vsphere 4.0 module 4 – networking emiliano turra product support engineering vmware confidential...

vSphere 4.0 Module 4 – Networking Emiliano Turra Product Support Engineering VMware Confidential Rev. G

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Page 1: VSphere 4.0 Module 4 – Networking Emiliano Turra Product Support Engineering VMware Confidential Rev. G

vSphere 4.0Module 4 – Networking

Emiliano Turra

Product Support Engineering

VMware Confidential

Rev. G

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Module 0 - Product Overview Module 1 - VI Installation-Upgrade Module 2 - VirtualCenter Module 3 - Storage Module 4 - Networking

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork Distributed Switch Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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vNetwork Distributed Switch


Standard Switch Distributed Switch

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Distributed Switch Terminology Terminology (in Red the official names)

DVN - vNetwork

Distributed Virtual Network, is the umbrella name under which the new network infrastructure components are grouped. The official name that customers will hear is vNetwork

dvSwitch, DVS or Distributed Virtual Switch - vNetwork Distributed Switch

Abstraction of multiple hosts sharing the same configuration for vSwitches and portgroups.

vSwitch - vNetwork Standard Switch

The “standard” virtual switch that is available in ESX 3.x and 4.x without vNetwork


Port in a dvSwitch that allows VMs, vnics, VMKernel or Service Console nics.

dvPort status is stored in VC Database, so it is persistent across hosts


Collection of DVPorts that share the same configuration.

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Distributed Switch

Distributed Switch: this means that the configuration is centralised to vCenter. All the hosts that belong to a dvSwitch will not need further configuration to

be compliant Distributed Switch: the behaviour will still be the same (or consistent) with the

vSwitch we are used to deal with: dvPortgroups, as a set of dvPorts (the dv equivalent of Portgroups as a

set of ports in a vSwitch) Configuration is inherited from dvSwitch to dvPortgroup (the equivalent of

what happens for vSwitch/Portgroup) VMs, Service Console interface (vswif) and VMKernel interfaces can be

connected to dvPortgroups as they could be connected to Portgroups in vSwitches

Hosts still own 2 configuration contexts, which are therefore not administered centrally via vNetwork:

Service Console and VMKernel interfaces Physical NICs and their assignment to dvSwitch Uplink groups

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Distributed Virtual Switch Architecture


ESX 4 ESX 4 ESX 4Distributed vSwitch

vSwitch vSwitch vSwitch

Distributed vSwitch


Control Plane

Data Plane

Control Plane (CP) and Data Plane, or I/O Plane are separated.

CP, responsible for configuring dvSwitches,dvPortgroups, dvPorts, Uplinks, NICTeaming and so on, and for coordinating the migration of the ports, runs on vCenter

DP, responsible for performing the forwarding, runs inside the VMKernel of the ESX (Default VMware implementation of CP is via hidden vSwitch).

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Distributed Virtual Switch Architecture – Data Plane


Data Plane

Port Port Port

IO Filter

Forwarding EngineTeaming EnginePort Port

IO Filter IO Filter

IO Filter IO Filter

Filters (DVN Switch API, or dvFilter) Forwarding (DVN Appliance API, or VSafe-net)

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Uplink Abstraction

UPLINK groups allow for abstraction from the physical implementation of each server.

Each Physical host can contribute with up to 1 NIC to each Uplink group

vCenter will only see the uplink groups when configuring the Distributed Switch, because each host can contribute in a different way (vmnic0,1,2,3,…)



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Comparing Standard and Distributed Switch

Both can forward L2 frames can segment traffic into VLANs can use and understand 802.1q VLAN

encapsulation can have more than one uplink (Nic

Teaming) can have traffic shaping for the

outbound (TX) traffic Only Distributed Switch

can shape inbound (RX) traffic has a central unified management

interface through VC supports Private VLANs (PVLANs) provides potential customisation of

Data and Control Planes

Standard Distributed

L2 Switch YES YES

VLAN Segmentation YES YES

802.1Q Tagging YES YES


TX Rate Limiting YES YES

RX Rate Limiting No YES


management interface



3rd Party Virtual Switch Support No YES

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Distributed Switch does/does not’s

DS is/does Simplify datacentre setup by centralising network configuration Will make it easier for VI Admins to add hosts to the cluster and have them

immediately VMotion compatible Each dvPort is unique across the dvSwitch, and therefore across the

cluster, and will follow the “client” if it is moved around, for example VMotion of a VM.

DS is NOT: A single and whole Standard Switch across hosts, because:

It behaves roughly as if you had Standard Switches configured consistently across the hosts

The traffic between two VMs on the same dvPortgroup but on different hosts will still go through the physical network via the Distributed Switch Uplinks

PVLANs require physical configuration or VMotion will break connectivity.

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Standard Switch + Host Profiles = DS ?

Standard Switch + Host Profiles = Distributed Switch ? You get all the Standard Switch Features plus the ability

to re-create them on new hosts No DS features Manual process of applying new modifications to all the

hosts There is no Uplink group, so when vmnic names differ

across hosts, configuring nicteaming might be impossible via one single profile

Changes are applied in maintenance mode

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Custom Distributed Switch


ESX 4 ESX 4 ESX 4Distributed vSwitch

vSwitch vSwitch

Control Plane

I/O Plane (Data Plane) and Control Plane can be replaced with 3rd party versions Custom Data Plane implements Forwarding/Filtering/Teaming, basically replacing the

vSwitch Custom Control Plane is implemented as an appliance, and will be responsible for

handling the configuration of the ports (storing, changing and migrating), and coordinating the configuration across DPs (across hosts)

Data Plane Agents (DPAs) will run as VMKernel Worlds and will be responsible of communication between CP and DPs

vC Extension

vSphere ClientPlugin

Control PlaneAppliance



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Creating Distributed Virtual Switch - 1

Go to Home > Inventory > Networking If you are in other locations, the “New DVS” button is disabled

Create a new Distributed Switch Specify:

Name of the Distributed Switch Number of Uplink Ports Uplinks can be renamed/added afterwards

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Creating Distributed Virtual Switch - 2 Add hosts and Uplinks (vmnic groups) from Cluster

An Uplink is to a Distributed Switch what a vmnic is to a Standard Switch Due to the fact that the Distributed Switch is a “logical/abstract” entity that

exists across hosts, the association between a Distributed Switch and each host’s vmnic is done via this further abstraction called Uplink.

What is called Uplink here is a group of vmnics, grouped by the VI Administrator when adding hosts/vmnics to the Distributed Switch

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Creating Distributed Virtual Switch – 3 Select whether to create a default Portgroup or not The Distributed Switch is ready


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Assigning Uplinks to a Distributed Switch Uplinks are associated automatically at Distributed Switch creation time If changes need to be applied, they have to be applied from the host

Therefore in vCenter, go to Host > Configuration > Networking Select DVS view Click on “Manage Physical Adapters”

If you click on the first “<Click to Add NIC>”, the NIC will be added to the “Pending Uplink Assignment” group and assigned automatically when you press “Ok”

Click on “<Click to Add NIC>” below the Uplink group you wish to assign the vmnic to

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Managing Distributed Switch

Distributed Switch properties are grouped in 3 tabs: Properties

General Advanced

Network Adapters View Physical adapter contributed by each

member (ESX). No modification allowed from this screen, you need to go to the specific host configuration for managing Uplinks

Private VLAN Where you can associate/edit Primary and

Secondary PVLANs. Changes might not take place if you try to edit

PVLANs that are in use, disconnect the VMs first. We will see PVLANs later

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Managing Distributed Switch - General

General Allows you to define (Prompted also at DVS Creation time)

the DVS name, the number of UPLINK ports,

Additionally, allows you to define notes It allows also to edit the Uplink names.

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Managing Distributed Switch - Advanced

Advanced Allows to define:

Max value for Maximum Transmission Unit (Useful for enabling Jumbo Frame)For the Standard vSwitch, the only options are:esxcfg-vswitch –m and -l

Cisco Discovery Protocol StatusFor the Standard vSwitch, the only options are:esxcfg-vswitch –B and -b

Administrator’s details

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Distributed Switch Portgroups

Similarly to what happens with the standard vSwitch, also in a Distributed Switch Portgroup:

represents a group of Ports that share the same configuration template.

does not constitute the means to segregate traffic

Settings divided into 3 categories : General Policies

Security Traffic Shaping VLAN Teaming and Failover Miscellaneous


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Distributed Switch Portgroups - General


Allows you to define

The name of the portgroup

A description

The number of ports available

The type of Port Binding, which can be



None (Ephemeral ports)

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Port Binding

Static Binding (Default): means that the dvPort will be assigned to the VM at configuration time. Once all the ports are “booked” by VMs, it will not be possible to connect any more VM, independently from the fact that the connected VMs are powered up or not, and an error message will be displayed

Dynamic Binding: means that the dvPort will be assigned at the moment of powering the VM up. This option allows for over committing the number of dvPorts.

Ephemeral Ports or No Binding: this behaviour has been introduced to resemble the behaviour in the standard vSwitch. If you select this option, the number of ports will be automatically set to 0, and the Portgroup will allocate one port for each connected VM, up to the maximum number of ports available in the Switch.

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Security

Policies (shows all the options below together) Security

Similar to what we have already seen in the vSwitch, this section allows you to define security policies for:

Promiscuous mode Allowing machines to see the traffic of all the other machines in the DVS

Mac address changes Allows VMs to receive frames with a Mac Address that is different from

the one configured in the VMX Forged Transmits

Allows VMs to send frames with a Mac Address that is different from the one specified in the VMX

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Traffic Shaping - 1

Policies (shows all the options below together) Traffic Shaping

Allows you to define ingress and egress traffic shaping. Ingress shaping is a new feature, and available only with DVS

(not on vSwitch)

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Traffic Shaping – 2 Traffic Shaping concepts:

Average Bandwidth Target traffic rate cap that the switch will try to enforce. Every time a client

uses less than the defined Average Bandwidth builds up credit. Peak Bandwidth

Extra bandwidth available, above the Average Bandwidth specified above, for a short burst. The availability of the burst depends on credit accumulated so far

Burst Size Amount of traffic that can be transmitted or received at Peak speed

(Combining Peak Bandwidth and Burst Size you can calculate the maximum allowed time for the burst)

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – VLAN - None

Policies (shows all the options below together) VLAN (Allows you to specify the VLAN behaviour of the dvSwitch,

VDS Only):


Physical equivalent to: No VLAN Tagging

Standard vSwitch equivalent to: VLAN ID option set to 0

EST – External Switch Tagging

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – VLAN – Single VLAN

Policies (shows all the options below together) VLAN (Allows you to specify the VLAN behaviour of the dvSwitch,

DVS Only):


Physical equivalent to: VLAN in Access/Untagged mode

Standard vSwitch equivalent to: VLAN ID option

VLAN ID 4095 is not allowed here

VST – Virtual Switch Tagging

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – VLAN - Trunk

Policies (shows all the options below together) VLAN (Allows you to specify the VLAN behaviour of the dvSwitch,

VDS Only):

VLAN Trunking

Physical equivalent to: VLAN in Trunk/Tagged mode

Standard vSwitch equivalent to: VLAN ID set to 4095

VGT – VLAN Guest Tagging

VDS Only: option to specify the range of VLANs to trunk, to improve security.

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – VLAN - PVLAN

Policies (shows all the options below together) VLAN (Allows you to specify the VLAN behaviour of the dvSwitch,

DVS Only):


Physical equivalent to: PVLAN

Standard vSwitch equivalent to: Does not exist


option to specify which Primary and Secondary VLAN to use (Selecting from the list defined in the Switch)

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Teaming & Failover

Policies (shows all the options below together) Teaming and Failover

Allows policies to be defined for: Load Balancing Failover detection Notify Switches Failback Failover order Specific Uplink usage

From the screenshot on the right, you can see how the Active/Standby status is applied to each uplink group (dvUplink1 and 2 in this case), and not to the vmnics directly, as it used to be with standard vSwitches

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Misc.

Policies (shows all the options below together) Miscellaneous

Allows you to block all the dvPorts of the dvPortgroup, DVS Only

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Advanced - 1

The dvPortgroup Advanced subcategory is different from dvSwitch:

It allow each single dvPort to override the settings of the dvPortgroup. clicking on “Edit Override Setting” the VI Admin can also specify which properties to allow/not allow to be overridden at lower levels.

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Distributed Switch Portgroups – Advanced - 2

The dvPortgroup Advanced subcategory is different from dvSwitch:

It allow each single dvPort to override the settings of the dvPortgroup. clicking on “Edit Override Setting” the VI Admin can also specify which properties to allow/not allow to be overridden at lower levels.

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Configuring Distributed Switch Virtual Adapters -1 Two types of Virtual Adapters:

Service console vswif VMKernel vmknic

To use Virtual Adapters inside a dvSwitch, you need to configure them via Host > Configuration > Networking, as this is not a cluster-wide option.

Select Distributed Virtual Switch view and click on “Manage Virtual Adapters”

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Configuring Distributed Switch Virtual Adapters -2 You’ll be prompted with the “Manage Virtual Adapters” dialog, where you can:

Add a new adapter If you already have DVS virtual Adapters, you’ll be able to:

Edit the adapter (IP address/netmask, default gateway, DNS servers) Migrate it back to a vSwitch Delete it (Deleting the last vswif is not allowed)

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Configuring Distributed Switch Virtual Adapters -3

If you click on “Add”, for each Virtual Adapter type, there will be 2 options:

Create a new Adapter

Migrate the existing from vSwitch to dvSwitch

Either way, you’ll be prompted to specify an existing dvPortgroup to be connected to

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Migrating from Standard Switches

If after selecting “Add”, you chose to “Migrate existing virtual network adapters”, you’ll be prompted with the form below

Select which adapters you wish to migrate

For each selected adapter, specify which dvPortgroup you want to connect it to.

The migration will take care of not interrupting the traffic, so for example vCenter won’t show the ESX as disconnected even if you migrate its only vswif interface

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Migrating from vSwitches - logs

Example: migrating vswif2 with IP address (Hex 0x109a8c0) from vSwitch0 to dvSwitch:cpu1:4175)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.common.port.connectid on port 97

cpu3:4177)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.common.port.portgroupid on port 97

cpu4:4179)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.common.port.block on port 97

cpu4:4170)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: clearing data com.vmware.common.port.shaper.input on port 97

cpu4:4168)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: clearing data com.vmware.common.port.shaper.output on port 97

cpu1:4167)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.etherswitch.port.teaming on port 97

cpu3:4178)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.etherswitch.port.security on port 97

cpu3:4169)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.etherswitch.port.vlan on port 97

cpu1:4175)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: clearing data com.vmware.etherswitch.port.ipfix on port 97

cpu3:4177)DVSDev: DVSDevDataSet: setting data com.vmware.common.port.statistics on port 97

cpu0:4096)Tcpip_Socket: vmk_set_ip_address:968: index = 145660792, ip_addr = 0x109a8c0, netmask = 0xffffff

cpu1:4109)Mirror: Mirror_PortDisable: removing wildcard INPUT match port vswif2(0x8) from session legacy_promiscuous

cpu0:4096)Net: NetDisconnect:1250: disconnected from net vSwitch0, PortID = 0x8

Preparing dvPort 97 to receive vswif2

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Migrating from vSwitches - logs

cpu0:4096)NetDVS: DVS_PortAssociate:413: Connecting to DVS 49 89 34 50 eb b6 a0 ae-d9 d3 3e e1 68 b4 5d 45 port 97

cpu0:4096)NetDVS: DVSPortAssociate:1155: port 0x410004256ce0 (type 1)

cpu0:4096)NetDVS: DVS_PortAssociate:438: Connected to DVS port 97 (type 1), dvs 49 89 34 50 eb b6 a0 ae-d9 d3 3e e1 68 b4 5d 45

cpu0:4096)NetPortset: Portset_ConnectPort:1251: newID 0x300000c, newIDIdx 0xc, psMask 0x1ff, newPort 0x41000412db80, portsInUse 6, portCfgName <none>

cpu0:4096)Net: NetConnectCommon:1054: connected to net (null), portset 0x410004004428, PortID = 0x300000c, status 0x0

cpu6:4111)Net: COSVMKDev_Enable:1419: port = 0x300000c, cosStateVA = 0x41007cb88000, cosStateVP = 0x41007cb88000, cosStateLen=0x649c

cpu6:4111)Net: COSVMKDev_Enable:1444: txRing = 0x41007cb8949c, rxRing = 0x41007cb8809c, numRxBufs = 0x80, numTxBufs = 0x80

cpu6:4111)Net: COSVMKDev_Enable:1468: COS VMK gen count = 11

cpu6:4111)Net: COSVMKDev_Enable:1481: Enabling NIC in the shadow vmkernel tcpip stack

cpu6:4111)Tcpip_Interface: vmk_nic_attach:893: ether attach complete

cpu6:4111)NetDVS: DVS_PortLinkUp:501: DVS_PortLinkUp portID 0x300000c DVS port 97

cpu6:4111)NetPort: PortBlockSet:2040: resuming traffic on DV port 97

cpu6:4111)VLAN: VLAN_UpdateDVSPortCfg: VLAN 64 configured for DVPort 50331660

cpu6:4111)etherswitch: NCP_AddBeaconVID: 64

cpu6:4111)Mirror: MirrorSessionWildcardAddPort: adding wildcard match port vswif2(0x300000c) for INPUT to session legacy_promiscuous

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Migrating VMs Between dvPortgroups

VI4 introduces a new feature that allows you to mass-move VMs from one dvPortgroup to another

To initiate a Migration, go to the Summary page of the dvSwitch (from Host > Inventory > Networking)

Click on “Migrate Virtual Machine Networking” Select Source and Destination dvPortgroup Click on “Show Virtual Machines” Select the VMs you want to Migrate

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Migrating to DS Step by Step


























1. Create a DS with as many Uplink groups as Physical NICs connected to the Standard Switches

2. Create in the DS as many Portgroups as you already have in the SS

3. Assign Uplinks to each Portgroup in the DS

4. Break each teaming and transfer one NIC from each vSwitch to a corresponding Uplink group

5. Migrate the Virtual Adapters and the Virtual Machines to the appropriate Portgroups

6. Transfer the remaining uplinks to the Uplink groups associated with the appropriate Portgroups

7. Remove the Standard Switches and their Portgroups



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Lab Exercise

Lab 1: vNetwork Distributed Switch

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork (Distributed Virtual Networks) Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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What are Private VLANs ?

What is a Private VLAN?

VLAN is a mechanism to divide a broadcast domain into several logical broadcast domains

Private VLAN is an extension to the VLAN standard, already available in several (most recent) physical switches. What it does is add a further segmentation of the logical broadcast domain, to create “Private” groups

Furthermore, because it divides a VLAN (which will be called “Primary” PVLAN) into one or more “groups” (called “Secondary” PVLANs), this means that all the Secondary PVLANs exist only within the Primary VLAN.

Private because, depending upon the type of the “groups” involved, hosts will not be able to communicate each other, even if they belong to the same group.

Each Secondary PVLAN has an associated VLAN ID, and the physical switch will associate the behaviour (Isolated, Community or Promiscuous) depending on the VLAN ID found in each packet.

Do not Disturb

Do not Disturb

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Secondary Private VLAN TypesPrimary Secondary Type

5 Promiscuous

5 155 Isolated

5 17 Community

Host 1

Host 2

Host 3

Host 4

Host 5

Host 6




Three types of Secondary PVLANs: Promiscuous

A node attached to a port in a promiscuous secondary PVLAN may send and receive packets to any node in any others secondary VLAN associated to the same primary. Routers are typically attached to promiscuous ports.

Isolated A node attached to a port in an

isolated secondary PVLAN may only send to and receive packets from the promiscuous PVLAN.

Community A node attached to a port in a

community secondary PVLAN may send to and receive packets from other ports in the same secondary PVLAN, as well as send to and receive packets from the promiscuous PVLAN.

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Private VLAN Implementation Standard 802.1Q Tagging No Double Encapsulation Switch software decides which ports to forward the

frame, based on the tag and the PVLAN tables

Primary Secondary Type

5 5 Promiscuous

5 155 Isolated

5 17 Community

VLAN 5VLAN 5 PVLAN 5(Promiscuous


PVLAN 5(Promiscuous





PVLAN 17(Community)

PVLAN 17(Community)

1555 175

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Why Private VLANs ? Problem

Why PVLANs? (examples) Machines can be violated/infected, and can be used as a bridge for

violating/infecting other machines in the same network segment

Attacks like ARP poisoning are still a danger, and port-security type of defence does not work well with ESX (For example in case of VMotion, if you set port-security to allow a maximum of X different MAC addresses, when you VMotion a VM that happens to be the X+1th, you’ll lose connectivity)

Segmentation of each and every host in the network is required


Infected Machine, acting as a bridge

to infect others

Machine that would not be reachable from Internet


Rogue machine performing ARP Poisoning impersonating the gateway

Victim sends traffic to the rogue instead of the gateway

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Why Private VLANs ? Solutions


One VLAN per host or group of hosts


A a lot of subnets of the /30 type, with waste of IP addresses (50%)

Consequently, lot of routes, which are difficult to maintain and change

Complex and expensive gateway (firewall) rules

Available VLANs are 4095*, but switches allow much less, about 1000

Too complex/expensive to maintain

One VLAN per VM, with one VM acting as transparent/software bridge with firewall, thus on the same subnet

Can be implemented inside ESX 3.x

Even more complexity/cost


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Private VLANs: Example without PVLANs




For bigger Customers, /29 or /28 Subnets

Several /30 Subnets

Example: Hosting company: Many different customers that should not be able to “see” each

other Possible solution:

One VLAN per customer, but: Creating a VLAN for each customer is expensive:

One subnet per customer is required, gateway maintenance is a nightmare

If a customer grows in size, subnets might have to be changed (for example /30 to /29)

Physical switches can handle a limited amount of VLANs per switch (less than 4000)

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Private VLANs: Example with PVLANs

PVLANs Single Subnet Gateway in the promisc PVLAN Each Customer in Isolated PVLAN Community PVLAN if Customer expands




Community for big customer

Isolated for small customers

Promisc for the gateway

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Private VLANs & vNetwork - 1

vSphere 4 supports PVLANs if you are using vNetwork (DS)

PVLAN in dvSwitch works like PVLAN in Physical Switches:

Primary VLAN is associated with one or more secondary VLANs

Secondary PVLANs have an additional attribute, which is one of the 3:


All the machines connected to a Promiscuous PVLAN portgroup will be able to send to and receive from any other portgroup that is an Isolated or Community PVLAN associated to the same Primary VLAN


All the machines connected to a Community PVLAN Portgroup can send to and receive from any other machine on the same Community or Promiscuos PVLAN associated with the same primary VLAN


Each machine connected to an Isolated PVLAN Portgroup can send to or receive from only machines on the Promiscuous PVLAN associated to the same primary VLAN

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Private VLANs & vNetwork - 2

Promiscuous PVLANs will have the same VLAN ID both for Primary and Secondary VLAN

Community and Isolated PVLANs traffic will travel tagged as the associated Secondary PVLAN

Traffic inside PVLANs will not be encapsulated (NO Secondary PVLAN encapsulated inside a Primary PVLAN Packet)

Traffic between VMs on the same PVLAN but on different ESX will go through the Physical Switch

Therefore the Physical Switch must be PVLAN aware and configured appropriately, in order to allow the secondary PVLANs to reach destination.

Primary Secondary Type

5 5 Promiscuous

5 155 Isolated

5 17 Community

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PVLAN and Physical Switch

Because of the PVLAN implementation, packets travel tagged with the secondary ID, and each VM can receive and send to different secondary PVLANs (For example Community and Promiscuous)

Physical Switch can be confused by the fact that each mac address is visible in more than 1 VLAN tag

Physical switch is REQUIRED to be PVLAN aware, and to have the same PVLAN mapping as the vDS

Still, the physical switch must trunk to the ESX, and NOT be in a secondary PVLAN!

PVLAN in the vDS will work even with non PVLAN aware physical switches if these are not discovering mac addresses per VLAN

Because this way the mac address is associated to the single port.

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PVLAN and Physical Switch - Example

Example: a VM in a Promiscuous PVLAN tries to do an ARP request for a VM in an Isolated PVLAN, on a different ESX, and the Physical Switch is not PVLAN aware.



Arp requestTag: none

Primary Secondary Type

5 5 Promisc

5 155 Isolated

5 17 Comm

Arp requestTag: 5

PVLAN logic detects that thedestination is Isolatedso act as if the tag were 155

Arp requestTag: none

Arp ReplyTag: none

Arp ReplyTag: 155

Arp ReplyTag: 155

Switch ports that see the same mac address through different VLAN tags

Arp ReplyTag: none

Arp requestTag: 5

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Private VLANs – IsolatedPrimary Secondary Type

5 5 Promisc

5 155 Isolated

5 17 Comm

VM 1

VM 5

VM 4







VM 3

VM 2

VM 6

VM 1 can’t talk to any VM in PVLAN 155 in PVLAN 17

VM 1 can talk to VMs in PVLAN 5 in

Virtual Switches Physical Switch

VM 1 can talk to VM 2 and 3 only if the physical switch is configured to handle PVLAN 155.

If the Physical switch allows VLAN 155, the isolation might be compromised.

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Private VLANs – CommunityPrimary Secondary Type

5 5 Promisc

5 155 Isolated

5 17 Comm

VM 7

VM 5

VM 4







VM 3

VM 2

VM 6

VM 7 can’t talk to any VM in PVLAN 155

VM 7 can talk to VMs in PVLAN 17 in PVLAN 5 in

Virtual Switches Physical Switch

VM 7 can talk to VM 2 and 3 only if the physical switch is configured to handle PVLAN 17.

If the Physical switch allows VLAN 17, the isolation might be compromised.


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Creating Private VLANs

Create the PVLAN table in the dvSwitch Edit Properties fo the dvSwitch, and select the PVLAN Tab

On the Primary Tab, add the VLAN that will be used outside the PVLAN domain, and select it

On the Secondary Tab, create the PVLANs of the desired type. There can be only one Promiscuous PVLAN and is created automatically for you.

Beware: before deleting any primary/secondary PVLAN, make sure that they are not in use, or the operation will not be performed.

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Lab Exercise

Lab 2: Using PVLANs

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork (Distributed Virtual Networks) Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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IPv6 Concepts VI4 and IPv6 New TCP/IP Stack GuestOS and IPv6

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IPv6 Concepts - 1

IP Next Generation (v4 was officialised in 1981)

Addresses are 128-bits long

Example: localhost ( now is:


or ::1 for short (:: means pad with zeros)

fe8x: fe9x: feax: febx: are Link-local addresses (will never be routed), similar to RFC 3927 defined 169.254/16 range

fecx: fedx: feex: fefx: are Site-Local addresses (similar to private IPs in IPv4, such as The Site-Local addresses are deprecated by RFC 3879 in production but still valid for labs, for example

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IPv6 Concepts - 2

No more IP broadcasts, but advanced multicast

IPv6 has autoconf capabilities, and via multicast can discover routers and receive the configuration from them.

There is also an IPv6 version of DHCP.

DNS can serve IPv6 entries, even over IPv4 connections (or vice versa).

IPv6 can be tunnelled over IPv4, but they can’t be mixed (you can’t access an IPv6 host via an IPv4 network, only across an IPv4 network via tunnels.

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IPv6 Concepts: DNS and IPv6

DNS records can be IPv4 (A) or IPv6 (AAAA)$ dig www.ipv6.org AAAA

; <<>> DiG 9.5.0-P2 <<>> www.ipv6.org AAAA;; global options: printcmd;; Got answer:;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 57681;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 0

;; QUESTION SECTION:;www.ipv6.org. IN AAAA;; ANSWER SECTION:www.ipv6.org. 3600 IN CNAME shake.stacken.kth.se.shake.stacken.kth.se. 3600 IN AAAA 2001:6b0:1:ea:202:a5ff:fecd:13a6

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:stacken.kth.se. 3600 IN NS primary.se.stacken.kth.se. 3600 IN NS secondary.se.stacken.kth.se. 3600 IN NS b.ns.kth.se.stacken.kth.se. 3600 IN NS ns.stacken.kth.se.

;; Query time: 671 msec;; SERVER:;; WHEN: Tue Nov 4 16:21:06 2008;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 174

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VI4 and IPv6 - 1

ESX 3.5 added support for IPv6 for VMs NO TSO (TCP Segmentation Offload) with IPv6

VI 4 adds full VI IPv6 support: Service Console VMWare Tools (to display the ipv6 address in vCenter) VMKernel (and therefore VMotion)

IPv6 Storage (software iSCSI and NFS) is experimental vCenter will display correctly IPv6 addresses for Service Console, VMKernel and

VMs as reported by the tools

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VI4 and IPv6 - 2

What is still not supported in IPv6 in VI4 VI CLI (previously known as RCLI). Configuring IPv6 parameters works, connecting

does not. CIM

Disabled by default, Enable via GUI: Host > Configuration > Networking > Properties Enable for VMKernel (also in VI CLI)

esxcfg-vmknic -6 true Enable for Service Console

esxcfg-vswif -6 true Enabling IPv6 on the ESX does not disable IPv4

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VI4 and IPv6 – 3 To edit IPv6 addresses assigned to Service Console or VMKernel adapters,

Go under Host > Configuration > Networking Select “Virtual Switch” or “Distributed Virtual Switch” as appropriate Edit the vswif interface

IPv6 Address Dialog box:The box where you can enter the IPv6 address is free-form.There is no more the concept of subnet mask, but subnet prefix, which is the number of bits that constitute the prefix (Similar to CIDR notation for IPv4)

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Verifying IPv6 Activation – ESX Classic New VMKernel module: tcpip2

IPv4 module is loaded by default Based on FreeBSD 6.1 Improved performance and scalability due to locking and threading improvements (more

CPUs can be used) If IPv6 is enabled for the VMKernel, it will look like this:

For the Service Console, lsmod will contain ipv6 if enabled:

# vmkload_mod -lName R/O Addr Length R/W Addr Length ID Loadedtcpip2v6 0x4180225fd000 0xbd000 0x417fe3676f80 0x37000 47 Yes

# vmkload_mod -lName R/O Addr Length R/W Addr Length ID Loadedtcpip2 0x4180157ed000 0x63000 0x417fd687ac80 0x26000 46 Yes

# lsmodModule Size Used byipv6 259232 18

Note: esxcfg-module -l is equivalent to vmkload_mod -l, and is available also in the vi-cli.

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Verifying IPv6 Activation - ESXi

With ESXi you have two possible ways for checking IPv6 activation: By logging into the ESX itself, either via the “unsupported” mode, or

the unsupported ssh connection, and using the same command as per the ESX Classic:

vmkload_mod -l By using the vi-cli (also available in the vMA), with the command:

esxcfg-module –l

Since there is no service console here, the lsmod part is not necessary.

$ esxcfg-module -l --server esxi.vmware.com --username root --password secretName ID Loadedtcpip2 45 Yes

$ esxcfg-module -l --server esxi.vmware.com --username root --password secretName ID Loadedtcpip2v6 45 Yes

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GuestOS and IPv6

IPv6 support does not require just OS support, applications need to be made compatible as well!

In Linux, IPv6 is supported since 2.4 but the implementation is not fully compliant until 2.6 versions

In Windows,

2003 SP1 and XP SP2 have the infrastructure for IPv6, even though some components of the system and applications are not IPv6-ready. (For 2003 check http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc776103.aspx)

Vista and 2008 fully support IPv6

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Windows and IPv6 addresses: ipv6-literal.net

Most versions of Internet and Windows Explorer do not support literal IPv6 addresses as described in RFC 2732 (because the colon : is a reserved character), so DNS AAAA records must be used (for example for IPv6 web-access to the ESX).

Microsoft has registered ipv6-literal.net as a workaround. The builtin resolver in windows will intercept this domain and resolve it automatically, giving access to the corresponding IPv6 address. For example, the ip address 2001:db8:28:3:f98a:5b31:67b7:67ef would be accessible as 2001-db8-28-3-f98a-5b31-67b7-67ef.ipv6-literal.net

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GuestOS and IPv6 – Linux -1

Make sure IPv6 is enabled by checking whether the ipv6 module is loaded using the lsmod command. If it is not, you might have it disabled in /etc/modprobe.conf, with a line such as: alias net-pf-10 off that should be removed (A reboot is required)

In RedHat based distributions, including the Service Console:

/etc/sysconfig/network contains the general information regarding network, including default gateway:


/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 contains the information to configure both IPv4 and IPv6, for example:


IPV6_DEFAULTGW can have a %eth0 appended at the end, thus overriding IPV6_DEFAULTDEV

IPV6_AUTOCONF specifies whether IPV6 advertising should be used to configure NICs

IPV6_ADDR contains also the prefix size (similar to IPv4 Netmask, in CIDR format)

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GuestOS and IPv6 – Linux - 2

In Debian based distributions, such as Ubuntu: The file /etc/network/interfaces contains IPv4 and IPv6 for each interface,

for example:iface eth0 inet6 static address fec0::d netmask 112 gateway fec0::1

IPv6 commands will generally have a -6 option or a 6 at the end to distinguish from the IPv4 equivalents

ipip -6 address add fec0::5/112 dev eth0ip -6 route add default via fec0::1

pingping6 fec0::1

tracepathtracepath6 fec0::1

traceroutetraceroute6 fec0::1


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GuestOS and IPv6 – Windows

In Windows, IPv6 is not enabled by default. You will need netsh to configure it, so we will see how to enable IPv6 with it as well.

Enable IPv6

netsh interface ipv6 install Identify the vNIC name, for example in the Network Connections (where you can

also rename it), or with the netsh command

netsh interface show interface

In this example, we will imagine it is “Local Area Connection” (the default name) Add an IPv6 address to the selected interfacenetsh interface ipv6 add address "Local Area Connection" fec0::1 Add a route for the newly added IP addressnetsh interface ipv6 add route fec0::/112 "Local Area Connection“ netsh has several “dump” commands you can use to get information

netsh interface ipv6 dump

netsh interface dump

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Lab Exercise

Lab 4: IPv6

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork (Distributed Virtual Networks) Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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VMXNET Generation 3

New “state of the art” Virtual Network Adapter

Also known as Advanced VMXNET

Based on Enhanced VMXNET introduced in ESX 3.5

Introduces new features:

IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging.

No more need for e1000 in such a case

VLAN Tagging and Tag removal offloading

Only one VLAN per NIC for Windows

TCP Segmentation Offloading for IPv4 and IPv6

TCP and UPD Checksum Offloading for IPv4 and IPv6

MSI (Messaged Signalled Interrupt) and MSI-X support (subject to guest kernel support)

Receive Side Scaling (supported in Windows Vista, 2008 and any other system using NDIS 6.x)

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VMXNET Generation3

No Record/Replay support

Supported Guest OSes (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions):

All Windows 2003 variants

Windows 2008 variants

Vista and Vista SP1

Windows XP Professional

RHEL 5.x


Ubuntu 7.04+ 8.04, 8.10

Solaris 10 U4 and later

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Lab Exercise

Lab 5: VMXNET Generation 3

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork (Distributed Virtual Networks) Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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VMDirectPath I/O - 1

VMDirectPath I/O is a mechanism by which VMs are allowed to directly access a physical device using the native driver in the GuestOS. Each Device will be accessible by one single VM.

Main use cases for this feature are I/O devices that may have high performance/low-latency/CPU efficiency requirements

VMDirectPath I/O (Also known as Fixed Passthrough) is

fully supported for networking I/O devices with the Intel 82598 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller and Broadcom 57710 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller

experimentally supported for storage I/O devices with the QLogic QLA25xx 8Gb Fibre Channel and the LSI 3442e-R and 3801e (1068 chip based) 3Gb SAS adapters.

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VMDirectPath I/O - 2

Support will be limited to Intel and AMD CPUs with EPT/NPT/RVI and IOMMU (VT-d for Intel) support

The following features are unavailable:

VM can’t be VMotion-ed (Uniform Pass Through will allow VMotion, but it is not available in vSphere 4.0)

Therefore, DRS (limited availability – The virtual machine can be part of a cluster, but cannot migrate across hosts)

Hot add/remove of virtual devices

Suspend and Resume

Record and Replay

Fault Tolerance

High Availability

Memory Overcommitment and Page Sharing

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VMDirectPath I/O : Configuring Devices - 1 ESX supports direct PCI device connection for virtual machines running on Intel Weybridge and Stoakley platforms. Each virtual machine can connect to up to two pass-through devices. To configure pass-through devices on an ESX host:

1. Select an ESX host from the inventory panel of the VI Client.

2. On the Configuration tab, click Advanced Settings.

The Pass-through Configuration page appears, listing all available pass-through devices. A green icon indicated that a device is enabled and active. An orange icon indicates that the state of the device has changed and the host must be rebooted before the device can be used.

3. Click Edit.

4. Select the devices and click OK.

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VMDirectPath I/O : Configuring Devices - 2

Once you click “Edit”, Select the devices you want to use for VMDirectPath I/O and Click Ok.

All the dependent devices will be also configured the same way (wether used by the VMKernel or used for VMDirectPath).

These devices will be automatically selected for you.

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VMDirectPath I/O : Configuring Devices - 3

The configured devices become Orange

You will need to reboot for the devices to become ready (Green)

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VMDirectPath I/O : Configuring Devices - 4

After the reboot, the devices are green, and ready to be used in a VM

Note: the configuration changes will go into /etc/vmware/esx.conf. In the case above, the PCI slot where the device was connected is 00:0b:0, so it will be:/device/000:11.0/owner = "passthru“ (0b is 11 in decimal)

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VMDirectPath I/O : Configuring VM - 1

To configure a PCI device on a virtual machine

Select a virtual machine from the inventory panel of the VI Client.

From the Inventory menu, select Virtual Machine > Edit Settings.

Select the Hardware tab

click Add

Select PCI Device

click Next.

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VMDirectPath I/O : Configuring VM - 2

From the list, select the pass-through device you wish to assign to the VM.

Once the device is assigned, the VM must have a memory reservation for the full configured memory size.

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VMDirectPath I/O : Logs - 1

VMDirectPath I/O requires IOMMU feature in the host’s chipset

Check that the vtd module is loaded, using vmkload_mod –l (for ESXi available only on the console) or esxcfg-module –l (Available in VI CLI)

If the module is not loaded, you either do not have the correct/supported chipset, or there was an issue when loading the module. To find more information on what happened, you can either attempt to load the module or check the boot logs:

Check /var/log/boot-logs/sysboot.log (/var/log/messages for ESXi)

Locate the “sysboot: iommu ...” section:

The log example below was taken from a machine using AMDIommu, the experimental AMD based IOMMU chipset, the module will be vtd at GA time (as with Intel chipsets already):

vmkernel: 0:00:00:51.143 cpu2:4875)ForkExec: UWVMKSyscall: ForkExec:2936: /sbin/vmkload_mod

vmkernel: 0:00:00:51.178 cpu0:4876)Loading module AMDIommu ...

vmkernel: 0:00:00:51.205 cpu0:4876)AMDIOMMU: ule:428: Loading AMD IOMMU driver...

vmkernel: 0:00:00:51.212 cpu0:4876)AMDIOMMU: ule:438: AMD IOMMU driver version 1.22, built on: Oct 27 2008

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VMDirectPath I/O : Logs - 2

vmkernel logs showing the device being assigned to VMDirectPath I/O:vmkernel: 0:00:09:16.642 cpu0:7662)PCI: ChangeDevOwnership:1336: 004:00.0 to passthru

vmkernel: 0:00:09:16.649 cpu0:7662)VMK_PCI: vmkpci_PCIDeviceCallback:285: device 004:00.0 event: Device changed ownership: new owner vm

vmkernel: 0:00:09:16.661 cpu0:7662)VMK_PCI: vmk_PCIGetDeviceName:625: Device 004:00.0 name: vmnic0

vmkernel: 0:00:09:16.669 cpu0:7662)LinPCI: LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved: Remove 004:00.0 vmnic0

vmkernel: 0:00:09:16.676 cpu0:7662)WARNING: LinPCI: LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved: no driver (or not hotplug compatible)

vmkernel: 0:00:09:16.687 cpu0:7662)LinPCI: LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved: Removed device 004:00.0 at event ownership-changed.

VM’s vmware.log showing the VM is correctly configured to access the device:vmx| DICT pciPassthru0.present = TRUE

vmx| DICT pciPassthru0.deviceId = 1639

vmx| DICT pciPassthru0.vendorId = 14e4

vmx| DICT pciPassthru0.systemId = 4872045d-4d63-ad8e-7fbd-0010182a0a6c

vmx| DICT pciPassthru0.id = 04:00.1


vmx| Registering device pciPassthru0 (A6F3488)

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Lab Exercise

Lab 6: VMDirectPath I/O

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork (Distributed Virtual Networks) Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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Virtual Machine Communication Interface - 1

The Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) is an infrastructure that provides fast and efficient communication between a virtual machine and the host operating system and between two or more virtual machines on the same host.

The VMCI SDK facilitates development of applications that use the VMCI infrastructure.

Without VMCI, virtual machines communicate with the host using the network layer.

Using the network layer adds overhead to the communication. With VMCI communication overhead is minimal and different tasks that require that communication can be optimized.

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Virtual Machine Communication Interface - 2

To enable VMCI on your virtual machine, add the following two lines to the virtual machine configuration file (.vmx file):

# The following line is REQUIRED.

vmci0.present = "TRUE"

# The following line is OPTIONAL.

vmci0.id = "num"

num is a positive integer that is unique for each virtual machine on your host. That is, for any virtual machine, you can choose a number (1, 2, 3, etc.) but two virtual machines must not have the same number as their vmci0.id.

You also need the VMCI component of the VMware Tools to be installed inside the VM

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VMCI – What is it?

Two types of communication Datagrams

connectionless – Similar to UDP Queue Pairs

Connection oriented – Similar to TCP VMCI provides Socket APIs, which is extremely similar to what is

already used for TCP/UDP applications IP addresses are replaced with VMCI ID numbers For example, it has been possible to port netperf to use VMCI sockets

instead of TCP/UDP

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VMCI: Use Case

Application server VM connected to a Database server VM. Internal network can transmit an average of slightly over 2Gbit/s using

vmxnet3 VMCI can go up to nearly 10Gbit/s with 128k sized Queue pairs

Stream Socket Throughput (netperf TCP_STREAM)








128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536

Message Size


ps VMCI Sockets

VMCI Sockets (128k QP)

TCP/IP (over vmxnet3)

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Agenda – Lessons for Module 4

Module 4 - Networking Lesson 1: vNetwork (Distributed Virtual Networks) Lesson 2: Private VLAN Lesson 3: IPv6 Lesson 4: VMXNET Generation 3 Lesson 5: VMDirectPath I/O Lesson 6: Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) Lesson 7: Basic Troubleshooting Tips

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Basic Troubleshooting Tips

VMX Changes net-dvs, a tool to work with dvSwitch (Beware: not supported) How to find out about dvPortgroups esxcfg-vswitch esxcfg-vswif esxcfg-vmknic esxcfg-route Private VLANs Cisco Nexus 1000V esxcfg-firewall Maximums Known Issues

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VMX changes

DVSethernet1.dvs.switchId = "7a f2 34 50 21 55 6c 70-a4 b1 10 f1 3f 9d 2c c1"

ethernet1.dvs.portId = "1423"

ethernet1.dvs.connectionId = "419447540"

ethernet1.dvs.portgroupId = "dvportgroup-302“

VMXNET3ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet3”

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net-dvs outputswitch 7a f2 34 50 21 55 6c 70-a4 b1 10 f1 3f 9d 2c c1 (etherswitch) Global properties: com.vmware.common.alias = dvSwitch com.vmware.common.uplinkPorts = Uplink1,Uplink2,Uplink3,Uplink4 com.vmware.common.host.uplinkPorts = 5,6,7,8 com.vmware.etherswitch.pvlanMap = (11, 11) - Promiscuous (11, 12) - Community (11, 13) - Isolated (68, 68) - Promiscuous (68, 681) - Isolated (68, 682) - Community com.vmware.etherswitch.mtu = 0xdc. 5. 0. 0 com.vmware.etherswitch.cdp = 0x 0. 1 com.vmware.common.pgmap =vSwitch-DVUplinks-211:dvportgroup-


-246,Ghost:dvportgroup-299,dvPortGroup:dvportgroup-300,VLAN64:dvportgroup-302 Host properties: com.vmware.common.host.portset = DvsPortset-1

dvSwitch identifier

Uplink Identifiers

DVPorts used for Uplink


MTU 1500 = 0x5DC(beware of endian-ness)

CDP Enabled 0/1

dvPortgroup Map, associating vCenter dvPortgroup names and dvPortgroup labesl

dvSwitch Name

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net-dvs output port 5 com.vmware.common.port.alias = Uplink1 com.vmware.common.port.connectid = 1912494964 com.vmware.common.port.portgroupid = dvportgroup-212 com.vmware.common.port.block = false com.vmware.etherswitch.port.teaming = load balance = source virtual port id link selection: link state up; link speed>=10Mbps; link behavior: notify switch; reverse filter; best effort on failure; shotgun on failure; active: standby: com.vmware.etherswitch.port.security = 0x 1. 0. 0. 0 com.vmware.etherswitch.port.vlan = Guest VLAN tagging ranges: 1-4094 com.vmware.common.port.statistics: pktsInUnicast = 1699111 bytesInUnicast = 865718684 pktsInMulticast = 2204789 bytesInMulticast = 580474616 pktsInBroadcast = 7441346 bytesInBroadcast = 623725320 pktsOutUnicast = 1091384 bytesOutUnicast = 783242007 pktsOutMulticast = 34 bytesOutMulticast = 2744 pktsOutBroadcast = 2069749 bytesOutBroadcast = 179071956 pktsInDropped = 159 pktsOutDropped = 0 pktsInException = 1285 pktsOutException = 0 com.vmware.common.port.volatile.vlan = VLAN 0 ranges: 1-4094 com.vmware.common.port.volatile.status:inUse linkUp portID = 0x2000002

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net-dvs output port 519 com.vmware.common.port.alias = com.vmware.common.port.connectid = 1502730467 com.vmware.common.port.portgroupid = dvportgroup-241 com.vmware.common.port.block = false com.vmware.etherswitch.port.teaming = load balance = source virtual port id link selection: link state up; link speed>=10Mbps; link behavior: notify switch; reverse filter; best effort on failure; shotgun on failure; active: Uplink1 Uplink2 Uplink3 Uplink4 standby: com.vmware.etherswitch.port.security = 0x 0. 0. 0. 0 com.vmware.etherswitch.port.vlan = Guest VLAN tagging ranges: 11-14 64-72 com.vmware.common.port.volatile.persist = /vmfs/volumes/f1c540c6-3bd757e8/.dvsData/7a f2 34 50 21 55 6c 70-

a4 b1 10 f1 3f 9d 2c c1/519 com.vmware.common.port.volatile.vlan = VLAN 0 ranges: 11-14 64-72 com.vmware.common.port.statistics: pktsInUnicast = 3972 bytesInUnicast = 571094 pktsInMulticast = 27 bytesInMulticast = 2166 pktsInBroadcast = 17 bytesInBroadcast = 2712 pktsOutUnicast = 6499 bytesOutUnicast = 7405784 pktsOutMulticast = 2488 bytesOutMulticast = 664816 pktsOutBroadcast = 1103380 bytesOutBroadcast = 95151238 pktsInDropped = 0 pktsOutDropped = 0 pktsInException = 503 pktsOutException = 0 com.vmware.common.port.volatile.status:inUse linkUp portID = 0x200000d

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net-dvs notes

Launch with /usr/lib/vmware/bin/net-dvs

Output collected by vm-support

Not Available for ESXi unless you connect directly via SSH (Not supported)

DVS information is cached in /etc/vmware/dvsdata.db

Binary file

Collected by vm-support

Can be used to produce net-dvs output from any linux host (for example scripts server) with the net-dvs –f [FILE] command

DVS Port information is stored in a shared VMFS volume root, under .dvsData/, net-dvs output will indicate the exact location. This can be useful to quickly locate which ports are still accessing a given DSwitch

References to the DVS are also on /etc/vmware/esx.conf

VMKernel ports

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DVS Information in vCenter’s DB

DvPortgroups are defined at vCenter level, there is no way to gather information about them from the host.

In vCenter’s database, you can find out about dvPortgroups with:

select * from VPX_DVPORTGROUP

Do not alter the contents of the table in any way! If you remove anything, you might not be able to clean up the “ghost” ports anymore.

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#esxcfg-vswitch -lSwitch Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU UplinksvSwitch0 32 2 32 1500 vmnic0

PortGroup Name VLAN ID Used Ports Uplinks

Switch Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU UplinksvSwitch1 64 3 64 1500 vmnic1

PortGroup Name VLAN ID Used Ports Uplinks VM Network 0 1 vmnic1

DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports UplinksdvSwitch 64 6 512 vmnic3,vmnic2

DVPort ID In Use Client 5 1 vmnic2 6 1 vmnic3 7 0 8 0 391 0 390 0 1422 1 vmk0 1419 1 vswif1 1423 1 519 0 1420 0

Applies also for ESXi via VI CLI

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Create a new vswif Same syntax as ESX 3.x

esxcfg-vswif -a vswif1 -i -n -p “Service Console” For DVS you’ll need to specify dvSwitch name and dvPort:

esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -i -n -P 1421 -V dvSwitch IPv6 (supposing IPv4 already configured)

esxcfg-vswif -i fec0::4/112 vswif1 IPv6 with DHCP (supposing IPv4 already configured)

esxcfg-vswif -i DHCP6 vswif1

Output of esxcfg-vswif –lName Port Group/DVPort IP Family IP Address Netmask Broadcast Enabled TYPE

vswif1 1419 IPv4 true STATIC

vswif1 1419 IPv6 fec0::4 112 true STATIC

vswif1 1419 IPv6 fe80::250:56ff:fe4f:cba 64 true STATIC

Does not apply for ESXi via VI CLI

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Add a vmknic on a vSwitchesxcfg-vmknic –a -i -n –p “VMKernel Network”

Add a vmknic on a DVS (dvPort 1422)esxcfg-vmknic –a -i -n -s dvSwitch -v 1422

Add an IPv6 address to the newly created vmknicesxcfg-vmknic -i fec0::5/112 -s dvSwitch -v 1422

Add an IPv6 DHCP address to the newly created vmknicesxcfg-vmknic -i DHCP6 -s dvSwitch -v 1422

Output of esxcfg-vmknic -lInterface Port Group/DVPort IP Family IP Address Netmask

Broadcast MAC Address MTU TSO MSS Enabled Type

vmk1 1421 IPv4 00:50:56:75:79:ae 1500 65536 true STATIC

vmk1 1421 IPv6 fe80::250:56ff:fe75:79ae 64 00:50:56:75:79:ae 1500 65536 true STATIC

vmk1 1421 IPv6 fec0::5 112 00:50:56:75:79:ae 1500 65536 true STATIC

Applies also for ESXi via VI CLI

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Add an IPv6 default gateway (all the other operations are the same as 3.5)esxcfg-route -f V6 -a default fec0::1 Display IPv6 routes for VMKernelesxcfg-route -f V6 -l

VMkernel Routes:

Network Netmask Gateway

default 0 fec0::1

fe80:: 64 Local Subnet

fec0:: 112 Local Subnet

ff01:: 32 Local Subnet

ff02:: 32 Local Subnet

Applies also for ESXi via VI CLI

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Troubleshooting PVLANs

Key concepts to keep in mind when troubleshooting PVLANs: Packets in PVLANs travel tagged as if they were in a VLAN with ID as

the Secondary ID, there is no encapsulation. This is valid for both virtual and physical switches

Physical switches need to be configured to forward packets in such VLAN IDs between source and destination

Consider PVLAN as a particular case of VST, so: Physical switch to ESX should be “trunking” Physical switches should be connected via trunks

Unless they are not PVLAN aware, in which case the trunk should be a PVLAN trunk if you are using Isolated PVLANs

Physical hosts should be connected to a PVLAN port VTP (Vlan Trunking Protocol) has to be in transparent mode in the

physical switch, because PVLANs are defined locally on the single physical switch

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Troubleshooting PVLANs

Troubleshooting hints

Make sure that the physical and virtual switch configuration matches:

Physical switch port is trunking for all the primary and secondary PVLAN IDs

Compare the PVLAN maps in physical and virtual switch

In Cisco switches, you can use the commands:

show running-configuration

show interface private-vlan mapping

show interface [interface-id] switchport

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PVLAN in Physical Switches CISCO IOS

Create the primary PVLAN (in this example VLAN 11)(config)# vlan 11(vlan-config)# private-vlan primary

Similarly, create the secondary PVLAN (ex. VLAN 13, Isolated, 12, Community)(config)# vlan 13(vlan-config)# private-vlan isolated(config)# vlan 12(vlan-config)# private-vlan community

Bind Primary and Secondary PVLANs(config)# vlan 11(vlan-config)# private-vlan association 12,13

Bind switch ports to the PVLANs (1/10 Isolated, 1/11 Community and 1/1 promisc):(config)# interface Fastethernet 1/10(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan host(config-if)# switchport private-vlan host-association 11 12(config)# interface Fastethernet 1/11(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan host(config-if)# switchport private-vlan host-association 11 13(config)# interface Fastethernet 1/1(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous(config-if)# switchport private-vlan mapping 11 12,13

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Cisco Nexus 1000 SVS—Troubleshooting

If traffic doesn’t work, try the following:

On the CP, check that the DP module is visible.

# show module (Should show the UUID of the ESX 4.0 host.)

# show server_info (Should show the hostname of the ESX 4.0 host).

Ensure that your uplinkportprofile1 includes the VLAN that is configured on your VMs’ port profile.

# show port-profile name uplinkportprofile1

To isolate how far the traffic gets, do tcpdump inside the VMs, ‘cb print ingress’ on the DP, and ‘debug ip packets detail’ on the upstream Cisco switch

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esxcfg-firewall - 1

New feature (soon available also in 3.5) of filtering connections per host/port, with the option:

--ipruleAdd <host,cport,tcp|udp,REJECT|DROP|ACCEPT,name>

As you might already know from ESX 3.x, list firewall rules with esxcfg-firewall –q and be careful, because -l will reload the firewall rules instead, overwriting the possible root cause of your investigation.

There is no mechanism to temporarily stop the firewall like in ESX 3.5 using service firewall stop|start because the service firewall stop will not do anything but print the following:

“firewall can't be stopped. To disable the firewall run, esxcfg-firewall --allowIncoming –allowOutgoing”

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esxcfg-firewall - 2

But keep in mind that:

esxcfg-firewall --allowIncoming –allowOutgoing modifies the

firewall configuration, so to return to the previous configuration you need

to use esxcfg-firewall --blockIncoming --blockOutgoing,

because esxcfg-firewall -l won’t.

If you use allowIncoming and allowOutgoing, previously defined IP Rules

will still be applied

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esxcfg-firewall - 3

So what can we do for temporarily disabling the firewall for troubleshooting?

Remember to save the actual configuration before doing anything else!

Otherwise you might not be able to identify the root cause.

Save the output of iptables -L or better of iptables-save to a file.

You can use iptables -F or iptables-save, and then reload the

firewall with esxcfg-firewall –l, when the troubleshooting is done.

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esxcfg-firewall - 3

With iptables –F you’ll flush all the rules. Keep in mind that usually the default policy is to drop connections, and the rules are allowing you in. This means that before flushing the rules, you should make sure that at least the INPUT chain has default set to ALLOW, with iptables –P INPUT ALLOW, or you’ll lock yourself out.

With iptables-save>file you can save to a file the rules, then edit the files so that you remove all the rules and the chains, edit the policy to be ALLOW, review what you’ve done, and then apply your changes with iptables-restore<file. For example:


:INPUT ACCEPT [4495370:1545008248]


:OUTPUT ACCEPT [3029364:951838897]


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Maximums - 1


Standard Switch

vNetwork Standard Switch

vNetwork Distributed


Switches per VC 4096 4096 16

Switches per ESX host 248 248 16

Port groups per ESX host 512 512 512

Port groups per switch 512 512 512

Ports per host 4096 4096 4096

Uplinks per host 32 32 32

Ports per switch 1016 1016 8000

Uplinks per virtual switch 32 32 32

Max number of hosts per switch

NA NA 300

VLANs/Private VLANs Limited by Max # of Portgroups

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Maximums - 2

Physical NIC TypeMax Number of ports per ESX Host

tg3 (Broadcom 1GigE) 32

bnx2 (Broadcom 1GigE) 16

e1000e (Intel 1GigE PCIe) 32*

s2io (Neterion 10GigE) 4

e1000 (Intel PCIx) 32*

nx_nic (Netxen 10GigE) 4

Igb (Intel Zoar) 16

bnx2x (10GigE Broadcom) 4

igbe (Intel 10GigE Oplin) 4

(*) If the Hardware supports them.

Hardware Version

Max Virtual NICs

4 4

7 10

Type Max Virtual Adapters

VMKernel 32

Service Console 32

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Known Issues

VMDirectPathI/O requires GuestOS support. For example, Oplin NIC in passthrough mode does not perform well with SLES10 in VGT mode.

IPv6 default gateway might not be effective: you might want to use static routes for the specific destination

Removing IPv4 default gateway might cause IPv6 default gateway to fail, especially if the gateway does not do IPv6 advertisment.

Configuring a NIC with neither ant static IP (v4 or v6) nor any dynamic configuration (no DHCP not IPv6 autoconf), after reboot you will have to remove it and add it again to be able to reconfigure it.

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Find out the uplink port for the NIC you want to useesxcfg-vswitch -l Remove the Uplink from the DVSesxcfg-vswitch -Q vmnic1 -V 5 dvSwitch Create a new LifeSaver Standard vSwitchesxcfg-vswitch –a LifeSaver Give the LifeSaver Standard vSwitch a portgroup and the uplinkesxcfg-vswitch –A SOSC LifeSaveresxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic1 LifeSaver Move the vSwif 0 to the LifeSaver vSwtichesxcfg-vswif –d vswif0esxcfg-vswif –a –i DHCP –p SOSC vswif0 Use vCenter to fix all via GUI and then cleanup, otherwise:esxcfg-vswitch -P vmnic1 -V 5 dvSwitch

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