w the daily bulletin - evols at university of hawaii at...

Piltlfl 1 i r iff pi W- ' mi VJ' s??,?'t,w r? ?'tA' " ??f"?' W ra,? v" 9 : ' .. 'r' rt - THE DAILY BULLETIN ( IT t .rib. K' Vol. II. No. 316. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1883. 60 OENTB 8UBS0RIPTI0N PER MONTH. THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning and clrcu. luted throughout the town by carriers, nnd forwarded to tho other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, SO cents per Month. G. Causon Kksyon, Editor. AlMufsihcsa communlcntlons.lo .lie. ad- dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post Olllec Box No. 14. Telephone 2r0. Vomer, .... qneen Htrcct, V. .Opposite West's Carriage, Factory. ft J. G. Cmsvioii, Manager Honolulu Draymen's Sl A Protective Union. In consequence of the continued high prices for liny nnd grain, nnd also of-th- high rates of wages that prevail, we, the undersigned Draymen, arc compelled to make u slight change in our range of charges' for cartage. On and after February 1st, 1883, the following rates will be charged: Sugars and Rice, short hauling, per ton of 2000 It.s 0 33 Sugars nnd Rice, from Esplu. r'nade" wharves' to Qttccn street wharves, ojr,yiec ryersn.-- . ....... 50 Liiuc,. cement, molasses or ah ';,inon,jto wit: 8 bbls, lime, 5 bbls cement, 7 bbls' molasses, 8 bbls salmon, to constitute a load, from anypoint on Espla-und- o to Queen st." wharves, or vice versa, per load. . ........ 50 Lime, cement, molasses nnd sal. mon, short cnrtnge.r 87 Merchandise tb Bond , per load . 50 Merchandise, from Bond, per Id (detention extra) 75 Merchandise from all 'vessels dischnrg ing at any.wharfto any point within the following limit's; Viz: ' Muunnkca.Bt.j Berctnnia', st. and AiaKca si.'pcr'ion,- - ns.pur inn . of lading 37)4 Any single, loudness tlian.l ton, as above: . A . 50 Merchandise to island steamers,, per load .. . 50 (Detention ottlrayat the rate of Sllporhouky'?''' ' ' Coal, liaggcd,y,t9il of 2240 lbs., withinlrinits . ..5'. 37 uoai, loose. . if.vf.'3 50 Coal, cartlngrona'nlling, as per grcem't witluiiK IHnits named above, per M .)i. t'..... 1 00 Briciks, pressed or lire, named above. ncrM .. 1 50 Iron and machinery,, within im ' its, per lbnd'or ton 50 Extra heavy safes or machinery as per agreement Black sand ns.pccngr't Rubbish or dirt, as per agr't.... Household1 furniture as per agr't Lumber per 1 M, ft within Hints 50 Posts per 100,.withiif limits 50 Shingles per 10 'M" within limits 50' Fire wood, on city front, cord. . Flro wood, from city front to any point within .Maunakcii, King and'Punchbowl "sts.v . . 1 00 Kerosene to the per case of oil.- - 01 From the oil house, per loud of l'oo 25 cases or less....." From the city front to any of the.fol lowragpoinis: To Kukut street. .;. ." .. V73 To School street, bet. Eninia st. arid' Waikalial ulu Bridge . , 1,-0- To Waiplula. - 1.00 To Judd street. , .. .. v ;,. .v. 1 50 To Piiuhul. .V.?". ...T. ...' . i. "8-00- - To AVvll street 2 00 To ice works (Nutuinii) per load oriton.. ..,.., !! .?30 To Pauoa - 2 ToLelco 1 00 ToOahuPrJson '.. ,1 W --To Kohololba,- slifughler houses' or tannery, per load 1 50 From slaughter houses or tan nerv. ncr load. 50 .To Lililiii and School st. corner. 50 'To LlllllU and King st. corner. 00 To Reformatory School corner 50 To AlapnlV corner 50' To Waller's, Kiilihl . , .. i) 00 To Paw'na ' 1 50 To.Artesian Ice Works, load. . 2 00 To Punahou 2 00 To Kumollllll '.'. 8 00 To Insane Asy lui 3 50 To .Queen's Hospital . . ., 75 To Wnlklki, town bide of bridge near church, S 50 To town side of bridge at Park entrance ,, 300 To Parki as per agreement.. . .. To Kulnokahuii, us far ns Pilkol street .................. 1 00 To Gov't Powder Magazine, per "load 1000 Its or less 0 00 ITrom Oov't Powder Magazine per load 1000 lbs or Jess I) 00 T11 or from KukanKo. 1 00 II. G. CitAuiji:, B, M. OArteu 1S.'Pkcx. ( II- - Roueiitbon Ajiiii.KV & Co"., W, F, Bhaiiiiat, Mrs. (S. P. Waud, (per F. Uiulicc, aU lw Manager), EST A'fhic selection of Ladles' Biitm finnu-ti- t una be had at the Honolulu J Clothiug EniporJui" f A M. MKM.I4V B: F. EHLEBB & Co., ' DEY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every stoamor EOR T STREET I AM ALL UPSET sOn account of extending the Htorc, nnd Receiving New Goods for the Coronation SUCH AS Flushes, Brocades, Surrahs, Morrios, Silks, Satins, Laees, Trimmings, Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades. :i, 4, 0 nnd 12 Button nnd 5 Hook FOSTER KID GMjOTES! For want of room, I will sell the above goods nt prices never known before in this market. A. M. Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium 104 Fort street, LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Ofllcc,10ond 21 Merchant st, above J. W. Robertson & Co's. BOO P. O. Box, 101. ly G. H. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams u town. Telephone N. G5. 15 CEDAR SHINGLES I Just Received hy 2M Allen & lloblnnon. ,W, FENNELL, Practical Mechanic. Saddlks and Haiiness S&B of all kinds on hand or Jt made to order. No millinery or dry goods for sale here. JNo steam plows or uornam silver ware. No wines or spirits for sale. No Imported Coronation stock' here. No boots, shoes or Peter Funk jewelry; But If you wani satisfaction in my line call. on 111c nt 93 King nt. 303 BREAKING HOUSES IX OENUIHE' OTVI.E. WALLACE JACKSON JMmt the thorough experienc- ed horse brcakcr,wishcs .prisutS.. ulc puuno 10 KI1UW Hill lie is limy prcpareu 10 take charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend carefully to feeding nnd doctoring horses, lie has now 111 his charge such celebrated steeds as Biack Thorn nnd other thoroughbreds, and has tho exclusive charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders, left ,at the Pantheon Stables, or at'tho niommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's property ntKaplolanl Park, 'will meet with promptness. 293 ly Dr. c Frica, Veterinary Physician, xJHu Stables on Berctnnia st. C?2t-plains- ) near 'Thomas' Square. Orders sent to P. O. Box,315 will receive prompt attention. Dr. De Fries having lilted up elegant accommodations on the Plains for the doctoring and care of animals) is fully prepared to render, satisfaction. Has ulso.alarfiC pasture land and will take general good care of horses and cattle left in his charge. No cure no pay. 809 ly A. KRAFT, J EWELER,! OPTICIAN, Dealer 111 Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 1 ing, opposite the Bank. CluiB. D. Oemsch, Practical Watchmaker. 10- - Hotel Street, opposite the 123 3m International Hotel, ICE MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU to all parts of tho City. Shipping supplied in quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 58. Oiliuc ut Wilder & Co.'s.. 18 The Iln-wnlin- u Temperance Year Book, For 1883, will bo published Jioro in THERE 1883, a yenr book, an In. tercstlng uiul useful volume with tho above title, A handy book of referenco as woll nsn valuable book foi the house, hold. It will bo especially devoted to the temperance cause, nnd will" bo of much use all the year, around, You will bo .spjlcjtod (fl subscribe to this book, andcauobtafii foJflfOMilS" ty caning wwu K Honolulu. H. S. TREGLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. Itotart Luwori", V.. JI. Cooke. T EWERS & COOKE,, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) , Importers nnd Dealers in Lumbnr and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, Hnnoluln. 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers in. Paints, Oils, Nulls, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort nnd Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 BROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical GasFitters and Copper- smiths, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. House anil Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 bCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. and dealer 111 Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. C3 BROWN & CO., Importers nnd in Ales", Wines and Spirits, No. !i Merchant st., 'Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, S iSteiim engines, sugar mills, crs, iron, brass nnd lead cast ings; machinery 01 every description made to order. Particular 'attention paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Wilson Brothers,, aENERAL llorso BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing n specialty A first-clas- s man being specially engaged for that work. Ship nnd Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop 011 the Esplnuftdc, op. Hoppcr's.204 THEH Journal, " KoHa- - Pak Aixa," owned and edited by Kownimii Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3;200 copies, and is the best' advertising medium. Of- fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1 THE EVILS OF FAINTING And their Remedy. 11 It has been said with much truth, too, that house painting might, with study and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as. a liberal art." Paiicrs Muiiitttl. Believing the above to botruc,V. B KERR has now his system of working the business lu Honolulu. In tho first place he lias secured the ser. vices of that celebrated artist, Mr. Max Koiin, formerly of Sim Francisco, whose work in the lino of plain and decorative paper-hangin- frescoing, &c, Is up to the present timo unsurpassed, and on these Islands hos never been equalled, For house painting jobs flrst-chu- s me- chanics only will bo employed. In future patrons can depend upon my fill, ing every order on the most sclcntinc bal known to tlm tnulcv Tl0 Sign Painting and Lotturlng will be permanently presumed over by Mr. Gko, Htuatmkykh, (further comment 1111 necessary,) P.8. Send for designs of frescos for celling and cornices., Something, new; and If you wuut any glass put in call at "Tiger "Paint Store, 247 ly 78 King fltrcot. rpWO OFFICKS TO LET, on the see-- 4. oiul floor of the building occupied nri. i llwwjpii i qv ., w Commission Merchants. Geo. AV. Mncfnrlnnc. H. Ri Macfarlone. G. W. MACFAHLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AKD Sugar Factors, Firc-Proo- f Building, 52 Quccu street, Honolulu. H. I. aoknts for The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tho Ilecla Sugar Plantation, Onliu, Huclo Sugar Mill, Mnul, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sliccp Ranch Co., Hnwnll, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway AVorks, Leeds, Mirrlces; Watson &Co's Sugar Mnchln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. ibj . PRATT & CO. FS. . Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Special attention- - given to the Sale of Real Estate and Personal Property. Advances made on consignments. 240 Clan Sl'rcckcl?. Wm. (1. Irwin. WG. irwin & Company; Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHAOKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 S. OLEQHORN & CO. A. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers In General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kiuihumanu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 II. A. P. Crtcr. 1'. C. Jones, Jr. C. BREWER & COMPANY, Kliinti!nii mid PnltntiitiLiinri Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY, Importers and .Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foreign Ins. Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & GONSALES, No. 57 Hotel Stiect, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOOSB, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Quccu st.,.Honolulu. 1 S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer- chandise nid Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. , Commission Merchants. 124 Culifoinlit street, Sau Francisco, Cal. 1 F L H NEHAN & GO .. Importers nnd Commission Mer. chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 8. X. CricHc. J. D. Athcrtoii. n A S TL E & COO K E . ShiniiiiiK and Commission Mer. cliants. Importers and Dealers. in t?en-er- Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. 1 ING WO CHAN & Co.. w Importers and General Dealers in English. American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Ten and' General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, nil qualities and prices. J6T No. 22 Nutiaiiu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. si A. Gr. ELLIS, STOCK BROKER, 'will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, nnd Other Marketable Securities, Altheir market value for cash. 215 Office witli E.P. Adaniy-.Auct'- r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, . t STOCK BROKER, NO. 38 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I, Sugar Plantation, Rallroiul, Telephone, and other'Corporation Stock, Bonds and Similar Securities Mought and Sold on Commission. Money loaned on Stock Securities. Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 211 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gus Fitter, &o. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock 11 ml niotuls, Houso Furnishing Goods, 7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &o. A. S. CLEGH0EN & Co. Have received a largo assortment of Boots & Shoes U to fvlr'8,1 r'lvi'iio'Ofi, m Professionals. J' SB. MANN..B. S., Teacher op Dntorisa, DltMIGItTlNO AND T1IK SCIENCES. , 287 No. 189 Fort street. lm SARAH B. PE1RCE, M. D.. and Children's Physician. Ofllco nnd residence, No. 6 School street, (between Fort nnd Emma). Ofllco hours 10:80 to 11:30a. ra. 1:30 to 8 :80 p.m. 240 Telephone, No. 201. DR. THAOHER, DENTIST, 104J Fort street (up stairs.) . Charges lower than any other dentist' hi Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed. 805 TR. EMERSON, sr Residence nnd consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul st., comer of Fort. Telephone No. US). 63 2ra D, G. TROUSSEAU. .i beus to notlfyhls friends that ho has resumed practice in Honolulu. Resi- dence and consulting rooms, No. 7 Punchbowl st., opposite the makal- - gate of the Queen's Hospital. Cohiuitlnr hours from 0 a. m. to 12. Telephone No., 193. , ' ta W. Austin "Whiting, Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. ' 209 T M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARYPUBLIC. Real Estate 111 nny pnrl of the Kingdb '; bought, sold nnd leased, on " " commission. Loans negotiated, , :t Legal Documents Drawn.11 No. 27 Merchant st. (Gnzctto Block);" 100 Honolulu, Hawaiiau'Islonds s.B- - DOLE, ' ' Lawyer and Notary Public, 11 No, 15 Kauhiimamt st. JM. DAVIDBON, Attorney at Law. 1U 21 Merchant street FRAN0I8 M. HATCH, : !' . Attorney nt Law, . ,. ,. 2j 15 Kaahumanu st. John Russell, Attorney nt Law, Olllec, corner of Fort and Merchant' st. (up stairs) ii8 T7"ILLIAM O. SMITH, ' Attorney at Law, 73 No. 30 Merchant street. RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor, at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, Counsellor at Law. Notary Public, and Ageut for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for th Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu sttf Honolulu. r o. berqer, ' KAAKUSIANU 8TUKKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co (limit' d Macncalc & Urban Sufcs, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machlna Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. ' S8 QHARLES T. GULICK, . . NOTARY PUBLIC, ' ' Agent to. take Acknowlcdginciits t"o r Labor Contracts, "" AND GENEMAL aiUSINESS AGENT. Olllec, iuMakec's Block, corner Qiiccnj and Kaahumanu streets, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS fc Co. ' 120 Fort Street, .' . Honolulu,' Portrait and Landscape 180 My WILLIAM AULD. Aircnt to T T take Acknowlcdcriii(.nts to Cnn. tracts for Labor for the Dlstrlct'of Koim' isiaiKl 01 Oahu, at the olllec of (he Honu, lulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu st. 180 tf , TOIIN A. HASSINGE1V Agent to mue AcKnowicuinnont s to. Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce,' Honolulu '7 . . l w. C. AKAA, , Chinese ami Hawaiian Trans- - lator auu Interpreter, ! No. 48 King street, Honolulu. ; Translations of cither- - of the1 aliovs languages made with arciirncy and dih-patc- and on reasonable terms. 200 ' JIL1JRUN8, Cooper, and Oauger, ' of any dlniensldiisV' Cooperngo, No, 10 Fort street, 1,1,1 Honolulu. Oil Casks, Bhooks and Hooji Iron'coii.'" 'f'l ? st'jijl).v u Imnd p'liiXwjItM'lyj jsk 3s ' A -- M s m : 4

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VJ' s??,?'t,w r? ?'tA' " ??f"?' W ra,? v"9 : '.. 'r' rt -


IT t .rib. K'




WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning and clrcu.luted throughout the town by carriers,nnd forwarded to tho other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription, SO cents per Month.

G. Causon Kksyon, Editor.AlMufsihcsa communlcntlons.lo .lie. ad-

dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOlllec Box No. 14. Telephone 2r0.

Vomer, .... qneen Htrcct,V. .Opposite West's Carriage, Factory.

ft J. G. Cmsvioii, Manager

Honolulu Draymen'sSl


Protective Union.

In consequence of the continued highprices for liny nnd grain, nnd also of-th-

high rates of wages that prevail, we, theundersigned Draymen, arc compelled tomake u slight change in our range ofcharges' for cartage.

On and after February 1st, 1883, thefollowing rates will be charged:

Sugars and Rice, short hauling,per ton of 2000 It.s 0 33

Sugars nnd Rice, from Esplu.r'nade" wharves' to Qttccn street

wharves, ojr,yiec ryersn.-- . ....... 50Liiuc,. cement, molasses or ah';,inon,jto wit: 8 bbls, lime, 5

bbls cement, 7 bbls' molasses,8 bbls salmon, to constitute aload, from anypoint on Espla-und- o

to Queen st." wharves, orvice versa, per load. . ........ 50

Lime, cement, molasses nnd sal.mon, short cnrtnge.r 87

Merchandise tb Bond , per load . 50Merchandise, from Bond, per Id

(detention extra) 75

Merchandise from all 'vessels dischnrging at any.wharfto any point within thefollowing limit's; Viz:

' Muunnkca.Bt.j Berctnnia', st. andAiaKca si.'pcr'ion,- - ns.pur inn

. of lading 37)4Any single, loudness tlian.l ton,

as above: . A . 50Merchandise to island steamers,,

per load . . . 50(Detention ottlrayat the rate of

Sllporhouky'?''' ' 'Coal, liaggcd,y,t9il of 2240 lbs.,

withinlrinits . ..5'. 37uoai, loose. . if.vf.'3 50Coal, cartlngrona'nlling, as per grcem't

witluiiK IHnits namedabove, per M .)i. t'..... 1 00

Briciks, pressed or lire, namedabove. ncrM .. 1 50

Iron and machinery,,within im' its, per lbnd'or ton 50

Extra heavy safes or machineryas per agreement

Black sand ns.pccngr'tRubbish or dirt, as per agr't....Household1 furniture as per agr'tLumber per 1 M, ft within Hints 50Posts per 100,.withiif limits 50Shingles per 10 'M" within limits 50'

Fire wood, on city front, cord. .

Flro wood, from city front toany point within .Maunakcii,King and'Punchbowl "sts.v . . 1 00

Kerosene to the percase of oil.-- 01

From the oil house, per loud ofl'oo25 cases or less....."

From the city front to any of the.followragpoinis:

To Kukut street. .;. ." . . V73To School street, bet. Eninia

st. arid' Waikalial ulu Bridge . , 1,-0-

To Waiplula. - 1.00To Judd street. , . . .. v ;,. .v.

1 50

To Piiuhul. .V.?". ...T. ...' . i. "8-00--

To AVvll street 2 00To ice works (Nutuinii) per load

oriton.. ..,.., !! .?30To Pauoa - 2ToLelco 1 00

ToOahuPrJson '.. ,1 W--To Kohololba,- slifughler houses'

or tannery, per load 1 50From slaughter houses or tan

nerv. ncr load. 50.To Lililiii and School st. corner. 50'To LlllllU and King st. corner. 00

To Reformatory School corner 50

To AlapnlV corner 50'To Waller's, Kiilihl . , .. i) 00

To Paw'na ' 1 50To.Artesian Ice Works, load. . 2 00

To Punahou 2 00

To Kumollllll '.'. 8 00To Insane Asy lui 3 50

To .Queen's Hospital . . ., 75To Wnlklki, town bide of bridge

near church, S 50

To town side of bridge at Parkentrance , , 300

To Parki as per agreement.. . . .

To Kulnokahuii, us far ns Pilkolstreet .................. 1 00

To Gov't Powder Magazine, per"load 1000 Its or less 0 00ITrom Oov't Powder Magazine

per load 1000 lbs or Jess I) 00T11 or from KukanKo. 1 00II. G. CitAuiji:, B, M. OArteu1S.'Pkcx. ( II- - RoueiitbonAjiiii.KV & Co"., W, F, Bhaiiiiat,Mrs. (S. P. Waud, (per F. Uiulicc,

aU lw Manager),

EST A'fhic selection of Ladles' Biitmfinnu-ti- t una be had at the Honolulu

J Clothiug EniporJui" f A M. MKM.I4V


All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every stoamor EOR T STREE T

I AM ALL UPSETsOn account of extending the Htorc, nnd

Receiving New Goods for the CoronationSUCH AS

Flushes, Brocades, Surrahs, Morrios, Silks, Satins,

Laees, Trimmings, Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades.:i, 4, 0 nnd 12 Button nnd 5 Hook

FOSTER KID GMjOTES!For want of room, I will sell the above goods nt prices never known

before in this market.

A. M. Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium104 Fort street,


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Ofllcc,10ond 21 Merchant st,above J. W. Robertson & Co's.BOO P. O. Box, 101. ly

G. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

u town. Telephone N. G5. 15


Just Received hy

2M Allen & lloblnnon.,W, FENNELL,

Practical Mechanic.Saddlks and Haiiness S&Bof all kinds on hand or Jt

made to order.No millinery or dry goods for sale here.JNo steam plows or uornam silver ware.No wines or spirits for sale.No Imported Coronation stock' here.No boots, shoes or Peter Funk jewelry;

But If you wani satisfaction in my linecall.on 111c nt 93 King nt. 303



JMmt the thorough experienc-ed horse brcakcr,wishcs

.prisutS.. ulc puuno 10 KI1UW Hilllie is limy prcpareu 10

take charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend carefully to feeding nnddoctoring horses, lie has now 111 hischarge such celebrated steeds as BiackThorn nnd other thoroughbreds, and hastho exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders, left ,at the Pantheon Stables,or at'tho niommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property ntKaplolanl Park,'will meet with promptness. 293 ly

Dr. c Frica,Veterinary Physician,xJHu Stables on Berctnnia st.

C?2t-plains- ) near 'Thomas'Square. Orders sent to P. O. Box,315will receive prompt attention.

Dr. De Fries having lilted up elegantaccommodations on the Plains for thedoctoring and care of animals) is fullyprepared to render, satisfaction. Hasulso.alarfiC pasture land and will takegeneral good care of horses and cattleleft in his charge. No cure no pay.

809 ly


Dealer 111 Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 1

ing, opposite the Bank.

CluiB. D. Oemsch,Practical Watchmaker.

10- - Hotel Street, opposite the123 3m International Hotel,

ICE MANUFACTORY.HONOLULU to all parts of thoCity. Shipping supplied in quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 58. Oiliuc utWilder & Co.'s.. 18

The Iln-wnlin- u

Temperance Year Book,For 1883,

will bo published Jioro inTHERE 1883, a yenr book, an In.tercstlng uiul useful volume with thoabove title, A handy book of referencoas woll nsn valuable book foi the house,hold. It will bo especially devoted tothe temperance cause, nnd will" bo ofmuch use all the year, around, You willbo .spjlcjtod (fl subscribe to this book,andcauobtafii foJflfOMilS" tycaning wwu




204 FORT ST.

Itotart Luwori", V.. JI. Cooke.

T EWERS & COOKE,,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.) ,

Importers nnd Dealers in Lumbnr and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,Hnnoluln. 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers in.Paints, Oils, Nulls, Salt

and Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort nnd Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers inLumber and all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

BROWN & PHILLIPS, PracticalGasFitters and Copper-

smiths, No. 71 King St., Honolulu.House anil Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

bCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.and dealer 111 Gent's,

Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. C3

BROWN & CO., Importers nndin Ales", Wines and Spirits,

No. !i Merchant st., 'Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,SiSteiim engines, sugar mills,crs, iron, brass nnd lead castings; machinery 01 every descriptionmade to order. Particular 'attention paidto ship's blacksmithing. Job work exe-

cuted at short notice. 1

Wilson Brothers,,


Shoeing n specialtyA first-clas- s man being specially engaged

for that work.Ship nnd Wagon work faithfully

attended to.Shop 011 the Esplnuftdc, op. Hoppcr's.204

THEH Journal, " KoHa- -

Pak Aixa," owned andedited by Kownimii Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3;200 copies, andis the best' advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1


11 It has been said with much truth,too, that house painting might, withstudy and acquirement of taste, resumeits rank as. a liberal art." PaiicrsMuiiitttl.

Believing the above to botruc,V. BKERR has now his systemof working the business lu Honolulu.In tho first place he lias secured the ser.vices of that celebrated artist, Mr. MaxKoiin, formerly of Sim Francisco, whosework in the lino of plain and decorativepaper-hangin- frescoing, &c, Is up tothe present timo unsurpassed, and onthese Islands hos never been equalled,For house painting jobs flrst-chu- s me-

chanics only will bo employed. Infuture patrons can depend upon my fill,ing every order on the most sclcntincbal known to tlm tnulcv

Tl0 Sign Painting and Lotturlngwill be permanently presumed

over by Mr. Gko, Htuatmkykh, (furthercomment 1111 necessary,)

P.8. Send for designs of frescos forcelling and cornices., Something, new;and If you wuut any glass put in call at

"Tiger "Paint Store,247 ly 78 King fltrcot.

rpWO OFFICKS TO LET, on the see-- 4.

oiul floor of the building occupiednri. i llwwjpii i qv ., w

Commission Merchants.Geo. AV. Mncfnrlnnc. H. Ri Macfarlone.



Sugar Factors,Firc-Proo- f Building, 52 Quccu street,

Honolulu. H. I.

aoknts forThe Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tho Ilecla Sugar Plantation, Onliu,Huclo Sugar Mill, Mnul,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sliccp Ranch Co., Hnwnll,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway AVorks, Leeds,Mirrlces; Watson &Co's Sugar Mnchln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.

ibj .

PRATT & CO.FS.. Auctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.Special attention- - given to the Sale of

Real Estate and Personal Property.Advances made on consignments. 240

Clan Sl'rcckcl?. Wm. (1. Irwin.

WG. irwin & Company;Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHAOKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

S. OLEQHORN & CO.A. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers In General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kiuihumanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

II. A. P. Crtcr. 1'. C. Jones, Jr.

C. BREWER & COMPANY,Kliinti!nii mid PnltntiitiLiinri

Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY,Importers and .Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Underwriters, British andForeign Ins. Company, and NorthernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & GONSALES,No. 57 Hotel Stiect, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOOSB,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Quccu st.,.Honolulu. 1

S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer-

chandise nid Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. ,Commission Merchants. 124

Culifoinlit street, Sau Francisco,Cal. 1

F L H N E H A N & G O ..Importers nnd Commission Mer.

chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

8. X. CricHc. J. D. Athcrtoii.n A S T L E & COO K E .ShiniiiiiK and Commission Mer.

cliants. Importers and Dealers. in t?en-er-

Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. 1

ING WO CHAN & Co..w Importers and General Dealersin English. American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Ten and' GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, nil qualities and prices.

J6T No. 22 Nutiaiiu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. si

A. Gr. ELLIS,STOCK BROKER, 'will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, nndOther Marketable Securities,

Altheir market value for cash.215 Office witli E.P. Adaniy-.Auct'- r.


NO. 38 Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I,

Sugar Plantation, Rallroiul,Telephone, and other'Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Moughtand Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 211

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gus Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock 11 ml niotuls,

Houso Furnishing Goods,

7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

A. S. CLEGH0EN & Co.Have received a largo assortment of

Boots & ShoesU

to fvlr'8,1 r'lvi'iio'Ofi, m


SB. MANN..B. S.,Teacher op Dntorisa,


287 No. 189 Fort street. lm

SARAH B. PE1RCE, M. D..and Children's Physician.

Ofllco nnd residence, No. 6 School street,(between Fort nnd Emma).

Ofllco hours 10:80 to 11:30a. ra.1:30 to 8 :80 p.m.

240 Telephone, No. 201.


104J Fort street (up stairs.) .Charges lower than any other dentist'

hi Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.


TR. EMERSON,sr Residence nnd consultation roomsat No. 2 Kukul st., comer of Fort.

Telephone No. US). 63 2ra

D, G. TROUSSEAU. .ibeus to notlfyhls friends that hohas resumed practice in Honolulu. Resi-dence and consulting rooms, No. 7Punchbowl st., opposite the makal- - gateof the Queen's Hospital. Cohiuitlnrhours from 0 a. m. to 12.

Telephone No., 193. , ' ta

W. Austin "Whiting,Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. ' 209



Real Estate 111 nny pnrl of the Kingdb ';bought, sold nnd leased, on " "

commission.Loans negotiated, , :t

Legal Documents Drawn.11

No. 27 Merchant st. (Gnzctto Block);"100 Honolulu, Hawaiiau'Islonds

s.B- - DOLE, ' '

Lawyer and Notary Public,11 No, 15 Kauhiimamt st.

JM. DAVIDBON,Attorney at Law.

1U 21 Merchant street

FRAN0I8 M. HATCH, : !' .

Attorney nt Law, . ,. ,.

2j 15 Kaahumanu st.

John Russell,Attorney nt Law,

Olllec, corner of Fort and Merchant' st.(up stairs) ii8T7"ILLIAM O. SMITH,


Attorney at Law,73 No. 30 Merchant street.

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor, at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public, and Ageut for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for thIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu sttfHonolulu.

r o. berqer, '

KAAKUSIANU 8TUKKT.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co (limit' dMacncalc & Urban Sufcs,The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachlnaGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 'S8


NOTARY PUBLIC, ' 'Agent to. take Acknowlcdginciits t"o



Olllec, iuMakec's Block, corner Qiiccnjand Kaahumanu streets, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS fc Co. '120 Fort Street, .' . Honolulu,'

Portrait and Landscape

180 My

WILLIAM AULD. Aircnt toT T take Acknowlcdcriii(.nts to Cnn.

tracts for Labor for the Dlstrlct'of Koim'isiaiKl 01 Oahu, at the olllec of (he Honu,lulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu st.

180 tf ,

TOIIN A. HASSINGE1VAgent to mue AcKnowicuinnont s to.

Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce,'Honolulu '7 . . l

w. C. AKAA, ,

Chinese ami Hawaiian Trans- -

lator auu Interpreter, !

No. 48 King street, Honolulu. ;

Translations of cither- - of the1 aliovslanguages made with arciirncy and dih-patc-

and on reasonable terms. 200 '

JIL1JRUN8, Cooper, and Oauger, '

of any dlniensldiisV'Cooperngo, No, 10 Fort street, 1,1,1

Honolulu.Oil Casks, Bhooks and Hooji Iron'coii.'"'f'l ? st'jijl).v u Imnd p'liiXwjItM'lyj

jsk 3s


A-- M

s m:






-- h

BWMtf.4 T




- ji r -

JTOAY, FEB. T, 1883.


.Hmul nt Hawaiian Hotel, 730.Harmony Lodge I.O.O.F. 7 :30.Hawaiian Lodnc, No. 2, 7:30

The Athletic associationHeld its first annual meeting in Us

own hall on Friday evening. Therewere about' thirty members present.The various ofllccrs' reports wereread, from which wo gather thatSUloO hail been paid for the build-

ing and freehold site, and that theAssociation was still about 400 hi,debt. Votes of thanks weic passedto the rctiiing ofHccrs, nml the elec-

tion of ofllccrs was proceeded with,with the following result: S. B. Dole

President ; Mrs. K. P. Adams and F.AYunnnbcrg, Vice - Presidents ; C.

Holte, Treasurer ; J. S. Wobb, Sec-

retary ; Mrs. II. A. P. Carter, Miss11. Peircc, Miss C. Coney, Major A.ltosa, II. Whitney, J. F. Brown, F.Macfarlanc, A. Ilerzog, and C. Mac-farlan- c.

Directors. By a two-third- s

majority it was then agreed that thedues should be $1 per month for allmembers. .The President declaredthat the hall was ready for use, onapplication at a few day's notice,and the meeting adjourned.

POLICE OOUKT FEBRUARY, 2.Uia, drunk, forfeited bail $G;

Kelly and Knwehi, drunk, fined $5

and $1 costs each; assaultand battery, forfeited bail &10; Ki-nol-

(k) Puu (w), adultery, thefirst was fined $30 and $1 costs thesecond fcl& and $1 costs; Ah Fat,remanded from 2G Jan, fined $30and 1.70 costs with imprisonment athard labour for 10 days; Mukini andPalakiko, larceny of two fowls, re-

manded to the 3rd; Aliyee, reman-

ded from 1st to 3rd.

SHIPPING. NOTES.The Kilauea Hon brought 00 bags

corn 50 bkgs sugar 10G8 bags sugarand 13 barrels of mollasscs.

The Mokolii brought 850 bagsrice.

The, J C Ford arrived on Saturday17 days from San Fraociseo.

The Likclikc brought 11 09 bags ofsugar.

The tern J. C. Ford brought somefine horses and cows for Miles Bros.

The Ullock arrived ou Saturday13G days from Liverpool. Captainreports speaking the whaler Seafoxin the Straits of Lcuiairc and.thc Bri-

tish bark Bothnia off the Cape boundfrom Glasgow to Bolivia.

It appears that the Suez was seennn the 19th and not on the 15th bythe Ucvcrc.

The "Limiee."Is 1300 tons burthen, and carriesGguns and 150 men. The following isher list of ofllccrs :

M. Clintcuum'niois, Captain CommanderM. Lccilvc, First Lieutenant31. Dunlel, Aubry anil Rusncl, LieutsM. OIllviiT, PayniastcriiiidCommisalrcM. .Ionian, Physician of tlio 1st class,

Surgeon MajorM. Ainlmul,


Kain again on .Saturday. Streetsnot scraped yet.

The Privyi Council met on Satur-

day and had a long sitting..

J. V. Wangcnhcim, who was com-liiiltcdi- to

the Insane Asylum two orthree weeks ago, died in ' that Insti-

tution yesterday, and will be buried."' - '

Mr. J. Haley won the pigeon-shootin- g

match on Friday afternooneasily. IIo now holds the champion-ship of Hawaii.

oMn. Mollis docs not sell iircwoiks

for the Coionation, as insinuated byn contemporary, hut plenty can bo

found at 'Well' Music Store.

A pair of bine spectacles wove

picked up on Niumnu street on Fri-

day hist. The owner can have themby calling nt the Bumktin Oflicc.

. ,,

Wk heard on Saturday, of a China-

man having been found on the

tipper verandah of a two story houseon,, Nuuanu Avenue. Ho quicklyescaped, jjowu ono.of the pHIius,.- -

R i- 5$ma. waei r


Tni; Premier's health is still fee-

ble. It is said the accumulation oftroubles over the cares of the Coro-

nation lias n great deal to do with it.

Anr.it the match on Friday after-

noon two sweepstakes wcro arranged.Both were carried off by Mr. C.Wilson, with G birds out of 7.Quite a partj' were out there.

Tin: advertisement of the Corona?tion procession no longer appears inthe columns of our daily contem-

porary. Is there then to be no pro-

cession at all at all?

Titnui: is rcal need for a Societyfor the Prevention of Cruelty toAnimals here. Would any one de-

sire to know why jet him, think ofthe pigeon matches.

S.mnuuY last was the anniversaryday of the Honolulu Fire Depart-ment. The usual parade was, we

understand, postponed until Coiona-

tion day, February 12th.. .

Quito a number of members at-

tended the piaclicc of the MusicalSociety on Fiiday evening. Next,Friday evening will be the annualmeeting and the, election of ofllccrs.

Wk have, received a copy-o- thismonth's Anglican Chronicle. Itimproves considerably on acquaint-- ;anee, and is, wd think, giving evi-

dence of its desire to be truly Cath-

olic, i.e., universal

Wk have received from Messrs.Macfarlanc & Co.' n very neat.calen-da- r,

presented by Boss "; Co., 'ofBelfast Ginger Ale notoriety. Itcombines advertising ,and illustra-tion in n very happy way. " r

'It has been suggested that a list

of the respectable Citizens who aregoing to sttty cucat from the Coro-

nation, would be far larger and'moreinteresting than one of those thatwill be present.

Missus McChcsncy and Sons anilthe general public, arc both herebynotified that some of the very finestand cheapest provisions in Honolulu,can be found at their establishmentMerchant Street.

Tiir.ui: arc two' lodges in this town,one of which, hy' unanimous vote,without debate, declined to attendin the Coronation procession. Nowthe other notifies to the members ofthat lodge by public advertisementthat they may join them in the pro-

cession. Isn't this too ridiculous?

A' Ninv arrangement has been en-

tered into by one of our largestwholesale houses, hy which on Satur-days, ono half their cleiks go offduty ats12 noon and the others keepon uulil J. Each half goes off onalternate Saturdays. It would begood if this, plan were generallyagreed to we think. '

eSr-lCO- J yards of Quecho'o all woolflannel, from 25cts. up, at Chan, J.Fisliel's Leading Millncry House.

'i -JllSrT-lii- u Sateens all colors, at

Chas.i.I. Fiohol's Leading MillineryHouse. 5235'

S. M. CARTER & CO. ,BEG to nttify their friend and the

public of Honolulu, thatthey have


Retail Dealers in Wood,Coal and Feed. .

They will also enny on tho

General Drayage Businessas heretofore.

Orders respectfully solicited.Promptness guaranteed.

Place of Business 82 King street.TK1IJIS hTWCTI.V caku. 310

Tclephono No. 80.1. Orders will ho le.celveiloirnnd after tlm Dili just.

SMOKERSWho wish to indulge In " A sweet wlillf

of tho Iialiny weed Nicotian," willdp well to cull at the

BEAVER SALOONwhcio they will ti nil tho

Choicest Smoking and Chewing '

Tobaccos, Cigars, &c.fumauieoab "i

GauciahCommkhciai. CigaiibOnmio .,.,. . .'Yacht Ci.uii

Vanity Fnr Cigarettes,Meeiwluuun'Pipej&Oj&c.

t5?"Conic and be'wc.cbineil byH. J, N0LTE.

Our readers' special attention la

called to the notice regarding theMartha Davics' time of sailing (June15th) from Boston, which appearsin another coluhui. All error crept"

in in tho advertisement of a contem-

porary, so that shippers would ilo

well to send forward their ordersand commissions nt once.

i B. Gents' Slllc Sii'pemlcr.s (something new) will bo sold during the Holl.,day's t the Honolulu Clothing Euipnii.nn of A. M. Mnu.m, 101 Foil Stiecl. JJil


Q57"White oDoii front shuts, atClins. J. Fisliel's Leading Millinury"House.

t3T The largest suleclinn of Ladles'Flrhrci and Collmcttcs of the lute tPattcius aic to lie had nt the HonoluluClothing Emporium of A. M. Mm.t.is,101 Foil St l eel 271

' ' sassz ii"a l '

In Guatemala, it is reported thatone of the ancient gold mines whichproduced fabulous wealth for sonictime after the Spanish' conquest andwas subsequently lost, has been dis-

covered anew.- - Traces of the oldwoiks arc found and the quartzwhich I1113 been taken out is extra-ordinarily lich. Some prospectorsfrom California have located sevenlodes in the neighborhood and arcfull of enthusiasm over tltc outlook.

LODGE No. n I.O.O.F.lining nrcciiteil the invitation to

be present at the Coronation, till broth-ers of Excelsior Lodge and visiting bio.,tbeis nie tordially Invited tq bupri'uiitnt the i.odgu ltoo'm, nt 10 a. in., on Feb.12th, a'8a. Itegnlia. ':I10 lw M. 1). MONSAKKAT, N.G.


A COMPETENT DRUG CLEUK oractive business' young man. Ap-

ply immediately to J. A. Pai.mkk &Co.,lia Fort ctrect. 07

lVniitcil,lnivfng'a copy of J. W.

Kamvahl's "Form Book" to dis-pose of, will lliul n purchaser by sendingword to803 tf J. W. HoHKitTeox & Co.

A llsirc ChanceTo invest in a Buggy. Asnlcndid sinclo seat oncn

-- Burmy, neailv new. co- -t

sell for $100.A shiftless top buggy, nearly new, cost

.$825; sell for $175. Either is n goodbargain for any one needing a vehicle.

Aililrcss or imply toE. WISEMAN. -

T.14 lw General Business Agent;




; Ceiling1 Decoration) '.; ti 'OF THKLUADING

United States Factories:


I T.vrn"i?'Do . nnnvu

h"&&W?J&FM&&Xotlce. . .

TESSRS. W. W. IIALL'vt C. UOLTElfX have been appointedtho IMate of I'lill.'rjtoin.

All persona having claims nguinst thisEstate will lilcaso ipre-jen- t them, and nilpciaons jui)elilcd jo this 'Estate wjlLpleuse settle accounts bv pavment to

C. UOLTE,At II. Hiiekfed & CVs.

Ilbnolulu, .Tan. 25th, 183i). !J07 Stv

Dissolution of Partnership.U hereby gl von that tho firnn

of Broglle, Spear k Co. Is this ilnvdissolved by mutual consent. A. YV

'' - j - --

AllcbUipsllli'hai'ilson retiring. j.

twill bepiihi byiC.JJroglicand J. A. Spear, ami all debts will becollected by them.

The business will continue under thelb in mime of Broglle & Spear.

C'n as. Unooi.u:.Joiijc A. Hi'u.vit.A. IV. Riciiaiidsox.

Honolulu, Jan. 13, 188a. !'(! lm

Tiollce,rpiIE undersigned linve this diy pur--

nhiised the Interests of A. w. BushnnilW. B. Luce in tho Union Feed Coin-p.ui- v.

and rcipicsl that nil claiiuhagnliibttho 'Union Feed Conipsuy to date bo pie.seated immediately.


Honolulu, Jim, 24th, 188:1. Ojil lw

Xotiee.W'E beg to notify tho Honolulu pub-

lic ami those residents on theother Llauds that we will coutinuo thebusiness of tho

Union Feed Companynt the old Maud, mid trust by n strict at.tenlioii to thu wants of. oiir customers tomciit a fair nharo of patronage. It willhe our aim to keep on hand at nil timesn bill Hock of nil kinds of feed. .



--M)ILL1NGHAjI. CO.'S-- .

BULLETINJF !.i ., ,.

Just leech cd c " Australia " nail " El!aJI f lorn Now York nod

'W iV,.

Hft$g Something New in Lmftp Goods 1$CtiiilngoiLamps. a large vaiiclj'of'lhu bc-- l Amoriciift make.

Wlie Oau'c, Uoor JIatsf, Cutting Nipper,",

i'1 WoWcli, SiIwh, Sheaves and 8hcr.

Royal Coment, for mending crockery.

Ship Auger, Ultt, Door llolt-j- , Spur IJlinic1?,

Bailey's Planes, Look", Utiles.

;Jj1oams,-- "Whip .Lashes; ,! MSCALES

iiii'cl Novelties !

'v t i203

Recii)rocity. Relatious Ratheii ReiyifyingIklwecn tlie Hawa'iiiin Inlands nntl the United States, and

between the Hawaiian Islands nml

.T. DE.Eeal Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General

Business Agent,Oflicc, 27 Merchant stieet, -- .. Hawaiian G.retle Block.

The only recognized Real Estate Bioker in the Kingdom.,

Land and property for sale in nil parts of Honolulu nnd thciarious Islands.Iloucs'to leaso and lent in Honolulu nml suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout IIoiiolulu.


LANTERNSroit Tin:- -



AT JOHN NOTTS,No. 8 Knnhuinanu street.

3ia lOt

FIRE WORKS!"A large and splendid assortment of Fire-AVor-

can be had at

GEO. F. WELLS'Music Store, consisting of

Palpi s, Sims, Fans,'BnUcries, AVheels, Cliina Flyers,

Colored.Fires,,BcngaIns,Rockets, Roman Candles.

&c, &c., occ.105 nnd107 Fort street.

"1 i 314

ii v

A. BEAUTIFUL LOT OFPlushes, Silks, Safins, Surrahs,

Moires, .Lacos and Tilmmlngs


A. M. McUiN,308 104 Fori Street.

rpiIE Ann of & Co. is this dayX dissolved by miitunl cou'-eu- l.

Honolulu, Jan. Ill, 1883. I

WG. ASHLEY & II. F. HEBUA'RDhave this day formed a

under the lhm nnmo of Ash.ley it Co. All clalnis will bo paid nndnil outstanding iicctHinlf.collocteiLliy theunilei signed.

AY. G. ASHLEYtrjj) Sigueil ii v nuiin.MtnHonolulu, Feb, 1, ,1883. 313 lw

INolioe.AdjounicilAnuual Meeting of

tlio.Stockholdcrs nf the IlnwallnnBell Tele'phono Company held on Jan.27th, 1883, tho following ofllccrs wereelected for tho ensuing year:If. A. AVidcruauu ,. Picsldent.1, F, Blown Yiee.PiesidentC. O. Berger Secretary nnd Trca.E. P. Adams '. Auditor313 lw C. O. BERUER, Secy

Notice.d3. NEITHER the Cantnln nor.a&v Aleuts nf tho British shin

rA lieiiininii. lin ii,(.iiAiict" IiIa fnp iih- - fli.lilu r,kiittiwf.wl

by tho crew wliiloi in this port. iG. AY. MAOFARLANE & Co. t

313 ill Agents ship Aber.imnu.

CoiiHipruee'w Notiee.THE British ship Abcramun,is iiqw icniiy to ulsciinrgeCargo. Consignees T.'ill pleaso

rcall at the ofllco of the undersigned, pav freight and receive onlers.

G. M', MAOFARLANE & Co313 31 Agents ship Aburamiiu



i nBff inT




, ,


- '







nrtnkiiuT(Uunmnni, , ,



r3 Hi m. '? V -

: ' 2nMr

HOARDING. 'GENTLEMEN can be ncconi.AFEAV Board at ii priwlo

Houic, in a rcspcctabjc'.ncigbborho'qil,and within 5 minute's of the Post Office.For particulars 'apply at the Bui.t'.etiNOflicc. 310 lm


Bj-- the stmr City of New York;


Imlies' &, Gciitlemon'm


SADDLES!Embroidered and plain seats.

Bridles in Rnsset & Blk leatherRiding AVIiips and Harness,

Tho llnc&t ever imported into these lb.lands; also,

Solid Leather, Portmanteaus,' ' Carpet Bags, .Pouches, nnd

Russet Leather Saddle BugsONtY At

J. II. LTOCITS,1300 No. 88iKing street.

C. BREWER & Go.Oiler to the public a line of

oa.iii,:i:.a.ckesImported from the East,

and manufactured by celebrated mnkersexpressly for'this market.

Very Stylish Cut-Und- er

Carryall, made by Messrs. Kimball &Bro,, Boston. '

BASKET PflUETONSVery neat nnd stylish, from Kimball &

Bros, nnd AY. P Sargent & Co's.1 Beach AYngon, Brownell's make.

Ilemoorats AYagon.SldcSprlng'Trotting Buggy.

All the above will be sold low.Parties desiring to piucbnso will do well'to rail and examine our stock bcoiepuickaslng elscwbcic.

I lm 0, BREWER & Co.

TO IlENT, on KuhioknlnmPlains, concr of Ktnau nml

MS Pensncola streets. onoLAlKlKCOTTAGE,, rontaining l'arlor, DlnincRoom, 3 Bedrooms, Bnth-roo- with allmodern conveniences; largo Pautry anilKitchen, with latticed verand roopiattached i also Htablo, with two stalls, iayvand eaulago loomsj inula rooms' forseivniiU. FOr further particulars applyto AYM. AV. Hall, , 300

jJSfdk BTIUNGERS will' find

table JIoiuo r.at Avenue. Rooiub furnish.,ed single or BUite, at moderate churgcu.man mrb, jjr.AYlUTii

1 - jy sttfT '' I







Dlinoml HcTiaT'Feb. 5, 0130 a'.m.

SlionfrK.,whHl.,v t ,jsoiiiiiiff in sight.

ARRIVALS.Kp.1i (J . u ', I

Slim1 Kilmica.JHp.Ujf roii) KnhuluJ , h'US.S. Wnclnmctt fni kau FranciscoIlk Ullopk from .LiverpoolTclV.T'CJ 'tfottTfrbm llufitodldtStmr Lcluin from JUoui niul Molokai

Fell. 1

.Stmr Likclikc from windward ports

.Sehr Utinit from Knluilui.11k GiUtybiiig-14- 8 dys fin N CnstloSolir Nettie Merrill from LnlmiiiuSelir Knclitikiii from WninluuSclir K.iuiUcnouli from Houokna.Sclir Kokuuluohl from IluiialcV '


JJ rtno Hesperian for Sun Francisco.Stmr J:iaMiiko(f fpryKiiunh

Ao..i... tfnlfolo for Mnliko.

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYStmr Kilmicn Hon for KnluiluiStmr Mokolii for Kooluh '

PASSENGbRS.From Knluilui, per Kilnucn IIou,

Feb. :) Mr, Sail Obcil wife and childII It Passenger, Chi'unintiin, TliosUcly, II AV Simmons, II Lc Dodge.

For Snn.Franoisco,,.po.ivUc9P.crian.Feb 3 T Ilayscldeii niul wife.

Fiom windward ports per LikclikcFeb 4to Governess of Hawaii, S GWilder, II Folk, C A Ashford, CaptSuencer. E Kckoa, E E Pcrlcy, DrKettriflge, Mis Andrews Dr'Sccley,W Johnson and wife, Nakapunhi, TIt Lucas, Kalci, J M. Thompson andwife, .It E J Nicholsonand wif, 'D' It Vidn', J W'Yarndlcy;T II Davics," C F Hurt, W L Kaho-lokahik- i,

Mrs Knai, N CnnipbclU, PIlaupu and wife, Mrs W Wright andchild, P N MnkSfc? .MitefHoapii, FN Waituncs, Mrs T Everett, J lid-ward- s,

Miss Edwards, Miss1 Collin,Miss Corning, Miss King, L Aholo,wife nnclldiHclA. Kaukaumiid wf.'- -

G. C. Becklcy, Purser.For Kauai per Jas Makcc, Fcb 3Justice' 'McCully, (Justice Auslin ,

A Whiting, S B Dole, L Stolfz, wifeand child, and 11 deck.

From Molokai and Maui per Lc-liu-a,

Feb 8 Mrs Kawaiku, E Jonesand wife, Ah Man,. Poolowa, MrsJones, Mi'Housewortli,10idcckir



II. B.'M. 8. Multnc, F. Edwards.U.S.S. Wacliusclts, PearsonUSS Lackawanna, WilsonFrench man-of-wa- r LimierAm ship Hope,Ship Aberamnn, ChapmanIlk Lizzie MarshalBk Lilly Grace, HughesBark II W Aliny, FreemanBk llcrniann ,Bark UllockBark Revere.Am bktnc Ella, ,

Bktnc Eureka, l'cnhaljowAm tcrii Datoka, ' '

BgtnMorningjStnrBgtne Hesperian, Winding"""Haw brig Xlulto, CameronTern J C FordSclir Haun, "T ??-- ? V " Ji

VESSELS EXPECTED.Nnmo' , .l?omIlls i t ( Duo

Ger S S'Elircnstcin, fm Bremen MhStmr Sue, from S. F. Jan 17Am bk Emerald fm Bt Gamble.. . Ja,80Am tern ME Smith .Ta Utf

Am bk Amy Turner from Boston, Jan 28G r bk C.iuopu. fin Bremen, Fob 7

Jubilee froin Newcastle. Feb 12'Stmr Zealandia fin Sydney, Feb 11

Stmr City of N. York from S. F. Feb 18

Br ship 'Ambassador,, fiiTKcSypastloBarV Loch' L'ce'fni 'Newcastle, Dec,Am bktnc Elinor Vernon, fm N.Y. Mil 15Bk Janet Couit, fm Livorpool, MarchBk C It Bishop, from Bremen, Feb 10Br s s'C T Hook fin Hongkong, DueBr 4binjHenUpxYio JmMxsxvH, Mil

VE88EL8 EXPEOTED AT KAHULUI.Bk Y S Thompson from Nanalmo ,Bgtnclazaid fipmPt'To'nr-eu'- , 1

., Steamer Likelike,;' King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday nt4 p.m., touching ut Lahaiua, Mua-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Midiukoim,Laupuhoehoe and Hilo,

Koturning, .win toucu ut nil tnealove ports, arriving at Honolulueacu sunuay a.m. 1

- Notice,1 -

Having purchased ike good.will of theHotel Street Market, wo (ire now prepared to supply old customers and newlines with tlio best quality of Beef, Mut-to- n

Pork, Veal, Poultry and Eggs atmarket prices.

Shipping supplied with live stock.CAVENAGH & Co.

Honolulu, Junuury 8, 188a. 21)3

Xotice.4 T the Annual Meeting of tho East4. Maul Plantation Co., held at Ilono.

lulu, January 17th, 1880, tho followingofficers WOro elected for1 tho ensuingyear:Col. W. F. Allen , (PresidentJ. E. Hoffmann'. . ; .'. .'.'. . ."Vice PresidentP. C. Jones, Jr m i Scc'y and TreuV.F. Allen... ,...,..,.... .....Auditor

l)llKC"rO8:Messrs. W.'K,'All?H,'A.(p. EUfs.'Unil

P, C. Jones, Jr.800 3w P. C. JONES, Jn Bec'y

19 Ex Zealandia, GcntH Hub

TwcQaSuit, atClms, J, Fislicl'tf.'as',

Oceanio Steamship Oomp'y,

&&, H"'Iron Steamer Suez,

1)01)1) - COMMAJiDEIl,i;if. f ... i'r i..i.. ' ' '"111 1CIIYU I1UI1U1II1II

FOR SAN FRANCISCOFor freight or iri?nc, having superioraccomodation1;, apply to121 Wm. 0. lnwi.v & Co., Agents.

. gjfoUAOlFIO MAIL Steam-&&d$- m

- Bhlp Company.

FOlt SAN F11ANU1SCO,The Splendid Steamship

- Zealandia,Webber, . Cnmninmlcr,

Will leave Honolulu for Sun Franciscoon or about Felt. 11.

TORSYINEY via'aUCKLAND' 'Tlic Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Cobb, - eominiimlcr,

' ' On or about Feb. 18.

For freight or passage apply to Hieuhdcrslgncd agent?,

We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Bound Trip.

II. ll.voKvr.i.u & Co.

x TOR' SAN TRANCISCOr' The clli)pcr ba rk

H. W. Almy,Freeman, ... master,

Will have quick dispatch .for the aboveport. Jb'or freight or passage apply to

Casti.k L Cooki:, Agents.


The clipper bktncElla,

Brown, - .jV , .. MaMcr,Will liave quick1 dlspafcli for-th- e abovep,ort. Tor freight or parage apply to

Oi Bitr.wi'.n & Co., Agents.

tf8 FOR SAN FRANCISCO.jRf. The Hawaiian bark

Lily Grace,S. K. Huglico, - Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. 'For freight or parage apply to

II. IIacki'UM) & Co., Agents.


Tlie clipper bktncEureka,

Penhallow, . . Master,Will have quick dispatch forfhc aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

II. IIackfkld & Co., Agents.

rV C. B11EWEU & Co'.s


The Bark Martha DavisWill sail from Boston on or about the15th of June. Order-- , filled piomptly,and freight tnkcu at the lowest rates.

Apply to O. BltEWEH &, Co.810 Queen st, Honolulu.

.. T.R. F.OSTER. & Co.!s

Line of Steamers

The.Iwalani, -

dXths, Commander,Buns rcgulaily jo Komi and Kau, as

per following time table;Li:avj:s Honolulu at 4 r.jf. ox

Tuc-dn- y, Jau 9 Tuesday, - Feb 20Friday, . Jan 10 RVIiliiv. "Arnrrli Q

TucMlay, Jan 30 Tuesday, Ma'rch l!lFiitlay, Feb U l Fiiday, March 23

AitniVJES.AT Honolulu:Wednesday, Jn 17 Wednesday, Fo 23Saturday,, Ju 27 Saluidny, Ma 10"Wedncidny, Fe 7 Wednesday, Ma 21Saturday, Fc 17 Saturday, Ma 31

"fi a

The C. R. Bishop,cameiion, - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every" Mondayat 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele,and 3Vn linen, Kauai. Hctiirnlng, leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening. .

The James Makee,mcdonalu Commander,

Leaves Honoluluevery Thursday, at Jl'p.m. forKapaa andKihiuca. Itcturning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.


Schooner Ehukai .

'will-ru- tcsulnrlyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, Weatherpermitting..

For freight or passage apply to thoCanlaiu on boaid, or to

181 - A. F. Cooke, Agent.

A. FKANK COOKE,Ofllcc, corner Nuuanu and Queen streets,

Honolulu, II. I., ' , j (

Agent for the following Packets:Wailele, jj. Waipll.Walchu, jE&V Willmalu.Malolo, aapf Kaltina,Mima, 9QH Julia,

Kn Mol, and Eliukul,Bed Flag, with White Ball.


Notice.JAMES HANLON will attend to lame

Umivl ' 'Odlt'at his shopou Bethel strcvt, ou Bruu's prcmUes, W7


Just .Opening This- - Morning

Thoic Cclcbrntcd


& 'V


IiijWhitc, Bronze,

Ulnek and Bronze, nndi ' r.r


Ladles will do well to call, early, andthus secure a perfect fit.



Elegant Dress Suits





All these goods were made expressly

for this Great Event.


Honolulu, Jan.,13, 1883. ... . ,,..280 lni.

'. ... '''PO&tfHIlftl-'."- ' f. K '.

i i 1



,"Company-- ,

WAKE-ltOOM- Nos. 50 and C8




FURNITUREIn the Kingdom,

which will be

Sold at the Lowest Rates.i'




Mudo to order at short notice,



Telephone No. 7;'. '207

A. Now JL.ol olColonial Candies.

Just Deceived nt




3 es-s-

V.o R3&B3



Ladies nild Gent's '

Gold and Silver WnlchoNoActual

Just to hand.otGoldi

Every Wutch warranted as Grossrepresented.

lHtSBTOClimFYlMlSnai5n5Casi) $vpfc--j- t- m JrUiBrtswiiiSilvrofi1oooCayV U.MtNTACSAY.

Tncshnileo't Silver CascJ."

for277 A.

r f .T 7





.- -

of! To-D- ay !--





3reo I

COM. 31cliici'wy,

Aycnlfor this Kingilonu ,

N. B. B'cwaro of imita-

tions, as I have discoveredseveral silver watches bear-ing tho of " WaltliamWatches," which arc of Swiss

and aro sold nsgciiuinc Waltham wtttchcs.'v "

Srtauyi niSTfty - TVlRLlt""" w4WAjha. "4fs:w. &m. va33 rvjffiu,ivs flA x v

acconfflam-l&c- rtuo m ciunranlmL



(215) Eac-simll- e of Gold Cases ()''! IJI'




.UST, RECEIVED,A FINK AS.souTStr.NT Ob' . , 1 , At n''

Boots, Shoes, Slippei'sScR&iTiW.-A- L0- )

THE FINEST SELECTION OP GENTS' SCARPS, ',7,'One in a bo., all ofwhtch sue ' '" ""

Eniiiiently SuitableW.

tlieTAsentfecSLS1UOHA1JDSON & COi

, v




We have just iceeived, per '' Al1cr.11n.111," fiom Glasgow, a large invoice bffEnglish Music Goods, including i '-- '

Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, .

Accordeons, Guitars, Banios'' ' '!(! h.ihkV.


, . Violins, Flutes, Drums';.'if 3,

For every kind of Miing instrument, &c.,&c. ' " 'n-ii.i it.ij:

which, added to our immense stock already on hand, in ikes our etore Till! place to)' I

piiK-hiisc-, as we have now in stork jroods bought, for spot cash al the lciulinu

iniiuiirnctureir. of Euiopo, England and America.If you want the bet inal.'o of any kind of Musical Instruments', we have themIf you want medium pijced or the very cJieipV'sjyjiwihave them in stocki JJO '

Japanese and Pancy Goods of ovei'Y dcBcripiion, 3 , ,and Clmim cheaper than any

Jf --rmwiaw

WAoMBMM' f s



' pr.iiti:

Coiner and

an Entire



'n IfwI tatl t

"""' 'I'

nfoi tvAi


other hoiiso,

vtmi. ii.

, j , I .

i.. a


. J,


Merchant Streets, '.rhtt a;iT--To-Day ! To-D- ay I



. ,. ,1 ,r .y'idLiwooiuit to tlio trade. "?S

Tl-X-E CM.iri

FoilTo-D- ay







Gents', Youth's and Bov'a Olntlnnn 'i,, 07 .jAnd a general assortment of FuiuihhjngUoods, jitbt iceeived e.teanur JJculaudl,

10 more chhk to iiitIvu imji- - Hue, niul City ofMvilncy.'

lluiiiemher, the price if jihiinly luaikcd on each nitiele, from which Ihcro !,' ,. 110 deviation. Ti puielmsers to Jhe ninoiiiit of $5," or over, a per ,.

cent, discount. (No book accounttf kept.) .

Htori) oixui IVoni O (i. in. to H ji.ui. Hatuiilny ovcuIiikh uu!,. 6, W. LE0ERER, MananiV, ' : '

,L, RQ8ENBERl,f"


' w




V '

5 ar

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 185S.

Hakt Bros., : : Propiiclora.

MEALSServed up In first-clas-s style at nil hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, .xe. Also,

IccdL Driiilce !

If yon want to sec tlio

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

Uo to 4 queen Street.

If you want to sec

The' Bost Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

Uo to 4 queen Street.

If you want to

Buy Leather at the LowestPrices in the Kingdom,

Go to 4 queen Street

If you want to Buy the

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Klnjrdom,

Uo to 4 queen Street.

If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom,

G--o to 42 Queen St." M7W. McCHESNEY & SON.

230 tf

To the IiiulieH !


tnken and lessons given inORDERS Silks, and Crewel Em-broidery. Work to he seen every dayfrom 10 a. m. to2 p.m., at 131 Fort street(next door to Dr. Brodlc). 242 3m

CHAMPAGNE CIDER!Made from the purest materials,

Is the bestdrink on the Islands !

" It will thoroughly refresh the jadedmind and wearied body."

J. ViHhcr, 13 Jjiliiin Street.ST Town orders may be left at Mis.

Woik's. King street. 2'i2

LUCAS,Contractor jB .HfEjK

and Builder,-- : --iMZL'UHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade. Honolulu.Manufacture nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets. Window Frames, Blinds,Snhcs. Pool, and all kinds of Wood-work miUh. Turning, .Seiollnnd Bandhawlng.i ? All kinds oi Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Oldcrs promptly attended to and woikgu.uautecd. Ordeis fioin the other Is-

lands solicited 21



. ,At$13 per Cord.

Apply to

A. F. Cooke,215 3m Foot of Nuuuiiu street.


.A.t Market H,a,teApply to


187 ? P. M. S. 8. Wharf.i

For Prime Corned Beet. - AND

Jipiceit Jtoiuid of BeefCall or send youi rdcm to the

HOTEL STREET MARKET807 Telephone 230.


The Beaver Saloon' KOII

Christmas GiftsFor Smokers. Look at thin list :

Tobacco and Cigar finest brunsdTobacco pouches and boxesMatch boxesG. B. 1). briar ioo( pipesMeerschaum pipe,Cigar and Cigarette HoldersPipe Mem front 2 to 24 inches longAmber inouth-plicc- s

Wood dgar and clgarcttu hnldcisAll these are epiite new and t the finestbridrf.27 , , jr. j. xoijt

frPgJflaii BJTmw ' "rrl 'ini

ck vrj3Srx',Carriage gfgl Builder.

Btigglcs, Cnrringcs, Exprafe Wngons

nnil every kind of vehicles


Blacksmilliing, hoiami nil kinds of repairing done.



P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephono 74.


A Large Assortmentor thi:


Fine Wall PapersAM

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by


t&m Call niul'cxaminc. 147


Ceiling Decorations,




A splendid and varied nssortrtcnt



PLANTATION GOODS. -Simple Belting,

Helctia Lacc,Turk Packing,

Sugar Cooleis,Claiillcrs,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubbei,

Babbit Metal,'Barbcil Fence Wire,

Mining Steels,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cane Knives, with or without hooks,Hand and Smith Hammers,

Shocis, Axes,Jacksciews, Vices,

Stcam.pipu Brushes,Patent Stcam-pip- e Coeiing,

Lubricating Oil,Cement, Steel Rails,

Sugar and Coal Bags,Tw In, &,c, He,

For talc by

II. IIACKFELD & Co.Oct. 19th

ATTENTIONOWNERS who nre in possession of

quantities of

chct-ajv'.a.- s

and wihhtodisposoof them, nic respect-fully lcqucMcd to coinmunicate, citherpeieonally or bv letter, to

F. HORN,Pioneer Steam Candy Factory & Bakery28a Hotel Street, Honolulu. lm

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillOilmU from ' to 10 toim ier day.

Also, pulleji", bolts, etc., all In goodorder; can be i tin by Mteuin or horeopower, just the aiticlu for a plantation,


HAY.0ATS, CORN,Wlient, Bran, Bailey, Whole awl

Ciouiid, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

01) LA1NE Co., SlFortst.

Water Notice.Onite Jup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882,

AJJ. pcifons having yatei rrjvilegcsaieuotitled that tholr Water Rates

are pnynlilc semi-annuall- in advance,ai mo ouice ot ire supcrjnieuucui oiWater Wmks, foot of Nminnu utioot,upon the Ibt (lav of Januaiy and July ofeach year. CHAS. B. WILSON,

- Sup't Water Works.8, K.Ku,MiijfHci vW'ilvilyi,y,J.'91

"TT ' ."J "W"i Just Received, those Desirable

HELMET HATSThe most suitable hals for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. M. Cleghont & Co,

, loitis adler;' 13 Nuuanu street,

Huh .TnwL KeecivcdEx stmr '' Sue," '

A large invoice of all the latest styles of

BOOTS If-- SHOESIncluding n fine assortment from the

well known nianufnrliiui, Buck.inghuni it Reelect, who have no

equal on the Pacific Const.

GENTS FINE OALFCongicss, Button and Buckle Shoes.

Ladios' Sandals, Tics, &c.

Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoos,

Gent's Splondid Call Boots.

Also, a fine assortment of

DRiillei 3roodwhich will be oflercd nl n bargain.

277 8m


or zssuFoot-we- ar of all kinds,

and to Buit every purse.

F. GERTZHas jusl opened and is now soiling a

Si)lcmlid Stock

of Jioots and Shoesof the best w orkmanship and neatest


Embroidered Christmas Slippers

Gentlemen's Fine Wear inEnglish Walking Shoes,

Congress Gaiters, &c , &c.

Tho " Stronghold" English Walking Galtars

that never lip.

French CalMdn Dress Boots,Riding Boots, Plantation Boots,

Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoesin the latest fashions.

JFA laigc stock of Ficnch Hi easing.


1 1-- J JPoi-- L Streel,201 ly Opposite Pantheofi Stables

ADDITIONS to our founcrGREAT ex Suez, Kalakaun, and Cityof Sjdney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax canvas, flax sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, o.iis 8 to 24 ft; shackles,Bales of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, iow-lock-

lion stiap blocks, mast beads, shicves,Mctaliuu and patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Bright and black ainishes, wire riggingMailiue, Miinglioiiscllnc, i.itlin,Spun am, caulking iions, topper tacks,lion tacks, connecting links,Marliu spikes, cmil kin ir mallets.Mast hoops, hand spikes, pilch mops,Tar brushes, &c.i'aints una Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds and colon;Pacific Rubber Paint, a now lot, includ-al- l

the various colors;'Brushes Faint, varnish, pencil, white

wash, paste, artist, shoe, sciub, andsash a good assortment of each;

Axes and hatchets, wood and thlngling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s tho Regu-

lation article.Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of Hoe groeciies,

borne choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table pie fruits, jams and jellies, a newniticle, put up by a new firm, andwe can highly iecommend them asbeing something ically nice;

A new lot of Teas, including somo supc-llo- r

Japan ui ictic-,-;Sugai Ruined and raw ;

linnib, uticnn, law, smoked beet, inUins,new ailiclc;

Cun led fowl, uiuitd 0)slers,Piuin pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits inaekeitl, kits tongues and sounds,Codllbh, chcey, Oxfoul saiisag, in tins;Raisins, in , j and'Ji boxes;Raisins, in tins; currants in 4 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., i gal., qts, &. 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Mucin oni, dried apples, primes, plums,

peaches and pears.FLOUR AND BREAD.

Golden Gato extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Giuliani, oat and coin mealMedium bread, assoited crackcis,Ginger Minns, tally, baloon pilot biead,Soda biscuits, rice and codec,Whale and sperm oil,Sperm candles, 4s ami 0,All of the above will he sold at the

3 1 , Jlenl Market JlatesBuyers arc most respectfully imitedto

cull and examine our stock.

101 ,0JLLE.SAC0,y r

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Stationox!-- ana ISe-wi- s Dealers, ,

Hnvc Just Received, ex Suez,



Base Balls and Bats Diaries for 1883.Now is the time to subscribe for Newspapers and Periodicals for 1883.

tSTAIl orders will be filled promptly.

Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street,253

3 -- , 65

12 Button Kid Gloves,Warranted to


Vstablishcd 1850.


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.,





of- -Board.


Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and Cheapest


Stationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on a large assortment ofBlank Book, of nil descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap, "'Journal and Trial Balance Papers, if i v

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes; t .

i' ' j.Writing and Copying in quarts, and cones.

Mucilage in all sizes, especially adapted to climate; . """""""'" '''''Draw ine Paner and Pencils.

TracinsriPaiicr and Cloth.Tiansit Books, Field and Level Books,

illL'IIlllllllllllllJI llilll X IM UUIfH,Silver and Perforated Card






Shipping Tas, Shipphig Receipt Books and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in a toell kept stock

MUSIC! MUSIC!We have made such arrangbments with our Music Agents, as will' enable us

hereafter to keen on hand a full assortment, and also to rcccivc.lhe latest pieces asthey arc published. Any spclal order will lccchc our best and prompt atten-tion. 182

Hv yT iff

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufacture

ing Jeweler, ",

Nos.;il3 and US Fort Street, ; s Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid

Eleyant Gold andSilvcr-riatc- d Ware, &c,, &c.



Subscription Department,WE are prepared to receive further ordeis for any Paper or Magazine publish

cd iu California, the Eastern Stales, Canada, and Europe.At the picscnt time we iccvitc by,ociymnil over one hundred and fifty

different Papers and Magazines, published iu the English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

Ab our Mibbciiptiou list is huge, we aro cnnbled to furnish the Papers andMagiulncs ut a low rate of Subscription. jgg


To Arrive per barkentine Discovery.


Having been appointed Agent for theHawaiian Islands for

Hnll'H Siife nnil Lock Co.1 am now linmnnil In tnkn dwli.i. farFire Pioof. File and Bur-rb- u Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling House, and Side.Board Safes, Joueliy or Plato Chests,Vault Fionts, Vidorand Novelty BankLocks, &c, &c.

Mr. R. T. Polk, General AgcnJ forHall's Safe and Lock Co., at pieciitMaying hero on his way to Auslialla,win guuiiy jiiruisii any, lniorniatlou regaming ine!itboe Safes, Sfc.

2!1 ly lltuvoi Pli-fk- ,




for theSurvcvors and Encinccis:



Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


. George Cnvcnajch,WHILE thanking the public for the

liberal piUionagc accordediu nun in ine agency uusincss, wouldnow blato that ho has sold tho good willof his Intelligence olllco business to M,II. Mcdli urt

Refcningto the above, I bog to statethat I am now iu n position to supply 'help of nny desired nationality. By at-tention to business I hope to uphold theleputatlon of tho "Labor Agency" so'successfully established by mv prcde.cessor. . II. MEDHUR8T, .?.

i I7 Jiotci street.

Tlio Hotel Stieot Mnvkot'Is now iu a position to supply their cub.

mors w llli

Prime Mutton, Veal4. -and everything in the mcul line.Send In your orders. Prompt delivery,.2!' I CHM,yaaii & Co'. .tCw

T'liplii'ii'' XofA'iUf,'









mi. .t.iiKii ., w infill niliilOXIJP'i11"

X'Jr ---'

, "''"t! Aaste