vol. 2, issue 4, april 2015

Vol. 2, Issue 4 April 2015 CANA a Wine To Water Publication winetowater.org

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Check out the Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 2015 of CANA, Wine to Water's monthly publication.


Vol. 2, Issue 4 April 2015

CANAa Wine To Water Publication


Wine to Water is a movement dedicated to providing clean water and sanitation to people in need around the world.

We are a 501c3 non-profit aid organization

Table of Contents

Page 2: An Open Invitation

Page 3: Hosting an Event

Page 4: Testimonial

CANA [KAY-nuh]: A small village in Galilee where Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding. The miraculous but simple gift allowed the community gathered to continue in celebration. We celebrate the gift of clean water by providing for those in need around the world. (John 2:1-11).

CANA Vol. 2, Issue 4 April

“CANA” is Wine to Water’s digital monthly publication for you to stay up to date with what we are doing and

what we hope to do.

-1- winetowater.org

-2- winetowater.org

An Open Invitation

Wine To Water events are open to all supporters. For more information, please visit: winetowater.org/events

If you have questions about hosting an event with Wine To Water, please email Whitney at [email protected].

Wine To Water grew organically as an organization through the support of our Events Program. The very first Wine To Water event was hosted in Raleigh, NC by then bartender, Doc Hendley. Wine To Water was founded after an overwhelming response and many great events to follow. Since then, individual, businesses, churches, and corporations have hosted numerous events all over the world.

As the Events Coordinator, I want to invite you to join in the movement of providing clean water to those in need. Hosting an event is an easy, fun, and interactive way to get involved. Our event process is simple, so we encourage you to be creative and take ownership of the event.

Relationships and community are essential to everything we do. The events program is a unique way to connect and engage with likeminded people in your area.

As you take a deeper look in to our events program in the pages to come, please consider how you can get involved and ultimately be the change that makes this world a better place.



Whitney Hendley, Wine to Water Events Coordinator, helps supporters get involved by hosting a Wine To Water benefit in their community, school, or home.

Please find her invitation to get involved below.

-3- winetowater.org

Hosting an EventPurpose & ExpectationsThe primary purpose of the events program is to promote awareness and involvment in the mission of Wine To Water. We ask that all event hosts:

-Focus on raising awareness and funding through the event.

-Promote a positive image of Wine To Water by encouraging sincerity and acceptance of supporters from every walk of life.

Approval ProcessThe number one requirement for hosting an event is to have fun! We want your event to be an opportunity for you to invite your community to come together, talk, and help a great cause. the next part of the process is as follows:

Getting StartedIt’s surprisingly easy to host an event. We try to keep the process as straight forward and basic as possible. Start here:

1. Find a venue & pick a date.

2. Determine the structure and flow of your event.

3. Submit the event proposal form online.

1. Wine To Water Event Coordinator will review your application and determine if all requirements have been met.

2. Once approved, we encourage you to begin working on marketing and event logistics.-All marketing materials must also be submitted for approval before using.

3. Keep us updated on any new developments.


Event Testimonials

“If I had to choose only one anecdote to exemplify my fundraising experience it would be this:

Late into the first wine tasting event an elegant young woman with a foreign accent I didn’t recognize approached me and asked, ”Are you Jeff, are you the host of this event?” I replied, “Why yes, I am.”

She looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Well then I’d like to personally thank you in the name of all the people you are helping and have no idea what is going on here tonight. You see, as a girl in my native country, we faced terrible water scarcity. I barely survived while many in my village, including a sibling, did not. I know from personal experience how great the need is and how access to clean water quite literally saves lives.”

This filled my heart to the brim. She was a living, breathing example of what we are working towards in overcoming the world’s water crisis. I’m so very grateful that in my own small way, I am helping others and contributing to positive changes.“


-Jeff Davidson

I’m so very grateful that in my own small way, I am helping

others and contributing to positive changes.

-Jeff Davidson

Jeff Davidson held an event on March 29th, 2014 at the Searsucker Restaraunt in Del Mar, California. Jeff’s event offered a wine tasting and chance for attendees to fellowship with one another. Over 100 people turned out to support.

Please Jeff’s testimonial below.


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“Our efforts are just a drop in the bucket. But if we hadn’t of taken

that first step, we wouldn’t be anywhere right now.”

-Doc Hendley