volume 85, number 11 november 2013club.scyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/web-version5.pdf · anna...

November 2013 Volume 85, Number 11 Scholastic Sailing ! Our high school CFJ sailors have been busy! We started August off with well-attended Saturday practices, in advance of the official beginning of our fall season. On average we had six boats sailing out of the Harbor. Early September, four SCYC teams entered the West Marine Fun Regatta, nabbing the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th place spots! We’ve got some amazing kids in our program! In late September we participated in Nor Cal Regattas 1 & 2 in Stockton. A record twenty kids from SCYC sailed and camped out that weekend! For the first time, all five double trailers were put into service to haul boats and, thankfully, we had more than enough parents in cars and trucks able to tow. We had a warm, wonderful weekend enjoying the hospitality of the Stockton Sailing Club. Following Stockton, we had a workday where much was accomplished. Paul Tara made a list and coach Michael Scott and the sailors completed most of it. The biggest step forward was returning the boats to their berth on F Dock now that the rebuilding project has been completed. Sep- tember 19-20, we participated in the Pumpkin Regatta (Nor Cals 3 & 4) at Encinal YC in Alameda, with fifteen sailors participating over the two days. (For a peek at the scene on the line, look at Sailing Anarchy’s 10/22 photo post.) We’ve started a new mid-week ‘Video Analysis Evening’ where Coach Michael Scott brings videos from practices and regattas, as well as off the web, and with the sailors, talks tactics over pizza. Coming up on October 26 th , we’ll be sailing at the Fall Stevenson Regatta at MPYC in Monterey.

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Page 1: Volume 85, Number 11 November 2013club.scyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Web-Version5.pdf · Anna Shelton, Marina Herrera-Pease, Alyssa Meyer, Brady Loe, Devin Willis, Max Kuempel,

November 2013Volume 85, Number 11

Scholastic Sailing ! Our high school CFJ sailors have been busy! We started August off with well-attended Saturday practices, in advance of the official beginning of our fall season. On average we had six boats sailing out of the Harbor. Early September, four SCYC teams entered the West Marine Fun Regatta, nabbing the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place spots! We’ve got some amazing kids in our program! In late September we participated in Nor Cal Regattas 1 & 2 in Stockton. A record twenty kids from SCYC sailed and camped out that weekend! For the first time, all five double trailers were put into service to haul boats and, thankfully, we had more than enough parents in cars and trucks able to tow. We had a warm, wonderful weekend enjoying the hospitality of the Stockton Sailing Club. Following Stockton, we

had a workday where much was accomplished. Paul Tara made a list and coach Michael Scott and the sailors completed most of it. The biggest step forward was returning the boats to their berth on F Dock now that the rebuilding project has been completed. Sep-tember 19-20, we participated in the Pumpkin Regatta (Nor Cals 3 & 4) at Encinal YC in Alameda, with fifteen sailors participating over the two days. (For a peek at the scene on the line, look at Sailing Anarchy’s 10/22 photo post.) We’ve started a new mid-week ‘Video Analysis Evening’ where Coach Michael Scott brings videos from practices and regattas, as well as off the web, and with the sailors, talks tactics over pizza. Coming up on October 26th, we’ll be sailing at the Fall Stevenson Regatta at MPYC in Monterey.

Page 2: Volume 85, Number 11 November 2013club.scyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Web-Version5.pdf · Anna Shelton, Marina Herrera-Pease, Alyssa Meyer, Brady Loe, Devin Willis, Max Kuempel,


November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

While a relatively low-key event (compared to the 60 boat Nor Cal fleets), this is the defacto semi-annual Monterey Bay high school championship. Wish us wind and luck!

Andrea MillerScholastic Director

New Pinto Lake Junior Sailors from left to right:Anna Shelton, Marina Herrera-Pease, Alyssa Meyer, Brady Loe, Devin Willis, Max Kuempel, Justin Gre-

atorex, Jeremy Greatorex, Ronan McKee, with Commodore Rob Schuyler missing was Kyra Phelan


So far, I am very pleased with how the year has progressed. The Annual General Mem-bership meeting is coming up November 3 and the current state of our club is excellent. This year we have maintained a tight budget to determine our financial base line of operation. We have signifi-cantly reduced our spending and at the same time increased our revenue. We have also secured a new mortgage with excellent terms for our club remodel. Financially we are on solid ground. I am feeling confident about moving forward in the years to come. Even more impressive has been the increased use of our club by our members. Using the club is the most powerful way to keep our club healthy and strong. Our membership numbers are higher than they have been in a decade. We have many new members and we are retaining our cur-rent members. It has also been absolutely wonder-ful having the new group of young Corinthians sailing and enjoying the club with us. A couple of weeks ago, a group of Corin-thians were dancing in the club after a Corinthian Friday Sunset Sail. It was delightful watching the young ladies turn on the music and start coaxing people out on the floor to dance. Speaking of the Friday Sunset Sails, I want to highlight another volunteer making sig-

nificant contribu-tions to our club. EvanDiola has created an op-portunity for folks to go out to sail every Friday eve-ning the last few months. It started out for Corinthi-ans but everyone started showing up to join the fun. In addition to or-ganizing the Fri-day Sunset Sails, For years Evan , has been teaching many new mem-

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

bers to sail. He donates his time to take out sailors with special needs. He is the coxswain for the club Lasers. Also, he raced in the Veeder Cup and has been crew on many race boats. Thank you, Evan, for sharing yourself with us. Volunteering is a great way to get to know each other. Working together is also a lot of fun. I have come to believe that the more you put into the club, the more you get out of it. I wasn’t so sure of this when I signed up for Commodore but it has been a wonderful experi-ence getting to know so many of you. De and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with everyone and plan on continuing to volunteer long after our time in office is over. We look forward to seeing you at the club.

Rob SchuylerCommodore


The holiday season is here and with it comes an array of events, activities, social engagements, not to mention shopping, decorating, and lots of eating. GregandJennifer will continue to keep us informed and up to date with club activities through flyers, phone calls, email blasts and the “word of mouth”. Speaking about communications, check out our updated website and let us know how it is working for you. JohnMizellandKevinSmithhave done a remarkable job with the restructuring of our site. Thank you both for all of the countless hours and endless energy required in handling this major task.

It is always important to correctly identify indi-viduals, especially in writing a published article. I want

to apologize for misspelling the name of one of our club’s active and accomplished sailors and a dedicated volunteer. MagdalenaNaef,please accept my apol-ogy. You and your husband; Beat,continue to provide valuable contributions to our club and the world of sailing.

We would like to thank CarlRuhne for his donated woodwork on the Tram Donors Recogni-tion plaque that will soon be placed on the wall. The plaque, that lists all of the club members who donated money to our Tram Project, can be updated any time a new donation is received. Once again, thank you to everyone who has donated money and/or valuable time, services, and support towards this addition to our club. This month’s house projects include research-ing new electric heaters for our upper deck, removing an oak tree limb that continues to present both a safety concern and nuisance over our upper deck, and hoist maintenance. In addition, we will be jumping on board with our Lighted Boat Parade (LBP) theme of “Holi-days’ CircleofLights” with decorating Onward, the Tram, and our club house. Commodore Rob Schuyler is asking our neighbors whose homes face our Har-bor to also decorate their homes to help set the stage for this year’s LBP on Saturday, December 7th, rain or shine. We are hoping that you will also join in by promoting the event, decorating your boat, entering the parade, and/or attending the event. We held our last Finance Committee meeting for this year and we appear to be on very solid grounds at this time. We discussed priorities for spending, should we have any reserve at the close of our books in January. These recommendations will be highlight-ed at our AGM on Sunday, November 3rd @ 4:00 and forwarded to our new 2014 Board for implementation once we have actuals. We appreciate the tremendous

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

efforts by the committee members of TomWebster,JohnKohler,LouPambianco,DaveEmberson,and ourchairperson,RicDiola.This is Ric’slast term as chairperson and we cannot thank him enough for all that he has provided to the club through these past years. I look forward to seeing you at some of the multitude of up and coming club activities. Our Cor-inthians are hard at work preparing for their Prime Rib dinner and raffle to be held on Saturday, November 2. I would also like to ask those of you who have spon-sored new members to consider join us for the New Members Dinner on Sunday, November 17th As the year draws to a close I want to again thank our House committee chairs, KellyNesheimandBrianPiazza for all their work for the club. I know that it is sometimes a thankless job and one that is not often recognized yet critical to keeping things going. Happy Holidays and I will see you all around the club, on the water, or in the yard.

Barry WhittallVice Commodore

RearCommodore’sReport:A Little Behind in my Work

It’s been a busy month, with much more to come as the Holidays loom ever closer. Look-ing back, this year’s sold out Lobster Feed on Oc-tober 12 was quite a success, thanks to the efforts of many. I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to “Team Crustacean”, including HomerLighthall and RickLinkemyer for cooking more than 90 lobsters, to DominicMarietti for excellent work in the kitchen and for being the first to arrive and nearly the last to leave, to KrisNorth and Team Andiamo (KatieWohlstetter,NancyLechner,

HeidiSpicer) for great salads and garlic bread, to SteveNiemann,MaryLarkin-Berlinski, and AngelaMad-den for lots of help in the kitchen and throughout the day (and evening), to BarryWhittall for washing so many dishes, and of course to our own GregHaws and Jen-niferWahl. Thanks again to you all! In the next few weeks, we have the Prime Rib dinner to look forward to on Saturday, November 2, the

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

Upcoming SCYC Events Calendar

Prime Rib DinnerNovember 2

AGMNovember 3

Regatta Appreciation DinnerNovember 9

Santana 22 Team RacingNovember 9

Winter Dinghy RegattaNovember 10

Staff Commodore DinnerNovember 14

Midwinters #1November 16

New Members DinnerNovember 17

Thanksgiving Themed DinnerNovember 24

Club ClosedNovember 28-29 & 12/1

Crab FeedNovember 30

New Members Dinner on Sunday November 17, and another crab feed on Saturday November 30. Please get your reservations in early! As always, volunteers to help out on these events are very welcome. Looking farther ahead, work continues on our New Year’s dinner party, so I am looking for anyone interested in helping to make this a fun and successful evening. On a personal note, I was fortunate in being able to cruise the Chesapeake Bay for several weeks over this past month. It was a great trip with beautiful weather, delicious seafood, and the opportunity to hone my skip-pering skills. We enjoyed wonderful hospitality at the

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

Annapolis Yacht Club, as well as at the Tred Avon Yacht Club in Oxford, Maryland (where we estab-lished reciprocal privileges for anyone travelling to the Eastern Shore). The good ship Syren is safely tucked away for the winter in Annapolis, and I’m hoping to resume our slow cruise up the east coast next Spring. Although my sabbatical summer is coming to a close, I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to really get away. Again, thanks for the opportunity to serve as your RC. Come on down and enjoy our wonderful Club!

Don ConantRear Commodore

Rear Commodore Don Conant shown exchanging burgee with Tred Avon Yacht Club in Oxford, Maryland

AnnualGeneralMembershipMeetingSunday, November 3rd, 2013 at 4:00pm

Appetizers to follow!

2014SlateofOfficers Commodore Barry Whittall Vice Commodore Don Conant Rear Commodore Chuck Murray Treasurer Lou Pambianco Secretary Mary Larkin Director John Buchanan Jr.


Classic, award winning 1981 J-24, known as “Cookie Monster”

$6,000 includes sails, motor and trailer. Located SCYC Dry Storage Yard

Contact Diane Jones 910 420-2625.

Page 7: Volume 85, Number 11 November 2013club.scyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Web-Version5.pdf · Anna Shelton, Marina Herrera-Pease, Alyssa Meyer, Brady Loe, Devin Willis, Max Kuempel,


November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker


• Wet slip space is available to members and visiting guests of reciprocal Yacht Clubs.

• Guests may stay in the Yacht Club wet slips up to three nights at no charge (limited depth/length).

• Members and dry slip holders, who are registered to race, can leave their boats in the water the night before and the night of a posted SCYC race at no charge (Wednesday Night Races are included).

• Members and dry slip holders, who are not registered to race, will be charged the follow-ing rates (per day).

Rates: Summer Winter 4/1 - 10/31 11/1 - 3/31

Monday – Thursday $10.00 $8.00Friday – Sunday $16.00 $12.00


Our racing year is nearly over. It’s almost time for Midwinters and the days are growing shorter. This has been QUITE a year! Here are a few numbers you can use to impress your friends.

• We hosted 5 national championship regattas: Moore 24, Santa Cruz 27, Laser Full Rig, Laser Radial, and Wylie Wabbit

• We hosted the first ever Made In Santa Cruz Race Week

• Over 120 people pitched in to help run regattas, that’s over 25% of all our members.

• Our members spent over 90 days on the water running or preparing for regattas, that’s 25% of a year.

• In the middle of all that, we successfully held our Midwinter, One-Design and SCORE regat-tas along with the ever popular Commodore’s and Jack & Jill races.

Thank you, everyone, for all the hours of work, the loan of boats and gear, and for the endless good cheer as we plowed a bow wave through one of our busiest years. As we settle the 2014 racing calendar, under the guidance of the Board, we have reduced the major

events to just one: the 5O5 North American Champion-ships. If you’d like to show the 5O5 fleet what we did for the Flying Dutchmen in 2012 and five other fleets in 2013, come volunteer. The 5O5s will be here from May 21st to the 25th and we’ll need to “get the band back together”. There will be plenty of jobs ashore and afloat, and the 5O5 fleet is tremendously friendly. Just drop Beau a note at [email protected] and tell him “I’m in!” For all of you who worked so hard as members of the Race Committee Team we’d like you and your significant other to join us for a party of appreciation in your honor on November 9th at 6:30pm in our Club-house. Invitation list to follow. One final reminder this month on an important topic, please sail safely out there. Each year a few of our fellow sailors are injured or worse and this year was no exception. Check your gear, practice your rescues and emergency responses as a crew, and look out for not only your own sailors but all our fellow sailors out there. In the heat of competition it’s fun to push the limits, but things can and do get out of hand occasionally. Keep a weather eye out for your friends aboard your boat and aboard your friend’s boat and get

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

everyone back to bar with only tall tales to tell and no scars to prove it.

Beau VrolykRegatta Chairman


Kudos to the Santa Cruz Yacht Club for another successful Day on Monterey Bay Regatta. The 22nd an-nual benefit regatta on September 1st raised more than $49,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters. The sunny weather conditions were ideal for the 34 yachts in the reverse-start handicapped race around the buoys. Congratulations to John Buchanan and the crew on Enigma for winning the short course race, and to Bill Turpin and the crew on Rocket 88 for their win on the long course. Following the race, more than 300 people gath-ered in the cleared-out center of the dry storage yard, where everyone was treated to the live music of “Island Breeze”, a barbeque catered by Kiss Catering, a silent auction, and a raffle for donated goods and services. With such a high attendance, this is the biggest event of the year for the SCYC. In addition to large contingents from the Yacht Club and BBBS organizations, the event was supported by more than 100 local businesses and corporate spon-sors who all helped ensure the event’s success. All proceeds go directly to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County. For more than 31 years our local BBBS has helped children and youth navigate the challenges of growing up by matching them with supportive adult role models. The Day on the Bay event has supported this tradition of good will and good work since 1992, and to date has raised more than $810,000.

The Corporate Reception hosted by the SCYC on Saturday evening preceding the regatta was an out-standing event. Kris North and De Schuyler and their crew of volunteers are to be commended for a truly class event! We would also like to recognize the contribu-tions of our volunteer committee members who made the day such an enjoyable event. The SCYC was well represented by committee members Bob & Jan DeWitt, Paul and Gail Nichols, Suzy and Joe Altmann, and Tom and Maryse Postlewaite. The BBBS organization provided staff and committee members to work with us, and a big contingent of volunteers to work on the day of the event. Our gratitude to Executive Director and Honorary SCYC member Marie Cubillas and Erin Strawn for all their hard work to make this such a fine event. We have heard plenty of positive feedback from our membership, and we¹ll be back next year!

Tom ManheimSCYC Public relations

SpinnakerSheetFoldersNeeded If you are looking for a way to give back to your Club we can always use a little extra help folding and labeling the Spinnaker Sheet. Approximately the last Tuesday of ev-ery month a group of volunteers get together and yuck it up while preparing the Spinnaker Sheet for mailing. If interested please con-

tact the office or e-mail [email protected].

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

SCYCMembers RacingUpdates

FRANCE– In early October, MorganLarson was in Nice, with Christa and Lola, continuing his racing with Alinghi in ACT 7 of the Extreme 40 Sailing Series 2013. The Austrian Olympic champions on Red Bull Sailing Team had a one point advantage over the America’s Cup winners on Morgan’s team Alinghi and who ever did better would get second place. The Swiss and Austrians marked each other around the track, and ultimately a fourth place for Alinghi was enough for them to overhaul Red Bull Sailing Team, as helmsman Morgan explained: “We were behind so we didn’t feel like we had anything to lose, but we had everything to gain. It was all on. The Wave, Muscat were doing everything they could to make sure that Red Bull beat us, and also Real team. So there was a lot happening and a lot of other races amongst that race, it was really exciting!” Alinghi is just 2 points out of 1st, overall in the Series.

GERMANY - In September Dennis and MaryBassano attended the European Land and Sand Yacht Champion-ships in St. Peter-Ording, Germany. St. Peter-Ording is a small town on the coast of the North Sea, 100 miles

north of Hamburg. There were a total of 180 sand yachts there. In Dennis’s class alone, there were 40 boats. The beach is six miles long, with standing water and mud up to two feet, and many canyons/ravines in the sand, some up to six feet. The wind was up, and competitors reached speeds approaching 70mph. The first day was disaster for Dennis as he found one of those holes in the beach and ripped the rear axle out of his yacht. He was not injured and was able to fix the breakage and return to racing where he finished mid fleet overall. Dennis and Mary also helped with the race committee early in the week as they prepare to be the R/C for the upcoming worlds next year in Nevada. Here is a short video of the event. https://www.you-tube.com/watch?v=6RL-_2nTc7Y

CALIFORNIA - Santa Cruz Yacht Club was well rep-resented at the Rolex Big Boat Series on San Francisco Bay in September.ChrisDeaver raced on the Sydney 38’ Bustin’ Loose, where he was the main trimmer. Besides having some fun, he and his team ended up in 2nd place in the IRC B Class ChrisWatts and his team aboard the RP 44

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

Tai Kauai, ended up in 2nd place in the HPR class of the Big Boat Series. They might have won, but the les-son learned was “always have a couple of people read sailing instructions and addendums”. They turned the tables last weekend, however, and won the Leukemia cup on San Francisco Bay! Steve Polcyn and his crew were also out there, competing on his J/120 Paka’a in Big Boat. They raced in the One Design Fleet and finished 5th out of 6 boats in a hotly contested class. Steve described it as “very close, exciting racing with leaders changing at every mark”. Steve also gave us a little window on the conditions…….”Mixed bag of 20+ knots on some days and super light breezes on others...a cluster of J/105s, J/120s and Express 37s were literally parked in the middle of the SF Bay for over an hour on the last day...mark rounding looked like Hwy 101 at rush hour! Who knew only a few weeks delay in the regatta would make such a difference”! BrentRuhne was also racing in the Big Boat Series (can you believe the Melges 24’s were in BBS?), which served as the Pre- Worlds for the following weeks Melges 24 World Championships sailed out of the San Francisco YC. Brent sailed on the Monsoon owned and driven by Bruce Ayres from Newport Beach CA. They didn’t sail as well as they had hoped, and so they are heading to Geelong, Australia in January to redeem themselves at the 2014 Melges 24 World Championships there. The week after the worlds, Brent headed to Long Beach to race in the Campbell Cup. He was on the Farr 40 Skhan Dhu owned and driven by Dirk Free-land from Santa Barbara. They finished 3 points out of 1st in second place out of 9 boats. Keeping the racing going, Brent came back up to San Francisco Bay where he was one of the invited pros sailing in the Kilroy Reality Pro-Am at the StFYC sailing in the clubs J-22. In this regatta, they pair 2 pro sailors with two top employees and/ or clients of Kilroy Reality. Brent said “It is a fun regatta and something different from what I usually do”. If you have info on where club members are racing, please feel free to pass along details to [email protected].

Ellen Kett


As the days get shorter, we are reminded that Holidays are rapidly approaching. In celebration of the 2013 season, many Santa Cruz Yacht Club members are planning for the popular Santa Cruz Lighted Boat Parade and gala awards party that follow. We are encouraging all boat owners to “light it up” by putting lights and some decorations on your boats.


On October 2nd Maureen Hill, Steve Niemann, Ron Dillehay, and four guests took “The Perfect Thirty-Six” out to go whale watching. These pics are just a few of the most incredible event any of us has ever witnessed. I hope sharing these pics brings some of the excitement to each of you that we had as we watched for over an hour. As you will see, this took place between Steamers Lane and the wharf right here in Santa Cruz California!!!!

Steve NiemannStaff Commodore

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

If you own a boat that is either located in a wet slip or in the dry yard, we are asking you to light it up and be part of the “Circle of Lights”. Saturday evening, December 7 is the date when Santa Cruz Harbor and the surrounding businesses, homes and boats will be lit up for a spectacular display of lights. Join in the spirit of the event! Light up your boat. Enter the Lighted Boat Parade and join the party at the yacht club after the parade. This is the beginning of the 50th anniversary of the Santa Cruz Harbor as well as the 100th Anniversary of the Santa Cruz Wharf. We are looking for at least 35 boats of all sizes and styles to participate in the main event. The Lighted Boat Parade is one of the most anticipated events in Santa Cruz County and this is the year to display the quality and enthusiasm of the harbor community. Join in and celebrate this great time of year. Tom Dexel Santa Cruz Lighted Boat Parade Team Leader.

New Members Brian Pepin and Daniel Murphy shown with Commodore Rob Schuyler


Regular 440 Non-Resident 74Junior 92 Corinthian 56Life 9 Honorary 27

Total 699


Thank you to all who have helped and partici-pated in our regatta operations in 2013. Volunteers are the back bone of racing at SCYC and we all give thanks to your efforts in supporting our racing program.

Below is our list of volunteers for 2013. If I omitted some of you, I apologize. If you participated in race committee this past year, please come to our regatta appreciation dinner on November 9th 2013. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Please RSVP by Wednesday, No-vember 6th to the Santa Cruz Yacht club.

Again thanks for your participation.

Beau VrolykRegatta Chairman

Adam BorcherdingAmy StewartAndrea MillerAnne Sculley Barbara BoothBarbara RoettgerBarry & Lisa KeelerBarry Whitall

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November 2013 SaNta Cruz YaCht Club SpiNNaker

Bayard PayneBeau VrolkBengie HodgesBert LempkeBill LardBill & Pat MurchisionBob BarkerBob and Monica ComstockBob & Jan DeWittBob MattsonBob SimpkinsBrad StinerBrandon BurkeBret GripenstrawBridget BinkoBruce & Billie SimpsonBuster LongCam MacDonaldCarolyn FlowersCharlie & Mary Jane RoskoszChris LashChris HoffmanChristina ShawChuck HawleyChuck MurrayDJ TimpanyDale DeRosaDan & Kelli CookDave KitchenDick McCarthneyDon ConantDwight ManningEd GoldsteinElisabeth RussellShep & Ellen KettFrank ParkerFred Molnar

Garrett SchweylerGene SofenGeorge ArthurHenry CassadyHilary DeGrootHomer LighhallJack HaltermanJere Patterson & Marcia WhiteJim EmersonJim FoleyJim SalvattoeJim WilsonJoe & Teresa WagsterJohn BuchananJohn FraserJohn MizellJohn PacholskiJohn Siegel & Erica John & Wendy WursterJulie EdwardsJosselyn VeruttiKevin RooneyKris NorthKristen LenzLinda MooreLiz KroftLois Van BurenLoren & Margo MarcelliniLou & Paula PambiancoLouis LolesonLowell EllisLuc DeFaymoreauMagdalena NaefMario GolshMark Langer & Sharn Reeves

Mary LarkinMatthew CoaleMichael ScottMichael WoodMichael de HayhuMike GrossNancy BeekmanPaul NiebanksPaul & Mary TaraPeter PillsburyPhil VandenbergGuido DiazRachel HofmanRegina JudsonRic & Marilyn DiolaRichard EmighRich NesladeckRick LinkemyerRob & De SchuylerRod TromblyRoyce FletcherScotty Correa-MickelSheryl GuiduaSteve AgularSteve ElmoreSkip ElySteve & Ann NiemannSteve SmardanSue HoffmanSuzy & Joe AltmanTerry DrewTim KelbertTom DexelTom GarsideTom ManheimVern & Meredith WallaceVickie Gilmore