vol xxxv number 9 september 2015 - clover...

The Rock / September 2015 Page 1 check for updates... CornerstoneRock.org Our Staff: Tim Hughes, Senior Minister [email protected] Matt Crossman, Youth Minister [email protected] Collin Moneymaker, Worship Arts Minister [email protected] Ben Radant, Children’s Minister [email protected] Larry Vinson, Connections Minister [email protected] Paula Rader, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Elders: David Kish - Chairman Walt Brown – Vice Chairman Tom Dillow Bill Estes – Secretary Darren Steele Ministry Team Leaders: Questions [email protected] Assembly Preparation Kathi Hamilton Benevolence David Berryman Communion/Baptism Ken & Vicki Tirey Community Jennifer Parker Fellowship Sherry Brown Fellowship Marilyn Wheelock Food Pantry Cheryl Kish Military Sharon Sherck Missions Dave & Carol Scudder Property Vol XXXV Number 9 September 2015 Invite your family and friends! Serving line begins at 5:00 pm. Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on too. You will be interested to know that we are having a popular guest of honor again at our Almost Fall Festival this year, namely a pig for roasting. You can look forward to the delicious pork in addition to all the pitch-in trimmings, plus fellowship with the church family.

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Our Staff: Tim Hughes, Senior Minister [email protected] Matt Crossman, Youth Minister [email protected] Collin Moneymaker, Worship Arts Minister [email protected] Ben Radant, Children’s Minister [email protected] Larry Vinson, Connections Minister [email protected] Paula Rader, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Elders: David Kish - Chairman Walt Brown – Vice Chairman Tom Dillow Bill Estes – Secretary Darren Steele

Ministry Team Leaders: Questions [email protected] Assembly Preparation Kathi Hamilton Benevolence David Berryman Communion/Baptism Ken & Vicki Tirey Community Jennifer Parker Fellowship Sherry Brown Fellowship Marilyn Wheelock Food Pantry Cheryl Kish Military Sharon Sherck Missions Dave & Carol Scudder Property

Vol XXXV Number 9 September 2015

Invite your family and friends! Serving line begins at 5:00 pm.

Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on too. You will be interested to know that we are having a popular guest of honor again at our Almost Fall Festival this year, namely a pig for roasting. You can look forward to the delicious pork in addition to all the pitch-in trimmings, plus fellowship with the church family.

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OUT OF MY MIND Tim Hughes, Senior Minister

Are you a phony, a fake, a pretender, or are you the real thing? Everyone has heard of Betty Crocker but did you know that there never was a real Betty Crocker? Did you know that the company made her up? Aunt Jemima never existed. Duncan Hines was a restaurant reviewer who never baked a cake professionally. Chef Boyardee was in fact a chef from Cleveland, but his name was spelled differently.

Have you ever faked your way through something? There is a man named John Corcoran who never learned to read or write until he was 48 years old. That is not so unusual. But wait till you read the rest of his story. Not being able to read or write didn’t stop him from being promoted through each grade in Elementary School. When he got to High School he cheated his way through. He dated the valedictorian of his class and hung out with college prep kids. He said he couldn’t read words but he could read the system and he could read people.

He went to college on an athletic scholarship and cheated his way into a degree in education. He landed a job as a teacher and taught in a High School for 17 years. His class was a visual and oral

environment and any other classroom work was done by teacher assistants. It was only after he left his teaching career to become a real estate developer that he learned to read.

It’s an unusual story but it ought to make us stop and think about whether we’re faking anything in our Christian life. One of God’s main complaints about his people in the Old Testament was that people honored him with their words, feasts, and festivals but their heart was far from Him. It’s likely that some Christians today fake their way through the Christian life. This is why it is so important for us to regularly reflect on our lives and get ourselves back on track and authentically follow Jesus. We do that every week in a formal way when we partake of the Lord’s Supper, but this should be an ongoing daily process. This is why Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:28 “Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.” Also we read in 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”

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Measuring Our Faithfulness:

July 2015

General Rec’d $65,727.40

Goal $66,680.00

Year to Date Rec’d $504,385.99

Goal $499,910.00

Average Weekly Attendance

Worship 360 Sunday School 174

Food Pantry Served Families served = 84

Adults = 160 Children = 113

Bags given = 275 New Clients = 10

Diabetic Bags = 39

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Christmas Choir??? Yes, the Christmas season is still months away but planning for this year's Christmas Choir has already begun. Keep an eye out for sign ups on the Sunday morning program tear-off. This year's practice schedule is listed below.

Event Date Time Location Practice #1 11/17 6:00-7:15 pm Upstairs Teen Room Practice #2 11/24 6:00-7:15 pm Upstairs Teen Room Practice #3 12/01 6:00-7:15 pm Upstairs Teen Room Practice # 4 12/08 6:00-7:15 pm Upstairs Teen Room Dress Rehearsal 12/15 6:00-8:30pm Upstairs Teen Room & Auditorium

Worship Arts Ministry Collin Moneymaker

Youth Ministry Matt Crossman

Children’s Ministry Ben Radant

Cornerstone Student Ministries . . . For teens and adults...

Youth Group 6-8 pm For September we will meet on the 13 and 27. Enter the church through door 8 and head to the Youth Room. Movie Night on September 19, 7-10 pm Come see a movie in the youth room. Pretty simple, but a lot of fun. Popcorn and soda all free. We don’t overcharge like the theaters do. We will announce what we are watching one week prior to the event. Check the church website for that detail. But really…does it matter what we are watching? You’re mainly coming to just hang out anyway. D-groups are open If you're wanting to grow a little deeper in your faith with a group of your friends then D-groups is for you. You can sign up in the youth room or by sending me an email. You’ll be put into a group of people the same age as you. You’ll meet regularly and study the Bible in addition to other topics that your group picks out. Welcome Team We need a few people to help our ministry out in a number of ways. The welcome team helps people check in each week, but it also acts as an advice team to the adult leaders. The team also spends a lot of time in prayer for everyone who walks through our doors. If you’re interested in joining sign up in the youth room or contact me for more information. Our first meeting is this Sunday at 5 pm. If you’re interested in being a part of this team and you didn’t sign...still come on by. We are looking for some good teachers If you would be interested in teaching a Sunday School Class then contact Matt Crossman. Don’t forget that we offer Sunday morning Bible study classes every Sunday at 9 am for both middle school and high school.

New Kindergarten Sunday School Class Cornerstone wants to provide the best environment for our children. Our current 4’s-K classroom is to capacity. This is a great challenge to have. On Sunday, September 13 we will transition all current Kindergarten students to the Grade School Wing at Cornerstone. This will be for both 9 am and 10:30 service times. Those students will get the opportunity to worship with us during the 9 am service and then have a Kindergarten only Sunday School class at 10:30 am. Children’s Ministry Spotlight: We Are Growing! As you may have noticed, Cornerstone’s Children’s Ministry is growing. Our Sunday School classes are healthy and full and as we continue to grow, we will need more help. There are some really great opportunities for you to be a part of Cornerstone’s Children’s Ministry. There are teaching openings for 4’s-5’s, Preteen Service Small Group Leaders and Nursery. We could also use a few people to help with organizing snacks and our teacher supply areas. Upward Soccer The season is about halfway through already. We have already had some wonderful chances to share Christ’s love to the surrounding community through this program. It isn’t too late for you to be a part of it! The fields get lined every Friday and a 3 minute devotion is given at halftime. Family Sunday! Sunday, September 6 will be a great chance for your family to attend service together. This service will be designed to include grades 1-5 and older to join in “Big Church” with their family. Ben Radant will be giving the message and there will be family friendly elements to the service. We are all a part of God’s family. Sometimes we don’t always get the chance to do that. Sunday School will be available for grades 4-5 during 9 am and for grades 1-3 at 10:30 to accommodate families who will be attending both service hours. All programming for Nursery through Kindergarten will be provided.

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Connecting to Cornerstone Class Connecting to Cornerstone includes the elements of fellowship, Bible exploration, and discussion. Connecting to Cornerstone will not be just jumping on a sort of faith assembly line to learn church clichés, spiritual jargon, and pat answers. We will focus on what God has said to us in the Bible and how we can take action on that truth in today’s world. This class is designed for visitors and new members. The classes will begin September 13 at 9:00. Topics include:

Home Group Interest New Home Groups are starting up in October! If you have not yet contacted us about joining one or if you have questions, please contact our Connections Minister, Larry Vinson. If you filled out a contact card expressing your interest in joining a Home Group, Larry will be contacting you soon.

Nine 2 Five Ministries Cornerstone will soon begin a new ministry to serve the under employed and unemployed to assist them in their search for employment. If you, or someone you know is in need of this ministry, you are invited to attend our free weekly evening workshops beginning Monday, September 14 at 7:00 at Cornerstone at no cost to those seeking assistance. These workshops are open to anyone who is under or unemployed. Please direct questions to Bill Estes 317.695.7313.

Back to Church Sunday Inviting someone to Church shouldn’t be awkward! On September 20 we are asking every family at Cornerstone to bring at least one person to worship with them! Please join us and encourage those who do not attend, or who may have never attended, a church to consider Cornerstone as their new church family! Invitations are in the lobby for you to take and hand out. Questions? Please talk to our Connections Minister, Larry Vinson.

Bundle’em Up Coat Drive begins Once again we will participate in the Hendricks County Bundle’em Up Coat drive. Please donate any new or gently used coats from now until October 10. You can locate the donation barrel in the lobby.

Recycle Force - eCycle Drop-off - October 17, 9 am-1 pm RecycleForce, a 501(c)3 organization, is a social enterprise offering some of the most comprehensive and innovative recycling services around while providing life-changing workforce training to formerly incarcerated individuals. Taking the electronic waste and other recyclables provided by residents and corporate partners, RecycleForce deconstructs these items, recycles the materials and disposes of the waste safely and cleanly. The scrap metals and other reusable materials collected in this process are then sold to help pay for job training programs and employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated men and women in order to support their re-entry back into society. On Saturday, October 17, from 9 am-1 pm we will be hosting an eCycle Drop-off to benefit the amazing ministry that RecycleForce is doing on behalf of formerly incarcerated men and women in the Indianapolis area. Please bring whatever electronic waste (list of what is accepted is below) you have on October 17. (We will not be accepting donations beforehand) so we can help make a difference in someone’s life! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Connections Minister, Larry Vinson. List of items accepted:

Connections Ministry Larry Vinson

A New Kind of Christian Reinventing The Church Baptism: Ancient and Future What Churches Have In

Communion What About Prayer? How Do Christians Grow?

Don’t Just Go To Church, Be The Church

What’cha Gonna Do with What’cha Got?

Organized Or Disorganized Religion?

Where Do I Go From Here?

Telephone systems Refrigerators/Freezers Cellular phones Air Conditioners PCs (personal computers) Laptops/Notebooks Dehumidifiers Desktop Computers/CPUs CRT Monitors

(no bare CRT tubes) Mainframe computers Scanners Printers Fax machines Back-up power supplies systems Photocopiers Toner cartridges Microwaves

CDs/DVDs/Blue Rays Floppy disks/Thumb Drives Electronic motors Televisions Integrated Circuits (IC) Computer mice Microphones Computer Keyboards VCR/DVD/CD Players Games Systems

(Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation, etc.)

Power Supplies Surge Protectors Computer boards Copiers Cash Registers Satellite Components

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Capital District Christian Men’s Fellowship Way to go men! We had 8 go with us to Bluff Creek

Christian Church. There were a total of 87 men from 13 churches. Our evening offering was $850. Chapel Rock Christian Church was awarded the attendance trophy and Cornerstone Christian Church was awarded the mileage trophy. Steve Bolin brought an outstanding message about Romans 15:1, 2. It was about being on the front line for the Church today. He focused on the necessity of growing strong Christians who live out the faith and not for self. Randy encouraged us to check their website. It has pictures of the new “Provision” Lodge, still under construction. They are waiting for building permits to finish the work. They had 166 more campers this year than they had last year. During the camp season, the campers gave $24,870 for “Remember the Children” mission. The camp is now in the Retreat phase. This past week end they had 500 people for retreats at the camp. Next month we travel to Greenwood Christian Church. Be sure to mark September 21 on your calendar and plan on going with us. Bob Beltz, minister from Valley Mills Christion Church will be our speaker. The bus will leave Cornerstone at 5:00. We sit down to eat at 6:00. They will be serving grilled steak and all the trimmings. Be sure to invite one of your close friends to come and be your guest. Men plan on bringing your sons and grandsons; they are the future of CDCMF.

Senior Adult Ministry Fellowship There were 13 who made the trip to the Ray Skillman

Auto Museum and Edinburg Shopping Center for our August outing. The Ray Skillman Auto Museum is something everyone should try to visit. He has a tremendous collection of cars and racing equipment. Admission is free. Several of the cars on display are for sale. I saw one that was priced at $149,000. For the month of September we will be going to visit the Huber Orchard in Starlight Indiana. We will eat lunch at the restaurant in the Orchard. The bus will be leaving at 8:00 am and we should be back at Cornerstone around 4:30 pm.

Notes from... David Keith

The Food Pantry Shelves Always Need Extra Items WEEKLY!

You could help by bringing . . .

Needed Monthly...

Diabetic Foods

Healthy Snacks individually wrapped

New or Used Paper Bags


Beef Stew

Breakfast Cereal

Chicken Breast (canned)

Chicken Noodle Soup


Crackers, Saltine

Diapers (sizes 1-6)

Drink Mix or Juice Drinks


Fruit Cocktail

Green Beans

Hamburger Helper


Laundry Detergent


Meat, canned

Muffin Mix


Noodle & Rice Mixes


Pancake or Biscuit Mix

Paper Towels

Peaches, canned

Peanut Butter

Pears, canned

Peas, canned

Pineapple, canned

Pork & Beans or Baked Beans

Potato Product

Ramen Noodles

Rice Products

Sloppy Joe Mix



Spaghetti O’s

Spaghetti Sauce


Taco Mixes/Kits

Toilet Paper

Toiletries (Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Deodorant)

Tomato Soup


Vegetable Beef Soup

Vegetables, Assorted

Make it easy to stock the shelves… bring a case of any one item

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Community Life

Sermons are Available Online . . . CornerstoneRock.org

Shut-In Communion Please contact the church office to request Home Communion for shut-in and hospitalized members.

Military Ministry Donations of small toys from children’s meal (Happy meals) etc. are needed. Toys in the original packaging would be best. These will be sent to the soldiers and they hand them out to the local children. We also need current names and complete addresses of family and friends serving in our military. Care packages are sent out monthly when there is a need. Please email [email protected] .

Women’s Bible Study Begins Come dive in with us in the book of Romans in the Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study. This is a NT Wright study and we will discover together what God has to say to us in Paul’s writings. We invite you to join us. The group will begin meeting on September 16 at 10:00 am in room 212. Please sign up on the Sunday tear off sheet or call the church office. Books should be in the office by 8/31 so you can begin reading the first chapter before class starts.

Capital District Christian Men’s Fellowship (CDCMF) Dinner served from 6-7 and the program begins at 7:00 pm. Sign up on Sunday Program tear-off. September 21: Greenwood, speaker: Bob Beltz, Valley Mills Christian Church. October 19: Connection Pointe, speaker: Ryan Heathco, Ben Davis Christian Church.

Senior Adult Ministry Fellowship…Please sign up in the lobby or on the Sunday Program tear-off. Thursday, September 17: We have planned a trip to the Huber Orchard in Starlight, IN. They have a very good restaurant at the Orchard. You can bring some fresh fruit home with you. The bus will depart Cornerstone at 8:00 am and we should be back around 4:30 pm. Thursday, October 15: We are going to Spring Mill State Park. The leaves should be in color and we will eat at the Park. We will leave Cornerstone at 8:00 am and should be home around 4:00 pm. Saturday, December 5: We will be heading to Purdue for the Glee Club’s Christmas Program. Cost will be $27 each. Only 10 seats left. Limited to only 30.

Thank you all so very much for your extremely generous love offering! Thank you for allowing me to come alongside your students and not only teach them but learn from them as well. This has been an amazing experience that has benefited my ministry in a way that is hard to pin down in only a few words. Your generosity and love truly show the face of Christ. I pray that Cornerstone will continue to grow and all its members be blessed by it. Thank you so much for everything!

Eli Razo

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2 Nine to Five Ministries

Deuteronomy 15:7-8 “If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.” ESV

Cornerstone will begin a new ministry to serve the under employed and unemployed to assist them in their search for employment. If you, or someone you know is in need of this ministry, you are invited to attend our free weekly evening workshops beginning Monday, September 14 at 7:00 at Cornerstone at no cost to those seeking assistance. These workshops are open to anyone who is under or unemployed.

Why is this ministry being started at Cornerstone? Philippians 2:4 says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also the interests of others.” Each and every one of us has personally known or know someone close to us who has been unemployed or under employed at one point or another in our lives. Maybe you felt helpless as you personally witnessed the devastation one goes through being under or unemployed… this ministry exists to help those people overcome that devastation.

Being under employed or unemployed brings with it a whole lot more than simply a loss of a pay check. Involuntary unemployment, or long term unemployment can be devastating mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially impacting every aspect of one’s life. Statistics show that individuals who are under employment and unemployment has an adverse impact on the entire family.

This new ministry will offer:

In Christ, Bill Estes


Help in identifying talents, strengths, and skills

Resume writing and cover letters

Internet job searching



Using Social Media to land a job