volume xxvfll. mt. vernon, rockcastle … · mt. vernon, rockcastle 0

MT. VERNON, ROCKCASTLE 0<*JNTY, KY., FRIDAY. AUGU8T 13, 1915 NUMBER 43 BAKER'S MT. VERNON KENTUCKY ggSr CLOTHING SALE Men's & oys' BSuits YG-y CAN SAVE 50 °/o We find we have en- tirely too much cloth- ing at this season so we are making great sacrifices in order to move stock quickly. $20.00 values at 18.00 values at 16.50 values 15.00 values, Plaids 12-50 values 10.00 values $4.00 12.50 I 1.50 10.00 8.50 7.50 Boy's Suits from $1 to $7.50 ' \ Every Suit Guaranteed Sutton & MeBee Official Vote in Rockcastle in the District and County Races: Common Circuit . wealtl|Atty CourtCl'rk - - - ;Pr.ecinct. | i "I 1 3 2 if 1 .2 £ < X Q J aj s 5 BJ u >"3 ' ht Z .'O East Mt Vernon g 6 4 *5 18 28 156 34 152 33 120 GG West Mt. Vernon 8" 6 12 74 l& 81 35 132 6 3 I 10 6q 89 96 Round stone .. .. 9 20 17 65 7 07 3' 105 74 87 80 86 75 Scaffold (JaneT. 2 26 16 1 74 8 78 51 06 5i 63 64 Crooked Creek 13 to 16 2I 1 65 60 99 . 44 '9 '38 93 37 Oilando IS i5" 9 2g 5 «S 10 42 61 85 58 31 Livingstoii i4 23 i5 29 * •J 41 139 84 74 •75 1O6 70 Walnut Grove 4 6 8 i4 3' 81 78 39 72 39 88 »7 Browns- ;... 6 0 • 2 16 *3 79 13 7l' 3' 72 30 67 44 BrodheVd 43 16 1 24 3' 73 73 162 49 126 •»5 ,'05 48 Powers i 12 7 5 7 6 i 1 tl 48 32 37 • 37 38 40 Pine Hill : .... 5 i 7 7 I2 2 42 43 66 3i 49 30 57 Total L I93 126 122 3S2 72. 818 470 1124 599 959 59i i003 67G Plurality L I93 180 348 S25 t68 3* 67G Premiums Awarded At Mt. Vernon Fair FARM. PRODUCTS On wheat, George Wiederhold 1st, T. B. Lair, 2nd, White corn H...C. Jonesnnd Jarvis Noe. Yel- low corn, B. Burdett, Jarvis Noe. Oats, E -B. Brown, Geo. Wieder- hold.. Bye, W. G. Bysinger. Green Beans, Luther Cummins, C. •T. Sigman. Sweet potatoes, An- na Shumate. Farmer Belton. Ir- ish potatoes, Burgess Hvsinger, R. W, Henderson Onions, G. T. .Sigmon, Anna' Shumate. Tur nips, Sam McCjure. Jas. Arnold. Tomatoes, B: P. Bridley, Sam McCinre; beets. D. , H.- Talent, Mrs. Cash Hint; dried apples, Jarvis Noe, Mrs. Bostic; cucum- bers, Sidney. McClure, Harriat Burdett; cabbage, Drew: Harper, , Burgess Hysinger: butter beans, Bernard Franklin; mango peppers Martbd-Jones. Mrs. Cash Hiatt;' apples,' Jesse pish, Onie Silvers; 1"caches', Tom'Price, Golden Jones white'jjjrapes, Martha Jonea, Alice Xear; black grapes, . Mrs. C. C Davis,;>Mrs. Koy Beazley; cante- loupejjarvjs, Noe. D. H.Talent; jatnpkjn. I^Utber Cumpins,.Alice* Simpson; squash, Jip Arnold, Sidney McCliirf; tobacco, , H.-C jonelj Golden Jones; broom cort G. M-. Sigmpji, C. .T.' Sigmon •» ugapcune, Milton : iloore, fi. B Tayklr; *Ulet, J. W. Psraons, bold, Gus Staverson. Cakes, Jellies etc. White cake, Lula McCoy. Vulus Dowel; clover, Geo. Weider- B. vVatson.'Lucy Banks; door rug Grace B." Watson, Lucv Banks, home knit yarn sQfks, Grace 0 Watson, Mrs.'Lizzie Sigulon;bome knit gentleman's glomes, Berry Hopkins, Luoy Banks; ladies gloves, Georgia Miller, J; W. Par- sons; table cloth, Mrs. Sadie Moore,- Mrs. S. H. Martin; silk embroidery, Grace B. Watson, Lucy Banks; cotton embroidery, Mrs. J.W. Mcllquham, Josie-Per- ch ul; siis quilt. Mrs. G. D.Sutton Mary Doan; crochet cotton, Mrs. Claud Griffin, Mrs. C. D. Sutton; drawn worijj' May Mullins, Mrs. 6. H. Martin; battenburg, Grace B. WatBon;J pin cushion, Mrs: J." W. Mcllquham, Grace B.Watson; sofa pillow,!Mrs. C. C. Adams, Sadie Moori; chair cushion, Sadie Moore, Grade B. Watson; cut Sowers, Laij'gdon School; cake of butter, W. T. Hysinger, Judith Thompson;? sweet pickles, M Ella Franklin: best cake, any kind, Lula McCoy; marble cake, Judith Thompson, Louise Hysinger; co- coanut cake, Bell Lear, Judith Thompson; "marshmellow cake, Mrs. G S. Biatt, Carrie Hysing- er; chocolate cake, Mrs. G. S. Hiatt; old fashioned corn pone, Mrs. G. M. Ballard, Glatha Hiatt, Alias "Slsto Hiptto." biscuit, Mol- lie Langford, Judith Thompson; salt rising bread, Josie Perclful, -Ella Franklin; yeast bread?,Mrs. Gus Staverson; peach preserves Mrs: John Crawford, Mrs J. W. Mcllquham; pear preserves, Anna Shumate, Bell Lear; tomato pre- serves, Ella Franklin; apple pre- serves, Judith Thompson, Myrtle Shumate; quince preserves, Mrs. John Cnnjmlfi, Clyde Mullins; cherry preserves, Myrtle bhumate Virginia! Crawford; strawberry preserves, Ella Franklin, Judith Thompson; apple jelly, Rosie iTay- lor, Mrs. J, W. Mcllquham; grape jelly, Miss Joe Davis, Judith Thompson; plum jelly, Anna Shu mate, R. W." Henderson; peach jelly, BettieJPereons. Bfll Lear.. Quitis and Fancy Work etc. Calico quiW; Georgta.MUler, An- k McKenzie^'Calico oomfort, Mra A; Landrotn; home made cover. __t, Locy.'^anks: cottnternane. Mrs. Tyre® Speciol premium by Original Story, Sadie -Parsons, Vernon Cox. STQCK V Mare mule, uiider one year, Burgess Hysinger L.t. John De- Bord 2nd; mire mule over one and under two,Gus Staverson; mare mule over two and under three, Wm. Arnold, Alfred Ower^s of Garrand; mare mule any fc§e. Harrison Mink, Walter ' Gillian); best horse mule under* one year (Old, Joe Norton, W. C. Burdett; ! hor<e mule over one and under two, Tack Hysinger; , horse mule over i\io and under three, Wm.: Arnold, Sam S. "Purcell; .horse mule any age, Wm. Arnold, John Burdett; best mnle. regardless of age or sex, sweepstakes. Hayrison Mink, Walter Gilliam; three gaited saddle ring, Roy Beazley, Russel Niceley; Special Rockcastle Rings best,saddle mare or gelding/E R Gentry, C T. Sigmon; sadd'e stallion any age, Roy Beazley, Chint Lear; harness mare or geld- ing any, R. S. Jett, E. R Gentry; hirness mare or gelding, any age, Jett, E. R. Gentry; harness stallion, C T. Sigmou; mode! horse regardless of age or sex, J. J. Noe, Roy Beazley; combioed mare or gelding, Special by E.R. Gentry, R. S. Jett; brood mare and family of thiee .colts by her side. Special by P. L, .Durham, Jack Hysinger, ,W. C. Burdett; best suckling colt by Fire Chief special premium by C. A. Davis, G. Fish, Nancy Rucker. RACES 1st Day Trotting Charles Lyle of Madison- J. M. Lownn of Madison i C.|L. Dudder of Lincoln. 3rd. RUNNING Race, Rockcastle coanty plug horses; W. T. Sow- der, S. B. McKenziJ?; mule race, Jae Fletcher, \J[. J. McCracken ot Laurel. " . Second Day Best bull call under one year old, J. W. Nortou, C. T. Sigmon; bull calf over One and under two Gus. Staverson, Jarv Noe; bull calf any age, J . W. Hilton, C. T. Sigmon; heifer calf under 1 year Robt Fish, Jim Arnofd; heifer call over one and under two, Robert Fish, Jim Noe; best cow, any 4ge Gus Staverson, Jim Arnold; mare colt, under one year old, C T. Sig- mon, H. G. Jones; mare colt over one and under two, J. B. Liveaay; colt Over two and under 3, E. C. Lane of Madison; mare any age, E, C. Laie, R S. Jett; brood- ibare rnd suckling colt at side, Burgess Hysinger, C. T. Sigmon; horse colt under one year B. Livesay, Henry Mink; horse colt over one and'uuder two, Special premium by Louisville Retail Merchants Association, C. T. Sigmon; horse colt over two and under three., Roy Beazley, Morgan Helton; best' horse, any age, K- 0. Lane, R. S. Beazlev, model horse, regardless of age or sex, P. B. Evans, of Laurel, E. C. Laue; combined horse, regardless of age or sex, P. B. lEvans, T. B. Dunn, ot Boyle; running walker. ardloss of age or sex, Chint Lear, R. S. Jett; team of horses or mules, Thomas J\ Mink, Will Langford,- R"ACES Trotting, C; T. Finley, of Ten- nessee, ist. Rogers, of Knoxville, 2nd. Lowen ot ——3rd; green county trotting race, S.B.McKen- zie, C. T, Sigmon; mule, race, Gils Staverson, W. J. McCracken. THIRD DAY . • Harness mare, or gelding .any' age. Special premium by Dr. M. Pennington, P. B. Evans, - C. T.- Sandidge of Lincoln: harness stal- lion any age, C. L- Duddar, of Lincoln, E. 0. Labe; harness horse regardless of age or ..sex, sweep John Crawford, 1st and 2nd; dis- play of canned fruit, Langdon School; cucumber plckleS, Margie Parsons, MSry Burton.. ' \. Maps, Etfr By Rockcas tip pu- pils. Special PremiunKby Woman's Clt\b. Product map/- tJnited States. Ella. Mac G<iffey; set 'of slx tnaps, Blla Mae CjoSey; map of Kentucky Willie Coffey; "best composition, Cecelli ^ilton; best set of Letter* business fid social^ Nannie Tay- lo«sl:Ffou|k>p, botes, Reiia Sow- stakes, Special by C. C. Davis, C.. L. Dudder, P. B. Evana, best Jer- sey cow,' Ramey Rjchards; pony and rig shown in harness and qa- der saddle, Special premium. Betu- ly,Sparks riding for , I W. rabOrchard, litjleRoberts ddle mare or gelding &ny ^je, C. seiid for list of 7,- Sandidie, $.*B. Bnop; - i 1ll6n,' any "ifa Special pfemiffm E. S, Albright, C. L. Dudder C. LM^s»d41e ;hone; [ess of ag;?«-ae^, Oi; L : r,.B. tsl ;|^req]|ntn D^/|pe.. Bought To Advise TKat We Have FOR CASH At a Discount Much Below Cost, A Great Lot of Merchandise consisting of Men's and Boy's Suits, Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Slippers, Dry Goods, Ladies', Misses and Childrens House Dresses, &c. &c. And We Have Added Thereto Volumns of Mer- chandise Of Our«Own, it being our intention to make this by far the Greatest Selling Event in the History of the Trade. Prices will be named that will make new Low Records, and no Live Money Saver can afford to miss this opportunity. OUR STORE WILL BE Brim Full of Bargains EVERYTHING SOLJ) AT A SACRIFICE It would take this entire paper, were we to name . item we have to offer you, s^ we must content selves by saying, " COMEl AJS^D SEE." Don't Fail to see Our BigjStock.of Qothing—iiew and up-to-date—at nearly One-half Priee. SHOES and SLIPPERS at Less than Cost to mafeeyp. Carpets and Matting—Bruggets and Rugs—for less. Our Motto* "SELL IT FOR LE$S p MT. VERNON HI KENTUCKY BAKER'S Lane, C T. Sigmon; RACES: 1 thing but electlon-lring.—Chas. Trotting, Fay Willferson, Jesse Rogers and C. L. Dudder; Bicycle •, Ralph. Griffin 1st, Hester Parsons and, and- Julian M,iller 3rd. Mule race, Joe Fletcher, Cecil Wiederhold. $i00 REWARD fiOO The readers will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease That science hns able to cure in all its stages that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cure is taken internally fecting directly upon the blood and muaous surfaces of the sys- tem, thereby destrcjylng the foundation of the dbease, and giving the patient strength by SHOWS uilding up the constitution and doing ting have so faith its powers they offer ndred DoH: fails Address: E. '"•P'oving.—Mrs..C. M. !" brother. Edd Jones • ' ——— — v pan of l<8t week with reli LEVEL HBEEN. Chandler is very sick with fever. Mrs. W- H. Brown ind two lit- tle da4Khters, Bernice»and. Rufb, who- have been hure far three weeks; will return to tbeir home at W. McAIister, Okla., Saturday, j been very sick for two weeks, Misses Ola and Kate DeBord | shows but very little sign of im- were visiting relative at Catron, provement His condltiAn la, ser,' netfs Chapel, .last' Wednesday . evening.— W. E;.'Hasty is 1 offer- ing very much With milaria. — W, M, bnyder returned last week fvom a few days' -visit at Corbin. Earnest Cummins, who hai Ry., a part of lest week.— Mrtf.G. C- Price and little daughter, Sal- lie, of Judson, Ind., are here.for a months' visit with relatives and friends.—Mrs. J.M, Broyles, who got her leg broken about five ago, is getting along nicely and will soon be able tp be taken to her" heme at Plato —A much- needed raip fell here Tuesday af- ternoon. Corn' in .general Was practically burning up, —. W. J. Browu was 'down from Crab Or- chard, Sunday, and spent,the dsy with bis father and mother, Mr. and-Mr*T^ H. Browu.—Arthur Sweeney, who has been in the west 'for twenty yfears, and for • _ >.v WM not heard of, i« oow atthe home of; his unde, Dr. G. B. Lawrenae, at th.U place.-r Mrs! Mary; E. Curley Is-slowly | spent | pan of l£st week ffelenoe ... Misa' Alma Bortoo, daughter Mr. and Mr*.. M. E. Bwton I s " ious. — R. H, Brown attended Brodhead Pair, .Wednesday.— Mrs". May Niceley, Bits, W. H. ' Brown and children .spent Monday with tbeir a n t Mrs. Hattte Mc- Quary at Plato. Miss Grace Thompson, and brother, Rnssell. ; of Kinja Mt., are spending a few j days with their aunt, Mrs. Mattie . E. Price.—There will be services at Friendship uext Saturday and Sunday,' co,.uucte.-l by George Darger, of W..11.I .KJC.—Mrs. M. B."Price it „ Hble( daughter, Joyce, returned Wednesday, fiom afiwdays riay w.lh her daughter,: Mrs. P. 1. M11 Una.. -i xooa Coo<;'a OAK BX STOPPBU. '• Using Care o avoid dranghu. tx> • »udde» chaages, and tatf New Discovery Tjlt lieve .and in vouof your. dose soothe* cough. t0R#6. Published Every Friday Established 1887 i VOLUME XXVfll.

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Men's & oys' BSuits YG-y C A N S A V E 50 °/o We find we have en-tirely too much cloth-ing at this season so we are making great sacrifices in order to

move stock quickly.

$20.00 values at 18.00 values at 16.50 values 15.00 values, Plaids 12-50 values 10.00 values

$4.00 12.50 I 1.50 10.00 8.50 7.50

Boy's Suits from $1 to $7.50

' \ Every Suit Guaranteed

S u t t o n & MeBee Official Vote in Rockcastle in the District and County Races:

Common Circuit . wealtl|Atty CourtCl'rk

- - - ;Pr.ecinct. | i "I 1 3 2 if 1 .2

£ < X Q J a j s5 BJ u • >"3 ' ht Z . ' O East Mt Vernon g 6 4 *5 18 28 156 34 152 33 120 GG West Mt. Vernon 8" 6 12 74 l& 81 35 132 6 3 I 10 6q 89 96 Round stone . . .. 9 20 17 65 7 07 3 ' 105 74 87 80 86 75 Scaffold (JaneT. 2 26 16 1 74 8 78 51 06 5i 63 64 Crooked Creek 13 to 16 2I 1 65 60 99 . 44 ' 9 '38 93 37 Oilando IS i5" 9 2g 5 «S 10 42 61 85 58 31 7« Livingstoii • i4 23 i5 29 * •J 41 139 84 74 •75 1O6 70 Walnu t Grove 4 6 8 i4 3' 81 78 39 72 3 9 88 »7 Browns- ; . . . 6 0 • 2 16 *3 79 13 7l' 3 ' 72 30 67 44 BrodheVd 43 16 1 24 3' 73 73 162 49 126 •»5 , '05 48 Powers i 12 7 5 7 6 i 1 t l 48 32 37 • 37 38 40 Pine Hill : . . . . 5 i 7 7 I2

2 42 43 66 3i 49 30 57

Total L I93 126 122 3S2 72. 818 470 1124 599 959 59i i003 67G Plurality

L I93 180 348 S25 t68 3*


Premiums Awarded At Mt. Vernon


FARM. PRODUCTS On wheat, George Wiederhold

1st, T. B. Lair, 2nd, White corn H...C. Jonesnnd Jarvis Noe. Yel-low corn, B. Burdett, Jarvis Noe. Oats, E -B. Brown, Geo. Wieder-hold.. Bye, W. G. Bysinger. Green Beans, Luther Cummins, C. •T. Sigman. Sweet potatoes, An-na Shumate. Farmer Belton. Ir-ish potatoes, Burgess Hvsinger, R. W, Henderson Onions, G. T. .Sigmon, Anna' Shumate. Tur nips, Sam McCjure. Jas. Arnold. Tomatoes, B: P. Bridley, Sam McCinre; beets. D. , H.- Talent, Mrs. Cash Hint; dried apples, Jarvis Noe, Mrs. Bostic; cucum-bers, Sidney. McClure, Harriat Burdett; cabbage, Drew: Harper,

, Burgess Hysinger: butter beans, Bernard Franklin; mango peppers Martbd-Jones. Mrs. Cash Hiatt;' apples,' Jesse pish, Onie Silvers; 1"caches', Tom'Price, Golden Jones white'jjjrapes, Martha Jonea, Alice Xear; black grapes, . Mrs. C. C Davis,;>Mrs. Koy Beazley; cante-loupejjarvjs, Noe. D. H.Talent; jatnpkjn. I^Utber Cumpins,.Alice* Simpson; squash, J i p Arnold, Sidney McCliirf; tobacco, , H.-C jonelj Golden Jones; broom cort G. M-. Sigmpji, C. .T.' Sigmon

•» ugapcune, Milton : iloore, fi. B Tayklr; *Ulet, J . W. Psraons,

bold, Gus Staverson.

Cakes, Jellies etc. White cake, Lula McCoy.

Vulus Dowel; clover, Geo. Weider- B. vVatson.'Lucy Banks; door rug Grace B." Watson, Lucv Banks, home knit yarn sQfks, Grace 0 Watson, Mrs.'Lizzie Sigulon;bome knit gentleman's glomes, Berry Hopkins, Luoy Banks; ladies gloves, Georgia Miller, J; W. Par-sons; table cloth, Mrs. Sadie Moore,- Mrs. S. H. Martin; silk embroidery, Grace B. Watson, Lucy Banks; cotton embroidery, Mrs. J.W. Mcllquham, Josie-Per-ch ul; siis quilt. Mrs. G. D.Sutton Mary Doan; crochet cotton, Mrs. Claud Griffin, Mrs. C. D. Sutton; drawn worijj' May Mullins, Mrs. 6 . H. Martin; battenburg, Grace B. WatBon;J pin cushion, Mrs: J." W. Mcllquham, Grace B.Watson; sofa pillow,!Mrs. C. C. Adams, Sadie Moori; chair cushion, Sadie Moore, Grade B. Watson; cut Sowers, Laij'gdon School; cake of butter, W. T . Hysinger, Judith Thompson;? sweet pickles, M

Ella Franklin: best cake, any kind, Lula McCoy; marble cake, Judith Thompson, Louise Hysinger; co-coanut cake, Bell Lear, Judith Thompson; "marshmellow cake, Mrs. G S. Biatt, Carrie Hysing-er; chocolate cake, Mrs. G. S. Hiatt; old fashioned corn pone, Mrs. G. M. Ballard, Glatha Hiatt, Alias "Slsto Hiptto." biscuit, Mol-lie Langford, Judith Thompson; salt rising bread, Josie Perclful, -Ella Franklin; yeast bread?,Mrs. Gus Staverson; peach preserves Mrs: John Crawford, Mrs J. W. Mcllquham; pear preserves, Anna Shumate, Bell Lear; tomato pre-serves, Ella Franklin; apple pre-serves, Judith Thompson, Myrtle Shumate; quince preserves, Mrs. John Cnnjmlfi, Clyde Mullins; cherry preserves, Myrtle bhumate Virginia! Crawford; strawberry preserves, Ella Franklin, Judith Thompson; apple jelly, Rosie iTay-lor, Mrs. J , W. Mcllquham; grape jelly, Miss Joe Davis, Judith Thompson; plum jelly, Anna Shu mate, R. W." Henderson; peach jelly, BettieJPereons. Bfll Lear..

Quitis and Fancy Work etc. Calico quiW; Georgta.MUler, An-k McKenzie^'Calico oomfort, Mra A; Landrotn; home made cover.

__t, Locy.'^anks: cottnternane. Mrs. Tyre®

Speciol premium by Original Story, Sadie -Parsons,

Vernon Cox. STQCK V

Mare mule, uiider one year, Burgess Hysinger L.t. John De-Bord 2nd; mire mule over one and under two,Gus Staverson; mare mule over two and under three, Wm. Arnold, • Alfred Ower^s of Garrand; mare mule any fc§e. Harrison Mink, Walter ' Gillian); best horse mule under* one year

(Old, Joe Norton, W. C. Burdett; ! hor<e mule over one and under two, Tack Hysinger; , horse mule over i\io and under three, Wm.: Arnold, Sam S. "Purcell; .horse mule any age, Wm. Arnold, John Burdett; best mnle. regardless of age or sex, sweepstakes. Hayrison Mink, Walter Gilliam; three gaited saddle ring, Roy Beazley, Russel Niceley; Special Rockcastle Rings best,saddle mare or gelding/E R Gentry, C T. Sigmon; sadd'e stallion any age, Roy Beazley, Chint Lear; harness mare or geld-ing any, R. S. Jett, E. R Gentry; hirness mare or gelding, any age,

Jett, E. R. Gentry; harness stallion, C T. Sigmou; mode! horse regardless of age or sex, J. J . Noe, Roy Beazley; combioed mare or gelding, Special by E.R. Gentry, R. S. Jett; brood mare and family of thiee .colts by her side. Special by P. L, .Durham, Jack Hysinger, ,W. C. Burdett; best suckling colt by Fire Chief special premium by C. A. Davis,

G. Fish, Nancy Rucker. RACES 1st Day Trotting

Charles Lyle of Madison-J. M. Lownn of Madison i C.|L. Dudder of Lincoln. 3rd.

RUNNING Race, Rockcastle coanty plug horses; W. T. Sow-der, S. B. McKenziJ?; mule race, Jae Fletcher, \J[. J. McCracken ot Laurel. " .

Second Day Best bull call under one year

old, J. W. Nortou, C. T. Sigmon; bull calf over One and under two Gus. Staverson, Jarv Noe; bull calf any age, J . W. Hilton, C. T. Sigmon; heifer calf under 1 year Robt Fish, Jim Arnofd; heifer call over one and under two, Robert Fish, Jim Noe; best cow, any 4ge Gus Staverson, Jim Arnold; mare colt, under one year old, C T. Sig-mon, H. G. Jones; mare colt over one and under two, J. B. Liveaay;

colt Over two and under 3, E. C. Lane of Madison; mare any age, E, C. Laie, R S. Jett; brood- ibare rnd suckling colt at

side, Burgess Hysinger, C. T. Sigmon; horse colt under one year

B. Livesay, Henry Mink; horse colt over one and'uuder two, Special premium by Louisville Retail Merchants Association, C. T. Sigmon; horse colt over two and under three., Roy Beazley, Morgan Helton; best' horse, any age, K- 0. Lane, R. S. Beazlev, model horse, regardless of age or sex, P. B. Evans, of Laurel, E. C. Laue; combined horse, regardless of age or sex, P. B. lEvans, T. B. Dunn, ot Boyle; running walker.

ardloss of age or sex, Chint Lear, R. S. Jett; team of horses or mules, Thomas J\ Mink, Will Langford,- R"ACES

Trotting, C; T. Finley, of Ten-nessee, ist. Rogers, of Knoxville, 2nd. Lowen ot ——3rd; green county trotting race, S.B.McKen-zie, C. T, Sigmon; mule, race, Gils Staverson, W. J. McCracken.

THIRD DAY . • Harness mare, or gelding .any'

age. Special premium by Dr. M. Pennington, P. B. Evans, - C. T.-Sandidge of Lincoln: harness stal-lion any age, C. L- Duddar, of Lincoln, E. 0. Labe; harness horse regardless of age or ..sex, sweep

John Crawford, 1st and 2nd; dis-play of canned fruit, Langdon School; cucumber plckleS, Margie Parsons, MSry Burton.. ' \.

Maps, Etfr By Rockcas tip pu-pils. Special PremiunKby

Woman's Clt\b. Product map/- tJnited States.

Ella. Mac G<iffey; set 'of slx tnaps, Blla Mae CjoSey; map of Kentucky Willie Coffey; "best composition, Cecelli ^ i l ton ; best set of Letter* business f i d social Nannie Tay-lo«sl:Ffou|k>p, botes, Reiia Sow-

stakes, Special by C. C. Davis, C.. L. Dudder, P. B. Evana, best Jer-sey cow,' Ramey Rjchards; pony and rig shown in harness and qa-der saddle, Special premium. Betu-ly,Sparks riding for , I W.

rabOrchard, litjleRoberts ddle mare or gelding &ny ^je, C. seiid for list of

7,- Sandidie, $.*B. Bnop; -i1ll6n,' any "ifa Special pfemiffm

E. S, Albright, C. L. Dudder C. LM^s»d41e ;hone ; r»

[ess of ag;?«-ae^, Oi; L : r,.B. tsl ;|^req]|ntn D^/|pe..

Bought To Advise TKat We Have

FOR C A S H At a Discount Much Below Cost,

A Great Lot of Merchandise consisting of Men's and Boy's Suits, Men's, Women's and Children's

Shoes and Slippers, Dry Goods, Ladies', Misses and Childrens House Dresses, &c. &c.

And We Have Added Thereto Volumns of Mer-chandise Of Our«Own, it being our intention to make this by far the Greatest Selling Event in the History of the Trade. Prices will be named that will make new Low Records, and no Live Money Saver can afford to miss this opportunity.



It would take this entire paper, were we to name . item we have to offer you, s^ we must content

selves by saying, " COMEl AJS D SEE." Don't Fail to see Our BigjStock.of Qothing—iiew

and up-to-date—at nearly One-half Priee. SHOES and SLIPPERS at Less than Cost

• to mafeeyp. Carpets and Matting—Bruggets and Rugs—for less.

Our Motto* " S E L L I T F O R L E $ S

p MT. VERNON HI KENTUCKY BAKER'S Lane, C T. Sigmon; RACES: 1 thing but electlon-lring.—Chas.

Trotting, Fay Willferson, Jesse Rogers and C. L. Dudder; Bicycle

•, Ralph. Griffin 1st, Hester Parsons and, and- Julian M,iller 3rd. Mule race, Joe Fletcher, Cecil Wiederhold.

$i00 REWARD fiOO The readers will be pleased to

learn that there is at least one dreaded disease That science hns

able to cure in all its stages that is Catarrh. Hall's

Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's

Cure is taken internally fecting directly upon the blood and muaous surfaces of the sys-tem, thereby destrcjylng the foundation of the dbease, and giving the patient strength by SHOWS uilding up the constitution and

doing ting have so

faith its powers they offer ndred DoH:


Address: E.

'"•P'oving.—Mrs..C. M. !" brother. Edd Jones • ' — — — — v pan of l<8t week with reli


Chandler is very sick with fever. Mrs. W- H. Brown ind two lit-

tle da4Khters, Bernice»and. Rufb, who- have been hure far three weeks; will return to tbeir home at W. McAIister, Okla., Saturday, j been very sick for two weeks,

Misses Ola and Kate DeBord | shows but very little sign of im-were visiting relative at Catron, provement His condltiAn la, ser,'

netfs Chapel, . las t ' Wednesday . evening.— W. E;.'Hasty is 1 offer-ing very much With milaria. — W, M, bnyder returned last week fvom a few days' -visit at Corbin. — Earnest Cummins, who hai

Ry., a part of lest week.— Mrtf.G. C- Price and little daughter, Sal-lie, of Judson, Ind., are here.for a months' visit with relatives and friends.—Mrs. J.M, Broyles, who got her leg broken about five

ago, is getting along nicely and will soon be able tp be taken to her" heme at Plato —A much-needed raip fell here Tuesday af-ternoon. Corn' in .general Was practically burning up, —. W. J. Browu was 'down from Crab Or-chard, Sunday, and spent,the dsy with bis father and mother, Mr. and-Mr*T^ H. Browu.—Arthur Sweeney, who has been in the west 'for twenty yfears, and for

• _ >.v WM not heard of, i« oow atthe home of; his unde, Dr. G. B. Lawrenae, at th.U place.-r Mrs! Mary; E. Curley Is-slowly

| spent | pan of l£st week ffelenoe . . .

Misa' Alma Bortoo, daughter Mr. and Mr*.. M. E. Bwton I s "

ious. — R. H, Brown attended Brodhead Pair, .Wednesday.— Mrs". May Niceley, Bits, W. H. ' Brown and children .spent Monday with tbeir a n t Mrs. Hattte Mc-Quary at Plato. — Miss Grace Thompson, and brother, Rnssell. ; of Kinja Mt., are spending a few j days with their aunt, Mrs. Mattie . E. Price.—There will be services at Friendship uext Saturday and Sunday,' co,.uucte.-l by George Darger, of W..11.I .KJC.—Mrs. M. B."Price it „ Hble( daughter, Joyce, returned Wednesday, fiom af iwdays riay w.lh her daughter,: Mrs. P. 1. M11 Una.. -i

xooa Coo<;'a OAK BX STOPPBU. '• Using Care o avoid dranghu. tx> •

»udde» chaages, and tatf

New Discovery Tjlt r» lieve .and in vouof your. dose soothe*



Published Every Friday

Established 1887