w t* - nys historic papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031732/1856-04-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf ·...

T* Afrit J, MM. lta. M i u a o f Frewesburg, commeneee kkkbonwPBtorofthe Baptist Crunch in Urn village oa nert'Sabbata. Panuafereceiving Saddles or some thing. win amy what a stock of Bridles,] Call then and hei gar Mr.' JAB. M. BAMIES, having closed hfc connection 'with the Edinbf.ro, Pa. Peo- ples Mnteton, is about starting a paper 'in Conneaut, 0 , to be devoted to Spiritual tan. J_ FBBD. DpcoLABs give* his lecture on the designs of the slave power, at Hinckley Hall, Tomorrow Evening, at 7 o'clock. It is the 8th of the series—It will be one of the beat Come early. Taa "concert girls" of Prof. ROBBWS, go in a bunch now to the Academy. Bight! : H gebd-^knowledgo is better. A sol- id globe of gold is better than a sounding W t learn that JOHH G. HIHCXUT, Esq., of this place, has been appointed by the Governor of Illinois, a Commissioner of Deeds, of that State. The Governor has made an am] MAW street is dry—on the boards—and the effort to extend sleighs into the middle -of April, seems not likely to be successful. The Omnibus drivers have taken to wheels, and FRANK has put on Four horses—not to the wheels, but the Omnibus. Tan weather is a grain better—nnd im- proving. The •'oldest inhabitant" never saw such a time before. This "April-fool" day rains down the genial sunshine, most naturally!—purposly a guarded expression in deference to something better coming— (giving a testy denial to "six weeks' sleigh- ing in March." •Oca Merchants *rts returning from 'ihe city, and the New Goods will follow—as soon as possible. We stand ready to her- ald the fint«rriwil. The shawl men have taken to coats, and one of the merchants has got a brand new one. BROWN'S HOTKL, Erie, by our old ac- quaintance, HARMS, sustains its old and honored reputation. We hope Mr. H. will continue his present control of this popular house. The-arrangements seemiin excel- lent taste. WHEW we get a little further along in our attentions to the Repnblican, wc hope to substitute order, for some present irregular- ity, in its arrangement and typographical finish. We will endeaver, also, to get litr tlo bits of palatable things for our readers, as time and taste will permit. THE Transcript publishers >do ndt deign ~us the usual editorial courtesy of* men- tion, in our new position. That isn't much, nor so much, as the accusing us of an un- comely mistake in a recent paper, which we assuied them, personally, was not our over- aight. All right, gentlemen. We appre- ciate. fSW A. A. COMSTOCK, has removed his Provision, Salt and Flour Store, to the late Store occupied by Hart <fe Munson on Main street He has fitted up this place in good -style, and is preparing to furnish a Grocery 'nnd Provision depot of the amplest kind, with all descriptions of necessaries and lux- uries for the family. A large warehouse -and cellar in rear of the rfdre. OUK Quincy friends, who have really ta- ken great pains to attend our lectures and concerts the past winter, and who are al- ways three or four times welcome, com- plain that we do not reciprocate. Hope it isn't so—we .know it wan't, one evening ^recently, when leap-year was in the ascend- ant But we. owe .something en the score -of sociafeiWty, we frankly think, after all.— A oe*C<*t«c<3nrred at this place recently Voder tho direction of Messrs. Ptdnar, GATES and -ethers. A good time, we learn. Try us again, Stephen. II.I •• . ij r i n - - " - T - -• THE NoMMft SCHOOL, under the direction <o¥ its j -tular teacher, A. M CASE, closed its winter term, on Friday last Tho exer- cises of the classes were very interesting.— The Readers deserve high praise. The 3d class, (of young readers) trained by Miss Boor, showed a perfection in the art, quite beyond expectation.'The orthography and penmanship, as also the speaking, were ve- ry creditable, The enthusiasm of the school is very evi- dent, and the teacher needs no higher com- pliment than this, aid his growing success. THE "Blaek Pianist," of the Ufa Family, f>as aatttca bis name strongly in the re- *ptmhra«ee -of «ur nwrir lovers, by his brill- iant axeention on his femrite isutrument,in iAhe tiro evenings «f their Concerts in this place. The performance on the Violin sad tfatieeetto, was more thaw erdaoary, and the vocalization, especially the Lady's, was highly appreciated; but the little dusky ma- gician on the stool, .is certainly a child at genius, and sweeps down the measures of Wallace and Beyer, as if he struck with the •omnipotent wand of Apollo himself. This Family tings here again on Satur- day evening. Come and hear them. WE called at MAM'S Music Store at E- fie, a few days mm. The. Professor was (tali M i tslharisw a a — a l , and surrounded ark* pianos, m a V J s n w . h . , ^ fiddles gait, an, and other members of the same family. Be hfumishid «*h snah fed**. «f eoai- A radius c / W ernOmfl«nJ ,, h^a 1 n a ahert one to warrant a newspaper let- ter of mneh interest 'Baton* frith is so strong mtlwsocial principle, that we will write one. 'Contiguous communities may benefit each other; and a liberal intercourse shouM>be<und«tah«n for that purpose.— Vhe peopleiurthis and adjoining counties will want the Cbautatqro (Company's Cul- tinners, Mowers and Reapers. Whysho'i.- n't we tell of it, and help on the tmoVf— French Creek Bottoms, the best land'this side of El Dorado, and extending through Crawford and Brie counties, might be a great field of conquest for our agricultural implements, as it is famous for cereal pro- ducts and grass. Much of the Chautauque "butter, cheese and stock, sprinkles the lard- ers and farms of this and eastern counties. We are on terms of commercial intimacy. These should be strengthened, if for. no cither reason, to show -the superior valbo and convenience of a home •market, over long lines of transportation to fiistirnt ipoiot&Jloss of fertilizing material, &c We left W. on Thursday, in the midst of a sorry and ferocious north-easter. Our enterprising former and sheep raiser, J. D. PaTrtasoN, Esq., was (tending west, and OKjft. HcGlain ttf fisrbc+ctee*, was going home to do the •bes't possible thing with his grain, since the fell in the wheat market— The track to Erie is rough enough'; things in this city look muddy, at least the-Streets. Brown's Hotel is a good place of refuge.-^- Railroad matters here ebb and flow as usu- al. The disturbance of the water has be- come chronic, indeed. A track to'the har- bor is progressing, from the west of town. Erie to Meadville, is a work of magni- tude at present—not equal, of course, to the scaling of Mt S t Bernard. Tho drifts had to be surmounted by a large, deckless, flat- bottomed craft, without a buffalo canopy or any thing else, to shield the devoted pates of five or six babies, mothers and all, from the winds of March. Yet the Ohio stage Company takes sharp fare. It was a good place to study human nature—especially to hear it The night, however, was starry and beautiful; the moonlight fell like a shower of pearls on tho sleeping solitudes of snow, and the bushy clouds slept in the sky, like a dream of hope in a quiet heart As we glided through the intervales of tho wood, sociable echos answered us from the odored hemlocks, and the Spring leaped in the starting-buds. Every body in this go-ahead town wants a railroad. B«t the prospects of the "cros- cut" to Jamestown and Little Valley, seem unpromising. Mr. FINNEY, the able Sena- tor from this district, has read an -act <to le galtze the Lake Shore Road, on the old ba- sis, Wid securing $400,000 to tho Pittsburg & Erie Read, We -also learn from the same source, that the temperance question in the Pa. Legislature, will probably take the shape of a*rmge*t license law. The wmrity superintendency of schools, on the former iplan of the State of New York, will not be abolished, as many desire. Tho grain market hero is down to wheat, —$1; oats—25 cts.; corn—nominally 44c. Allegheny Colleg€ commences its next Jerm on the 7th of April. The State Su- perintenfieA of Schools of New York, was graduatedat thisjj school, and it has ma- ny other representatives in creditable posi- tions from Old Chautauque. The politics of this region seem slowly changing poles. The immemorial demo- cratic majority in this county, of 600, has been broken, and will not rally again to the call of a pro slavery party. This will "divide and conquer," and tho friends of freedom will probably take Troy without a wooden horse. Vtte! 8. onn.—Inonec/w^hasfo, ks the vicinity oTJfcpUa, n day ar'.'fv^sjboa,-'* worthy dtfapresaated to the Cashier a cheek<ggr «*» dolMVttntfvc^lrnjn ^ oflhw arte suppase,d^VQfive dollar biUs. A» ho reach- ed the door of the hank ha thought ha would look At his money, and was surprised to find that h» was in possesion of two i r e hundren doLter bills. We believe that some of our bank officers have stated that they do not rectify) mistakes after a person has, left the counter, but in the present case, when the honest recipient had stated the nature of the' error, an exchange was with- out trouble offered. Will »^B*— The friends of postol reform in Hew York city are'taking action in regard to a reform in our postol system. They wish to have established a uniform rate of two cents. This-they deem the most equitable and convenient In regard to printed mat- ter they state 3 " If each trancient package of printed matter, without regard to the quality, kind, or number of pieces, and without regard to distance, up to four ounces in weight, were charged the same as a single letter, and double that if weighing between a quar- ter and a half pound, and were there no variation of charges on packages that weigh- ed over two pounds, except by the pound theTfttos on this species of mail matter would seldom exceed half a dozen in dum- ber, and these would be simple and easy to determine, 'and payable with the same stamps used for 'letters." They also state their conviction'that there is a radical error in our postal system in not [providing a free letter delivered in all cities snd large towns. They think tbRt all the expense of the " franking " system should be defrayed by appropriation from tho treasury. They are in favor of "money orders" drafts, or something similar, as a method of remit- ting'money by mail. We were glad to notice at the Republi- can Medfing the Ed. of the Trantcriqt, and presume 'that he learned some wholesome truths; but we insist on his making a cor- rect report His attempts at perverting the Tema&s of Mr. Patterson, manifest a maliciousness, not justifiable in a reporter, and cdftaffclyndt in an editor. He makes Mr. Ptterson say "that it was very strange that there should bo so thin a meeting." No such remark was made; nor was there any "noisy manifestation" on ihe part of any person present Mr WaV*/ EM tala ms&odof istofesafthsm that Water* stills are isjwrfrarttStr aval* and ansa seas SBBOO ths Wk sf Boot, aOssvlas tiisn otopped sure than «w aay in tho Mats. •Asm, that the Mills osa do, mBca^riading, sad as well as MSw. For farther information, y^onrservas. HmmrWm*, Jfesah Ground Ploastar, wad an •xtraarUcte of M a t e for for sale by ' J. S. WALKJBB. 'P. 8. 'Ifcave also a separator procured oa pw- ««M to dean wheat perfect^ clean (watofa I he- Here no other mills iere hava.) . . .•• i Those wishing Flooring done will do well to call before making contracts elsewhere. •Stf. J. B. W. Retail Prices at Walker's MSI and Com- •took*Stdre. WasrraiB, Feb. U. Winter Wheat Flow, Extro, 14 60 per owt Sprint " " 400 " " Meal, 111 •« Bockwheat Floor 1 00 - - Shorts, ? M * " Bran, 16 Provender, M 41 a.Vmi. T. « id to PsSpsteielo of oertais premises dassribtd la said SMrtEags as fallows: •"""• . I AUthatpi.oe orparcelof land sttsat* lying and arS doing as and being fc the town cooaty and State aforesaid; t. call and see for Compsarsimr^andAlso distiagwMKd on a map or survey of part of said lot nude by •Ttoo- thy Jadsoa for Ahaer & Boobs and others as> lot trnmber thirty; and Boonde d North by tho origi- nal line of said lot number twenty Ave, three rhoins East by lots number twenty-seven and twenty-nine of the said last mentioned surreys, thirteen chains, IS links; South by the cen- ter of the north Erie Boad, four ctatBs snd asne- ty-sUlists; andwiwtbvlot number thfrtjoae of the Holland Company's surveys, fifteen enains, forty-sfc links; Containing five snd forty nun- dreths, acres, be the same more or fesa. And also aU that certain other piece or psreel of land situate lying snd bain g in the said town of Port- land and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning in the center df the north Erie Boad onthe west liaoef a certain lot of land conveyed by James Dunn to Simeon Whitcomb, and running north on said Whitcomb*! line, twenty-six chains, twent) seven links; thence west on the south Uneof lot an mber thirty-two, three chains, sixty-five links; thonce oeoth, twenty-eight chains, fifty-fix UnM -thence north fifty-three degrees east, four ehaiLS thirty-one liki to the place of beginning: contain- ing ten acres ofmad, with the exception of one -moreiying'ln the-South east corner of the above described land. Said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained was recorded in the Clerk's office of the Coonty of Ghaouuque, tue 11th day of Octo- ber A. K I M at 11-o'clock a. M. in Liber 32 of mortgages atteago 975. The amount due on said mortgage at the time of the first publication of this node* U913*%33, and there will remain un- paid, and to become due upon said mortgage, five years from the date thereof, the furthor sum of $700,00. Default having been made in the payment of the amount due and secured by said mortgage, and no aoit-having been instituted at law to recover the same, or any part thereof.— lVElfTISTBY. D R. THOMPSON, in the usual manner would present his compliments to the patronising public and solicit attention to his experience and facilities for succeofdl practice in the BKNTAL W B C K i L ABT. ~. This announcement-need hot require the partic- ular explanation that would be doe from a new and stranger operator. The subscriber will, there- fore, merely advertise his Booms, on Main Street at the East end of the Brlc* Block, Uaar the Post Office, where he will hereafter be constantli in I Now, therefore by virtue of the power of sale con d at the old stand. To bo •H«^J««y | ^^ # n«h»ntloa of the pubrk to the (set that they koepoa *A*t>WA*B, 8TOVBB, AMD TMf-WA**, t^thlMoeSJon of the country, eompriolng every variety of Honae Trimmings, Carriage " ~ • - CWfery, Vmynitrt' et Trimming, Engiiah and Anuria* TabU and Ptolttt _ VosW JUaehmMt * Mtckmifi Took, Paint,, 00,, <Xw>Smtiand ^*% - ^ 1 (7nt-ndj^**». SmwL Chain / W CuUm & WiU Prnip,, LtcliiPip^aU,, Iron, Sud, J e , £c r S T O V E«7^T O YE S The beat assortment of Cooking, Parlor aadVPlats Stovsa, ever ottered In this frost among tho newest sad most approved patterns to be fodtfd in Eastern markets, amonc whit are the Black Diamond, Empire State. Improved, Metamora, Forest-Belle, Dining Boom Stoves of i styles. Parlor Stoves of every variety, togethep with a' large assortment of Jipafca< " Copper and Sheet Iroa Ware, Stove-Pipe, sad everything usnany found In as seta"" kind; all of which they offer foroale at prices which cannot fail to soil JOB WttffsT OF ALL KINDS, in our tine, done on short notice, sad Is ike-host and most substantial manner, place, No. 10, Main street, Weataeld. M. ¥. .., J. HAKMNOTQiy. *V CO. eh an Ware. Tin it of this the StARMED. On the 1st insL, in Jamestown, by Bev. J. E. WhaHon.-Mr. KK.NRT i. OJsusMaVfjf Brie, Penn., and Miss PHSBX ANN Brsu, of the former place. LET US REASON TOflfeTgEB. HOLLOWAY'S FILLS. WHY ARE tf£ SICK* It has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by disease and snfferidg. HOL- MO WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELI- CATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personal y superintends the manufacture of his mediciner lin the United States, ind'offersthemto a free and enlightened people, as the best remedy the worlc ever saw for the removal of disease. readiness to give attention to calls, and to make fa is work satisfactory, and in the best style of the art. Strangers, and those wishing references, as to work, can find them readily in this place, -or farther about if desirable. - Chlorofem administered in the extraction of teeth if desired, for which an additional charge will be made. The subscriber may state his entire success in a loog.practice, ta -the use of this be- neflcant agent in painful operations, Specimen plates and other work, can be examined at his Booms. The creation of beautiful artificial teeth!witfain a short period, so perfect as to equal and-even excel nature in regularity and tint, -gfvesa new value aad faoiuation to the dental art, and'makes artificial-sets desirable, «ot only for the.peiposes of speach and mastication, but for comely grace and beauty. -Double -sets on silver or goldtnonnt- inga. Old plates-remodelled, or improved, ores- changed for new work, 4 c 4 c C. A THOMPSON; Westfleld, March, 10. 1S56. 47-tf. DISCOVERED AT LAST. GREATEST CURE IN THE WORLD FOB MAN. Prof. CHA8. De GRATH>S tahted in said mortgage, notice is hereby given that the above described premises will be sold at public aucticn to the highest bidder on Saturday the 14th day of June A. D. 1856, at one o'clock! 5 . M. at the Westfleld House, in Westfleld village, Chautauque County, N. T. Dated March, 17, 1856, PHILIP MEBICLE, Mortgagee. SMITH 4 CHADWICK. Atty's. 13w-48. X3T At a meeting of the Canal Board, an attempt was made to have the Albany State&nan, the new Hindo Journal that has beoee started,, recognized as tho organ of the Board. This board consists of the Ca- nal Commissioners, State Engineer and Comptroller. Mr. Commissioner Whalon, moved that certain advertiseWioWa be pub- lished in tho Albany Statesman. Mr. En- gineer Seymour movel to lay it on the ta- ble, which was carried. Mr. Whalon call- ed for the ayes and noes, and asked a cer- tificate thereof. This request was granted, and is as follows: Ayes—Gardner, Seymour and Fitzhugh. Noes—Whalon. Absent—Burrows. This certificate is without doubt to be used as evidence against Engineer Seymour, for the purpose of having him expelled from the council. * S w The Enow Somethings. The second annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Know Something order, of this State, recently held at Rochester, ad opted as their platform the following: We hold, and will maintain under all dreumstances, as tho paramount National issues. 1. Freedom is National. 2. Kansas shall be free. 8. Not another Slave 8tate, nor foot of slave soil shall be admitted inte^ this Un- ion. As the paramount State issues. 1. Such a Prohibitory Law as shall stop the traffic ht Imtexicaling Liquors as a bev- erage. As vital to the prosperity of the country we further hold and will maintain: L No interference tending to a union of Church and State. 2. Principles and character, not birth- place, are the true tests of admiasioa toetV lsenship and its oondtutionai rights. *. Such an enforcement or •nssndsflsnt of ike HataralBBtioa Lawsas STtHseosM a fcf tkaejov ofths THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These ftfmotrs Pills are expressly combined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneas, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement is -their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing diseases in all its -forms. DYSPEPSIA A LIVER COMPLAINT. Nearly half of tire human race have taken these Pills. It has beet .proved in all parte of the world that nothing has been found equal to them in ca- ses of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, andstom ach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however mnch de- ranged, and when all other means have failed, GENERAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments havt opened their Costom Houses to H&e introduction of these Pills, <hat they may become'fhelaedicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is'the beat remedy ever IsMOpJ tot per- sons of delicate health, or wberetae system has been impaired, ss its invigoratingpropcrtie* nev- er fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should be without this celebrated medicine It corrects and regu- lates the monthly courses tit sM periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to {children of all ages, and for ary complaint; consequently no family sdould be without it Holloway's Pills are are the best remedy known in the world for the following dis- ease; H e adachs, Iadigeation, r&flhe'bz-a, Inflamdtlob, Veneral Affections, Worms of all kinds, Stone 4 Gravel, Secondary Symptom', Inward Weakness, Liver Domplaints, Lewdness of Spirit, Piles. £sr* Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Holloway, gO Maiden Lane. New York, and 144 Strand Dondon, by all raspectable Druggists in the United States, aad the civilised world, in box- es, at 26 cents,, 62« cents, and $1 each. There is a considerable ^saving by taking the large sizest N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every discrdes are affixed to each box, lst-60-ly. T HIS Oil is the only tun remedy in *h« world for the cure of Rheumatism, Goat, Pains In the Back, Breast or aide, Palpitation of-^h^ Heart, Paralytic Stroke, Toothache, Headache, 'Cramps in the Stomach, Scrofula, Frosted hahds'Or Feet, Sore Eyes, Piles, Sprains or braises, -Sores St burns, Stiffness in the Joint*., Tetter, or Salt Rheume, Neuralgia, Sore -Breast, or any Diseases that are Sort or <PiunfuL,-i» the only artieit ever brought before the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minutes, has been used by thousands and pronounced-to be the best remedy ever discovered. This Oil acta on the system with electricity, is of pure vegetable preparation, not the tltghteit danger of applying it outwardly or tmcardif, it at once gives a permanent care, in -most esses in ten or twenty minutes. The best Physiologist of Europe tave discover- ed that all Organic Derangement in the Animal Svstem is the effect of an obstruction of the Phy- sico-Electro Fluid in the'Organ diseased—a nkill- ful aplication of this Oil puts into immediate ^mo- tion the nerve fluid, and the enre is at once ac- complished. No bleeding, no vomiting, purging, or blistering, is resorted to. AW gtmant without the ngnttwt of Labels signed in J A. E. SN1TH, CHtfnat. writing. \ De GRATH <k Co. Principal Depot, No. 39 South <Eigfct St,three doors below Chesnut Philada. Country Dealers and ©rsggists can be supplied, Wholesale and Re- tail. Price 2$ cents, (0 cts., and $1 per Bottle. Try everything else, then give this'one simple trial. .aST- No gtratbu "ELECTRIC Outsold by ped- lers in the United States. v»-Tb.e -Bottles will have on our own stamp.^sf Entered according to Act of Coagrea, in the year IS5S, by Professor CHARLES Dx GBATH, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. For Sale by L. Parsons, No. IT, Main Street Westfleld, N. T. 4T-tf. ALL RIGHT TU8 TIMS. A FTER a long delay, we aewofter to a discrim- inating public tho very fcest Portable Grain .Mill in existence. The Excelsior Young Ameri- ca Mill, Patented by Mr. Cvscaxas LEAVR*, in February laat. adapted to Grinding Provender from Corn in the Ear, Shelled Corn. Corn' and Oats, t'nd other Grains. By a simple adjusting apparatus the mill is made to grind coarse and fine as dt tired. The meal is conducted out at a spout at th 3 side of the Mill. This Mill is set on ._ree legs, c **t solid to the cone. It took the first premium at the last Ohio State Tuir,-in com- »ilri.> — ys> •• « "T.ittle Riant" "Stw/'-dsc, and sry other Pair where premiums a ere awarded, and beat every- thing of tho kind a\ every Fair at which K was presented. Please read the following report of the trial'of Corn and Cob Mills at the. late Fair of the Mary- land Agricultural Society, at Baltimore, from the Mansfield (Q.) Herald. The following will show tbe FOR SALE OR TO RENT. T HE Subscriber has four Dwellings and Lota. Pleasantly Located in this Village for sale. at low rates for prompt pay. If not sold they will be rented from*lhe 1st of April next A L WFLIA Westfleld, March 8, 1856. 47-tf. FOfcJ&Aii. A LARGE, new and commodious Dwelling House—pleasantly situated on. Washington Sreet BABCOCK. * KNIGHT- March 12, 1856. 47-tf- Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costiveneas, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever snd Ague, Female Complaints, To Rent. large and commodious house on North Por- ttage Street Babcock A Knight March 2S. 18M. CHURCH B E ^ W E are wishing to sell Slip No. 3, in the Bap- tist Church in this village. To be sold low. BABCOCK * KNIGHT. March 12 1866. 48-tf. than «m»> nhtajail by anv Ha hmi ansae For Sale. A new Double Wagon—and;we always sell cheap. Babcock * Khight April 2,1856. Western Land. W estern Lands (sitnated in the States of Michigan and Iowa) for sale by Babcock & Knight March 26,1866. Wood Land, W E are wishing to sell two hundred acres of wood land, lying a little east of the May- ville Plank Road aad about five miles from this village, Babcock <fc Knight March 27, 13S6. Maps for Sale. W e have on hand for Sale, a few maps of chautauqu county, at it it. "Woodman Spare that tree." Babcock i. Knight March 26, 1866. «*ftahU.rep A./ JUAN WARING & FRANCIS, GLEN MILL, WESTFIELD. CHADTAUQOE CO. N. Y. T HE above parties having entered into a part- nership as Millers, would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Westfleld and its vicinity that they are prepared to attend to their wants in the milling line They will pay cash for Wheat— Grind on Shares—Exchange Flour foe Wheat and Meal for Corn, and are determiaedio give sat- isfaction. The Business will bo conducted by Mr. John Manwaring whose long aad sueeeeaM SsmEwOO enables him to guarantee the beat peseiWe Roar from the wheat wtth which he may be f a w n s ; and it mar be added that the Glen Mill, during the it has row, ass established for itself as HEADLKY'l HEW ROOK. THE S&CBSD PLATS! BY J. H. HEADLY. One 12mo. Volume, cloth, Elegantly Illustrated. PRICE, -?•-•---<•* **. «* Mailed free of Postage on receipt of the retail price. From the New York Evening Post This volume will be read with' satisfaction by those who most enjoy the "Sacred Mountains^ " From the Louisville Journal. " It is fell of deep interest, and written in a most glowing and beautiful style." From the Detroit Daily Advertiser. "There is merit sufficient in the work to make it a favorite with a lover of things associated BO closely with biblical history. < W 30t From the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. "The writer has a powerful use of language; though he enters upon his task with a true .-devo- tional spirit he invests his theme with an inter- eat sure to fascinate the general reader." From the Buffalo Christian Advocate. "X finished specimen of style and workmanship." From the Rochester Union.. "He has clothed his ideas with lofty and beau- tiful language, and 1 reated the subject in a'man- ner becoming its importance." From the New York Courier and Enquirer. "The author, like his predecessor, is very suc- cessful in reviving scenes with life-like effectand his book will very justly find extensive favor." From the Boston Journal. "The style is different from J. T. Headley, and perhaps better adapted to the snbject it is sim- ple and unpretending, but plain and forcible." From the Medina Tribune. "It is written in a style of poetic prose suited to the subject, and makes some glowing pictures of the "Sacred Plains,' spreading them out in all their oriental loveliness and investing the• with a charm and interest that belong only to Script- ure scenes." From the Buffalo Daily Republic. "An elegant book, both in contents and appear- ance—fitted to adorn and Increase the value of any library." From the Boston Daily Advertiser. "The volume is handsomely illustrated with views of many spots made interesting by the sa- cred history." From the Geneaeo Republican. "The'author has faithfully executed his design and presented to the publio a book replete with interest aad instruction." From the Salem (Mass.) Observer. "The materials of the several chapters seem to have been collected with mneh care." JV Papers inserting the foregoing three times aad sending a copy of paper to the publishers, will receive a copy of tho above work, and also the Economic Cottage Builder, pre paid. WANZER, MclOMACO, Publishers. SwtS, Buffalo, N. Y. nj|"«»RS>«AGES*AEJ—Default havi n % been 119. made in the the .payment of monieB secured to be paid by a Mortgage dated, May 1, 1866, made and executed by Aaron F. Burr, of Stock- ton, Chautauque County, N. Y. to James Smith.— Which Mortgage contains a power of sale and wss together with said Mortgage recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Chautauque County afore- said, in Liber 39 of Mortgages at page 238, on the 29th day of May 1866. Said Mortgage was given for the purchase 'money and to secure; the pay- ment of $1,393 55 with interest and to be paid according to the terms set forth in the condition of the-Bond accompanying said Mortgage. The whole amount of principal and interest due at the date of this •notice is $271 74, leaving a balance of principal of $962 37 unpaid and to grow dbe thereon with use. Said Mortgage on the 21st day of Feornarv, 1856, was duly assigned by James Smith, to Will- iam W. Bo wen, and the assignment recorded Feb- ruary 43, 1856 in the office of the Clerk of aaid County of ChantaUque and the aaid William W. Bowen is now the legal owner and holder of said Mortgage and Bond; and no suit action, or pro- ceeding at Law, or'rn Equity, having been, insti- tuted to recover the debt or any pari thereof due by said Mortgage; Notice is therefore hereby given, thafpursusbtto the power of salo contain- ed in said Mortgage and of the Statue in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage 'will be foreclosed by the sale of the lands andT remises described in aaid Mortgage, together wink the ap- purtenances, at public auction to the highest bid- der at he Inn kept by Paul Persons Jr., In West- field village N. ¥. on the 5th day of June next at '2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. The lands and premises are described in said Mortgage as follows: " All that tract or parcel of landsttnate In the County of Chautanque be- ing partof Lot No. 14, Township 4, range 13, of the Holland Land Company's purchase according to the Maps snd Surveys thereof made by Joseph and Benjamin EIHcott: Beginning at the North east corner of aaid Lot No. 14, thence-west on the north bounds cf said Lot No. 14, eighteen chains and twenty six links to the center of the highway: thence southerly, along the renter of the highway, known as the Old Chautauque Road, twenty-three chains and 14 links to the center of the Road leading from Delanti to AVestfield: thence easterly aldng the center of aaid Road 32 chains 68 linka to the east bounds of said Lot No. 14; thence north 26 chains 14 links to the place of begining, containing 57 and tliirty two one hundredths acres of land." Dated,' Westfleld, March 6, 1866 WILLIAM W. BOWEN, Aisignee. JOHN G. Hraoxttrr, Att'y for Assignee. 46-13w krOftTGAGE SALE. O N the first day of February in the year of our Lord 1844, Thomas Kinner execuued a mort- gage upon real-estate to Joshua R. Babcock and dated of that day, conditioned to pay $172 60, with interest Snd to be paid by install ments par- ticularly specified in a Bond bnaring the same date, and was recorded in the Clerk's office of Chsutanqne County on the 26th day of Februa-. ry 1844, at 11 o'clock A. M. in Liber 19 of Mort- gages, St page 498. And it contains the usual power of sale. Default having been I lade in the payment of Some part of the money se cored to be paid by aaid Mortgage, there remainii ig now due and unpaid at the date hereof, the s u n of $26 08. Therefore notice is hereby given th; ,t the mort- gaged premises below described, wil 1 be sold at public auction at the Westfleld House in the vil- lage of Westfleld in said County, on the 10th day of May next at nine o'clock in the fo renoon. The mortgaged premises are situuted in the town of Westfleld aforesaid; and in th :- said mort- gage are described as follows to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county above mentioned,' and boun- ded aa follows: North by land deeded to Perry B. Noble, thirteen chains nine links; East by land deeded to Robert Cochrane, nineteen chains ten links; South by land deeded to William Law, thirteen chains, nine links, and West by land deeded to Robert Cochrane, 2nd nineteen chains ten links, containing twenty-five acres of land more or less. Westfleld Feb. 11, 1866. 13w43. _ . DIXON & RICE, Atty's. time occupied, and the trumber of revolutions of each erf the Mills on exhfbiffien, in grinding a half bushe.' of corn and coho: Mini Revolutions Excelsior Yottog America MilL J| 10 Little Giant Mill, 4| K Maynard's Champion USO, I 20 Colbert's Mill, &s 32 Advantages of the Excelsior Young America Mill over all efhers—1st Great strength and dura- bility. -Sd, Simplicity—having only one aet screw to graduate the qnalith of grinding. 3d, It will grind more corn, or corn aad cobs, in the same time said of the same quality, than any other Mill in use. 4th, BConomy—that part of the Mill which is most liable to wear, being separate from the main body of {he Machine, can be renewed when worn out at theamall ctrat t>f$3. Thus is the Ex- celsior Young America tell we present the best cheapest and most durable mill ever offered to the farmer." Price of Mills complete, $45. Mills of the old patent (e% which a premium was awarded at our last Cotfnty Fair) also on hand—Price, $40 Town Rights fc*r-sale cheap. We are willing to guaran tee sirt-itra SATISFACTION to Stry reasonable man. For further particulars, call'or address J. *. WRIGHTftCO. Westfleld, Dec, 26, 1855. varriage aa MANUFACTORY. On Mam Street, oppotitttht Agricultural Work*. W LLIAM CRANDA LL has been for severs years engaged in carrying oa the above business,'and keeps constantly on hand, and will manufacture to order, all kinds of work la his line. JBF* -Reparing done on short notice. Westfleld. April 26,1866. tf-1 L. PARSONS, l*o. 17, MxiKST., lraxT TO THE STOXS Btritsiss, -General Dealer in ttBBQS * MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS Vila Varnishes, Perfumery, Chemica+a, PttsCjovcY Aanctss, Surgfoat taftrUments, Ac, Ac. —ALSO WKknit MM Stationery. TO 1 '30 \XT XTo O K 8 . B AYARD TAYLOR'S TRAVELS. Scenes in the Practice of a New Fork Surgeon. Wid- ow Bedott Papers. Wolfert's Roost Sunshine on Daily Paths. "Dickens' " Foot Prints of tho Creator. The Newcomes. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. American Statesman, Ac. F AMILY Toilet and Shaving Soaps at L. Par- sons' Drug Store. H ANDKERCHIEF and Flavoring Extracta— a fine assortment at L. Parsons', No. 17, Main Street P ROF. DeGrath's Electric Oil—the best article in the world for Rheumatism, Sprains, Brai- ses, Ac, at L. Parsons' No. 17, Main-st "DOCKET Medicine Cases, Reticules, Drafting Instruments, Main-st cheap, at L. Parsons', No. 17, WflfeTFlELfe 4tOAS5EMY. f TV-fE Spring Term w*U -commence March 26, to X continue fifteen wedka. Tuition in thehigher departmentjper term, $6 00 do primary, do -do 2 60 ©rawing, 'exctrh do 6 00 Music, do do 3 00 TSACHSSS; J. G DONALDSON. A R'Principal, WM. H. MATSARD, A R Teacher of Languages. l*ss IIAET M. SMITH. Preceptress. Miss JAMB Maooamsa, Teacher in Primary Dep. Prof. E. A ROSBIMS, Teacher of Music Mrs JAMES H. CROCIBR, Teacher of Drawing. Mr H. D. STOSKS, Teacher of Penmanship. The course of study and method of teaching will be designed to develop the pMsar-Sf thought aad at the same time give practicle skill, so aa finally to make the stedents thorough, both in the theory and practice of-the branches of education pursued by them. The ceaase of "study prepara- tory to entrasce in the besreolletes will be taught to such as wish to persne the college course; also the principal-studies of the collegiate course. The method -will differ from that pursued in college, in this:'that what must be-passed over in college in a-specified time, without "regard to the attainments of the scholar, will be studied for a longer or shorter time, according to the capacity of the students, that they -may not leave their work imperfect . A Teacher's Class will'be otgamajod. in which will be givea Instruction in she The-rrr snd Prac- tice of School Teaching. The Musical Department under the-supervision of Prof. E. A. 'ROBDINS, presents a new and attrac- tive feature to those, desirous'of giving their chil- dren a finished musical education, -without the usual accompaniment of great expense. Aside from private tuition upon the Piano, Melodeon, Guitar, Ac, the theory of masic from "first princi- ples to muSioal composition, will be tanght aa a daily study. AH tecessary facilities will be pro- vided, and the -satme attention given as to other branches of education. Terms $3. All private lessons, Instrumental u-rVtcal, $12 per term of 24 lessons. til". M ASTJBG A PALMER'S Sarsaparilla article in Market at a reduced nri G OLD PENS, Card Cases, and Portmonnaiea, at No. 17. the best Market at a reduced price, and all the popular Patent Medicines for sale at L. Par- sons' Drug and Book Store, No. 17. 40 Westfleld, January 23d, 1856. WANTED, 1 ft A A CUSTOMERS at J. R. WALKER'S tf \J \J v hfift, which is now in running order Those wanting "Souring done, will do well to cal soon. w«atfield, September 5, 1866. Eclectic MslsBBaanB Jr. XTTM. BOORN, formerly of Richmond, N has permantly located in this place, uni supplied hi Medicines, lie is pi ness pertaining to his profession He is prepared to attend to all lis pr< his office from 8 till M A. M. each day. and mro ss per I offic< self with new Instruments, and idtoall He will be at N. B. special attention paid to Chronic Diseas- es, such as Scrofula, Cancers, Diseases of the Eye and Skin, also a good supply of Eclectic prepara- tions of Medicines cm hand. Cough Drops, Lini- ments, Mother's refief, Pills, Plasters, Ac. He has also a good Bathing House connected with his office, which will be kept in readiness for the accommodation of those who wish to use i t Dr. Boorh having treated successfully for a number of years, diseases of the skin in every form, would respectfully call the attention of the public to hisOllvriumifor the removal of Tan Sunburn, Freckles, Liver Spots, Chaps, ronghnos of the skin, Ao. It is also a very cooling wash fo children, and can be usedat all times with safeto Office No. 12, South Portage "street, Westfleld Chant Co., N. T. W M ORTGAGE «ALEr—Default ha-ting been made in the payment of money due upon a mortgage executed by Thadeus F. Barton te Thomas Hunter, bearing date the twelfth day on November, one thousand, eight hundred fifty-three and recorded in-the Clerk's office of Chautauque County, on the 12th day of January, 1864, in liber 36 of mortgages, at page 267, which aai> 1 mortgage was given to secure the payment of the sura of nine hundred dollars and interest from the first day of January, 1864, and has been properly as- signed by the said Hunter to Russell' Sunderlin, which assignment is recorded in the Clerk's office on the 12th day ollJanuary 1864,in liber 33 page 574 Amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage, on the day of the first publication of this notice, is ten hundred and thirty seven dollars and two cents. The amount claimed to be actually due and unpaid is three hundred and twe oty six dol- lars. Mortgaged premises pi-rt lot number twen- ty-two, in the first townshid and fifteenth range of the Holland Land Company's survey, and bound- ded north by lot number twenty-three, fifteen chains and one link: east by a line parallel to the east bouuds of said lot number twen-two, (at the distance of twenty-five chains six links west therefrom,) fifty-nine chains ninety-six links: south by lot number twenty-one, fifteen chains one link, and west by a line parrallel to the east bounds of the land hereby conveyed, sisty chains twenty-one links—containing ninety acres of land more or less—excepting twenty acres of land now occupied by Pbilo S, Hawley." Notice fs hereby given, that the above described mortgaged prem- ises will be sold at public auction, at the West- field House, in the village of Westfleld, now kef t by Asa Farnsworth, on the 31s day of May 1850-, at noon, upon the powers contained in said mor t gage, and of the statute in auch case made and provided. Dated March 6th 1856 6-13w RUSSELL SUNDEBLlN.Assignee. WATCHES -AND JEWELRY. Q V. B. WELLS, has opened a new and splen- O * did assortment of WA tCHES AND JEWELRY. Silver and Plated Ware, Pocket and Table CUfiery Clocks, Musical Instruments, Ac,, Ac, WATCHES. Fine Gold French Swiss and Chines Duplex, " Magic Hunting and dtmble time Keepers " « Hunting and-bpdnft.ee Patent Eng. Lev. - » " " Detached * • ' * » « -Cylinder " • Guard, Vest snd Fob <dhatns, -• " Ladles and Gents Bresrt Pka, « Finger Rings. SILVER WATCHES, of every style and price from $2 60to$60. guard Vest and Vob Chains. Twelve to di&reat styiesaad Patterns of AUHU&N FtJMALE SEMINARY! AND CeiAEGtATE INSTTTX'TE. T HE Winter Session ot this Institution begins Dec. 6th, in one of the most magnificent ed- ifices devoted to Female Education in this country under an able sted efficient corps of Teachers. The wit do ws are furniahed with Venetian blinds water on every floor, and gas-fights throughout the buildveg, promote the Cottffort of the student and add to the salety of the Institution. The ar- rangemen'ts for ventilation are unsurpassed. An experienced nurse, residing in the Seminary, has care of the sick. Normal students admitted free of tuitions, including Music, Ornamentals and Languages, for two years, by paying the usual price of board. Only one received from each town. Mileage paid for all distances over 100 mile*. For Circulars, write, stating particulars. to Z. M. 8MITH, A M, tf-29 Principal Silver fifteen which he wifl sell as cheap as can be bought at any retail establishment, and every article warran- ted to be what it is sold for. Piease call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.— Jobbing done on short notice. Particu- lar attention paid to repairing watches, by an ex- perienced Workman. Wesstfield, Jan. 30, 1856. 41 tf aSctanty Land ! 1 By "ft* Act patted March J, 1816. T HE undersigned are prepared to Obtain Land Warrants under the above Act All persons who have served 14 days in any of the wars sincto 1790, or been in any battle or if deceased, Ifttetr widows or minor children, are each by this Act entitled to 160 acres of Land, or enough to make that amount, if they have receiv- ed any by a previous Act DIXON A RICE. Westfleld, April 26,1865. isderalgaod would call especial to the exchange of grists for near, Ac, as being more convenient to the millet, who-then la not tho delays sadsrossto of •tsspagts at aad much mere economical for *^*4aaytt unavoidable,;eltaer in welting while she work is dons arta two joaraies to th* MilL V . sV—Flour aS Issl ia hags of oa* quarter ARING A FRANCIS. lass. 4(Mf work ts done frl r. sV-FtovtMl I asm astf sari*** wsfttsBOSAasm saner I atartrnMlswaV^T' S UPREME COCRT."bounty of Chautauqne.=- Otis Aldrich against Frank P. Perkins.—To Frank P. Pertias defendant: Ton are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Otis Al- drich, plaintiff, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of Chautauque County, at May- ville, on the 38th day of November. A D. 1856, and to serve a copy of your answer on the sub- scribers at their office in Westfleld N. Y., within twenty days after the service; and if you fail to answer such complaint a* hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgement against yoa for fif- teen hundred sixty two dollars sad forty-two cents, with Interest on eight hundred eighty-one dollars, at six per cent per annum, from the lO'.n day of Augnst 1865; and interest on six hundred eighty-one dollars aad forty-two cents, at a.'ix per coat per annum from the 30th day of November A D. 1855, besides costs of this action. Dated November 30,1866. SMITH A CflADWICK Atfys for Pl'lE SW-41 TiPtEMS LANDS. 6 A A A ACRES OF LAND for sale, In the \J\J\J towns of French Creek, Clymer, Mina, Sherman, Ripley, Stockton and Cherry Creek, Chautauque County, N. Y. These lands are good farming lands, situated in settled neighborhoods, are well watered and tim- bered with Beach, Maple, Pine,'Cucumber, White- wood, Ash, Oak, Chestnut Hemlock, Ac, Price and terms of pavmenfeasv. Enquire and address. AXVIN PLUMB. April 25, Westfleld, Chaut Co., Y. N. PB0M 8. It P-aTEfBILL ft 00*8 Newspaper Advertising Agency, 119 Nassau Street, N. Y. THE WONDER OF THE AGE I Dr. Tobin's Venetian Liniment r warranted to cure the Cholera, Colie, Sea- Sickness, Chronic, Rheumatism, Vomitinga. Cute, Burns, Old Sores, Swellings, Tooth-ache and Pains of all kinds, or no pay. Grta* Cure of Rheumatism.—C.apt Comstock, ot the Steamer Baltic, (Collins Line,) was eured of a severe attack of the Chronic KheuawXism, in a few days, by Dr. Tobihs' Celebrated Venetian Lin- iment dure of Cholera.—John Wright, of the firm of JoHn Wright A Co., No 151 Chartress St, New Or- leans, was immediately cured of an attack of Choi era. by Tobins' Liniment Vomiting and Colie.—Mrs. Soseph Nfcboll, No. 16 Essex St, New York, was cured of an attack of Colic and Vomiting, by Dr. Tobins' Venetian Lin- iment Depot—60 Courtland Street New York. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 5S o*nU per sas> I*- 3*s-4> F OR SALE.—A first rate Dairy Farm, situated in the town of Portland, about four miles from toe village of Westfleld, and half a mile south of the Ellicott road constating of 231 acres—200 of which are improved and a good cultivation.— Said farm is well watered and well timbered and well fenced* The buildings are commodious aad in a good state of repair—and there is on the farm a large supply of orcoarding, of choice graft- ed and natural fruit. The premises will be sold extremely low—anu a liberal credit given fors part of the purcnase money if desired. For par- ticulars inquire of the subscribers or of Moore Titus on tl je place BABCOCK A KNIGHT. March, 19th. 1856. 48-tf PRINCE* PROTEAN FOUNTAIN PENN. J UST the thing for canvassers, Entry Clermv Merchants, Bank, Clergymen, Hotel Keepers, Teachers, and all who are constantly writing.— The material is incorrodible, made under Good- year's Patent The ttcaervoir is filled with ease and rapidity, supply ing the Pen wite Ink for from four to ten hours constant use, and saving ona- half the time. Prices,$3, and, $3,50, $4,50. Great inducements to Agents aad the Trade. Sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of either of tho above s u m s - Town snd County rights on reasonable terms. , jJ G. T. STEARNS, Gen. Aft. ly-3* No. 271 Bioadwsy, if. Y. FARM FOR SALE. ~ATTE are wishing to sell a desirable Farm of YV 130 acres—100 of which are improved situated in (he town of Clymer—new the Plank Road. Price and terms of sale made easy. BABCOCK A KNIGHT. March 12th, ISM. «7-tf. SINGER* SEWING MACHINES. G T.1EAT improvements have Just been com pie tod in these well taown machines. They no * run without noise,' with groat ease to tho op- e-.-ator, and at double the former speed—sVthsa "J 0 * *! m,c *i, wo * «•» »» 4sas in s day. AU who want Sewing Mnehtne*, aad have bought the worthless ones of other manufacturers which they cannot use may ho assured that eaoh one of 8in- E Machines wiH do, unequalled style, any of sewing, coarse or One, in etoih or leather. sro strong and do not get oat of order.— They new L000 stttohos per minute, aad afloat a Hw-Js . tURroadwv. New York Roal Estate for Sale. HpHe Subscriber offers for salo on reasonable JL terms, and. oa time to salt tho porohao W ^— ^aa. T #>A ^ M * . fc ^^^^ .w^*^ aw^asiaaaBasasP . .°?r?*^:m±»A.l**,•UftwyHt, sated, as las vakagswf WHSnwieV. -sssasV^lftlgM, Ca amagsma CovsrrJCDOS'S Oman, QMO srosjMitstsd tol*saoadas)s«ss.Cooa*Mossw j^i ITTIWIItirfBrtuWrur" <******• *** ^JE^!22^w^^ (XmUtor^^ Basal i m

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T* Afrit J, MM.

l t a . Miuaof Frewesburg, commeneee

k k k b o n w P B t o r o f t h e Baptist Crunch

in Urn village oa nert'Sabbata.


Saddles or some thing.

win amy what

a stock of Bridles,]

Call then and hei

gar Mr.' JAB. M. BAMIES, having closed

hfc connection 'with the Edinbf.ro, Pa. Peo­

ples Mnteton, is about starting a paper 'in

Conneaut, 0 , to be devoted to Spiritual

tan. J_ FBBD. DpcoLABs give* his lecture on the

designs of the slave power, at Hinckley

Hall, Tomorrow Evening, at 7 o'clock. It

is the 8th of the series—It will be one of

the beat Come earl y.

Taa "concert girls" of Prof. ROBBWS,

go in a bunch now to the Academy. Bight! : H gebd-^knowledgo is better. A sol­

id globe of gold is better than a sounding

W t learn that JOHH G. HIHCXUT, Esq.,

of this place, has been appointed by the

Governor of Illinois, a Commissioner of

Deeds, of that State. The Governor has

made an am]

MAW street is dry—on the boards—and

the effort to extend sleighs into the middle

-of April, seems not likely to be successful.

The Omnibus drivers have taken to wheels,

and FRANK has put on Four horses—not to

the wheels, but the Omnibus.

Tan weather is a grain better—nnd im­

proving. The •'oldest inhabitant" never

saw such a time before. This "April-fool"

day rains down the genial sunshine, most

naturally!—purposly a guarded expression

in deference to something better coming—

(giving a testy denial to "six weeks' sleigh­

ing in March."

•Oca Merchants *rts returning from 'ihe

city, and the New Goods will follow—as

soon as possible. We stand ready to her­

ald the fint«rriwil. The shawl men have

taken to coats, and one of the merchants

has got a brand new one.

BROWN'S HOTKL, Erie, by our old ac­

quaintance, HARMS, sustains its old and

honored reputation. We hope Mr. H. will

continue his present control of this popular

house. The-arrangements seemiin excel­

lent taste.

WHEW we get a little further along in our

attentions to the Repnblican, wc hope to

substitute order, for some present irregular­

ity, in its arrangement and typographical

finish. We will endeaver, also, to get litr

tlo bits of palatable things for our readers,

as time and taste will permit.

THE Transcript publishers >do ndt deign

~us the usual editorial courtesy of* men­

tion, in our new position. That isn't much,

nor so much, as the accusing us of an un­

comely mistake in a recent paper, which we

assuied them, personally, was not our over-

aight. All right, gentlemen. We appre­


fSW A. A. COMSTOCK, has removed his

Provision, Salt and Flour Store, to the late

Store occupied by Hart <fe Munson on Main

street He has fitted up this place in good

-style, and is preparing to furnish a Grocery

'nnd Provision depot of the amplest kind,

with all descriptions of necessaries and lux­

uries for the family. A large warehouse

-and cellar in rear of the rfdre.

OUK Quincy friends, who have really ta­

ken great pains to attend our lectures and

concerts the past winter, and who are al­

ways three or four times welcome, com­

plain that we do not reciprocate. Hope it

isn't so—we .know it wan't, one evening

^recently, when leap-year was in the ascend­

ant But we. owe .something en the score

-of sociafeiWty, we frankly think, after all.—

A oe*C<*t«c<3nrred at this place recently

Voder tho direction of Messrs. Ptdnar,

GATES and -ethers. A good time, we learn.

Try us again, Stephen. I I . I •• . i j r i n - - " - T - - •

THE NoMMft SCHOOL, under the direction

<o¥ its j -tular teacher, A. M CASE, closed

its winter term, on Friday last Tho exer­

cises of the classes were very interesting.—

The Readers deserve high praise. The 3d

class, (of young readers) trained by Miss

Boor, showed a perfection in the art, quite

beyond expectation.'The orthography and

penmanship, as also the speaking, were ve­

ry creditable,

The enthusiasm of the school is very evi­

dent, and the teacher needs no higher com­

pliment than this, aid his growing success.

THE "Blaek Pianist," of the Ufa Family,

f>as aatttca bis name strongly in the re-

*ptmhra«ee -of «ur nwrir lovers, by his brill­

iant axeention on his femrite isutrument,in

iAhe tiro evenings «f their Concerts in this

place. The performance on the Violin sad

tfatieeetto, was more thaw erdaoary, and

the vocalization, especially the Lady's, was

highly appreciated; but the little dusky ma­

gician on the stool, .is certainly a child at

genius, and sweeps down the measures of

Wallace and Beyer, as if he struck with the

•omnipotent wand of Apollo himself.

This Family tings here again on Satur­

day evening. Come and hear them.

W E called at MAM'S Music Store at E-

fie, a few days mm. The. Professor was

(tali M i tslharisw aa—al , and surrounded

ark* pianos, m a V J s n w . h . , ^ fiddles gait,

an , and other members of the same family.

B e hfumishid «*h snah fed**. «f eoai-

A radius c / W e r n O m f l « n J , , h ^ a 1

n a ahert one to warrant a newspaper let­

ter of mneh interest 'Baton* frith is so

strong mtlwsocial principle, that we will

write one. 'Contiguous communities may

benefit each other; and a liberal intercourse

shouM>be<und«tah«n for that purpose.—

Vhe peopleiurthis and adjoining counties

will want the Cbautatqro (Company's Cul-

• tinners, Mowers and Reapers. Whysho'i.-

n't we tell of it, and help on the tmoVf—

French Creek Bottoms, the best land'this

side of El Dorado, and extending through

Crawford and Brie counties, might be a

great field of conquest for our agricultural

implements, as it is famous for cereal pro­

ducts and grass. Much of the Chautauque

"butter, cheese and stock, sprinkles the lard­

ers and farms of this and eastern counties.

We are on terms of commercial intimacy.

These should be strengthened, if for. no

cither reason, to show -the superior valbo and

convenience of a home •market, over long

lines of transportation to fiistirnt ipoiot&Jloss

of fertilizing material, &c

We left W. on Thursday, in the midst of

a sorry and ferocious north-easter. Our

enterprising former and sheep raiser, J. D.

PaTrtasoN, Esq., was (tending west, and

OKjft. HcGlain ttf fisrbc+ctee*, was going

home to do the •bes't possible thing with his

grain, since the fell in the wheat market—

The track to Erie is rough enough'; things

in this city look muddy, at least the-Streets.

Brown's Hotel is a good place of refuge.-^-

Railroad matters here ebb and flow as usu­

al. The disturbance of the water has be­

come chronic, indeed. A track to'the har­

bor is progressing, from the west of town.

Erie to Meadville, is a work of magni­

tude at present—not equal, of course, to the

scaling of Mt S t Bernard. Tho drifts had

to be surmounted by a large, deckless, flat-

bottomed craft, without a buffalo canopy or

any thing else, to shield the devoted pates

of five or six babies, mothers and all, from

the winds of March. Yet the Ohio stage

Company takes sharp fare. It was a good

place to study human nature—especially to

hear i t The night, however, was starry

and beautiful; the moonlight fell like a

shower of pearls on tho sleeping solitudes

of snow, and the bushy clouds slept in the

sky, like a dream of hope in a quiet heart

As we glided through the intervales of tho

wood, sociable echos answered us from the

odored hemlocks, and the Spring leaped in

the starting-buds.

Every body in this go-ahead town wants

a railroad. B«t the prospects of the "cros-

cut" to Jamestown and Little Valley, seem

unpromising. Mr. FINNEY, the able Sena­

tor from this district, has read an -act <to le

galtze the Lake Shore Road, on the old ba­

sis, Wid securing $400,000 to tho Pittsburg

& Erie Read, We -also learn from the

same source, that the temperance question

in the Pa. Legislature, will probably take

the shape of a*rmge*t license law. The

wmrity superintendency of schools, on the

former iplan of the State of New York, will

not be abolished, as many desire.

Tho grain market hero is down to wheat,

— $ 1 ; oats—25 cts.; corn—nominally 44c.

Allegheny Colleg€ commences its next

Jerm on the 7th of April. The State Su-

perintenfieA of Schools of New York, was

graduatedat thisjj school, and it has ma­

ny other representatives in creditable posi­

tions from Old Chautauque.

The politics of this region seem slowly

changing poles. The immemorial demo­

cratic majority in this county, of 600, has

been broken, and will not rally again to

the call of a pro slavery party. This will

"divide and conquer," and tho friends of

freedom will probably take Troy without

a wooden horse. Vtte! 8.

onn.—Inonec/w^hasfo, ks the vicinity oTJfcpUa, n day ar'.'fv^sjboa,-'* worthy dtfapresaated to the Cashier a cheek<ggr «*» dolMVttntfvc^lrnjn ^ oflhw a r t e suppase,d^VQfive dollar biUs. A» ho reach­ed the door of the hank ha thought ha would look At his money, and was surprised to find that h» was in possesion of two i re hundren doLter bills. We believe that some of our bank officers have stated that they do not rectify) mistakes after a person has, left the counter, but in the present case, when the honest recipient had stated the nature of the' error, an exchange was with­out trouble offered.

W i l l » ^ B * —

The friends of postol reform in Hew York city are'taking action in regard to a reform in our postol system. They wish to have established a uniform rate of two cents. This-they deem the most equitable and convenient In regard to printed mat­ter they state 3

" If each trancient package of printed matter, without regard to the quality, kind, or number of pieces, and without regard to distance, up to four ounces in weight, were charged the same as a single letter, and double that if weighing between a quar­ter and a half pound, and were there no variation of charges on packages that weigh­ed over two pounds, except by the pound theTfttos on this species of mail matter would seldom exceed half a dozen in dum­ber, and these would be simple and easy to determine, 'and payable with the same stamps used for 'letters." They also state their conviction'that there is a radical error in our postal system in not [providing a free letter delivered in all cities snd large towns. They think tbRt all the expense of the " franking " system should be defrayed by appropriation from tho treasury. They are in favor of "money orders" drafts, or something similar, as a method of remit­ting'money by mail.

We were glad to notice at the Republi­can Medfing the Ed. of the Trantcriqt, and presume 'that he learned some wholesome truths; but we insist on his making a cor­rect report His attempts at perverting the Tema&s of Mr. Patterson, manifest a maliciousness, not justifiable in a reporter, and cdftaffclyndt in an editor. He makes Mr. Ptterson say "that it was very strange that there should bo so thin a meeting." No such remark was made; nor was there any "noisy manifestation" on ihe part of any person present

Mr W a V * /

EM tala ms&odof istofesafthsm that Water* stills are isjwrfrarttStr aval* and ansa seas SBBOO ths Wk sf Boot, aOssvlas tiisn otopped sure than «w aay in tho Mats.

•Asm, that the Mills osa do, mBca^riading, sad as well as MSw. For farther information, y onrservas.

HmmrWm*, Jfesah Ground Ploastar, wad an •xtraarUcte of Mate for for sale by '

J. S. WALKJBB. 'P. 8. 'Ifcave also a separator procured oa pw-

««M to dean wheat perfect^ clean (watofa I he-Here no other mills iere hava.) . . .•• i

Those wishing Flooring done will do well to call before making contracts elsewhere.

•Stf. J. B. W.

Retail Prices at Walker's MSI and Com-•took*Stdre.

WasrraiB, Feb. U. Winter Wheat Flow, Extro, 14 60 per owt Sprint " " 400 " " Meal, 111 • « Bockwheat Floor 1 00 - -Shorts, ? M * " Bran, 16 Provender, M


a.Vmi. T. « id to PsSpste ie lo of oertais premises dassribtd la said SMrtEags as fallows:

• " " " • . I AUthatpi.oe orparcelof land sttsat* lying and arS doing as and being fc the town cooaty and State aforesaid;

t. call and see for C o m p s a r s i m r ^ a n d A l s o distiagwMKd on a map or survey of part of said lot nude by •Ttoo-thy Jadsoa for Ahaer & Boobs and others as> lot

trnmber thirty; and Boonde d North by tho origi­nal line of said lot number twenty Ave, three rhoins East by lots number twenty-seven and twenty-nine of the said last mentioned surreys, thirteen chains, IS links; South by the cen­ter of the north Erie Boad, four ctatBs snd asne-ty-sUlists; andwiwtbvlot number thfrtjoae of the Holland Company's surveys, fifteen enains, forty-sfc links; Containing five snd forty nun-dreths, acres, be the same more or fesa. And also aU that certain other piece or psreel of land situate lying snd bain g in the said town of Port­land and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning in the center df the north Erie Boad onthe west liaoef a certain lot of land conveyed by James Dunn to Simeon Whitcomb, and running north on said Whitcomb*! line, twenty-six chains, twent) seven links; thence west on the south Uneof lot an mber thirty-two, three chains, sixty-five links; thonce oeoth, twenty-eight chains, fifty-fix UnM -thence north fifty-three degrees east, four ehaiLS thirty-one liki to the place of beginning: contain­ing ten acres ofmad, with the exception of one

-moreiying'ln the-South east corner of the above described land.

Said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained was recorded in the Clerk's office of the Coonty of Ghaouuque, tue 11th day of Octo­ber A. K I M at 11-o'clock a. M. in Liber 32 of mortgages atteago 975. The amount due on said mortgage at the time of the first publication of this node* U913*%33, and there will remain un­paid, and to become due upon said mortgage, five years from the date thereof, the furthor sum of $700,00. Default having been made in the payment of the amount due and secured by said mortgage, and no aoit-having been instituted at law to recover the same, or any part thereof.—

l V E l f T I S T B Y .

DR. THOMPSON, in the usual manner would present his compliments to the patronising

public and solicit attention to his experience and facilities for succeofdl practice in the

BKNTAL W B C K i L ABT. ~. This announcement-need hot require the partic­

ular explanation that would be doe from a new and stranger operator. The subscriber will, there­fore, merely advertise his Booms, on Main Street at the East end of the Brlc* Block, Uaar the Post Office, where h e will hereafter be constantli in I Now, therefore by virtue of the power of sale con

d at the old stand.

To bo

•H«^J««y |^^ #n«h»ntloa of the pubrk to the (set that they koepoa

*A*t>WA*B, 8 T O V B B , A M D T M f - W A * * , t^thlMoeSJon of the country, eompriolng every variety of Honae Trimmings, Carriage

" ~ • - CWfery, Vmynitrt' et Trimming, Engiiah and Anuria* TabU and Ptolttt _ V o s W JUaehmMt * Mtckmifi Took, Paint,, 00,, <Xw>Smtiand

^ * % - ^ 1 ( 7 n t - n d j ^ * * » . SmwL Chain / W CuUm & WiU Prnip,, LtcliiPip^aU,, Iron, Sud, J e , £c

rS T O V E « 7 ^ T O YE S The beat assortment of Cooking, Parlor aadVPlats Stovsa, ever ottered In this

frost among tho newest s a d most approved patterns to be fodtfd in Eastern markets, amonc whit are the Black Diamond, Empire State. Improved, Metamora, Forest-Belle, Dining Boom Stoves of i styles. Parlor Stoves of every variety, togethep with a' large assortment of Jipafca< " Copper and Sheet Iroa Ware, Stove-Pipe, sad everything usnany found In a s seta"" kind; all of which they offer foroale a t prices which cannot fail to s o i l


in our tine, done on short notice, sad Is ike-host and most substantial manner, place, No. 10, Main street, Weataeld. M. ¥.

. . , J. HAKMNOTQiy. *V CO.

eh an

Ware. Tin it of this


StARMED. On the 1st insL, in Jamestown, by Bev. J. E .

WhaHon.-Mr. KK.NRT i. OJsusMaVfjf Brie, Penn., and Miss PHSBX ANN Brsu, of the former place.



It has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by disease and snfferidg. HOL-MO WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELI­CATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personal y superintends the manufacture of his mediciner

lin the United States, ind'offersthemto a free and enlightened people, as the best remedy the worlc ever saw for the removal of disease.

readiness to give attention to calls, and to make fa is work satisfactory, and i n the best style of the art. Strangers, and those wishing references, as to work, can find them readily in this place, -or farther about if desirable. -

Chlorofem administered in the extraction of teeth if desired, for which an additional charge will be made. The subscriber may state his entire success in a loog.practice, ta -the use of this be-neflcant agent in painful operations, Specimen plates and other work, can be examined at h i s Booms.

The creation of beautiful artificial teeth!witfain a short period, so perfect as to equal and-even excel nature in regularity and tint, -gfvesa new value aad faoiuation to the dental art, and'makes artificial-sets desirable, « o t only for the.peiposes of speach and mastication, but for comely grace and beauty. -Double -sets on silver or goldtnonnt-inga. Old plates-remodelled, or improved, ores -changed for new work, 4 c 4 c

C. A THOMPSON; Westfleld, March, 10. 1S56. 47-tf.


Prof. C H A 8 . De GRATH>S

tahted in said mortgage, notice is hereby given that the above described premises will be sold at public aucticn to the highest bidder on Saturday the 14th day of June A. D. 1856, at one o'clock!5. M. at the Westfleld House, in Westfleld village, Chautauque County, N. T. Dated March, 17, 1856, PHILIP MEBICLE, Mortgagee.

SMITH 4 CHADWICK. Atty's. 13w-48.

X3T At a meeting of the Canal Board,

an attempt was made to have the Albany

State&nan, the new Hindo Journal that has

beoee started,, recognized as tho organ of

the Board. This board consists of the Ca­

nal Commissioners, State Engineer and

Comptroller. Mr. Commissioner Whalon,

moved that certain advertiseWioWa be pub­

lished in tho Albany Statesman. Mr. En­

gineer Seymour movel to lay it on the ta­

ble, which was carried. Mr. Whalon call­

ed for the ayes and noes, and asked a cer­

tificate thereof. This request was granted,

and is as follows:

Ayes—Gardner, Seymour and Fitzhugh.



This certificate is without doubt to be

used as evidence against Engineer Seymour,

for the purpose of having him expelled

from the council.

* S w

The Enow Somethings.

The second annual meeting of the Grand

Lodge of the Know Something order, of

this State, recently held at Rochester, ad

opted as their platform the following:

We hold, and will maintain under all dreumstances, as tho paramount National issues.

1. Freedom is National. 2. Kansas shall be free. 8. Not another Slave 8tate, nor foot of

slave soil shall be admitted inte^ this Un­ion.

As the paramount State issues.

1. Such a Prohibitory Law as shall stop the traffic ht Imtexicaling Liquors as a bev­erage.

As vital to the prosperity of the country we further hold and will maintain:

L No interference tending to a union of Church and State.

2. Principles and character, not birth­place, are the true tests of admiasioa toetV lsenship and its oondtutionai rights.

*. Such an enforcement or •nssndsflsnt of ike HataralBBtioa Lawsas STtHseosM a

fcf tkaejov ofths

THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These ftfmotrs Pills are expressly combined to

operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneas, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement i s -their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing diseases in all its -forms.

DYSPEPSIA A LIVER COMPLAINT. Nearly half of tire human race have taken these

Pills. It has beet .proved in all parte of the world that nothing has been found equal to them in ca­ses of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, andstom ach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however mnch de­ranged, and when all other means have failed,

GENERAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments havt

opened their Costom Houses to H&e introduction of these Pills, <hat they may become'fhelaedicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is'the beat remedy ever IsMOpJ tot per­sons of delicate health, or wberetae system has been impaired, ss its invigoratingpropcrtie* nev­er fail to afford relief.

FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should be without

this celebrated medicine It corrects and regu­lates the monthly courses tit sM periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to {children of all ages, and for ary complaint; consequently no family sdould be without i t

Holloway's Pills are are the best remedy known in the world for the following dis­ease;

Headachs, Iadigeation, r&flhe'bz-a, Inflamdtlob, Veneral Affections, Worms of all kinds, Stone 4 Gravel, Secondary Symptom', Inward Weakness, Liver Domplaints, Lewdness of Spirit, Piles.

£sr* Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Holloway, gO Maiden Lane. New York, and 144 Strand Dondon, by all raspectable Druggists in the United States, aad the civilised world, in box­es, at 26 cents,, 62« cents, and $1 each.

There is a considerable ^saving by taking the large sizest

N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every discrdes are affixed to each box,


THIS Oil is the only tun remedy in *h« world for the cure of Rheumatism, Goat, Pains In

the Back, Breast or aide, Palpitation of-^h^ Heart, Paralytic Stroke, Toothache, Headache, 'Cramps in the Stomach, Scrofula, Frosted hahds'Or Feet, Sore Eyes, Piles, Sprains or braises, -Sores St burns, Stiffness in the Joint*., Tetter, or Salt Rheume, Neuralgia, Sore -Breast, or any Diseases that are Sort or <PiunfuL,-i» the only artieit ever brought before the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minutes, has been used by thousands and pronounced-to be the best remedy ever discovered.

This Oil acta on the system with electricity, is of pure vegetable preparation, not the tltghteit danger of applying it outwardly or tmcardif, it at once gives a permanent care, in -most esses in ten or twenty minutes.

The best Physiologist of Europe tave discover­ed that all Organic Derangement in the Animal Svstem is the effect of an obstruction of the Phy-sico-Electro Fluid in the'Organ diseased—a nkill-ful aplication of this Oil puts into immediate ^mo­tion the nerve fluid, and the enre is at once ac­complished. No bleeding, no vomiting, purging, or blistering, is resorted to.

A W gtmant without the ngnttwt of Labels signed in J A. E. SN1TH, CHtfnat.

writing. \ De GRATH <k Co. Principal Depot, No. 39 South <Eigfct S t , three

doors below Chesnut Philada. Country Dealers and ©rsggists can be supplied, Wholesale and Re­tail. Price 2$ cents, (0 cts., and $1 per Bottle.

Try everything else, then give this'one simple trial.

.aST- No gtratbu "ELECTRIC O u t s o l d by ped-lers in the United States. v»-Tb.e -Bottles will have on our own s tamp.^s f

Entered according to Act of Coagrea, in the year IS5S, by Professor CHARLES Dx GBATH, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

For Sale by L. Parsons, No. IT, Main Street Westfleld, N. T. 4T-tf.


AFTER a long delay, we aewofter to a discrim­inating public tho very fcest Portable Grain

.Mill in existence. The Excelsior Young Ameri­ca Mill, Patented by Mr. Cvscaxas L E A V R * , in February laat. adapted to Grinding Provender from Corn in the Ear, Shelled Corn. Corn' and Oats, t'nd other Grains. By a simple adjusting apparatus the mill is made to grind coarse and fine as dt tired. The meal is conducted out at a spout at th 3 side of the Mill. This Mill is set on ._ree legs, c **t solid to the cone. It took the first premium at the last Ohio State Tuir,-in com-» i l r i . > — ys> •• « "T.ittle R i a n t " "S tw/ ' -dsc , and

sry other Pair where premiums a ere awarded, and beat every­thing of tho kind a\ every Fair at which K was presented.

Please read the following report of the trial'of Corn and Cob Mills at the. late Fair of the Mary­land Agricultural Society, at Baltimore, from the Mansfield (Q.) Herald.

The following will show tbe


THE Subscriber has four Dwellings and Lota. Pleasantly Located in this Village for sale.

at low rates for prompt pay. If not sold they will be rented from*lhe 1st of April next

A L WFLIA Westfleld, March 8, 1856. 47-tf.

FOfcJ&Aii .

A LARGE, new and commodious Dwelling House—pleasantly situated on. Washington

Sreet BABCOCK. * KNIGHT-March 12, 1856. 47-tf-

Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costiveneas, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever snd Ague, Female Complaints,

To Rent. large and commodious house on North Por-

ttage Street Babcock A Knight March 2S. 18M.


WE are wishing to sell Slip No. 3, in the Bap­tist Church in this village. To be sold low.

BABCOCK * KNIGHT. March 12 1866. 48-tf.

than «m»> nhtajail by anv

Ha hmi ansae

For Sale.

A new Double Wagon—and;we always sell cheap. Babcock * Khight

April 2,1856.

Western Land.

Western Lands (sitnated in the States of Michigan and Iowa) for sale by Babcock &

Knight March 26,1866.

Wood Land,

WE are wishing to sell two hundred acres of wood land, lying a little east of the May-

ville Plank Road aad about five miles from this village, Babcock <fc Knight

March 27, 13S6. Maps for Sale.

We have on hand for Sale, a few maps of chautauqu county, at it it. "Woodman

Spare that tree." Babcock i. Knight March 26, 1866.





THE above parties having entered into a part­nership as Millers, would respectfully inform

the inhabitants of Westfleld and its vicinity that they are prepared to attend to their wants in the milling line They will pay cash for Wheat— Grind on Shares—Exchange Flour foe Wheat and Meal for Corn, and are determiaedio give sat­isfaction.

The Business will bo conducted by Mr. John Manwaring whose long aad sueeeeaM SsmEwOO enables him to guarantee the beat peseiWe Roar from the wheat wtth which he may be f a w n s ; and it mar be added that the Glen Mill, during the

it has row, a s s established for itself a s



One 12mo. Volume, cloth, Elegantly Illustrated. PRICE, - ? • - • - - - < • * **. « *

Mailed free of Postage on receipt of the retail price.

From the New York Evening Post This volume will be read with' satisfaction by

those who most enjoy the "Sacred Mountains^ " From the Louisville Journal.

" It is fell of deep interest, and written in a most glowing and beautiful style."

From the Detroit Daily Advertiser. "There is merit sufficient in the work to make

it a favorite with a lover of things associated BO closely with biblical history. < W 30t

From the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. "The writer has a powerful use of language;

though he enters upon his task with a true .-devo­tional spirit he invests his theme with an inter-eat sure to fascinate the general reader."

From the Buffalo Christian Advocate. "X finished specimen of style and workmanship."

From the Rochester Union.. "He has clothed his ideas with lofty and beau­

tiful language, and 1 reated the subject in a'man­ner becoming its importance."

From the New York Courier and Enquirer. "The author, like his predecessor, is very suc­

cessful in reviving scenes with life-like effectand his book will very justly find extensive favor."

From the Boston Journal. "The style is different from J. T. Headley, and

perhaps better adapted to the snbject it is sim­ple and unpretending, but plain and forcible."

From the Medina Tribune. "It is written in a style of poetic prose suited

to the subject, and makes some glowing pictures of the "Sacred Plains,' spreading them out in all their oriental loveliness and investing the• with a charm and interest that belong only to Script­ure scenes."

From the Buffalo Daily Republic. "An elegant book, both in contents and appear­

ance—fitted to adorn and Increase the value of any library."

From the Boston Daily Advertiser. "The volume is handsomely illustrated with

views of many spots made interesting by the sa­cred history."

From the Geneaeo Republican. "The'author has faithfully executed his design

and presented to the publio a book replete with interest aad instruction."

From the Salem (Mass.) Observer. "The materials of the several chapters seem to

have been collected with mneh care." J V Papers inserting the foregoing three times

aad sending a copy of paper to the publishers, will receive a copy of tho above work, and also the Economic Cottage Builder, pre paid.

WANZER, MclOMACO, Publishers. SwtS, Buffalo, N. Y.

nj|"«»RS>«AGES*AEJ—Default havi n % been 119. made in the the .payment of monieB secured to be paid by a Mortgage dated, May 1, 1866, made and executed by Aaron F. Burr, of Stock­ton, Chautauque County, N. Y. to James Smith.— Which Mortgage contains a power of sale and wss together with said Mortgage recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Chautauque County afore­said, in Liber 39 of Mortgages at page 238, on the 29th day of May 1866. Said Mortgage was given for the purchase 'money and to secure; the pay-ment of $1,393 55 with interest and to be paid according to the terms set forth in the condition of the-Bond accompanying said Mortgage.

The whole amount of principal and interest due at the date of this •notice is $271 74, leaving a balance of principal of $962 37 unpaid and to grow dbe thereon with use.

Said Mortgage on the 21st day of Feornarv, 1856, was duly assigned by James Smith, to Will­iam W. Bo wen, and the assignment recorded Feb­ruary 43, 1856 in the office of the Clerk of aaid County of ChantaUque and the aaid William W. Bowen is now the legal owner and holder of said Mortgage and Bond; and no suit action, or pro­ceeding at Law, or'rn Equity, having been, insti­tuted to recover the debt or any pari thereof due by said Mortgage; Notice is therefore hereby given, thafpursusbtto the power of salo contain­ed in said Mortgage and of the Statue in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage 'will be foreclosed by the sale of the lands andT remises described in aaid Mortgage, together wink the ap­purtenances, at public auction to the highest bid­der at he Inn kept by Paul Persons Jr., In West-field village N. ¥. on the 5th day of June next at '2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day.

The lands and premises are described in said Mortgage as follows: " All that tract or parcel of landsttnate In the County of Chautanque be­ing partof Lot No. 14, Township 4, range 13, of the Holland Land Company's purchase according to the Maps snd Surveys thereof made by Joseph and Benjamin EIHcott: Beginning at the North east corner of aaid Lot No. 14, thence-west on the north bounds cf said Lot No. 14, eighteen chains and twenty six links to the center of the highway: thence southerly, along the renter of the highway, known as the Old Chautauque Road, twenty-three chains and 14 links to the center of the Road leading from Delanti to AVestfield: thence easterly aldng the center of aaid Road 32 chains 68 linka to the east bounds of said Lot No. 14; thence north 26 chains 14 links to the place of begining, containing 57 and tliirty two one hundredths acres of land." Dated,' Westfleld, March 6, 1866

WILLIAM W. BOWEN, Aisignee. JOHN G. Hraoxttrr, Att'y for Assignee. 46-13w

krOftTGAGE S A L E .

ON the first day of February in the year of our Lord 1844, Thomas Kinner execuued a mort­

gage upon real-estate to Joshua R. Babcock and dated of that day, conditioned to pay $172 60, with interest Snd to be paid by install ments par­ticularly specified in a Bond bnaring the same date, and was recorded in the Clerk's office of Chsutanqne County on the 26th day of Februa-. ry 1844, at 11 o'clock A. M. in Liber 19 of Mort­gages, St page 498. And it contains the usual power of sale. Default having been I lade in the payment of Some part of the money se cored to be paid by aaid Mortgage, there remainii ig now due and unpaid at the date hereof, the sun of $26 08.

Therefore notice is hereby given th; ,t the mort­gaged premises below described, wil 1 be sold at public auction at the Westfleld House in the vil­lage of Westfleld in said County, on the 10th day of May next at nine o'clock in the fo renoon.

The mortgaged premises are situuted in the town of Westfleld aforesaid; and in th :- said mort­gage are described as follows to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county above mentioned,' and boun­ded aa follows: North by land deeded to Perry B. Noble, thirteen chains nine links; East by land deeded to Robert Cochrane, nineteen chains ten links; South by land deeded to William Law, thirteen chains, nine links, and West by land deeded to Robert Cochrane, 2nd nineteen chains ten links, containing twenty-five acres of land more or less. Westfleld Feb. 11, 1866.

13w43. _ . DIXON & RICE, Atty's.

time occupied, and the trumber of revolutions of each erf the Mills on exhfbiffien, in grinding a half bushe.' of corn and coho:

Mini Revolutions Excelsior Yottog America MilL J| 10 Little Giant Mill, 4 | K Maynard's Champion USO, I 20 Colbert's Mill, &s 32 Advantages of the Excelsior Young America Mill over all efhers—1st Great strength and dura­bility. -Sd, Simplicity—having only one aet screw to graduate the qnalith of grinding. 3d, It will grind more corn, or corn aad cobs, in the same time said of the same quality, than any other Mill in use. 4th, BConomy—that part of the Mill which is most l iable to wear, being separate from the main body of {he Machine, can be renewed when worn out at theamall ctrat t>f$3. Thus is the Ex­celsior Young America tell we present the best cheapest and most durable mil l ever offered to the farmer."

Price of Mills complete, $45. Mills of the old patent (e% which a premium was awarded at our last Cotfnty Fair) also on hand—Price, $40 Town Rights fc*r-sale cheap. We are willing to guaran tee sirt-itra SATISFACTION to Stry reasonable man. For further particulars, call'or address

J. * . WRIGHT ft CO. Westfleld, Dec, 26, 1855.

var r i age aa

MANUFACTORY. On Mam Street, oppotitttht Agricultural Work*.

WLLIAM CRANDA LL has been for severs years engaged in carrying oa the above

business,'and keeps constantly on hand, and will manufacture to order, all kinds of work l a h i s line. JBF* -Reparing done on short notice.

Westfleld. April 26,1866. tf-1

L. PARSONS, l*o. 17, MxiKST., lraxT TO THE STOXS Btritsiss,


Vila Varnishes, Perfumery, Chemica+a, PttsCjovcY Aanctss, Surgfoat

taftrUments, Ac, Ac. —ALSO

WKknit MM Stationery.

TO1 '30 \XT X T o O K 8 .

BAYARD TAYLOR'S TRAVELS. Scenes in the Practice of a New Fork Surgeon. Wid­

ow Bedott Papers. Wolfert's Roost Sunshine on Daily Paths. "Dickens' " Foot Prints of tho Creator. The Newcomes. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. American Statesman, Ac.

FAMILY Toilet and Shaving Soaps at L. Par­sons' Drug Store.

HANDKERCHIEF and Flavoring Extracta— a fine assortment at L. Parsons', No. 17,

Main Street

PROF. DeGrath's Electric Oil—the best article in the world for Rheumatism, Sprains, Brai­

ses, Ac, at L. Parsons' No. 17, Main-st "DOCKET Medicine Cases, Reticules, Drafting

Instruments, Main-st

cheap, at L. Parsons', No. 17,

Wfl feTFlELfe 4tOAS5EMY. fTV-fE Spring Term w*U -commence March 26, to X continue fifteen wedka.

Tuition in thehigher departmentjper term, $6 00 do primary, do -do 2 60

©rawing, 'exctrh do 6 00 Music, do do 3 00

T S A C H S S S ; J. G DONALDSON. A R'Principal, WM. H. MATSARD, A R Teacher of Languages. l * s s I I A E T M. SMITH. Preceptress. Miss JAMB Maooamsa, Teacher i n Primary Dep. Prof. E. A ROSBIMS, Teacher of Music Mrs JAMES H. CROCIBR, Teacher of Drawing. Mr H. D. STOSKS, Teacher of Penmanship.

The course of study and method of teaching will be designed to develop the pMsar-Sf thought aad at the same time give practicle skill, so aa finally to make the stedents thorough, both in the theory and practice of-the branches of education pursued by them. The ceaase of "study prepara­tory to entrasce in the besreolletes will be taught to such as wish to persne the college course; also the principal-studies of the collegiate course.

The method -will differ from that pursued in college, in this:'that what must be-passed over in college in a-specified time, without "regard to the attainments of the scholar, will be studied for a longer or shorter time, according to the capacity of the students, that they -may not leave their work imperfect .

A Teacher's Class will'be otgamajod. in which will be givea Instruction i n she The-rrr snd Prac­tice of School Teaching.

The Musical Department under the-supervision of Prof. E. A. 'ROBDINS, presents a new and attrac­tive feature to those, desirous'of giving their chil­dren a finished musical education, -without the usual accompaniment of great expense. Aside from private tuition upon the Piano, Melodeon, Guitar, A c , the theory of masic from "first princi­ples to muSioal composition, will be tanght aa a daily study. AH tecessary facilities will be pro­vided, and the -satme attention given as to other branches of education. Terms $3. All private lessons, Instrumental u-rVtcal, $12 per term of 24 lessons. til".

MASTJBG A PALMER'S Sarsaparilla article in Market at a reduced nri

GOLD PENS, Card Cases, and Portmonnaiea, at No. 17.

the best Market at a reduced price, and all

the popular Patent Medicines for sale at L. Par­sons' Drug and Book Store, No. 17. 40

Westfleld, January 23d, 1856.

W A N T E D ,

1 f t A A CUSTOMERS at J. R. WALKER'S tf \J \J v hfift, which is now in running order

Those wanting "Souring done, will do well to cal soon.

w«atfield, September 5, 1866.

Eclectic MslsBBaanB Jr. XTTM. BOORN, formerly of Richmond, N

has permantly located in this place, uni supplied hi

Medicines, lie is pi ness pertaining to his profession

He is prepared to attend to all lis pr<

his office from 8 till M A. M. each day.

and mro

ss per I offic<

self with new Instruments, and id to all He will be at

N. B. special attention paid to Chronic Diseas­es, such as Scrofula, Cancers, Diseases of the Eye and Skin, also a good supply of Eclectic prepara­tions of Medicines cm hand. Cough Drops, Lini­ments, Mother's refief, Pills, Plasters, Ac.

He has also a good Bathing House connected with his office, which will be kept in readiness for the accommodation of those who wish to use i t

Dr. Boorh having treated successfully for a number of years, diseases of the skin in every form, would respectfully call the attention of the public to hisOllvriumifor the removal of Tan Sunburn, Freckles, Liver Spots, Chaps, ronghnos of the skin, Ao. It is also a very cooling wash fo children, and can be usedat all times with safeto Office No. 12, South Portage "street, Westfleld Chant Co., N. T. W

MORTGAGE «ALEr—Default ha-ting been made in the payment of money due upon a

mortgage executed by Thadeus F. Barton te Thomas Hunter, bearing date the twelfth day on November, one thousand, eight hundred fifty-three and recorded in-the Clerk's office of Chautauque County, on the 12th day of January, 1864, in liber 36 of mortgages, at page 267, which aai> 1 mortgage was given to secure the payment of the sura of nine hundred dollars and interest from the first day of January, 1864, and has been properly as­signed by the said Hunter to Russell' Sunderlin, which assignment is recorded in the Clerk's office on the 12th day ollJanuary 1864,in liber 33 page 574 Amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage, on the day of the first publication of this notice, is ten hundred and thirty seven dollars and two cents. The amount claimed to be actually due and unpaid is three hundred and twe oty six dol­lars. Mortgaged premises pi-rt lot number twen­ty-two, in the first townshid and fifteenth range of the Holland Land Company's survey, and bound-ded north by lot number twenty-three, fifteen chains and one link: east by a line parallel to the east bouuds of said lot number twen-two, (at the distance of twenty-five chains six links west therefrom,) fifty-nine chains ninety-six links: south by lot number twenty-one, fifteen chains one link, and west by a line parrallel to the east bounds of the land hereby conveyed, sisty chains twenty-one links—containing ninety acres of land more or less—excepting twenty acres of land now occupied by Pbilo S, Hawley." Notice fs hereby given, that the above described mortgaged prem­ises will be sold at public auction, at the West-field House, in the village of Westfleld, now kef t by Asa Farnsworth, on the 31s day of May 1850-, at noon, upon the powers contained in said mor t gage, and of the statute in auch case made and provided. Dated March 6th 1856 6-13w RUSSELL SUNDEBLlN.Assignee.

W A T C H E S -AND J E W E L R Y . Q V. B. WELLS, has opened a new and splen-O * did assortment of

WA tCHES AND JEWELRY. Silver and Plated Ware, Pocket and Table CUfiery Clocks, Musical Instruments, Ac,, Ac,

W A T C H E S . Fine Gold French Swiss and Chines Duplex,

• " Magic Hunting and dtmble time Keepers " « Hunting and-bpdnft.ee Patent Eng. Lev. - » • " " Detached * • • ' * » « -Cylinder "

• Guard, Vest snd Fob <dhatns, -• " Ladles and Gents Bresrt P k a , • • « • Finger Rings.

SILVER WATCHES, of every style and price from $2 60 to $60. guard Vest and Vob Chains. Twelve to di&reat styiesaad Patterns of

A U H U & N F t J M A L E S E M I N A R Y ! AND


THE Winter Session ot this Institution begins Dec. 6th, in one of the most magnificent ed­

ifices devoted to Female Education in this country under an able sted efficient corps of Teachers.

The wit do ws are furniahed with Venetian blinds water on every floor, and gas-fights throughout the buildveg, promote the Cottffort of the student and add to the salety of the Institution. The ar-rangemen'ts for ventilation are unsurpassed. An experienced nurse, residing in the Seminary, has care of the sick. Normal students admitted free of tuitions, including Music, Ornamentals and Languages, for two years, by paying the usual price of board. Only one received from each town. Mileage paid for all distances over 100 mile*. For Circulars, write, stating particulars. to Z. M. 8MITH, A M,

tf-29 Principal

Silver fifteen

which he wifl sell as cheap as can be bought at any retail establishment, and every article warran­ted to be what it is sold for.

Piease call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.

N. B.— Jobbing done on short notice. Particu­lar attention paid to repairing watches, by an ex­perienced Workman.

Wesstfield, Jan. 30, 1856. 41 tf

aSctanty Land ! 1 By "ft* Act patted March J, 1816.

THE undersigned are prepared to Obtain Land Warrants under the above A c t

All persons who have served 14 days in any of the wars sincto 1790, or been in any battle or if deceased, Ifttetr widows or minor children, are each by this A c t entitled to 160 acres of Land, or enough to make that amount, if they have receiv­ed any by a previous A c t

DIXON A RICE. Westfleld, April 26,1865.

isderalgaod would call especial to the exchange of grists for near, A c , as being more convenient to the millet, who-then la not

tho delays sadsross to of • t s spagts at aad much mere economical for

* ^ * 4 a a y t t unavoidable,;eltaer in welting while

she work is dons arta two joaraies to th* MilL V. sV—Flour aS Issl ia hags of oa* quarter


work ts done f r l r. s V - F t o v t M l I asm astf sari***

wsfttsBOSAasm saner I atartrnMlswaV^T'

SUPREME COCRT."bounty of Chautauqne.=-Otis Aldrich against Frank P. Perkins.—To

Frank P. Pertias defendant: Ton are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Otis Al­drich, plaintiff, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of Chautauque County, at May-ville, on the 38th day of November. A D. 1856, and to serve a copy of your answer on the sub­scribers at their office in Westfleld N. Y., within twenty days after the service; and if you fail to answer such complaint a* hereby required, the plaintiff will take judgement against yoa for fif­teen hundred sixty two dollars sad forty-two cents, with Interest on eight hundred eighty-one dollars, at six per cent per annum, from the lO'.n day of Augnst 1865; and interest on six hundred eighty-one dollars aad forty-two cents, at a.'ix per coat per annum from the 30th day of November A D. 1855, besides costs of this action. Dated November 30,1866. SMITH A CflADWICK Atfys for Pl'lE SW-41


L A N D S .

6 A A A ACRES OF LAND for sale, In the \J\J\J towns of French Creek, Clymer, Mina,

Sherman, Ripley, Stockton and Cherry Creek, Chautauque County, N. Y.

These lands are good farming lands, situated in settled neighborhoods, are well watered and tim­bered with Beach, Maple, Pine,'Cucumber, White-wood, Ash, Oak, Chestnut Hemlock, Ac, Price and terms of pavmenfeasv. Enquire and address.

AXVIN PLUMB. April 25, Westfleld, Chaut Co., Y. N.

PB0M 8. It P-aTEfBILL ft 00*8 Newspaper Advertising Agency,

119 Nassau Street, N. Y.

THE WONDER OF THE AGE I Dr. Tobin's Venetian Liniment rwarranted to cure the Cholera, Colie, Sea-

Sickness, Chronic, Rheumatism, Vomitinga. Cute, Burns, Old Sores, Swellings, Tooth-ache and Pains of all kinds, or no pay.

Grta* Cure of Rheumatism.—C.apt Comstock, ot the Steamer Baltic, (Collins Line,) was eured of a severe attack of the Chronic KheuawXism, in a few days, by Dr. Tobihs' Celebrated Venetian Lin­iment

dure of Cholera.—John Wright, of the firm of JoHn Wright A Co., No 151 Chartress St, New Or­leans, was immediately cured of an attack of Choi era. by Tobins' Liniment

Vomiting and Colie.—Mrs. Soseph Nfcboll, No. 16 Essex St, New York, was cured of an attack of Colic and Vomiting, by Dr. Tobins' Venetian Lin­iment

Depot—60 Courtland Street New York. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 5S o*nU per sas> I*- 3*s-4>

FOR SALE.—A first rate Dairy Farm, situated in the town of Portland, about four miles

from toe village of Westfleld, and half a mile south of the Ellicott road constating of 231 acres—200 of which are improved and a good cultivation.— Said farm is well watered and well timbered and well fenced* The buildings are commodious aad in a good state of repair—and there is on the farm a large supply of orcoarding, of choice graft­ed and natural fruit. The premises will be sold extremely low—anu a liberal credit given fors part of the purcnase money if desired. For par­ticulars inquire of the subscribers or of Moore Titus on tl j e place BABCOCK A KNIGHT.

March, 19th. 1856. 48-tf


JUST the thing for canvassers, Entry Clermv Merchants, Bank, Clergymen, Hotel Keepers,

Teachers, and all who are constantly writing.— The material is incorrodible, made under Good-year's Patent The ttcaervoir is filled with ease and rapidity, supply ing the Pen wite Ink for from four to ten hours constant use, and saving ona-half the time.

Prices,$3, and, $3,50, $4,50. Great inducements to Agents aad the Trade. Sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of either of tho above s u m s -Town snd County rights on reasonable terms.

, jJ G. T. STEARNS, Gen. Aft. ly-3* No. 271 Bioadwsy, if. Y.

FARM FOR SALE. ~ A T T E are wishing to sell a desirable Farm of

YV 130 acres—100 of which are improved — situated in (he town of Clymer—new the Plank Road. Price and terms of sale made easy.

BABCOCK A KNIGHT. March 12th, ISM. «7-tf.


GT.1EAT improvements have Just been com pie tod in these well taown machines. They

no * run without noise,' with groat ease to tho op-e-.-ator, and at double the former speed—sVthsa "J 0* *! m , c * i , w o * «•» »» 4sas in s day. AU who want Sewing Mnehtne*, aad have bought the worthless ones of other manufacturers which they cannot use may ho assured that eaoh one of 8in-

EMachines wiH do, 1» unequalled style, any of sewing, coarse or One, in etoih or leather. sro strong and do not get oat of order.—

They new L000 stttohos per minute, aad afloat a

Hw-Js . tURroadwv. New York

Roal Estate f o r Sale. HpHe Subscriber offers for salo on reasonable JL terms, and. oa time to salt tho porohao

W ^ — • ^aa. T # > A ^ M * . fc ^ ^ ^ ^ . w ^ * ^ aw^asiaaaBasasP

. .°?r?*^:m±»A.l**,•UftwyHt,

sated, as las vakagswf WHSnwieV.

- s s s a s V ^ l f t l g M ,

Ca amagsma CovsrrJCDOS'S Oman,

QMO srosjMitstsd tol*saoadas)s«ss.Cooa*Mossw

j^i ITTIWIItirfBrtuWrur" <******•

*** ^JE^!22^w^^ (XmUtor^^

Basal i m