vinyasa yoga practice book


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Page 1: Vinyasa Yoga Practice Book

Vinyasa Yoga Practice Book

2nd edition

Part 1Vinyasa Krama sequences

Part 2Vinyasa Krama Subroutines

Anthony Grim Hall

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DEDICATION to my teacher Srivatsa Ramaswami with gratitude and also for Misa, C and D
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Vinyasa Karma practice notes and guidelines.

NOTES from Ramaswami's Complete book of Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Krama =Movement and Sequence methodology

'Each of the important postures are practiced with elaborate vinyasas (variations).'

'Each variation is linked to the next one by a succession of special transitional movements synchronised by the breath'

PARAMETERS (from Yoga sutras 2.46) 

STEADINESS (sthira)COMFORT (sukha)

SMOOTH + LONG BREATHING ( pratyatana sithila)


'Smooth inhalations accompanying expansive movements'

BREATH RATE?We average 15 breaths a minute

In our asana practice we aim for 4-6 breaths a minute.This could come down to as little as 2 per minute in some postures e.g.


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Breath out making a hahhhhhh soundnow breath in making the same sound 

now breathe in making the same hahhh sound.By constricting the throat a little more a little less we can make the

hissing sound stronger or lighter/louder or softer.This is Ujjayi

The breath connects the mind with the body.


Direct your attention inside your chest

Locate where you feel your breath centred, where inhalation appears to start and where exhalation converges.

Focus attention here for a few breaths, then engage ujjayi, a rubbing sensation in the throat.

finally connect your breath to your movements.

The flow of breath is like the flow of oil, smooth and uniform.


Many postures may be repeated 3-6 times (often going a little deeper into the pose each time).

Stay for 2-6 breaths

Some postures have the option of extended staysEG. Paschimottanasana 5-10 minutes

Maha Mudra 5 minutes each sideShoulderstand 5-10 minutesHeadstand 10-20 minutes

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Focus mentally on the breathAsana with variation and coordinated breathing

HOW LONG TO PRACTICE?Krishanamacharya would have Ramaswami practice 40 minutes of

asana and 20 minutes of Pranayama, Meditation or Chanting.

My own practice?

MORNING 90 minutes asana

20 minutes pranayama15 minutes meditation

EVENING20 minutes asana

20 minutes pranayama20 minutes meditation



As we become more confident with our asana we should begin to work on engaging the bandhas as these can help to steady us in our postures.

Jalandhara bandha

'There are three important band has. the first is jalandhara bandha, or locking the chin against the breastbone. This may be done during

kumbhkas and whenever the the posture requires the chin to be locked, which is normally the case during forward bends and when keeping

the back erect. In backbends and twisting postures it is not possible to do jalandhara bandha'. p127

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Mula and Uddiyana bandha

'The other two bandhas, however, should be practiced in most of the asanas, especially after exhalation. The first is mula bandha, which

means "constricting of the anus" It is done after a complete exhalation. After the exhalation is over, the abhyasi (yoga student) should anchor the body in the asana he or she is in and then slowly and deliberately close the anus and draw in the rectum by contracting the perineal and

surrounding muscles of the pelvic floor. Then as if in a continuous movement, the abdomen, including the navel, is drawn in, pushing up the diaphragm into the now almost empty chest cavity, which is then

called uddiyana bandha ( drawing in of the diaphragm)... This technique is one of the specialities of yogic breathing" p127


'When one is able to stay in the posture (utkatasana) for three to six breaths, then one should slowly increase the time to complete a

stipulated number of breaths. Thereafter, one should remain in the posture for a predetermined number of breaths chosen by the

practitioner or teacher, or for a fixed persiod, say three to five minutes. Then one's practice should be aimed at reducing the number of breaths while remaining in the posture for the same duration. for instance one

may take a total of twenty breaths while in the posture. Later on, it may be possible to remain in the posture steadily and comfortably (sthira

and sukha) for five minutes with perhaps only ten breaths. This is one method for attaining asana siddhi (perfection in posture) that one can

test of oneself. Having achieved this level of comfort in the posture, one can then introduce the band has, which will increase the time taken for

each breath. P 127

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Vinyasa Krama PracticeBook

Sequence Practice cards to accompany Srivatsa Ramaswami's

'The Complete book of Vinyasa Yoga'


On your feet


On one leg








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PART 2Vinyasa Krama Subroutines

Videos at

On your feet subroutineshasta vinyasas (arm movements)

parsva bhangis (side poses)uttanasana (forward bend)

ardha utkatasana (half squat)utkatasana (full squat)

malasana (golden belt) pasasana ( garland)surya namaskara (sun salutation with mantra)

Triangle Subroutinesuttita trikonasana (simple side stretch)

parivritta trikonasana (twisting movements)uttita parsvakonasana (side stretch)

parsva konasana (twisting movement)virabhadrasana (warrior)

prasarita padottanasana (spread feet stretch)

On One leg Subroutinesbhagiratasana (named after sage)

vrikshasana (tree pose)standing marichi 

uttita padangushtasana (stretched leg-arm)virabharasana (warrior)durvasasana (after sage)

natarajasana (dancing shiva)

Asymmetric Seated Subroutinesdandasana (staff pose)

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marichyasana (after sage)ardha padmasana (half lotus)

mahamudra (great seal)akarnadhanurasana (archer) /krauchasana (heron)

ekapadasirsasana (leg behind head)triyangmukha (bent back leg)

marichyasana (advanced)bharadwajasana (sage) and Mahabandha (great lock)

matyendrasana (half and full)

Seated Posterior Subroutinespaschimatanasana (posterior stretch)kurmasana (turtle and turtle in shell)purvatanasana (anterior side stretch)

chatushpadapeetam (table pose)navasana (boat) pashimpotasana (upward looking)

upavishta konasana (seated angle)baddhakonasana and other seated postures

Bow Pose Subroutinesbow (lead in)

makrarasana (crocodile) and manduka (frog)bhujangasana (cobra)salabhasana (locust)

viparita salabhasana and bherundasana (sage)dhanurasana (bow) and return sequence

Meditative Pose Subroutinesvajrasana (sage)

ushtrasana (camel) to kapotasana (pigeon)virasana (hero's pose)

Camel walk

Supine Subroutineslead sequence

tatakamudra (pond gesture)and belly twistapanasana (pelvic floor pose )

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dvipadapitam (desk pose)madhyasetu and urdhvadhanurasana (bridge)

leg and arm liftssupta padangushtasana (with reclining leg behind head)

jataraparivritti (stomach teist)sarvangasana (shoulderstand) preparation sequence

sarvangasana (shoulderstand) lead sequenceakunchanasana (contraction)

halasana (plough)urdhva konasana (upside down triangle)urdhva padmasana (upsidedown lotus)

niralamba sarvangasana (unsupported shoulderstand)halasana-uttana mayurasana (plough to peacock)

sarvangasana-mandala (circular ambulation in plough)karnapidasana (closed ear pose)

Inverted Subroutinesheadstand lead in 1 (bent legs)

headstand lead in 2 (straight legs)sirsasana vinyasas (headstand variations)sirsasana padmasana (headstand lotus)

viparita dandasana (crooked staff)headstand arm variations

Lotus Subroutinesardhapadmasana (half lotus)

padmasana (lotus)baddha padmasana (bound lotus)

urdhwa mukha padmasana ( upward facing lotus)urdhwa padmasana (lifted lotus)

simhasana (lion face)bharawadjasana (sage) and utpluthi (lift)

garbhapindasana (fetus in womb)padmasana arm balancing pose

misc. arm balances

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Jumb back and through libraryvinyasa krama jump back

Vinyasa karma jump throughcrossed leg jump through and back

high crossed leg jump throughstraight leg jump through

bent back leg jump throughhalf lotus jump through

full lotus jump backfull lotus jump back (from behind)

full lotus jump throughmarichyasana jump back

dandasana lift and jump backleg behind head jump back

Winding downmeditation and pranayama postures

kapalabhatihand mala for counting (version 1)hand mala for counting (version 2)

pranayama -nadi shodanapratyahara postures

Developing a practiceAshtanga primary series broken down into VK subroutines

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Samasthiti copy Parsva bharga Lifting pelvis

Purva bharga stretching out of pelvis Elbow movement

Hands crossed on shoulders Hands on same shoulders hands locked behind

Locked at elbows Prishtanjali Arms raised back bend

ON YOUR FEET : Hasta Vinyasas ( hand variations )

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Parsva bhanga left side Parsva banga right side Parsva Bhangi II

Parsva bhangi vinyasa Parsva bhanga vinyasa Parsva bhangi Prishtanjali

Parsva Bhangi prishtanjali

ON YOUR FEET : parsva-bhangis ( side movements)

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Ardha Uttanasana Purna uttanasana Purna uttanasana

Niralamba Uttanasana 1 Niralamba uttanasana 2 Niralamba uttanasana 3

Parsva bharga uttanasana Parsva bharga uttanasana Kurmasana vinyasa

Tiryang mukha Uttanasana Tiryang mukha uttanasana

ON YOUR FEET : Uttanasana (forward bend)

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Ardha Utkatasana Ardha utkatasana Ardha Utkatasana

Ardha Utkatasana Ardha Utkatasana

ON YOUR FEET : ardha utkatasana (half squat)

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Utkatasana Utkatasana Utkatasana

Utkatasana Utkatasana Utkatasana

ON YOUR FEET : utkatasana ( full squat)

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Samasthiti copy Parsva bharga Lifting pelvis

Utkatasana kurmasana and Kanchyasana

ON YOUR FEET : malasana / kanchyasana ( golden belt or garland pose)

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Samasthiti copy Parsva bharga Lifting pelvis

Utkatasana Pasasana Pasasana

ON YOUR FEET : Pasasana ( noose pose )

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1. Om Hramudhyannadya mitramahaMitraaya Namaha

2. Om Hrimārohannuttarāṃ divamRavaye Namaha

3. Om Hroomhṛdroghaṃ mamsūryaSuryaaya Namaha

4. Om Hraimharimāṇaṃca nāśayaBhaanve Namaha

5. Om Hraumśukeṣume harimāṇaṃkhagaaya Namaha

6. Om Hrahropaṇākāsu dadhmasiPooshney Namaha

7. Om Hramatho hāridraveṣumeHiranayagarbhaaya Namah

8. Om Hrimharimāṇaṃ ni dadhmasiOm Mareechibhyoh Namaha

9. Om HroomudaghādayamādityoAdityaaya Namaha

10.Om Hraimviśvena sahasā sahaSavitre Namaha

11. Om Hraumviṣantaṃ mahyaṃ randhyanArkaaya Namaha

12. Om Hrahmo aham dviṣate radhamBhaaskaraaya Namah

ON YOUR FEET : suryanamaskara (sun salutation - with mantras )

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TRIANGLE SEQUENCE Uttita Trikonasana sthiti Uttihita trikonasna

utthit trikonasana

TRIANGLE : uttita trikonasana ( Simple triangle stretch)

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Uttita Trikonasana sthiti Parivritta trikonasana Parivritta trikonasana

Parivritta trikonasana

TRIANGLE : Parivritta trikonasana (twisting movements

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Uttita Trikonasana sthiti Utthita parsva konasana Utthita parsva konasana

Utthita parsva konasana vinyasa Utthita parsva konasana vinyasa Utthita parsva konasana vinyasa

Utthita parsva konasana vinyasa Utthita parsva konasana vinyasa Utthita parsva konasana vinyasa

TRIANGLE : uttita parsva konasana ( side stretch )

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TRIANGLE SEQUENCE parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa

parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa

parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa

parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa parsva konasana vinyasa

TRIANGLE : parsvakonasana (twisting movements)

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Virabhadrasana sequence rotate shoulders in circular motion lift chest stretch back

knee bent forehead to knee raise arms and legs Arms clasped behind

repeaton left side bring arms forward rotating at shoulder forhead to bent knee

squat as low as posiible straighten forhead to mat

TRIANGLE : virabhadrasana (warrior pose)

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Prasarita padottanasana vinyasas crown of head to mat clasp big toes or feet

Prishtanjali Twist to left and lower Twist to right and lower

work towards niralamba samakonasana

TRIANGLE : parasarita padottanasana (spread feet stretch )

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On one leg sequence Bhagirathasana

ON ONE LEG : Bhagiatasana ( named after Royal sage Bhagirati )

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On one leg sequence Bhagirathasana Vrikmasana

Vriikmasana Vatyanasana One leg squat arms out frount

Vrikmasana bound Ardha baddha padmottanasana bound Vrikmasana sqaut variation

return to standing

ON ONE LEG: vrikshasana ( tree pose and variations)

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On one leg sequence Standing marichi bound standing marichi

Forward bending bound Marichi return to standing

ON ONE LEG : Standing marichi

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On one leg sequence Uttita padangustasana Utthita hasta padangustasana

Utthita pasvashita Uttita padangustasana variation Utthita hasta padangustasana variation

Utthita pasvashita variation return to standing

ON ONE LEG : Utthita Padangushtasana (stretched leg-arm subroutine)

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On one leg sequence Virabhadrasana sequence Virabhadrasana variation


ON ONE LEG : virabhadrasana (warrior)

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On one leg sequence Durvasana Skandasana

Durvasana variation utpluthi return to standing

ON ONE LEG : durvasana ( named after a sage )

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On one leg sequence Natajarasana full natajarasana

return to standing

ON ONE LEG : natajarasana (dancing Shiva)

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Adho-mukha-Swanasana Dandasana Niralamba Dandasana

ASYMMETRIC : dandasana (staff pose)

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Dandasana Niralamba Dandasana Marichiyasa Sihiti

marichiyasana marichiyasana marichiyasana

marichiyasana marichiyasana Ardha matsyendrasana

ASYMMETRIC : marichyasana ( named after Sage Marichi)

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Dandasana Niralamba Dandasana Ardha padmasana

ardha padmasana Ardha badha padma paschima uttanasana Vashitasana

Ardha matsyendrasana Ardha matsyendrasana Utpluthi

Ardha badha padma

ASYMMETRIC : ardha padmasana (Half lotus )

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Dandasana Niralamba Dandasana Maha Mudra sthiti

Maha mudra janusirsasana

ASYMMETIC : maha mudra ( the great seal )

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Dandasana Akarna Danurasana Kraunchasana

ASYMMETRIC : akrarnadhanurasana (archer) and Kraunchasana (heron)

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Dandasana Kraunchasana Ekapada Sirsasana

Skandasana Chakorasana

ASYMMETRIC : ekapada sirsasana (leg behind head)

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Tiryang-mukha-ekapadasana with forward bend with forward bend and twist

Kranchasana Counterpose Utpluthi

Hanumanasana with forward bend

ASYMMETRIC : Triyang mukha ekapadasana ( bent back leg)

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Dandasana Ardha padma marichiyasana with bind and forward bend

Tryang-mukha marichiyasana With bind with bind and twist

ASYMMETRIC : Marichyasana ( advanced)

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Dandasana Bharadwajasana Mahabandha

ASYMMETRIC : bharadwajasana (after sage ) and mahabandha The great lock )

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Dandasana Ardha matsyendrasana Purna matsyendrasana

ASYMMETRIC : matsyendrasana kingfisher (half and full )

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Dandasana Paschimatanasana Paschimatanasana

Paschimatanasana Paschimatanasana Paschimatanasana

Niralamba Paschimatanasana Paschimatanasana

Niralamba Paschimatanasana Paschimatanasana Paschimatanasana

Paschimatanasana Purvatanasana

SEATED : Paschimottanasana ( The posterior stretch )

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Dandasana Kurmasana Akunchita kurmasana


SEATED : Kurmasana and Akunchita kurmasana ( turtle and turtle in it's shell )

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Dandasana Vasishtasana right side Vasashitasana left side

SEATED : purva tanasana ( anterior side stretch )

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Dandasana Catushpada peetam Catushpada peetam

Catushpada peetam

SEATED : Chatushpadapeetam ( table pose)

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Dandasana Navasana Purna navasana

Urdhwa paschimatanasana Savasana

SEATED : navasana ( boat ) and urdhwa paschimpotasana (up looking posterior stretch )

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Dandasana Upavishta Konasana sthiti Upavishta Konasana

Upavishta Konasana Upavishta Konasana Upavishta Konasana

Forward bend to the right side forward bending twist to the left side forward bend to right

forward bending twist to right

SEATED : upavishta konasana ( seated angle stretch)

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Dandasana Badha konasana Badha konasana

Badha konasana Mula bandhasana Padmasana

Bhadrasana Siddhasna Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana Yoganarisimhasana Dandasana

SEATED : badha konasana and other seated postures

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Bow sequence lead in tadasana uttanasana

uttanasana as counter pose to backbends Utkatasana Utkatasana copy

Chatuaranga dandasana 'Lie facedown in asana sthiti'

BOW : Lead in

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'Lie facedown in asana sthiti' Makrasana bend knees in on the exhale

Manduka Bhujangasana /cobra

BOW : 61 makarasana (crocodile) + manduka ( frog)

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'Lie facedown in asana sthiti' Bhujangasana Bhjuangasana

BOW : bhujangasana (cobra)

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'Lie facedown in asana sthiti' Locust pose subroutine Locust pose subroutine

Locust pose subroutine Locust pose subroutine Locust pose subroutine

Locust pose subroutine Locust pose subroutine Locust pose subroutine

BOW : salabhasana ( Locust)

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'Lie facedown in asana sthiti' Viparita salabhasana Ganda Bherundasana after yogi Bherunda

BOW : Viparita salabhasana + bherundasana ( after sage Bherunda)

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'Lie facedown in asana sthiti' Dhanurasana, Bow pose subroutine Dhanurasana, Bow pose subroutine

Dhanurasana, Bow pose subroutine Dhanurasana, Bow pose subroutine Dhanurasana, Bow pose

Dhanurasana, Bow pose Lying on left side Return sequence, upward facing dog

Downward facing dog samasthiti

BOW : dhanurasana ( bow ) and return sequence

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Vajrasana raise arms above head , palms up hasta vinyasa

foreward bending variations in vajrasana arms outstretched hands behind buttocks

'...dig hands a little into your lower abdomen' ' forehead on the floor' hands in Prishtanjai (prayer)

extend chest and return to vajrasana Counterposes raising chest

MEDITATIVE : vajrasana (after sage )

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Vajrasana Ustrasana subroutine Ushtrasana

advanced variation kapotasana

MEDITATIVE : ushtrasana to kapotasana ( camel to pigeon

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return to vajrasana Virasana vinyasa sit between feet

virasana hasta vinyasana place forehead and arms on floor Prayankasana

cross legs at ankles

MEDITATIVE : virasana ( hero's pose )

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Vajrasana Ustrasana subroutine Camel walk sequence

step forward head to knee place hands on heels and raise chest

eka pada kapotasana

MEDITATIVE : camal walk

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Supine simple lead sequence tadasana-samasthiti Uttanasana

Utkatasana Dandasana Supta asana

SUPINE : supine lead in

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Supta asana Tatakamura Jataraparivritti


SUPINE : tatkamudra ( pond gesture ) and belly twist

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Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

SUPINE : apanasana (Pelvic floor poses)

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Dwipadapitam subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine copy

Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

left leg raised holding ankle Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

SUPINE : dwipadapitam ( Desk pose)

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Supta asana madhya sethu madhya sethu variation

Sethubandasana Sethubandasna variation Uttana padasana

Urdhwa Dhanurasana or ardha chakrasana chakrasana

SUPINE : madhya sethu ( mid region bridge pose) and urdhvadhaurasana ( bridge)

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Supta asana Leg and arm lift subroutine Leg and arm lift subroutine

Leg and arm lift subroutine Leg and arm lift subroutine urdhwa-prasarita-pada-hasatasana

Leg and arm lift subroutine Leg and arm lift subroutine Urdhwa konasana vinyasa

SUPINE : leg and arm lifts

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Supta asana Supta dakshina-parsva-padangushtasana Supta ardhva-paivata-dakshina-pasanam

Dakshina Bhairava asana Supta vama-parsva-padangushtasana Supta ardhva-paivata-vama-pasanam

Vama Bhairava asana Yoginidrasana

SUPINE : supta padangusthtasana

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Supta asana Left leg to right palm right leg to left palm

SUPINE : jataraparavritti ( stomach twist)

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Supta asana Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine

Apansana Subroutine Apansana Subroutine Dwipadapitam subroutine

Apansana Subroutine urdhwa-prasarita-pada-hasatasana Leg and arm lift subroutine

Sarvangasana vinyasas

SUPINE : shoulderstand preperation.

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Shoulderstand lead in tadasana-samsthiti Uttanasana

utkatasana Chatuaranga dandasana Urdhwa mukha swanasana

Adho mukha swanasana tuck in chin lower shoulders to mat Sarvangasana vinyasas

SUPINE : shoulderstand lead in.

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Sarvangasana vinyasas Sarvangasana vinyasas

Sarvangasana vinyasas Sarvangasana vinyasas

SUPINE : akunchasana ( contraction pose)

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Ekapada halasana ekapada halasana

Supta ardha badha halasana supta ardha badha halasana Halasana

halasana variation Urdhwa-mukha paschimatanasana

SUPINE : halasana (plough)

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Urdhwa konasana Urdhwa badha Konasana

SUPINE : urdhva konasana

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Urdhwa padmasana Akunchita urdhwa padmasana

Pindasana Urdhwa pamasana vinyasas Urdhwa pamasana vinyasas


SUPINE : urdhva padmasana (upside down lotus)

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Niralamba Sarvangasana Niralamba Sarvangasana vinyasa

Niralamba Sarvangasana vinyasa Niralamba Sarvangasana vinyasa Niralamba Sarvangasana vinyasa


SUPINE : 94 Niralumba Salambhasana ( unsupported shoulderstand)

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Sarvangasana vinyasas halasana uttana mayurasana

uttana mayurasana vinyasa uttana mayurasana vinyasa uttana mayurasana vinyasa

uttana mayurasana vinyasa

SUPINE : halasana - uttana - mayurasana ( plough to peacock)

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Sarvangasana mandala Sarvangasana mandala

Sarvangasana mandala Sarvangasana mandala Sarvangasana mandala

Sarvangasana mandala Sarvangasana mandala Sarvangasana mandala

SUPINE : Sarvangasana mandala (circular ambulation in plough)

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Sarvangasana vinyasas Niralmaba sarvangasana Karnapidasana

halsana vinyasa halasana variation Savasana

SUPINE : karnapindasana (closed ear pose)

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Handstand with straight knee approach '...straighten your knees as you inhale Akunchanasana vinyasa

...straighten your knees so your body is straight'

INVERTED : Headstand lead in 1 (bent leg)

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Handstand with straight knee approach '...straighten your knees as you inhale ...slowly raise your legs straight


INVERTED : Headstand Lead in 2 (straight leg)

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Akunchanasana Akunchanasana vinyasa Akunchanasana vinyasa Akunchanasana vinyasa

Ardha padma Akunchanasana Ardha padma Akunchanasana Lowere right toes to mat

lower left toes to mat Viparita garundasana Viparita garundasana

Urdhwa konasana Urdhwa konasana Urdhwa konasana

INVERTED : sirsasana vinyasa ( headstand variations)

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Sirsasana Urdhwa padmasana Urdhwa padmasana

Urdhwa padmasana Akunchita urdhwa padmasana

INVERTED : sirasasna padmasana ( lotus in headstand)

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Sirsasana Take legs back and lower toes viparita dandasana

INVERTED : viparita dandasna (crooked staff)

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Sirsasana Niralamba sirsasana Arms bent in frount of face

arms spread in frount Mukta hasana sirsasana

INVERTED : Headstand arm variations

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Ardha badha padmasana Vinyasas ardha-padmasana ardha-padmasana paschimatanasana

Ardha badha padmasana pashimatanasana Kashyapasana ardha-badha padmasana variation

ardha-padmasana variation Prathikriya

LOTUS : Ardhapadmasana ( half lotus)

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Ardha badha padmasana Vinyasas Padmasana Parvatasana

Bhadrasana Laghu yoga mudra utpluthi

vama-parsva-laghu yoga mudra dakshina-parsva-laghu yoga mudra

LOTUS : padmasana ( lotus pose )

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Ardha badha padmasana Vinyasas Badha padmasana Yoga mudra

vama yoga mudra dakshina yoga mudra

LOTUS : bhadapadmasana (bound lotus)

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Ardha badha padmasana Vinyasas Urdhwa mukha padmasana supta padmasana


LOTUS : urdhwa mukha padmasana ( upward facing lotus)

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Urdhwa padmasana Pindasana Urddhwa pindasana

Urdhwa pindasana Pratikriya akunchita urdhwa padmasana variations

LOTUS: urdhwa padmasana (lifted lotus)

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Urdhwa padmasana akunchita urdhwa padmasana variations padma bhujangasana / lous cobra pose

LOTUS simhasana (lion face -eyes wide toungue out and down

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Padmasana Parvatasana padma bhujangasana / lous cobra pose

twist to left side in lotus twist to right side in lotus Lolasana


LOTUS : bharadwajasana (after a sage) and utpluthi

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Padmasana garbha pindasana Purna garbha pindasana

Uttana kurmasana Supta padmasana

LOTUS : garbhapindasana (fetus in the womb)

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urdhwa kukkutasana Padma mayurasana urdhwa padmasana

urdhwa padmasana urdhwa padmasana urdhwa padmasana

urdhwa padmasana urdhwa padmasana Viparita yog mudra

lotus in handstand

LOTUS : padmasana arm balances and inversions

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Misc. arm balances

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Vinyasa Krama Jump back

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Vinyasa krama jump through

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Crossed leg jump through and back

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : High crossed leg jump through

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Straight leg jump through

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Tiryamng mukha marichiyasana (one leg bent back )

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Half lotus jump back

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Full lotus jump back

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : full lotus jump back from behind

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Full Lotus jump through

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Marichiyasana jump back

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Dandasana utpluthi jump back

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JUMP BACK LIBRARY : Eka pada sirsasana ( leg behind head ) Jump back and through

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Vajrasana Vajrasana with uddiyana bandha Padmasana

Padmasana with uddiyana bandha Siddhasana Siddhasana with uddiyana bandha

Virasana Virasana with uddiyana bandha Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana with uddiyana bandha

WINDING DOWN : Meditation and Pranayama postures

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WINDING DOWN : Kapalabhati hand and arm positions

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1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

WINDING DOWN : Pranayama, hand mala (version one)

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1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

WINDING DOWN : Pranayama, hand mala (version two)

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Retain exhale engage mula and uddiyana bandhas Lift thumb off Right nostril and inhale Close both nostrils and retain inhalation

Lift ring finger off nostril and exhale Retain exhale, engage mula and uddiyana bandhas) Lift thumb off LEFT nostril and inhale

Close both nostrils and retain inhalation Lift thumb off Right nostril and exhale Repeat sequence (Retain exhale engage mula and uddiyana bandhas) copy

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In padmasana Thumbs close ears First two finger rest on eyelids Ring fingers rest lightly against nostrils

Little fingers rest against corners of mouth In Vajrasana Thumbs close ears First two finger rest on eyelids

Ring fingers rest lightly against nostrils Little fingers rest against corners of mouth

WINDING DOWN : Pratyahara in padmasana and vajrasana

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One approach to constructing a practiceThe Subroutines in Ashtanga primary seriesAs we work through Ramaswami's book it can sometimes be hard to visualise how we can turn all this information, on all these postures, in these great long sequences, into a mornings practice. We can practice the full sequences as they stand and Ramaswami recommends this approach as a way to learn all the sequences and postures, the complete syllabus as it where. I found that approach useful too, you get to see the families of postures, how they relate to each other, leading up to and developing postures. Sooner or latter though we're probably going to want to work at a subroutine level.Below is the popular Ashtanga Primary sequence. What I've done is divide the practice up into the different Vinyasa karma sequences. Within those sequence boxes it should be easy to see there are one or more subroutines. The Ashtanga practice that ashtangi's run through every day is just a collection of subroutines.After their Surynamaskaras, Ashtangi's move on to a Standing sequence that includes a short 'On your feet' sequence and the three 'Triangle' subroutines. Next up are a couple of 'On one leg' sequences before the Warrior sequence which is another 'Triangle' subroutine.This is STILL my framework for all my asana practices in the morning. I add a short tadasana sequence at the beginning and I might add or change a subroutine but this is pretty much my warm up, It worked, it kept me safe.The Ashtanga seated section in Primary begins with vinyasas in Paschimottanasana a Vinyasa Krama 'Seated' subroutine then after a counter pose moves on to , what, five simplified 'Asymmetric' subroutines. Four more simplified 'Seated' subroutines come next and then we're into, I count seven, 'Supine" subroutines'.The series ends with a simple Inverted subroutine, a headstand, and then a couple of 'Lotus' subroutines before Savasana.The only things missing are 'Bow' and 'Meditative' subroutines. Some Ashtangi's who have been practicing for some time add on some of the Ashtanga 2nd series postures which include some cobra and locust postures, (these are from our Bow sequence) and Kapotasana (from Meditative).Vinyasa Krama is different from Ashtanga, we don't use the jump back as much, we breath more slowly, repeat postures, take more breaths but most significantly perhaps, we're not tied to the same sequence of postures every day. However the Ashtanga series I'm so familiar with has helped me to develop a framework to hang my own Vinyasa Karma practice on.
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So here's a suggestion……Come up with a basic practice following Ramaswami's guidelines.Start with some On your feet Tadasana hand/ arm variations.Pick a Triangle and On one leg subroutine that you like.Now pick an Asymmetric subroutine then one from Seated to go with your long Paschimottanasana.Do the same with Bow and Meditative perhaps and then the Shoulderstand preparation postures.Finish with a couple of vinyasas in Shoulderstand ( Supine) and headstand (Inverted) and finally a short Lotus subroutine.Now practice this for a few weeks until it's so familiar you don't have to think about it. this becomes you framework as Ashtanga has been mine.The next step is to start switching and changing subroutines. Don't change everything over night, you'll only become lost again just change two or three subroutines at most. Keep doing this over the next couple of weeks keeping the same overall structure of your practice.
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1 Samasthitih 2 Hasta Padangusthasana 3 Pada Hastasana 4 Utthita Tri Konasana 5 Utthita Tri Konasana

6 Parivrtta Tri Konasana 7 Parivrtta Tri Konasana 8 Utthita Parsva Konasana 9 Utthita Parsva Konasana 10 Parivrtta Parsva Konasana

11 Parivrtta Parsva Konasana

12 Prasarita Padottanasana A

13 Prasarita Padottanasana B

14 Prasarita Padottanasana C

15 Prasarita Padottanasana C

16 Utthita Parsvottanasana 17 Utthita Parsvottanasana 18 Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 19 Utthita Parsvasahita 20 Utthita Eka Padasana

21 Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 22 Utthita Parsvasahita 21 Utthita Eka Padasana 22 Ardha Baddha

Padmottanasana23 Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

24 Utkatsana 25 Virabhadrasana A 26 Virabhadrasana A 27 Virabhadrasana B 28 Virabhadrasana B

Ashtanga Primary series - Subroutine break down.


On your feet subroutine Triangle subroutines

On one leg Subroutines

Another Triangle subroutine

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1 Dandasana 2 Paschimottanasana A 3 Paschimottanasana B 5 Purvottanasana 6 Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana

7 Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana

8 Tirieng Mukkha Eka Pada paschimottanasana

9 Tirieng Mukkha Eka Pada paschimottanasana 10 janu Sirsasana A 11 Janu sirsasana A

4 Paschimottanasana C 10 Janu Sirsasana B 11 Janu Sirsasana B 12 Janu Sirsasana C 13 Janu Sirsasana C

14 Marichiyasana A 15 Marichiyasana A 16 Marichiyasana B 17 Marichiyasana B 18 Marichiyasana C

19 Marichiyasana C 20 Marichiyasana D 21 Marichiyasana D 22 Navasana 23 Bhuja Pidasana

24 Kurmasana 25 Supta Kurmasana 26 Garbha Pindasna 27 Garbha Pindasana 28 Kukkutasana

Ashtanga Primary series

P. 2

Seated subroutine inc. counterpose

Asymmetric Subroutines

More seated subroutines

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28 Badha Konasana A 29 Badha Konasana B 30 Badha Konasana C 31 Upavistha Konasana A 32 Upavistha Konasana B

33 Supta Konasana 34 Supta hasta padangusthasana 35 Supta Parsvasahita 36 Supta hasta

padangusthasana 37 Supta Parsvasahita

38 Ubbaya Padanguthasana 39 Ubbaya Padangusthasana 40 Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana 41 Setu Bhandhasana 42 Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3

50 Salamba Sarvangasana 51 Halasana 52 Karna Pidasana 53 Urdhva Padmasana 54 Pindasana

55 Mayurasana 56 Uttana Padasana 63 Sirsasana 64 Urdhva Dandasana 65 Balasana

71 Baddha Padmasana 72 Yoga Mudra 73 Padmasana :Jnana Mudra 74 Utpluthi 79 Savasana

Ashtanga Primary series

P. 3

Supine subroutines

short Inverted Subroutine

Lotus Subroutine

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Appendix I

Ramaswami's subroutine list with page numbers to 'The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga'.

Those highlighted in blue link to my video's of the subroutines here

Chapter I. On your Feet sequence p. 1On your feet Seq. practice Sheets

10 min. Shortened version20 min. Short version part 120 min. Short version part 2

Full Sequence Speeded up x 41. Samasthitis p1

2. hasta vinyasas (arm movements). p43.parsva bhangis (side poses) p10

4. ardhauttanasana p145. uttanasana p13

6.ardhautkatasana p217. utkatasana p248 malasana p289 pasasana p29

10. tadasana. p33(special sequences from 11th chapter)11.uttanasana-utkatasan routine p245

12. khagasana p24013. suryanamaskara p214 inc. mantra

14. dingnamaskara p237

Ch II. Asymmetric Seated Vinyasa Sequence p35Asymmetric practice Sheets

Full Sequence Speeded up x 415 Lead sequence p35

16. dandasana p3917. marichyasana p40

18.mahamudra p45

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19. ardhapadmasana p4220. akarnadhanurasana/cakorasana p46

21.ekapadasirsasana p4722. triyangmukha p48

23. marichyasana(advanced) p5124.bharadwajasana p53

25. Mahabandha p5426. matyendrasana p5427.return sequence p69

ChIII. Seated Posterior Stretch Sequence p71Seated Sequence practice sheets

Full Sequence Speeded up x428.Suptasana/paschimatanasana p75

29. paschimatanasana p7530.purvatanasana p78

31. chatushpadapeetam p7932. upavishtakonasana p81

33.pratikriya p8034. samakonasana. p83

35. baddhakonasana p8436 siddhasana p85

37.gomukkhasana p8638.yoganrisimhasana p86

Ch IV. On One leg Yogasanas p87On one leg Practice sheets

Full Sequence39. bhagiratasana p8740. vrikshasana p88

41. standing mariachi p9242.uttita-padangushtasana p93

43. virabharasana p9644. trivikramasana p97

45. natarajasana p9846. durvasasana. p99

47.utplutis p100

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Ch V. The Supine Sequence p101Supine sequence practice sheets

Simplified and complete Sequence speeded up x 448. advanced lead sequence p104

49. tatakamudra p10550.jataraparivritti(simple) p105

51. apanasana p10652. dvipadapitam p109

53.madhyasetu p11254.urdhvadhanurasana p113

55. advanced dvipadapitam p11456.urdhva-prasarita-pada-hasta asana p117

57. supta padangushtasana p11858. supta trivikramasana p119

59.yoganidrasana p12060. jataraparivritti advanced p121

61. jataraparivrittiadvanced II p12262. sarvangasana preparation sequence p122

63. sarvangasana-advanced lead sequence p12364. akunchanasana p125

65. halasana p12766.urdhvakonasana p128

67.urdhvapadmasana p12968.niralamba sarvangasana p131

69.halasana-uttana mayurasana p13370 sarvangasana-mandala p134

71.karnapidasana p13572. savasana p136

Ch VI. The Bow Pose Sequence p137Bow sequence practice sheets

Full sequence speeded up x 473. makrarasana p13874. mandukasana p13975.bhujangasana p139

76.rajakapotanasana p140

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77.salabhasana asymmetric p14178. salabhasana p14279.vimanasana p142

80. viparita salabhasana p14381. bherundasana p143

82. dhanurasana-asymmeric p14483. dhanurasana p145

Ch.VII. The Triangle Pose Sequence p147Triangle sequence practice sheets

Full sequence Speeded up x 384. Uttita trikonasana p147

85. parivritta trikonasana p14886. uttitaparsvakonasana p150

87. parsvakonasana p15288. virabhadrasana p154

89. prasarita padottanasana p15890. samakonasana p159

Ch VIII. The Inverted posture Sequence p161Inverted sequence practice sheets

Full sequence speeded up x 491. sirsasana p162

92. sirsasana vinyasas p16393.urdhva padmasana p16794.urdhvadandasana p168

95. viparitadandasana p16896. mandala p169

97. niralamba sirsasana p17198. vriscikasana p172

99. viparita vrikshasana (hand stands) p174

Ch. IX. Meditative Pose Sequence p176Meditative sequence practice sheets

Full Sequence100. vajrasana lead sequences p176

101. vajrasana p178

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102. balasana p179103. ushtra nishada p181

104. advanced ushtrasana p181105. kapotasana p182

106.virasana p184107. simhasana and return sequence p186

Ch X. The Lotus Pose Sequence p189Lotus Sequence practice sheets

Full sequence speeded up x 4108.ardhapadmasana p191

109. padmasana p196110. utpluti p197

111.baddhapadmasana p198112. matsyasana p.200

113. urdhvapadmasana p200114.suptapadmasana-simhasana dynamic sequence p203

115. garbhapindasana p205116.arm balancing poses p116

117. padmasana-inversions p208118. p

Ch. XI. Visesha Vinyasa Kramas p213119. vasishtasana p219

120. anjaneyasana p223121. halasana-pascimatana-uttanamayura sequence p228

122. utplutis p230

Ch. XII. The Winding Down Procedure p246123. yogic postures for `breathing exercises p247

124. Kapalabhati p248125 a Pranayama p249

125 b Ujaii 1;1;1;1125 c Ujaii 1;1;2;1125 d Ujaii 1;2;2;1

The following Pranayamas are taken from Ramaswami's other book 'Yoga for the three stages of life'.

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125 e Nadi shadana 1;1;1;1125 f Nadi shadana 1;1;2;1

125 g Nadi Shodana 1;2;2;1125 h Ujaii with mantra

125 j Nadi Shodana with mantra125 k Viloma ujaii with mantra126. The Locks ( Bandhas) p250

127. Pratyahara - Sealing the senses p253