vol. xxiv. no. 11. hightstown, june 11, 1868. whole no. … fileliam xhi f.oiinni i»i. «liu...

VOL. XXIV. NO. 11. HIGHTSTOWN, JUNE 11, 1868. WHOLE NO. 1188 WALLACE McGtOUGE, 3!I.I> (l«= 0? II1IHDHJUIA) J7tr*br-informa Uje T< ildtnta of IIiG ll tst<mn R*d Ticlnlty tb*tL i Li heretofore Bjvecia.1 attention will bfl LiTen to thi treatment of DLllCfi*Cft ofiliQ T-jfl ami IJnV^ ' •*— A"*1 Surataal CDUJH Oflloe Hour*, O to o A M i Thc-Jersey-City InsuranceJJampany rfiupurior anduct inunia to iTT^HeSTringfitsi lu.ua Insurance upon ull J/ropeity liible tu dustrurtion by fire rolling IIUUSCH, Public UiuUhng , Churches, »g"3, .f s >fthn«l__IIjHm-8.Q9i flic i Hl8Ur«d luf QI1U» s, or fir*i yoar-ii oi pcrpoliial _* fatoio% MLTLII indUc, Grmu Mill* M inu factor tr3T ail i Pomona,! Propelty of ovur> dr** nption taken at a favorable rut-tig a ^utoty J. 3ST. FAIRBAJSFK, M. D., IIOMEOFAJLHIC PD1HCIAN, > thii method ot ani^ounsu>£ to %hr pof pla of Miscellaneous. ufi tv m.H UII'MiuiTali CTt (cniuui ut Wiifil,) .mil lull* hold him oil in n,ifliiiLs itt> ath nj upon tho a who may «i-h tur hi protriiion il SLTVILI-M | O m c i Houits—7 lo 3 i m , uud b to 8 p in , Hirfhfuown Jum 11 lbfib tf. EXTON,TSE~D", Li on i us nib sLitvicrs IX ti tho 1-iti/i.u of lli^ht tonn ami iinnity Culls for im.du.nl uiunduutv mil in.cno prompt iitTtTTitio»~ CURFEWBELLS Man} have henid of tho ' cut lew belt," hut not .til know iti onum. Its hisloiy m "Cnjrlvnds inns bicW to the tune ot Wil- liam Xhi f.oiinni i»i. «liu <>nlcii.d a bi 11 •\\eii liuii<r up H I HI^II * At length, in stexd of htiiiim^ out the a< tttxl pole u-'d in the ojierition a polo p untul - huice the hubi I S poll ~~ Loid Thuilim, in hisspieih fin post- poning thi iuilliLi it idui£j ot the iui pjl<> i\ ti not in u,e, tho tn.pe w.is tied to ' IIUl waidiohcs A jouus* manii-il lady, it, md twisted lound it, and \htis both a 1( - w houii bc'oie k- nin^' on tint Inin, "1 dcuwsms with unuMiU nnnn ittun pWb.uib nnluip.tlion-s lor the coming lusni^ hir husband with In Jlc ll t of llli<-liK«,u II t. poill-t—LlU] H (.s, 1 II L h()Ulli>t<), ttC SllL N\ 1 soundly by bet husband s eid UY AUTHORITY 3 of New Jersey. AID FoLnTJMtH — A not to be runs about sundown ill nnd lit (.l^lit o'clock in tin o i\intPi, it which liMii dii" 1 ind li stiinini'i, min^ in ;hts were ( mis' ( oi pui itiun bill, July 17, IT'lT, st it d th.it. 1 hv ,i. stitult. htill iniuui, tin whin thi> ti mi, iu hin^ Ihiouph <;lonm uud stoiln of UutfiUl tta the. , TK-nt 1 ,el,,bT Cl! ITU r«V» HlMlllED fuithfl- upplrin«fit lo to dcciilo nppnhend and pir-tvi r ' pi«intl Juno tenth, uud punish disorderly ercntecn hundred li .uiiong ihi> roite ——— r Amid ilu cutsh mil debti\ of the vuak thi«\ -wire spp.wn.lLd, null he lit ml hei ! it cnucti 1 hy tho Senate rnd Gcncr'l Af- ot thn Mute of New JOT cy, 'lhiU »nj Huil iitnl or InlliLi who 1 ilte-mm ur wilfully rcrttBcd- or lif^lt-cU it j-ro\ido foi and mnintmn hi Offloo boura from 7 to,9.JV. M., and 7 to 9 P. £_2** Ofiluii and TC^UICULO iu btoiklon fticpt op posllfllt. II.Station. uu(;l5-om p within cl upon comply 'word-derived from tlv- bT-ibeit. mil Millions ^\i_ri e ich to iibi u polo '' T \ t n iu our m u<_ i itton Uiete - - - —• -— *•• ~ - -••- " *^- •• . .. v . *, , , . .. * , . h v o be. ii bi.bus m JJ.mlui.1 ^ho l.t ,«»«;> ^«re so^uaUd, n .,J hi- head tej.SK^^'tl'SlKl tkniil., andth. pcoiWo iemi.il bh.o.l .md dt, u tu-.l.h, nmllolh. mi s. nl 1 y ' " ' " l»m tint sht' waijiot mui h huU, j Z^l% t""i. r J°i.",!"i»'h ^ CLll or oois, tnu pi.ii utti s wcien^po ul ^-^y tin Spmish Su»'/i art » cut^oni Inn ' " uc lTClu -! 1 mifticd by SLtrnrT^tinhris-wiis r.itliti~n}stTftt rjUiovet-rhnt suflli osf who iio-ikc-U-d oi icfu^id to ( l l ^ s v u l , t ,, Ul ol 1,I LUK You mdllkT I1J1L t() '»•" lht hcisoir, T.1)H MS <_ xlllll with the Uw Oitl> ~Tio\i Compuni *s IJ nicbl5-ly ition^chforfurrv givun t BIIICSI J or m^iu incii nppl"V 1H0S C JM AllCIi r AQKVT Hh N iHghlatoiint, N, J People's Pire Insurance Company, OF TRENTON, N. J. imtitcToii: 6 {^SUyltor, Cilt-b b Urn.n, 1 11 _"\\jll!sin-on, Jacob.M. Tiiylur, Joseph Wbiialter John Tii^b»r J h Diirruh b umii.1 k Wil mi In M, hupb'n 0. W. Bliicktun, Chnrleft Scott, Jolin K. Siiiilb H. U. Scuddur, L>uniol 11. lloiliiio, Win. liuuilord S S blK\kEll I'lllblDEM r Jl WlLiaht>«N,.Srr valid Ttramnt llisks takon as low as nny other reliable Co and all loiiHutf promptly adjusted apl-ly" J. li. WOH'i'ON. AOENT, H'ij;btalonn to 7 P i, IN T . ,T. AND HLSIDINCK AT 1JD1 IIOLSL ly appiopmtcncss o( 11TT fun JThu old king hisbi'on ceuei illy t p , and bri»«i d him I Bert or wil«Nv rrluso orncEliot to pioTidofor nod it nii'-sible, to come to hoi ltlut fii thl,i-i<r' ln "i»" ll » ln'linnly »"d that by rtnson thoreoC 1 ,,,1 1 „• I11.1 !t lf , NM vlv 'i ^ I tm.h limilj may bec imo i-hiiigcablo to luoh toirtl- (>od loi'hei Mliitj lhi siMiily oi lus ,!, lp oroni it .hall bo h.s duty to moke ooiuplatot lniunes with lun voice bUHinigmf; 111 i»-| jho.cof. unitr oalb, bcfoio Borne justiop of th» JOSEPH ,T. A T I' 0 It N L Y A T I, 1 W, Mister, LTiinuuur, nnd RuliLitur iu Chintnry Oihi.0 and IPNUUUCL Ci niberr^ Neck MiJ IU < Count} I 1 0 adilm i—Ili^ht town, N J Olflci Lu (it then tv tuili u hi loi > n U-^ifch ilw Wndui^ anguish ot t>VT(£roTeurr ^_ piodui cd urn onsciousiitss unl 2 Ami inittmcinl, Tfin Photograph, and Amhrotype Gallciy, MAIN STH.E1ST, HIGUTSTOWN, N. J. i h ubloribcr ie>pei.iruily inforin and OujntlLinen ol ili^liMwi n mil \ icinity that \Jio has purch ncd tho jb(ju CV tlKr^ and 1a nm\ piepirctl to u\iLUto pirtrxits tiom luokot to lift aiio, iu tho highest stylo of the art. CAltTES DE VrSITE, for brillianoy oi' tono and faitlifulnoss, to nrvtur* )iol to bo uxuullud by. thoso ol" any Uallury in tho Unitod States. ENLARGED PHOTOGRAPHS taken from old Da^ucm ut} p* s nnd \iubrot pi pi nn 01 hui^hiul In Ink or Water Colors. PerrfiMia who hiivu had Photographs taken b Mr. Au.xtu, CitiLJiavo pietiirustVom thosauio Nun ativus at any time Trioo ol 1 CA11TKS PK VI8ITKS, £2 50 por doi " J.A1U1L l > IIiwiOL,UAl>H-3 Si 2 . il il I'iUESl, Wiuiomiiphor Aug. 25, 1307. OBI. S. M. SCHAHCK, n i u u i ii r u iv i , w J , COUNSELLOR. AT LAW. France ui tho Unit* d M ittt-ij Di-jlnotj mid Cirmit Cuurt ILII 2b lht)i ly DR. LLOYD WILBUlt, Would re3poctfiill3 F announce Hint he hnjipcrnn. uuutl^ IL unit d tho pritotii-o ot In jirofi,T J ion at rii 'ln^^cr^-n— •— - Kuaidenqu iu Stockton street, J doors west of Form an M neb 11, l Q iG biect i"b]<.rt tondition , out, fix tho bell" \\as. l titrg in JTi.tnco loni; ilium s tnnr, .is ,i s.ik^u'ud TLjutt^f, Im s, it 1-, uoL nnpiobibli 1 Iliithu hiomjhL the custom with him into Ln^ liind hum the rcmtinoiit, .md th it he his hi (xi si indued is to his moti\cs At 1113 i.ilc, he^has him, uioiiL;h to inswti loi without this In the si\ttmill ttnttin, ' btlliuLU ' wen. .uhlcd to tin ni^ht ^.ilcli in f ondon Tliuy wont thiough the stieets lmgin^ tin u hells, .md ci v ln " " '1 ,iko CAIO of ino and < imllo , be kind to hi pool, mil pi u foj th' dead " Jt w ii be 1)L11UHHI s dutv, .xl^ l) , to bkss th lii pi is is hi pissed tin ii dooiH 'II Pi nsoioso" Udtoii ILRIS to ubLom 11. il. FORM AN, DEALI5I1 IK P U R N I T U I I E , AOIirCULTURAI. IMPLE MVWS CARPENTEIt'S AMD MASON'S TOOLfc", And evory artiols UML-J by Builder Al3Q,-l!i.rga-a53nr.tmont of ISiblo arid Poekel Cut- l«ry ; Floor Oil Cloth, Ao., Ac. llightalown, Sopt 21. 181ili. ly Abrams, Alcxaiicter &, No'rria," w I1OLKSAI.E AND UETAH, COMMISSION Dealers In lvll kinds ol' Country I'roJu* n, 19G Merchant "ton Mai Act 1 How, We t Wu hi NLW \0RK Consignment strictly attended to nt llio Uoiit •nnd K H Dupots, and ri turn T Ahinmi, DR. A. 3>AWEJ, Sjul^noll Duitl I mil M inut n-tuii rot Inroriuptl IJIL t uni i< nth £-7!?-^^ Ofli(.o in \t in I HA "-MOOR'S Store 7ZLS§ J nti inn. on Mun tiLit, o,j< situ the Univuis ill it Limn h t^f Lu. th 1 ui 1 t.id \\ IIHOTJI PAIN, b) thi> il B — LI11. non I* itont (Jum BTIP, 10 vnlu il If fur lt-i ll n htnL , Liinilort, mill i 11 inline li il i ippliod An ovj-iiun aiun ljin^lttd ipl HUTCHINSON, MOaTOJI ii BODINi:, CuHMIV IO-V l>i VL] K 1 , No l"0 <L 1^7 Wost WiisIuiiKlon Markit Nl \\ r \01tk FIE1.DEK., MOUNT Sc JIMES JIU Goinuubxion Di-iltr in all ki COVNTRY rlt-O-DUCE, mitonv'Ti' TIII\ Ett\YOLii iLSc} mil I ulto" Strcpti groiGLir Fll LI11 II VBIJ ill C MOUKT JUlt rll U IME^OH l^'Al/oide! reicimd uill he punctiia'lyat- tn leltn [_ i--Of endd nt l promptly made. "AlfTaviicr, C ill March 1', 1808-ly BREAD, CAKE, AND CltACKLER V I* O V It ANB IIKAL, Cnll a,t U11 tow's, whuro you can got n good nrti olo, nnd tho worth of your money nt all tuuu L^** Pirtio-5 upphod with Fancy Oake, orany "thing in my lino, at hortnotiio M\PY B A STOW. Jliglitstown Ott 2, 18G7 AMOg ATKINSONT " — JUSTICE OR THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, KE ir n I* y~r~f, ^~ "J* Timp.to THOMAS C. PEAKCE, MLRCER CO MIiJH\T,r.inE COMPANY niGiix.s'r 1 o tviv, rv. j Porsona haying unlnsurod property, willfind1 .to their advantage to call on tbo abuyo, lit his re dunce in Morrison street. . oo'21)-tf R C ROBB1NS, AOEST FOR THE MERC1U CO MU1UAL PH!-ii INSURANCE -COMPANY, _ Wi^usoiii _N J ~ ~ I'W Applications foi In ur men bylnttor orofli orulHO, pbfiotnall ittLnded to AI=u, Tu»tn.o ol the l'« »o, Purveyor iud foil vovXJicor, and Master in Ohanoevy, npa7 R A. OUTCALT, L I 0 E N S'UD AUCTIONEER, n on_roiisQjnaJil£_t8_r.ma in tii Til China and Glassware," •WOULD DO WELL TO CALL OJT Pey. AND HIGHTSTOWN, N. J- Jobbing promptly attended to, nnd Buildings pu 55 GRLENK STIirjET, (Oppo to theHirket,) Wbero thoy will find a Lirgo A a ortmont of -~^^=^S0>fe*B«NER & TKA WAltEt TOILET »1- ra, Plain nnd IlLOoriit d, PlttNClI CIIENA, l'lnin nnd Gold Bnnd, ULAbb WARE Or ALL KINDS, VASES AND FANCY GOODo, TABLE CUTWRY SIIATR I'LAfl J> nn.1 BRIT VNSIA WIRE, LAMPS, TEA TllAYS, He , Ac FINE FARMS FOR SALE, S ITUATED NEAR NORFOLK AND PEIERS BURH Vti Land in fmo condition, nnd smtnblo for ttll Crop Bomo of tho Kainm aro ho ivily timboiod. $50 por a re ^Bhengo in trucking orfratt to liu ono ot thu nnostlooa Addruss, or onll on L N PLThRSON, 23 at Wn hmgton H01150, Norfullc, EW FIRM!—NEW GOODS ITOR CASH ' PAXT&N & SAVIGE7 At tho old fatnnd of Pinton_& Mount form tho ptibho that thoy haTo JUst ia hue of l'ersoni wishing growing will find tin tions in tho country Shop on Morcor street, above Dawe rebl.i-ly Hall PAINTS x\ND- OILS. A largo stock ma be found at tKo t,nb en In thu To h i 1 til -in' 1 - drj«-;> elmm jor -from i Pot ts \i t\c i ftm if tcned to tho Liufi w, I ( DM r luo, bell Giaj Ix^ms his be\u iiui ' EIL^J" \ML1I 1 ihfl cu rii.w tolli tlie Unoll of p irlm^ d 13 ' Ijomifillow, too, h.isi. pipttj htlle poi.m illm^ H10 ,loiy of this, boll with (.1IJ.UU II g Miinphtjlj 1 Solomnlv nD'trofullj, I)i nlnit' II" dol J? Thf i-tiikw l.Lll JL j ^cjriniiin^ to toll - Cuier Ih' Linhtji, Put out thr li^ut , Toil L0U1L1 with Ih* 1 in^rnui^, \iul rcit ivith tht. ni^ht Dul ^roiv the ^indoTvg, A 11 1 qu* nehed iri thn (j^p , Eounil 1 uli 1 111 tu -Hili iu.1 1 Allfootltrp lotuo No voice in tho ohnmbors, No xouiid in ibe hull j Sluen and olili.vii'11 Roi^n ovur nil '' J\Vilham diLd, aiid lho_oii^m il of rire~C(IifLw~ -iVr-ip-at l;rsnG- niovLd ihout tho turn 1 of Ilmiy I , in 11U0 , hut tho (.Ublom ol lin^mq ,iu CM 11 m^ bi.ll I'J still Ki'pt up in Ln™l aid, \Mtli \ uii'ion-i .is ti tin houi 1 The 'nine o'clniL bell,"- f.inuh 11 to inosl 2\m LH-,1 md pi opli.',—which M nj«, SD m UIJ joiuig poaplc home mil to hed, and huh TTl—tlu' O'-H4^—lutjtoiv oi—nm 1 omit 1 y i\.is ^uo without doubt in iintti'i CIIIIK '] lie ltilnfihsl mi} bi puikttl\ SUICPH , tin 1 } nit\ bu follow 1114 nio^t lonsLicntiousH tin huhl thc\ l nu, ui'l i|i])h 111^ to tho hist ui th( u .ibihl\ the pinniplis ot ChiibLi iml\, a^> tin} tinili 1 st md Ihotn We \tu nnpu^inu^ in it hi t tin 11 <hu icUis noi thui in >t_i \ <_£, Whit, in 1 iMimi is, ih it thin IOJK In., " p i uc ' inil, b> cunstqm ncc, s th itiou, to .ill within the, t h m dciioiuiu tlioui |n i ilu d, be tin.} is 141101 int ol tin won! ot (joil, and iv^ giicvous>n di'Mud ol Ihc pi \t tii il. fiutls ot Lhustiiui(> is tin llottcnlols, \. hilt •fl.ll outbiilii tin. 1 !! thiiL it UiM s o \ e i to- 11'iiiobi it To tins is ' MNCCL UIHILI MHL(' i til upon his S,LMISP , tk'iii.il, doLb the 1 Jtlm iiucl lliuic^ bttric un tun ud iiVi.'.i'id ••*'••• ni} hi hu LtiLsot i^onj -vu u lin tll> hushed in di Uh—liulhiii^ litiiiinod ot thi hujlit in J h ij)p) mil, but I 1 luui d poition ot tion It lln put 1 U matters no I, how "Scriplurrtl may bL mul of Piotislint iluiichc r , "h»w then .idiuini-it.i.ilioii, 01 lio« huh iiunihi iiliip, tin > 1 ick th>_ in n k ot the ti tic ( huii h ApiMolii sui 11 ssmn 1 hcu niini'-tiis .iiennie 11) men, ' w 1 IK without wilier/ 1 and their : benighted (lo<:ks listen on the SaUbnth to sci mons whii:h lmvc no " truth" in (.bum \nd iiuuin^ sit! 11111 nt 1 which t uinol ion\i-s "miu ' It niHtCi, not although (iod iiii> hi\i liiiini bis ti^limoiu to thrse ("lunches bj houinni" tin 111 lo anil 1 loi his n unt, 01 ti bpnad Ins titilb o\ii tin c 1.1 tli 'Ih il testimony c umot be u 1 epted m the tibsime ot the 0111 oiil^ 111- (ill>l>U. mailv of a. li ui" t him b thi .ipti-i Ut\ic sueei bsion The cluuih ^hieh in "Cn^l md piodtiml 1 .John Chvcii .will 1 liicliud lii^tei 111 JoriJiei ih)-, tnd 1 Eobrtl II ill .ind .1 Tohn-An^i 11 Jumsm oui turns, is no clmi 1 h 111 f luist , it 1 \t \^ the .iposlnlu 1 •neu-sion The chinch in Scotland, which number in its ranks 1 an \11duw"-Afrlvillt! '11111 a-S-rrmirl-R In 1 1«)(1\ onl> lcco^ni/cd 1)> hci mil w tLLh lUi laisbiiiil suniM-,, md w LS t iKi 11 iiom Poit Jci \ is to his di'soLu- cd liiiim Anoil) Lr lil\, acpouipTiucd to Ihc de pot b) A lu.,1 ]Ull) Ol ilKUlls, 111 till wildest bpmts, lull of j;iv hudin i r 'o 1 uuhtn^ly puuh isi i\ an .iniili nt puln \ ol nisui ma ol t ),UUO, .\nd thiow in^ ,t on lb(_ lipot T. liil} hiLtid, Liul, "tbnei ni% palling ptiscnt, it I mi lulli il lo nmht, till, thi't mid llouush on it "— J liib ])oo[ %n Li 111 w is li in 1 )]' nii'lint 1 mil 1nn14l1.il SIIL dud in tin most. Intoli 1 *l>li i p "ih K\LII tiui dcatTi tin. litlllll lll r r lu.l)l (| ( X| in 1 1 m , \i t hu Ullll ILlll tl) isk th inonj: tiiL loiki puoi to hii icnio\ il, toi iki lioni In 1 pui c a I1141 sum ui none \ md Ll SIS 1 lll.li |m ( [ , Oni. ol tin ji ntlcnicn >i t d 111 11 M 1 U It in liLtti 1 IK. ilth md spuils , lu ill hki .IIION, 1 is lulim 1 ^ is blight mil IDUIIICS, , md ustinuU told h.si\ili' th it the ii' win 110 hopis ot hei htin^ iwidow, 1)1 111 ^ IS •,rl)l)ll loi tWllll} >OJ1^ J(l 111 ,% >s lunnd with Ins ni i k bioke'n, no in ill ft nuiuUtion, almost.i suuli upon hi^lips, liwit, Lil 111 UIL ll 111 uni rrliniiioifol thn pnr-un Eiconiplnin- td 1.1, mid ID-- t% inking linn bi-foru sucli juiticc, upuii 1 ho 11 turn iif wliii h " i n r u n t Mud )u tim shnll t-iu-.li u h ui r*i.L lo ciit**i into A bimd to aiiul over- •i ti 111 -MI Hum not LKCCLdiil^ ti\o hundred dol- lui mth >,innl ^n unT> , 1. .iiditionod tor his ap 11 w els l yn.ni mtL bi loru hint ju IILO tit 1 timo thereir 11 miLit to iiusiM 1 siLid < uitipl unt nnd to ahido AI t ordi.ri ind^nunts »nd IIIITLL tlintmiy bo mudil i,'uii t I11 >>i uinnlunV suit ooDipUiut, anil in de~ lniiitoiiu 1I]IIIJII tuiiTiii|r into »ui,h bond, and ^iv in r ^ui h un it} , mud ju IILO hull Commit him ti 1L1 1 unit juil, to nHJit thu invostigation of Sill L >n.} 1 unt J And bu it L. ntti-tl Tl Tt nt tlio tunoofnP' tunm *. 1111 iitn ncd in '-iml honl tlioju tico hall u^ccil 11 lunr tho \\itm T 4 prodm i.d m aubstiin ^ iitt mil ubut tho fciud cnuiplaint, nudfibnllil^- lu T\luthi.r *-ut 1\ |)i-j un li KO'U "t not guilty lu ri.ol , it lio droim.a sin h \n riJu guilty ^hall -ilju 'L^ ^ nni to hu 1. di ordoilv p< f-011 nnd in Ui'u I ilu. j>t_n i l t i i n mr pri. Liibfd 1 ir di ordcrl per un iti.li ju^tii i 111113 mnko iinuitlLr requiring !i in I-.OH lo pay u hsuuiwiikl to Bilil < et almost is n^idly obi ycd b> all, 1 oth old intl voting, as tho old curlew, traces its on in illicitly lo tho coMii lue bell IH LouLrtillowN it r\angcliii( " thu custom is well dest 1 lbi d . "Amiir tbo-boll from the bolfroy Rang out-tho hour of nine,—tho villngo ourfuw, m i l vf/- / iftrnai/ Ro 6 thr ™iifit Hi d dtp irticl, ".nil 'hilcncu rcl^n cd in tho household," ' BuL jiow thc_ _ g and though the belLstill imp's out ou tlie evening uir, 111 (oiuiti> \ill i2;o and cit) stiei t, it has lost its powtt, swe. is 1 ti 11- t lie ot pissing tune Let the oil bells ring on'; wo lovo their sound ; or, in the woids of ifooie,— " lho«c evening hell ' thoje o^enin^ belli' How many a Inlu-thcir muaio tells, — — Of youth, and home, and that sweet tiinQ A\ hen-la L X i^urd tii^ir southing cl>iinM '" fold, md, nion lalc-ly, an Andicw Thorn son and a Thomas Chalmers is-iin church of Chusi- it 1 ick 1 !rlie npnslnhi sin 11 .s.sion These men taught without authority, and J'rau unbCiitJ! _Tlicu p p then ler\ id I'I.II, tin u buininc 1 loqucui 1 anil their unwcilricd labors iu the cans; of the gospel do not entilli them (o 1 ink as minislors of Christ—ihe hand-i of Grjek or Itoman bishop word never (aid 'upon then h' id A Schwul-5, x Cm>, in Alt vandei Dull, lucd with love lo Chu t ami 1 ompi^sion foi pi nslnn^souK, "n out 111 id, trrb J . ^ j q 1' JiMtin it^— TlTFTiibt BiK man "binbris" wcie bt675u;liT ftoni STctly bj olic Ticinius Mena, JO'5 U C. Tn the course of a few years they had so nmlti- prred=fctru=fc-fche=(iitj— w a&=lnil ol tin m Their shops soon became the common re- Borbofloungertmnd idlers of every descrip- tion, uiilil.it lcnjclh the) set veil lolinmsh piovcibs cvpifbtivii ot notonety. Thi ru tho fjoissippiiiR and. inquisitive portion of to India, hiuntui iiini'li and the buiiun^ smd\ plain, the scowling city population and the hoi 1 id sights ot tin idol len.pii, pi nil the standard of the Cross, and iu the name ot Chn-,1 tike posstssion of th it magnificent continent, ~A Williams, voy aciiiK towards those latitudes where tli Southnii Cioss nightly cmi l^et, fioin the w ,ives of the A 1st Par ihc, 1 in ies the stoi \ of redceihius love to tho cannibals of the South ^e.i hi ind-i A fobn Elliot and .1 T> ivid BiiiiiRid ciosd the AlT.iTiticJ Jiufl Lheie (hi -\ sliep on their I undlc of strtu by ni^ht, h\eon Hie consest i n e b> d iv, tii\cisi' on foot \v imp-, iiml t t n k y wil 9 md ti leklessbw imp , uhue the is as that ol niiiht—and all for wlTiti 1 To m\ss yxtn'' 1 to achieve re -nowii-f 1 Iso , to s.vvi souls—to_pic u h Chnst to tin tulksofthi Tti'dMin A\ c mi'_;hi w e l l thu 1-mt-by-huudiods otJIim I^or what iea- hi "-not the cio^sed V wh it shoiolns he not J3vi'i - UIJKOSLKE OIL. In bringing tho above urliila boforo the f J pubfto, I h ivu only to any, that 1 will furn- lah tho be tnrtitli. Tor tbo lenut moiu-y i, ' AH oil to tod beforo thay leivo tho Storo ? ilotu^n all that do notproio utisf ictorj I^A.BJJ.E'S, SHAX)ES, -WICKS, & SlONEDUlUiril REMOVAL. classes met for lecic.ition, and discussed current politics when the houis ot toil wer^over. Even the poorci citi/ons, a<- coitltng to Iloi.ice, sou™ht lefugofiom the that bo has removed her Storo to corner of ennm hy making .1 louud of the bai hers' Mercer and Morrison Btrcefi, Hight town nbcro s h ops . The b.llhei htlHSPlf fumished in iho will bo glad tp BOO hor friend nnd LU tomori | *- Aa heretofore, she will kuep on hand a complete :. NORKIS T>EGS LTAVE TO INROBM IILR TRIFND5 news and liifuimatiou icspectiug ot stale , thene the lepoits ot the night's broil and thu lust intrigue found ready tongues to disseminate them, with all their attendant slanders,, to the remotest cornnei ot the cit\ , thcie the allluerrt and the indolent consumed their .time iu courb- ind there too the induat: Of* li 1MM UktUll till 1(1- ' , " , 4 , , , , r , j ci 1 1 r tin -Mippoi t in il 111 uulcniujLO ol hi luinily Jj>l.lL^slliIl_Jlll_aJUl "iU-^ to-3-tnl ju 111 0 -nrlj ~>citn proper- but il—HUOh Hluiiid 1 on r (.iotisi>i-s 1 L,i, )n ,,ii nunUil^L-. him ell mult) ihcn oma 1 'unductoi, is Mn lt^ |u i. "us I Jitbrtiih ujjki. uUi iidjud'talicn Uinl pine .1 ]n o -, sum ol, ,r J lllu\ I ^11l1V'lV 1 \ < 'ld l ? J!' 'ii'iW p™j m!i"d"' tut \.ilul ihlc liui'j'ftoini ,„ nl iiV. il"." 11 r" -nbiruipiii nd u hot, hnll -3 ti n o L \ (.mil tut 1 i lu uinin in 1 ur} ut twulvu llew houis bi 1 iiii-ii cimil' ti nt us utTun.11 tuti ^ 111 Luuipl unt, th, I, un, s u.l to his 1 un.l> hi I " "^"^ ,^ ^';^« £*l™ 'Z^X'^l LII ill h 1 in d 1111 1 1 CMurii' I nd im h Ul\ shilU lu imptiiinlllr il md M\olli ini SULII iiiinpliunt trit il 11 lui inn I 1 - litr thu Irml of blnull ctiu*-ft , nnd In i-Ii i t-11*1 J i u y di Lide PX11I1 yb+*on ^uilt , tlu_ii iiiljuslnu hult |.ri)t.nLd us ihouicll he hud tli LI li d sni.h \n. 1 on gmlu , it nojiii j litm u5 h n de 11 indi d » And ho it. nilnLdil-, Ih it either put^ iipnr pj)llnf IJIIJO-.! llliluii-d, nnd i\ tliliif!' wiili—^ 111J jii tici uitlnn tin nM-i if Lr truil bi fore bun u v.nriui iniui il im nili illi'in Ij i[ pi ul lrnlll tho di LI u n i»( mil jintl^o or ^u r > mil i pp( Al tu tho next com IJ t y UL ^lijHiutti *^L ion ol Ihfc pi firf, mid mi} t' *_ j 4 lit muml 1 trill l> jurv, whiuh Hunt mult tii ill iiiomil lo tri ilu Huuuiiml to mnko ULII niljudiiiitiou mid tirilti thoreon us 11 hi rein «e nt sin h lr\j)J...l i Finn siml |uiuco . ill bu hLlit tcr o "DO Hint irrup? tllo drnpery of lii-l ooucli lilnl ttid lii-b d »\vn to plLiiiunt flrt Inn ' y othor iiitcrostin^ and afTti tB of Llie ubovc imtui'o havo -clrUed to us, which AYO have not bun Tor thi 'siki' ol pool huminit^, Me an id lo Unomili Ihi. l>'t Ih it ti)eii M is I tllll \ LS ^Tl l\V ~tTT.tTT -4 llti— PtJXU L horn ono of Ihr eoiuluc tois hrin^ it pTe.'sl 1 il~ljj tlii' \VoTiiulLd~rnil''iiyTli^"~lTr iki' chu<_i of thin i ilu iblos ( i n . Hoik still lion us funnily down ipou tliei oaj:<;y loeks anil pc.ici fnll\ lowing )IMI, iiulmu^ht limiius o. ilic. .11 killing hoiioisoi that JIII;1IL bnchlick mil niilchiiiid <7< 6/ is, M he ii* so 111 inj souls wcio suit impiepaiiid hcfoi^. thol tluoni o( elein il<j,\u 1 I mid tl))3 onlLr uiuilo by Mild LUUII 1 >iiiiiiunti to uu Iiom Iho duto ol thu trial bLlord r nil ju ] tu i .=- (i_ \ n l ho it etiictid That imj ju-lire bofjrc •1 utl fMi-i/i .1 In JJ^UL. urLU ul.iin.bpii.lt L,^jjid 111 ULOI^JI. 11 >uinuiL.iU-1 M 111.I lilt jur31111.11 and ivitnL ^ci -.hull 1 LLLM L bUi Ii p n , md bL luhjict to sueh IHICT nidi 11111 hiiiLtil-i mid thi* uatu i.^ Ulld em tablc.3 I11-M num. ULII ILLS lor tlio 'iniu^u^ iri nl- lou 1 (1 t h i in I ir liUn sci 1 ILLS in i jurti tor tho tn il if infill 1 mm. ( lheo\il tir ^hillbo entitlLil to tho turn n( I^IH) tlullur lor In III* h m h ir* t h o Luultliljiv union uppi ill mil the u^tno ^hili hi, L.111J lli 1 l tht) liU 11111 im 1111] in n tbt iidjudi oiuijii 11111 01 Je 1 tho lobin^ p irty to pny all 00 t-1 T.K llN( .wuld . .\lucli nullher proves or CoNscirNc i - 'Ihcic klllfls Of LOllSLK'nH f>H flHlL 111 tllL noilbii ^(.LS not M} 1 . \n^ tlimvr buboltls Ibc sins in ;v sou) nnr vi, them. Secondly, tbt for tin 1 modi-in news of - LA0E3, DRC'-S HtlMMrN&S, GLOVES AMD HOblEKY, GOODS ron FUNERAL PURPOSES, HOOP SKIRTS, NOTION'S, PTRPUME11Y, f ANCY SOAPS, ir Kaok nnd Dro Pfttternf, and pattern" of all kindj_furni8hod at short notieo tnh26-3m ., Id 111- laid in a full DRY GOODS, KEADY-MADE ClOTBtNO, GROCERIES <AND PROVISIONS, THE SPRING TRADE, Whtoh will bo sold very cheap FOR CAS1I. . Iho Tullortna binrtnejB.T.lii atUl bo contTnnod at Vx'tB itsod, iq *lt its b^nohoa Gn.rmonto mado at O w t notloo, and satisfno'Jon gnamntetiii In PAXTON & &£71GX ' REDUCTION JN _ Tha sabsortbers being nbouFto rolin- qui^h tho Camngo-making buBinosf, ft Kv^gfe ior for salo. at urontly roduaod pncQi. | ojt=3S'= " 1W0 Aim THRKE^EAT _yvjis, indeed aw.tlltiii'J! gazette. hTh h niiJld thf palm groves-of the tropns, nn< the in* ind snow ot the Aitie. eiuie ? And nonnd these footpnuts whativii du e spiuigb_ii2>! ThiTC- is scui, in tin vny he.vt of tho deceit, the heauly o "Eden. All ilouti, wheic thesj hies ed foct h.u 0 p isscd—through the •« .istul blioltenid wiKleuic 1- thctc lies a ti 11 I ot gloty It needs but to multiply Ihcs Jie-ralilb of meuj', and the whole 1 e^itl wtmld b" clothed with the ii^lit ol hTTT en , and tin hiutillr vision which illumes with its ce-lestnl bpleudoi the closing pTges ot' the Bible -vvould be leahzed hi- ioio uie eM's of men And suih bhill one diy veidy he the uspei t ot our world — But while we ale evultitij; 111 tin 1 bkssed piospeet. and lcid the btne si^n of itii_ cumins; m eveiy new convciL antt mnaibn field, in steps the Rituihs to lemiud us that out hope* are" Mselcss, and th\L we commit 1 "real mistake if we suppose foi an instant th.it the e men 'no imnisteis 01 niissiimorica of Chust Oh, no ' cries Hs( 11 , which, thoujh secni' sin, soothesintn in ihe committing tin u of TI1111II3* the s< aied eonsi II'IUI', w hii h Ins •ncithci ^rght— speech nor si n^fy-m men th.il, am p\st lulni^ l*otull»l\*;— t wounded (.OIIMICIHU, iii'ightiil with pent lot sin '1 he 1 i c t md hi st is 1 TIKI eli 11 lonsiience, picilind m LhiLst Jesus Ol liu se, the lotuth is in folium iblj-htttcL thaatliLthne feumei, h.o I hit a wise mm would not t ik( 1 world lo chin^e With then^ lii, a wounded must 11 nee is 1 ithf 1 puninl thm iinlul , an~TiTIlTcTiqii7Xn'^oiiriiLc jTiiiT is m the leul-y wiy, at the ne\.t n move, in lie juinoil into ,\ ipui L conseiem e IVws Fullu. _ _ Tin SAIIM^ "• bi inu Iroin tliL° 7 Anil bo it-enacted, Tlint nil ordci-.i luuilu Hiul^r tho yji'ovi.sitms ol' this ^iiiipluuiutit shull otm- ttn'.iu iu forco 1'or tho torni <it' ono your from thi3 tltllft \ llt-U thi, |)J_> l l K t l t I tllLTLIIl illILCttd (.1)111* tnciicu to run ; Out Bueh orilor HII.III nut bo a bur ti) li Kubsi'miulit conipliiiut ntlrr t\\i\ vrpiriilipi) <)t -,:iiil mtin, uud upon nil trlulK optii tho wtto tit tho poison couipluiiied ot' uud biiiisolf niiy \io ~wl£ J 8 And bo it cnaotod, Thnt w.licro liny ofdor ^liftll bt, miidu in i ur«u nice uf ILH n^ptrxnent, thi pi i^oii JI^ unfit whtmi thu h imo H m"xilt li ill bo r(_'i[uir(.'d to t:.\«cuto it bond with £ood. Bccurity to t-b'J ovo>"ii(ior oftho poor of iho -tuwd^hip or (;i ty, to l b ! l d ht y tiriVr^ i inn.} bo iiuido, in L i ^ m Tppcul ljt? tikon, muCni dhinult ilitrd)!, tbo ncun^cd tbull (.nui- uiitted lo iho county jitil unlit such bond ahull bo ^uin pid^idid, ill LI ibt u-ttuo botoio euih up pt'iil bu tnhen, or aucli ctmrt of qunrtor so'Mion.T thoroiil'tor, or n JUIIKO thorool, in vnoation. upon VH ni£ ^iiisiicd ilut lurthci lninn^oiiiiiont ^ill lull to JHuduLO ^uppoit lor l v io f Miuly~()f the icT-u od7 or soonrity tbtsroforj nmy disoburgo tho accused from further linpriHyniiicui, but no such di3churgo ibnllbojrriintod until lh() uccusod shull have lil'3t "pringt rc-ulta fiom wiitirpini tubtiJUJiJicun di pn-iils of r LI i nnturnl ^ ilt mud_^ h^ iho nnturixl o\ipor ition-Tb tcr lnkfi" liko the (lri.nt Silt I nki> Cn»in in Sm oti ^IIILII 1 il 11 LjiMcd in ^colo^u iii ]i(rn)us Inli liorift of yoara n^n, thn bnain? fovniing thcin being of orwurd co\crod up by lutLr deposits XhoV bo long all to tho uppur sihirian urn, nnd nvo «i such gre£it depthg thut they arc porluips Snnceo?siblo (o •Min' S ^ ^ J e ^ S J b K he, s.and.n^ up m his p-unfcrt'eoat, and k L f h d f h lht ieil\thurc 1-3 so en n) 011111 ll th it it 1 lai pupo'nr r to tho qu 11 r; iri}; done in dry i 1 ilt uiiiii s it 1 *impl p imped uj> m «idu ti in through i'f nip irali\ ily lliurow ind ltu>\pm live tubi i Whm ita tikn in enni-idLlillon tli it nimtof Iho nuturiil roi,k ilthiitubi III'TOIICU fi U TLd Old ri ei v^tnliiLd v.t «ei horn 111 il nlttlli lini done tho di uWiu^ nnd liltoiin^ —iu fit t tbo bi me in S> 1 iruso H ^o cluir tliit IL iraplo cvapor ntujn citlTcr hv»J»foj;r olirhcitji ufficinnt to prolui>« a f-up(,nor niiiclp~of tftiffc The Millie own tho spiing** ^)ump up the water cWfly hv thf water power of tint part of tho Lrie cinil pHtlnj; thiough SITICUSO nnd «ell the brmo to tin mrinufnuturorB of tho silt The tot il qunuht> of milt obtained in On ndnsi count} sinus liUri not lqia tli 10 2(10,000,000 ou lji.Ii, ball ol d t , ^ p p , t^C^^J^^^^V^i -ipeikin:; Lo us fionl the midst of his licjht- now in coimdorition thit ono oubio foot of solid il dlci^tECl t S T n r a C r t t h * i m l^ 15 b o f ct rnalti!iLl]jn The shop of the hijrher el.isb ( t barheis formed a good apology ior tho modern i of Chi i-it , they never ihd, noi* nc\ci c.ui, dub room , that e>t the humbler professoi convert any one , they lack the apostolic *V,°J •succession.-—CIn iitian Timn. London. 3|»'rttTrciKha*i m un 'l^ 15 cubio_fi I lh « timountof silt ihLr<-forc runoyd tho for,tho tavern or lager beet- saloon. ' Hcnco tliQ harbcr shops constituted an import,- aijt element in tho social condition and progress of the Komah people. — - toitieltc, wrote thcmeinoira of his unfor- tunate Queen ; jMajsir 1 , tho hither of Charles' X.,.was tho favorite gossip and anecdote-monger of tho court. Madton, who had tho honor of combing and shav- ing the " Citizen King," was etaid, prac- tical and commercially minded, like his l pnid nil prt,\iumc IH-J, untr~i)ii vldiid litt'hur, ilril—^ j - iii"cit o~tlio bond bo given lusri-qulred-'by tha seo**—~- oml sLLtion hi n u) ^hen nu furihti bond <*hall bo mcee^-fff^T^Qi^^*^* 111 "*"!^) 1 )!! buid-tbo ant nrityfnr. _ Un CJ-UIIIUI xibxilieribo of. tluvfomBud to nil orders ^ ind diciLiH inndi in pur-suiinceot luppkinuut 9 And 1)0 it oiiticteil, 'Ihit thi net hnll bw deemed n pul In ael, and tnWo cITent miuicdiately, but blull bo limited 111 us cflDLt and upLration to Apt roved April 17,1^08 CliAr-Tm TnnrE Ht\DnrD AVB F »TI I'IVK—A further puppluini nt ti) un net entulcd L AD aot re i)!.otin/; iho Court of Chancery ' 1—His it LlnclLtl by tl e s, ntito and General A-3- mbl of the^SPno oT Navfti-T 4y,"ThrttT*mi- <—- cur unj bill j^'nill I I hlo 1 in ihu cmut »t oh intLry ofiln stato nj; unit nny corporimon of this atiti'i JDII il "hull be m-iilo to njipi ir h ulliilnMt to tbo itul ictuiii ot tht ihm collor that none of tho ofli- nr or (lirLOtma of luiih cinpor itKAl )ito resident in linn i«tito or lllit nono ot ttiLin can no found. Mi'hin this stuto ti) >o lorvLd with prnCe-3 of&ub- poau 1, uob corporition Eh ill bo aceiiiLil anil token n-ttbsc&t defendant, and4.lint^ucb-p^pa£cd.' . mg and dn.rcc may bo li id agnnat suoh corpora tiou a 1^ now provided by law in tbo on*o ot ab- sent Jcton((aiit-ij and that in nil cue wore such pro-ccdiii£3 n arc r<!o.uued or authorized by I11W in 01180 of absent defendants shall h no been hwo- toforo had Ji^iin t any iuoh corporation si aforo- snd, iuoh decroo may bo had agmoat uoh corpo- ration a? n now providod by law in tho oase of ab sent dofendiints ZVAnd be 1* enacted, That thi act shall nreaiHimniodiiitely Approved April 7. ISCiS INCIDENTS OF THE tUSASTER. ERIE! Sotne recently gleaned incidents ^relat- ing to the j victims of tho late Railroad diavster prove howTvlilacious arc so-called presentiments of evil. ' r We understand from an intimate friend of many of the sufferers that those who l h l k bio feet of solid salt 'Jhi would loim n tn^lo 0Tin.\ ation ill tho eiirth of about 450 feet long wulo, nnd high , but iho suit 11 not nil removed lnonebiLndH) nnd tVo executions nre dmnbn ted irregularly, orer a. lnr^o ctlont, of uttcr-nno (in toiritorv_ A tho brine cnntains ibout 15 por cent of silt it look-toien times (hut amount of , en , b iV o f tho-State of Nen^Jvrtoy, That th*_tenth water to disiolvo it, 6l)0,i 00,0(10 cubic feet or 5 -1 , c ^i llln o f t i,a not to which tbis a supplomcnt be 000,000,0u0 Kal'on-i of wntor ha\o thorefore nil- nul6rif i 0i i by thu addition of the-following words, to on ewiporued by tho hoivt upplied during ^9 cum0 inn f te r tho word lands in tho first line " urs, and probnbly moro, n"s the brinca formerly . . . _ . Tiinrm HUMIRKU A^D SIXTT-NI>"E -'-^t Bupplurnont to an not entitled '\An not ttath.or- mn,; tho incorporation of llural Cemotery As sooiiitiona," approved March fonrtoonth, oigh- tcet) hnnilrpd nnd fifty otio 1 Bo it ennoted by tho Soiinto and General As- - - - • - - -• That th*_tenth bron p y pp g cum0 in n f te r th yenrs, and probn^ly moro, n-s thu brines formerly Bftl(i Beot,nn . •'nnd bonds or mortgages glvun to rned wore not «o strong by fur as thoso obtained ,„,„„, , 1)e paTohMie mon«y Ztn th Af '"'" '" u "- ! '" - ~ J —•• h l d d ol later by boring to a groatojr depth. THE ARMY WOKH GES ior saio, tic K[ oll y^o u T^ H THREir^EAT ^ ^ P atron Napoleon HI. has no bar- | now sleep tho eternal vest that knows no | Tho movemonts and number- of this m oot aro linvms 0VP*A>fT> TWO SEAT r*RftIA- her ; he keepa to hl3 old habit and shavea Crtithly wakinir left their homes on that astounding Tho army worm has nppearod in this I B ?Ai5fi£ Mil!™,fto.ic , himself. I fatal night not only m the fullest eniov- ° 0 ™^ no ". th..B»io i.n?, and they,aro now L want of ^ L t m tho .hove ,„.' i _ _ _ the fullest enjoy- Tho two great rei"ninK barbers of tho ' ment of life nnd its pleasures, but in par- will find this «n opportunity seldom. mat with, us day aro Felix and Petrus iu Pans. The ticularly happy spirits, not ono shadow they'were mads up with groat regard to auriibiH- barber-surgeon was formerly known by of fearful coming events darkening their, tyforthe-flrMt fowl trade,-anrlaro-Dow offered huTpdle atthe door. The pole waa used buoyant hearts, th& barber eurgepn for the patient lo Prominent among that merry 1 tjarty in M^^-KitHwrt X * fi i Iof f r ^"^".gfi m* 1 ? ^Y^tal ladiflR An rottte to New Yorh; moving southward , n y b.oadth > abo n t two snoh land , and improvement* mnde thoreorj." 2 Aud bo it ennotedj Ihst this (u>( ahtfl taktf effect immediately ~~ ' Approved Apnl 7,1808. v milc't, and Ihoy nre stripping tho toreit of all foil- a t A ne i was caught up In Ue last' HIght»tOTf», April 3,1868. _ is . ,ng need for tyingtia arm. When the for the purpose of purchasing their sum-' train on the Momphin and Ch Tho worms wora so th4ok,fln .. aoaamalated on tbs wheala until it oausod them. •tnaliilfinB thn irint* (Mi*.) Model Parmir.

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VOL. XXIV. NO. 11. HIGHTSTOWN, JUNE 11, 1868. WHOLE NO. 1188


J7tr*br-informa Uje T< ildtnta of IIiGlltst<mn R*d Ticlnlty tb*tL i

Li heretofore Bjvecia.1 attention will bfl LiTen to thi treatment of

DLllCfi*Cft ofiliQ T-jfl ami IJnV^ ' •*—

A"*1 Surataal CDUJH

Oflloe Hour*, O to o A M i

Thc-Jersey-City InsuranceJJampanyrfiupurior anduct inunia to iTT^HeSTring fit silu.ua Insurance upon ull J/ropeity liible tu

dustrurtion by firerolling IIUUSCH, Public UiuUhng , Churches,»g"3, .fs>fthn«l__IIjHm-8.Q9i flic i Hl8Ur«d l u f QI1U»s, or fir*i yoar-ii oi pcrpoliial _*

fatoio% MLTLII indUc, Grmu Mill* M inu factortr3T ail i Pomona,! Propelty of ovur> dr** nptiontaken at a favorable rut-tig a ^utoty


> thii method ot ani^ounsu>£ to %hr pof pla of


tvm.H UII'MiuiTali CTt (cniuui ut Wiifil,) .mil lull*hold him oil in n,ifliiiLs itt> ath n j upon tho a whomay «i-h tur hi protriiion il SLTVILI-M |

O m c i Houits—7 lo 3 i m , uud b to 8 p in ,Hirfhfuown Jum 11 lbfib tf.


Li on i us nib sLitvicrsIX ti tho 1-iti/i.u of lli^ht tonn ami i innity —Culls for im.du.nl uiunduutv mil in.cno promptiitTtTTitio»~ • —

CURFEWBELLSMan} have henid of tho ' cut lew belt,"

hut not .til know iti onum. Its hisloiym "Cnjrlvnds inns bicW to the tune ot Wil-liam Xhi f.oiinni i»i. «liu <>nlcii.d a bi 11

•\\eii liuii<r up H I HI^II * At length, instexd of htiiiim^ out the a< tttxl pole u- 'din the ojierition a polo p untul - huicethe h u b i I S poll ~~

Loid Thuilim, in h i s sp ie ih fin post-poning thi iuilliLi it idui£j ot the iui

pjl<> i\ ti not in u,e, tho tn.pe w.is tied to ' I I U l waidiohcs A jouus* manii-il lady,it, m d twisted lound it, and \htis both a 1 ( - w houii bc'oie k- nin^' on t i n t In in ,

" 1 dcuwsms with unuMiU nnnn ittunpWb.uib nnluip.tlion-s lor the coming

lusn i^ h ir husband with InJlc ll t of llli<-liK«,u II t. poill-t—LlU]

H (.s, 1 II L h()Ulli>t<), t tC SllL N\ 1

soundly by bet husband s eid


of New Jersey.

AID FoLnTJMtH — Anot

to be r u n s about sundown illnnd lit (.l^lit o'clock in tin oi\intPi, i t which liMii dii"1 i nd li

stiinini'i,min^ in;hts were

( mis' ( oi pui itiun bill, July 17, IT'lT, st itd th.it.1 hv ,i. stitult. htill i n i u u i , tin

whin thi> ti mi, iu hin^ Ihiouph<;lonm uud stoiln of UutfiUl


the . ,TK-nt1 ,el,,bT

Cl! ITU r«V» HlMlllEDfuithfl- upplrin«fit loto dcciilo nppnhend andpir-tvi r ' pi«intl Juno tenth,uud

punish disorderlyercntecn hundred

li .uiiong ihi> roi te — — — rAmid ilu cutsh mil debti\ of the v u a k

thi«\ -wire spp.wn.lLd, null he lit ml hei !

it cnucti 1 hy tho Senate rnd Gcncr'l Af-ot thn Mute of New JOT cy, 'lhiU »n j

Huil iitnl or InlliLi who1 ilte-mm ur wilfully rcrttBcd-or lif^lt-cU it j-ro\ido foi and mnintmn hi

Offloo boura from 7 to,9.JV. M., and 7 to 9 P .£_2** Ofiluii and TC^UICULO iu bto ik lon fticpt op

posl l f l l t . I I .S ta t ion . uu(;l5-om

pwithin cluponcomply

'word-derived from tlv-

bT-ibeit. m i l M i l l i o n s ^\i_ri e ich t o iibi upolo ' ' T \ t n iu o u r m u<_ i i t ton Uiete - - - —• — - — *•• ~ - -••- " *^- •• . .. v . *, , , . .. * , .hvo be. ii bi.bus m JJ.mlui.1 ^ho l.t ,«»«;> ^«re so^uaUd, n.,J hi- head tej.SK^^'tl'SlKl

tkniil., andth. pcoiWo iemi.il bh.o.l .md dt, u tu-.l.h, nmllolh. mi s. nl 1 y ' " ' " l»m tint sht' waijiot mui h huU, j Z^l% t""i. r J°i.",!"i»'h ^ C L l l oroois, tnu pi.ii utti s wcien^po ul - y tin Spmish Su»'/i art » c u t ^ o n i Inn ' " u c l T C l u - ! 1 mifticd by SLtrnrT^tinhris-wiis r.itliti~n}stTftt rjUiovet-rhnt suflliosf who iio-ikc-U-d oi icfu^id to ( l l ^ s v u l , t , , U l o l 1,ILUK You mdllkT "» I 1 J 1 L t ( ) '»•" l h t hcisoir,

T.1)H M S <_ xlllllwith the Uw Oitl> ~Tio\i

Compuni *s IJ


ition^chforfurrv givun tBIIICSI J or m^iu incii nppl"V

1H0S C JM AllCIi r AQKVTHh NiHghlatoiint, N, J

People's Pire Insurance Company,OF TRENTON, N. J.

imtitcToii:6 {^SUyltor, Cilt-b b Urn.n, 1 11 _"\\jll!sin-on,

Jacob.M. Tiiylur, Joseph Wbiialter John Tii^b»rJ h Diirruh b umii.1 k Wil mi I n M, hupb'n0. W. Bliicktun, Chnrleft Scott, Jolin K. Siiiilb

H. U. Scuddur, L>uniol 11. lloiliiio, Win. liuuilordS S b lK\kEl l I'lllblDEM

r Jl WlLiaht>«N,.Srr valid Ttramntllisks takon as low as nny other reliable Co

and all loiiHutf promptly adjustedapl-ly" J. li. WOH'i'ON. AOENT, H'ij;btalonn

to 7 P

i, INT. , T .



appiopmtcncss o( 11TT

fun JThu old king h i sb i 'on ceuei illy

t p, and bri»«i d him I B e r t o r wil«Nv rrluso orncEliot to pioTidofor nod

it nii'-sible, to come to hoi l t l u t fii thl,i-i<r' ln"i»" l l» ln'linnly »"d that by rtnson thoreoC1 ,,,1 1 „• I11.1 ! t l f , NM v l v ' i ^ I tm.h limilj may bec imo i-hiiigcablo to luoh toirtl-(>od lo i ' he i Mliitj l h i s iMi i ly oi lus ,!, l p o r o n i it .hall bo h.s duty to moke ooiuplatotl n i u n e s with lun voice bUHinigmf; 111 i» - | jho.cof. unitr oalb, bcfoio Borne justiop of th»

J O S E P H ,T.

A T I' 0 It N L Y A T I, 1 W,

Mister, LTiinuuur, nnd RuliLitur iu Chintnry

Oihi.0 and IPNUUUCL Ci niberr^ Neck MiJ IU <Count} I1 0 adilm i—Ili^ht town, N J

Olflci Lu

(it thent v tuili uhi loi > n

U-^ifch ilw Wndui^ anguish ot t>VT(£roTeurr ^ _piodui cd urn onsciousiitss unl 2 Ami inittmcinl, Tfin

Photograph, and Amhrotype Gallciy,MAIN STH.E1ST, HIGUTSTOWN, N. J.

i h ubloribcr ie>pei.iruily inforinand OujntlLinen ol ili^liMwi n mil \ icinity that

\Jio has purch ncd tho jb(ju CV tlKr^ and 1a nm\piepirctl to u\iLUto pirtrxits tiom luokot to liftaiio, iu tho highest stylo of the art.


for brillianoy oi' tono and faitlifulnoss, to nrvtur*)iol to bo uxuullud by. thoso ol" any Uallury in thoUnitod States.

ENLARGED PHOTOGRAPHS taken from oldDa^ucm ut} p* s nnd \iubrot pi pi nn 01 hui^hiulIn Ink or Water Colors.

PerrfiMia who hiivu had Photographs taken bMr. Au.xtu, CitiLJiavo pietiirustVom thosauio Nun

ativus at any timeTrioo ol1 CA11TKS PK VI8ITKS, £2 50 por doi

" J.A1U1L l>IIiwiOL,UAl>H-3 Si 2 .il i l I ' iUESl , Wiuiomiiphor

Aug. 25, 1307. OBI.


n i u u i ii r u iv i , w J ,

COUNSELLOR. AT LAW.F r a n c e ui tho Unit* d M ittt-ij Di-jlnotj mid

Cirmit CuurtILI I 2b lht)i ly

D R . LLOYD W I L B U l t ,Would re3poctfiill3F announce Hint he hnjipcrnn.uuutl^ IL unit d tho pritotii-o ot In jirofi,TJion atrii 'ln cr -n— — •— — -

Kuaidenqu iu Stockton street, J doors west ofForm an

M neb 11, lQiG

biecti"b]<.rt tondition , out, fix thobell" \\as. l titrg in JTi.tnco loni;ilium s tnnr, .is ,i s.ik^u'ud

TLjutt f, Im s, it 1-, uoL nnpiobibli1 I l i i thuhiomjhL the custom with him into Ln^liind hum the rcmtinoiit, .md th it he h i shi (xi si indued i s to his moti\cs At 1113i.ilc, he^has him, uioiiL;h to inswti loiwithout this In the s i \ t tmi l l t t n t t i n ,' btlliuLU ' wen. .uhlcd to tin ni^ht ^.ilcliin f ondon Tliuy wont thiough thestieets lmgin^ tin u hells, .md ci v l n "" '1 ,iko CAIO of ino and < imllo , be kind tohi pool, mil pi u foj th' dead " Jt w iibe 1)L11UHHI s dutv, .xl^l), to bkss thlii pi is is hi pissed tin ii dooiH' I I Pi nsoioso" Udtoii ILRIS toubLom



CARPENTEIt'S AMD MASON'S TOOLfc",And evory artiols UML-J by Builder

Al3Q,-l!i.rga-a53nr.tmont of ISiblo arid Poekel Cut-l«ry ; Floor Oil Cloth, Ao., Ac.

llightalown, Sopt 21. 181ili. ly

Abrams, Alcxaiicter &, No'rria,"

w I1OLKSAI.E AND UETAH, COMMISSIONDealers In lvll kinds ol' Country I'roJu* n,

19G Merchant "ton Mai Act1 How, We t Wu hi

NLW \0RKConsignment strictly attended to nt llio Uoiit

•nnd K H Dupots, and ri turnT Ahinmi,

DR. A. 3 > A W E J ,Sjul^noll D u i t l I mi l M inut n-tuii ro t I n r o r i u p t l

IJIL t uni i< nth

£-7!?-^^ Ofli(.o in \ t in I HA "-MOOR'S Store —7ZLS§ J nti i n n . on M u n t i L i t , o,j< situ t heUnivuis ill it L i m n h

t^f Lu. th 1 u i 1 t.id \ \ I I H O T J I P A I N , b) thi>

il B — LI11. non I* i ton t (Jum B T I P , 10 vnlu il Iffur lt-i l l n htnL , Liinilort, mill i 1 1 inl ine l i il iipp l iod An ovj-iiun a i u n l j i n ^ l t t d i p l


No l"0 <L 1 7 Wost WiisIuiiKlon MarkitNl \ \ r \ 0 1 t k


JIU Goinuubxion Di-iltr in all ki


m i t o n v ' T i ' TIII\Ett\YOLii iLSc} mil I ul to" Strcpti

g r o i G L i r Fll LI11 II VBIJ ill C MOUKTJUl t r l l U IME^OH

l^'Al/oide! reicimd uill he punctiia'lyat-tn leltn [_ i--Of

e n d d nt lpromptly made.

"AlfTaviicr, C illMarch 1', 1808-ly


V I* O V It A N B I I K A L ,Cnll a,t U11 tow's, whuro you can got n good nrti

olo, nnd tho worth of your money nt all tuuuL ** Pirtio-5 upphod with Fancy Oake, orany

"thing in my lino, at hortnotiioM\PY B A STOW.

Jliglitstown Ott 2, 18G7




KE ir n I* y~r~f, ^~ "J*




COMPANYn i G i i x . s ' r 1 o tv iv , rv. j

Porsona haying unlnsurod property, will find 1.to their advantage to call on tbo abuyo, lit his redunce in Morrison street. . oo'21)-tf



_ Wi^usoiii _N J ~ ~

I'W Applications foi In ur men bylnttor orofliorulHO, pbfiotnall ittLnded to

AI=u, Tu»tn.o ol the l'« »o, Purveyor iud foilvovXJicor, and Master in Ohanoevy, npa7

R A. OUTCALT,L I 0 E N S ' U D A U C T I O N E E R ,

n on_roiisQjnaJil£_t8_r.ma in tii

T i l

China and Glassware,"•WOULD DO WELL TO CALL OJT


HIGHTSTOWN, N. J-Jobbing promptly attended to, nnd Buildings pu


(Oppo to theHirket,)

Wbero thoy will find a Lirgo A aortmont of

-~^^=^S0>fe*B«NER & TKA WAltEtTOILET »1- ra, Plain nnd IlLOoriit d,

PlttNClI CIIENA, l'lnin nnd Gold Bnnd,ULAbb WARE Or ALL KINDS,






Land in fmo condition, nnd smtnblo for ttll CropBomo of tho Kainm aro ho ivily timboiod.

$50 por a re^Bhengo in trucking orfratt

to liu ono ot thu nnostlooaAddruss, or onll on

L N PLThRSON,23 at Wn hmgton H01150, Norfullc, V»


PAXT&N & SAVIGE7At tho old fatnnd of Pinton_& Mountform tho ptibho that thoy haTo JUst iahue of

l'ersoni wishinggrowing will find tintions in tho country

Shop on Morcor street, above Dawerebl.i-ly


PAINTS x\ND- OILS.A largo stock ma be found at tKo t,nb en


To h i1 til -in'1- drj«-;> elmmjor -from i

Pot ts \i t \c i ftm if tcned to tho Liufi w,I ( DM r luo, bell Gia j Ix^ms his be\uiiui ' E I L ^ J " \ML1I

1 ihfl cu rii.w tolli tlie Unoll of p irlm^ d 13 '

Ijomifillow, too, h.isi. pipttj htlle poi.millm^ H10 ,loiy of this, boll with (.1IJ.UUII g Miinphtjlj

1 Solomnlv nD'trofullj,I)i nlnit' II" dol J ?

Thf i-tiikw l.LllJL j ^cjriniiin^ to toll

- Cuier Ih' Linht j i ,Put out thr li^ut ,

Toil L0U1L1 with Ih*1 in^rnui^,\iul rc i t ivith tht. ni^ht

D u l ^roiv the indoTvg,A 11 1 qu* nehed iri thn (j^p ,

Eounil 1 uli 1 111 tu -Hili iu.1 1A l l f o o t l t r p l o t u o

No voice in tho ohnmbors,No xouiid in ibe hull j

Sluen and olili.vii'11Roi^n ovur nil ' '

J\Vilham diLd, aiid lho_oii^m ilof rire~C(IifLw~ -iVr-ip-at l;rsnG-

niovLd ihout tho turn1 of I l m i y I , in11U0 , hut tho (.Ublom ol lin^mq ,iu CM 11m^ bi.ll I'J still Ki'pt up in Ln™l aid, \Mtli\ uii'ion-i .is ti tin houi1 The 'nineo'clniL bell,"- f.inuh 11 to inosl 2 \mLH-,1 md pi opli.',—which M nj«, SD m UIJjoiuig poaplc home mil to hed, and "« h u hTTl—tlu' O'-H4^—lutjtoiv oi—nm 1 omit 1 y i\.is

^uo without doubt iniintti ' i CIIIIK '] lie ltilnfihsl m i } bip u i k t t l \ SUICPH , tin1} n i t \ bu follow 1114nio^t lonsLicntiousH tin huhl thc \ l n u ,ui'l i|i])h 111 to tho hist ui th( u .ibihl\the p inn ip l i s ot ChiibLi i m l \ , a > t i n}tinili 1 st md Ihotn We \ tu nnpu^inu^in it hi t tin 11 <hu icUis noi t h u i in >t_i \ <_£,Whit , in1 iMimi is, ih i t t h i n IOJK In.," p i u c ' ini l , b> cunstqm ncc, s th itiou,to .ill within the, t h m dciioiuiu t l ioui|n i ilu d, be tin.} is 141101 i n t ol tin won!

ot (joil, and iv giicvous>n di'Mud ol Ihcpi \t tii i l . fiutls ot Lhust i iu i (> i s tinllot tcnlols , \ . hilt •fl.ll outbiilii tin.1!! thiiL

it UiM s o \e i to- 11'iiiobi

it T o tins is ' MNCCL UIHILI MHL(' i til upon his S,LMISP ,

tk'iii.il, doLb the 1 Jtlm i iuc l lliuic^ bttric un tun u d iiVi.'.i'id••*'••• n i } hi h u LtiLsot i^onj -vu u lin tll> hushed in

di Uh—liulhiii^ li t i i i inod ot thi huj l i tin J h ij)p) mil, but I 1 l u u i d poition ot


llnput 1U

matters no I, how "Scriplurrtl may bL

m u l of P i o t i s l i n t i lu i ichc r , "h»wthen .idiuini-it.i.ilioii, 01 lio« huhiiunihi iiliip, tin > 1 ick th>_ in n k ot

the ti tic ( huii h — ApiMolii sui 11 ssmn1 hcu niini'-tiis . i i e n n i e 11) men, ' w 1 IK

without wilier/1 and their : benighted(lo<:ks listen on the SaUbnth to scimons whii:h lmvc no " t r u t h " in (.bum\nd i i u u i n ^ s i t ! 11111 nt 1 which t uinolion\i-s " m i u ' I t niHtCi, not although(iod iiii> h i \ i liiiini b is t i ^ l i m o i u tothrse ("lunches bj houinni" tin 111 lo anil 1loi his n unt, 01 ti bpnad Ins titilb o \ i itin c 1.1 tli 'Ih il testimony c umot be u1 epted m the tibsime ot the 0111 oiil^ 111-(ill>l>U. mailv of a. li ui" t him b thi .ipti-iUt\ic sueei bsion The cluuih ^hieh in"Cn^l md piodtiml 1 .John Chvcii .will 1liicl iud l i i^tei 111 JoriJiei ih)- , tnd 1Eobrtl II ill .ind .1 Tohn-An^i 11 J u m s moui turns, is no clmi 1 h 111 f luist , it 1 \t \^the .iposlnlu1 •neu-sion The chinch inScotland, which number in its ranks1 an\11duw"-Afrlvillt! '11111 a-S-rrmirl-R

In 1 1«)(1\ onl> lcco^ni/cd 1)> hcimil w tLLh lUi laisbiiiil suniM-, , mdw LS t iKi 11 iiom Poi t Jci \ is to his di'soLu-cd liiiim

Anoil)Lr l i l \ , acpouipTiucd to Ihc depot b) A lu.,1 ]Ul l ) Ol ilKUlls, 111 tillwildest bpmts, lull of j ; iv hudin ir'o1 uuh tn^ ly p u u h isi i\ an .iniili nt puln \ol nisui m a ol t ),UUO, .\nd thiow in^ ,t onlb(_ l i p o t T. liil} hiLtid, Liul, " t b n e ini% pa l l ing p t i s c n t , it I mi lulli il lonmht , t i l l , thi 't mid llouush on it " —J liib ])oo[ %n Li 111 w is li in1)] ' nii ' l int1 mil1nn14l1.il SIIL d u d in tin most. Intoli 1*l>li i p " ih K \ L I I t iu i dcatTi tin.

l i t l l l l l l l l rr l u . l ) l ( | ( X |

in 1 1 m , \i t huUllll IL l l l t l) i s k t h

i n o n j : t i iL l o i k i p u o i to h i i i c n i o \ i l , t o i

i k i l i o n i In 1 p u i c a I1141 s u m u i

none \ mdLl SIS 1 lll.li | m ( [ ,

Oni. ol tin j i ntlcnicn>i t d 11111 M 1 U It in liLtti 1 IK. i l th m d s p u i l s , luil l hki . I I ION, 1 is lul im1 ^ is b l i gh t milIDUIIICS, , md us t i nuU told h . s i \ i l i ' th it

the ii' w i n 110 hop i s ot hei h t i n ^ i w i d o w ,1)1 111 IS •,rl)l)ll loi tWllll} >OJ1^ J ( l 111,% >s lunnd with Ins ni i k bioke'n, no in illf t n u i u U t i o n , a lmos t . i suuli upon hi^l ips ,l i w i t ,


111 UIL ll 111 uni rr l ini i ioifol thn pnr-un Eiconiplnin-t d 1.1, mid ID-- t% inking linn bi-foru sucli j u i t i c c ,upuii 1 ho 11 turn iif wliii h " i n r u n t Mud )u t im shnl lt-iu-.li u h ui r*i.L lo ciit**i into A bimd to aiiul over-•i t i 111 -MI Hum not LKCCLdiil^ ti\o hundred dol -lui m t h >,innl ^n unT> , 1. .iiditionod tor his ap

11 w e ls l yn.ni mtL bi loru hint ju IILO tit 1 timo the re i r11 miLit to iiusiM 1 siLid < uitipl u n t nnd to ahido AI tordi.ri i n d ^ n u n t s »nd IIIITLL t l in tmiy bo mudili , 'ui i t I11 >>i uinnlunV su i t ooDipUiut, anil i n de~l n i i i t o i i u 1 I ] I I I J I I tuiiTiii | r into »ui,h bond, and^iv in r ^ui h u n it} , mud ju IILO hull Commit h i mt i 1L1 1 unit ju i l , to nHJit thu invostigation ofS i l l L >n.} 1 un t

J And bu it L. ntti-tl Tl Tt nt tlio t u n o o f n P 't u n m *. 1111 iitn ncd in '-iml honl tlioju tico ha l lu^cci l 11 lunr tho \ \ i tm T 4 prodm i.d m aubstiin ^iitt m i l u b u t tho fciud cnuiplaint, nud fibnll il^-

lu T\luthi.r *-ut 1\ |)i-j un li KO'U " t not g u i l t ylu ri.ol , it lio droim.a sin h \n r iJu guilty h« ^hall-ilju 'L^ n n i to hu 1. di ordoilv p< f-011 nnd in Ui'uI ilu. j>t_n iltiin m r pri. Liibfd 1 ir di ordcrl pe run iti.li ju^tii i 111113 mnko iinuitlLr r equ i r ing

!i in I-.OH lo pay u h s u u i w i i k l to Bilil <


almost i s n^idly obi ycd b> all, 1 oth oldintl voting, as tho old curlew, traces itson in illicitly lo tho coMii lue bell IHLouLrtillowN i tr \angcli i i( " thu custom iswell dest 1 lbi d .

"Amiir tbo-boll from the bolfroyRang out-tho hour of nine,—tho villngo ourfuw,

— mil vf/- / iftrnai/Ro 6 thr ™iifit Hi d dtp irticl, ".nil 'hilcncu rcl^n

cd in tho household," '

BuL jiow thc_ _ gand though the belLstill imp's out ou tlieeven ing uir, 111 (oiui t i> \ i l l i2;o a n d cit)stiei t, it ha s lost i t s p o w t t , s w e . is 1 ti 11-t lie ot p i s s i n g t u n e Le t the o i l bellsring on'; wo lovo their sound ; or, in thewoids of ifooie,—

" lho«c evening hell ' thoje o^enin^ be l l i 'How many a Inlu-thcir muaio tells, — —Of youth, and home, and that sweet tiinQA\ hen-la L X i^urd tii^ir southing cl>iinM ' "

fold, md, nion lalc-ly, an Andicw Thornson and a Thomas Chalmers is-iin churchof Chusi- it 1 ick1!rlie npnslnhi sin 11 .s.sionThese men taught without authority, andJ'rau unbCiitJ! _Tlicu p pthen ler\ id I'I.II, tin u buininc 1 loqucui 1anil their unwcilricd labors iu the cans;of the gospel do not entilli them (o 1 inkas minislors of Christ—ihe hand-i of Grjekor Itoman bishop word never (aid 'uponthen h' id A Schwul-5, x Cm>, inAlt vandei Dull, lucd with love lo Chu tami 1 ompi^sion foi pi nslnn^souK, "n out

111 id, trrb

J . ^ j q 1' JiMtin it^— TlTFTiibt BiKman "binbris" wcie bt675u;liT ftoni STctlybj olic Ticinius Mena, JO'5 U C. Tn thecourse of a few years they had so nmlti-prred=fctru=fc-fche=(iitj— w a&=lnil ol tin m —Their shops soon became the common re-Borbofloungertmnd idlers of every descrip-tion, uiilil.it lcnjclh the) set veil lolinmshpiovcibs cvpifbtivii ot notonety. Thi rutho fjoissippiiiR and. inquisitive portion of

to India,h iun tu i iiini'li and the buiiun^ smd\plain, the scowling city population andthe hoi 1 id sights ot tin idol len.pii, pi nilthe standard of the Cross, and iu thename ot Chn-,1 t ike posstssion of th itmagnificent continent, ~A Williams, voyaciiiK towards those latitudes where tliSouthnii Cioss nightly cmi l^et, fioin thew ,ives of the A 1st Par ihc, 1 i n ies the stoi \of redceihius love to tho cannibals of theSouth ^e.i h i ind-i A fobn Elliot and .1T> ivid BiiiiiRid ciosd the AlT.iTiticJ JiuflLheie (hi -\ sliep on their I undlc of s t r tuby ni^ht, h \ e o n Hie consest i n e b> d iv,t i i \c is i ' on foot \v imp-, iiml t t n k y wil

9 md ti leklessbw imp , u h u e theis as that ol niiiht—and all for

wlTiti1 To m\ss yxtn''1 to achieve re-nowii-f1 Iso , to s.vvi souls—to_pic u hChnst to tin tu lksof th i Tti'dMin A\ cmi'_;hi wel l thu 1-mt-by-huudiods o t J I imI^or what iea- h i "-not thecio^sed V wh it shoiolns he notJ3vi'i

- UIJKOSLKE OIL.In bringing tho above urliila boforo the f

J pubfto, I h ivu only to any, that 1 will furn-lah tho be tnrtitli. Tor tbo lenut moiu-y i,

' AH oil to tod beforo thay leivo tho Storo ?ilotu^n all that do notproio utisf ictorj

I^A.BJJ.E 'S, S H A X ) E S , - W I C K S ,& SlONEDUlUiril

R E M O V A L . classes met for lecic.ition, and discussedcurrent politics when the houis ot toilwer^over. Even the poorci citi/ons, a<-coitltng to Iloi.ice, sou™ht lefugofiom the

that bo has removed her Storo to corner of ennm hy making .1 louud of the bai hers'Mercer and Morrison Btrcefi, Hight town nbcro s h o p s . The b.llhei htlHSPlf fumished iniho will bo glad tp BOO hor friend nnd LU tomori | *-Aa heretofore, she will kuep on hand a complete


news and liifuimatiou icspectiugot stale , thene the lepoits ot the night'sbroil and thu lust intrigue found readytongues to • disseminate them, with alltheir attendant slanders,, to the remotestcornnei ot the cit\ , thcie the allluerrt andthe indolent consumed their .time iu courb-

ind there too the induat:


li 1MM UktUll t i l l 1(1- ' , " , 4 , , ,

, r , j ci 1 1 r tin -Mippoi t in il 111 uulcniujLO ol hi luinilyJ j> l . lL^s l l i I l_J l l l_aJUl " i U - ^ to-3-tnl ju 111 0 -nr l j ~>citn proper - but il—HUOhH l u i i i d 1 o n r ( . i o t i s i > i - s 1 L ,i, ) n ,,ii nunUil^L-. him ell mu l t ) ihcn oma1 ' u n d u c t o i , i s Mn l t ^ |u i. " u s I Ji tbrt i ih ujjki. uUi iidjud'talicn Uinl

p i n e .1 ]no-, sum ol, ,rJlllu\I^11l1V'lV

1\<'ldl? J ! ' 'ii 'iW p™j m!i"d"'

tut \.ilulihlc liui'j'ftoini ,„ nl iiV. il"." 11 r" -nbiruipiii nd u hot, hnll-3 t i n o L \ ( .mil tut 1 i lu u in in in 1 u r } u t t w u l v u

l l e w h o u i s b i 1 iiii-ii c i m i l ' ti n t us utTun.11 t u t i ^ 111 Luuipl u n t ,

th, I, un, s u.l to his 1 un.l> hi I " " ^ " ^ , ^ ' ;^« £*l™ 'Z^X'^lLII ill h 1 in d 1111 1 1 CMurii' I nd im h Ul\ shilUlu imptiiinlllr il md M\olli i n i SULII i i i inpl iunttrit il 11 lui inn I1- litr thu Irml of blnull ctiu*-ft ,nnd In i-Ii i t-11*1 J iuy di Lide PX11I1 yb+*on ^uil t ,tlu_ii i i i l j u s l n u hult |.ri)t.nLd us ihouicll he hudtli LI li d sni.h \n. 1 on g m l u , it nojiii j litm u5hn de11 indi d

» And ho it. nilnLdil-, Ih i t ei ther p u t ^ i ipnrpj)l lnf IJIIJO-.! l l l i lui i -d, nnd i \ tliliif!' wiili—^ 111Jjii tici u i t lnn t in nM-i if Lr truil bi fore bun uv .n r iu i i n i u i i l im nili illi'in I j i[ pi ul lrnlll thodi LI u n i»( mil jintl^o or ^ur> mil i pp( Al tu thonext com IJ t y UL ^ l i jHiu t t i *L ion ol Ihfc pi firf,mid m i } t' *_ j 4 lit muml 1 t r i l l l> j u r v , whiuh Huntm u l t tii ill i i i o m i l lo t r i ilu Huuuiiml to mnko

ULII niljudiiiitiou mid tirilti thoreon us 11 hi re in«e nt sin h lr\j)J...l i Finn siml | u i u c o .

ill bu hLlit tcr

o "DO Hint irrup? tllo drnpery of lii-l oouclililnl ttid lii-b d »\vn to plLiiiunt flrt Inn '

y othor iiitcrostin^ and afTtitB of Llie ubovc imtui'o havo

-clrUed to us, which AYO have notb u n

Tor thi 'siki' ol pool h u m i n i t ^ , Me a nid lo Unomili Ihi. l> ' t Ih it ti)eii M isI tllll \ LS ^Tl l\V ~tTT.tTT - 4 llti— PtJXU L

horn ono of Ihr eoiuluc tois hrin^ i tpTe.'sl 1 i l~ljj tlii' \VoTiiulLd~rnil''iiyTli^"~lTr

iki' chu<_i of t h i n i ilu iblos( i n . Hoik still l ion us funnily down

ipou tliei oaj:<;y loeks anil pc.ici fnll\lowing ) I M I , i i u l m u ^ h t l i m i i u s o. ilic..11 kil l ing h o i i o i s o i that JIII;1IL bnch l i ckmil n i i l c h i i i i d <7< 6/ is, M he ii* so 111 inj

souls wcio s u i t impiepaiiid hcfoi^. tholt luoni o( elein il <j,\ u 1 I

mid tl))3 onlLr uiuilo by Mild L U U I I1 >iiiiiiunti to u u I i o m Iho du to ol thu t r i a l bL lo rdr nil j u ] tu i .=-

(i_ \ n l ho i t e t i i c t i d T h a t imj j u - l i r e b o f j r c

•1 utlfMi-i/i .1 In J J^UL. u r L U ul.iin.bpii.lt L,^jjid 111 ULOI^JI.11 >uinuiL.iU-1 M 111.I lilt jur31111.11 a n d ivitnL ^ci-.hull 1 LLLM L bUi Ii p n , m d bL l u h j i c t to s u e h IHICTn i d i 11111 hiiiLtil-i mid thi* uatu i. Ulld em tablc.3I11-M n u m . ULII ILLS lor tl io ' i n i u ^ u ^ i r i n l -

lou 1 (1 t h i in I ir liUn sci 1 ILLS in i j u r t i tor tho t n ilif infill 1 mm. ( l h e o \ i l t i r ^ h i l l b o ent i t lLi l totho turn n( I^IH) t lu l lur l o r In I I I * h m h ir* t hoL u u l t l i l j i v u n i o n uppi ill mil t h e u ^ t n o ^ h i l ihi, L.111J lli 1 l tht) liU 11111 i m 1111] i n n tbt i id judioiu i j i i 11111 01 J e 1 t ho lob in^ p i r ty to pny a l l 00 t-1

T . K l l N (

.wuld .


o r CoNscirNc i - 'Ihcicklllfls Of LOllSLK'nH f>H flHlL 111 tllL

noilbii ^(.LS not M} 1 . \n^ tlimvrbuboltls Ibc sins in ;v sou) nnr vi,them. Secondly, tbt

for tin1 modi-in news

of -




Kaok nnd Dro Pfttternf, and pattern" of allkindj_furni8hod at short notieo tnh26-3m

. , Id 111-laid in a full




T H E S P R I N G T R A D E ,

Whtoh will bo sold very cheap FOR CAS1I.

. Iho Tullortna binrtnejB.T.lii atUl bo contTnnod atVx'tB itsod, iq *lt its b^nohoa Gn.rmonto mado atO w t notloo, and satisfno'Jon gnamntetiii In

PAXTON & &£71GX '


Tha sabsortbers being nbouFto rolin-qui^h tho Camngo-making buBinosf, ft K v ^ g f eior for salo. at urontly roduaod pncQi. |ojt=3S'=

• " 1W0 Aim THRKE^EAT

_yvjis, indeed aw.tlltiii'J! gazette.h T h h

niiJld thf palm groves-of the tropns, nn<the in* ind snow ot the Aitie. eiuie ?—And nonnd these footpnuts w h a t i v i idu e spiuigb_ii2>! ThiTC- is scui, in tinvny he.vt of tho deceit, the heauly o"Eden. All ilouti, wheic thesj hies edfoct h.u 0 p isscd—through the •« .istulblioltenid wiKleuic 1- thctc lies a ti 11 Iot gloty It needs but to multiply IhcsJie-ralilb of meuj', and the whole1 e^itlwtmld b" clothed with the ii^lit ol hTTTen , and tin hiutillr vision which illumeswith its ce-lestnl bpleudoi the closingpTges ot' the Bible -vvould be leahzed hi-ioio uie eM's of men And suih bhill onediy veidy he the uspei t ot our world —But while we ale evultitij; 111 tin1 bkssedpiospeet. and lcid the btne si^n of itii_cumins; m eveiy new convciL antt mnaibnfield, in steps the Rituihs to lemiud usthat out hope* are" Mselcss, and th\L wecommit 1 "real mistake if we suppose foian instant th.it the e men 'no imnisteis01 niissiimorica of Chust Oh, no ' cries

Hs( 11 , which, thoujh secni' sin,soothesintn in ihe committing tin u of —TI1111II3* the s< aied eonsi II'IUI', w hii h Ins•ncithci ^rght— speech nor si n^fy-m menth.il, am p\st lulni^ l*otull»l\*;— twounded (.OIIMICIHU, iii'ightiil with pent

lot sin '1 he 1 ict md hi st is 1TIKI eli 11 lonsiience, picilind m

LhiLst Jesus Ol liu se, the lotuth is infolium iblj-htttcL t h a a t l i L t h n e feumei,h.o I h i t a wise m m would not t ik( 1world lo chin^e With then^ l i i , awounded must 11 nee is 1 ithf 1 puninlt h m iinlul , an~TiTIlTcTiqii7Xn' oiiriiLc jTiiiTis m the leul-y wiy, at the ne\.t n move,in lie juinoil into ,\ ipui L conseiem e —

IVws Fullu. _ _

Tin S A I I M ^ "•

bi inu Iroin tliL°

7 Anil bo it-enacted, Tlint nil ordci-.i luuiluHiul^r tho yji'ovi.sitms ol' this ^iiiipluuiutit shull otm-ttn'.iu iu forco 1'or tho torni <it' ono your from thi3t l t l l f t \ l l t -U t h i , |)J_> l l K t l t I t l l L T L I I l i l l I L C t t d (.1)111*

tnciicu to run ; Out Bueh orilor HII.III nut bo a burti) li Kubsi'miulit conipliiiut ntlrr t\\i\ vrpiriilipi) <)t-,:iiil mtin, uud upon nil trlulK optii tho wtto tit thopoison couipluiiied ot' uud biiiisolf niiy \io ~wl£J

8 And bo it cnaotod, Thnt w.licro liny ofdor^liftll bt, miidu in i ur«u nice uf ILH n^ptrxnent,thi pi i^oii JI^ unfit whtmi thu h imo H m"xilt li ill bor(_'i[uir(.'d to t:.\«cuto it bond with £ood. Bccurity tot-b'J ovo>"ii(ior oftho poor of iho -tuwd^hip or (;i ty, to

l b ! l d h tytiriVr^ i inn.} bo iiuido, in L i ^ m Tppcul ljt? t ikon,muCni dhinult ilitrd)!, tbo ncun^cd tbull b« (.nui-uiitted lo iho county jitil unlit such bond ahull bo^ u i n pid^idid, ill LI ibt u-ttuo botoio euih uppt'iil bu tnhen, or aucli ctmrt of qunrtor so'Mion.Tthoroiil'tor, or n JUIIKO thorool, in vnoation. uponVH ni£ ^iiisiicd i lu t lurthci lninn^oiiiiiont i l l lullto JHuduLO ^uppoit lor lvio f Miuly~()f the icT-u od7or soonrity tbtsroforj nmy disoburgo tho accusedfrom further linpriHyniiicui, but no such di3churgoibnllbojrriintod until lh() uccusod shull have lil'3t

"pringt rc-ulta fiom w i i t i r p i n itubtiJUJiJicun di pn-iils of r LI

i nnturnl^ ilt mud_ h^ iho nnturixl o\ipor ition-Tbtcr lnkfi" liko the (lri.nt Silt I nki> Cn»in in Smoti ^IIILII 1 il 11 LjiMcd in ^colo^u iii ]i(rn)us Inliliorift of yoara n^n, thn bnain? fovniing thcin beingof orwurd co\crod up by lutLr deposits XhoV bolong all to tho uppur sihirian urn, nnd nvo «i suchgre£it depthg thut they arc porluips Snnceo?siblo (o

•Min ' S ^ ^ J e ^ S J b K

he, s.and.n^ up m his p-unfcrt'eoat, andk L f h d f h l h t

ieil\thurc 1-3 so en n)011111 ll th it it 1 lai pupo'nr r to tho qu 11 r ; iri}; donein dry i1 ilt uiiiii s it 1 *impl p imped uj> m «iduti in through i'f nip i ra l i \ i l y lliurow ind ltu>\pml ive tubi i W h m i ta t i k n in enni-idLlillon tli itn imto f Iho nuturiil roi,k i l t h i i t u b i III 'TOIICUfi U TLd Old ri ei v^tnliiLd v.t «ei horn 111 il n l t t l l il ini done tho di uWiu^ nnd liltoiin^ —iu fit t tbobi me in S> 1 iruso H o cluir tliit IL iraplo cvaporntujn citlTcr hv»J»foj;r o l i r h c i t j i ufficinnt toprolui>« a f-up(,nor niiiclp~of tftiffc

The Millie own tho spiing** ^)ump up the watercWfly hv thf water power of t int part of tho Lriecini l pHtlnj; thiough SITICUSO nnd «ell thebrmo to tin mrinufnuturorB of tho silt The tot ilqunuht> of milt obtained in On ndnsi count} sinusl iUr i not lqia tli 10 2(10,000,000 ou lji.Ii, ball ol

d t, ^ p p , t^C^^J^^^^V^i- i p e i k i n : ; Lo u s fionl t h e m i d s t of h is licjht- now in coimdorition thit ono oubio foot of solid

il d l c i ^ t E C l t S T n r a C r t t h * i m l^ 15 b o f ct rnalti!iLl]jnThe shop of the hijrher el.isb (t barheisformed a good apology ior tho modern i of Chi i-it , they never ihd, noi* nc\ci c.ui,dub room , that e>t the humbler professoi convert any one , they lack the apostolic *V,°J

•succession.-—CIn iitian Timn. London.

3|»'rttTrciKha*i m r « u n ' l ^ 15 cubio_fiI l h « timountof s i l t ihLr<-forc r u n o y d t h o

for,tho tavern or lager beet- saloon. ' HcncotliQ harbcr shops constituted an import,-aijt element in tho social condition andprogress of the Komah people. — -

toitieltc, wrote thcmeinoira of his unfor-tunate Queen ; jMajsir1, tho hither ofCharles' X.,.was tho favorite gossip andanecdote-monger of tho court. Madton,who had tho honor of combing and shav-ing the " Citizen King," was etaid, prac-tical and commercially minded, like his


pnid nil prt,\iumc IH-J, untr~i)ii vldiid litt'hur, ilril—^j-iii"cit o~tlio bond bo given lusri-qulred-'by tha seo**—~-oml sLLtion hi n u) ^hen nu furihti bond <*hall bomcee^-fff^T^Qi^^*^*111"*"!^)1)!! buid-tbo ant nrityfnr. _Un CJ-UIIIUI xibxilieribo of. tluvfomBud to nil orders ^ind diciLiH inndi in pur-suiinceot luppkinuut

9 And 1)0 it oiiticteil, ' Ih i t thi net hnll bwdeemed n pul In ael, and tnWo cITent miuicdiately,but blull bo limited 111 us cflDLt and upLration to

Apt roved April 17,1^08

CliAr-Tm TnnrE Ht\DnrD AVB F »TI I ' I V K — Afurther puppluini nt ti) un net entulcd L AD aotre i)!.otin/; iho Court of Chancery '1—His it LlnclLtl by tl e s, ntito and General A-3-mbl of the^SPno oT Navfti-T 4y,"ThrttT*mi- <—-

c u r unj bill j^'nill I I hlo 1 in ihu cmut »t oh intLryofiln stato nj; unit nny corporimon of this atiti'iJDII il "hull be m-iilo to njipi ir h ulliilnMt to tbo

itul ictuiii ot tht ihm collor that none of tho ofli-n r or (lirLOtma of luiih cinpor itKAl )ito residentin linn i«tito or lllit nono ot ttiLin can no found.Mi'hin this stuto ti) >o lorvLd with prnCe-3 of&ub-poau 1, uob corporition Eh ill bo aceiiiLil anil token

n-ttbsc&t defendant, and4.lint^ucb-p^pa£cd.' .mg and dn.rcc may bo li id agnnat suoh corporatiou a 1 now provided by law in tbo on*o ot ab-sent Jcton((aiit-ij and that in nil cue wore suchpro-ccdiii£3 n arc r<!o.uued or authorized by I11Win 01180 of absent defendants shall h no been hwo-toforo had Ji^iin t any iuoh corporation si aforo-snd, iuoh decroo may bo had agmoat uoh corpo-ration a? n now providod by law in tho oase of absent dofendiints

ZVAnd be 1* enacted, That thi act shallnreaiHimniodiiitely • —

Approved April 7. ISCiS



Sotne recently gleaned incidents ^relat-ing to the j victims of tho late Railroaddiavster prove howTvlilacious arc so-calledpresentiments of evil. '

r We understand from an intimate friendof many of the sufferers that those who

l h l k

bio feet of solid salt 'Jhi would loim n tn^lo0Tin.\ ation ill tho eiirth of about 450 feet longwulo, nnd high , but iho suit 11 not nil removedlnonebiLndH) nnd tVo executions nre d m n b nted irregularly, orer a. lnr^o ctlont, of uttcr-nno(in toiritorv_ A tho brine cnntains ibout 15 porcent of silt it look-toien times (hut amount of , e n , b iV o f tho-State of Nen^Jvrtoy, That th*_tenthwater to disiolvo i t , 6l)0,i 00,0(10 cubic feet or 5 -1 , c ^ i l l l n of ti,a not to which tbis i« a supplomcnt be000,000,0u0 Kal'on-i of wntor ha\o thorefore nil-n u l 6 r i f i0 i i by thu addition of the-following words, to

on ewiporued by tho hoivt upplied during ^9 c u m 0 i n n f t e r tho word lands in tho first line "urs, and probnbly moro, n"s the brinca formerly . . . _ .

Tiinrm HUMIRKU A^D SIXTT-NI>"E -'-^tBupplurnont to an not entitled ' \An not ttath.or-mn,; tho incorporation of llural Cemotery Assooiiitiona," approved March fonrtoonth, oigh-tcet) hnnilrpd nnd fifty otio1 Bo it ennoted by tho Soiinto and General As-

- - - • - - -• That th*_tenth

bron p y pp g c u m 0 i n n f t e r thyenrs, and probn^ly moro, n-s thu brines formerly Bftl(i Beot,nn . • 'nnd bonds or mortgages glvun torned wore not «o strong by fur as thoso obtained , „ , „„ , , 1 ) e paTohMie mon«y Ztn th A f' " ' " ' " u " - ! — ' " - ~ J — • • h l d d o llater by boring to a groatojr depth.



ior saio, tic K[ o l ly^o uT^HTHREir^EAT ^ ^ P a t r o n Napoleon H I . has no bar- | now sleep tho eternal vest that knows no | Tho movemonts and number- of this m oot arol i n v m s 0VP*A>fT> TWO SEAT r*RftIA- her ; he keepa to hl3 old habit and shavea Crtithly wakinir left their homes on that astounding Tho army worm has nppearod in thisIB?Ai5fi£ Mil!™, fto .ic , himself. I fatal night not only m the fullest eniov- °0™^ n o " . th..B»io i.n?, and they,aro now

L want of ^ L t m tho .hove , „ . 'i

_ _ _ the fullest enjoy-

Tho two great rei"ninK barbers of tho ' ment of life nnd its pleasures, but in par-will find this «n opportunity seldom.mat with, us day aro Felix and Petrus iu Pans. The ticularly happy spirits, not ono shadowthey'were mads up with groat regard t o auriibiH- barber-surgeon was formerly known by of fearful coming events darkening their,ty for the-flrMt fowl trade,-anrlaro-Dow offered huTpdle a t the door. The pole waa used buoyant hearts,

th& barber eurgepn for the patient lo Prominent among that merry1 tjartyin M^^-KitHwrt X * fiiIof fr ^"^".gfi m*1? Y^tal ladiflR An rottte to New Yorh;

moving southward, n y

b.oadth > abont two

snoh land , and improvement* mnde thoreorj."2 Aud bo it ennotedj Ihst this (u>( ahtfl taktf

effect immediately ~~ — 'Approved Apnl 7,1808. v

milc't, and Ihoy nre stripping tho toreit of all foil- a tA ne i was caught up In

Ue last'

HIght»tOTf», April 3,1868._ is .

,ng need for tyingtia arm. When the for the purpose of purchasing their sum-'

train on the Momphin and ChTho worms wora so th4ok,fln . .aoaamalated on tbs wheala until it oausod them.

•tnaliilfinB thnirint* (Mi*.) Model Parmir.

OTory Ihursdiiy, at»l Super annumin nilvniinB. Hlflufltlon to ClUlii

Hjghtatown, June 11,186B


Wlisn tbe TIaTrftrlntiTin,HameBt and tlio Ituu-iiii Diet, in 1813, nnnnlmqinaly imienl to rc-

Oommenil the merits of liOinnsopatlij tn tho fa-

vorable consideration, of tUclr respective gov-

ernments, i% « o.s shown,That, in Germany, the mortality Su homcuo

pathio hospitals was lean tliim b pel ot ntirhercal in ftllopntlili, hospitals it umountod tu

-rooiB-tlinir-lSpui tm t , Tlmt, IIIKOMII iiifliiin-intitlon, the mortality in nllnpiithlt- hnNjiltuii•nas nearly 11 per etnt ,-vihilo lu liomitopathluit. wni nut, qnltn 5 nor pent

Tlnflor tlio heaa of treutincnt of Clmltri east iwe flnti tUo fallowingHospitals in Vienna, IPIl-'J^, allopathle mm

tiilltvSl pel etnt Ilomernpaihic, moitility

i pw centl icpoit oi UIQ Jioarci OL

aud'-lTAllopjitliio tnorfalltj , S4 2 por centHoniaiopfitbiQ- do 2i 2 '*

finvyrna-^AIIopathie inoi titlUs t no per ncnt

I t Margnrlto, Hotel Dlen i m n c n , Paris Tiint-ini.nl; ln botli nHoputluo nml liamar—-*'-•••partis, reported by* iUl6puihie ofllni il-AUopnthle wmila, 1W1-00, moilul l t j )7 iicr etHomojopathle do " " U B "

.. SMUTTIIITI. In Ins worl, nn ChfAeTH. Tiiilillilir

of his obsen ation

HotncoopfUlilo M«_B&pOrtifrOinJki3 rnprnn ,

«Ta, moitttlltvii J3poro?pitflija morf<Utt> in l*urapcnn

Iig n an!

j moitulit> 41 ptr PLnt

, i f^rn st&tetl tiro

taken from *fA licpoifc to the Cmiiuliuii Tmli tSient," b\ A T Bull, "M D s imil Diinrun C j,miibell, BI D , IS'iO , f tMinoiitj Import to the lenOo\e£flQl3 nf Tlt,lln\ TIL llo^pitul I J bj L ^1 KLIlOgg, M D , of New \oilc, l^S^j "Ripuitnn I \U

In^uiitneo," b> A II Morn*in, ^1 D , of S\ i ieii^e, N 1 f l%b bliiillm mill moit cnplmm t ible^, fioiti tliG aljfi^ b and othm HuuiiLNf rnuldbo glvon of thg it-^iilL of tbo Iwn i imtim n n inT l 1 cvei ^ i How I tn PI , Fncuninn! i • in

fi^i-H qi trt ft nsp . i ^ tf in lit ILVTT^ , Tf I I il 1.

__^QI* _sn \mil tiffin 31-n-d spticL. Jji—Couc \ ii_i.tin__i.gl \ O tilt lullmt ill^ SUHlllliLl % J. UwLll flUDl ull tllL

llomnLop \fhlu m m t a l i t " , 1 17 p* r r( ntAllopathic m o i t u h t ^ , H FJ1 "

Goti^cn u t i \ o **pi iW1* of thu l i m e IUNL 1J\tjso of IIoniocnnii,tlUG ri_mt ilir N T I DIII th asaQiccs above ennrae i uteri, I u^i ifn t h e t r e a t m e n t ef PnetniiDiiI t (Infl iminut ignof tbo Lungs } Thn im un tl unit Inn lie mg un.di_i~" IIoiQOGQpatiii£ t rLi i tmtnt j 12 tl 13 a

Tti is el ISM of £*mi_5 &ti\ isosujipurLuil \»y otlitw i t h s imilar 1 PBIIH« if ils Irt tl

W h o r e Con»«rwil.H-c flml^ Ins nutl inntvt l ic aim t l ing statciiiLiit Ilu it JU I ui apn th

I'iyioii_jE hiif ^_. _^_^^__ , _____tfnn la not iai tli^fiint « In n fn7 A H K I R I L a*i iiI uiopn i t Vt Ul Nlnk in to oh] j% tun, it H ifnpnbio to stale, In \ u w of the lollop ln^HnmLJ

The nunfhti of Ham plij ^lenin*? In^evrViin 1S40 Mii_ JO, in l^jb, IJ I ) , in P!il]u*li IplimifidO. there vras but nnc, In IHlu, 11, in JBiiO, 7iiSbG, IKi In, tllL UnitLtl St iti-a in lfejfj, tliuiuw^oig not 30 Iloniot Oputhlc ph^aieiun^ , In lhU7

A tliorau^li r e t lew" of thf* T>li Letnry r r r cn t l jpublmhetl 1) the llonincopatha in Gruat Hiltuiu5fj_lj affortl L'Qnb<_l,"v at t \ t^icJutijlt-diltit on. \\ \iic_rto bast fuithei p iophnt i t^ in rngiiid to ohli\ Iona-tcM afltl

^vQulcl IlLo tn Imvo ^omy nlni \ntlm In rej^ 11 cl trthe QonQitlQn af Ilanioeopaths in the IP to:Europfij Islmllljy li ippj ts lit- c am mail tit e lilu:ftt^a fatilro day

I am lifuiul tha t tl>G ^\l^h i^ father lo ibotliought, untl tliiLt if Congt 1 \ nt 1 o -.houlil Int.to lie nlrf as 1^ thuHLlah, In w ill fiiii hm L f n tinir l th Ui§ luce looking ta^a id the e ip t t t_d o_*

a ga% G them (t InatuT tney fiillcrl '

h thi

FELL ABLE_0P IN JESUS.On Saturday, Ifffty flt 12 I t in tHs^

Still water, Quyabsr© County *Noia feeuti t

Mr. Trniar ivti^. for a IlLtls moro than n ;

etudont m tlis Uightstawn CIUBBILIII IntiLiLnU, 7$

J , ffitsro Lo was muth beloved b^ hii ulaii mitaa

asd teaobers, and eitocjued Hi an iaitruetor IH tliQ

poiiUgn YIITIOII ho~fiTlcd Tram AiigTICFTr~ti5 Jan

B63 Al Ihii timo it wia dscmi-tl iieetis ii j on

.oypuut sf tho Weak state of ln§ bpfillh, to yi\ e up

t^tli teaching nnd itudyingj till ho un^it TL o\cr

hii gtfGQgth But In the all wtao pru\ilcnea uf

lodj he grsdunlly gr^w ^eiltcf

Hathwithatiiading the cntrc IIIL af hiH frit nda ta

?l\ Q Up tho idol Of gUStl pF4J3LLU tFhg llI3 Studtig,

!ud on IJ^ tho glorious Lxy1* tilitn of gpandin^ u

!onj lify in ths Manftr 3 IQT\ILQ tho >?uik tif Ihu

Ministry —it not having l?i.ui tluifly fc\ L LILCI ts

him that ho should ^lonl^ tht L n I in a jouthful

dnnth, ind bu *tut-h & w i|,n€gs tj t b s p m c r Lf hi*


o.r Now

i su l ly brui ik ing off I m enn_nLf*tioii with thu miiii

oriiil ™rt*\ nrni ion t fur I n i h< a r t \iii$ m his « i rK

So eneuura^ot l by i h s fuint j e t fliLttring h jpu uf

l a m u t i m o fui*Qyering, and prneGLutin 1 Iiie liciirt a

ifQj he remuintd im a fm thi til a ildicr at the

post of duty, ui though then unable tu do a 113 Lhirig

XXa\ ing eontinu^d Eo duwl inu he w|is plainly told

annt ^tte up hid fund t,^

pectatiLn , for it he should, IOGOVCF hii fuiiitUu

tjon hn.\ ing r&seivcJ sin U ii hotk, would not be

able ts sustaia sneh ment il 1 ibor ag WJ3 iiecc^^nr^

far the f uthful pros^uutiun rf ihe Dumc eallmD

H(B^ eiLLbeiuxa il id y% elitnot hia afilietioij—OiTiMt h id au/1 bul«ry Iiltn

tgret that hD

to rKfUiiLfi on tha enrth Uut when he thought

t h i t tins u/niil[fju mipiit end his earthly pilgrim

ago he uaid, " llusr a m e t to bo with Cbrnt *

All regtot 1101¥ ]ja*iird a«Tj , ind the Gmeo of

tho JjQrd ulylhiug \111n about ng with ft gi rmont

led him to o^Llmin O Gjd, let Lhy will bo done

in me f Now for the firBt tiffio ho consulted to ^o

liome, to ov n. Scjtia , but tho weatbi r bLing ES

unfavorable? ho rotn uood at the CnsJituto until

tho 2d ofMn^ i\hen ho etirtod homo 111 the uaro

of a lriLD.1 T\hoiu JiH fiithcr haJ sent to aceuiuiuiDy

V* hen they arrived in I^ew York City, Mr ] rulTj on aeenunt of nggrn^nttil lllne*^, w is put in a

Ilu^pital, where, his friends not having bten in

formed of it IIQ roni unod until tho lillh ult

And cunfiJently rusting; in ill the hopt,s -ind

UFIUUB o\peLlati ma of Ciod a uulu\ cd child run

9—emrit. tliiialiitii fui Ijia Uti.\ iuur*a—irf^ciigi-,

Cu\rTPR l l i n p i IIlHDHLM AND 2*A anpplciaiint 1 t?-frrr—t t-f1 nrt-rttEthf% idu tor the* nrt,iini=/ition uf tho Nt.w J«i^c\lJuino lor P i s a b k d fen! liera " nppro\Ld Aprilfourth, annu domiui t i^htcen hundiod and ai'tt^

1 Ha it enieted b^ the Sunnto and Gonoral AHiLiubly of thu ^t ito ot Nf w Je r iey , J h a t thum m %»t t tn thnu^nsd tlollnrij b j tho §£t*tmd •stetitihof tho net tu Yvlueh this 1 a ^iipploinont iipproprnittiil io ilcfn y !hu L\fj^n^i 1 ot ^md Home bis in^roa^td to ti g 1I3 -fUe thiusao 4 jllure per annum

2 Ani bu it cnueud, That this ULI ahali Idkt-•fl" t innni- hut l> - \ s—

A n 101 cd A r^ 1 1 fJi i q G 3

CuMTfit I n 11 [ 1 Hi M i n n K^fi TJ I IUTI &I\^—=\^ u p n l t mrjit lo thy u^E tnti t lcd * -An jlut lo TL

UULO l&^ ' - _ /] liu it LU iclt I 1 y tha St mat* nnd Gnnernl V-l

3 nilil> of ihu ht LIL n[ ht * Jor ey l h it iho ju !a 1 U10 fUpr 1110 * uur t hoIdiBs-an^ circuit s\i ijf

"Hu t nt it k d tn itctiv L in lilu ul nil oilier fut at«Lf \ iLt in u»n i ncui t cLiirt inoluded in the 1 l ct ty m un) L HI L iho lullowiug iugg hhiuli feLls illgiii il find tnM J nccui flmgl^ on the rui«f csi-r) writ in th t circuit csi ept "ubpoLnn.tinal pjftt.PHii. tff'i rl ilhira tnr ilm innl ur lifii

ll ill


ot n u r y 1 nuse t hrLt* dnlhirs , tor gpo*jlnri iw iliillurN fi r ^ij^rnng n e r j jurlgntwn tlollit'^ f »r h c i r m g c\Lry demurrer orornn lliron i] jll ir^—2 A^id-bd-iL uii'u-U-u That thi* act ahall

April J

auppltinent to the An a t

o IIUJI\on iVTjere now \\u In liovr

it qu i£T 3 its f nig waters firm tlio cry^ljl fuunt nf

eternal jo^ —tho ble*» ed lot of tliu Lhridtmn =

With regard to Mr 1 rii^er ^ uh iriiLtnr !JO v, m a

yoi*n j iH3-n uf nmunanimous ^oul *;1ri£itly upi ij_h t

in nil Ins w illt3 Aa a '-thol ir, he b^ jjn UJL 1113

fills! an onliiHir) sphere l l i y ^ jrlli^ Prtccj-lor

hsi§ «aid, * I ba\ 3 in \ cr ^etn 1 j oung m m ful

fill belter 11II the retjuiaiLiona of u atuduot " As

a cbristiap he wna e \ t u i | \I\T} hi^ Liblo wn% his

qon^tfint ermnsrll3r, hi3 aim wi i uu f lo ilu jud

But s o Liinnut d^ ^u h ^loloncts is hi-, dL^ires ai

to f ffur th it rnuss \\ hii.li is duo t J C HMI uf his \ ir

,_ty,c? fyr kjLJLi§-$£ ' b i t h tj>p^ ft.iv ii hu urs wiso

£L is indeed to bu rc^ rot led Hull hid frionds wero

not with biin in biE Iiis[ houra g cf tho Lnrd rails-d

him up a fnend mm Dg str ingerW tj nduirni td? to

hii ludLly wfint«f uhiio aiigolB o£ Qr1ieo did t a

tinuallv refresh hi-s -DUI with s\\ eots fiona tbo prei

of God, Ho thawho hath said " I will UCIPF 1BII\Q theo J

1 The ^osl thnt on Jr^u^ hath lenned forI will nat, I will imt duStri t ia ita fm s,

I1.1t goult though nil U LII ^Iioul4 endeiTor to

I' l l n t \ e r } ns ne\ er, no never fors ike i f

You that afo dciu1 to.him V_j HIP lies (if niUirewccpjnnij n r sorrow fjr IIM 15 o\ a fins ling ? n n *hois \f\ih Iho Lord 1 a^( the last mortiil glm p e witnu^Bfl hina entering the rternnl ( 1(3 nt (r Hl whunungels thrt-w arotin I him i re^plondi-iit cloak ofylni^ nnd siintchLi him l i u i n o n sigljt

Turtboriiioro id a, ILICIII cif tho cMec m m wbiclitbgy held Mr Frnser, thg "tudgnts of ihe UlimnetlIii^iiiutg mat on the 4th in^E and adopttd His fol

g I 'Hid r\VliLFLa^j in the Pros ulcnce of (T( d de ith has

oatOisd our mid t, and ha lorn from f ur cumimiiifjiigiup a friond ln^hl\ respected and bclo\yil vtothy studcnt^i f the 11 U I , liia intimate aasouiitcsmid liiendg, tftrn !opt tho foil iwing iLDsluliona

He^oWedi let lh it we be ir hi^h tLsiunmn tothe eiiiltod yhriHtmn eh irncter ot our dt-pirb'dfriend for during bis nsioui ition with us vi Lfound him a uiodU uf luLckm BH Tiid modudt^ km&iind btnoi ulonfc 111 woi il a,m\ ili_t 1 ind i*—n m irk—ably eonMSlont lolltmei of hi1? Xjoid and Slusttr

2d, Tliit we deploie In^ oarl^ douth us a sad bsrea\oment find that in this iifflietiun wo reeognizilj« Pru^idtnLS tti-irud-^ffnnin^ TIS to f1ro~iTTirvitTi—

-bio-#pd-ot Ifltjj nn.fi itcliiioitT^hnR^TIs thntnr^Tihuod'iqiorning i&3$ uof alftfijS'^iiLt Inr noon^nud «\cfting ^ slow dni line , bat mnj suddenly lido into the

f d ^

(.un 1 il A t.mbly **f (hi~bULt. <>r3?LU JersL} "1 T]o it cfi it red hy tbo be-fiaty iiiitl tiuiiLril As

**£nihl> nf £l e Si-ii o ol N^e^ Jer*ae> ihnt^ tlm^ofliccr" of bath liuiiMi^of the legi^Ii i tm including thoj i i i i m l t k r k a HF huth IIOIIMI n jiml lite iluur kt^f^prf tliu 1 itJiu^ gJi!ler>, reeei\ g !ho a no Sal ir^ n°w m rfi-Liud V} thuni ine ( llioura dyring iho he*« n ti eis)i tf 111 liuijilre 1 nn I gi&t gu^ Ln bj thenet intillu 1 t { \ fur thn supplomput to tin* iLt en,-titit il an ULI tn fi\ ihu aafrmus (t ths »fh er*j oi ttifiSenate nnd tienorftl A^acuibly of the *3ttLto of 3Jtw

2 Antl bp it cnflLted that this a t t **hall take

A n ro^ud April ^ , Ihb3

CH AI TI n TiiUFi I lLnnn iu AMI I I P T I 0^1 = Aiiirtlitr supj tLinonl 11 tho at t Liitith 1 An »tktr* [JL tin^ tbt, Urphimb Luurt and tho powermil iiuthout> of SuriogLte^ ' iipprnvt. 1 AprilM\tcDiitli 1 i^lifun hundrt 1 and fjrt^ SIA1 Lt, it in i( t"f J 1 3 ihr *bfiTi itfl nn 1 Hi nt r il Af

iumbly ui tho bt \ tu nf Ki w JLTSL^ That go much11 thy fir^t fuuiiun ut thu act entitled A turthi 1'JUppiLiiiunL to IIIL ml mititlt-d an lutrc [suuting thoorphan^ ioilrt n n l ihp p o n t r anfl auihorit j jfSII t*r ^ iff 3 a j pio^ed A\ 1 il 1 hird ei^lituLii hunt!

JIH ll U l l t a t ) l» I\ IV U l l l

t« iliti U rm of— tw" >Lrirs Fruin^ho-p is^iB«* thp-rtofhe nil 1 thf a mi 1 bci L! V in HI 11 I J m imct t«n>Liir^ FJLHI a r 1 Lfrt r the i|nrd d 1 ot April uiBhteLii bun lied and sixt} ci^ht

2 An l l i it LhaLtLd l i n t this act ahill takoeflu t linmuili itel^

A j [ r \LL! AI ril T} 18GE

Cn\rTFP TnrtEi I I U ^ D H I n \%D T I I I R T I S E V J N —\ i u | pi em nt to nn nut entitled i 4u act to

~ iufliori"z*i cnut fiT"rn£lpg in Curliiii t,a t. 1 > marric L y, iiren iind to limit then li ibility upontht i r e6\< n inl^j i ppro% rd Sinn h twentyfuirth ti^htuun hundiLtl nnl ^ix'> l jur1 1 j i l u m i t f l h Ihe S ii ai ui 1 Ir* nnril As

iTublj f thp^t i lD&l \u\s Jtr^tri J h i t any i m rriL 1 w 11 n 1 n In in 111 n. nt no ol =Lp Ira Inn tr imlit^r hufcb ind uiidcr_ i ind_t> \ irl-ua_gf_llie iin il1 i~!triufm ur leurce Of ICT \ d JUI t hav ing e iffi[e1 HfjurifliL n n in fliopiujm w* im^ nt mt} tiuini 11111 nt-Ii cL| nnif mn com e^ -ih^olutclj or mtniot any in loi o&t aho fni> on n in a y j ropert^rt IT i f j if ni tl oilii rwi-so ill in li^ jg'f t to herfr mi her siiul hiiNluinrl with mt tht Luncurrenueut her hu IJJH 1 md in the a tints ni miiLr m l mil:ltkt, tfT t n-5 if stha wt-ro a ilu and un iu in i ed pro

a h t i l 1

hu band m t then?st ito ar ri^ht t%h]in *-ueh pr jperly

effoct immedTn.trr^Anril 5. ISi 8.

I'll U T H I TnriFF I l t ^ n n r n ivn b r \ F>TI FOLR —A supplement to thu net entitle I An ayt meprp 1 ttin^ tilt llihilblffmls ol township* do ig1 i!in^ tht-ir powt r^ mi i re^uhitin^ iliuir IHULLing" ILII^IOII npi 1 ivtd Apul fum tt-suth; i#i^htt-LTi him lied itid i'lrf^ ^i\1 He it tnaLtLd h3 tho Seni te and fiencii l As

?i 111 hiv ol tho ^tnto ot New J I *fi \ l ln i t ihot h n l \ fir E aeehfiil oF the l e t lo whith t h u iB~a

nr nt, hfl and tho ** luie 1 hereby repealed

print ing wasiDTentThe first En||li3h nlnftnns VBM printed inThe fjrn EnglHli noffSpapor wag printed in 15§fl.

bus twenty two thousand inhabitantsCopyright firsf granted by a tut a to in England

170B. _ = = = = ^ 'of the press wai estflblished in Eag-

lanJ It82

Tho ear onnftst diitm^uish one iound^from anheri"unli-55~ttroro ts i%T\ lrrtfMwil ot uno innth-ot ILuond hetwocn the iirn\ a I ot tho t«o soundsmn IM nioat tb t r t f i ro ^ueLeetl eni-h u thora t nntt rval of QUO ninth of a sedoml to be htard dia


IN spheral minei in Cjrnwn.ll -Lngl ind thaierj gnllbrtus Vhiyh ejEtend tindLr thu *JL I \\ h r>lQ** *ound ijt rjio «n\ca l&clLitrlv ho ird ftlitn tho11 la IL *i tnli= 4 rolling tho pt-libluS uud bouldLia

ter tho roukj bjttom of tho ouoan

Tnc llo\ J Alt Mullan D D o f j f r w l n r k baa1 irti^LtS 4*> liiiljup BLLIL a prDpus il tu r fig igt*ith any Meihfnli^r dn 1110 111 a dt LUSSIOU upon

lha int rit^ of Cjthnlici^in fl ha Lhuilon^L h 1IL en afuuj tud I 3 thu Ilu v JI M it lib in ot Jurat \ify. on lh unulition Lh-J-t thfi fllH -iijj^ion shidl ba_T/bi 1 I tq h i n t hu L. n^i Inr^ Mr AlbMullcn

f riun f 1 nurt i it n t^ 11 Jiiiiiniim IL e< rru ptI fin t Ci n 11 LiiiEy in uther words no Chnatl m

0% p ^inTTL^jj^^j^XAiLj^JlALJAiL^ae-JLlIir^ill im \ wilt uiii u thu nuru^t cuu^h or c JI 11 I I II N AHt I OMI ! tHTS [ HM \ ^ TL\ tlltlLD fir

THE U^L t W 1 t a r 11 i l J im uf T\ l id L h e r r y

A rul ig tous p a p e r no t iced , by an o l d typn^r iph1] u r u f , t h u " 1 new {ilim-t' " " - -

L l u i b i h " h J undLft*% J llio rtc*pi ions \\ a§ a ujmpriot fur auspic

1 uus

\n L di Inr w r te n lending irtl le on the f ur se^in tHa eouric ot-»fciiib b^ sta.iL ~ ^Giri.'S.atanvn

p ipor w is i^aucd FJG wai riltbcr shnultrtl tn di^oovi r lliiit an uniurtunatf iy pngrupJiiLnl LTrur hid

are Fond otljo n ' ~ ^

While Ci l i formi is produLing S J5 OOP 000 ingLlii &hu friflnuca bUD CJflU »0U IH firm pruduots,uui S *U OUU 0U0 in in muf tutuiud gooJs

llioru 110 o\ LI " 00 0 Tin ietiPi of applet n imrrlnnd distributed <j\ t r 2 00U of pniira nunil^ 200uf Lhurnus more than that of pL ILIIE^ uud ijlauis ,and uf -tniiUjijrica, uDtuld_jiunibLii

" He^ ^ptptr^ that * ains1* f> re-jLtlifig mattermukr oe i«ion il criora, of which the tollowmg willd J i±* N iiiiplc *

A liPiv \ o t k ] ipei publt he^ an auooutit of afuner il undti thu hcid tit UutDoor BporU J

A M i^ntlui^itt 'i p ipei undt r the held of"Uooks acd M tg i£inei u ui£ iiti§ the follow tn^

1 A V ru* tt r wflw h is h id "oven 0 ih cs in uireo3unr^ J I L T I J ^ I L \ p l o i t \\ is to ]i i\ a three it &li k tin I ! m Ja^

Till- 1'JOIE MA-* I iii*Nn —liuctoi^ I11II3 arot J 1 i 1 g li 1 a p t 1 m in a puuUi t but Uluny uftin in IEI \ bo a\ oi ic 1 by kt ypinH Qn\ i .E '^ Li LLElt \Tl II h \LV I 111 till Llipt o lrd i t lbs lllO pi"uu

bi UISD1? ^pT nn~—1\ oiiTid -^slnlbliins oh lppotlh mil ii Alt tht-r du iu t m ^ h e t tu M I U ) u u rhu^bin 1 3 li UIIL iiuf 1 UIUIIL\ j but purchase u.bo\ of t hn ^ LU Cj 011I3 2 J LIS *

HudiiiL 3 on the Dnl vw iro md R\ntn.n Ginnl,"Q 1 U tlii'* " o ir ih nhu id nf n lmt it w ia 1 i^t m^o 1 1 be ^ r ta ie t inerta^e is ai^^u in the ftmiuiit "ftiiil L uiLii ind tho giLitteat du^rc isy in nny onearticle i i lumber

An nl I gentleman, "niratfl ~A,lbcrt Warden T4ypir^ ut i gp h u n g iiLnr I a iked His er Out in G j& J w h m ^ p \ m l v lnjuFLil internally by h nhor^u 1 ulining invii} 1111 throw ing bun I K I Q hisw ig M>f ife t( L Liiso hid dcitlij in n day or twu tin reaftt r Iho nmidi-nf Duuurrpd m a r B±rni^ut 1 i^tIut d i> n n l « ta Liiufeud bj 0110 t)f (JUr ^m irt3turn31 m i f f t i j i l g to pj^s tha hor o d m t j i hy hitW ord h who li tYing but nTit* T.rnr, could not tJlitrol his Inr f = ~\Iatttti Jlaf/tf ll?r ilti

11 ev Hi i ICLT JI Iti m in Cntbtili? who ia lct»tur-in^ through thocnuijtr"? in bt^eili iit hi^ehiiffhLI HIH3 th it tho Hum tn L itboliL Chureh nutnbLnaone third ot tho Ameriu-in pupulatioii a«d it thuintmbur hiji ot his church iiiLre 1 es-tor tho n*_\Ethutv \ n i a . n a it h is f >i thu thirty pn *t, tn mn»

nil! h*i\ s a eKnr m ijunly linn ii modestto Biy-iiolhiug more of it- -

TiFtten years ago it min left Gardner Mo to

ho m\ paled in l*u*> m j htiu^o lot^ .iliuur n H^IR imin

will gell ut nn nubtinn f*r £i50 UUO Ihespun f*hang« he g* t from priLL^in^ lnv he putinto ht u«u lot nnd then into a banking house, midnow pi>M a t i t upon Si 000 000 ut^ifu l i m i tment" wlnlo ha 1 ono oE thu loiding liepublii.anmiiiii'cr^ ut ths ^hole Jsui thwe&t

Jlsf, , it ihe M 3: ChurelJ^H


'A I IiM=lroiu H3 dieGOiQry to_|JiQ oloss uf An-wJdin^on s adimniNti iition, inonuro^al oetnvo

\ olunio of BUQ pagi 5 illustrated hy fa tir hundreditgtai tug*1* on wood nnd iittiuenti ?e?y pJLLkNAP llartfurd, Gonn

Broad ut Newark N J

1 or t-peemiLiia and tunns annly to Tl f d G B L l b ^ CO , 19±

WAN'i l D-For "tho PLlibONALIITblOIil OFGLW1 UAL QllANl by A DK e.b ird^on author of 1 le-ld Dungeon iind Es

eape ! nnd lle^ Oiid tho Mississippi Matcrinlg h ie i iiotn * llondqu LFter in the 1 ield? ' andirurn ehannLls opened by

GENERAL ORANTlrft°J]{rqe j£lf£?>air!rj"> Cnntim?THnt -

tt l nn oHi^r « jrk liila or i iu g j t G ii^fonta ytrcnoit thu milif iiiilliun "1 il l Lih ol &riiflt Unn'foSsr

itui 1 tr t i ik l *T t UIOJJL^E bond inr sircunji 1 dLLitl A t l J r e s }iiipi?rf??i Vjfr/l&Jiliig

Co II n Muni Ct , ur BLISS i LO , IVi Btu id i t ,^ j i i k Is J

A U I I V I d W A N I E D foi Hit, n £ A K I A Gr O I H l I I L ' G f t l i «(-^Jhd({lL"'m?TI57r1tl\LF

J u! f!p= hc 1 Its cuntLnt lire dn( ply intGiLaling mil^IiruliI Ins C t i n fri /f j l % life *,!> ii\ u^Lfy unoIhe iriinn n i llniHinil i i this gr. JK uurk st lyifts ittIi j raiM 5L ' CCL « i | ! l ' l I , I I I I I I K Oi l I It i«ilLunlc-dly tlm B t H U t i f O l t I 18 It I ' l l l l l «. Tt

u 11> ill usirates St SJ O ! tiT ffj \$i tt itbnund^ inI£O^I^[^CI.,I[NCHlJl_(

cV*J nnd X% I J.1 ghuwmgIbo PA I JfilOll^ITI ind IIEVU1IOIV, thei U U t l l i w i 1 rX'Si'* Illf, 11 I hut \\ arm hpjrtodp< oj" Iu eontmrun^ ID0 pil Lti ind ovnr IHU 11 Iu3tr 1

^^f^rits « miud ciLryv^heru 1 \LIII3HO t^n en Si n I tui ciiLirlii^ tnd rumple cop^LI^ 'NIILINl JbHi 7th t l'lul1!! 1* L

1 U I [ I I I !

Thi» ii tin un,H lu l l Autheiitii iindOFriCIALlli^tt ry uf thw Ijiits al^l Pabltb Suri icLa oi tho UrefttJ-i laft mi im*l ilu uiil^_£ino th tt^is ^ndiif^i d t y Jillhii limling dt-licrii-la bdntl fcr t j , n , ,„,, n p | 1 E t l l BnilLirLul ir^si 11 Ii t t r iu i Addie^a^ATiu^AL PUBLISHING Cn Phil i , I ' I

€- t U ' I I O N — l b r LQUntry 18 being flonded « ltlltarti/hd L h c a u t Urunt writtLii by L u i l m m m dlJfihtiLi!iii X Iin iiQi or a iff JL buttle hLL that theJ3IHJ1 3 OU buy ia mdor Qd bv ill tho Letidnig GiLn


T3*i\C IIUIHAIV* \ , 01 Hun I C linrmiiig How


« ' I 1 \ » by JAMLi I'AKION IIIL PnncDoflii griLphor" ' oHilnining liVLg sf dl tuigul^hedpLi u} a i t all ngr 3 and yountflL^ sumen ta well naini-h A hiind onii tmtu\o huok of as erGOO p i ^ r i ill i H t r i t L l w u h U l i n u t i f u l 3to I fcn^r is ings NoL mprlifiitn A*gnt% suy it IPILI fa-itD thaiianyJJua/ tiny ei.fi i,alil Tcriiig liber il fcend for cub

nption uiruul ir A S II \LL I C O Hi r t i o r l Ct

" 7".A,J>J r B D

CIV O F OUKOr Uiogi nphiu^ (of n\ f r 5N) uf the nio^E prominentnien o| thts iiiitiun including tiiiint, t*berii m Lult i \ feu ni n &r bl inton f ^hri 1 Inn j Ci raw I^ell^ Jn.]J j t i l T - L j i U i i - E j imi l i l l l l , I 1 nl»ji Hiiflcin flit<ni"

ui ton l*lnlip ^i h ? L nli ^ IHLr" 1 LLLIIOI m l nthers Ltn1 i 111 hi il mlh i tui IU IIIL like S a t I I n r t r n l a dnUP o ^ M unl\ 1 > Al^nTrs CTi L it in 1 limit ntaOLI 1 Tn Lir ul ir< ZLIl iLLR, McCI l l lUl i CO ,1)14 ArLh , t Phil i f i

4 m-i^nih i htK iIluHtrntl il ML IIL il Books font nning import tut l'li^si Iurai il inf JI in-inon im Men *^ Hu n ^ent ii i e i n r i Lipt of 2 j i (fj by JI 'drug ingJJi John I until i final n Clintun l'liiec N Y Li




Or the d i-\ L fui t ttlien t[iLco d l tei fill i ii 5undii3P \^bAt,E LO'U Pit T I I I I ~m "AN 1 0 1 111 R ] INL

l i r n t inn itimi idiJrL i Li N C IKlliALrlONAgent 177 Wnt i s l N \WI l f lLDU l ' r i - t d t U 1 I \ S D 4 N \ Viro Prea

Circular, Alilh Alulae Ga tg^k €ro^€idr Hnt le u es nnr F i t ir> 1a Oil Tenipernrl

fOTHING LIKEI IT INKED-lOIM; A lutury >n tlm pnlntnl njpmn;flftt

n gentls stimulnnt to iho eiroyJalion, a pi expiratory prepiirntion, nn anti bil-ious mediome a Btomaefaic n. dtapstie, an5 in

|_admtriibly genorjil nlteritivo Su^h nra thgnoknowlodgptl undKANT'S n

en properties of BA P E B l E B T lotn BT

VV AIM J. J l J J , S7J To saoo

whoro nrnlo nnrl romnlo to mtToiluro tho GrNXJINn IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY3FWINQ MACIIINls Ihia oinchinii will atitoh,hem fell tuLl^auilt.oord.bind bhud nnd emhroidcr inii innat uponor mannor pnoo only SIS —Tully «nrinntod fiirtaiL >edra Wo mil n ly $1000riirnny mnolnno tlmt mil sewnitrongor, inuro benutifiTl urlnoro LlpisiicstllDl Ihunoura I tmnkoi lhs

lib Luck btitoh " Ij^i-ry Booond atitchDim bgcut iiiuj still tho ototh snnnot ho pullerl opiii-t with*nut tearing it Wu pny Agents tram ST5 to S200 mtraoiith imil cxpLnatB, or uton an>i»ii frnm whichtnica Hint nni« untoan bo mido AddresiSI COMBi f O .wilTfeBDIlQII PA , o r E 0 i I 0 N , M A S S

r*iiiiion —IJo not be impoie I upon_b^_aihtE^paE-—L^ parining^ulF«orl7in^ Has! irnn ranehin^f?, unde^

iho s inie n Una OB otlif rwiso Ours li thaonly genujme * it allj prtetiLllialiL Lp irt iLhiiio iniimffiictiireil

Ciri i n C in IIIJ.II) of «lir l i i l i Cciniitlei ful 1 Ircliii, I^iftli—IT .PLPAS I- H

iim.ii fur IIUUM

nnrlil , £

nnd itjnnp 'HOTtlio Ad«NATIIAV'I^LL ^VostMillbunta i\ mtod in Q\ery pj.r£ ot tho

^ U I E E Y O U B S O V of DEBILITY, BEXUJ. AL-DTRTl A5I!hT.. .AR.— nml i-our nilrin a.3 ftf^

atjimped on\Ll |ie uml nisk for rirGul ir stnbi •• Direct AMEUICAN NEWS CO , 121 Naoau

New ^ nrk

Btnntlv tt4^pLrity in lo\e or-busine^^ L\ trj ono can iiequir^thia aigulnr po^cr Ihigquetri eseiting book hua*keonpubll hed bv us,tui ^-t-irji}Jtha§ ito ui ubiab hog'Ceon enornjou l jiiidiafKe only book of ths kind inihn 1 nghah Kpi u 1451 '.tut by m nl fur 2J ota , or fivofurgl to^ethrr wuHnguido to Iho ffnni irried Ad-drLasT. ^\ iLLiAii iL Uo , LooU PiibhsliLrs Philod'*

m i i r I I I %i,it(ts x«ooi, II,«nrd isso,JL oiition E norm for YOUNS MEN, on Ih*tllllOltg AUUsEB and DISDA'SES which destroythy niiinlj po^er^, nnd create impi dimcnts toJSluiiag «irh ^urt mean^uf r elief bcntinaoaledlctler eii\LlopLa Ircoof ehjir^G Addre-sa Dr JbKiLLiNlIouoiiToi, llownrd Aisooi^ n,FinInda,Pib

A1.IJNI>I* WANTED for c v n y C,oin.iT —Our Agenta aru iu ikin^ rrnm $11)0 11 flat) par

inuntli Billing our STATIONERY OIFTFALKA(rI2ti bond for Liroulura I I \ A 5 I d *LUB11ECII1 Empire "VI ip, Churt nnd brntioneryLatiiblishmeiit 107 Liberty Streot New York


Of -v our own ic leetion ti eo oV Qwi for a, few d nys*gei \ iuu in any tonn or > 11 lags Purfieulari and a

.CII.'^Ona JJulhir SIIIL nf Enalifh^A 113*11311 n l>r5-n-nd-F iney (joodis—Qiitlery,

Jiwi^lr\ tic ^^titts II erne lh n a* all eqiinalriLtfur lh ir hloi Jui jiiaeiiwig tliil \ bend J5 otatnr the ii im ** t f twit jirtiLlm whieh will be sent onTLLI ipt 11 One Doll ir Lfiuh Ag nt^wmlci l 1 ull deiLliptiun snnl flco In in ill AddrLa<M^HSH A COI 111 uinn,t KMV ml I JHowii id bt IJo^ton, Mn*2

Wn me arentifnrnver ONE HUNDllED Fertigannd DuiDLsLi£, J l inqFndtuier? mjd aio j t i tparcd tulurnijih tlie \\YuK ti mitr^ with VH\ nml PANCY

WAUL 1U11M1UHL I'lAJNOh^^l-W I^Gr MA*!LL it the umtBnn piitt. i £

EACH ARTICLE,^end 31 ur tliih* i f 10 tnd up^¥ IEJE, fur dcisriptiTo

uhttlM lniu in ^ li it iriiLle c in be nbtAinLd forOnu Dulhir u iLii 10 e-t-iit^fir LILLII tllQLk

C I 1 U VEMAU** S^iSi i JJ-H14E

P r t enta \% urth irum ^ ^ ID §1GQ snE free of elisrgaEa aeLiiEs sending etui

— -10 Aiuli —Bo toD, Mist

100Um r.\itSAi.t. I ull i

SAVLD S 000 AaFhTswintrtl lor tho ^fanimofhj


a fliTili *inil ^ i l u r Wntclic^ Sewing Mnelniics,tSjiikUri- s l ' i t forns Curpetin^s Domestic Goods

= u m ^ full i iiiiiLu! n» or fen checks efltfor OneDull (i (ltc l ib ng ttn ciifTereiit irhclL whit-h W8will *> WUv UFTJJ UUltL Hi EA( JI

uplendid. mduweiiiLiiN f iTLri-d Ui A-ci. t§ gpndiaguiClub^ Aldrr« T.AEOVTI: ATI^BBITT "

Nn. hJSmlliury Sl.regr.-Bi^towad In KuLuiu'ttii « r Asiat ic iitpiBrtg i \ e name^, loculitiLH, ilatun, t t ( 1

i l u p fiOin m in% i minci i t

—AViii lipitn nf In

, I ha\ n uto jLt nn\ putiuii l im iibnut tin

n. iifftLii Pi unit HIP Itj milyoln tin fn|authenf 1c Hu^^ian st itumc nt—"

ilomow, FiusliliJit of Hit Impel nil Conn-, sanij gtiitey th it in l**jn=Ji, tliL moitalit

imtiei AIlopuLhle liuituiciit ol ChoKi 1 ^napuf c t n t , aiscl mitlni Jlnmni npitluo i n iLinn10 ppr tuut , ri iittlo of 4 to 1 ' PLI in it inn fmth UP to say that thn 1 m p n m nf Huq^I i

* d ^ under tht caiool IIoninLDputhic p ^

One iiirtliei gtuti mint, anrl uu will Jc- allde H I P MC^ai ol ull Lliu JiiiH ju

an uka^C, o^inipui IJLI IJI dm ha\ingi tht 4 l H l l f t


umi fl it ihs~ni«inhf 1* nt thu towh&tupf»f thus \uiul tut\ nship^ uf thm stato stiil! heroilttr br iliuw ed iind l^Jid t^o dull ir3 per day cat-h

Hud tLt elsrlt ot Llm htvoral tonuship^ igatoresndMII ill litr^ultci hs alio^ td und ]iiiul thrye dollar:\ f i day by thei r re^peetn o to** it^hips for (ho sor\ eea rendered in p iLorintn^ thuir e^eral tuwnship d ut ii ^ ruqn ned ol them by Juw

t And lir H enaetodj Xhat this det shall tako

i IT I T wo —A fiar-

W Mill S VVIIJI,. nml All 5all ol ILigliLatinwi, N J

At LrmbLrryj N J onb "\\ il rn A \ \

June 4thico,

TO UN I U 1 FLNT to TlLA^LLb L M L 1 L E , bothnf Fin 1 i towns N T "*~

CII^PTPI Tvt o IIufDnrn \ S Dther "^u"piJ!t-'intnTP aet

-ror t

A HAHE CHANCE,DLblHAJJLE IIOL 1Z AND LOT, mtbGo J tl Barn situ Ue on


tiUO Ciistoiiiois iu four 1Tf,m*

l*ATltQNIZM the JiMST,II \\ \n£ the Hrjtat eipital mnafc expeneseed*

buj erd and LXfen i\ u tr idt of &ny eoaeern in theD U L L U l ^ L I h


from ]si,aetlGfii^ Ilomoeopifh^, to uUluh e-vciHonioeopithle Phj sieuin ^ludly mi\n AtnLti 1

l l pleifBO IIomoeopLithio 11I13 n.htna ntcThavo a " t l 1U.W pJISSLtl

I t is mnid t lmt tlic* Btiitistlc 3 upmi w huh T 1ft,Insueanco tables and rated aie fl^t il, am amongthe most iLeLiiriity.cn.ltiihitinnmu the oiltl In

nlefit^ reiliap<4 tlicit* is lianllj it hi^bettor proof of the estimation In-n inch Jlomnt©pstliy Ji lield a.t the, jjn nent rl 15 , than tliGt*fin,t Life Tn§uraneo ennipumea,

cuiiaLriiii"g" 1 ieighteen hundred nmL1 JJo it emiLted bj the

iovtu April lourte6nt&,irl^ six ~ —

^1 nato nnd {general AslliglftHtAirn, l r J

ird Ihiit we tender to the rolitirea nndof the dLLyjiaScl oui amceio und hesirtlul t siin their afiliction

4fh 1 hut n sopy of the*s resolutions bo^hftndeflta the editor of UJH Ili^litatuwn Gazette For juibheation, and thut fhe> ihu A. bo furw»irdeu to hisf d H &

h u 3 ^ u l i

^ o f the fetdte Lf Kov/ J t r ^ 3 f 1 •!«•«. JU <tnLH^LS nhort i.tn\ warrant baa htou 1 iued nndthe tuwnship colltutur nr other ofli cr t*J whom itw*i3 dylivtrcd h 13 EPgltLied or i iiled !o c\cuutrnr n Him Ihe iiiBT it shall bo la^Tiil ~Tbr tbo jutluC ^bo i?autd iho s lino, upun it#rt,!ul"il tu himivifli nn iifTdnvit annextjdj Iflut the tn\eg or eoiupart ot tht 3 ime 1cmn.n1 ynpnd, md gi\in^ th


othtis Mani ot tbe lit s*tanri mid so \ HIILI tn t.lin T, &

i nTfnv

Of-* thiy tnses ^ft^niiiet thgiti"*Te§peot«Fgly, ?till narrears nud unpud, to 1 suo nn ulias tn^ narraii

IIE UltUG nUisINEbS of tha Inte. SAMUELIIOLCUMLE, Deo ir, will ba canliiiucil by tlio

nuribLr na hurolufuic nt thu nbmn pjjinn. -ah, \rUo ijtupjl.opnjhutlj^on.liuiiil^a lull a&d.oom>1 n.3Bm tment of f

m ciery inslinee, nnd aliu the hat0D ffl

- - A . XI—Onmmnn shnrc. n gI TlJjM-IC.'KI1 (L-oTlvurii=Pj|j#«44-A-Vl'fli

io l'r-1-. Xtj TUP

JVb other £Q?ict,t 11 htis mty iftaip iLhatp^rr oicr4 j t$ tug zcifutg Our mottu Prompt § Mefiahts *Male *ind tem lie aji»nt^ wnnted insiiy_anij eoantry

—^Vcp j ^ ptliau eonimoB A\cs, wifh le d \ ibor ti ths chopper

Are psrliculirly requeit^U to Iry our popul tf eltit>'^y^ti m ol selling Jill krnds^of DRY AND 1""ANC3TbQUDb Diew J'attEi/is Cotton Ctuth CaUors,t~r I r* I _ i n • r w F ' I J ^ j • • i T I 1 i—• i• 1 T—i 1

J'iulfi t^oods, Wtitth'fIrib4 } A PiTLNT V\ H rou^TiiN and Leheik dea-knhmg an ai t t]r fu bu &old for a dollar 10 e-is f 20fn $2 40 foi 54, SOfOE.Eu, JMi (o£^I0, Si-nt hy mail^11 to Pro cuts lu gutter up (worth ^0 psr tffiT^loi'Slh 111 tlu^tf sent hy my other eufibgriij) aeeordingto size of elub Sund us a tn il elub, 01 if not donot Fin! to send fur a c— r ^ 3j —Out tHtui U1K ho ivith Haw

i§ itty nothing ot life

pnmOHOp ittig Id pel Cent \ox\ or thit!W© el5py^lflF folTsn IiTg fioni the encului of aprominsnt ^ Q*W \ 01 k eornp mj

"That Ihe syatt ni^ of nintlleal praetlco,lio dnintioi\ of liii?, 1110 t l l wni...

b% Lift Iiisuianeis ebini3a,nle3"'iiii

raeeling,j cLosucLils annual

Twcuti UhurdiLi, SLVLII of

latoa a d l i h

ship i ollcetor fur the time bbing sr uthtr pn»| er

ttfldour possession allow iltcrtaieil latu of moitall

^ty under 'ffhuf jg kflsv\n as thn 'Ilnmopopathisystem of mefileJne > Wo liui e thuicfoia onneluclert to mnko a il@£iuqMoii of ttn pLr r^n{TOD tho table i-atc* upon oaeli payment of pic

i l t i h l i t I l i J l i l

eti the past jwurc represented by paitorg and dUeg itcs


nfneen—tQ~~bu~prtieKKth3d un m till Llim^a Ha me "G oi tho uri^iiml TvnrriiTi

2 And bo i etmetedj 'Ibat tins aat iliall takeSUAKJ lib HBHBSs


^pnd for sireuliir find prices iQ—JiFjiptitcfttt—^^kri L{1 .Pitis/iur* P a Sulo Manufnel'ra Torie by prineipil JIurd^nrB ii nlcra OfiEil DIBTEIB1JII0N


? 5 gtreatment In r-iist of medical pi

d, the full mtea M 111 bg again

days, liad 15&t4 tJ.le of niuiu liusmcssto transact, tho Churches rcBoi\m>' tothomaclves all legisHtnc ansl fipovvei. Hcppita lioni nil tho

^ d dii

a©rvi\ti'reJ it is p p ^ ^ i aTuoro tliillilias Duen said It 1B iip|>iiiLiit tliaitbe original artiolo 'nlilcn enuxcil thu lineupsion, ^Willie trea,ting of othef muttt ia, ^a i de-^lgnefl espeelall^ to ridicule Homoeopaths a£&€t which is pro% cfl "by the soeond articlo bo-ing aevotoa almost osclusl\olj to this iiuiposs^bat O|i© 8Liwo fuots IisioTna^ not bu out sfWaco. It scums Bxtoedlnjfly ati inne thnt onefiMlimUUiil,u J UujiHtiiilmlittud sin£ pmana to

JiUit JVe know tbiLt those vei-v pas-t t i b t f

presented, diie aornion «.is picaUEed,and protpgt-ts and plaua lor ttions-ncic-~drscussccn

Appro\eil April 1, 1S0S

CnAnnn TIIKEE nn^niiro —A supplement to annet entitled 'An aet egnegiiiuig TurnpikeHoidi,11 approved tlie twynty gutond dny otSlateU anno doiuioi cjchtciu hundfed and

this denomination, whi(,h iixteen jear?ago had ntrchurtJioa in tho State, has beeuone of mirlccd piubperity, aiid tho futuieseems full f t

1 IJy it enietedtj* flio Soisato nnd General Asiemljl) of the Stnte uf Ntvi Jersey fXhat an rnuehof the net to i\hii,h thii aet isn supplmient, na pro^ idLg ns foliswg "pru^ idcd, thnt no sueh eompjinysbnli nt any time horeufLor deLttire ©r pay a divi-dend or diwdendg atnouiiting to moru tbun ii^ percentum in iin^ one ^eftr, on the amount oi the=#n.pitsl stoukpud^—in nnd shuli d


Jinking seeured the servieea of & esmpetentDruggiit, of sovcrn.1 jeuri oiporiDneo bath in eitjnnd tuuntry nil muditlnci will bo dispemei withaki^l nnd di^patt.h *

l3ailicitlar attention _iL.t.ll_?,g_ei.iieti fcL ihs compouiitlt.n£ oJ\Phyueimi^ l^rLiiCnptLons

injaipmimjs ifO- EoPATiiff; JIFPIOINLS

. i n. ii i n m aiuumr

A cMaiii PB.LEERYA'LI\E OP J2ggi I'i ml.Jllfit i^e, fur any length of time Tor sale

by Druggists mid Growers

G i^I


GrFTS TO THF AMDffST QF §250,000,T I C Z S T DHAWa A P B I E B ,

5 Cash Gifts ,.Eaoh § 10,00010 — «• , , , , ' 5,00ft

_JO —-" ...„,„„„„.„„ __ii 1,000-500100

>~ ^ss — si =



rpUJZ BEST A V27 CIIEAPESTATiiiWeiiJ- ninrto i:\orybodj partioiilnrly TARMEBi

ind MINITRb, sejld for i iron deseEiptivs eireulnand pries list to J" A IVaoiluaret IVilliamaport, P


eeiSi J i t those veiv passions and attributes of our nature, -whioli aietho lowest and worstt_lia'\o thoii uses, and

iULl4sni £iikt3_U tIn its sqll-aneriileJog apliere, like ths "BIIOO" O;the wagon, or tho brake of tho car. It has itiiges, but §eir£ftlnly*noi7iiri3ifi ©f gach.n.n o^altot]kind us to entitle lt»to eucli unbounded prnisoIts vlttutg aro all negutht , It rastruins, pro-vents, as sutct Tsoforo Glsgs all noEnei, 'whattioiaril or otlierwlie, Itsaglno ConBorTtttlim lcrul-

' la a ea?all'^ ohai ge, or a "forlora Jaope ?i—me %. ooasorvatlV t, composing sn oplo, o

caiLOtnitl at ila-tawtiu^ISlQiinioutlLCQuiitj,on Saturday last bj tho Btiifi, .among the-keroieno dealer! in tow n. It oomnieijoudon Thursday by ono ot the stoic koopenleducing the prico from 45 to 40 cents pergallon Another, not to be outdone byhis brother dealer in tho fragrant oil,placed on hiiaooibigp8Scants,But Situr-Lay WM the f nsis nf thn aflair. Then tlip

p p jndirectly, retain en hand ai n. aurpftfl'ISr utletj

fund, jnure thn,n_ tenjier sentiini Qt\augji eapitiUstsokj'^oe and tho sime is h & y ^ i l l dtbat thia aot «bnii tal^o effuet i

Approved April 2, 188S

^BArTrn Two IIuKDnrD AUD EIFTT IBHEE —Anlist tQ eontirm the aghnoulsflgmeiita and Broafa


SLT3 XASTailS ^AblCElS i V i l E BKB PlieafiffS,

wAMED--AOrNTa In mil by iiniplo a.Vomhurrrl Squint. T^.i.tl ny.il lim.rl. UYnn,

iDd.uocmciUi affurBil County flights-far snlo-oni«fi?t llhfl£3il ferial Pnr nrlimiliira add f su "W SBATCIIKLULlt* 00 , ^ittahurg, Pn

40 "31)0 "dl)0 * « , , 1 ,..A".

j a O ' •fjUO " • • _ • • • • " 2 ^80 Elogunt Hoiowood Pinnni, Eueta S300 to $5110Jo » Molodconi '• 7b to 15&

laO Sowing MnoIiinEa,,. " 7S to 100»2i0 Muii ul Uoiea " 25 to 20O30(1 linu Hold Wnl.obeg.. " 75 to <t00

M MANHATTAN KATE COMPANY,Stamped upon tho baio of SVBPJ artiols

Al«n Poarl, iTnry nnd Mctnl Ilnndlsol deeds and other inatruinentiof ^ritmg takesbyN Proctor Smith,

pu pe, oopera Pietui e before your oyei a coni e making an oration HJio Patrick Jlcn

iyf ^ r n s a Declaration of Independence, or<ia JEmanoipiition Pioelnmation, Ho, eonsorv-

• atlBin im goofl enough In its way, but It is not/Jbs "snmmum bonum »"^^^flnsemiti^efs idsas upon religion aie not at'^BWeilS. There* seems to be an unfortunateoonfoniulii)(j la Ills mind of what constitutes*1%Ion, ana that which Is comparatively a

a t i mutter, via -, t i l t l ftter, via , tileeniert by yanona

warfare began in eat nest, Early in themorning a gentleman of the coloied per-suasion, familiar!} known ae "Hank,"might have been Been, and bemd, travers-ing tlio shoots, bearing ftloft a banner, notwith the motto " Excelsior," but witj| anequally "strange device," for by it ono a,ndall were informed where they could obtain

in the t>ntwn.r<l manirestotione of their worshipfi&t wbo snaU detfifl^ wbleh @f the many mcidegef worship is right t Each Is no doubt adaptedt t h ( © O i £ t a t o f the particular worship-

for l i m ; and while per-b tl t t

" good oil nt 30," Another dealer near— • ^ V - •• • - 7 -r - •• L - i i - i . . . - . . ^ - - = ^ Ij J • ' • • -• • • - J —

cng, it appears ta the JegialaturS thatytDr bniith wni dulj coramiisioncd oaeeoth day of 1 ebruflry, in ihe ycur eighteen

ndred nnd sixly-fivo, one of tlis eunjmia^ioptnko the tekno^flo Igment^and proofs of deed!ban FraneisaOj stats of C iLifornia, to bs uiedrecot"2eH in the stats of New Jersey , andereas ifc nppenra that the said N Prootprith, froua a mii^pprehoDsios ef the law, failedfils in ths afficL, uf tlia seeretiry of Btats hisl d l h f f l d ! h

Sole Mariufacturera of tha

W A J H 1 1 I - A O E N 1 S — S2U0 por munth theyenr round or a oortunty of5 IUO to fll 000 por

month to thoss having a httlo tupit il We aarantvtlio above moithly inlnry to jooil netive amenta attheir own homes Eiery ngonr, farmer, gnrdner,planter nultruit growor North and bouth should

snid-atmKiif&iHtil Pl U t fdress J A U B A B N , i -00 , 68 becond St^ DBIU

7SU imo SilTor VVntohos • u SUTii r5BT"Titte Oil TaintlngS* Frsmed^tn^avings, Silken

Wure, PhoiograpJrAIbuuTs andralnrgs 3giort^@Bt,of Gold Jewelry, in nl! valued ut 51,1)0(1,000

A OlIAUCS TO Dlf A? i h ¥ QP Tflg AiyTETftl lESbj purohasmg o sealed Tiokot for 2s otlt Tlflkst*dcfcribiag ea«h Pnz» nro sonloJ in Envelopes 4tliuroughly mised OiTreeeipt of 2sets a beftledTicket will bo diawn witlioutohsioe and deliveredat our OMQO, or sent by mml t<3&BjaddEgsa Thaprise named upos it will bo delivered t© the ticket-holder or pnvmant nf-nnn dollar Enses will helm-

Celebrated latent Coffee Percolater,

£B)J3 i t maybe TfeJl to be cnutfous not to runi to'ertremea In inattcra of forni, yet let no uuin

seek] to be a consomitlvo In religion—bore letthere b&no restraint^Iot thfe TV)ICUO heart and-gMtallliw £i?sii awa^.with tbemost perfect g^aii .<lon,to,OiiG.£ai.loUi, nml It t UH nevur Joiget

the centre of the town, immediately putout " 2 8 , " and was just congiatulatin^himself oa the fact that he bad reachedthe lowest figure, when, lo I sonio oneenters and informs him that on o certaindoor post above tha "Gully Bridge" is in-scribed " Kerosene Oil, at 25 cents a gal

t d dsc , gon,i' thereupon: '< 281? is rempyod, and" M5* plaoed in its itead, i Boon after JiisieitflotttBfllgh^wtifthe/brick: stqr« hangs


top |

—ment-b is kiken— ntUnawledgiiiDnfe «nd preuis ofdeeds, hy rensoa of wlneh iisknewIedgmenLs andproofs lunopeot persoaa moy bo iubjyet to greatJess ( therefore,1 Be it unaated L j t h t Senate and General Aa*

semhly of the Slats of Now Jeraejj Thntgef erul aeknewledgmtsts and proofs of dsedj andother laglnimenta of writing taken and esrliSedby th© said N Proctor Bonth as said O G m m i i a ,dUrljsk l^hiftiBas for whieh ho waa couiaiis3ioDedtbei &8JutMetame nroi hereby effnirmtd d ^ l

Show Boom, No. 8 Maiden Lane,

A O E R T d W A H V K D ,

PLOPLE in want ot, nnd Agents who are Bellingall kindsofib0i£f7/ir JSIuthmf;, ars reque-ifed to

nddress me {with slump) for gro ttly roiluced pricesjindtcrmi JKlPuAnsoss, box4, ChnrlestownMi

Bolder or pnvmant nt-nnn dollar a iMawmaein-nitdmtely sontto nay uddrosa, os requasted, by BI -press or re urn moil

Yon WILL KMOW S n i T i o ™ BniiE IB before jonpay for it. Any Prise m«y bo cxthanged fur an.other of ihe gnmo \ nl us No HL^MCS _ ^



mvf-3m JJBtween 2J and SdjLvcnuea _

TO THE LADIES,ror only Ono Dollnr

We are selling gilka, Stannla, BrfiBil F n n t jQevilH of cvory deseripUon, 11U0 Sil^rr Wn i;.Vumiinrq, i o . VALUABLE PnESETg, from S3ts §500, Icnl FUED OF CMAUSE to ngests fendingclubs ol ten and upwards

Circulars aent Iroe tp^any address.


SEWING GUIDE,Fur tho nggmtnnee of ladies in hand iowing protect-ing-the flnger-from the needleroiia (TnfSingstitcheito ho takonwitn exact rtgiilanty nnd tneretiird ra-judity luviilunbie fur unwinds nf tmhroxdrrnignnd erorhetiitg. Sent to nny address, hy iniiil'i'oleaautly -iilvtr piiited, for Jo njnts, or •solid «ilver for"5 cent? Agents wnnttd in every town Terms indsample for I'j ucntt Ijthrr-ii ri;»cnunt to tho trnrloAdilrois NILKS MAKUEAOTUWIiSG CO.. 55 Wn,terSr,-*Uo3ton, Mass

BUH.-i'ATitUIiS CAN DEPIIU UM t A1B. BEALINQ IEEFEnB*iCBH —Welelett tbo lew fullowm^ names

from the many who hnve lately drawn ValuablePruea nnd kindly permitted us to puhlmh them

h i Wilkinl, Jjuffiilo N 1' . 1,000, Mi"8 AnniBSlonfoe, ChfeaI|of"IlI*="Piano,'va|u#ci at~S050; B5btJaekren Iowa, Guld Vi uteh {250, Philip MoCarthyIjouiiville,l

! j i! umu* ^^JU, jriiiiipi imand Olustof Binff

S l T

•.-it rut*tn

outf i^piito Joarii «iBn wl£h itie contested^ c M m a j ^ ^ t o m a M ^ b i w - l t PW7?dffdiy.iSfeBft^tjtoKitom'edt^lindniaB^JlSC'"

ttiationr in. the, tnttriw;, K mftiiy an -ii:pu-.tato


. • ; •

Asthma, or


lnttcrsoB,KowBi;dfordi MiPS SilvtrTMi«s Lminii Wiilworth, Milwa-tkeo \Vi«SSOO.llov'l tt Pttt Cleveland, Ohio Mulod

LiTWo publi-h no uon.es without P»PT.J.IQHH Off THE XTUBB.-'-H'oy.'*™ go

Ini gci t busliiLia, tlio fli ni ( s i " " ^ i & fthill " \Vkl / / J l i l ) u n o

Ig, tbO

at for It or W"nmjifi n nf

.¥^" i "

'^^^^^^^^^^jiy^s'i^o,ii^^-i-^^&^'" sWgff

— JHf

&Y, JPHE 11,1068.

ADVBB.TISINO- BATESOne iquare, 10 lines or lei», one time . 160Every au baequeulingoTtittn • — —10-Trnrhrt-the-trnd-of— (hat 5hree months •* J ^ Ju§ij£ montha • SIDOne year including paper 1(1 00Quarter of enlumr' fl innnlhs flS—one Joar , 2f noHalf column (I month" S3'—ano yea r 511 00One eehifun 0 months fjD— oile 5 ear, 7s 00

U n t i e d in tho lncnl columns 8 CFST<) I l i n tfar each insertion ^1 *sin Lnnlmunieationa eiloutatod to subSLrvo private cr e e r p o n t o en Ia aloneTfill bo charged n \ o n t i a line nr more accordingto sgrcLiirent a l (lie l ime df insiBrthin

JACOB STTJITb Edi tor and Proprietor

(J3T We clip the fullowinjjj,lema fiom nilnrtitlo entitled ' A Sabbath at l ightstown, H Ju,' in the Hst nuiubuL nf tht.


He ltfLiLed oui reidcib ionic time

We thank om bi othei editor for the ti\ ur

nblc natit-i, lit, li\s given us mil

ntc tin, wind f[,eliii;m,initL^it1

"our boiough in tho holt, ni tide Maj itich lm\c«t of •subsenbtra apiinjfrom theseed sown heie on hia rcn,nt visit

*Rv~ hniBlmn nF Tiiv Ben Ttmrhnu

Tistoi Tvf tlltTir* L, uhuich, iiid m com

pin\ with tin, 11L\ A jSIinslup, WL hid

the nleiame^af rctiiptn thenhnvu IrfuVlTtj

Tvheie v\een|c>^Ld ,i most dUtghtful dij

oO^ibb tt4i-tlie Hhit ult

Hill lloail f lcihtius ire mcreiaing every

yeir in Ntw Jersi j grcitly to the COUM,

nieiiLe of tnvelers -ind wonderfully, in

tlie iinpio\eniLnt of" the intLLior towns —

Enlerpuse is LM.rj \ \ licit, tppirtrit

Oui route, liyliy Mirfliiutwllt, Moores

town, Mount Holly, nnd-i*LmbLrton,-iu^

lersotting the old Cimdcu and Amboy

line n^^in i\t Ill^lltstonn

On •ipproachTng'thia place, three ele^lnt

spiiLS ire Been pointing tow drds the cloud

leu Hnd ifii oft

The Baptist and Piesbj tcrian chinches

ar& both 1>L lutiful foi situation and thtsc

denominations have buildings in pro01 e»i5,

for cduc itlciuil purpoaes, vvhiLh, VVIILU

completed, will add to the itti ictions ni

the place

1 h ^ l Epmcnpnl dimelj-i«_a

SQllll gOtlilG WOOlkll stlULtUTL, illiSHVB 111

style mid ot <, ip nous proportions Itsbronn uilnrpinrl nfrrbiijCtiUs iuiinirntl~

ings gi\e it in appLit nice ot quii,t Uc

p III(,D, in liiriuml} with its iiciLtl USL1? —

riiu ton_ii_ilicm on tht, utLiMon of nni

yiait cdLbr itatl the Llcv until Anunt-isiij

BUILD this r fhlice v, is, tli tin. itnl

We foiincd in tin, bi iLf pc-iiud of our m

teieouist i nuuibri of\cij chntLt, frtpnil

ships W1HL.1I it will be .our hippiatss to

in j.lti.i time

BEB" We know not to vv hit extent thr h«ftllonsp-ULuU to pTnTishbut-w hen tht cms oi a w hole

_aie_psiiauiliiitb(. isouud uf blmvi wiiitli abrute Hould^Paiee inflict upon a horseand the pieieuij shucks of the

is called foi —If tha faults of child rin requne se-veip pmnshmcnt, there are meinsof \i hultsonio CQI rectum »ithoiitj


O"The McKm^lit farm iL,ccntly purchased lij Mi Jos MtMuitan, his bLLnsold by Ih it ^fntlemin to Ins brother,Mr Jnhn Mcllmiin, of^t Johns, N B•who intends m ikintj it his future home —A new residence w ill soon be ort (.ted upor

-the-property," WftMi will "Hid tD tlie nu'meious other improvements in thifc pirtof om boiough

—=—^=*-j*jgfc^^-* •• —

TheDemocntieind Conseiviti\e •sotorsof the Tunnslup uf Eist Wmdai rait itthe Hotel of IJuiLls Mijlll, in theBoiauglof Ilyhtstown, onSituidi^, June 6lh1868, lor the puiposo ol electing dUcnttLto rqjiesenfr Hie- tnw nslnp— in" the State~ to be ] Ud in the citv nf I i en

-BmKlmg and Loan Associations tnlkod of in our borougU -As minj peT^nni de

iiro an inaiaht of the workingiof BuoU naaooiationi,

ving ishaig of itock subarribed for by an^ pur

?onlapail for in monthly installments of SI If

bcao in tallmcnls ware continual fjr 200 months

ho gh irelulder tho association wfiul 1 be a sar

rig3 bink psi} I Ig W lek in firte sum without inter

mt tho iccumulitod STYinpl of ITyuirs Many

poor men can sal o from SL to S J laonthlv without

mi gm^ It Th ro lire L-hil Iren who Lin bo en

to eirn §1 each ineiHb. nnd BI\O it in

w 1} t u t (htj A §001 Ui tn *loo* bettor than

this I t return1! tho ^200 ijoBer thus plying a

m li r Ita Intel eat for lha RdgnRv

It tha ?h ireliol loF prefers! to t 1 o lua money at

tha stnrt H 13 lo metl~f o him n tho best jeoiirlt^ ,

but on tho nio^t FHOF-IBIO tLTuaa l ie

Principal and Interest at the riito of B5* j er shire

initeid of 51 bo long na ho prompflv miltsa

tho^o piymen&s no demand c-in bo mado upon

him fui inivthln^iH^ ' *— • ~ — —

Of cjurso tbero would be tompotitors for tho

in** nnd tbo^o moab nniisua to uao tb@ fflyni-}

Wltlld subm t ti the deduction of it prtmium Bo

o iger h a tbe Lpmpelition been in SOBIO c i LS th it

intira HIILII—3fl—pn ceitt

re!,J pa} ibil praDlluni unlcai bo feels niaurnj

that tbe money 11 wjrtb thlt to bun Ho c in

wilt for lower prbidtums or dcoJlne to borrtw at

us upj-oaa a enso "An asaeLiition itirta

b iriB3 I ho first p i ment li mitre and tbt

saFSr htlJi^jQI) which ha imBTediitoH-prn

eneds tu loan to hirohil lera S 00 nt a tuna If 20

=ner cent la efTureJ 3 I j ini lire raidt ot Sl O easb

counting us SJUO and J21 u lt,fE in tho Iroiiaurj

At tbe ne\t uieeling ^503 H pail in [$i lntcreat )

ami threj n w loaiia are miidj Iot\m= ?11 Jb»

22 months mi^ht be sot do« n na fcllrwi

nl inee P lid *otal

43 50b 519—f9 — 500 — 573-






- 771

515318522*2aS2B6U5 i63a5415H5185 1

-w -TS8-





20- 2 0 -

2019191910131 < S








Styles,AT LOW 1'llICE^,



Pi oea at Hightstown Milh.Juno 1 ISlS

WIIIAT perl u hoi S"lS0tHi L.

Ihr* | F b i liulK I I L J I Ti ILB p m l

d ^t-yjiid beR) Tl nrIndi ) Muil

1 a u so 1 I IP

JO7 nil t 7 D


FROM GERM4N1, m i 8 3 s



The trt uttit kiia-i.il n n i Jiei jar

j 0 1 t 001 j ti j .J 7 tj 1 nil

ami nilOllltlid

DYSPEPSIA,Nervous Debility,

JAUNDICE,Di-PTjea of tlie Kulncys,

ElUPTIOiig of the SKX2T,l.iimj mining fioui n Ulk-1 m -1lu111111.il 111

1 1M T l l \ b l L DBL r i i .sI r a s r e r a OF

7 •>J "10


S\i j u L r i u^ 1I I KLI n PnnK 10P TAI IK^ | or harrul 1 I'tlTi u ph> 11 J l er lui ( i t l L o I l n [ r i a l 1700M m 1 II ly do v ^ ^ ^ 5 1 3 U lu.

490481,15484HijI S ii i lu a4d21J24J8bO iJ U 4


noI J J

- i O05


13J S



1 - 1

O•"DE^^^^«S BLINTDMbS I CAT via IIt r a t 1 w i t h t h e u d i i t u L U • b > T l ^ V ' V C ^M I) iiitl P i/~e 5r if I)i fu s of ihr L. /t u HJ^ r i i eh Mfltrd C»Vi,f, »/ I* mtit/fn na12 M ra ux| ILF o (U rn 5F]J ft Li))di i llulI J I I I J I S I SUJ AltCil St I'llIIM ifi t imDinll iu in lie OLII it his offiie Ibe IIIL hunl faculty aremv i t r j tu ntcnntp my their pntiLnid jH" lie ha^ n >a t j tj m_lua_p£aetu,u ArtiJu.iiil LVea insertedwithout i ain Na yh irga i r e\aminati a JLIL

HIP VAN WINKLE,Wikin» up from his nip of twenty years, it hocould til lj h i\ e 11101 eneil hia

-ts-("(35H) —sii-

Ai tbo &nd cf two enrs viith this uceeaa they

« uld hjld moFt0a^ca lur Si t "SUO and thu i Uuo

'Si a ILIJ UFary HO il i bt S J uO lur Ihj third 3c ir

allowing ten per cent premium 40 new lutns

would bo niidu, nnl S1*™ 900 iwutd hj tht Assiti

Itiun \ uluo uf ahnrca J4j U0

Uh 3 oirih H i f

Bthjcir ,ih_yi> IT

s i b \O\TBtb j o i rIDfi






a of Loans

133— 24 i



'SI 000

53 1U0r i 101)73 10001 U00

A aluef7J 20»7 t 0

l ib &0.H7 _Ui i m1^- UU

A t t h u r n t a bsfjra tho cltfan of llio 11th yuftr

ovtry ibaro wuuld bi. worth 3200 aad til mort

gnDt3 JJULII ly tfiL lurrjwers wouiu Do

It ii iiiror to pr sumo that twLl«i^is.tra-Tftiuld-be-

required to produce this TLHult In th it LIISD (ho

LLLLIIU-" [ burrower ofthn fir1> ""•—- 1"""« p ^ ' ' ^ - " " ! f r ? l ° H

At ^ per sent it would cost him "113 UO per annum

Jar......tntereiiL-Or—1103 2J, mjLln,nir, S3aajJ-,.,IJi,e

borrowur nf * J 0 0 at the bo^innin,, c r tho third

ye ir rucen cs S»J10 and paj •* for ItfeiJ17 At le

^al Filler be Mould p ty Ipdli At the beBinnin^

of tho f urlh j o i r tho brrrowor nf UUO reLtivii

5iW n n J p i j s i 7 j 0 At log il ri tes ho unuld p ly

500J s i Thus it will bo i t n th it tha premiums

set down aro net e^trayngnn* and a n y rulrT soTuc

LIJSO sooner

H Jnnfson -ippomted Ohaitmin, and J" " • • S,.PIBl.nry..

v, ere elected as follow i AJ Smith, T C Pcaice- A^teinntet—Louis G Hessioi, ? MSchmck, W T B io^n ,^ s Tmtlill

On motion, HesohiH, l h a t the folluwin,jnamed gLutlemen he appointed 1 commit

11 tr tha doming L tnrm i n Tti6nTas0 Pearee^JosLph IIJTmnaiin, .Tncnb Duly. A ifrp.rl Puimp A

- I I —1 ft^loi-r- i - J i - bimtliy- aud -S M~Sclnnck ~

Ttesuhcd, That the proceed ms of thi<ifeetin bo published in the Ti ue Amen

l H i k t t G k t tAdjourned to meet at the call of thochairman

JOSEPH II JIMBSON, Chairman=1JJ Khimmi, Sec,

*• *rrmS"JtrT&sfiftffE*'— The~Zjrvii37ias cornel ""--Shall tho vv ork go forvvni d, OL be abandoned * This is the pr\cti-il quo tion towhith the people of HiJlitstovvu and VLcinty must 51 ve immediate anivver

There will be a public meejtintj in theinteaes^pfjjio Juatitute- at the. Baptiat

• Ctiim.h, Sunday, the 14tli uisi , at 2•-o'clock F M Dr Pish of Nen.uk, to

getter with otlior IpeakBraj_%vill addiei«tho mCLttng

Come one, come all, and give jour vote1 on the question *

" HonoT^io wliom^oHQT and custom 10

•whom eaatom,^.ta. nnngiclnrabln hmmf null Bin

torn aiQ duo tho Davisons at the Mansion IloudeJIa t itora, Trenton, for tho splendid itoek of II itaaad t3aps whieh they have iff store and are. readyto furnish^o these in Wnataf iuoh artmlof Hitsoonformed ™'hfc^ead by a new patent anange

ffi ew hat feel ai comtortuBlymont, which:as as old ose

1 We TIBTO roeeiTed from OllTorDitson ft Co

Boiton, the ufosfc eafet i i«_mA,o publnlieri of

—this country, Hifl followingTiiw-pletiol ~

» She l.vei n o « the Old K A m w k ? - N * and•chorus, by (J W Mnoro quite prettyj-BrieB 30ot«

1 Thee, only " ballad, "by H B Furuio , a. sentlmontul song of ooiiii lornblo merit 3U etg

" Jennie dour " «»ng or duett and chorus, ,• IKK | H f c ^B *- 1 • ^ t a. 1_ i _S * _ _ , n

AcLOrdin= to tho Lid cup} Mind i n ! Mm

ncr-i niiku a Lidy but it tal at i cry niLtt bat

to mike a gentlLiii 11 Bu h hata mij be procur

edoftholiiLC t iljles ind best makoi il the Lin

pnrium'Buildmj We nutiLe a gieat aiiny L,LII

item-inly looking fellB«a emer=ni= frDui tb it es

tablribmcnt atiirLd in new hati iiuted to the SBI

•on It }QH lool dubious Hi to ' juur appeor

anee,-jf uni. man, Btep in at the Emporium ind

IiBBJte£jfcdleed=wttfcafittiEpFfidiie cat-in BJoortamtj—not only ia lie «d goar hufothar

Uea of olothing

BARE OHANOE 'Wai aalo ft thFeT years Eei*ir"*gi5d~wrn *tncl[

nn J_fi\lurC3 of al l i rnass L tabliahment In thoLoiuuah ot lll^hts uwn^t i t l l lnhud 2S years—gjod run of tust m Tar further pirtioulurs cullun the pruprn,tur.


Oolloeter's Sale forNotice is hereby gn en tl iati iy virtue of a war

rint ISSHCJ by bcrin., &h in,,lt L q Major of theDorLugh ol Ilijhtstinn ±ho uh »nbLr CIIIL tornt «n l Borough will onS4,lIJHD41 thoi t tLS,

rt n A.. T>.. ISI.S" • • — * " • • — " — - " - r ~—• — " —— *- • * • I —— • _ _

eff 5"» elook P M ol that day at thiTlIotel of LC Itich lrdaon in nid boroujsh at.II the goods nndchattlei ol tho undern im&d personi to make thetaiBS and costs annoicd to their respoetue nimes

_ _„!»% Cu tiBntton Clnnnda f 180 60CoHarJ Noak i 10 60

Ctiuminile Samuel 50Sana in J i bnB 4 10Francis Whalkm 20Giboraon Charles BI 70Hull L B 1 70Ilieks, i imuel II 20Uu^bta Sjinoi 00llaus, Ldgar 1 00

— Hirot Willum ~ - " X00John»on Jo«O(h-B SOJnhnsnn Mary 1 goJohnson Tuojnns A___ 4 OJJ

TTiko, William 0 ~ 70Mount, Tharlos 4,10Moore, Jacob 3 40Mcl iougi l , Wilhaqi 320SI iplo, Charlas 100

—M iiikT-Miehol— " 20Ogborn n J a 8B


~~ GOB0 —606 P _B060ggflo60

" floflo

ArmstroB' Willnim Ci Jggy.JSnydcr J Liuph a Elian'Iiyda.l, WillimnWilbur LlnydWyukuff l»Btor_^Wyekoff, Co neliuiWalton, IV ilium


1 7070

1 1 040

10 104 704 701 U0


BD6060B0606u60005060m 60

B A OUTOAIT, Borough, Collector

Strawberry Pastoral and Fair,—A gtnwbarry Fc»ti¥nl and Fair, will ho held in

HDTC11INS0N S HALL, Uightatuwn, on

Thnridtty, Juie ISfli,during tho afternoon and evening

_ L O t l U

«iih fIIlftT\DOIOaU\E wruld bnvo ooked

hki. 1 1«IIJWC» HAW

I the e!T i,t of


nri 11111 01 1111, 1 noon


1 1I t I Lj 1 1 tl 1 i u

I . t 1 M1 Im l 1 t I , I 1 r I 11 i l l tel I I I I tl, t ] II I e dill1 / J ) i ( u ! 1 in I ill mil l i t ' t i c II

I tl I1 t I


UQu-upiuqn i'latutence Inv\ or i PlI uln <ot 13113d %a thu il^ad Abilit

Ot tho JStomnah iruli.cn H e u lbum D u g u a t l t r r a 1 Fulneid

Qi VA it,ht 111 tho Bt Til vailbouf l^tiictattain iJink

. iraiof t h t Btoitmch

tho Huad Mul l ILL! OIDmiflrinK I ' rnt te i inff ftt_tiiB Huait~_

Chokinaoi SallTLaling b ^ uti riN^vhjnill ii LyniL. PuatulL Jl iilnD ot Vl ionp

DoW oi Webn b^toin tho o i t h tDull p i i n in tli HLUCI D tl

eiLn v o E F u viintion \ t Lk n u m ol t l u Sinn m 1

IPJL l a i n in tha HiLltBHLIT Che t L i m b ntc Bu 1-

d t n Flu-ihsi ot Hea t BuiniiiR iutha Fie h C i m t a n t IluilL,inlli(, ^ ol

E \ i l anil Q11311E DBpresfiori ot b p m t sJill I alt ll fi file II I I j t li

Vl lu, I idl I t III ll 12 tl I

in rnjui LnatTh^ ^l n liaiiLl liiimnFit^ U'h^ j leTTto I n n IIIILII v n Lin h 111 hi a f

ManuliiLll r d I13 I CUl l l " i lADORO b8 Mill lennle Nun Y il ^SuTaTBy ill Uru^^igtg A r r l i L d

all l l u i r UrLa 1.1:, m - 8 IL

W II \T E\ L l i l UORSOiANJ, Lhj, iJi,_l!JLl_r li iblc Imjjaent

Venetian Hoise Liniment,IN Pi^ r 13 TTLJ ^ AT CK1 U H A H

T r Lincneas Cut Q ill" T ho 13]rur» iw rn nt d II uper tli 111 JI V th r It i m ud b>nil thu k i t t 1) tr uuiui 11 L r n I 1 in U UF11 1\ 1 i E LUFO I t 1II H J i l t UQf J L \ l i l ^ H ihCFO Ino _Lminient lii. yviJtrni-c- -tliiit ^ i\T Vi haPTt 1t i lc l t j ciirL if po ui\el> doea _J\ a UILI ci Lf

/tu if itiLl he 1 it/u t It /I I yi»s olf lulllUnu d o r L U H J _ n 1 t i t L j sajw.^ t h e JhFt ot an

\ u r h t i i t e d I I i i H n li 1 1'jr L~T1 a n d IT I1) ULIIO i t hits n t \ e i 1 MIL 1 J u t a i ^ u i e a s t h e un11 13 j u t Hfi Jsurt M i h u Tftlu ILIQ L t n i m e H t to bui h c llur«i_ Lmbrucat iLU t t th tinV U e It mu

Nni.id all 1) i-pot. 5h Cu r t l i i t i l t nt ,lo rk Sold Li all UrutJliaia and btorukutii

doprc Ilu-n is a dlieiswrf the Iier\oua

system, and ot Jll the ills II li la heir to it is the

ject of frequent J1.SI -ipd is c illtd 1 y V irioua di-

n I H tLlIUS but iltboiigh it is often Iju^hud kl

it 13 not L I } tu 1 lu^h th 1 atient out of tht, LLII f

i b J l tL i i ' l i l i i i e a l l iL i l ioi i t 13 w i£ it J ul —

tin, ^tni.1 il ieatules uf w blub ary constant ILJT

jm^itty and |,lo£iii Xhs o^tqrji^l u e^s a^ wtll

is thu intiit i l i ^ultiL often ii ii ite^t

pf dLrin sLuicnt "Nui t ns o f f i l l i n g ^ il^r andiiu~iiiB iu the c i r are euuiplj.inud if HIIIIG blaukpeckd 1111J fit-ry fej"irl 3 irequGutly flit LLTUIQ the'

\ 1 ion AdmuiiiltiUs l ike t h t Q should not bs diu D udcU 13 thej 111 ty ii iiy^lc t t 1 u r m m LES inus inity I b e e i t u f ilia IIISLI^L H IU lbs br uni i t d n t n a u s_j tLui a i i l t J L mtrul t h t m 1 fulj it 1iiLtt 3"ir> to u^s it pjHLriuI tunic m J !tltentti\Bwlucb._ ^Wj-LLcnuteL iiuiL tuuy Lkci D are_iBa__i\jtliuiLL

tllL bllll a Ull IS tllO LLliit Ol til &JiL\C!t BI11L11S m

thy ^AIQSI au well

Ull3 ot liOalLllLU

iat Jt this kind toi ^the best Q£ rLaUir itis

rl rnlinhln ttmift Rl»

be iqiiic.% trt ]juffLd uj/ Fiom tun t j tun in thoIiouapip is l u t l h L ull ror b id 1 aitLl l i t themikiiiL _ U 0 3 l L I l L l t h l O M V C I Ip iovyn i t Lit by 1111113 y L i r a u l i i i i lre jjLct n h it it 13 iLpFL feiitLd tc bu

DYSPEPSIA,There 13 no disease which cip

pro^ ed to be rcmediiHe b> tht

(a protected olution of the Protoxide of Iron) us

D^pepsIJ. ThGJBUitijn\ u^tFate^forjiis gF tjna^dts

tflaL h u a been e unplttelj cured by thii medieino

a ample testiuionj of oouis of our first


Tnosr tOL VEf ETAni1E^4ltonDrAr£g2L_lj--OT'r -DAM G in Ldi

* * * ' I am an mTotarate Dyspeptioofsionis TIIA-C2a ^ tAna STAMHSI,

* * I h u g been 10 wonderfully bent-fited in thothree—-slu rt ^ceks during=whit,b X Imve u^i-d-thePeruvian bj rup that I o in iuir^Lly pwriuado my

lE" f h 1 kj p y p y

tlE" of the reality 1 eoplo \s ho h it o known motaftsUjnHhotffit tllq Lbin^b '"TTrni WiJCiytTioiTH—

d b d h h h h he in but rteoiiiiuend m otheri thut whieh haiduno so mueh for rao ^ =?* -^ -^

AsOTIIEB CLEnOlMAf TinlTtS AS POLI.O1V S4 ^ly %oyagt to Lur pe 13 indefinitely postponed*

I have discovered the lountainof Ilqnlth onthii aiie of tbo Alliiniiu ibrea faottlsg of Porui lan*n r^p linvo rojouod^mo from tho farg* ot tho BondDys^tpsia J ^

A pJiinpbltt of 32 piges containing a history ofthu r maFkablo-rtniiid^ with a tr&Ati o an Ironai a imjliclrG_ T?ltl ho Penl_ff g to any l i d r t i i

Iho ^genuine has P t n u r i i s Siitup blown inthe glass

J F DINSMOItF ProprietorM Uey Slreat New York

Sold by__nll Drugg sta

Dr LTJQOL of Pans one ofthempit eminentChemists of JSuFOpe u l d

The most astounding rtiul ts may bo nntieipitedwhen I dine Lan bo dl3 olved In pure witer

Dr 11 AVDEH? Bjltor flrtetn jouraof soionhfioroseiroh and experiment h is iuceeeded in diiii Iving OJ e ami one qimtttr gmms of Iodine to cnehfluid ounce of wnter and tha moil astounding rrtn/t haieJQ/lQTiEiztsnsa partieul irlvmborolulaanl kindrt. { diieiiscs Lireulara free

Dr II An h.rs Iodine Water is for snlojjy J I1

DlNSMOMJj, 38 Doy btreot, Naw Tork, and alljJjUgGit3

A NEW BEMEDY I T OONSUMPTIOS1 ^ APhyacian whu had Consumption for aossral yeanwilli frequent bleedings ot the lungs cured hun«olfwith a lucdicino unknown to tha profciaion,his ease apptired hopeleiB Ho 11 tho only

IJaof anh s ©ctmnix iiitkrsf 3 tillllri-ly ^-Lj^ctn-ljlt , mil l eoi i tnl l l i l 11011 llliil I t 1 14 LO-lll|!ft ItllCl iit l^llllfl 1 £ -I111.LIH I l l y Utltild, lll.xllTi? mlil l i i i U n110111 i i l i k h lli.HC t i t i u l j Hi • 11111 ilcM E ,11.1 llt.1 S-tl t i l GL1 I11U11\ A H U l UHiLCllLil&lf I -%illll l-!i IHU I X t l l l l t i d t t t l l l lt l l L l l l IJJ 11 | , « , l l l l l ! I l l t l l . l l l l s l l l l l » Ut i 1 l t t s m e t i l l 11 f o i « 1111I11I (<> l l i i i iL f i l l l l t l ^ tO »1€ H B l t l L 2 ) t l l h l l ] y t i l l t i l ti n m i i l n e t i t 1 1 nf t l i l & L fiittpi N 1 l i t i sIM n o i t l c o l U i l l e H i i l i ^ t n i i c u p r m i y Jcl i ic li i m l I n L i n i i i M i n i K l l i i ^ t i n l i l f f t m ,In n t . It |H I I I . m i l l l S l l t c i t I l l u t ( .n i ll j ' I h nlinjk.Til 1-.






Uollector's SamNOTIcr IS nERFBY aiVWS, That by vjrioo

of a warrant f^anetl by iha fj*nwnfthlf1^flHTfillfeg~-tee of tlietowntliip of Last Windioron tro twontysecond day of April 1SS8, to make tfaa tas nakossodiho folluwinn pcriton on nenount of tho rodl elttttsheromafturaoionbed which >md tns wai pnyabloon the Brat any of April, 18H0, I th® Bubssribor,

1 mlili j a J

a u 11 i

itst t and Punts

fT" tu j ' n— -SU to m

$u to sisST tu|10


_ LOIL\TS toIn kreit ^ Inet

m\ FN-J A, vdT 1 ii t iate-5t , irLnton J J


Tho Ice Oroam Saloon m OranbairyI^ nuw op n f r thti reLef tian cf

lees,L r IL 11 ii.il t th sj in acin.li of


u LonAt -"lie old Stand m E'tocVon street,


T in; ri in^ a I^PTI r 1 a«a Fin nt if all tliL bo tinakt^ imd t^lLsin th j in i rke t a n l L a h ULIItl iu n and LhlldiLU L m liy ^iip} lied isith anytiuiihij ui sii 1 Bjut i ' shuo i l i pp t r or UaitLrth ^ Inr\ 1 pai re

CLSltlM ^ nriK —Loots ami ^boes ninlo tLid r in he be t imiiniLi an 1 tr m bL-*t mitori lU

LJp"=Buti i l ti ii nl\\ l) * guai intLed tu mst m I s

I \LL 1% 111 1()M ir\KI%("' \ f)L II PUltClI \bl i 1(111 ^HUNtr A M ) SUMMLH

m e n u t ml v Is

s ©uiiinii EomcI t 1/ „ 1 n 1 TTV i 7 7 ; T~u~Trir

( / I U I I L s . i ( i ( ( / 11 I III I I r

tl e l a I II I III I 1 / s It> I I II I I , 1 1 l i l tv 1 lit til f I r 11 h tl II t / ,1

ij—tl - a I frtT"-rf~Tj/ CI r"? J lie d 1j I IIe I iq nl,4m!» } Hill t m e / e Irxt 1 II II II JML 1 U I Vl .I I \i J III l u S W S d I III nl II npie It tl pre tic T d M I nff r I to tl t

j , / ; Hi lutf n i I It ]1 e. lot leil It ill Ilf 7 1 7 W / r 1 g u. I n d r I7 I I I a e til d ll I b 1 I, 1.11 13U yi? lUsl ofvllt ill

Nu ir bouth -d St Ph Ijd Iphia


f His 1 t l I i Iji (liy€ intlli.

1 IILPII i d

1 IltiLliil mtf* Il|jf>llU Of ll^ »4|lLIlHiil, ill ilist,O.^t3 iif tiltsf-»ilHc tll^llHH IIJ^LII 111 LP^IS Qf

I,, 11111 li.- t o i i^ui i i i i l l i .n , I •-(% i l l lit, l i i imtl a i L3ILfciii.lti!LlUltl»a ' » » ! '

DEBHTFTr'1" rd 11 nn 7 €d r iu I tn TTonH iiT V mmn

I l i i r / 1 1 i I I) 1 hti fl / ] ii I » \tinf un I j t li tlr alnlr *y I ft ilw ill en Us ap7 el I i. L> £ 1 eijijnirit j II f I t Il tl

tn i l l t U t l i t i i l * a I I tl y II t n , ifrjtii h c fjt 1 fij u I ti 11 L I tl 1 I u d tl u 4tie 1 I I / it % 1 th tlrl r 1 ill I elun t r at i i^ttiZ I ti a full fated slj I a 1 I % j 1out JISI mi =

Weak and Dehcale Childrenlnnitc kflPUn 1* nsills UtLleui t . IH t a d , tli try me l*

dlLlli^H I lit \ Lilli III, (I III III 1

tlin old,l lQlL O l l

I I .ftmnlt,

= 2 i&,c I**Li>h€ h s-iii a iI L i t

Bloodem 7urn ii aid mill ur€ ill tt 1Lai 11 if I

A j j m Lin d pin te p ynur In nrh/£/- j dn 1 %E jans \ t ut I 1? Ul j Ilam I j lit im j-_f Ih 3 * med cs ind nu di a e mil€1 1 a ul j u

1 CMUIUHQ fian

leg 11 lio i%lali ii f i l l BlElu 11111IOH %i!nilil" iliHl, fiei, ii 11111 11 1 1 l l i m ,litTnj,i 11 ii^filtjiib«.i tl 1 Bilt i iLUimu,-Tjn^lBiaSTeTtlU.j.l.-i-inirtcait^ IM LIUIIHI-

i l l j l h t l h u In p u f c i t o i i l i i , millfill lillllld pill L 1* ill ILUlllt lli SJIHI lt=il'lg l ll i h U

eji- "ZJ? I P "«_ — __ -¥T(mfl-ind oemun I inied ti a cm 1 Irrf \t? I

Ike j \ e l til? /1 itu e f ( jif J nl •> Huntie fin I file it leunijcrrfr h I lilt Itlem ien/1/t nil 1 LIai.11 nci lib Ml All tlcii8Jc ml ijj,!

ll&nffiiiifig o f l e t t e r s In t ige l i e e n g g -l^til tt»lif^ liigtatlitTilrtlit oi tlician l l

fHDM IION GLOCLlef Juitlno of tl c u{ 1 niu G nit uf 1 01111H3lyftnl

IiiiUDsLrnii MARCH 1011 Ibu7C ut-innii Mittrr^' Tit mil un uittiz^

e liwg bete* u jt L Ll % a y td t t: 1 f i l m hizlrjf e f tl t d q?gt e sriju nfiU fij qre t hzneft inEt s « f dsbiUtj and it f ueit us u tun in lit,tj ten ^DII j ; uli/


ITOM 1IOV JAMCS 1II0MPS0VJuJga ut tlig Snnitmia L 1111 of 1 inl^l n Li

———-=•-«»-—--mjfMKSiit'FSrnit istfi isou-T eniigldcr *f Iloofliinsl's Gsrmiui Bit-

teih'1 &, 1 rltifll II ill ifirint 111 case Of nt-lnok« of Ii>illfi;i Htlon (ii D3 KI>I pnlii Isun ei,i.lir> tlilf Irnni 111 LXI>£LILIICGot i t i l o u r s ,

' JFrom Hr% JOSEIUI.lLJ(L-tNV&l) OT

Put r "r tLo TLiith 11 iptut Clmrcli l j lid iplL"IliiTjicii ON—Tlfcin^nr—I aithtrnfreqitei HjfF'

-qm-sied-tn etume J sij 1**tn« t Ih tew 1 iriuftil tfh-f fifd IT t—tLllditiffielcmrillll e /m dfi 1JL~J ) ticll c

^SsHuCpTi I ~rl ?W it£ jl i- TThi T l oil rtt ~k Iclmel Lul ijtJ aelr } an/ tn ort us m tam,us HI Ipirliculu I/11 ii ( I B funlj nf the us f nines 1 f IhJlnnHnt I ni un Ii ttei lurpnrl lai rm:e if npij/«4i al caiirti- ta trpreis 11 j full Ciflu 1 It il that f tEn in I 1 1 ijilU?' tin fjrilt j l 1111 ts>] scuill) f 1 LiiirC mi 1 u ' ' i " t "nlu ai 1 \ a l n blu j l u p i n [mi Jn

f l h4 ll Id bt t U i ri bl j p

'Hf l l t i l f iU all full hu4 luUnlli/ Id ubt with < i f t e I J ^ ; / 1 f thcauses lours ui /injire//" Hi

J 21 AAA SjIRDA gldli beJtw CoaUl '

Price of tho Bitters, al 00 per bottle,Or a half dozen lor 55 00 - ,

Prise of the Tonio, • ! 50 per bottle.

Or, a half dozsn. for 17 50,

Th/lums la put up in ipi irt bottloshr II *t U at »i is D, Ifanflm&s German Jiemedies

tl al m e 3" iimicrsilly used and sn 1 ijf 11 TL&immendt1 nnrt rfn nnt allim tlc If uqmtl tn tniiaotyou-to-tal cm j t ing ehe tlatlt mnj su / ,sjuH oa goad beca i[lfiPii)MtiI irier J rnJU en 1/ Thr «• He-i itdietwill be- se-ld ty £EJ?#^3J is anj locality upsn Rjfplfculiento Uu

PEIROlfAL O F r i C L ,


831 AHOn' BTM&ET, S

;. M.EVAWB, Proprietor

pp p Ho 11 thowho hiii uft(jd it.in his own person,k n o w l d f i t " i t a l d h

n ho hiii uft(jd it.in his own person, yr who hagliny knowledge of its"virtual i and he san aiorlbethe degree of health he novreiijoys to notbibg bu

;theytsQ of hisj&edie.tni * asd nothing:hat ttttepair «nd enttrft ek'tin9H5n"orarho^pT5TTMtogether with a iTuni of donaienoe in allduood him to baiaifl: th£ naperimiritiufforing with nDy Jlgsaieof the Lungf hea. trentiDent h« (irtnfflehtly beliovei will erhiliBiitr,thp, diioaeo. Pnqa jl .Su psr bottloor (8 »' half

T iu ie R u i i n d m are tar •aleJ>rti'B8>«t'i*f' Bto*Bl£#eJier«, M»<1 : ModiB8>«t'i*f' Bto*Bl£#eJier«,

TJealoj;* t v t r y when,.

Be nnt forget Mof JAWS' Awcmtmnrnone Trhloh are M s(.



HATS AND CAPS,r>< the Spruu] Trade of 1803,

1 ^t r f-Li\Ltl a fin -i r t m I t ut Li ~t tls \>1IIL1I1 « i l l LII \ e r y CIILIIJ I i 1111 L \ i i l l 1 ] jL i b f l I h i m m i l n i l ! 11 a t u r v s m a l l pru t i t1 F l l U I1UU M$ tULl LQBal t^ u t t h ~Es t % 1 A

1 I A 1 S \ I U -, — 1 i 1 ILII i b lu w l n n i , at-ilo t fT I I I II \t M 1 1 ml ir 11 i l 11 iiii l t tm l i l tI Ii 1 1 i UL huL M rl I J_j.i U 1 i n i l 1 a t'Mi II ful l 1 I llllt_f J I li ilf 1 I ii j - t r b r t n i i l i o n

t ^ b l J l l r h if" I F l E t ^ i i t i i i u n g n u n1 \f i t \ l l 1 i 1 I I I L X I L I A i n I ai 1 JI ituJla h tla P iu iu i a n d til k i n d s o i ^ t r u w 1 LJ tin I!iL LII in 1 th in

I ( ) i l l s _ A \ l > b l l l l l s _ U L t 1,3 1 finn BtiLla S J] i e r | u r N o • l ! j t ; l r t r l e t L - i l l i L n

( u E e i i ^ l a f u I I ] I L t I L I ISi U D I:i FQ.II I m e n t | i l l h mil

-if M L I I -i fin

VTTtTC5D bl/.L1?.


biors or

llightstown MarLh 11A J ASH1ON

.lTMin l itisJ UlLliOM) L 0 W 1 M

IA/ li\

A Paa ep^ I I ne Hill Ie!i\ Hi^ht t ^n lit T AM in 1 i 1 ici^llt u d 1 i I J I _ r L m o t S 1 I J I ,t r 1 Iiil d ]i hi i \ i i 1 mil i i I in i 1 Mi ii nt 11 II y

1 Lturi ii „ I ill 11 I\ 1 hll i 11 IJ lu i lr in theloot ut J ln rke t 9f ( u p p L r l L r r j 1 nt 1 1* M I r e i g h tnu i I n n= r Lin mi l nt I I &l 1 ii LII LrLino f t ii ij.liI 1 «u

U l Lim rLniLl He M lint Unlit fur lll , lilt t l ^ H L \ L l % I I i J F I l I l e I t | ^ I l L t l l ^ i t t l i o l j l

t r i 1 IL « i i h i h j 0 L i n l r in l h i l i d a l r% e i v " i o i k l L t i i r n u i , , R n 1 i l l i B l n t ^ i1 M m l i r n v u j ut M ui i t l l o l l j t I S -IU

a b l . - l j ^ U 11 I V l ^ M l 11

NOTICE TO FARMERSub nbei is noiv-reidy tc pny tho- ^-

C i^ll M HtIi.LT H4XES TOii

, Gmn, Pct^toes, ete ,=Al_lhjLJlIffl

_!, mr 1 li 3 1 reiQlit

IT iy and Straw nei^liLtl on Dey'g


Mrt. M. P. R, TILTON.81 Warrop

InfLriwi her patrons IMWI tlnj T tdiLii^eneiuilHth l t gho 1*3 lu^ 1 r n r i r r l tt* li rr I h nil Ihuleudinj, atjlLi of bPl l IMr AND SUMMLH


EuNNLTSC6NJlitlS*o or



MOURNING BONNETS,glide to order at M orte^t Ro l e


TLVTma dona to older



FaoifldATTL^TION of rnrmers anl nther can

i guinera of rertlhzers ia in% itu 1 to this Qujnoaa wcrLliy of thuir cspoLinl mtice- Its u e forgefferal 3 en.fi in M ifylind Virginn and oiheEouthoin ^Entca f«r all swips, h isgtven \t i\ ifaudnrd ebiraettr lur e\LLl!enco uncqu illcd by nayslliar I t piwo«t«aii nil Iho qmikmH oi PeruvianUUHHOJ wilh pcrmnnent qa ilhii~i int iuundTinthnt nrtiely 2^0 IHa of ibis Quino nro foundmore than equal to QU lbs of the best Euporphasphiies I t rnPii? tlie erop from fit a ia ir%*en. day*Qnrlier thnn tha phnsphntes wlnyh iiteE nlone ^iveiit iucalculu.blo pdvuntagoa Ter ialo by

JTolni ^ - R e c s o Sz> Oo.sGeneral Agents fur Pasifle Qaano Co ,

ffiW5sfia5=^=^SB ggiifhDelaware A^s , Philad'a

F•Oil DLRABILITY fllAINOS BURPAbbLS all kirda of Painting

Orders froin the country reppeettnlly* iolieited0 WILSON, Mam itrnjt

Oppoiite the Baptist fihureh^Jlightetown

titkd 'An aot to make tagM a lien On real estate,anil to authorize falpi for tho payment of thainuio " nppro\ed 17th.Mnrph,lSS4 and a iupnloiKiit tliLiela appiovod March 2S 1S03, will onhe 2"! dny of June, IBflB at the Hatul of Aaron

D DIUISOII In the borough ot llightitown between12 ^m\ 5 M'LIOLI P J( !L11 tho following real ei»ati. In m i l toiinnhip im Jcionbcd by the a se»soir

inTlTaking-his asie»smcnt fjr- tha shorteafrtoiin for«1IIL1I auy p r»on or persons will agree t" taketlit, muif nnd njj uo tu piy thu folljwiug tasa,' nn4

tyrLSt thoiLui and all mats, iooi, and charges

l l u I um_ljjljn^|i )n to tha Ollito o t Abljah J -Ch mil Lrlln d LL i od Lont lining 218 U01L8 u£Innd to ii iy the tax 11 $122 'JO with ilitoreat andL. t* iil tL pa> the t i i of 1107, amounting te

'Do 1*1 14 lib lutereata and co^taa| I) J S UOULUS Oulleotor



blOCk Ul




M \isi,T •* mnn A M o m m r trffAirH ae-i nrL I Iii thL use i f Dn I AISCH LY S UOQT Ahalit i n IlirTi-ii 1 hpy ^hiirpeu fho rtppetitu, proin ile dinr»tn n o\) ci bumort banish dyapepsin,Ltir b i 1 i ll i L «illV II i Itl/mc a general de1 il M 1 li h u r t r i ] 1 u r t nnd Iho wholot n u h i t b i l i IH ill nit,ii bull Ly nil diu,;giitB

Dl U D 10 US MOlmih—Lraiucnt Phja lmi «n t int in ire lckni » among children re -ult^lMin Pin ^^ ormu limn Irom nny^Qlhqr cani©»I TL UH 1 11 tnul roiiiLjy 1 r IIIL P troublesnm#

^nr umrastTii t lund in DL UOULD B~PiV v i)l M &\11L 1 Lur ILT n l j lm and ehil-lr n v in ml! 1 null ut lijurv t i bunltb P n e ei HN i 1 0 L uOQUViLS t CO Boston andnil ilr = l t aplO-Bm


3 A n n "i DS PI AID MOHAIRS nt, 1 / U U - — Cents i LHH 11

Haivy Balmoril Skuti, only 91bOQ f AND tsLCVRE TUBM


10V1IMLS to miuuriLturo


I 0 H

ts i ur%rs ITNPT ind PI,\IN-SHOL I J U I L I I ^ SIIPlLllh La

B t in t ri i l j usLil and ill t ILIILU [ u u i in t i.d

A ( on 1 a t FlinmL t t l l t a j y M tdo LuuL*, and

bu 3 uii'st in!!} i 1 in 1

1 t n l li n l i u r I it j l i t u i i tc

A ill ti i! in} 1 I i i t i U ayd LU^I Ultr ia FL3LLLlulH H lit 1 I i

lli^lififuw i A j n l l b l i i i

& TA¥L0B3E3 C iKIL-ia,

V Iini I S LL AM) III T Uh

M i n u f i t t t r i m l \\ ar rocrni•js-tW UIHI1 ( \


[Li nneetLil un ILF JIIL r t ]fl o h i m noH on h md iho lnigLst HIULU of entirei LII i ittariia TIHI tk ljjiis fui lorn ihiii=_lltiiiJL£

r r m tlio cityintl i t I Brniit rL luLtion in pn e

U n PAIM I T D M utTin M w undLF the a u p e n nteiHlLHL ui ll H U iriiL1? i h IH T\L1I oud ti SQVB,his I n nu In tliH i Mic h a t i n ^ b u n i It i in timoKill] W me L Cn In l i n u J n 1> i l l I r (IIL luat4 j o i r u i t h 1 nil I I n lor Um M LI LfLirpolaif L! ur i . l \ I I L » nutl HCI I iLlLLlrd tin b r i u e h h a i

l, j i l i t b t i n iddL 1 tu our IJUSIIILH-JUTIJ M i r n i s D I I I I T I I L I J M uni i r l j u n i k c

ll I l thp prpuiiLea—nnr tupnn muniJ itiif I f It a I , mli'r 1

mLiimlii u Hit N LhuFLhc" PubTie Halls andF i n it i II WLd iunii IiLd iLroujjhout, lit « huloSl It ])! I 13

I I u l i u i t n j PnliiLci ol the PLrrilo i L i n e o athu l l u d n 1 U L I WOFL- furni 1 d bv u l

iaiiii StorofL n I mil l l m l . i c n u o C

inlruiLL hi V,bJLuHLrj


stuuk 11


LD mutt , the ntlLiitun of tho pioplH ofl l l t i i n a nLiL£iLrxiiimtLinB t.tiiintj,) to fcn

at priL t l "uit the tiinoi

N II 2 tisnd ' Huts a l w a n on haiid ami madotn ordci apJO-Cm

-JJL filtilail




F A N C Y G O O D S ,



JL County of Merger mado on thoauventh day ofApril A J> one thousand eight hundred and six-"ty oi=htj Natieo is hereby given to all persons h a vn" elnima n.irrtinst the eitnto of Eliiabtith Van

M irtor—Into nf-thu umuiLv LIC M U I U U I ^ rpresent the iame under oath or afiirmation to thoiubsonber on or hafore tl»o seventh, day of Jnnuury nett being nine mouths from the Unto of saidordar and any creditor neglecting to bring inand e\hibit his or liar claim (under ciiith or u r mntionj within the time 10 limited, will bo foreverbarred of hia or her notion therefor Pgnin3t snidAd^rainiatrator

Dated the seventh day of April, ABpZ3-2in It 0, BOBIIINS, Ad


oulaung nofel af tho Central Uank ofK J^otllightstown, ro,u§t be pie«ented.t5 the Stuto Trooa-uror for redemption within two jears frorn, thedata hereof after which tims the funds depositedfor tbe redemption of such notes will b C g l w y upto tbo Asweiation - - -» "• GJsi *

* l l t -.ta bo rodootbi)dat%a




Wn ftfrra Itttarly printed oonsidorably on tho | TURNEFf'St of Birds, and inthdr behalf, stilf, we can

not rofrain from speaking ft good word for themwhenever anepportnnity presents. Wodonotknowthe eouroe of tho rolliiivinf; uotico, but it is phi Ianthropia, valuable. lUidinU'rusUog, UndJie give ploooto it with, great satisfaction, hoping thfit it will boroad by every ono, and induce all to unilo thtf pre-tont Benson in protecting Iho birds upon their j)rc-niietB, nnd wbon neoessary oanao tho "Bird Lniv'1

to be rigidly enforced ugaiESt every violator _ Itmi t t bfc remembered that ft person in shootingInsectivorous birds, not only subjrots himself totbo law, b.Ht j« also liable to bo prosecuted for

iSummer is approaching, and with ita pleasures

will conio tho daily nui unco to thoso who dwelliiinid rural scenes, of the hearing the "soft notes oftho shot Run " J'very one who lmn paid attentionlo tho mutter know that the vast incr t iw of lateysura of destructive ni 'ict , u oning nlmo»t ontirely to tho wantondestruction ol mrdi~wfcicn arenut evon l a m i n a t e t nme

In J ip i i i tliiybnd aro ri-gvrded ni Bin ri d, nndnever under an-y pretence, mo tlif) 1>< iniitii»rt toLo destroyed During I lie stay uf tho oipednioii

- nt T'Hinn " " ' " " I " " nf nfti t\y* Btarlod on a K»m*icnreiou No fcooner did tho pcoplo ob er\ocruel slaughtering of thi.ii fa\ontc than a numof them waited upon tho Commodore, and i< MIstratod igaln^t tho conduct of tbo otricoii ihotwas no mure bird ahooting in lap m 1 y Auifiu

-nftftr Thnt an-1 svhnn 111--, t,"nty In l\vllie two countrun wns ioni.luded ono t \pi i. wdition of it was that tho bird < should hi proiiWhat a commentary upon tho inhuman pracLour people, who indmeritninatel shoot ey LI} lluIn iho lorm ol a Dim \ liicirrntnlliu llll'foi

dn. - ~ ""V~ - O n tlroTtop of Hit tombstone! ill T ipin 1 imiill

cuvuv or trough mclnseli 1, ivbi< h tin pi insist mrmOrninc fill with froih m i l l for llie uid of• thebirdi Enlightened Ainfrm i should nnit'itoomtotti of tho barbarous Japanese, it not b\ pruvid-Ingtrc h witor lor the fimtiierod wnrolcri, il Kiby piotecting them ir^m the wm thle-.-) Imti wlmruthlessly destroy llu m 1, nit 11 something udo innd that ypeeilily, our intficmtwoti bud i>illwholly citoiiinmitod, arid tbon furcwell t> hui tgrowing

I h o wallows aro the ruituril cnfnr.cu ft theswarming ilitlicli living nlinn t rntirclvtbom, taking their fool upon (hn wing 'IImon martin dcyour p u t qu.ntitios '1beptjus mid goliUniit|ii A Itn^lo Imil -vv 111 duv urfive thounand butterflies in a »wk Ilio moial nfthin is, that the lmshindunn should culliv iti lh«•ocicty ot walluw and mirLinj aboiii h u I ind andbuildings

Tho sparrow nnd wren** ffli il up n the orInsect tthich lurk within tho hud j folu^c nnflowers of plan Is Tho wrens urn pu^nnciom m lallltloiioiTu a ellirr lire Will ••" n bn • , .tod by them, and they will d r i l l nnny other birlthat teed upon thn fruit, n hllit that tho i\ ^ I ' I i\or* should rcmeiiib( r and lut npfin

'Ilm thrufthoi, blue bit 1-t, () LJ 1 an 1 i r<>v l_] rcyupon bntterflim £i-L-isIiii[ip l i cfTiIil1* lo-11 tand tho Hr^pr-bootles A single fimil y »1 i\ i "illcn«umo 2U 000 of tht »o in n «L i-1 in rf Ihreo nif II

Iho woudpeckoi nionrnl'tl with a fctout"1)111, to pcn i tn le Ibo HIMII n p l f f " win to thu

borer depn lt tbi-ir liirr's They li\e almo t mtirol upoirflfc-n worms

lo r the insect! that runic nhrond unU onh durIIIR the ni^ht nntuichii ' 1nocturnal barn o^l, which tike Ihoir food iipjnthe ™in£

How wonderful ii Ihn plnviMon f f l'rn\ idcnl-0far the t ' l t r amt of ilopn,dmoi5 Iliul I m upon thelabors of mun and how circtul ^o hmild bo notto dnputo that lifnifii-ial lnw t f loinpin-iilun bVwhich nil thingi ire picirM-d in their ju t rol L-tron nnd propoition

Sw«i"T Cunv —It n r, nirpriiing fic-t that sneetCorn in not nhuudnill Rrnun union;,' ^ftrmK\ery firmer tlnnL 1m mu t TJISO hi f u e i r tinncrefl of Indian corn ever ye ir 111 ordi r to hn\ o•omf thing to fatten1#1 purk and to fu> ni h liulilcrfor hia ctoek Ac \ o n , it every ia nirr T7i,uldg^ l threo orCnincroi ut ivci t corn, bin tropwould prove of much moro -yalun in proportionthe number of ncr*u than Indian corn lot Kcding

Lnol fprlng I plimtcd ><n mria nl nweot < orn foi

after tho market biciimo ( t g lu t tLd , i r I com lui-tt.ilto savd tho balance of m coin and cure it to U LIII out and fad to mj b»gi iorn (in tho •

Super-Phosphate of Lime, Ammonia &Potash.


No. 27 West State street, Trenton, H. J.Packed in Hug:; of 2Q0 lh.i, each

ton ^,000 lbn.(A fifty doors above Warren Btroot.)

Liberal discount to dealers.him uttio oponod in connection therewith a1 ii op"; of n hint torn Out1* I'D

L I I l l K l \ ' C £ C t j l l j l , - l l fti in i i oitlcl tin TI i II t[/

I tf/t rj 1 77* trt t/tr J t * Its( tJnjjUl' Altiiinn l l u .it t in i t i n u , fn 11 j a m '

STATIG'SFJllY STORE,m I a "brio a noVlmon

i iuwmifils to llic *. fTi tr. nntl wo run in

i * jot Wheat a id

oonuluntly on hand and supplied to order.


'J Sou ih Strnot,our. Mi

fui 111 lilt d at IVnv Voji pile*. t


27 West Ktdto strcoi, i rbntcn

\ in sill tlirsPOJ II L\ I


Mu nt 1 ot L !i >t t enL i ni1! i j It 1

I ml li i ( i

1 s, ll.Suppoit -I tlbli in o .d

m i IM nrrr1 A^l^T^•MT^rl i o r \ T L A M >c \ (III* l i e n u 1 I n ^ I I \\ h i t h i I I 1 N o l t h e III n(.11 - i l \ l i i i n I 1 I q u i l i l > o l i m p U i I


( H I D I 1M)

', I T\LD i,OLD


I-'ltfJITJMI t i l

Pall~& Winter Arntitgenrent —TRAIN1* LF.AVL rTGlITbTO"\TJS

(Sundaysexctptod,) asf JIIOWB.

. ron MEW.TO.HK.j First trainloavcaut. , . . . . . 7 34 o'clock, A WI Second do. (ExprcED) nt 4 02 " P M

FOll rlULAOELFlJIA.First train ( l t < . i . . . n . . 8 13 o olook A mSecond do. Expross, at 4.42 " "

WAY LINE TO SOUTH AMBOY.Louvci) Hightstown at 3 40 P M

The first tr.nu fnr-Philadelphui coillieota withtram leaving Hordentown at lJ -iH

Pi LnjjLrs for Ntw Ilruiibnnk Kfthiwy, JolierTity nnU Ni-tt ilk, will tilko the 7 31 1 m , andtin 1 ii p m Inn Chinee oin nt Faun slmrg

1' nHctifer l n v o N c w l o i k liom Piur I Northltlvor. • ji 1-1 p. m

1 mm 1'Iuljdi.lphii le-ue fi ot tif AVilnnt Btuclat j 30 A-M , nnd 1 and (> 00 1VJI—

ton noniiBNTOwu k TKKNTOH.Tniina loifvo B'orilontown for Trenton at 11 J>

a. m.,-and 1.00. .'MO.7.20, nnd 9,20 p. in.),oavo Tronton fur Bordontown at 0 50 am, and

•2-2D..2.SU.. and 8-0O n. ro.d ! 9 AAKON COWAHD ~~K^l—

-19O-Boa^ti£l^ firnitinnnnn fi-ntn 160ETS CiT TrCTlI Rubber Plate with Flutnp-••rs ?10 Lxlrncting under gas without chnrga

11,11 ollicra nre Inserted PR BQDIfTl^No 1'JOGiand Ntnet, New Tort

A Great Discovery in Dentistry*

PATENTED Jjy K BElttlARD Sr , I) D 8.,whoroby tooth aro inserted without cxtrnCtiSH

of stumps—a decided improvement, bottor suction,i o , tho p nto being; of a soft, \ elvcty and yieldingsubitanco, an tho natural roof of the mouth Stran-gers visiting the city can havo their work finishedwhile at tho oflico ilovabla Plumpers adjustedto old EOI Cull find exainlno fpccnnoii WorkwarrantLil at 12J Sixth Avenue, between Twonty-flfth and l'Henty-sijith street*, New York N

Hair Renewer

SO feet, ,T Rcctiima. (each (ij feot.) Liffhty for I lou^ lkc ipc i l L \ t m d f d l tngth

n b u u t l i f . i t ,V.O feel, extra-weight.

furl, 3 SiMitinna. Irach lflI ' t

10 00


a y r Hthey would green clover. Through tho month ofOctober and 'unt i l the laft of INovrmber, I fedbusked corn. I can any 1 nevor killed so fut porlttofure. They, eoemed to be completely filled upwith lard, [.prefer the sweet corn stulUa to anything else in the fhnpo of fodder for ntonk, andespociftlly for cows giving milk there in nnthinrr qual to it Tho stalk, hu K nd Icivcn, a o imiLhmoro juioj and swooler Hi in any oilirr corn fodderT ^ ^ ' 1 H l h nnwi-.orn fe i r f l lto sow tho went corn 1 1 preference to nny otber

Be careful to Unco up your ced in the full and*thon you will not tail to lnve good iced whtn 3011corns to pi. ut or ow—Prairie 1'armrr

Tfeet, .1 Keotinlin. long 12, two 10, nncl onu

8 ft long )'T'xtundi'd length almiit 'M I'net. 21 00hcr—iTTca-tnr-pTwi.ni tton-^-1 I ibrraV^uT-Lount-ttr

tho U'rudiSinglo Lndder1! forwardod, frui^lit pre-priid, to notirest

Station, on receipt orncfail Prico.AGI'^T^ \ \ AN I Pb in m r > Ltiuntj I n n n i w

nndaoll. Also wfinted, l^ner^etie, ltelinV»le, (",aytiihlo iMen to triivcl and eytublKsh county Agentlu r Cm 111 ir fin 1 ILIIII-. iddit. J

Turner's Patent Extension Ladder,l ' O Bu i , - i l l " »r \u l > ~> 1 unit ill L

1 2 an 11M i i n H I I i ^ u r i d l i n p o i t i d n n d A i n c i u i n ( ( i u n i t i

I o u r u i f n i Vt i .u -1 \ ' i i n ° ^ n d In t u t i l a l i i s>i t u n n t i f d l i-i ^\ i r i ( n t m d ]*TL i .d i t l u \ \i i i f A 1 I I _ , I i l ' i L k ill I i i n p - i u l i i v « r i |i n 1 i n % i i i • 1 i n ( I n n l t» l i H L n d 1 i \ i

i i f c \ l i i u l i l n l L o r l i n i i i t i i l

latocl Castors, Caks Baskets,Spoons, Fotks, &c,

n u i i i i u ^ * ] , iifMHiois *-p n ( I 1

i* A A Mlpt i ii l u u i ] l t \ ol L u t i e i j , i nil1 i l l lu i l iK it n is ill i b l i ju ii H . t o n k i n '

t> 1 i ' l*h 1L1 f;i i\ih 1 l mi s J i i J , i> f* \ \ i l lnwin 1 "\\ u jd t n W u * in li iiu 1 n l n I* ill I) i ]{< t sl , ru>ln ^, Cl itlli f \ \ i m ^ i i ind a lum t L \ L i \ t l u o ^m till Imu i l u l l i l M i n i n Inn \ n o n d lo t ol II i t i "d o o d s il v_i\_> oil_li Hid Ki n u inbt i t in u u i t i b c i ,

— t ttnl H l , i t o *^l*, \ ^ m l o f A ^ m i c u ,


Let ill t u m t who \\i h to tiuy t,i ( 1 ^d u i l d r i i c i s "\\ u f u l LimfidLiit Hi Lt1tll-lorilr fti^jnur ot»n—rnlf r. ->r- nml-r

U i l I I M L ] ii l LIIII^IU^ L] i w h t i e

ui'WA-ir ^ J. T . K I N N E Y .

Colby Self-Adjusting

IHit stood Hie frsf of seven ijearshi fore the public; and no pivpar-tilrt-trn jor the hair luth i/ethfen (Its-cove) (tl that will produce the samebenificltil results. It is an entircl//iicio :>eiciii)]ic discover)), combm-iit;/ meni/ of tlicinotytpoivc rfitl a)iiivestoruiive agents ill the VEGET-ABLE EC1NCDUM. It restores CREYHAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL. YOUTH-FUL COLOR. It indices the •scalpwhile find clean ; cure* dandruffand 7iintioy>, and tailing' out oftliclimr; and will m<ifc< it qroiuii-l>i>iL..bald heads, uxcc.pt in veryaged persons, as it furnishes flipnutrttne principle b>/ which thehair >i nourished and sujworfetl.Xt inaheR the hairmoibt, soft, andifloiiu. and <"••» unsurpassed «•* aIIJLI II IJJiES S SN&.* II is thecheapest preparation ever offeredto the public, ab one bottle will ac-complish more a,rid last longertlLa.)i_ three bottles of any otherpreparation. ~~— — ^

Jt <s recommended an (I Usedtile'First M«rtical Authority.

T h W l f l m i l t ^ d


o r" hXYSlONL SKTllTS,"

nro tho beat and GIIKAPBST LOW PniCED HoopTrait Blurts. 25 pprings,

ind 10 "pungi SI,I) —O ^ U ^ C i ^ ^


17.5 "Sixth Avenue, ntar Tncllth '•t, JNVw York Abcitutil'ul aiid'durablo sot of teeth madiihnd insorted in five hours from thoimpreaaion;—Pbtnon*from the country caii return tli« siinin day with &+])li-ndid Rut of to.ith Setj, with pliiinpe(a to-Iill-ouL the choeUe, and restore ri youthful appoara'neeAn upper oi under et, In^trttd in the hist mauj

nni, with i ^pittfn gnarmtiL lor one Jear SI0 &$15. Nitrouij oxide gas daily administered, nndteeth citracted without thu least pnin^no charsu

b l f B S Inserted".' "l*lcusa cnllw li ensave -watting or securo an cngngeuii,[it



tln.0 -

niavkot.nm SI,-0

ij » ( c u t " l u ~ t p r n i £ 'ti T'Ty"7**lt1ITU'HfcS^11

--o . 1 ? i II ttitaiittd iti cvot if trj]>TtOur OWN Mik.fi" of IjNION h K t l l l s , " r .Hvcn

± ' I J . IU , frniu 20 to DO rpiinfi , SI 20 to 6-2 JOl ' l i in S i \ IIIJII , 20 10 "iO alirinf! , fioin Hi Centto 4 2 00 'llie o b k n t a i e bot t i r than tho o eold

tin r c i iabl i ' ln i i iu t i us fubt cl ii goods, and a tumi b loucr pri( c=i

• OurOAVN M n k e " o f " CUAMFIOS S K I R T S "ire in ( \ c r v ivay*^upniur to nil other Hoop bkiut?bt-foio the publii. and only hay o to bo e\ununcdm no in to lu iu inco i n ry ono of tin fact M i n ufnalu icdol the bt.'.t Inn n Inn bed rii(;li<.h Steel

.Lr -upLLior t i p t \ and the Sitjlo of ihoni'itilic iuilLiiiu/i nnd ninnnir of Muring themui])i Im dm ibiliU and C\LL11( nci uny othur

*-l i n in this i i iun t iv ami nro l ight i r moro\M11 wi LT longer f,u o more H ilislm tion,

md ire re Illy flicipi 1 tlultl nil othci-i r^ptyI tdij liuuld tit/ l/tt m 1 IIL} a ic liLin^ hold c \ILII iycl> by MI i ihan t throuirhout t insniid the illIiiining s ta l ls at u r j im 1 I lie pi i< t-«! If-youW m l the bcU 1Lk tor * HopkynV ChninpiuiiS H T I 'J—^It~vou dii linf-tind thpui g i t t h c n i c i c h mtwith whom ^ nu dc ll tu onlci thi_rn toi > oil, Ol comeM •'f ml dirLiit t(i us Mt ich inlk \\ ill lmd OIH ditti li. nt ^i uK 3 uf Mi.irti < Tncll n b a t they need nnd^ c f'•pi i 1 ill} niMli t b c i n t o c i l l mil i-viuniiH nurtxliMi i\c o^joiiinent) ur-siud foi A\hnti.hjlo PjULJiLiM

'I i bi li id i l R L t i i l it M muf iLtoi^ ind of theKi t ill l i IUO ,;< n u illy nnd it A\h ill •- ill LI thoM inuiiiLturir uul} , tu hoiu all ordc_r_j should boi liln i 1

JUA1M-1 \C10R"i. Ac.y\Lll-ll<)t)M 02i \11CII STJtu lnnnbi l i ind Tih-hin I 'lulidilph

W i l Tr LIJ i l , I S I I S I O mo"

N»w building ft railm id from Om'ilin, noro~i tbtKocky Mountains, to iunko, with its connection fau unbroken lino between this Atlantic and PacifiijOi;eai]a, hriTv j b



PltOOltJ^S OP THE WOUK- Topography, Cli t i"no.tcr-.of tho Country, and Distancca along th*

AGJUCULTUIIAL RESOURCES, TIMBER, MINEKAIiS, Ao —I'artningand flniing Land , Silver and (Jold,timber , Conl Tron , JMmrrTl 5,'prm '9


BRANCH AND CONNECTINW ROADS—Th»Idiiho, Orc^> nnnd PuB0t'«b"«nd,_ih« I'rnncb.to Montana: tho Denver nnd Central l'nbl'Ab




PHIS LMOU Hi AG V liONDS—Thuir Securitynnd Value ; Principal as well as Interest Pay-able in Gold ; Are tho Honda Soouro '. Whataro they Worth us nu Investment? 1M,

This pamphlet will he sent free by nililrciaingllii. Company Nu^ i ) Ni^_ m •'trcnt Kiw Ynik Altinitid ninount ol tho 1 lr tMotlgige HoniK, lJrin.cipiil and ni.\ pur cent. Interest pnyublo in Gold,a.-o offered at pur. Full particulars in the puinphlet






"Broadway^ corner of Grand Street,



-Tries Them

-Uses Them !•

-Belicvoa in them

-H«coirinion6?3 thrm '


Bi oaclwiiy, corner of Warren Street

NEW T011K,


A. H. B O D E W & CO, ,J t W C o r

p Si BE. i t a rs Bi;' sGrocery and Liquor Store.

Trentott, TST. J . ,

B0H076 in Stnittl Profits aiiii Qttiei~Jirrntm ,they therefore invite all who have uxiy binding to

..do, toionll and look at thoir


which nre lower than thonb of ant/ other establish-vtlnt in. the Slat!-. ^_________

They^alno manufacture all kind of -


"TO T^TE-S-TTSAVED b j dealing with us.





Super-Phosphate of Lime.GtJARANTEED - - ~


JVo. 27 North Front Street, Philadelphia,

The subscriber.would call attention to his lnrgoand Lompli to totlt of Umunis Prdinnui1- Ai ,which he is* selling nt the very loweHlCush ligurei

l*uu h i^il -i ate rt> ini lid ti -1 ill bifon goin^olBoivhoro. They -s'.ll find all kindj of

n:_, hue,Ah AND

CPAHsr AND I INL, I.JUJsill V llOl'L,t (. M1- , Si>

A vor; UDO ass^iment of TIT * N, ^uC'inre~RtTU k~tjH-pin Impi ii ii, A.i*

j/ijir." oiih, LARD,HUf-I Lit, E



bif our Sicilian Hair Itenciver haveinduced main/ to manufacturepreparations jor tJie Hair, undervai tons names ; and, in order toinduce the trade and the public topurchase their compounds, they/true resorted to falsehood, bijclaunuin they ivere former part-tiers, or It ad some connection with

~oul ""




M U Jvl UI L,t

by the i bbl.to puroh i«$,,

C I T Yi bbl, nnd hnrijcl.il' hnditjo

- ' l h i . ( iilby "V nrUial-i ' iJl AdiHSlin,;•fini i i ^ i i \ i M n l M i i i i ' i mil it-, minimnnd uUnnlngcs in i r nil others a ic o l u o n it api mi c Hie i nc-i ninninK "\ I HTIC\U l rcl ldir ili IIMi i i-11 r i ^r11 M I n TIMI ~rpc|uinii"—M \ \ A ( j l MLN 11N AM*Al'vTN(t bu t (-nnliirinin,It^tll ti* the. i c twn i>i tin. -\n n ic i , in~\l I I>TTS1T1Oi cup) ing >io MOi i S l ' « l , iiiMttin«;Tir I\III[;IIOWQ~'t li in nu i r i l i un i " muslin -Kirt I t n i l i u t u n aweight ol clothing moro tli in double tli it of j n votbci , and r c l n n it-, proper lorm n I tlmiit in thtIr.n. t efli i tin.r the trml \ c t i t i li,;lilci

Thnso wanlini;


_nf tbn choicest brind .

Ml'. IIatF,_ a nil UiviT-pi -jrp\tion nuts similar to oirrs. Do notbe dccci ved by them. Purchase theoriginal: it has never yet beenequalled. Our Treatise on thellair, with certificates, sent freeby mall. See that each bottle hasour private llevenue Stamp overthe top: of the bottle. All ot7iersarc imitations.

Men's, Boj'b & Children's


Are on troubled with RiitH Mico,-K6ncho«,A.nta, Ac, L^Uwy a 25c or tOo ijoi of

'Costur's" Exterminators.'Only Infiilliblo remedies known." "Freofioin PoifM'm." **Ni>t dangerous to the llunniii Fumily." "Huts come out their Holmto die."luiproved to keep in any climate.

'Art you—annoSkep nights'of—

BuyIJod ^-Jlugf,? Cun3t-a 25o or 50o Bottlo

'. Hall & Co,, Prop's, Nashua, N.H..Sold hg all Piuggi t- and Dfaln^jn Medicine,


S IT T Ti T SOF T U B C B L E B 11 A T E 1)


Gentlemen's Furnishing GoodsOF EVEHY DESCRIPTION,

"CostorV Bed-Bug Exter.A liquid "Dcstroja and prevents Be1 A " T i H J

FoiAc Jiuy a 2cc or 50o F I J k of

"Cofctar's" Insect Powder.Tien and ull In eats onDeslroj




Constantly on hfind at lowest price;

A complete assortment of TOBACCO & SEtiARS

Thoso -.Tantih^ articles in my lino aro earnestlyljivitod to i ill



for iThloIi.lho highest.market ratca irill bo paid.


Hishtstown, May 1, T3ii5.-tf

q u l l l t l l 1

. 95 South Street, Baltimore;

by Dealtft la general thtonghon.t the country

Tlie iOIUBBKRO GVAHO of Trhich MOROPHILLIPS' PHOSPHATE is and alway ha beenmanufactured, (and of -which he has tUo solo son-tr61 for tho United-SUtba ) eontaina fifty per cent.jnoro Bono I'hosphato than Raw Bono, therefore itla more dnrablo. Tbo addition of Amniuma giveiIt creator fertilizing \alno

Over ? yeart' eiporience ha5 prorod to thoThrmor that it makes a heavier grain than eventtnble Jnnmnre, and is not only native but lusting

Price, $5G 00 per ton, 2,000 lbs.Discount to dealers.

> V ••* y~- - MOBO PHILLIPS,Bole proopriotor anfl Manufacturer

, Jnljr'l86r. If.



•» odrwtantly

In' •Ither lftrg«,orIt t»tIl«Ublt«XMt<tQ


GEEAT BRITAIN & IRELAND,By Steam hip nnd S uling Packet,


(it reduced rates



Contlnuo to i «uo Pais-i'c Tnkct-, n\Til-ibloforXwcKemnnlhi from LONDON. L1VLHV00I.. foQUEENSTOWN, nnd DKAF1S, pa able on dcmand, for nny amount irom XI and upward .

Jnno 13, Ib67 ly

TOHN C. JOHNSON'S ~ " " ^J - — -Watcli, Clock & Jewelry Esiablisbment

Main Bt , oppoiito Baptist Church,^ bTOWjS N J


hand, such as Gold and bil-vor Watches, Gold and Sil-Tflr_Qmftrd CbainB] Q^ld(and_SUvor Pencils, Gold Por«~

t Gold Medallions,Breastpinsof o^Try variety, Ear and'Fingor Kings of differe it

Ro-TisjSfWer and German Silver Taa and Taklo~ ftVd.G<"» flitorel Pook.et and Pen

&u u IBU ji Iurj5« uurl-

pors and iiiorfl du _ _ _ _ket, ami loi cli^mtc (if foiin and cnmfrrt rt ivi ir-lt is uni quailed. An extended di inption n milintend* d -liut-ji.i the i\ji iii-liee oj tho IM nrcis .isdci uicdiiitln lent todemonstiati it value, nu idd—

What the Lithe1! fi} —i^ ' Tin' COLIU SKIKT IS II ITHOII

l t I l possogscs mon rcnl mciil and^^==^~ tbinruirTovor uoon cl-timed lor it

1 I r n rni BL.st ' - n u IN TIN WOULD "

Ivcry objection that hns hcretofiiro bicn urp-tdn^unnl llonp-Skirt n cntuily nmo\id by IbcCOLBV MCIUT, nnd in proportion us all tithi riarc un nldn £ dithi ult to in mn£0 nndliiblc to

jjtt^out of guano, so ilm foLtu SKIHT ts rr i vm i ,is'comrtw-tiTDTo IHII Jltislm Men t ttnft mtar.**h(J}n tit lmt<r as rhr \tt ft mUttst I'rotiouni i dby nil A TJEII, riMtroiir AID IILI ssf-u M mul ictuicd in the luU'l Pdriii in bt j ln , for milking orfull dro"H

Lrtdio? aro in\ited to cill andcon\tnce themU'lui of the enliri coriii'tnc ot tin above

N B—Ladies residing at a dntnnco n n l i n cSkirts sent per i tprf i i , by Drnarding mo.isurommt

DIRI CTIONS roil JIKASUHE,Waist number ot lni-hcs roundHips (over dre-i—give full mej uro )length »f front .Stjlo rcquind—whether foi walking, full drt ,

or gem nil u i)'or nalo by all Jobbing houses and first el-™ ru

tail stores


C'assimerc~Suits, entire, -§18.00Spring Over Coats, §12.00

_ Fine Dress Frock Coats, $18.00- - -DEVLIN & CO.


P \ f l I'UNS ol ill tho modf in styles ofWiouphtnnd t 1st lion I ouciiiK. foi Ci IIILIIIKI., Doui

\auls , BwldingN, i c , mi) be seen mid c\ imitied|i> c IIIIIIK on tin, jiihsiribu ,who l*j pirpiicd to put

K odoiiUi iind at shoit notn u

Apni i<i,i6bi. i i ios .c .pr vnen

'A «uieMen's

'Ihouunda tcntify to ita 2JO or 50o Uoi of—


Corn Solvent.EQI Coral) Bunions, Warts, Ac. Try—if

Hightstown Iron Foundry


PictoroI r unL , o\ al inched and square ,

LOOKISG GLASSLS of all slic , and \anousBtjles ol I'ramei, nt


TIIE SUBSCllinEll C )NTIHUrS TO MANX.netiTre", iiT; tTHj old Stttnd,"~c-vcry -\nriety ^ -

IKON CAbTINfjS CHEAP FOR CAi>TlMill Work, and other Machmoiy, amji as

Uor o Power" and Thre lung Machinei, Corn.Shsllorfc, B Lrtlo & Viiuphil's btraw Cutters mado"to order at short notLcTi

PLOWS AM) PLOW CASTINGS.Noirly all tho different kinds of Plows in gener

al uso will also bo found at his tatablisbmcLt, 111eluding thu colebratod DEATS PLOW. AlsoSli igh and Sled bhoei, Wiigou Bon , A,c , i c

llavjtng mado a set of pattern) lor the right j.nd

it inj'Box o

-.TiiCror •nith Pnin ! A Wonderful-pow—.Healing- Every fnmity should keepjthn houso. Buy a 25o Or aOol M ^ 1

"Costar's" Buckthorn Salve._ _Tta pffoctfl nre immediate. For Cuts Burns.

ioi ,TJI-Bruisqa, Wounds, boro Bronata,,_ccrf, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cutano-011s Knip.tionn, Chapped Hands, Lips

^ Bitea_of Animals, Insects- Ac.

67 & ©O TJCWTH STREET,Uttwtm Uroadwty and Fourth At emir,

NLW YORKKVFCIM, NOTICE ^Lndies parchaimf these

Skn ti i-himld bo pnrliaular to h no the skirts fitmodontely luoae ovrr the Hips 60 o to onsureperfect nclior

"Wo aro sitisfied that nny lady giving tho Col-^iy_^kirt_a triple in never bo induced to VH.ILC aiiy_other "[ Weekly National Freemason. ~

Jan 3u-6m

Whoiomay bo found a. gcirCrnl ni'ortmcnt of fhina, Quccnawaro, Glti9Btvn.ro, Britannia nnd PlatedWare, &a,

A'.so on hand, n, lot of GERMAN CANABYBIRDS, warranted good singers

JTel- 22,1SQG tt


HARNESS! HARNESS!-f1 i^nreuhBcribor offers for ualo, .1 hi sales rooms

an assortment of

Fancy and Plain Harness,Equal to city Diako in 3tylo and finish, and ntmuch lower prfbos. Alto a ooniploto assortment of

Jlobes, .blanket*, Baddies, Whips,„ I3*"llarn68l inade to order and warranted.

• apl-tt . RICHARD A, OUTOALT.


rurnr Is ^p


I3oiaes,Trom which is mado

.A.-:rsr±q-*sRAW BONE


IMPROVED CIB>EK SCREWS,he i prppaiod to fuintbh tho same to anj who mayli ivi tiM- lur thf n*itieli> at New ^ oik pucesIRON TURNING AND P I I T ^ G , S C R O L L

SAWING, Ac , done at short noticeMAClIINljItY Ki:i'Allli:i) on reasonable terms

- T,he jjiiliscilhci belies n^ that the onlytiui planof rondnctinr hi "lncsn ii on the Ctlfcli principle,will herenftcr require tho caDh or lti equivalentfor hH"Work ordered.

SWUNG SHANGLEHight town, Jan 1, 1S61

Manhood: How Lost, How RestoredJust puhlHhed, a ntw edition of DrCui/TKn-ft ELL'S Colcbratod i.«say on

r tho jadical cure (without jnedicinfe)of Sr HIMATORHHOSA, or Seminal

WoaUncss, Involuntary E>i-Uiinftl Losses, Itnpoton-oy. Mental and Physio il Incapacity, ImpedimentstoMaruige, etc , also, Consumption, Epilep»yand Fits, inducod hy »olf-indulgonco or sexual

'A • Univcrsnl Dinner Pill' (mpar coated);d—in—a—Physician's


"Costar's^ Bishop Pills,Of CTtraordinnry cflicaoy-for Co tiTonesvIndigi! tion, Nfrvou and Siok Ilondacho^Djsptpsia," Dy ontcry. General Debility,

\Liver Oompl ujrts Cbilla,»]?eTorHx A.o_ Notgriping (jentlo, mild andljoolhing ' '"

VaYranttd perfectly Pure and free fromA i l t u

BTANDAED GUARANTEED!Established as an,, oxoellont Fertiliser, hy

year's of constant uso, nnd^ highly recommen-ded hy nil who have* used it na a

ORB A T CR OP, PRO D VCEK,And permanent Improver of Iho soil


atTFT & YOUNG,Manufncturor'8 Agents,



L j ^ l i n , in a soale'l cnyplppe, only G j:ont3.The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,

clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' (success-ful prao'tioe. that tbo hlitrming consequences of Jelfabuse may bo rndioally cured without tho dangor-oii3 uso of "intornal-modrcinn-or tha-appltoatibn oftho knife , pointing out ft mode of euro at onoesimple, CPrtain nnd cffcctBnl Ijy mean! of whiohevery enfforer no mntter wbntiila condition maybo may onro himself cheaply, privately, nnd radleally. l ^ " a his lecturo should bo in the bandsof nc ry youth and every man in the land' Sont under seal, in a plain envelope, to anyaddress, post pmd, on i^oclpt of eix cent", or twopost stamps Also, Dr 0CLVERWELL'3i-Mar-naeo Guide," pnCQ 25 eonta Addrcsi the pub-lisher!., CJIAg J C KLINE A CO ,

127 Bowei-yrNsw'Torlr, Vont OIBooBox-4586.

'That cough will kill yon.' Den't neglectit Xjf 25c anb 50o sues.

' 'Costard" Cough Ileme_dj^ __ ___The children cry for it—its a 'SoothingS rup For Coughs, Colds, Hoar one s,

— Soro Throat, Group, Whooping Cough,Aslhmn, Bronchial iiffHOtions. fiingortSpeakers, anjl oil troubled with throaiComplnints, will find this a beneficial Pco-toral remedy

Beautifies the Complexion",—givos-to-thwfkin a tran»pamnt freshness, |^"BijtH-»

SI 00 \) s• "

"Coster's" Bitter-Sweet /'Land Orarjge"Blossoms.

B.«intriIjj>riuu skin rloar, smooth and ioft.,Eemovos Tan, Frockles, Pimples, Ac. L»-diefi. t r j a bottle, nnd'sec its wonderfulqualitj. -g,


For eal* by FISHEE A PULLEH, HlghUtown,M2 8m

i h o a , y oks .wdl. Order* left with"WIL'BON, >ppiilt« Blftiit Ohuroh, promptly at-Wiaed t» ' a p U 2 u

Beware 1' ' of all worthlms Imitationsa Genuine without "COSTAKS'S" Signa-

and SOo sues kept hy nil DRUGGISTS.00 slzea sent by mail on receipt of price

LJT* 2 00 Pfty» f l ' r nny throo SI 00 sues hy oipjellldtf-$S 00 pays for eight SI 00 sizes by Express.

Address 3 _ ._J I B H B Y K- COST*BB,

with oars, and alwayg looks .wdl. Order* left with"'BON i

andld byIn »11

la »«w T o *