teachereff\iftcatlonbecsuseot hil speech delect. he won the dean of education"• apProval anrl IIOOl'I thereafter sla:ned • con­tract with a public school 1y1-~ m.

Three yean later, •till Inter­ested In proving hll ult detl'r• mlnatlon he enrolled 1n Westen1

MJchla:an·1 graduate program, received his ma11er'1deitree In 1.960, and went on for his Ph.D. at Mlchlg&n S11te University In EutUnllnlf.

With his nt"W doctorlle ln 116:J. he 1ccepled a J)C*ltlon 11 Sh ... vent Point State where clallll!I in lpttch palholot:y-audlolou had been 1tlrted lhe prevlool year. In the seven 1ucctedl11¥ years he :

-Guided the developmenl Or a clln\c, ,erv\ced by 1tudents and f1culty, for lpttch and hearinJ Impaired person, of the area :

-Developed a cun1cu.Jum lh•t fint ,erved 3 1tudcnll with twu faculty members and now ,n. rolll about 200 with twelve l1e­u1ty:

- Tran1rormed and ,xpanded a serlea of courses ln10 a de. pa.nment and became Its llut chairman:

- Planned the majon ' of com· munlc1Uve 4lsorders and educ.11-tlon fbr the deaf (only one ot Ill klndintheWIIContinStatiol­venltin System) with em di In 1peech patholocY, aud , Janguaa;e dilablllUe,, and, ~h and hearing science;

-}'ormulated the first mut r of science dCJl'et pn)iram 11 the university.

Steven, Point', department ol communicative dllOtden nu been one of the fute1t Krov.-in; on e1mpu1, i nd nu been ~­nlzed by Uncle Sam wllh about n oo.ooo In federal 1Tllnts over the put several years.

Dr. Johnson wtll openly psi hlm1ell on lhe back lor one acnlevemenl : " I surrounded my. it'll with I tremendous faculty who have worked cohnlvely and a1ree1bly and wu able to re· celve if'C!ll 1up,port trom the unlvenl1y and admlniltrauon.1

Meanwhile, Or .. Johnson tho• teacher 11 moving to new vlltal -one i. the clvll rl&hll ol com· munlc1ti0n1. lie belle- eve.-Y· one, de1plte tmpedlmenu, must be able to expreu wilhe1, de-1lre1 and oplnlonl. 11)e alterna­tive, he believe, II emotional ln-1tablUty.

lle'sallo Interested.In the causn and tttatment o! 1tutter­lng which afleellone p,er centot.. the population. "We're a non­vocal croup and members of a 1llenl m1nor11y,"' ne poked. Anet In 1plte of our nardlh.lPI we nave 1.o "hack It" to have our


fl&h lful place In IOCiety.

Seniors Must Apply To Graduate

All Seniors Who nave n ot made application !or a:raduatlon u yet -should report to tn e Recon:I Oftlce lmmedlatt ly.

180 out of 638 1eniors nave not made thla appllca.Uon. It II lmponant that thll ap,pllca• uon be rude lmraedlately.

The Record Office II open Monday-Ftrday from 'l :45 to U :tS and from 12:lO to 4:30.

The &raduaUOn fee. JJ $8.50 lor !he Bachelor's dcaree a nd tu.50 for the Muter'• deiree, 1be,e ~H CIIJ1 be paid at the Caanler'1 office


Are you_ laoking for o summer job with good

earning poNntia11 Th• " Jolly Gl'ffn Giant"

may just have what you wont!

Our Gre•n Mon nHdl ~-;(."like you h) help

him hon•st and con hi, HgetoblH this 111m­

m•r, and he pays off mighty well.

If you or• i~ler•sted and wont further infor­mation, a Green Giant ,epreMntotiH will Yi1it your campus on April 9, 1970, 9:3d'l.M. un-·

til 2:00 P.M., and h• will gladly discuu with

you our 1umm•r •mployment opportunitin.

Many Student Citizens Male . Frienflly


· Bank



Page 8: W/::=~~1· THE POINTER · 4/9/1970  · Dr. FritKhel bu .... been a member ot 1J titum vlaldftl American imtitutklnl for the N1donlJ ~ on Acicn;clit. dofi ol TMChlr Edlacatkm. He

TEAM MEMBERS, shown above, front ro1,1,• (left to right) - Bo.b Schwengel, Doug Evers, T om Rozga, Bill

Schutten, Larry Edward&, Steve Wehrley, Bob Maaaa and Wayne Anderson. Second row - Coach Lynn (Red) Blair, Manager Dick Clinakl, Bill McNeer, Joe Moyer, John Tepper, Mark Brodbagen, Bruce Norgaard, Jeff' Pagela, Bill Meblen~k. Al Koechmann , Mark Kauaalik and J oe Pentek. (Cary Schnelder Photo)

T an'kers Smash Records LA CROSSE -Sle\·en1 Point

Slllle SIOimmt,. broke tour tchool recordl ln partidpatkln al lhe NatKJnal Alsoc:ialion of lnll!rcollei;iale Athlellu ,,..,Im• ming and divine ehampionshlp 111 La Cros.ic l'\.-ctntly.

BiU ~lehll'nbeck. a freshman trvm Sprina:Uek1. 111 •• 1hatu-red 1hrtt or the rtt0rdJ and John Tepper. tophomore from CrN"n­lield, broke the othtr barrler.

~lthlenbeck broke hls OIO'Tl ~ and 100,yard lrtt1ty\e morkl 11nd1lsoaddedthe~yardl"t'C­ord to hll itnNine; colleellon. In trills tor the 50-yard finals he came up with a :22.l and plaeed In the finals 10'ilh a lime ol :Zl.T. Hls old record v.11 :22.6:s.

1n quallrleatlon heals lor the 100 he had a :490 lor the mth best tim4. He placed •llrth ln the r\nals. Hll old reewd v.·u a :~ 4. He 1wam the openln& ltl on the 800-yard lrttSlyle re--

Canoe The Woll River Yes folks. onec aa:aln the

U.A.8 . Tr1ppen v.1ll brave the clements and conquer one ul Ww:.>Nln's mlah1y rivers. For our !lrst !rip thls sprlna:, we hl\·e cho&en the lnlamous Woll Rh·er . Don"t IO'OIT)'-·e·re pn; on the CU)' section, JO all ol. )"OU ncM:atlOC'Uib are lm·lted to come and ll'am lhe line art of paddllna.

nit \-Oyaa:en will depar1 April 10. at 4 :00 p.m. !rom the Unl­~·enlty Parkinii: Lot and wUJ r .... turn on Sunday, April 12 arou:W. 5 :00 p.m. n,e Sli.00 ch•l"Kt lor the thrtt-day canoe trip CO\"en · ~portation, food and canoes. J ust brillll: )'OUr ovm 1leepln1 bai. and toml' pttp;1red to hl\'t a ball! S!1n-up lt In the tunnel on Wednesday, April 8. trom 1:30 a.m. IO 12:JO p.m. Stt )'OU there:

lay and came home In 1 :5.J.I . Thb broke J eff Paa:ela' 1ehool

""""'· Tepp.-rahlneredthe2()1).yo,nt bodmrolte record ,..,;th a time ol 2 :10.6. llie old record v.·u 11 2 :U .O by BUI SlaklNI.

For their aecompllahment.s Mehlenbeck and Tepper "'"re both accorded honorable men­tion AII-Ameriean reeocn11kln lor pladn&; in the ta p ,Ix ln lhel r t\'enta .

M a le:am lhe Pointers placed att1pectable l 6lh .-.ilha to11l of 24 polnlll . Eutem Mlchl1an qaln ""'On the team title .. . to r the lhlrd str1leh1 year. 01lrmont,Mudd or Callroml1. which led early actJon. v.-u H'C· ....

Tiw Potnt,,.· 16th place llnlsh ,..,-u I.he best by a Wllcon.sln Slate Unlvenlly Conference 1ehool. Superioc" was 11th. Whltewltcr ,..,.u 2JJ;t and eon­fcrence champion La Crone w,1.1


Soccer Club Begins Practice

The \\'SU.SP ~r Oub .... 111 commence Its 1prina aeuon with wttkly practice s.tulona on Mondny. April 6 al 5 :00 p .in. on the field behind the Allen Center. Pracllce seuloN will be held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or eaeh v."N"k. All membi.'n are urced 10 11tend eaeh praellce aeuion. 1l\e finl Jame o! the 1prirc ,euon wtll be held ln West DePcre oaalnn ~ St. Norbert Soccer Te11m, April 11. Anyone Interested In pllylna 11>«1:r, re&•rdless ol. e~rk,H:,e. should atlmd the lint practJ~ seulon.

Baseball ,;'&nM! All R H O. Caruso ... - .•. 19 . 8 l'>L Farmer ........ 10 3 • C. Mind -·----- 2 1 6 7 M . Paleue .. _ .. __ 3 0 I G. Jack-----.. --. 16 6 • C. Ste\·enson .... 16 2 . J . "'"'" • I I

- a Ma ncJ ......... ... 13 I ~ M. Anderson • I ' s. Bentley _:_: 21 2 • s. Oruckery .... 17 I 3 D. Bohm -- " 2 2 K, H1rtwlf -- • 0 0 8. Reichelt -·---· 3 0 0 R. Baler ------- 2 0 0 R. Kin& I 0 0

Tow, ________ 111

" " Pointer Nine Completes Spring Trip

Sh!Vel\$ Point Slate Unlver•

,?.:scba.11 team llnllhed a trtpv.1tha3-J~

1t10W ahortened sehcdule. 1be Pointers opened with 11

duYble header win over l'-orth-.-.·es t Missouri State. S1e11tn1 Point v.'M the tint 11me 11).2 behind lhe ll\·c hit pl1chlna of

J im ~uer. 1l1e Point scored n \·e runs In tht> Krst lnnlnc I~ by C<!ne Mimd'1 buel load­ed trlpk and ll\'e more In the thlrdonfour hitaandthrff walks. lbe second aame saw truhman Ken Ha.rtwtc • n d 0..-My Bohm combine for a one h.lt U) victory, C.tcher MIU F armer drove In C<!ne J ack with the v.innfn& run with a 1ln1leln thefourth



1l'le Polnlen !hen moYcd on to Wahoo. Ncbrukl and wue dcteaWd by J .F . Kennedy Q,l-, Jege ,.2 In a 1lna:le a:ame. Sce­\ 'Cnl Point then defeated Dani CoUege 0( Blair. Nebnska 8-T v.i th lour ruru: In each of the Jut N>'O lnnlnp. Sll.m Bentley drovel.nthrttrunalntt-Yic-

, SENIORS! Order Your Graduation Announcements Now!

Deadline .... April 24


Actc1H F,- t.Wwi•


. lJOS StrHt• A"•·


Statistics A VI', .. •• HR RIii aaso .42 1 I 0 0 0 2 3 .400 I 0 0 I 2 3 .333 I 2 I 12 0 . .333 0 0 0 0 I I = 2 0 0 I s s = 0 0 0 2 0 . = 0 0 0 0 I .231 0 0 0 I 2

= 0 0 0 0 I . 190 2 0 0 0 • .176 I I .0 0 3 ]67 I 0 0 3 I .000 0 . o 0 0 0 .ooo 0 0 0 0 2 .000 0 0 0 0 I .000 0 Q. 0 0 0

.257 9 3 , 1 " .. " !Ory "''h~ Rollle Baler ~ ed lhe win.

SteveM Poln1 lhen lraveled to Om11ha, Ncbraaka and drop­pl'd • double h~ader to Oelgh­tun 6-3 and 13-6. D:we Caruso ledPoln1trhlt~""·itha .471 l\'ctlll:e for the lrlp. Fa rmer Is elu.e behind a t . 400.

April 9, 1970

Trackmen Finish Fourth

In WSUC Indoor Meet


Student Employment American collecc and unhcr.

,ity 1tuden01 .... 111 be 1b1t ~ v.ork In Creat Britain, lrclal'ld A1.11tro1l ht or New ~h1.lld d~r'. In& the 1ummero;1970 ,, p.i,.

tldpanta In a new Jn1ernat1tin.,1 Student Employment Hnict

US£). TIWI 11nnoun.c:ement IOU made I.Oday by the IPCJMQr, the Council on lntemulonat iAi .• u­tlonlil Exchan&:e, • l'IOfl·PnAn ora;anWnJon headquarterffl 111 NtW York Oty.

La a-e Sia.te Unlver-&tty v.on the eontereno11 Indoor tn.dc mffl II ?,l,,dilon with 64\i polntl. Platteville wu ffcond . with 53 ind Whitewater third wllh 41. The Poimcr1 aarnel'flt 38 polnts tor tourth place. ~ Indians v.'On ab: eYfttlll

00 the WI)' to •the title . Ste­vens Polnt waa Jed by J erry Pierini wllh lffondl In the TO low and TO h.llh hurdles. Bob Wundrock added • leeond In the Ion¥ jump and a IUth In lhe lrlple Jump. Dave Holla tln­llhed aec:ond In ltie Siil and K urt Urban third In lhe thot pu1. Founhl we-re recorded by MJjle Eschenbluch In lhe k>nl Jump. Orea: Becker In the pole v1ul1. Paul l lliUI ln the 1000, •nd Ron Whln In lhe 30IJ. f'tfthl v.·t-re IODl"ffl by Mrl Nell in the mile, Sieve Zlmmennan in · lhe 1000, and John Wollner ln the 600.

Team Score,: LI Crout &4 1,;; Pla tteville SJ : WhlteWater 41 : SttvtnJ Point 31: Oahkoah 30~: SI~ IT: Superior 12; River Falb JO ; Eau Caire 0.

Shot pul: 1 - Sutherland (SUI, 2 - lmmlna (01, 3 -Urban tSPI, 4 - Everson tWI, S - Deut,rt ISTI, 53-6~-

Pole V1ult : l - Town&Jey IOI, 2 - Klein IPI, l - Lieu-

;•~ s!!:~4 1lJ:18::s"M~~j

10) . 13-0. , Lona jump : 1 - Pelenon

(WI, 2 - Wu.ndrock ISPI , 3-R.ath (Ol. 4 - Eachcnbtiuch ISPJ S - J urkowski ISTI . 2'!.4.

880 relay: t - PlattevilW, 2 - LI 0-.U, l - $te\'fflS Point

' 4 -Stout,5 - Supcrior.l:)U. Hlah jump: 1 - ·P e I Iman

lLCI, 2 - Hackbarth 1ST), l ­Rath 10), 4 - £nilebttehl jLC) 5 - [)Qaenhardt (WI . 6,5.

Mlle : 1 - Oirllon ILC >. 2 - Jt,,u, ISP). } - DellMY (WI, 4 - Porter t P I, $ - Nell ISPI 4 :3:1.1,

4..0 : 1 - Brink !Pl. 2 -Klne.akt (WJ, l - Holley IPJ. 4 - Just tLCI . 5 - Rozak IRFI 50.0.

TO h.lRh hunllff : I - Druck· tty (LCIS - Pierlng (SPJ, ] - Crttnwood 1SU) . 4 -Della ,w,, 5 - Krue1tr ( Rf' l. l .i .

1000 1 - Leadley CLC), 2 - Smam (0), l - Jtaddlcan tWJ, 4 - Ha111 lSPI, 5 - Zim· merman CSPI. 2.22.0.

Triple jump : 1 - Rath 101, 2 - Pctef'IOn {W), l - ~ r -

Qartrand (STI, J - undaren ILC). 4 - Bue ISTI, 5 - Woll· ner (SPI . 1:IU.

300 : I - Holley lPI, 2 -Dfuckery ILC>, l - oeo.,.-.. ney IP) , ' - Whln (SP), !.­Cray (RF ). J2.2.

880 : -1 - Uwlnaer IP !, 2 - 1ioka ISPI, l - Ramtny (WJ, 4 - llakierson U.C>. !.­Rozak (Rf') . 2 :06.4.

TWo mllc : l - CarlJOn ILCJ. 2 - [Rlaney IW), l - Mul­rooney (LC/, 4 - Zlea:le ( P ), 5 - Roe iLC) . t :lU.

10 low hurdles : 1 - Druek· rey (LC), 2 - Plttln.r ISP), l - ErvIn !LC), 4 - Della tWI 5 - Crttnwood (SU) . U .

Mlle relay : l - Platteville, 2 - Whitewater, l - Si.out. 4 - O.hkoah, 5 - LI CroaN. 3:25.4.

Jim Notstad Wins Pointer Mat Honors

£rich Opperman, SteYtJ\I Polnl J aeobl Ji.ilor , la one ol nine wrestlcn to earn a var1ity lener 1t Steven. Point State.

Jlm Nollt1d, Cambrkt1e jun­ior. wu named both team cap,, la ln and molt v1luable wrestler by a vote or hll teammates. He had an overa ll record ot 8-4-1 to rank second beh.lnd Dirk Soren­'°"· who had a T..J marlc.

Ocher leller winners were Dale Hod.kiewtcz, Stymour aophomore,: Roi;crSuhr , Water­town !ttthrnan : Don Popp, Oconomowoc lrnhman: J im Zclner1. CrffnlJCld fttlhman: 11nd J im Soboc1r1$kl; South Mil· wauktt ,optiomo«.

\ For the year the Pointers tin· llhl!d with a 2-T dual meet ree­ord and ninth ln" the Wisconsin S111e Unlwr1lty O:lnlerence champlonshlpa.

Thb pf'Ol r llm, Ur11J111;~'11 IO!\h the approval ol lhe 11:'"'tm, mt!nll ot the partldpat!f41'. l"(,UI).

triet, enilblea lludent, <,I •li economic:, back&:roundi t<> ni,ct-

:i:" _Jl~/~ ~~t~ Ina: ind tnvelln1 amoni tu people.

Throoa:h ls°E, QUilhlltd lb denlll obtain workiJli par,,ru and are &l\·en au.lsi.nce in lindlna their ov,TI )otll 1n Ill!' hole country. Most or 1hc )(It. 1hat the atudcni. find are un­•klllcd - often ln 1totet, oo-1el1, rnorta oc- otfkes - and the waa;e1 are a:cntrally enoup ,,. cover Uvlnc expenlC'I ~nd IOmt travel as well.

Upon arrival ln tftt'tiou ~ try, 1tudeni. altend 1n orlenll­llon and conaultatlon aeulon at the oftlcn ot lhe ce>1pomorlnc organi:utlon In that country A! this aeulon lhe 1tuden11 art pn.)\'' k»<I with general lnflltTIQ. lion about lhe country and ·~ cillc tnlormatlon about emJ>k;)· mcnt opportunltl(I. Durln1 IN! atudcnll' atay, the 111111 o, \ht co-sponaorina: ora:aniuition II 11vaU..ble to help .-.Ith any prob, lema or questions.

TI\eS25feefor: thelnttrna· dona! Student Empk>yment itf· vice Includes the or\enuMn aeulonl. ovcmlcht aec:0mmod.­don on 11Ti\•al In lhe host (OUft.

tty, and admlniatratlve eii:pe~ n. Worm1don about ISE 11 available on request tn,m, t.ne Council on lntematkw\al Educa­tional Exchlna:e, Departmen1 IS£, m UnltN Natloru Plau New 'l'OC"k, N- 'l'orll:10011


f~ \t~k ls~~9. cPi. / ~: 1 - Cray CM"I, 2 -

Holley CP I, l - Orff.Sier IWl. 4 - Kneip (01, 5 - Willlam1 (SUI 6.4.



. Sherwin-Williams Co. IS! MAIN ST.

600 : 1 - JohNon (WI, 2 -

-,(· '- c,;,&,I:. -- fl..., I