vonsch power electronics solutions 2017

Custom power electronics solutions since 1990 more than your expectaƟons... ®

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Post on 06-Apr-2017




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Custom power electronics solutions

since 1990

more than your expecta ons...


Page 2: VONSCH power electronics solutions 2017

all for people – all for nature – all for future...

Quality and Reliability

Top quality according to ISO 9001:2008 Research and development, produc on, sale, assembly and service of power electronics.

VONSCH has received several pres gious awards from interna onal trade fairs.

Our philosophy is not just to sell many inverters; our philosophy is to do challenging engineering projects with our electric drives or inverters. Our purpose is to create individual solu ons for every customer. Why cooperate with VONSCH specialists? • We specialize on development and produc on of

electric drives and power electronics for more than 25 years

• Our team is op mal composed: professionalism – experience – verve • Our team is of op mum size, is fl exible and smart • Our solu ons cover the full cycle: briefi ng - prototype – extensive tes ng - serial

documenta on – serial produc on

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Let us discover the future of the drives

Electric drivesOur electric drives program consists of:• So starters • Frequency converters up to 1600 kW• Ac ve Front Ends up to 1400 kW• Custom modifi ca on of our products to fi t the requirements of the customer• 230 V, 400 V, 500 V, 690 V or custom voltage

class for all the products

Custom built frequency converter UNIFREM 720 1400

for special motor (720 V, 680 A, 1400 kW, 11000 rpm, 184 Hz)

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Quality without compromises under ground, on the ground, above the ground

Complete electronics solu ons for mining locomo ves

We have made drives for many kinds of machines including suspended, ba ery powered and trolley locomo ves. We also have rich experiences with ATEX cer fi ed drives and power electronics. VONSCH trac on drives solu ons:• Designed and produced according to the requirements of the customer• Based on high-performance vector control in custom

designed VONSCH drives• Motors running at very high speed in fi eld-weaking

mode • Auxiliary drives for the hydraulics, fans, air condi oning, sandbox can also be included • We can also design the control system for the whole

machine• Trac on ba ery chargers and dischargers

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We built your own grid, any you would like

Ar fi cial AC mainsAr fi cial AC mains are special devices for the crea on of virtually any grid condi ons. Typical example is the emula on of American grid (110 V 60 Hz) in the European condi ons for tes ng the products intended for export. Features:• Custom voltage, power, frequency to fi t your needs• Very high quality of output voltage• Suitable as replacement of rotary

converters 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 400 Hz• Very low EMC emissions• Short design and delivery me

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Harvest the sun

Custom solar solu ons

From a 2 kWp small home system to mul -MWp solar park. All made in terms of highest European quality.• Single and Three-phase systems• Off -grid, On-grid, Hybrid inverters• Fuel Save Systems• Energy Storage integra ons• Solar irriga on systems• Remote monitoring and diagnos cs

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With respect to the nature

Green energy - small hydro power plants

Čoltovo: one of the most ecological hydro power plants in Slovakia

The most reliable and stable renewable energy source. Succesfully exploited for centuries.• Custom designed and built• Maximum power point tracking:

gain the maximum power even during the not-so-good condi ons

• Local and Remote monitoring and diagnos cs – SMS and E-mail alerts, web visualiza on and control

• Very high quality of grid current Safety func ons

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Exclusive distributor of VONSCH technologies for Africa and Middle East:P.U.R.E. s.r.o.Bellova 6314/25831 01 Bra slavaSlovakia – [email protected] p://go-pure.eu/

Representa ve in Czech Republic:TESPO engineering s.r.o.Roubalova 7a602 00 Brno Czech Republic – EUe-mail: [email protected]: www.tespo-eng.cz

Representa ve in Serbia:URAM System d.o.o.M. Tita 5421412 GLOŽANSerbiae-mail: [email protected]: www.uram.co.rs

We are looking forward to your challenges.

Representa ve in Poland:DESIM Sp. z o.o. sp. k.ul. Krzywa 3, 59-100 PolkowicePOLSKA – [email protected]

There are persons behind every successVONSCH s.r.o.Budovateľská 13977 03 BreznoSlovakia – [email protected]

VONSCH foreign representa ve may only be specialized, trained, highly skilled and reliable partners, as the sa sfac on of our customers comes fi rst and must be guaranteed.