
Measurements of TCP Performance over UMTS Networks in Near-Ideal Conditions Martin Kohlwes Followap GmbH Niederkasseler Lohweg 187 D-40547, Dusseldorf, Germany Janne Riihij ¨ arvi and Petri M¨ ah ¨ onen Department of Wireless Networks Aachen University (RWTH Aachen) Kackertstrasse 9, D-52072, Aachen, Germany Email: [email protected]  Abstract In this paper we re por t our res ult s fr om a lon g series of var iou s me asure me nts on the beh avior of TCP over a UMT S wir ele ss cha nne l per for me d in two dif fer ent UTMS net wor ks. We con cl ude that at le ast in good condit ion s TCP thro ughpu t is close to theor etic al maxi mum, and that RTT is fai rl y stable . Pra cti cal ly no pac ket los ses wer e det ect ed, and spurious retransmissions were extremely rare. No performanc e benet was observed when TCP retransmission timer modica- tions, such as the Eifel and FRTO algorithms were used. I. I NTRODUCTION The third generation cellular systems, such as cdma2000 and UMTS promis e to prov ide much impr ove d suppo rt for data communications, compared to the second generation systems (although GSM evolutions, such as EDGE, have considerably bridged the gap). However, there is still only limited under- standing, mainly based on simulations on how TCP in particu- lar will perform over a UMTS channel. Studies performed in, for example, GSM and GPRS networks have indicated that in those channels TCP is vulnerable to packet losses and “delay spik es” [1], causi ng unnec essar y retr ansmissi ons. Thus it is of inte rest to try to ascer tain , wheth er simi lar , TCP host ile conditions are to be expected in the future UMTS networks. T o ans wer this que sti on we per for med a lon g ser ies of measurements using two already functional UMTS networks in Germany, one in the Alcatel’s 3G reality centre, in Stuttgart, and one in Aachen, operated commercially by Vodafone. Of course, while these measurements provide interesting insight on TCP performance over UMTS, they will certainly not be the las t word on the iss ue. Mea sur eme nts in more rea listic conditions (i.e. with larger and dynamic user populations) are denitely needed. II. MEASUREMENT S ETUP  A. Networks Used As ment ioned in the introduc tion , the two networks used thr oug hout the mea sur eme nts wer e the Alc ate l 3G realit y centre tes t net wor k, and the V oda fon e UMTS net work in Aac hen. Bot h net wor ks ope rat ed in the FDD mod e, usi ng spr ead ing fact or 8 for the do wnl ink , and 16 for the upl ink , re sulting in the radio bi t ra te s of 384 kbps and 64 kbps , This work was in part funded by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), and RWTH Aachen. respectively. In the Alcatel network the maximum number of RLC retransmissi ons was set to 15, while for the Vodafo ne network the setting was not known.  B. User Equipment Alr ead y in, say , wir ele ss LANs we ha ve wit nes sed that wireless inte rfac es designed by dif fere nt manu fact urers can exhibit surprisingly different behavior in similar conditions. To see whether this is so for the available UMTS user equipment, meas urements were perf orme d using thre e dif fere nt hands et models, by Samsung, Nokia, and Motorola. In the case of the Nokia user equipment, commercially available, off-the-shel f model was used, while in the cases of Samsung and Motorola, the user equipment was still in the late testing phase. In all meas ure men ts the clien t was runni ng on a lap top connec ted to the UE, run nin g Wi ndo ws XP wit h sta nda rd networking sett ings , unless noted other wise. Wi nDump (the Windows version of tcpdump) was used in all measurements to capture the packet trace of the TCP connections for further analysis. C. Serv er Setu p Two types of TCP connections were used in the measure- ments. First, connections between two UEs were used. While this is an interesting case to study, most of the TCP trafc wil l pro bab ly be rel ate d to acc ess ing ser vic es in the xed network. Thus, the bulk of the measurements were performed in a scenario, where a dedicated Linux-based server, running multi ple TCP-ba sed ser vic es was con tac ted fro m a cli ent running on a laptop connected to the UE. To study the behavior of the TCP state machine in more detail , small mod ic ations to the Lin ux ke rne l wer e done, enabling the logging of various internal variables, such as the congestion window size, the threshold val ue, and so on. In addition to this data, tcpdump was used to obtain packet traces for further analysis during all measurements. III. MEASUREMENTS P ERFORMED Below is a list of measurement types performed, grouped by the application used for trafc generation. 0-7803-8887-9/05/$20.00 (c)2005 IEEE

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Measurements of TCP Performance over

UMTS Networks in Near-Ideal Conditions

Martin KohlwesFollowap GmbH

Niederkasseler Lohweg 187

D-40547, Dusseldorf, Germany

Janne Riihijarvi and Petri MahonenDepartment of Wireless Networks

Aachen University (RWTH Aachen)

Kackertstrasse 9, D-52072, Aachen, Germany

Email: [email protected]

 Abstract— In this paper we report our results from a longseries of various measurements on the behavior of TCP overa UMTS wireless channel performed in two different UTMSnetworks. We conclude that at least in good conditions TCPthroughput is close to theoretical maximum, and that RTT isfairly stable. Practically no packet losses were detected, andspurious retransmissions were extremely rare. No performancebenefit was observed when TCP retransmission timer modifica-tions, such as the Eifel and FRTO algorithms were used.


The third generation cellular systems, such as cdma2000 and

UMTS promise to provide much improved support for data

communications, compared to the second generation systems

(although GSM evolutions, such as EDGE, have considerably

bridged the gap). However, there is still only limited under-

standing, mainly based on simulations on how TCP in particu-

lar will perform over a UMTS channel. Studies performed in,

for example, GSM and GPRS networks have indicated that in

those channels TCP is vulnerable to packet losses and “delay

spikes” [1], causing unnecessary retransmissions. Thus it is

of interest to try to ascertain, whether similar, TCP hostile

conditions are to be expected in the future UMTS networks.

To answer this question we performed a long series of 

measurements using two already functional UMTS networks

in Germany, one in the Alcatel’s 3G reality centre, in Stuttgart,

and one in Aachen, operated commercially by Vodafone. Of 

course, while these measurements provide interesting insight

on TCP performance over UMTS, they will certainly not be

the last word on the issue. Measurements in more realistic

conditions (i.e. with larger and dynamic user populations) are

definitely needed.


 A. Networks Used 

As mentioned in the introduction, the two networks used

throughout the measurements were the Alcatel 3G reality

centre test network, and the Vodafone UMTS network in

Aachen. Both networks operated in the FDD mode, using

spreading factor 8 for the downlink, and 16 for the uplink,

resulting in the radio bit rates of 384 kbps and 64 kbps,

This work was in part funded by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft),and RWTH Aachen.

respectively. In the Alcatel network the maximum number of 

RLC retransmissions was set to 15, while for the Vodafone

network the setting was not known.

 B. User Equipment 

Already in, say, wireless LANs we have witnessed that

wireless interfaces designed by different manufacturers can

exhibit surprisingly different behavior in similar conditions. To

see whether this is so for the available UMTS user equipment,

measurements were performed using three different handset

models, by Samsung, Nokia, and Motorola. In the case of the

Nokia user equipment, commercially available, off-the-shelf 

model was used, while in the cases of Samsung and Motorola,

the user equipment was still in the late testing phase.

In all measurements the client was running on a laptop

connected to the UE, running Windows XP with standard

networking settings, unless noted otherwise. WinDump (the

Windows version of tcpdump) was used in all measurements

to capture the packet trace of the TCP connections for furtheranalysis.

C. Server Setup

Two types of TCP connections were used in the measure-

ments. First, connections between two UEs were used. While

this is an interesting case to study, most of the TCP traffic

will probably be related to accessing services in the fixed

network. Thus, the bulk of the measurements were performed

in a scenario, where a dedicated Linux-based server, running

multiple TCP-based services was contacted from a client

running on a laptop connected to the UE.

To study the behavior of the TCP state machine in more

detail, small modifications to the Linux kernel were done,

enabling the logging of various internal variables, such as the

congestion window size, the threshold value, and so on. In

addition to this data, tcpdump was used to obtain packet traces

for further analysis during all measurements.


Below is a list of measurement types performed, grouped

by the application used for traffic generation.

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 A. iperf 

The effects of MSS and window size settings were studied

using iperf. Three MSS settings (548, 996 and 1360 bytes),

and numerous window sizes between 2 and 64 MSSs were



The behavior of HTTP transfers (certainly an important

application area in the future) was studied using two types

of webpages, and varying the number of parallel connections

established by the browser. The webpage types considered

were “photo albums” of varying size, consisting of a single

page with images of constant size and mirrors of actual news

portals, with large numbers of embedded objects of varying



Bulk traffic flow behavior was measured using large FTP

transfers. In this case also mobility aspect was studied by

performing measurements with the UE located in a moving


 D. Interactive Traffic

While not performed in such a systematic manner as the

ones mentioned above, packet traces of a number of interactive

ssh- and X11-sessions were recorded, together with the TCP

state machine internal variables.

 E. TCP Modifications

In the final phase of the measurements, the behavior of the

FRTO [2] and Eifel [3] algorithms were studied in the bulk 

traffic flow context.


In this section we shall go through the main results fromthe measurements.

 A. Overall Notes

The UMTS channel proved to be extremely reliable. If the

UE was stationary, no packet losses were observed, and even

in the case of a mobile UE, very few losses were observed.

The price to be paid of this reliability is, of course, the slightly

“spread out” RTT distribution, caused by the variable number

of RLC retransmissions. Handovers were present as visible

“spikes” in RTT (Fig. 1), but in all cases the RTT grew

slowly enough as to prevent spurious retransmissions taking

place. Naturally, the handovers also become visible in the

retransmission timeout counter, see Fig. 2.It was reassuring to observe that UMTS works very well

with the MSS and window sizes used by default in the main

operating systems. While slight improvements to throughput

can be achieved by tuning the parameters, end users not

wishing to do this will not be punished by excessively low

throughput. Also the subjective quality of UMTS channel in

interactive use was quite fair. Main obstruction to Ethernet-like

quality in interactive applications is definitely the higher RTT.

As can be seen from Fig. 3, the “raw” RTT as measured by the







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 35050







   R   T   T   (  s   )

   t   h  r  o  u  g   h  p  u   t   (   k   b   i   t  s   /  s   )

time (s)


Fig. 1. RTT and throughput during an FTP transfer in a moving car, withtwo handovers visible at around t = 100 s and t = 270 s.









0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

   R   T   O    (   k

  e  r  n  e   l   t   i  m  e  u  n   i   t   )

time (s)

Fig. 2. The TCP RTO threshold during the FTP transfer in a moving car.

ping-program is comparable to that of a modem connection,

and definitely below the values typical to GSM connections.

 B. Number of Connections, MSS and Window Size

Especially in the case of HTTP with small object sizes, it

was again observed that using multiple parallel connections

makes sense from the user point of view, at least when the

bit-pipe carrying the TCP connection is not full. In Fig. 4

the cumulative count of bytes transferred from a “photo

album” website of eight pictures is shown. It is obvious that

the browser using only a single TCP connection requiressubstantially longer time to transfer the contents of the whole

webpage compared to the browser using multiple parallel


The behavior of observed throughput as a function of the

window size behaved in a similar manner to fixed networks.

No adverse effects were noted when using a large window size.

In Fig. 5 the dependency of the throughput on the window size

for various MTU values is depicted from iperf measurements

in the Vodafone network.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

   P   i  n

  g   R   T   T   (  m  s   )

time (s)


Modem (56 kbits/s)

Fig. 3. The “raw” RTTs of UMTS, GSM and 56kbps modem channels asmeasured using ping.









0 5 10 15 20 25 30

  r  e  c  e   i  v  e   d   d  a   t  a   (   b  y   t  e  s   )

time (s)

single connectionconnection 1 of 2connection 2 of 2

sum 2 connectionssum 4 connections

Fig. 4. The amount of received data as a function of time during downloadof a web page using varying number of connections. The vertical line marksthe shortest possible theoretical transfer time ignoring higher-layer protocoloverhead.









0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000

   t   h  r  o  u  g   h  p  u   t   (   k   b   i   t  s   /  s   )

windowsize (bytes)


Fig. 5. Throughput as a function of window size for various MTU values.









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

   t   h  r  o  u  g   h  p  u   t   (   k   b   i   t  s   /  s   )

windowsize (kbytes)

MSS=1360, 1 connectionMSS=1360, 2 connections

MSS=996, 1 connectionMSS=996, 2 connections

Fig. 6. Throughput as a function of window size for various MSS values,using one or two parallel connections.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

   t   h  r  o  u  g   h  p  u   t   (   k   b   i   t  s   /  s   )

windowsize (kbytes)

2 connections1 connection, 1st run

1 connection, 2nd run

Fig. 7. Dependence of throughput on the window size for small MSS value,with one and two parallel connections. For illustration of the relatively highconsistency of the UMTS channel, two individual runs of transfers using asingle connection are shown.

From the iperf measurements in the Alcatel network similar

conclusion was drawn over all window sizes. In Fig. 6 the

throughput as measured by iperf is plotted as the function of 

the window size, using MSS values of 996 and 1360 bytes, and

with one and two parallel connections. The benefit of multiple

parallel connections is clearly visible, as is the use of larger

MSS size (albeit the latter effect is more difficult to discern).

Similar conclusions hold also for smaller MSS sizes. Fig. 7

shows the dependency of throughput on the window size and

the number of connections when MSS value of  548 bytes was


C. Transfers Between Two UEs

As mentioned earlier, measurements were also made con-

cerning the behavior of data transfer over UMTS between

two UEs. As an example of the results obtained, Fig. 8

shows an excerpt of the throughput and RTT plots measured

from an FTP transfer of a 3.45 MB file between two mobile

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0 50 100 150 200 250 3000







   R   T   T   (  s   )

   t   h  r  o  u  g   h  p  u   t   (   k   b   i   t  s   /  s   )

time (s)


Fig. 8. The RTT and throughput during an FTP transfer between two mobilestations.

0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4

RTT (s)

RTT distribution 1RTT distribution 2

normal distr. av 1.089, mdev 0.231

Fig. 9. The distribution of RTTs during the FTP transfer between two mobilestations.

stations. Being limited by the slower uplink speed, the average

throughput is reduced to 52.95 kbit/s, a value understandably

much lower compared to download from the fixed network.

The high variability in the RTT measured is also striking.

Fig. 9 shows the distribution of the RTT times as measured

at the two mobile stations, together with normal distribution

of same average and mean deviation. Two peaks are clearly

visible in the RTT distributions, the origin of which could not

be conclusively determined. Our working hypothesis is, that

the peaks correspond to different RLC retransmission numbersthe packet in question has been subject to.

 D. Different User Equipments

Considerable differences were observed in terms of the RTT

behavior between UEs from different manufacturers. Namely,

the RTT distribution variance appeared to change from one

UE to the other, leading, of course, also to notable changes in

the achievable throughput.

To characterize these differences more quantitatively, we










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

   t    h   r

   o   u   g    h   p   u   t    (    k    b    i   t   s    /   s    )

time (s)


Fig. 10. Throughput during an FTP transfer as measured using Nokia handset.










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

   t    h   r   o   u   g    h   p   u   t    (    k    b    i   t   s    /   s    )

time (s)


Fig. 11. Throughput during an FTP transfer using Motorola handset.

shall now present the throughput and RTT graphs correspond-

ing to large FTP transfers with different UEs. For concreteness,

the results from the Nokia and Motorola mobile phones are

shown. The behavior of Samsung phone was quite similar

to that of Nokia one. First, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show the

throughput as measured using the Nokia and Motorola UEs,

respectively. Obviously, the throughput with Nokia UE is more


The connection of the difference in throughputs provided

and the RTT can clearly be inferred from Fig. 12 and Fig. 13

where the RTT plots corresponding again to Nokia and Mo-torola UEs, respectively, are shown. Very large window size

was used at this stage of the measurements, leading to rather

larger average RTTs than encountered in the graphs above.

We wish to reiterate that as all of the UE models used

were either quite new to the market, or in late testing phase,

these results should not be taken as any kind of indication to

the quality or performance of future mobile stations of any

manufacturer. Instead, they serve to remind that any complex

wireless technology can be implemented near-optimally, and

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

    R    T    T

    (   s    )

time (s)


Fig. 12. RTT during FTP transfer using Nokia handset.









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

    R    T    T

    (   s    )

time (s)


Fig. 13. RTT corresponding to FTP transfer with Motorola handset.

with little differences between manufacturers, only after con-

siderable development effort, and gaining of experience.

 E. TCP Modifications

Numerous measurements were performed with FRTO and

Eifel algorithms enabled, but no change in TCP behavior

compared to the standard implementations were observed. In

fact, extra logging facilities added to the Linux kernel allowed

us to monitor that, for example, the FRTO recovery algorithms

for recoverable spurious retransmissions were not called at

all. Thus, for TCP over UMTS, at least in good conditions,

no advantages seem to exist in modifying the existing TCP

retransmission timer implementations.


We have seen that in the conditions the measurements were

carried out UMTS offered a stable data channel for TCP to

operate in. High packet loss rates and highly varying RTT

commonly attributed to wireless channels were not observed.

Thus, UMTS certainly has the potential to offer high-speed

(compared to second generation cellular systems before most

recent GPRS evolutions) Internet connectivity using standard

protocols and settings.

Whether this potential continues to be realized in commer-

cial networks in the future is an interesting question. In our

measurements, no other users were to our knowledge present

in the network. Due to the design of the UMTS system,

these conclusions should also hold for networks used by not

a single, but a small group of users. However, at present

it is unclear what takes place when networks become truly

crowded. If the operators were to deploy stringent enough

call admission control procedures, the answer to this question

would be without practical meaning. The commercial realities,

on the other hand, make it unlikely that these expensive

networks will be run with only a few users per cell. Therefore,

the performance of the future UMTS networks should be

examined when the time is right (with new measurements,

of course).


We would like to thank all the people at Alcatel’s Stuttgart

campus and at Vodafone for their assistance during our mea-surements.


[1] A. Gurtov, “Effect of Delays on TCP Performance,” Proceedings of IFIPPersonal Wireless Communications (PWC’01), August 2001.

[2] R. Ludwig, and K. Sklower, “The Eifel retransmission timer,” ACMSIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 30, pp. 17–27, July2000.

[3] P. Sarolahti, M. Kojo, and K. Raatikainen, “F-RTO: An Enhanced Re-covery Algorithm for TCP Retransmission Timeouts,” ACM SIGCOMMComputer Communication Review, vol. 33, April 2003.