merchant tailors,

mil—' n. WJ •• m_- *j>*m i.nmiwmt&%*mmi—trr*-mmm*&6t*m*mmmt M— mr* '»• —<aWB^Wi|>» VOLUME 2. WESTFIELD, WEDNESDAY MQRMNG, JULY 30, 1856. NUMBER 15. The Weslfieid Republican PUBUSHEP W>;DNEt?DAV MORNINGS, At W a t t old, Chantauque Comity H. T.' BYM. C. RICE. TBBHS: n $1,50 per annum, each in advance; $1,75 within •iz month*) and $:. theiiciionvurd. to the eluac ol i tbe year, Village luiiscriliers who receive their p«|l«ra troTO the carrier, will he charged 59 cents : Ht addition to the .i..«vi> rates. Ho paper discontinued until arrearages are paid, eScept at the option of the I'libllshi-r. TSAM0 or ADVBHTI8ING. Advertisements inserted «t 50 cents per square tor the llrtt (Mertiun, and 19 cents for each subs- nequent insertion. .V liberal iliaeon;it to yearly advertisers. FOB ON* SQCAnE. 5 FOR TWO SO/CRt'.?. 1 year. (M 00 ( , 1 year S12 00 0 months .'• 00 \ tl mouths .... S (10 1 months '•<)<> : 3 months .... 5 00 i S weeks 1 00 5 1 month a «M> i 1 week 50 ' I week 1 (Hi I J&~ Sixteen lines or less constit ltc a square. Z&~ Advertisements inserted un ler the head | •at Special Notices will be charged 50 per cent ' "more. hS' Yearly Advertisers at no time to exceed i t«vx> s q u a r e s $12 00; and to he limited to their j 'wmedidte business. 2ST" Advertisement"' not having niher direc- tions »>11 he htwtted till forbid, and charged nc- ordingly. I TM' Bnsiness Cards not exceeding six lines, j Everted at #:i 00 per year. fif All Communication): must he pe post-paid. O. 11. til UBS. Dealer in hardware, stoves, tinware, nails, I glass, lead pipe, Timothy and clover seed, me- I limbic tools, Khcjr birdcages Ac, all right and fdw prices at xh. 16 New Brick Hardware Store, Westfield X. V. MKl'CUAN'l'S' Hi): FA.. North Fourth Street, I'liihuklhui. c. McKIlilliX & SON, I'roprfetfrs. July 1, ISMi. 11-tf, , l\"l KIIXATIONW i. HOTEL. IltA OPllOH.Vh k CO., Proprietors Niagara I t-all-. j. D. OAKLISLE7& co., MERCHANT TAILORS, O 3P From the National Era- The Pass of the Sierra. AND MAN17FACTPKER8 o ri o»r:i3:i3N-o: CLOTHS—T'lu.ulclot'.is, Cassiracres. \ estings, | and Trimmings. JOB PBINTINGrsuchas Books, Show Bills. Hank Checks Pamphlets Concert Hills, Notes of hand, Handbills, Progroraraes, Certificates, Circulars Invitations, Ball Ticket, l>u>iness Cards, Address Cards Order Books Kill Heads Law Blanks, Check Books Executed with neatness Ptid despatch COLORED PRINTING, end Printing in Gold n.n1 Bronze, executedtoOrder BUSINESS DIRECTORY. }> GENTS. FURNISHING ROOM. Consisting ol coats, overcoats, pants, shirts, vests cravats. Hats, csps.and every thing to make ' a lirst rate suit in fashionable style. 1-tf. Westfield, April 23, 18jfi. BOOT AM) SHOE STOKE. r f*"HK Subscriber has established himself again 1 at his old Stand, No. 5, Santa Portage streit, i where he will continue the luciness of mauufac- j Hiring Boots and Shoes, and be tegs leave to say j that his facilities to conduct this branch of busi- ness are equal f.. any House in Western New York, an 1 those entrusting their work to him | may rely upon its being done in the best possible | manner, lie has also on hand a large stock of i reaity made boots and shoes of all kinds and the j latest sales, which for ready pay will be sold at ! the lowest figuie, and he would respectfully invite ; the public to call and examine his goods before i pmvhaxing elsewhere. THOMAS BOOTH. Wosttield April 30, IWG. OEVTISTKY. n. TflOiiPftOS, in the usual manner would present his complinums to the patronizing JOHN U. HISCKI.Ey, Attorney, and Councillor at Law. Westfield NVw.York. :i'.i-tf. B. H.U.i.. DAGTJERREAN ARTIST. No. 21, Main-st., over Dr..). Spencer's Drugstore. 1/44 Wtttfxld, K. Y. N.~\v. i.Kwls, "Dealer in Watch's. Jewelry, Silver and Plated ware. Musical Instruments Ac, North Portage street, Westfield. , r >.' W. It. MOI!.-r, 4 I'D. General Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Roods Oroceries, Ac Cash pai. 1 for Batter and most kinds oi county produce. No. \i Main Street V.estli'-bl. W. It MnitM:. tf-. n .T It. KSSYOS. STANVIELD A BBMTH'KH I'ealers in Harness, Saddles, Trunks Whips. Net- ting Ac. The above firm would say to their friends and the public, they have now on hand Carri age_Harness of tli latest style and patter.i: al iso. Team Harness made of the best materials with due regard for neatness and .lurabiliiy.— aSmgetriorwim work, Ac. & public and solicit attention to his experience and facilities lorsucccsfiil practice in the »i3T.tL SIKCH.tL AUT. This announcement need not require the partic- ular explanation that would be due from a new an operator. The subscriber will, there- fore, lticrcii advertise his Rooms, on Main Street at the East end of the Brick Block, mar the Post Office, where he will hereafter be constantly in readiness to give attention to calls, and to make his work satisfactory, and in the best style of the art Strangers, ami those wishing references, as to work, can tin-1 them readily in this place, or farther about if desirable. Cblorofom administered in the extraction of tcth it desired, for which an additional charge will be made. The : ir ••••rib -r may -late his entire success in a long practice, in the nse of this be-, neficant agent m painful operations. Specimen form •dates and other work, can * examined at his liooius. Tbe creation nfbcanti'al artifi-ialt'^'th within a short period, so ; ••••f.-c; as t« equal and even excel ii itu.e in regularity and tint, gives ,i new value and facinatioa :<i the ih ntal art. and stakes ^rtifi sets desirable, not only for the pnrposi s of speai ii tad mastication, bat fur comely (Trace and beauty. DunMe sets on silver or gold mount- ings. Old plates remodelled, or improved, orex All night above their rocky bed Tlrey saw the stars inarch slow; The wild Sierra overhead. The desert's death balaw. The Indian from his lod^e of bark, The grey bear from hf* den, Ueyolid their camp-tire's" wall of dark, Glared on the mountain men. Still upwsrd turned, witW anxious strain. Their leader's sleepless'eye, Where splinters of the njotlntain chain Stood black against tan sky. The night waned slow: at last a glow. A gleam of sudden tire, Shot op behind the walls nf snow, ABd tipped each icy spiVe. "t T p rneo!'" he cried, "yon* rocky comb, 'l'o-day, please God, we'K pass, And loofc from Winter's frozen home On Summer's flowersaud grass!' They set their faces to the blast, They trod th' eternal sucw. And faint, worn, bleeding, hailed at last Tbe promised land below. Behind, they Raw the snow-cloud tossed By many an icy horn; Before, warm valleys, wood-embossed, And green with vines and corn. They left tbe Winter at their baefcs, To flap his baffled wing. And downward, with the cataracts, Leaped to the lap of Spring. Strong leader of that mountain band! Another task remaius. To break from Slavery's desert land A path to Freedom's plains. The winds are wild, the way is drear, Yet, flashing through the night Lol icy ridge and rocky spear Blaze nut in morning light! From the L'nited States Magazine. STEPHEN BALL HUNG BY THE TO- MES. « Staten Llnnd was occupied its a British post during tho greater jwrtioti (f tbe war to and that there was no hope of their re- lenting in their deadly purpose, ho begjrwl to be allowed time to prepare himself ft>* tho change from life to eternity. But oven this boom was denied hifn by his captors, tor Independence, and was an important j w ho told him, with an with, that ho had position, as it afforded an easy a-.ccss to j bat ten minutes to live. He Was also told the Jsrsey shores, wL'cnec foraging supplies that if he wanted any one to pray for him, of provisions for the »rmy< and furnished oto of their number would officiate; and asaforettcat for thate foraging parties ' one of the impious wretches ventured to when persued by the American militia.— : commence a prnyr. The words chocked Toward the close of the war, several cir-1 his uttefailce, however, and he was obliged cumstances combined to cause ;« st'fltcity of! to givo over the attempt, amid tho brutal provision in tho British camp, among which cheers and co ifse laughter of his associates, the activity of various bauds of militiamen j A barrel was procured, and, at the expira- jn cutting off all parties of the enemy, un-; tion of the allotted time, the wretches, in les* they were in great force, was not tho \ whoso hear!, beat no responsive feeling of least in importance. Brcry means was | pity for their unfortunate victim, ordered j adopted to overcome this difficulty, arid an | him to mount thereupon. Even after he appeal to the the cupidity of tho inhabitants ! h a j done so, and one of theif number had i was made by the commanding officer on | tied (he hangsman's knot under his ear, af- ! th3 Islam.', in which he stated that all per- j tcr throwing the other end of the rope sons, whatever their principles, who would | over a jj lrJ b 0 f tne t ree , he entertained the bring provisions to the camp, should have j h opo t } mt ^o Tories only intended to permission to sell them, b,3 paid tb.3 high- , frighten him,forhe could not entertain the est price, an I should bs alio wad to return | thought that thoy would murler him so unmolested. Such a procUrrifttion was \ cooly and deliberately; but he was doom- well calculated to ailect tho object; far it! e( ] to i, e mistukm. just before he swung is well known that Congress could not pay ; 0 tf; j w n ,. s Hetficld steped forward, and for supplies to their armies, except in de- ! ,] t w j n „. his knife from bis belt, placed i> preciatcd Continental money, and as ; itl tG( , | mn( i 0 f t i, e p, isoncr, declaring, with there was no other market for tbera, the ; an mt li, that he should not go into the farmers had but one alternative—either to ' ol her world unnrnW. The signal was now sell them for British go'.l. or for the almost j g i vcrii a u d w h;i e fr^ who held tho ropt worthless paper money of Congress. It is pu || c j t ] ie prisoner off his feet, the barrel not surprising, therefore, that many whose I was y^wd away from under them—and patriotism was not doubted chose the form- Stephen Ball was launched into eternity, or, and, whenever opportunity afforded, slip- After he had hung until they were satis- ped over to StAten Island shore with their fi 0 j t } la t he was dead,tho rope was cut, and produce,forwhich they reeciv'1 a fair price the ] HX \ } . f c ]\ j llto a fallow grave which in the hard coin of King Gorge. t [ lev had dug at the foot of the tree. Among those who were tlstal e«l to this They then leap into their boat, and return- course was a man by the pa ne of Stephen ' cd to the opposite shore. A dav or two Bill, who. having four rjawters uf'r-ef to afterward, the father of the unfortunat-- dispJSC of, thought it better to get its ; man. hearing of the tragical death of his equivalent in gold tban in p»p<?r moaer.— son, obtained a ring for tho purpose of according to o k In porsaaoca of bk object, he placed Ins bringing oil his corpse; bat this privilege according to his i )Ct ,f m board of a boat, and carefully ear- denied him, and it was not until after ! ering it from observation, so that his intent the war that his body was disinterred and ic quickest way to acquire aknowk-dge : might not L-e suspected in case he should : placed in the burying-ground at Newark.— annina" is to insult a prise fighter's i meet any one who kn-w him, be out or! When the British evacuated the island, up- n the dcelaraiion of peace, most of the Rise up, FKEMOST! and go before; The ilour must have its Man: Put on the hunting-shirt once more. And lead !n Freedom's van! J. (1 \V. tfAMOTlM- but the art of hiding one's Modesty vanity. Traits of character which you seek onccal voa had better seek to re- A stranger is rceehed, and taken leave of merit. •p ,.f": wife Jshop on North-Portage St Westfield, .1. H. CLAHY AttsJrney at Law, Mineral 1'oint, W i s , will effect leins on Real Estate security, nt 12 per cent' pt -annual. Reference lions. G. W. Tattersons j A.tolxon, A. Smith, S. H. k .1. H. Hungerford, : •at \Y. S. and J. (1. Him-My. Ksg. 1 . ROBERT THOMI'SOX. Tiiuen. Cuttragand Making of all kind of Gent's I'htWng done to order, Westfield Block, No. 7 North l'ortage St ' W«?>T*-iEi.D, May U, 18SG. Westfield, March 11. A T1IOMPSGN. 47-tf. 4-tf ROBERT WOLFEUS. IMPORTANT FACTS!! I t is a fact tJiat TAYLOH always keeps n verv superior article ofGreen v.u'. iliack Ii •-•. which he sills at 50 cu. per pou'jii. Also a prime arti- cle of New Orleans Sugar k Molanec, very low. \ the best of Stewart's Syni]i, warranted t" give satisfactiou. A general assortment nf choice Family Gro,-eries, consisting ot cheese, Better. Eggs. Lard, Pork, Potatoes, .Mackerel, Cod and White Fi=h, Flour, Soda and Butter Crackers, Rice. Raisins, Currants, (. itron. Figs Oranges, Lemons, Spices of all kinds. !':re Cream Tartar Pcsifptcr in Arcattectursl Drafts of all kinds, Spe- uemons, Jspices oi an sinus, i :n- < mm ciflcations for the same, and Estimates, and to ' S C Soda, Snleratus, and a good variety of Can canv out the Design if wanted. Residence on dies and nuts, also Candles, llurning fluid, Cam Eairfe Stree* Fredoaia X. Y. I pliine. Resin. Bollard's Chemical and other Soap: l'ails. Tubs, Loriilard's No. 1 Black and Seoul G. W. PARKER A C<>. Vuecessors to 8. Bttrnham, Tin and Coppersmiths, Dunkirk. A general assortment of Tin and .lap- panned ware, Cooking, Parlor, and Box stoves, fStove Pipe, Ac. kept constantly on band end for sale low. Job Work done at the shortest noHce. ' W. 0. HOLTAOO. ,At the Steam Turning Eetablishment, No. 4 Cea ' •or I'.lock, Center Street, Fre.ionia. are prepared la tern Black Walnut and other N'cvel 1'osts, ' Balusters, and all kind? of turning to order. They have also on hand, Beat Felices and Car- riage Bows. i i Snuff, Tobacco in bulk or by the paper, 1'ipes and Cigars—in short every thing usually kept in a j friendship. IJut money enorosses all our [ Grocery Store, which he oJPers to sell extremely j . lowforCash. Please call and examine goods, | deferences and wo scarce enjoy a social hour, invest your money for an equivalent and be con- I vinced that barirains mnv be had at H. M. TAYLOU'S. East Side North Portage Pt. ;i:no-4. WrstfieM X. Y. I ! one night, and rowed through Nev.arkBay :sed to sav that rich wid • " tuo Kills.'' which lie crossed, and landed ruffians engaged in this diabolical act fled on Staten Islan ' early in the aaorniax of , to Nova Scotia. Cornelius Hetficld rcium- Feb. 15. 1781. He found no difficulty in od to New Jersey in 1807, and was arrest- disposing of his beef; bat tor fear that he ed for tho crime. He was discharged by might bo observed in having the island, the judge, (Pennington,) however, on the an.^ his object suspected j>y some of his : ground tliat th-j treaty or peace precluded friends, ke determined to remain until the j the puuishmerts of such acts, shades of night should sere-M his retreat, | GOOD HTJMOrL as it had his approach. Fatal dctermina- | ^ tion! The delay cost him his life. It so j Keep in good humor. It is not great happened that while wandering about on i calamities that embitter exisUnce, it is the the island he was met by a m:.n named . petty vexations, the small jealousies, the lit- Cornelius Hetficld, one of those cold tie disappointments the minor miseries, blunted villains who have tio regard for any ' that make the heart heavy and the temper of those principles which govern even the sour. Don't let thcrn. Anger is a pure waste most barbarous warfare, but fought for plun- j of vitality. It is always foolish, and always der, and was governed only by the b l » l y j '.isgraceful, except in some very rare cases. Dr. Franklin ows were the only price of second hand goo Is that so! I at prime co^t. Thackery says, a woman's heart is just like a lithographer's stone, what is oucc writ- ten on it can't be rubbed out. '•My 1 d, said a lady to a boy carrying out an empty mail bag, "are you a mnii b<?v ?" You dont think I'se a female bov do The world would be more happy if per sons gave up more to an intercourse of A. I. HOOT ASM? SHOE STORE! r |" , he subscriber has just furnished his Boot and 1 Shoe Store on Xoitti Portage street, with a substantial STOCK of Boots. Shoes, Rubbers, and . the materials usually found in similar shops, He has provided an assortment of Eastern work hat . ., „ ,., , ,, his design isto turn off chiiflv of home nianui'ac- .Aeent for the Montgomery. ( hantau-i le Genesee , Rni( of ^ m(j . t ^^ta^j,, kindi He , las and Ontario and Livingston Mutual nsuralice mad( . arranKemonts ^ i n( . rP: „e his manufacture Office at toe . ^inson ,louse, n | , |n) , g , BTQCK on naIu , His Kredoma^ and residence in Wesilield, on South ; store :it toe 01.1 Stand is newly fitted np and Portejge Street,., doors south of the 1 resbyte- | rcp , eni<he( ,. A OTpplv f Loat!l -„ r will ,, P k ^,, t on nan church. band for the trade. Findings Ac, for sale, work THOMAS 11 Dl> ' done to order in a satisfactory manner. The ' ' public and his old customers are invited to call. Denier in Wooden. Chain, Common, Iron and JONAS HARRINGTON. Force Pumps, Hydraa'.ie Ram", Lead Pipe, Bed- \ WestHcld, "ay 3, - jO H-tf. steads and Lounges. Portia nd, N*. Y. Shop at Frcdonia and because, we think it unjustly stolen from the main buisness of life. A maiden lady of our acquaintance, whii<> in company the other evening, alluding to her youthful preeociousness among other things she said that at six months old she went alone. A wag present remarked "yes, Madame—and you've been alono ever nee:" Tbe poor pittance of seventy years is not worth being- a villian for. What mat- ters it if your neighbor lies in a splendid tomb ? Sleep in your innocense. An Irishman in giving an account of DANIEL SHERMAN* Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Forestville. N. T Office one door west of Col villi Hopkins'Store. THOMAS JTJDD fc CO., Manufae-tnrers of Wnodmills, Feed Cutters, and -: Springand Summer Goods! I "r ,ife ' said ! lmt he ^ ad [ f his h *"\ * h « n r . . . , . , ! quite young because ho discovered that he was his uuclc. w : are receiving at the old rtattd of Couch i <t Co., afresh arrival of Goods suitable! for the season. The public are invited to look in 1 and sec our vailety. Fancy and dry Goods,soiue j choicepatterns of I GINGHAMS, LAWNS AND BEKAGES Hardware, Groce- instinct of his brutal nature. This man j when it is kindled by seeing wrong done had command of a party of six renegades J to another; and even that noble rage sel- /> -i . „ —v~— „„ mn ^ n-^-a I-.K ' dom mends the matter. Keep in o-ood hu of a similar stamp, waoee names were Jon , t = Hetfield. James Ketfiold, Sen., James Het-' mor - field, Jr. Stan Man, Samuel Man, and Job ! Ko ma » does llis ''*'«* CXW P* when Smith. All of these were form -r residents , » <-'bcerful. A light heart inaketh nimble of Elizabeth town, except Smith, who was ; * » • * *» nd keeps the mind free and alert, from Bergen. The leader, Cornelius Het- j 8. misfortune is so great as one that sours field, recognized Ball, anl, knowing his i lhe temper, rebel proclivities, arrested him under pre- tence of being a spy. notwithstanding hi Let a voman have every virtue under sun if she is slatternly, or even inappropriate, in her dress, her merits will be more than If being young, she is un- dealers in Agricultural Implements in general, j and other Summer fabrics. One mile north of Cer.terville, in the town of 1 ries. Summer Hats, Ac. YVe are doing business. Portland. Chant, county, N\ Y. ly-5 t at fair prices, and lrmk for a share of patronage.- ! half obscured /-, • „ , , ( , , ,-• 7~~.™ " No chargeforshowing zooda—bat only for sel-1 , , , . , • , . » , .. . , , CARLISLF. .t CO., ! lingthei-i j coi'cu & CO < Uli 5, or being old, fantastic or slovenly, her ^ ^ l ^ r ^ : t ^ " ^ n ^ ^ 1 westfield. May, 7th'5ii, Stt_ | mcDt al qualifications stand a very good Clothi ig. No. It, Maiu-st, Westfield, K. Y. j •J. D. CARLISLE J. H. CARLISLE. I 3fl-tf. C A R R I A G E M A N U F A C T O R Y ! ! j chance of being passed over with inditTer- "'he subscriber would call tbe attention of any j encc. WILLIAM A JAMES JOHNSTON* general Dealers In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Groceries, Crockery, Glaas-ware Ac. No. 7 Main-at West""''*. 41-tf CROSSGROYE, KIMBALL A WELLS, JL that arc not acquainted with his business or the fact that he is manufacturing a vrriety of carriages, and waggons, which tor style, and du- rability are not surpassed in this vicinity. Any- one wishing r.n article which they can depend upon as being all that it is recommended to be can find it here, or have it built to order on short notice. Shop and sales room on North Portage, - . = i.. T , \ufn\mpu "Maaafacfinrcra of Machinery and Castings gener- at the old stand, vest aide. t. J. MACOMBEH. ally. Foundry at the foot of the hill, near the bridge. Westfield, May 7th, 3-tf. Westfield Woolen Fnotory. C all at the Westfield Woolen Factory where we are rxchanging Cloths (a pure article) for »11 hinds of Wool, Prodvte, and Cash, and no eramhling about eastern Counterfeit. Weatfleld May 14, 1856. 4'tf. COCCH A STONE. Harnesses and Saddlery! NO. 22, MAIN-ST., WESTFIELD, X. Y. I n ould announce to the Public, that I am now settled in my new Shop, and prepared toac- eommodatc my old customers and as many new Take Notice. ; ""^ HS w '" he P' ease( l to call and examine Prices ^^H| . , , . „ , , and quality ol the T HE Subscriber has removed his Boot and i ' Sboe Store to Xo. iZ Main street, where all | LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK 5«S^^^JXl e ci^ h H«^1i?lSd I of Saddlery and Harness Goods, ever offered in .can do so by giving; him a cal'. He has^on hand ^ ^ VewYork eomM , r t g f Ladieg 4iirJn T&£ as can be bought in Jwn, Ch also »nd Gentleman's Riding SaddfesoAarious Styles -srtll sell us cneap »° CB " .*;..'' Morocco Bind ! and ^"iah; harness of the Latest Styles and rf.E"ahoe T^%£i&eKni™**n« otSer P - f » » * Traveling Trunks, of all sizes 7 « d de- fiJSlnaa Please call tndex amin e for yourself, also, a very extensive Stock of ^ f i e l d ? T r r i . 30th, I85C MORRIS DICK, j Ladles' and Gentlemen's Traveling Bags 1 of Superior quality and style at very moderate prices. Also, a large and 'Well-selected Assort- ment of whips BUFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS. Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Ac, Ac. Also, a general assortment of Saddlery. Hardware.patcnt leather, Enameled Cloth, A c , all of which will be sold for the lowest possible prices, for cash, or approved credit. L. F. PHELP:-:. Wertficld May 7, ; 5t5. 3-tf. DIXON A PARKER, Attorae^s and Councelors at Law. Westfield. -4BKAK ri'XON. O- & PAFIER JONAS HARRINGTON. "DBAUCBV in Boots, Shoes, Robbers, and Find- ings. North Portage Street, Westfield. 3-tf. , WILLIAM SEXTON, Justice ol,' the Peace. Office on Main street, over Babcocft A Smith's Store. 1 M. C. RICE Counsellor and Attorney, at Law, New Toi-k. Westfisld, -.TAYS A MARVIN, Attorney*" at Law. Ripley, Chaut Co., N. Y. «r. a. wars. (!) a MAavis. JOH K SPEXCER, M. D., SCBCEOM ANn PHYSICIAK. 11 Main street, Westfield, X. Y. Until cheerfulness is lost, nothing is lost. Keep in good humor. The company of a good-humored man assertions that his object was a peaceful j i s a Perpetual feast; he is welcomed every one. They stripped and searched him: 4 where—ejcs glisten at his approach, aud findino- the money which he had received difficulties vanish in his presence. Frank- for his"beef upon him, thov quickly relicv- | •»'" i-'lomitablo good humor did as much him of it, and appropriated it among | for ,,i9 col,ntr J* the old Congress as Ad- themsekes, sad the. carried their prisoner ams ' flic or fa*raon'a wisdom; he clothed hdbn Gen. Patterson for trial as a spv.- i w L s d o m w i l h 8 m i l c s > a n d s o f l c n c d content '- This officer explained to them the object \ 0lls miud3 intlJ «q™csence. Keep in good of Ball's visit to the camp, and directed j them to let him go. This did not suit j their purposes, as in that ease they would Birth of New England Manufacture*. | Things Worth ^Remembering. In 5T87, the first cotton-mill in Massaclnt-! GoNTaovKRSY.—A man .who is fond of setts was erected at Beverly, by John Ca- j disputing, will, in time, have few friends to bot and others; but such were their diffi-1 dispute with. culties f that in almost three years they ( SPEECH.—This is clothed in white. But were almost compelled to abandon tho en- a lie comes forth with all the colors of the teq>rise, As a last resort, they petitioned : rainbow. tbe legislature for assistance, and the coin-' ADVEIISITV B goo 1 teacher.—Thoso bear inittce to whom the subject was refcred, : disappointm nts tho ljust, who hive been reported in favot of granting them one ' mos* used to them, tbousflfid pounds sterling, to be raised by a ' EXAMT-I.E.—Wiien misfortune happens to lottery! j a ft'en^ look f v/r wnrd and endeavor to In 1786, two Scotch brothers, named ' prevent the same thing from happcuino; to Robert and Alexander Barr, erected car- j yourself. din<r and spinning machines, for Mr. Orr, at j STASUARD OF VALUE.—The worth of East Bridgewater, Mass., and the legislature,! fiver y thing is determined by the demand* to reward their ingenuity and encourage f or it. In tlndcsartj of Arabia, a pitcher of machinists, "made them a grant of £200,' col J water is of more value than a inountniu and afterwards added to their bounty by ; 0 f gold. giving them six tickets in the State Lnnd j LUCK ASD LABOH.—A guinea found in a Lottery, in which there were no blanks." ! ( treet, will not do a poor man so much In 1805, the total consumption of cotton ! gooJ ai hlslf guinea earned by industry all the United States, was a little more I EARNING TiiE BEST GETTING.—Give in ce a. thau one thousand bales. Now, the cotton I m;,;! WO rk and he will get money, consumed by the mills of Lowell exceeds ! EARLY HOURS.—Since the introduction' two million eight hundred and twenty 0 f candles, luxury has increased. Ourfore- ; fathers roso with the lurk, and went to bod with the sun. thousand pounds per month. A Large Hat Manufactory. It is now seventeen years since wo took up our residenco in the city of Brooklyn, and yet we were not aware, until wo snw it stated in the Scientific American, that the United States, or perhaps in the wor'd, for manufactuiing gentlemen's hats, is that of Prentice & Co., in tho city of Brooklyn. It employs no less than one thousand hands, of whom two hundred are apprentices, pick- ed out of the humbler walks of society, and put in a position where they may mak themselves useful and respected. The enormous quantity of four hundred and fif- ty dozen hats, mostly fur, are daily turnerl out, ready for immediate sale. To pack them, from 25,000 to 80,000 wooden cases are annually on the premises, besidc- 100,0UU papesr boxc. Great Iron Works-The Largea. Wheel in the World. The laranst water wheel in the world is that of H. Burden, at the Albany Nail ' Works, of Wyaa-stfll Creek, near Troy The fall is To f >et, and tho power of the i wheel equal to 1000 horses. It drives ma . chinery which works annually 100,000 j tons of iron into horseshoes, spikes, nail ; rivets, <fcc, into which the power is dis- i tributed, via, iron foundry horseshoe (btrodry, i rolling mill and puddling forre, cutting ' nail factory, machina shop, cooper shop, ike, leavings power final to tint of 400- horses to be applied for a Iditional purposes. [5,000 *nns of evil are used annually, un J j 3,000,000 tans of ore ar>. Tho boisness amounts to from §950,000 to ^1000 000 a year. On the stream ar? t'l > iron W.irk? of Corning. Winsl-jw 4r Coi wiu.-h h;»s a fault. ; of "5 feet distribntej bi-twaen tlirc.e da ins. 1 A portion of t'.n wirks viz. a rolling mill I a waggon, carriage, anl car axis factory,. '• and spike and nail factory are ruu by water. | This establishment employs on an everase j 500 haruls works up annually about 11,000 : tuns of iron, anl n<?> from 16,000 to>17, I 000 tans of coal; also 150 ) tuns of ora Most Excellent Story of a Sultan. The following capiial joke has been be- fore the public for a week or two, but as we have an addition to make to it, it will bear reprinting. A modern traveller in- us, that the l»and of an English em- bassador at Constantinople once perfoinied a concert for the entertainment of the Cou.t. At the conclusion it was asked, which ot the pieces he prefcred. Ho replied the first,, fc ^ ^ poft g^ w L ^, which was accordiniilv recommenced, but : ^ , , . " »„ _;HL«. .. . . . y. ,, c -, • iChamplain. II does ab'.nmrss of a million immediatelv stopped, for the bultan said it •• v • , . (1 , n nnn _,-.,•.' T, 4 , a year, and revs out probably §180,000 a was not the right one. Twenty others were ' ' , ' - , , .,„ „.._:,:-» . , . , , ? , .„ , , I year for labor perform.-1 on th.3 prorni^as- tned with as little success, untill at length i } ' , ' -r nearlv $3500 a week. DAGUERREOTYPES!! M H . S. W A H D Is in town at;ain where he will remain for two or three months lor the purpose of taking pictures that will please his customers or no sale. Please (rive me a call and you shall not po away dissatisfied. Room three doors west of the Post Offii e. 4-mo. jTH/'iRBINOTOH * CO, Kaaa&ctarer* of* Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, aad Dea 'tis in Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Pamps, Lead Pipes, Ac. ) lam BV4BUMGT tt* X. C. HARRIXOTOK. ^8imr« * CHADWICK. "ttnrntri Counsel 'era, Ac, at their -id office, on Xala street riesr .theresidence of AnstinSmith. Weatfleld. Awn \ '25.186!* 1 iceTAl* txfru, en ARI.ES CBADVICI. Ctaair Factory. Main St, opposite He has also connected with his establishment a Tnrnfns; Shop, well supplied with machinery, circular saws, Ac. and is pre- pared to do all kinds of turning to order and on short notice. B y Timpson, Main St, opposite the Sto««c Building. ~ * * * -***• "- FOR SALE. A LARGE, new and commodious Dwelling Honse—pleasantlv situated on Washington BABCOCK A KNIGHT March 12, 1856 «;tf A correspondent of "Tho Ladies' Daily- Companion "whether the steep and thorny path can be traveled in hoops. Not by a barrel full. Remember that every person, however low, has rights and feelings. In all conten- tions let peace be your object rather than triumph. Value triumph only as the means of peace. Gen, Jackson once said "that over the doors of each house of Congtess in letters of g ild, should be inscribed in words; The slan- derer is worse than the murderer. ALLITERATION.—The haughty and fero- cious. Cardinal Woolsey was tho son of a butcher from this arose the oft quoted lines of alliteration. '•Begot by butchers, but by bishops bred. How high his honor holds big haughty head." A lady's honor, as regards the other sex, may be determined by knowing how she speaks of them in their absence—the true lady never descending to slander or misrep- resntation herself, and always defending those who have any claims to tho good o- pinion of others, when they are attacked. Insults, says a modern philosopher, are like counterfeit money; wo can't hinder their being offered, but we are not compel- led to take them. Scolding is the pepper of matrimony— and the ladies are tho pepper boxes—says an old fogy bacheior. You can generally tell how popular vou are with a lady, by the length of time she Keeps you waiting while dressing to receive you. A single pound of flaxen thread, inten- ded for the finest specimens of French lace, is valued at six hundred dollars, and the length of the thread is about two hundred j and twenty six miles. have to restorp him his money; an.I they made another effort to rid themselvos of this incumbrance by taking him to General Skinner, who refused to try him by court humor, A good eonseiinco, a sound stomach, a clean skin, are elements of good humor.— Get them, keep them, and—be sure to ksep in good humor. THE DOUGLAS KANSAS BILL. . Our German and Irish fellow-citizens martial and pretended to shudder at the j ^ M u n d e i s t a n d t h a t t h e D 0UO .. as . Knn sas idea of trying and executmg a man who j ^ ^ ^ passcJ ^ Senato m ^ ^ had brought them pr ovisions. Foiicd in ' this attempt, the determined refugees made up their minds to try him tncmsolves, and a mock court-martial was instituted on the spot. Tho verdict may be readily imag- ined, and tho sentence was that- he should bo " hung by the neck until ho be dead!" In vain he pleaded the proclamation invi- ting visits such as his; in vain ho begged that his case might be heard by the proper authorities; his judges were inexorable, and he was told that he must prepare to die. They well knew the course they were about to pursuo would not be sanctioned by tho British commandant, and, to screen themselves from observation, they deter- mined to take their prisoner to tho oppo site shore, where there could be none to in- terfere in their hellish object, and where thev would be undisturbed in its consuma- tion. For this purpose they o laced him on board of his own boat, and rowed across to the old Tide-Mill, on Bergen Point. They fDundJa small persimmon tree near the beach which served for a gibbet, and beneath its branches they all gathered with their pris- oner, except one, who was left in charge of the boat The unfortunate man looked in vain in tha countenances of his executioners lor the smallest sign of com- miseration ; bat over the faces of all was spread an expression, of hatred, or of per- fect indifference to bis fate. Finding that the band, almost in despair of discovering tho favorite air, began tuning their instru- ments, when his Highness instantly started up, and exclaimed, "Jnxhailah.' Heaven lie praised, that is it!'' ws . . . ^ DEATH'S DOIXOS.—I am now worth one hundred thousand iiounds, said old Grego- ry, as ho ascended a hill that commanded a full prospect of an estate ho had just pur- , chased; I am now worth one hundred thou-: ***** *&** bj4earW dreams, totally sand pounds, and here, said he, I'll plant i nnmatiedby mere fearofths p.inmshmsnt an orchard, and on that spot I'll have a pi- j ' ™ g due *> his Thames, ana now for tha- nerv; you farmhouses shall come down, said \ firet t i m c likol - v to "* ,1:me i e ' 1 - ' S °°" eld Gregory. They interrupt my view. j " « < ^ « S e i i v 1 ^'' t l l a t fi " st T etl + *" Then what will become of the farmers ? asked the steward who attended old Grego- ry. That's their business answered he, and that mill must not stand upon tho stream, said Gregory. Then how will the villagers grind their corn ? asked the steward Y ANKEE STJLLIVAlf. The tato of Yankee "Sullivan'' has a sigmfican..'" w-irth mentioning, not, wo believe,vet referred to. It i:i this: tin strong distinction between moral and animal (or ph_vsical)courage. Of this last Sullivan had avreuaVkablq cnlo-vm?iit; yet he spent his last days ia an agony of sapir- day, by the vote3 of the Pierce-Buchanan party, contains a clause particularly direct- ed against Germans and Irishmen. Mr. Adams' (ot Miss., a Know Nothing of the Pierce-Buchanan sctool) motion to striko out tho giving tho right ol suffrage to all perons who shall have filed their declaration of intention to become citizens of the United States, in compliance with the naturalization laws, was adopted, and with that K. N, amendment the bill passed the U. S. Senate by the votes of the Pierce-Buchanan party. Mr. Adams is a Mississippi slave holder, and his amend- ment, though well known to be one of the fundamental principles of the K. N. partly, was in the bill, the report says, as it passed the Senate. The bill is similar to Mr, Toomb's bill. It provides for calling a convention to for» a State cons'itution for Kansas, the clcctios to be held on the first Ttiesday in Novem- ber. The Convention is to. meet on the first Monday in December, so that tho con- stitution may be adopted and the State admitted at the next session of Congress. Five commissioners aretobe appointed: to make a registry of white male citizens residing in the Territory at the time of tha passage of tho act. needless phantom of death and.then cimilcd I before its creation! Sullivan* dream is related aj follows r lle thought he was anaigned, triad, con- victed, sentenced, ami executed. lie heard \ the footsteps of the soldiers appreacbiag ; to bring him out to tha gallows; feat sk* j ropa dr.twn around his nack; imagined lte> iru .. . , • a , . dropped, and while hanging in imagination That s not mv business, answered old t 1 * ' r ? Q ; he awoke, and called for a glass of Old Gregory returned home—ate a hear-: " , ""' u< ' r - j" i , .., e ,,, i It is by no means improbable that tha l v supper—drank a bottle of port—smokd * a "•> ' t'wo pipes of tobaceo-and fell into a pro-1 P™««ai«> <* this 3 ''™ ld ' i r i t r l k m ? c f » found shimbcr-and awoke no more; and ', " oflea an ^<* Um ot ' dee P d Pf ound .v. e M iv • I J J ,, radical cowardice. The old identification the farmers reside on their lands—and tho ... •i, . , ., , ., -, of bullv with coward is right in most cases null stands upon tho stream—and the vil-: "' " - • , . , , , . . ., . , .. ,.,,.. „ u, for the bit development of'the animal and lagers rejoice that death did "business with j . ,„', , , .. old Gregory. [What a volume of human history is con-1 tained in tho above quaint sketch. How often is wealth intensely selfish and cruel, and how often it goes and leaves its pos- sessions to its dependants.—Ei. instinctive, the selfish and combative powers, which constitute the ruffian, together with the characteristics of tho tempearment propo to him, render it • sort of necessity that I tho inteicet and the rroral and religious part of the being should l>o imperfect; since creat development of any part of t h e The annual evacuation of New Orleans, j human being, as a general rule, is cornpen- in view of the approaching sickly soason. j sated by corresponding deficiencies else- has already commenced. Tho Bee says it j where. has rarely seen the city deserted so soon as | A faithful portrait of Yankee Sullivan it now is. " Come here sony, and toll me what tbe four seasons are I" Young Prodigy.—"pep- per, mustasd, salt and vinegar, them's what they were bent on patting him to d°afi' mammy always seasons with." In Huron, Ohio, last Tuesday, the women whose real name by the way, is Francis Mur- ray is to be seen in tho window of the pub- tornod out and demolished two grog sbops> j hcation office of this paper, 308 Broadway; and the proprietors agreed to close at once, j wner0 * Las already attracted much atten- Ex-Assistance Alderman Wm. W. Fream, j toon. of New York, shot himself through, the heart on Sunday last Tho cause of tho sad act was business troubles. FiiGrrrvB SLAVE SURRENBEB.—The Que- bec Mercury is out in an article enjoining the Canadian Pariliament to pass a law by which all the distressed slaves in Canada may be returned back to the United States. Manlius, OnondagoCo., polls somo 800 to 1,000 votes. It was first reported to contain but four Buchanan men—to wit, the four Post masters. A letter of tho 12th says the vote against Fremont may reach fifty—that is, for Buchanan and Fillmore both. Senator Jones, of Tennesee, calls himself "a heaven descended whig." The Loais- ville Journal says: The devil was beaten descended. He was kicked out of that I place, and his descent was a tremendous ' one. Dix on. Fremont. In 1848, Hon. John A. Dix in a speech in> tho Senate of the United States, in favor of ascertaining and paying certain claims in Califonia, delivered March 29 indorsed Col. Fremont as follows; " In the excution-of these objects, the young and accomplished officer at the head of our' troops, CoL Fremont, exhibited a combina- tion of energy, promptitude, sagacity and prudence, which indicates the highest capacity for civil and military command and in connection with I what he has done for tbe cause of science, it has given him a reputation at horns and abroad, ol which men much older than himself irtight be proud. That tbe country wi'll do justice to his valuable and distinguished serivoes I entertain not the slightest doubt i" A Boston doctor reports a ia s boy 11 yearsold. ' of gout s

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Page 1: MERCHANT TAILORS, operator. The subscriber will, there fore, lticrcii advertise his Rooms, on Main Street

m i l — ' n. WJ • • m_- *j>*m i.nmiwmt&%*mmi—trr*-mmm*&6t*m*mmmt • M — m r * • '»• — < a W B ^ W i | > »


The Weslfieid Republican P U B U S H E P W>;DNEt?DAV MORNINGS,

At W a t t old, Chantauque Comity H. T . '


n $1,50 per annum, each in advance; $1,75 within • i z month*) and $:. theiiciionvurd. to the eluac ol i tbe year, Village luiiscriliers who receive their p«|l«ra troTO the carrier, will he charged 59 cents : Ht addition to the .i..«vi> rates.

Ho paper discontinued until arrearages are paid, eScept at the option of the I'libllshi-r.

T S A M 0 o r A D V B H T I 8 I N G . Advertisements inserted «t 50 cents per square

tor the llrtt (Mertiun, and 19 cents for each subs-nequent insertion. .V liberal iliaeon;it to yearly advertisers.

FOB ON* SQCAnE. 5 FOR TWO SO/CRt'.?. 1 year. (M 00 (, 1 year S12 00 0 months .'• 00 \ tl m o u t h s . . . . S (10 1 months '•<)<> : 3 months . . . . 5 00 i S weeks 1 00 5 1 month a «M> i 1 week 50 ' I week 1 (Hi I

J&~ Sixteen lines or less constit ltc a square. Z&~ Advertisements inserted un ler the head |

•at Special Notices will be charged 50 per cen t ' "more.

hS' Yearly Advertisers at no time to exceed i t«vx> squares $12 00; and to he limited to their j 'wmedidte business.

2ST" Advertisement"' not having niher direc­t i o n s »>11 he htwtted till forbid, and charged nc-

ordingly. I TM' Bnsiness Cards not exceeding six lines, j

Everted at #:i 00 per year. fif All Communication): must he pe post-paid.

O. 11. til UBS.

Dealer in hardware, stoves, tinware, nails, I glass, lead pipe, Timothy and clover seed, me- I limbic tools, Khcjr b i r d c a g e s A c , all right and fdw prices at xh. 16 New Brick Hardware Store, Westfield X. V.

MKl'CUAN'l'S' Hi): FA..

North Fourth Street, I'liihuklhui. c. McKIlilliX & SON, I'roprfetfrs.

July 1, ISMi. 11-tf, ,


IltA OPllOH.Vh k CO., Proprietors Niagara I t-all-.

j . D. OAKLISLE7& co.,


From the National Era-T h e P a s s o f t h e S i e r r a .

AND MAN17FACTPKER8 o r i o » r : i 3 : i 3 N - o :

CLOTHS—T'lu.ulclot'.is, Cassiracres. \ estings, | and Trimmings.

JOB PBINTINGrsuchas Books, Show Bills. Hank Checks Pamphlets Concert Hills, Notes of hand, Handbills, Progroraraes, Certificates, Circulars Invitations, Ball Ticket, l>u>iness Cards, Address Cards Order Books Kill Heads Law Blanks, Check Books

Executed with neatness Ptid despatch C O L O R E D P R I N T I N G ,

end Printing in Gold n.n1 Bronze, executed to Order


GENTS. FURNISHING ROOM. Consisting ol coats, overcoats, pants, shirts,

ves ts cravats. Hats, csps.and every thing to make ' a lirst rate suit in fashionable style.

1-tf. Westfield, April 23, 18jfi.

BOOT AM) SHOE STOKE. rf*"HK Subscriber has established himself again

1 at his old Stand, No. 5, Santa Portage streit, i where he will continue the luciness of mauufac- j Hiring Boots and Shoes, and be t e g s leave to say j that his facilities to conduct this branch of busi­ness are equal f.. any House in Western New York, an 1 those entrusting their work to him | may rely upon its being done in the best possible | manner, l ie has also on hand a large stock of i reaity made boots and shoes of all kinds and the j latest sa l e s , which for ready pay will be sold at ! the lowest figuie, and he would respectfully invite ; the public to call and examine his goods before i pmvhaxing elsewhere. THOMAS BOOTH.

Wosttield April 30, IWG.

O E V T I S T K Y .

n. TflOiiPftOS, in the usual manner would present his complinums to the patronizing

JOHN U. HISCKI.Ey, Attorney, and Councillor at Law. Westfield NVw.York. :i'.i-tf.

B. H.U.i.. D A G T J E R R E A N A R T I S T .

No. 21, Main-st., over Dr..). Spencer's Drugstore. 1/44 Wtttfxld, K. Y.

N.~\v. i.Kwls, "Dealer in Watch's. Jewelry, Silver and Plated

ware. Musical Instruments A c , North Portage street, Westfield. ,r>.'

W. It. MOI!.-r, 4 I'D. General Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Roods

Oroceries, A c Cash pai.1 for Batter and most kinds oi county produce. No. \i Main Street V.estli'-bl. W. I t MnitM:. tf-.n.T It. KSSYOS.

STANVIELD A BBMTH'KH I'ealers in Harness, Saddles, Trunks Whips. Net­

t ing Ac. The above firm would say to their friends

and the public, they have now on hand Carri age_Harness of tli latest style and patter.i: al iso. Team Harness made of the best materials with due regard for neatness and .lurabiliiy.— aSmgetriorwim work, Ac. &

public and solicit attention to his experience and facilities lorsucccsfiil practice in the

» i 3 T . t L SIKCH.tL AUT. This announcement need not require the partic­

ular explanation that would be due from a new an operator. The subscriber will, there­fore, lticrcii advertise his Rooms, on Main Street at the East end of the Brick Block, mar the Post Office, where he will hereafter be constantly in readiness to give attention to calls, and to make his work satisfactory, and in the best style of the art Strangers, ami those wishing references, as to work, can tin-1 them readily in this place, or farther about if desirable.

Cblorofom administered in the extraction of t c t h it desired, for which an additional charge will be made. The : ir ••••rib -r may -late his entire success in a long practice, in the nse of this be-, neficant agent m painful operations. Specimen form •dates and other work, can * examined at his liooius.

Tbe creation nfbcanti'al artifi-ialt'^'th within a short period, so ; ••••f.-c; as t« equal and even excel ii itu.e in regularity and tint, gives ,i new value and facinatioa :<i the ih ntal art. and stakes ^rtifi sets desirable, not only for the pnrposi s of speai ii tad mastication, bat fur comely (Trace and beauty. DunMe sets on silver or gold mount­ings. Old plates remodelled, or improved, orex

All night above their rocky bed Tlrey saw the stars inarch slow;

The wild Sierra overhead. The desert's death balaw.

The Indian from his lod^e of bark, The grey bear from hf* den,

Ueyolid their camp-tire's" wall of dark, Glared on the mountain men.

Still upwsrd turned, witW anxious strain. Their leader's sleepless'eye,

Where splinters of the njotlntain chain Stood black against tan sky.

The night waned slow: at last a glow. A gleam of sudden tire,

Shot op behind the walls nf snow, ABd tipped each icy spiVe.

"tTp rneo!'" he cried, "yon* rocky comb, 'l'o-day, please God, we'K pass,

And loofc from Winter's frozen home On Summer's flowersaud grass!'

They set their faces to the blast, They trod th' eternal sucw.

And faint, worn, bleeding, hailed at last Tbe promised land below.

Behind, they Raw the snow-cloud tossed By many an icy horn;

Before, warm valleys, wood-embossed, And green with vines and corn.

They left tbe Winter at their baefcs, To flap his baffled wing.

And downward, with the cataracts, Leaped to the lap of Spring.

Strong leader of that mountain band! Another task remaius.

To break from Slavery's desert land A path to Freedom's plains.

The winds are wild, the way is drear, Yet, flashing through the night

Lol icy ridge and rocky spear Blaze nut in morning light!

From the L'nited States Magazine.


« Staten Llnnd was occupied its a British

post during tho greater jwrtioti (f tbe war


and that there was no hope of their re­lenting in their deadly purpose, ho begjrwl to be allowed time to prepare himself ft>* tho change from life to eternity. But oven this boom was denied hifn by his captors,

tor Independence, and was an important j w ho told him, with an with, that ho had position, as it afforded an easy a-.ccss to j bat ten minutes to live. He Was also told the Jsrsey shores, wL'cnec foraging supplies • that if he wanted any one to pray for him, of provisions for the »rmy< and furnished oto of their number would officiate; and asaforettcat for thate foraging parties ' one of the impious wretches ventured to when persued by the American militia.— : commence a prnyr. The words chocked Toward the close of the war, several cir-1 his uttefailce, however, and he was obliged cumstances combined to cause ;« st'fltcity of! to givo over the attempt, amid tho brutal provision in tho British camp, among which • cheers and co ifse laughter of his associates, the activity of various bauds of militiamen j A barrel was procured, and, at the expira-jn cutting off all parties of the enemy, un-; tion of the allotted time, the wretches, in les* they were in great force, was not tho \ whoso hear!, beat no responsive feeling of least in importance. Brcry means was | pity for their unfortunate victim, ordered

j adopted to overcome this difficulty, arid an | him to mount thereupon. Even after he appeal to the the cupidity of tho inhabitants ! h a j done so, and one of theif number had

i was made by the commanding officer on | tied (he hangsman's knot under his ear, af-! th3 Islam.', in which he stated that all per- j tcr throwing the other end of the rope sons, whatever their principles, who would | o v e r a jjlrJb 0f t n e t r e e , he entertained the bring provisions to the camp, should have j h o p o t } m t ^ o Tories only intended to permission to sell them, b,3 paid tb.3 high- , frighten him, for he could not entertain the est price, an I should bs alio wad to return | thought that thoy would murler him so unmolested. Such a procUrrifttion was \ cooly and deliberately; but he was doom-well calculated to ailect tho object; far i t! e(] to i,e mistukm. just before he swung is well known that Congress could not pay ; 0tf; j w n , . s Hetficld steped forward, and for supplies to their armies, except in de- ! ,]t wjn„. his knife from bis belt, placed i> preciatcd Continental money, and as ; itl tG(, | m n ( i 0f t i , e p, isoncr, declaring, with there was no other market for tbera, the ; a n m t l i , that he should not go into the farmers had but one alternative—either to ' o lher world unnrnW. The signal was now sell them for British go'.l. or for the almost j g i v c r i i a u d w h; i e fr^ w h o held tho ropt worthless paper money of Congress. It is p u | | c j t ] i e prisoner off his feet, the barrel not surprising, therefore, that many whose I w a s y^wd away from under them—and patriotism was not doubted chose the form- Stephen Ball was launched into eternity, or, and, whenever opportunity afforded, slip- After he had hung until they were satis-ped over to StAten Island shore with their fi0j t}lat he was dead,tho rope was cut, and produce, for which they reeciv'1 a fair price the ]HX\}. fc]\ j l l t o a fallow grave which

in the hard coin of King Gorge . t [ l e v had dug at the foot of the tree.

Among those who were tlstal e«l to this They then leap into their boat, and return-course was a man by the pa ne of Stephen ' cd to the opposite shore. A dav or two Bill, who. having four rjawters uf'r-ef to afterward, the father of the unfortunat--dispJSC of, thought it better to get its ; man. hearing of the tragical death of his equivalent in gold tban in p»p<?r moaer.— son, obtained a ring for tho purpose of

according to ok In porsaaoca of bk object, he placed Ins bringing oil his corpse; bat this privilege according to his i)Ct,f m board of a boat, and carefully ear- denied him, and it was not until after

! ering it from observation, so that his intent the war that his body was disinterred and ic quickest way to acquire aknowk-dge : might not L-e suspected in case he should : placed in the burying-ground at Newark.— annina" is to insult a prise fighter's i meet any one who kn-w him, be out or! When the British evacuated the island, up-

n the dcelaraiion of peace, most of the

Rise up, FKEMOST! and go before; The ilour must have its Man:

Put on the hunting-shirt once more. And lead !n Freedom's van! J. (1 \V.

tfAMOTlM-but the art of hiding one's Modesty


Traits of character which you seek onccal voa had better seek to re-

A stranger is rceehed, and taken leave of merit.


,.f": wife

Jshop on North-Portage S t Westfield,

.1. H. CLAHY AttsJrney at Law, Mineral 1'oint, W i s , will effect

l e ins on Real Estate security, nt 12 per c e n t ' pt -annual. Reference lions. G. W. Tattersons j A.tolxon, A. Smith, S. H. k .1. H. Hungerford, :

• a t \Y. S. and J. (1. Him-My. Ksg. 1 .

ROBERT THOMI'SOX. Ti iuen . Cuttragand Making of all kind of Gent's

I 'htWng done to order, Westfield Block, No. 7 North l'ortage S t ' W«?>T*-iEi.D, May U, 18SG.

Westfield, March 11. A T1IOMPSGN.





It is a fact tJiat TAYLOH always keeps n verv superior article ofGreen v.u'. iliack Ii •-•. which

he sil ls at 50 cu . per pou'jii. Also a prime arti­cle of New Orleans Sugar k Molanec, very low. \ the best of Stewart's Syni]i, warranted t" give satisfactiou. A general assortment nf choice Family Gro,-eries, consisting ot cheese, Better. Eggs. Lard, Pork, Potatoes, .Mackerel, Cod and White Fi=h, Flour, Soda and Butter Crackers, Rice. Raisins, Currants, (. itron. Figs Oranges, Lemons, Spices of all kinds. !':re Cream Tartar

Pcsifptcr in Arcattectursl Drafts of all kinds, Spe- uemons, Jspices oi an sinus, i :n- < mm ciflcations for the same, and Estimates, and to ' S C Soda, Snleratus, and a good variety of Can c a n v out the Design if wanted. Residence on dies and nuts, also Candles, llurning fluid, Cam Eairfe Stree* Fredoaia X. Y. I pliine. Resin. Bollard's Chemical and other Soap:

l'ails. Tubs, Loriilard's No. 1 Black and S e o u l G. W. PARKER A C<>.

Vuecessors to 8. Bttrnham, Tin and Coppersmiths, Dunkirk. A general assortment of Tin and .lap-panned ware, Cooking, Parlor, and Box stoves, fStove Pipe, A c . kept constantly on band end for sale low. Job Work done at the shortest noHce. '

W. 0 . HOLTAOO. ,At the Steam Turning Eetablishment, No. 4 Cea '

•or I'.lock, Center Street, Fre.ionia. are prepared la tern Black Walnut and other N'cvel 1'osts, ' Balusters, and all kind? of turning to order. They have also on hand, Beat Felices and Car­riage Bows. i

i Snuff, Tobacco in bulk or by the paper, 1'ipes and Cigars—in short every thing usually kept in a j friendship. IJut m o n e y enorosses all our

[ Grocery Store, which he oJPers to sell extremely j . low for Cash. Please call and examine goods, | deferences and wo scarce enjoy a social hour, invest your money for an equivalent and be con-

I vinced that barirains mnv be had at H. M. TAYLOU'S. East Side North Portage Pt.

;i:no-4. WrstfieM X. Y. I —

! one night, and rowed through Nev.arkBay

:sed to sav that rich wid • ' ° " t u o Kills.'' which lie crossed, and landed ruffians engaged in this diabolical act fled

on Staten Islan ' early in the aaorniax of , to Nova Scotia. Cornelius Hetficld rcium-Feb. 15. 1781. He found no difficulty in • od to New Jersey in 1807, and was arrest-disposing of his beef; bat tor fear that he ed for tho crime. He was discharged by might bo observed in having the island, the judge, (Pennington,) however, on the an.̂ his object suspected j>y some of his : ground tliat th-j treaty or peace precluded friends, ke determined to remain until the j the puuishmerts of such acts, shades of night should sere-M his retreat, | GOOD HTJMOrL as it had his approach. Fatal dctermina- | ^ tion! The delay cost him his life. It so j Keep in good humor. It is not great happened that while wandering about on i calamities that embitter exisUnce, it is the the island he was met by a m:.n named . petty vexations, the small jealousies, the lit-Cornelius Hetficld, one of those cold tie disappointments the minor miseries, blunted villains who have tio regard for any ' that make the heart heavy and the temper of those principles which govern even the sour. Don't let thcrn. Anger is a pure waste most barbarous warfare, but fought for plun- j of vitality. It is always foolish, and always der, and was governed only by the b l » l y j '.isgraceful, except in some very rare cases.

Dr. Franklin ows were the only price of second hand goo Is that so! I at prime co^t.

Thackery says, a woman's heart is just

like a lithographer's stone, what is oucc writ­

ten on it can't be rubbed out.

'•My 1 d, said a lady to a boy carrying out an empty mail bag, "are you a mnii b<?v ?" You dont think I'se a female bov do

The world would be more happy if per sons gave up more to an intercourse of

A. I.

HOOT ASM? SHOE STORE! r |" , he subscriber has just furnished his Boot and

1 Shoe Store on Xoitti Portage street, with a substantial STOCK of Boots. Shoes, Rubbers, and

. the materials usually found in similar shops, He has provided an assortment of Eastern work hat

. ., „ ,., , ,, „ his design is to turn off chiiflv of home nianui'ac-.Aeent for the Montgomery. ( hantau-i le Genesee , R n i ( o f ^ m ( j . t ^ ^ t a ^ j , , k i n d i H e , l a s

and Ontario and Livingston Mutual nsuralice m a d ( . a r r a n K e m o n t s ^ in ( . r P :„e his manufacture Office at toe . ^inson ,louse, n | , | n ) , g , B T Q C K o n n a I u , H i s

Kredoma^ and residence in Wesilield, on South ; store :it toe 01.1 Stand is newly fitted np and Portejge Street, . , doors south of the 1 resbyte- | r c p , e n i < h e ( , . A OTpplv „ f L o a t ! l - „ r w i l l ,,P k^,, t o n

nan church . band for the trade. Findings A c , for sale, work THOMAS 11 Dl> ' done to order in a satisfactory manner. The

' ' public and his old customers are invited to call. Denier in Wooden. Chain, Common, Iron and JONAS HARRINGTON.

Force Pumps, Hydraa'.ie Ram", Lead Pipe, Bed- \ WestHcld, "ay 3, -jO H-tf. steads and Lounges. Portia nd, N*. Y.

Shop at Frcdonia and

because, we think it unjustly stolen from

the main buisness of life.

A maiden lady of our acquaintance, whii<> in company the other evening, alluding to her youthful preeociousness among other things she said that at six months old she went alone. A wag present remarked "yes, Madame—and you've been alono ever nee:"

Tbe poor pittance of seventy years is not worth being- a villian for. What mat-ters it if your neighbor lies in a splendid tomb ? Sleep in your innocense.

An Irishman in giving an account of

DANIEL SHERMAN* Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Forestville. N. T

Office one door west of Col v i l l i Hopkins'Store.

THOMAS JTJDD fc CO., Manufae-tnrers of Wnodmills, Feed Cutters, and

-: Spr ing and Summer Goods! I "r,ife'said !lmt he ̂ ad [fhis h*"\ *h«n

• r . . . , . „ , ! quite young because ho discovered that he was his uuclc. w

: are receiving at the old rtattd of Couch i <t Co., afresh arrival of Goods suitable!

for the season. The public are invited to look in 1 and sec our vailety. Fancy and dry Goods,soiue j choicepatterns of I


instinct of his brutal nature. This man j when it is kindled by seeing wrong done had command of a party of six renegades J to another; and even that noble rage sel-

/> -i . „ —v~— „„mn^ n-^-a I-.K ' dom mends the matter. Keep in o-ood hu of a similar stamp, waoee names were Jon , t = Hetfield. James Ketfiold, Sen., James Het-' m o r -field, J r . Stan Man, Samuel Man, and Job ! K o m a » d o e s l l i s ''*'«* CXWP* w h e n *» Smith. All of these were form -r residents , » <-'bcerful. A light heart inaketh nimble of Elizabeth town, except Smith, who was ; * » • * *»nd keeps the mind free and alert, from Bergen. The leader, Cornelius Het- j 8 . misfortune is so great as one that sours field, recognized Ball, anl, knowing his i l h e temper, rebel proclivities, arrested him under pre­tence of being a spy. notwithstanding hi

Let a voman have every virtue under sun if she is slatternly, or even inappropriate, in her dress, her merits will be more than

If being young, she is un-dealers in Agricultural Implements in general, j and other Summer fabrics. One mile north of Cer.terville, in the town of 1 ries. Summer Hats, A c . YVe are doing business . Portland. Chant, county, N\ Y. ly-5 t at fair prices, and lrmk for a share of patronage.- ! half obscured

/-, • „ , , ( , , ,-• 7~~.™ " No charge for showing zooda—bat only for sel-1 , , , . , • , . » , .. . , ,

CARLISLF. .t CO., ! lingthei-i j coi 'cu & CO < Uli5, or being old, fantastic or slovenly, her ^ ^ l ^ r ^ : t ^ " ^ n ^ ^ 1 westfield. May, 7th'5ii, S t t _ | m c D t a l qualifications stand a very good

Clothi ig . No. It , Maiu-st, Westfield, K. Y. j •J. D. CARLISLE J . H. CARLISLE. I


C A R R I A G E M A N U F A C T O R Y ! ! j chance of being passed over with inditTer-"'he subscriber would call tbe attention of any j encc .

WILLIAM A JAMES JOHNSTON* g e n e r a l Dealers In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods

Groceries, Crockery, Glaas-ware Ac. No. 7 Main-at West""''*. 41-tf


JL that arc not acquainted with his business or the fact that he is manufacturing a vrriety of carriages, and waggons, which tor style, and du­rability are not surpassed in this vicinity. Any­one wishing r.n article which they can depend upon as being all that it is recommended to be can find it here, or have it built to order on short notice. Shop and sales room on North Portage,

- . = i.. T , \ u f n \ m p u "Maaafacfinrcra of Machinery and Castings gener- at the old stand, vest aide. t . J. MACOMBEH.

ally. Foundry at the foot of the hill, near the bridge.

Westfield, May 7th, 3-tf.

West f i e ld W o o l e n F n o t o r y .

Call at the Westfield Woolen Factory where we are rxchanging Cloths (a pure article) for

»11 hinds of Wool, Prodvte, and Cash, and no eramhl ing about eastern Counterfeit. Weatfleld May 14, 1856. 4'tf. COCCH A STONE.

H a r n e s s e s and Saddlery! NO. 22, MAIN-ST., WESTFIELD, X. Y.

I n ould announce to the Public, that I am now settled in my new Shop, and prepared toac-

eommodatc my old customers and as many new T a k e N o t i c e . ; " " ^ HS w ' " h e P ' e a s e ( l to call and examine Prices

^ ^ H | . , , . „ , , and quality ol the

THE Subscriber has removed his Boot and i '

Sboe Store to Xo. iZ Main street, where all | L A R G E S T A N D C H O I C E S T S T O C K 5 « S ^ ^ ^ J X l e c i ^ h H « ^ 1 i ? l S d I of Saddlery and Harness Goods, ever offered in .can do s o by giving; him a cal'. He has^on hand ^ ^ V e w Y o r k eomM , r t g f L a d i e g

4 i i r J n T & £ a s can be bought in Jwn,Chalso »nd Gentleman's Riding SaddfesoAarious Styles -srtll sell us cneap » ° C B " . * ; . . ' ' Morocco Bind ! a n d ^ " i a h ; harness of the Latest Styles and rf.E"ahoe T^%£i&eKni™**n« otSer P - f » » * Traveling Trunks, of all sizes 7 « d de-fiJSlnaa Please call t n d e x a m i n e for yourself, also, a very extensive Stock of

^ f i e l d ? T r r i . 30th, I85C MORRIS DICK, j L a d l e s ' a n d G e n t l e m e n ' s T r a v e l i n g B a g s 1 of Superior quality and style at very moderate prices. Also, a large and 'Well-selected Assort­ment of whips

BUFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS. Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, A c , Ac. Also, a general assortment of Saddlery. Hardware.patcnt leather, Enameled Cloth, A c , all of which will be sold for the lowest possible prices, for cash, or approved credit. L. F. PHELP:-:.

Wertficld May 7, ;5t5. 3-tf.

DIXON A PARKER, Attorae^s and Councelors at Law. Westfield.


JONAS HARRINGTON. "DBAUCBV in Boots, Shoes, Robbers, and Find­

ings. North Portage Street, Westfield. 3-tf.

, WILLIAM SEXTON, Justice ol,' the Peace. Office on Main street, over

Babcocft A Smith's Store. 1

M. C. RICE Counsellor and Attorney, at Law,

New Toi-k. Westfisld,

-.TAYS A MARVIN, Attorney*" at Law. Ripley, Chaut Co., N. Y. «r. a. w a r s . (!) a MAavis.


11 Main street, Westfield, X. Y.

Until cheerfulness is lost,

nothing is lost. Keep in good humor.

The company of a good-humored man

assert ions that his object was a peaceful j i s a Perpetual feast; he is welcomed every

one. They stripped and searched him: 4 where—ejcs glisten at his approach, aud

findino- the money which he had received difficulties vanish in his presence. Frank-

for his"beef upon him, thov quickly relicv- | •»'" i-'lomitablo good humor did as much

him of it, and appropriated it among | f o r , , i 9 col ,n t rJ* ™ the old Congress as Ad-

themsekes, sad the . carried their prisoner • a m s ' f l i c or fa*raon'a wisdom; he clothed

hdbn Gen. Patterson for trial as a s p v . - i w L s d o m w i l h 8milcs> a n d s o f l c n c d c o n t e n t ' -

This officer explained to them the object \ 0 l l s m i u d 3 i n t l J «q™csence. Keep in good

of Ball's visit to the camp, and directed j

them to let him go. This did not suit j

their purposes, as in that ease they would

Birth of New England Manufacture*. | Things Worth ^Remembering.

In 5T87, the first cotton-mill in Massaclnt-! GoNTaovKRSY.—A man .who is fond of setts was erected at Beverly, by John Ca- j disputing, will, in time, have few friends to bot and others; but such were their diffi-1 dispute with.

cultiesf that in almost three years they ( SPEECH.—This is clothed in white. But were almost compelled to abandon tho en- a lie comes forth with all the colors of the teq>rise, As a last resort, they petitioned : rainbow.

tbe legislature for assistance, and the coin-' ADVEIISITV B goo 1 teacher.—Thoso bear inittce to whom the subject was refcred, : disappointm nts tho ljust, who hive been reported in favot of granting them one ' mos* used to them, tbousflfid pounds sterling, to be raised by a ' EXAMT-I.E.—Wiien misfortune happens to lottery! j a ft'en^ look fv/rwnrd and endeavor to

In 1786, two Scotch brothers, named ' prevent the same thing from happcuino; to Robert and Alexander Barr, erected car- j yourself. din<r and spinning machines, for Mr. Orr, at j STASUARD OF VALUE.—The worth of East Bridgewater, Mass., and the legislature,! fivery thing is determined by the demand* to reward their ingenuity and encourage for it. In tlndcsartj of Arabia, a pitcher of machinists, "made them a grant of £200, ' col J water is of more value than a inountniu and afterwards added to their bounty by ; 0f gold. giving them six tickets in the State Lnnd j LUCK ASD LABOH.—A guinea found in a Lottery, in which there were no blanks." ! (treet, will not do a poor man so much

In 1805, the total consumption of cotton ! gooJ a i hlslf • guinea earned by industry

all the United States, was a little more I EARNING TiiE BEST GETTING.—Give in ce a. thau one thousand bales. Now, the cotton I m;,;! WOrk and he will get money, consumed by the mills of Lowell exceeds ! EARLY HOURS.—Since the introduction' two million eight hundred and twenty 0f candles, luxury has increased. Ourfore-

; fathers roso with the lurk, and went t o bod

with the sun.

thousand pounds per month.

A Large Hat Manufactory. •

It is now seventeen years since wo took up our residenco in the city of Brooklyn, and yet we were not aware, until wo snw it stated in the Scientific American, that the United States, or perhaps in the wor'd, for manufactuiing gentlemen's hats, is that of Prentice & Co., in tho city of Brooklyn. It employs no less than one thousand hands, of whom two hundred are apprentices, pick­ed out of the humbler walks of society, and put in a position where they may mak themselves useful and respected. The enormous quantity of four hundred and fif­ty dozen hats, mostly fur, are daily turnerl out, ready for immediate sale. To pack them, from 25,000 to 80,000 wooden cases are annually on the premises, besidc-100,0UU papesr boxc.

Great Iron Works-The Largea. Wheel in the World.

The laranst water wheel in the world is that of H. Burden, at the Albany Nail

' Works, of Wyaa-stfll Creek, near Troy The fall is To f >et, and tho power of the

i wheel equal to 1000 horses. It drives ma . chinery which works annually 100,000 j tons of iron into horseshoes, spikes, nail •

; rivets, <fcc, into which the power is dis-i tributed, via, iron foundry horseshoe (btrodry, i rolling mill and puddling forre, cutting

' nail factory, machina shop, cooper shop, ike, leavings power final to t int of 400-horses to be applied for a Iditional purposes.

[5,000 *nns of evil are used annually, un J j 3,000,000 tans of ore ar>. Tho boisness amounts to from §950,000 to ^1000 000 a

• year. On the stream ar? t'l > iron W.irk? of

Corning. Winsl-jw 4r Coi wiu.-h h;»s a fault. ; of "5 feet distribntej bi-twaen tlirc.e da ins. 1 A portion of t'.n wirks viz. a rolling mill I a waggon, carriage, anl car axis factory,. '• and spike and nail factory are ruu by water. | This establishment employs on an everase j 500 haruls works up annually about 11,000 : tuns of iron, anl n<?> from 16,000 to>17, I 000 tans of coal; also 150 ) tuns of ora

Most Excellent Story of a Sultan.

The following capiial joke has been be­fore the public for a week or two, but as we have an addition to make to it, it will bear reprinting. A modern traveller us, that the l»and of an English em­bassador at Constantinople once perfoinied a concert for the entertainment of the Cou.t. At the conclusion it was asked, which ot the pieces he prefcred. Ho replied the first,, fc ^ ^ p o f t g ^ w L ^ ,

which was accordiniilv recommenced, but : ^ , , . " »„ _ ; H L « . . . . . . y . ,, c „ -, • iChamplain. II does ab'.nmrss of a million

immediatelv stopped, for the bultan said it •• v • , . ( 1 , n nnn „ _ , - . , • . ' T, 4, a year, and revs out probably §180,000 a

was not the right one. Twenty others were ' ' , ' - , , . ,„ „. ._: , :-» . , . , , ? , .„ , , I year for labor perform.-1 on th.3 prorni^as-

tned with as little success, untill at length i } ' , ' -r nearlv $3500 a week.

D A G U E R R E O T Y P E S ! ! M H . S . W A H D

Is in town at;ain where he will remain for two or three months lor the purpose of taking pictures that will please his customers or no sale.

Please (rive me a call and you shall not po away dissatisfied. Room three doors west of the Post Offii e. 4-mo.

jTH/'iRBINOTOH * CO, Kaaa&ctarer* of* Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron

Ware, aad Dea 'tis in Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Pamps, L e a d Pipes, Ac.

) l a m BV4BUMGT tt* X. C. HARRIXOTOK.

^ 8 i m r « * CHADWICK. "ttnrntri Counsel 'era, A c , at their -id office, on

Xala street riesr .theresidence of AnstinSmith. Weatfleld. Awn \ '25.186!* 1

iceTAl* txfru, en ARI.ES CBADVICI.

Ctaair Factory. Main S t , opposite

He has also connected with his establishment a Tnrnfns; Shop, well supplied with machinery, circular saws, Ac. and is pre­pared to do all kinds of turning to order and on short notice.

By Timpson, Main S t , opposite the Sto««c Building. ~ * * * -***• " -

F O R S A L E .

A LARGE, new and commodious Dwelling Honse—pleasantlv situated on Washington

BABCOCK A KNIGHT March 12, 1856 « ; t f

A correspondent of "Tho Ladies' Daily-

Companion "whether the steep and thorny

path can be traveled in hoops. Not by a

barrel full.

Remember that every person, however

low, has rights and feelings. In all conten­

tions let peace be your object rather than

triumph. Value triumph only as the means

of peace.

Gen, Jackson once said "that over the doors of each house of Congtess in letters of g ild, should be inscribed in words; The slan­derer is worse than the murderer.

ALLITERATION.—The haughty and fero­cious. Cardinal Woolsey was tho son of a butcher from this arose the oft quoted lines of alliteration.

'•Begot by butchers, but by bishops bred. How high his honor holds big haughty head."

A lady's honor, as regards the other sex, may be determined by knowing how she speaks of them in their absence—the true lady never descending to slander or misrep-resntation herself, and always defending those who have any claims to tho good o-pinion of others, when they are attacked.

Insults, says a modern philosopher, are like counterfeit money; wo can't hinder their being offered, but we are not compel­led to take them.

Scolding is the pepper of matrimony— and the ladies are tho pepper boxes—says an old fogy bacheior.

You can generally tell how popular vou are with a lady, by the length of time she Keeps you waiting while dressing to receive you.

A single pound of flaxen thread, inten­ded for the finest specimens of French lace, is valued at six hundred dollars, and the length of the thread is about two hundred j and twenty six miles.

have to restorp him his money; an.I they

made another effort to rid themselvos of

this incumbrance by taking him to General

Skinner, who refused to try him by court

humor, A good eonseiinco, a sound stomach, a

clean skin, are elements of good humor.— Get them, keep them, and—be sure to ksep in good humor.


. Our German and Irish fellow-citizens martial and pretended to shudder at the j ̂ M u n d e i s t a n d t h a t t h e idea of trying and executmg a man who j ̂ ^ ^ p a s s c J ^ S e n a t o m ^ ^ had brought them pr ovisions. Foiicd in '

this attempt, the determined refugees made up their minds to try him tncmsolves, and a mock court-martial was instituted on the spot. Tho verdict may be readily imag­ined, and tho sentence was that- he should bo " hung by the neck until ho be dead!" In vain he pleaded the proclamation invi­ting visits such as his; in vain ho begged that his case might be heard by the proper authorities; his judges were inexorable, and he was told that he must prepare to die. They well knew the course they were about to pursuo would not be sanctioned by tho British commandant, and, to screen themselves from observation, they deter­mined to take their prisoner to tho oppo site shore, where there could be none to in­terfere in their hellish object, and where thev would be undisturbed in its consuma-tion. For this purpose they o laced him on board of his own boat, and rowed across to the old Tide-Mill, on Bergen Point. They fDundJa small persimmon tree near the beach which served for a gibbet, and beneath its branches they all gathered with their pris­oner, except one, who was left in charge of the boat The unfortunate man looked in vain in tha countenances of his executioners lor the smallest sign of com­miseration ; bat over the faces of all was spread an expression, of hatred, or of per­fect indifference to bis fate. Finding that

the band, almost in despair of discovering tho favorite air, began tuning their instru­ments, when his Highness instantly started up, and exclaimed, "Jnxhailah.' Heaven lie praised, that is it!''

ws . • . . ^

DEATH'S DOIXOS.—I am now worth one

hundred thousand iiounds, said old Grego­ry, as ho ascended a hill that commanded a full prospect of an estate ho had just pur- , chased; I am now worth one hundred thou-: ***** *&** bj4earW dreams, totally sand pounds, and here, said he, I'll plant i nnmatiedby mere fearofths p.inmshmsnt an orchard, and on that spot I'll have a pi- j ' ™ g d u e *> h i s Thames, ana now for tha-nerv; you farmhouses shall come down, said \ firet t i m c l i ko l-v to "* , 1 : m e i e ' 1 - ™ ' S °°" eld Gregory. They interrupt my view. j " « < ^ « S e i i v 1 ^ ' ' t l l a t fi"st T e t l + * "

Then what will become of the farmers ? asked the steward who attended old Grego­ry.

That's their business answered he, and that mill must not stand upon tho stream, said Gregory.

Then how will the villagers grind their corn ? asked the steward


The tato of Yankee "Sullivan'' has a sigmfican..'" w-irth mentioning, not, wo believe,vet referred to. It i:i this: t in strong distinction between moral and animal (or ph_vsical)courage. Of this last Sullivan had avreuaVkablq cnlo-vm?iit; yet he spent his last days ia an agony of sapir-

day, by the vote3 of the Pierce-Buchanan party, contains a clause particularly direct­ed against Germans and Irishmen. Mr. Adams' (ot Miss., a Know Nothing of the Pierce-Buchanan sctool) motion to striko out tho giving tho right ol suffrage to all perons who shall have filed their declaration of intention to become citizens of the United States, in compliance with the naturalization laws, was adopted, and with that K. N, amendment the bill passed the U. S. Senate by the votes of the Pierce-Buchanan party. Mr. Adams is a Mississippi slave holder, and his amend­ment, though well known to be one of the fundamental principles of the K. N. partly, was in the bill, the report says, as it passed the Senate.

The bill is similar to Mr, Toomb's bill. It provides for calling a convention to for» a State cons'itution for Kansas, the clcctios to be held on the first Ttiesday in Novem­ber. The Convention is to. meet on the first Monday in December, so that tho con­stitution may be adopted and the State admitted at the next session of Congress. Five commissioners are to be appointed: to make a registry of white male citizens residing in the Territory at the time of tha passage of tho act.

needless phantom of death and.then cimilcd

I before its creation! Sullivan* dream is related aj follows r

l le thought he was anaigned, triad, con-

victed, sentenced, ami executed. l ie heard \ the footsteps of the soldiers appreacbiag ; to bring him out to tha gallows; feat sk* j ropa dr.twn around his nack; imagined lte>

iru .. . , • a , . dropped, and while hanging in imagination That s not mv business, answered old t 1 * ' r ? •

Q ; he awoke, and called for a glass of Old Gregory returned home—ate a hear-: ",""'u<'r-

j " i , .., e , , , i It is by no means improbable that tha l v supper—drank a bottle of port—smokd * a "•> ' t'wo pipes of tobaceo-and fell into a pro-1 P™««ai«> <*this 3 ' '™ l d ' i r i t r l k m ? c f » found shimbcr-and awoke no more; and ', " o f l e a a n ^<*Um o t ' d e e P ™d P f o u n d

.v . e M iv • I J J ,, radical cowardice. The old identification the farmers reside on their lands—and tho . . .

•i, . , ., , ., -, of bullv with coward is right in most cases null stands upon tho stream—and the vil-: " ' " - • , . , , , . . ., . , .. , . , , . . „ u, for the b i t development of'the animal and lagers rejoice that death did "business with j . ,„ ' , , , .. old Gregory.

[What a volume of human history is con-1 tained in tho above quaint sketch. How often is wealth intensely selfish and cruel, and how often it goes and leaves its pos-sessions to its dependants.—Ei.

instinctive, the selfish and combative powers, which constitute the ruffian, together with the characteristics of tho tempearment propo to him, render it • sort of necessity that

I tho inteicet and the rroral and religious part of the being should l>o imperfect; since

creat development of any part of t h e

The annual evacuation of New Orleans, j human being, as a general rule, is cornpen-

in view of the approaching sickly soason. j sated by corresponding deficiencies else-

has already commenced. Tho Bee says it j where.

has rarely seen the city deserted so soon as | A faithful portrait of Yankee Sullivan

it now is.

" Come here sony, and toll me what tbe four seasons are I" Young Prodigy.—"pep­per, mustasd, salt and vinegar, them's what

they were bent on patting him to d°af i ' mammy always seasons with."

In Huron, Ohio, last Tuesday, the women

whose real name by the way, is Francis Mur­ray is to be seen in tho window of the pub-

tornod out and demolished two grog sbops> j hcation office of this paper, 308 Broadway;

and the proprietors agreed to close at once, j w n e r 0 * L a s already attracted much atten-

Ex-Assistance Alderman Wm. W. Fream, j toon.

of New York, shot himself through, the heart on Sunday last Tho cause of tho sad act was business troubles.


bec Mercury is out in an article enjoining the Canadian Pariliament to pass a law by which all the distressed slaves in Canada may be returned back to the United States.

Manlius, OnondagoCo., polls somo 800 to 1,000 votes. I t was first reported to contain but four Buchanan men—to wit, the four Post masters. A letter of tho 12th says the vote against Fremont may reach fifty—that is, for Buchanan and Fillmore both.

Senator Jones, of Tennesee, calls himself "a heaven descended whig." The Loais-ville Journal says: The devil was beaten descended. He was kicked out of that

I place, and his descent was a tremendous ' one.

Dix on. Fremont.

In 1848, Hon. John A. Dix in a speech in> tho Senate of the United States, in favor of ascertaining and paying certain claims in Califonia, delivered March 29 indorsed Col. Fremont as follows;

" In the excution-of these objects, the young and accomplished officer at the head of our' troops, CoL Fremont, exhibited a combina­tion of energy, promptitude, sagacity and prudence, which indicates the highest capacity for civil and military command and in connection with I what he has done for tbe cause of science, it has given him a reputation at horns and abroad, ol which men much older than himself irtight be proud. That tbe country wi'll do justice to his valuable and distinguished serivoes I entertain not the slightest doubt i"

A Boston doctor reports a ia s boy 11 yearsold. '

of gout

• s