vnit-19 june

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  • 8/9/2019 VNIT-19 June


    Environnement Protection Awareness

    in Ancient India

    Presentation By


    Professor of Civil Engineering, (Retd.)

    VNIT Nagpur

  • 8/9/2019 VNIT-19 June


    Engineering sciences were very advanced

    in ancient India (3500 - 5000 BC).

    More than thousand texts-(Shilpasamhitas)

    on the various engineering sciences are

    still available

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    Indian Sages gave the mankind

    3 Tra

    Mantra Tantra Yantra

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    1.Mantra -Sanskrit hymns

    Water is mother of welfare, May our

    mother show the way of prosperity

    and imparts her strength to us

    Rig-Veda 10-9-1

    Mantras are mystical arrangements ofsacred sounds

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    2.Tantra -Technology

    Definition of Shilpa

    Shilpa -The word Shilpa is derived from words Sheel

    samadhou , which mean any thing that please the

    mind. Sage Bhrugu has given a definition ofShilpa

    Shilpa includes many articles (things), machines,

    innovations, metals, and artificial means.

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    3.Yantra -Machines

    Arihatta = Rope +pots = Water Mill = Persian wheel

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    Ancient references

    A Water-mill rotates continuously, as the sky

    moves - Bhaskaracharyya

    Pots of moving water-mill are empty, partiallyfilled or full, similar as destiny - Nitishastra

    Water fountains, Water-mills and artificial rainsare wonders of water - Rajgruhanirman

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    1)Earth Prithwi

    2)Water Aap

    3)Air Vayu

    4)Sky Aakash

    5)Light- Tej

    Aitariya Upanishad gave the concept

    of Panchmahabhotas

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    1- Prithwi-Earth

    Earth is my mother, I am her son.'

    Earth is not for the different races of men alonebut for other creatures also

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    Prayer of Motherland

    Land, which contains oceans, rivers and canals; Whose

    farmers produce food grains and live together; Where

    each living persons works with vigor; Such our

    motherland may nurture us with her juices.

    Atharvaveda chapter12

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    2- Aapah- Water

    Water occurs in five forms: Rain water, Natural

    spring, Wells and canals, Lakes and Rivers

    Waters are nectars

    The only three precious things on the earth are

    water, food and pleasing words.

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    Jala Shastra = Water Resources Engineering

    Sanchetan = Water Supply

    Samharan = Drainage

    Stambhan = Storage of water

    Three Vidyas (Techniques)

    Related to Water

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    3-Vayu - Air

    Yadya is best sacrifice

    Air is nectar, it gives us long life. The pure airwhich we inhale enriches good health.

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    Worship trees which gives us medicines

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    Trees save those, who saves trees

    One tree is equal to ten sons.

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    y Kills the germs of T.B., measles, smallpox and


    y Lessens the effect of atomic radiation to a great


    y Controls the air -supply and temperature

    variation due to sacrificed substances of firewood

    Creates a pure, hygienic, nutritional and healing


    It has been proved that Yadnya

    Ghee and different types of wood and grasses were

    offered to gods through Yadnya

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    The word "Paryavaranam" is

    combination of four words


    A Sanskrit word "Paryavaranam" was

    prevalent in ancient India

    Thousand years prior to advent of modern science

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    The Arthshashtra contains provisions meant to

    regulate a number of aspects related

    to the environment.

    The fifth pillar edict of Emperor Ashoka(269 BC to 231 BC)

    also contains such regulations

    Kautilya (350 B.C - 283 B.C)

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    All eighteen Puranas have a separate chapter

    on site selection (Bhumipariksha)

    Germination Test

    Flower Test

    Lamp Test

    A site is selected on the basis of

    To test the level of ground pollution

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    Nitisutras of Chanyakkya

    Aphorisms - pithy sentences predicts;

    God Vishnu and River Ganges would abandon this

    earth after ten and five thousand years

    (respectively), but only after twenty-five hundred

    years the earth would be a barren land.

    (Prediction of Global warming?)

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    Rock outcrop,

    Types of trees and their foliage, Presence of anthill,

    Presence of hibernating animals

    Brihat Samhita of Varahmihir

    The prediction of

    depth, quality and quantity of water on the

    basis of surface features

    Chapter 54 - Water divining

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    One who destroys wells, tanks or temples is awicked person.

    The person who pollutes waters of ponds, wells

    or lakes goes to hell. Padmapurana-96-7-8

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    One who renovates wells, tanks, temples getseight times results than that of constructing

    new structures.

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    If ground is waterlogged, then the water should

    be drained out by digging drains parallel to north

    east and refilling the trenches by brickbats and

    stones so that excess water drains out.

    Waste Disposal -Bhrugusamhita

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    Water drains should be below ground,

    The bottom surface should be smooth and sloping,

    If such drain is not provided then the owner should be

    fined (54 coins).


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    Waste disposal sites should be on north east side and

    far away from residential areas. KautilyaArthshashtra

    Rivers, roads, agricultural fields, green lands,

    sunshades and public places should not be

    polluted (by urination or excreta) -Vashishtasamhita

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    One should not excrete or urinate in

    water, one should not spit or take bath

    without any cloths on the body


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    Waste Disposal

    Throwing garbage on the streets

    - 2coins

    Throwing garbage in drains - 4coins

    Throwing garbage at religious places - 16 coins

    Throwing dead animals 48 to 96 coins

    depending upon size of animalCremation at unauthorized places -192 coins.

    Kautilya fixed Fines for

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    Noise pollution- Aapstamb Gruhyasutra

    Students should observe silence from evening till thestars appear in the sky.

    The vow of silence (Mauna) is prescribed in various

    rites and rituals.

    Speech is restrained after the performance of

    principal rites

    The consequences of sound pollution were foreseen

    by Vedic Seers

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    Pollution of space

    Effect of wireless communication on


    Effect of mobiles on human health.

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    1. The term Environment was first well defined in ancient

    Indian texts.

    2. The residential sites were selected on the basis of

    environmental factors such as land, trees and water etc.3. Methods for pollution prevention were described in these


    4. The ancient knowledge is consistent with modern

    environmental engineering

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    itariya Upanishad2.Arthshashtra (Kautilya)

    3.Atharva Veda

    4.Bhrugusamhita (Bhrugu)

    5.Brihat Samhita (Varahmihir)6.Manushyalayachandrika


    8.Nitisutras (Chanyakkya)

    9.Taittiriya Aranyaka10.Vashishtasamhita (Vashishtha)


    12.Vishwakarma Prakash (Vishwakarma)

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    King Bhagirath,worlds first irrigation engineer.

    Sage Kashypa reclaimed the water-logged land

    of Kashmir(Land ofKashyapa)

    Varahmihir was the first hydrologist to predictlocations of aquifers.

    Sage Parashar developed astronomical methods

    to predict rain fall.

    Ancient text Kadambini" describes forecasting ofrains based on traditional methods.

    "Nighantu" mentions one hundred meaningful

    names of water.

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    Sage Vashishtha and Sage Bhrugu were

    the first to describe properties of flowing and

    steady water. (Much before Archimedes).

    Water mills were first developed in India

    and then the technique was adopted in


    Kautilya gave guidelines for construction of

    dams, canal, wells, pollution prevention etc.

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