
Visualization What is Visualization? Visualization is the ability to "see" with the mind's eye that which is not physically present. It is one of, if not the most important, tools available to the witch. I have likened Visualization to a form of Sympathetic Magick . However, instead of creating physical images of one's goal, you make mental ones! Visualization is how we communicate our desires to the Universe. From casting circle, calling the quarters, cleansing objects, casting spells, performing divination, and even healing, visualization is an essential part of every magickal act. Therefore it is the wise witch who hones his or her powers of visualization. Practicing Creative Visualization "Change [your] mind, and change the world!" --theme from Wonder Woman Creative Visualization is a technique which utilizes the power of the mind's eye to bring about your desires. The goal of creative visualization is to change your outer world by changing your inner thoughts. It is based on the idea that what you dwell on inwardly, you will manifest outwardly. To successfully use creative visualization, you must... 1. Set Your goal 2. Generate a clear mental picture of exactly what you desire. 3. Focus on this mental picture often. 4. Draw positive energy towards your goal. Set Your Goal

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Some simple visualization training. Introduction from a Wiccan perspective


Page 1: Visualization


What is Visualization?


Visualization is the ability to "see" with the mind's eye that which is not physically present. It is one of, if not the most important, tools available to the witch. I have likened Visualization to a form of Sympathetic Magick. However, instead of creating physical images of one's goal, you make mental ones!

Visualization is how we communicate our desires to the Universe. From casting circle, calling the quarters, cleansing objects, casting spells, performing divination, and even healing, visualization is an essential part of every magickal act.  Therefore it is the wise witch who hones his or her powers of visualization. 


Practicing Creative Visualization

 "Change [your] mind, and change the world!"

--theme from Wonder Woman 

Creative Visualization is a technique which utilizes the power of the mind's eye to bring about your desires. The goal of creative visualization is to change your outer world by changing your inner thoughts. It is based on the idea that what you dwell on inwardly, you will manifest outwardly. 

To successfully use creative visualization, you must...

1. Set Your goal2. Generate a clear mental picture of exactly what you desire. 3. Focus on this mental picture often. 4. Draw positive energy towards your goal.

Set Your Goal

It has been remarked that a dream without a plan is just a wish. Therefore, once you decide exactly what you desire, you must set goals for yourself in order to achieve that dream.  Your plan may be comprised of a series of smaller goals which lead to your main objective.

Generate a Clear Mental Picture

A picture is worth a thousand words and is open to many interpretations. It is very important that your mental picture clearly describes your goal with as little ambiguity as possible. 

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Focus on this Mental Picture 

Continuous focus on your mental pictures reminds you of your goal and draws opportunities to you that will help you achieve that goal. By focusing on your objective, it is in the forefront on your thoughts and you are more likely to recognize those opportunities when they arise. 

Draw Positive Energy Towards Your Goal

It is important to keep the thoughts surrounding your goal positive. You must believe that achievement of your goal is not only possible, but inevitable. It is also very important not to allow the negative thinking of others to kill your dream. Your visualization can be used in conjunction with meditation, affirmation, and spells. 

Vision Boards

A Vision Board is a posterboard on which people draw, past or collage images that represent their desires, objectives, dreams, and goals, based on the Law of Attraction.  The purpose of creating a vision board is to clearly define one's goals, dreams, and desires and then draw then opportunities and people into your life that will assist you in creating your own reality.

Vision Boards are traditionally created by using a piece of poster board, scissors, glue, and magazines.  The magazines are searched for words and images that attract one's attention and seem to echo one's dreams and desires.  The internet is also another source of images.  These words and images are cut out and then glued on the poster board much like a collage.  As the concept of Vision Boards have become more prominent, websites have sprung up offering software that allows one to create Vision Boards on a personal computer and save them to the desktop, or print them out to be displayed elsewhere.

Alternately, some people choose to create their own Vision Boards by taping or taking words and images onto bulletein boards instead of a poster board. Others, create their Vision Boards in sketch books. The decision of which medium to use is entirely up to you.

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Once completed, the Vision Board is put in a conspicuous place where you will see it on a consistent basis. It should confer positive feelings to you about your dreams and desires. The words and images will speak to your subconscious and become a daily reminder of your dreams, goals, and desires.  It is important to you do not kill your dreams with negative thoughts. At all times you must believe  that your dreams are not  only possible, but are constantly manifesting around you. The Vision Board is a daily reminder that you can create your own reality. 

Healing with Visualization

"By visualizing a little girl on a playground swing, rhythmically swinging back and forth, a woman is able to bring her irregular heartbeat under control."

--Excerpt from Mysteries of the Unknown, Mind over Matter (Time Life Books) 

In hopes that seeing really is believing many people turn to visualization to assist them in improving various areas of their lives.  Baseball players often visualize the baseball bat connecting with the ball, sending it flying out of the ball park. Lawyers see themselves commanding the full attention of the judge and jury as they make their cases, persuading them to his or her side. Artists and painters often have an inner vision of their creations before shaping them in reality. 

On a deeper level, many people suffering from the pain of injury and disease often turn to visualization to alleviate their pain and assist in their own recovery. For example, a man suffering from pain may visualize a large dial on which is a pointer that can indicate his pain on a scale of 1 to 10. With the understanding being that 10 indicates severe pain, whereas 1 indicates no pain at all. This man may visualize the "dial" slowly moving from 10 to 1. Subsequently his pain will lessen as well. 

How visualization works remains a mystery, but scientist are just discovering what witches have known for centuries, that the mind, body, and spirit are connected. That which affects one, often affects the other(s). Scientist do not deny that visualization works in certain cases, but visualization is not a substitute for qualified medical care. Ideally, visualization should be used in conjunction with modern medicine. 

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Workbook of Shadows



1. Think of a goal that you would like to achieve. Write this goal in your journal. Below your goal write three affirmations, or positive statements, concerning the achievement of that goal.

2. Associate the goal with a mental picture and practice visualizing that mental picture for a few minutes each day. 

3. Look through several magazines, newspapers, and periodicals and cut out pictures that you associate with achieving your goal.  Create a collage using these pictures and include your affirmations in the collage. Put the collage in a conspicous place where you will see it every day. 

4. Make a copy of your collage and paste this in your journal as well. 5. Practice visualizing yourself healthy and strong in mind, body, and

spirit. Reaffirm your visualizations with positive statements such as The body is whole, the body is strong.

6. If you have a specific ailment or condition, write this in your journal. Using creative visualization determine a visual trigger which will assist you in healing or controlling the condition. Record your visual trigger in your journal and note your progress.