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REVISION OF POSTING POLICY- 2007 ISSUED BY E-IN-C’S BRANCH Para No of existing policy Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required Detailed justification 1 2 3 4 5 1 No Change reqd. 2 3 4 The tenure turnover postings are thereafter followed compassionate posting. These postings are affected on humanitarian/medical grounds against existing vacancies within Command as well as Inter Command. 5 The posting on tenure and compassionate grounds, being choice specific, may cause imbalance in holding of staff at certain stations/complexes. In order to rationalize the imbalance and to share the surpluses and deficiencies, the Command Manning Level (CML) postings are resorted to. The individuals with longest period of stay in the stations/complexes are moved from station/complex holding surplus to stations/complexes with manpower below the CML. This para is to be deleted being CML related issue. Statement of case justifying its deletion is attached. Only Authorization & holding is mandatory. No-body could justify CML being ill creation to disturb the employee as well as department. However, the deficiency could be make up by complete fresh recruitment and timely promotion and remaining by outsourcing, if necessary. S.O.C is attached. 6 The posting exercise as above invariably results into a disproportionate movement of personnel from a particular unit. To ensure equitable distribution of manpower and regular turnover of employees from sensitive to non sensitive after three years, Local Turn Over (LTO) postings are carried out within the same complex. LTO be carried out once in two years from sensitive to non- sensitive only. Definition of sensitive is given in para 40. Justification is given in LTO para 39.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 51

No Change reqd.234 The tenure turnover postings are thereafter followed compassionate

posting. These postings are affected on humanitarian/medical grounds against existing vacancies within Command as well as Inter Command.

5 The posting on tenure and compassionate grounds, being choice specific, may cause imbalance in holding of staff at certain stations/complexes. In order to rationalize the imbalance and to share the surpluses and deficiencies, the Command Manning Level (CML) postings are resorted to. The individuals with longest period of stay in the stations/complexes are moved from station/complex holding surplus to stations/complexes with manpower below the CML.

This para is to be deleted being CML related issue. Statement of case justifying its deletion is attached.

Only Authorization & holding is mandatory. No-body could justify CML being ill creation to disturb the employee as well as department. However, the deficiency could be make up by complete fresh recruitment and timely promotion and remaining by outsourcing, if necessary. S.O.C is attached.

6 The posting exercise as above invariably results into a disproportionate movement of personnel from a particular unit. To ensure equitable distribution of manpower and regular turnover of employees from sensitive to non sensitive after three years, Local Turn Over (LTO) postings are carried out within the same complex.

LTO be carried out once in two years from sensitive to non-sensitive only. Definition of sensitive is given in para 40.

Justification is given in LTO para 39.

7 The exigencies of service also necessitates posting on promotion, on mutual basis, on administrative grounds, adjustment of surplus/deficiency on closing down/new raising of formation within the Command and inter Command postings are also carried out from time to time.

The exigencies of service also necessitates posting on promotion, on mutual basis, on administrative grounds, adjustment of surplus/Deficiencies on closing down/new rising of formation within the Command postings are also carried out from time to time.Note: Delete inter command posting from policy.

There is already huge deficiency in Admin Cadre and case for inter command posting in any case not sustained, hence it is deleted.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision reqd

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 58 Thus following contingencies warrant transfer of personnel

from one place to another:-(a) Tenure stations/complexes turnover.(b) Compassionate grounds.(c) Maint of Command Manning Level.(d) Local Turn Over.(e) Promotions.(f) Mutual Basis.(g) Administrative grounds.(h) Adjustment of surplus/deficiency.

Thus following contingencies warrant transfer of personnel from one place to another:-(a)Tenure stations/complexes turnover.(b)Compassionate grounds.(c)Local Turn Over.(d)Promotions.(e)Mutual Basis.(f)Adjustment of surplus/deficiency.

(a)Justification regarding deletion of CML is given in para 5 above. (b) The posting types Sur/Def Promotion, Compassionate, mutual basis are already covered a to f, as such Administrative type is deleted being it has been manipulated many times in the deptt.

9COMPLEXThe term complex, wherever used, will mean a conglomeration of more than one MES unit in a place and its adjacent location. The geographical demarcation of adjacent location will be decided by CEs Command.

No change

10STATIONThe term station, wherever used will denote a single MES unit or formation located in a place.

11SATELLITEWherever the word satellite figures, it will imply in out station of main MES unit/formation of a complex/station.

12VACANCY.The term vacancy generally denotes the difference between authorization and holding at a particular station/complex. This, however will be valid only if overall holding of the Command matches with the overall authorisation of the Command. The same not being the case and the percentage of Command deficiencies of various categories being too high, the vacancies at any station/complex will be reduced on prorate basis by the same percentage. The resultant vacancies will be treated as “clear vacancies” for the purpose of various postings.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification


Tenure stations are those stations where facilities/basic amenities are lacking. Each Command has its own tenure stations. However some Commands may have large number of tenure stations as compared to other Commands due to the proximity of the international border. The large percentage of tenure stations in a Command may result into frequent tenure postings in the Command. Hence, there is a necessity to address the issue by disturbing such tenure stations to other Commands so as to ensure equal percentage distribution of tenure stations to each Command.

No change14 The exercise of de-tenuring of existing tenure stations/complexes in view

of their improved living conditions shall continue as at present. Tenure stations/complexes once de-tenured may not be declared a tenure station/complex except under unavoidable circumstances. CEs Command are empowered to declare any station as tenure or otherwise depending upon the living conditions. No station/complex will be termed de-tenured, or re-tenured with retrospective effect.

15 Prior to issuance of tenure turn over of posting, concerned CE Command will issue a list of Basic staff category wise, who are due for posting to tenure stations/complexes. The list will also include the names of individuals, who are due for second and third tenure in their turn and individuals initially appointed at tenure stations/complexes and subsequently transferred to other stations/complexes.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 516 This list will be circulated down to GE/AGE(I) level and all affected

personnel will be informed in writing so that they are mentally prepared to move to tenure stations/complexes on issue of posting orders. The acknowledgement of all these affected individuals will be kept on record by the formations/units concerned and confirmed by respective Zonal Chief Engineers in their reports to concerned CEs Command. The seniority list will be circulated well in advance for units concerned to scrutinize the list in time. The case of any omission, discrepancies, appeals if any against these warning lists will be circulated to CEs Command not later than 31 Oct every year. The same will be assumed as Nil thereafter and onus of omission, if any, will rest with the Head of Office/formation.

No change : The list be down loaded to MES website. A link of all recognized Association of MES is created on MES web site and so on Assn be allowed to create a link on their site

17 The cases of following nature will be reported to CEs Command by the specified dates so as to enable them to take appropriate actions at the time of planning of postings:-(a) Personnel who are elected member of the works committee for the first time, including the period of their present term with specific dates. Those elected for second or subsequent terms are not eligible for protection.

(b) Personnel who are important office bearers of recognized unions/Associations and are entitled for protection for posting as per existing rules with the date up to which they are exempted. First time elected members only are entitled.

(c) In case there is any individual in the seniority list who has moved or stand posted to another station/complex, this information must be sent by signal/fax.

No Change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 518 The individuals earmarked for posting to tenure stations/complexes as per

seniority list will not be posted out at Zonal/CWE/Station/Complex level under surplus/deficiency policy. The longest stayee/volunteer however may be turned over locally, if necessitated, not involving a change of station/complex. This however will not exempt such persons from posting to tenure stations/complexes as per their service seniority. The persons posted on promotion to a different station/complex or posted to another peace station/complex as a station/complex senior but due for tenure will not be posted to tenure station/complex till they complete minimum stay of three years in the new station.

Delete underline para & Insert : The person posted on promotion to different stn/complex be termed on tenure and repatriated to his choice stn after completion of posting period as applicable 2 or 3 years.

Individual’s posting station on promotion is termed as tenure. This will avoid him keeping away from his home town for a longer period.

19 The individual due for tenure will indicate their choice of three stations/complexes in the order of preference for consideration. However, indication of choice station/complexes does not confer automatic right on an individual to get posted to those tenure stations/complexes only, as it will depend upon vacancies available on placement of their seniors. Though the administration will make all efforts to accommodate persons being repatriated from tenure stations to their choice indicated, however those who cannot be accommodated at their choice stations/complexes due to non-availability of vacancies will be posted to other stations/complexes as per requirement. No change

20 A certificate to the effect that “Particulars of persons figuring the service seniority list have been checked and the discrepancies noticed have been reported vide or there are no discrepancies and no eligible individual for posting to tenure stations/complexes is left out” as the case may be, will be submitted to CE Command by 31 Oct every year under signature of the Head of offices, after which it will be assumed as NIL.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 521 Simultaneously, a circular will be issued by CEs Command in the month of

Jul/Aug every year calling for volunteers for tenure posting. The names and written options of volunteers together with full service particulars will be submitted by all formations direct to CEs Command to reach before 31 Oct. The volunteering for tenure does not in any way confer a right of posting to a tenure station as the same will be decided at CEs Command level in accordance with overall requirement and constraint.

No change

22 The following instructions will be adhered to while nominating subordinate to tenure duty stations/complexes:-

(a) In case the number of volunteers happen to be more than the actual requirement, the following criteria will be applied for selection:-

(i) They will be considered category wise or posting based on their seniority.

(ii) Those who have not done tenure earlier will get preference following by those who have done tenure according to the date of return from last tenure.

(b) If sufficient volunteers are not available, ‘service seniors’ will be considered for tenure posting. The posting will be purely based on service seniority and tenure stations/complexes will be decided based on service seniority and job requirement. However, if service seniors are also volunteers, the choice given by the individuals will be considered and as far as possible, efforts will be made to accommodate them in their choice station/complex. No representations will be entertained on this account from individuals whose names figure in the warning list in the Zone of consideration.

No change

Para 22 (b) deleted being unwanted and already clarified in para 15, it is repentance of this para.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 5(c) Service senior who volunteer for tenure posting will be first considered as volunteer only as per the provisions for posting for volunteers.

(d) Personnel posted to MES under adjustment of surplus/deficiency scheme will reckon seniority for the purpose of promotion/confirmation from the date they join duty in the MES. Their seniority for posting to tenure stations/complexes will reckon from the date of joining MES.

(e) Every individual nominated or service at a tenure station/complex must complete his full tenure before being posted back to one of his choice stations/complexes. For the purpose of determining the period of stay at a tenure station/complex, an individual must be physically present at the office for the full period of tenure excluding the period of absence on leave or otherwise. If for reasons, due to illness or extreme compassionate grounds an individual repatriated prior to completion of his tenure, may again be nominated to tenure station/complex after expiry of three years of service. His tenure will start afresh and he will be required to complete the tenure of two or three years as may be application at one stretch and not the left over period of the previous posting.

(f) Nomination of persons who have already done tenure will be done strictly on the basis of their last date of return from tenure station/complex.

No change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 5(g) The normal age limit for tenure station/complex posting is 52 years. Subordinates over 52 years may also be posted for a shorter tenure but none will be retained at tenure station/complex beyond the age of 55 years. The age for such postings will be considered as on date of posting.

(h) Those posted from one Command to another on compassionate grounds will not be nominated until completion of three years service in the choice station/complex. The protection is not available to persons who have moved on mutual posting.

(j) The Group ‘D’ personnel promoted/reclassified to group ‘C’ posts will be considered for tenure posting and their date of joining in group ‘C’ posts will be treated as cut off date for deciding the seniority for the purpose of tenure posting.

(k) The posting of individuals to other Command due to non availability of vacancies in the parent Command will be treated as tenure posting and will be repatriated to their choice station/complex after completion of tenure period of two or three years as applicable. CEs Command will maintain nominal roll of such repatriates. Such individuals will submit application for repatriation duly indicating three stations/complexes of their choice immediately after completion of one or two years of stay in the other Command as may be applicable with an advance copy of the same endorsed to parent CE Command.

The normal age limit for normal tenure station is 52 years and extreme hard stations & disturbed areas of N.C. and E.C or any other is 45 years.

No change

No change. Delete Gp D being not existed now.

No change

- LDC & UDC are very low paid employees and cannot afford posting at extreme high altitude and disturbed areas. They are also not trained to live there. Accn and Med. facilities are also not provided to Civ employees. As such they should be exempted from posting on these stations of NC & EC or any other disturbed areas.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 5(l) New recruited shout not be posted to a tenure station/complex on first appointment, but in case he is a volunteer or he belongs to that area he can be posted there. In case he belongs to that area, this stay will not be counted towards his tenure posting, but if he is a volunteer the same will be counted towards his tenure. Newly recruited ex-servicemen be posted to stations in consultation with CEs Command, where large deficiency exists.

(m) The list of tenure stations to be manned by other Commands has been issued vide this HQ letter No E/20087/HQ SWC/LRS/E1C(1) dated 03 Oct 2006 as Appx ‘A’.

No change

23 Disabled persons will not be posted to a tenure station/complex if the disability prohibits his free movement/functioning. The case shall be decided on merits. However, if disabled individual is willing to go to a tenure station/complex he will be allowed such posting. An employee whose child is suffering from hearing impairment or multiple disabilities will not be posted to a tenure station/complex.

No change

24 The normal period of tenure at a tenure station/complex notified by Govt of India and hard stations/complexes designated by E-in-C’s Branch/CE Command will be three years for individuals with service of ten years or less and two years for those with service of more than ten years.

No change

25 Period of leave in excess of fifteen days per year will be excluded for counting the tenure period. However, CEs Command may extend the period in exceptional cases due to exigencies of service or when the employee concerned is prepared to stay longer.

No change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 526 The individual serving in a tenure station/complex may

submit his choice after completion of two or one and half years as may be applicable of any three choice stations/complexes located in three distinct places/complexes separated by at least 20 KMs. Two out of the three choice stations/complexes should be in different CEs Zone.

The individual serving in a tenure station may submit his choice after completion of two or one and half years as may be applicable of any three choice stations located in three distinct places separated by at least 20 KMs. Two out of the three choice stations should be in different CEs Zone. If the vacancy is not available, he may be allowed to serve at that station on his request till occurrence of vacancyNOTE : Remove complex.

Many times vacancy at choice stations not available and for the betterment of individual & deptt, he may be allowed to remain there till occurrence of vacancy

27 In case, if an individual is required to be disturbed before completion of his tenure, due to promotion or other contingencies, he will be posed to another tenure station/complex to complete his balance liability.

No change

28 On completion of tenure, the individual will be adjusted at one of the three choice stations/complexes given by him in the Repatriation form. In case of non availability of a vacancy at any of the three choice stations/complexes, the affected person due for turnover may be allowed to remain in the tenure station/complex till a vacancy arises at any of his choice stations/complexes. Such employee may be given the benefit of deferment for his re-posting to tenure station/complex in his turn for such posting. The exact period for which the benefit is to be given will be decided bases on the following norms:-

(a) Upto 6 months stay in excess of the tenure. No benefit to be given.(b) Excess stay of more than 6 months but upto 12 months. Deferment @50% of time (months) spent.(c) Excess stay of over 12 months and above. Deferment @75% of time (months) spent.

No change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 529 The individuals who desire to stay longer at a tenure station/complex on their

own accord will not be entitled for the deferment benefit.No change

30 In case tenure completed individual does not want to continue at the tenure station/complex, he will be repatriated to one of his choice station/complex by moving out of longest stayee, who should have completed minimum three years at such station/complex. For determining the longest stayee all the three choice stations/complexes will be clubbed together. The longest stayee moved from a peace station/complex for making room for adjustment of a tenure completed individual will be repatriated after completion of his tenure as per availability of vacancy at choice stations given by him.

No change

31 Since tenure postings are MANDATORY, no representations against these postings are envisaged.

Not agreed, representation of aggrieved employee should be allowed

Any aggrieved employee has right to represent his problem as per constitution of India.

32POSTING FROM PEACE TO PEACE STATIONS/COMPLEXESAn individual who is to move from one peace station/complex to another peace station/complex to make room for a tenure completed individual will be posted to one of his/her three choice stations/complexes as far as possible. This facility will not be available to other type of postings.

No change

33COMPASSIONATE POSTINGThe following guidelines for compassionate posting will be followed:-

(a) Individuals may themselves apply for compassionate postings after completion of two years of physical stay in present station/complex through proper channel. Applications from relatives or those received directly will be rejected and attempts to bring outside pressure will be discouraged.

No change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 5(b) Applications on domestic grounds shall be verified, if required, in consultation with civil authorities, if the CWE/CE Zone is not satisfied regarding genuineness of the case.

No change

(c) Applications on medical grounds need to be accompanied by appropriate medical certificates from Authorised Medical Attendant (where AMA is not available, from Recognised Medical Practioner) indicating the nature of illness and justification for posting of the individual.

No change

(d) A Board at Command level will be convened to assemble every six months in January and July to screen the requests for posting on compassionate grounds.

No change

(e) To avoid grant of undue benefit, it will be ensured(before compassionate transfers are accepted and orders issued) that affected persons are not due for posting to tenure stations/complexes.

No change

(f) All postings on compassionate grounds will normally be at the expense of the individuals.

No change

(g) In case of non availability of clear vacancy, the longest compassionate stayee in stations/complexes will be moved so as to accommodate the other compassionate cases, provided such stayee has completed there years in a station/complex.

No change

(h) Travelling allowance can be paid to the individuals posted on last leg compassionate grounds at the time of retirement only to his/her home town/selected place of residence, subject to approval by the transferring authority who should record reasons for such postings.

No change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 5(j) The compassionate postings will be ordered to a non-sensitive appointment as far as possible.

No change

(k) In case of inter command posting of personnel seeking to go outside, the Command deficiency will be kept in sight while considering such cases.

No change

34. (a) A person applies for posting from one command to another Command to which he belongs shall ascertain his acceptability from the Command to which he desires to be posted without mentioning any reference to E-in-C’s Branch. In case of agreement between the two CEs Commands, the relieving Command will issue the posting order under intimation to all concerned formations.

No change

(b) Validity of cases once approved by the Compassionate Board will remain for one year. In case the individual is not posted to his choice station/complex during the period he/she is required to forward an application for revival of his/her claim on expiry of the validity of the Board. If the revival applications are not received, the name of such individual included in the Compassionate Board will be deleted from the list.

No change

35.COMMAND MANNING LEVEL POSTING(CML)Command Manning Level posting (CML) involves parity of manning levels between different CEs Command, it has been noticed from the past that the satisfaction level on account of job requirement is vastly varying from one CE Command to another basically on account of the geographical location and the quality of life therein.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

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36 (a) CEs Command in order to maintain the manning level of subordinate in the Command, will calculate the percentage satisfaction level of each category in the grade of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ based on Ceiling/Authorisation/Holding/Surpluses/Deficiencies in respect of all Basic/Non-Basic Industrial/Non-Industrial subordinate staff. Based on the manpower state CEs Command will circulate the percentage satisfaction manning level and implement it by ordering transfers from one station to another to achieve uniformity in satisfaction level. The posting will be termed as CML (Command Manning Level) posting.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

(b) CML posting will be normally from executive to executive except to the home station of the individual concerned provided employee’s executive tenure is not exceeded beyond six years continuously. All postings under CML shall be issued by end of March every year keeping in view the academic session of children and will be implemented latest by 15 May each year.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

(c) The list of affected staff due for posting with tentative station wise posts, to be circulated by December each year, for giving their choice station. The CML postings should be ordered on region to be framed by CEs Command bases on concept of Zonal Chief Engineer areas considering the geographical contiguity, travel time (preferably not more than over night journey), and other MES formations of Air Force/Navy/R&D/Factory stations in the region. The tenure/hard stations are to be excluded and not considered while deciding the regions.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

(d) The preference will be given to volunteers and newly recruited employees including Ex-servicemen and those recruited under DCRE by E1A should be posted to stations having more deficiency.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

Inter-Command CML Posting

(e) Posting to other stations to be ordered for the purpose of manning CML only. If CML posting (of a post) is ordered to station ‘A’ no body else should be posted out from station ‘A’ except on compassionate ground and those due for tenure posting from Station ‘A’ as per Command seniority.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 537 Inter-Command posting:-

(a) Inter command posting will be for CML, Tenure posting and compassionate ground posting. The postings will be issued by CEs Command.

To be deleted from the posting policy except compassionate ground postings being there is huge deficiency of clerical cadre in deptt. and all the commands are facing similar situation

Being huge deficiency of clerical cadre in all the commands, there is no justification of inter command posting of clerical cadre except compassionate grounds.

(b) All the inter-Command postings ordered in the interest of organizations for sharing shortages to protect the interest of individuals will be considered as tenure stations for the purpose of tenure and repatriation.

To be deleted from the posting policy.

Being huge deficiency of clerical cadre in all the commands, there is no justification of inter command posting of clerical cadre

(c) The existing posting in CE Pathankot Zone, CE Jaipur Zone will not be termed as inter-command posting for a period of two years. After two years, SW Command will be self-accounting unit. CE NC will remain Parent Command of CE Pathankot Zone.

To be deleted as SWC is independently functioning now

- To be deleted as SWC is independently functioning now

38 In order to maintain manning level in all units/formations evenly within the Command as well as other Command, the longest stayee in the particular post/grade will be transferred from one region to another. For this purpose, the station/complex and approximate number of vacancies available will be published by CEs Command to enable the longest stayee to opt for three stations/complexes of choice from amongst such regions. If the number of vacancies available, posting will be considered in the order of seniority ie. longest stayee will get first opportunity to be adjusted as per option given. Those who could not be accommodated at the station/complex of their choice for want of vacancies will be posted as per job requirement.

Being part of CML, recommended to be deleted from the posting policy.

Statement of case giving detail justification is attached.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 5



With a view to ensure that an individual does not derive undue benefit or indulge in undesirable activities by remaining in the same seat/unit for considerable period, ie. more than three years, regular turnover from sensitive to non-sensitive appointment will be carried out. Posting from non-sensitive to sensitive appointment can be ordered after one year as per organization requirement. This will provide training and experience equally to all employees. The LTO may also be resorted to rationalizing the staff so as to neutralize the imbalance caused by TTP and CML postings.

Two amendments :LTO be carried out once in two years in Mar after TTP and tenure posting.CML policy already deleted.

There is dissimilarity in the strength of staff in various stations and by posting every year there is administrative problems. Hence it is recommended to carry out LTO once in two years.

40 The following categories of posts/appointment shall be identified as sensitive appointment:-

(i) JE(Civ) employed on executive appointments.(ii) JE(E/M) employed on executive appointments.(iii) JE(QS&C) employed in CWE office, GEs Division and dealing with contractual matters.(iv) Supvr B/S employed on procurement of stores/furniture.(v) Storekeeper Gde I/II employed on procurement and holding of stores/furniture.(vi) Office Supdt employed in GEs Division, E-3/E-8 section of GEs Division, E-3/E-8 sections of CsWE office, E-3/E-8 sections of CE Zones and E-8 section of CE Commands.(vii) UDCs/LDCs employed in posting Cell E1C(Con) of CE Zone/Command, As E-3, E-8 clerks in GE, CsWE & CE Zone, Sub division Clerks and Cashier of GEs Division.

No change

Note: Para 40 & 42 of posting policy amended vide DG (P) MES E-in-C’s Br letter No B/20148/PP/FRI/EIC(I) dt 24 Apr 2015.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

1 2 3 4 540A (i) (aa) LTO posting will be ordered after the issue of compassionate,

tenure, CML and peace to peace posting.

(ab) LTOs to be ordered by a Zonal Chief Engineer, if there is more than one Zonal Chief Engineer at a station, the function will be assigned to one of Zonal Chief Engineers by concerned CEs Command. For Hyderabad/Secunderabad stations, LTO will be ordered by ADG (OF & DRDO).

(ii) Under no circumstances posting issued under LTO will be allowed to be deferred beyond three months.

(iii) Tenure in a sensitive appointment not to exceed six years continuously. No individual should be allowed to stay for more than 3 years in a particular sensitive appointment in a unit.

(iv) JE(Civ) who volunteers for posting as JE(QS&C) or vice-versa may be considered by the competent authority for a short period of one or two tenures in the whole service without affecting the seniority.

LTO posting be ordered after issue of compassionate and tenure postings.

No change




40B Employment of JE(Civ/E&M) as SDO’T’ shall be considered while planning posting to executive appointments. It has been experienced that after issue of postings, individuals come up with representations that they were employed as SDO’T’ (Non-executive appointment). In all such cases the individuals must ensure publication of PTO to that effect indicating the period of such duties.

No change

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

41 Employment of JE(Civ/E&M) as SDO’T’ must be considered while planning posting to executive appointments. It has been experienced that after issue of postings, individuals come up with representations that they were employed as SDO’T’ (Non-executive appointment). In all such cases the individuals must ensure publication of PTO to that effect indicating the period of such duties.

To be deleted as the same is covered under para 40B above

42 (i) No Group ‘B’ (NG) employee shall spend more than 3 years in a unit and not more than 6years continuously in a complex, in a sensitive appointment, the employee shall be posted to a different complex in case of a sensitive appointment with the provision that he/she shall be considered for repatriation after three/two years to any of the three choice stations including the previous station to availability of a vacancy. In case a non-sensitive appointment is available in the same station, he/she can also be accommodated in that appointment subject to priority of adjustment of employee coming back on repatriation.

(ii) In compliance with the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India, the BOO for postings for Gp ‘B’ (NG) employees shall be ordered by CE Command with the composition as under:-

Presiding Officer - CE Zone/ACE of CE Command/Jt DG (Not dealing with posting/transfer)

Members Nos - One officer each from each Zone of the Command

Member Secretary - Col(Pers) CommandThe above Board of Officers shall submit the posting proposal to the Command strictly in consonance with the posting (within the ambit of guidelines issued by the E-in-C’s Branch). The posting proposal shall be processed to the Chief Engineer Command for his approval after a staff check by the dealing staff in the HQ Chief Engineer Command.

No change

It is intimated that the board proceedings prepared by staff officers in Command are generally signed by Board of Officers. For Example case of WC postings, which were cancelled? In other commands no board of officers is ordered. Staff officer issue unlimited posting orders.

In the case of WC no responsibility has been fixed uptill now. There is need to fix responsibility of such board of officers in case of irregularities.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

Further, the following points may be noted for compliance:-

(a) Some tenure stations of NC & EC shall be manned by other Commands. The number of posts and the tenure stations shall be identified by Northern Command and Eastern Command and sent to this HQ for approval. Ceiling shall be adjusted accordingly. This exercise should be completed by 15 Apr 2015.

Some tenure stations of NC & EC shall be manned by other Commands. However, during such situation, no individual from NC & EC are to be posted to other Commands as this will defeat the purpose of manning NC & EC. Further, discussions were held and it was agreed by the competent authorities to post individuals only to NC & EC and not similar posting from NC & EC. NC is posting individuals to WC and If this practice is continued, then posting to NC & EC from other Commands should be ceased.

Some tenure stations of NC & EC shall be manned by other Commands. However, during such situation, no individual from NC & EC are to be posted to other Commands as this will defeat the purpose of manning NC & EC. Further, discussions were held and it was agreed by the competent authorities to post individuals only to NC & EC and not similar posting from NC & EC. Nos NC is posting individuals to WC and If this practice is continued, then posting to NC & EC from other Commands should be ceased.

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Para No of existing policy

Existing posting policy Proposed changes Additional provision required

Detailed justification

43 Maximum tenure for Steno, D’Man and Clerical cadre (OS, Asstt, UDC, LDC) shall not be more than three years in a unit (including all categories of Group C’ non-sensitive)

Add CMD also and delete all categories of Group C non-sensitive being no meaning of this line and willingly misused by the authorities to disturb the employees.

Add CMD under LTO.

CMD also be covered under LTO being working in a same office & they are reluctant to perform their duties efficiently. Moreover, posting from non-sensitive to non-sensitive after three years has no meaning as LTO is specifically ordered from sensitive to non-sensitive vice-versa.

44 While turning over executive staff it will be ensured that the individuals is not posted back to the same Division after completion of tenure in another Division/staff appointment. He will, invariably, be considered for posting to another Division where he has not served earlier.

No change

45 There are certain satellite stations/complexes where only GE or AGE(I) is located and such turn over of staff as stipulated above may not be possible within the station/complex. Every Command CE maintains a list of such stations in case of stations/complexes, individuals due for turn over will be considered for posting to one of their choice stations/complexes. OC of such unit will forward list of employees due for turn over to CE Command through CWE and CE Zones.

No change

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46 Personnel employed on ‘Non Sensitive” appointment will be moved first and those employed on sensitive appointments will be moved within ten days on arrival of their replacement. Date of moves will be indicated accordingly in the turn over posting. Any delay in implementing moves will be resolved by mutual consulting between the units and will be referred to CE Zone/CE Command in case of any difficulty.

No change

47 Adjustment within the same station/complex and local turn over will be ordered by the CE Command/CE Zone/CWE (Senior most authority in the station/complex). However, CE Command only can order posting outside the station/complex(s) except wherein the powers have been delegated to the Zonal CEs. Authority empowered for local turn over will strictly comply and implement the LTO posting and render certificate to this effect regularly to CE Command under the signature of the CE Zone himself.

No change


Staff of promotion will be adjusted in the same station/complex (not necessary in the same unit) provided vacancies are available. However, if no vacancies are available in the same station/complex, the promotes will be adjusted in one of the three choice stations/complexes as far as possible except for those due for tenure turnover postings. However, individuals who have been repatriated from tenure stations/complexes, will not be moved on promotion and will be adjusted by posting out other senior most stayee in the stations/complexes. If vacancy is not available in any of the choice stations/complexes, the individual will be posted as per organizational requirement.

No change

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49 The representations, if any should be submitted within 15 days of receipt of posting order with an advance copy endorsed to CE Command. The acceptance of refusal of promotion is subject to the exigencies of service and is not a matter of right.

Amend it 30 days on receipt of posting orders received in concerned office

In para 61, it is 21 days and in para 49 it is15 days, which is unjustified hence 30 days is recommended.

50 The acceptance of refusal of promotion by the competent authority also does not confer a right of protection to the individual against transfer, if due, on other grounds in his/her present rank.

No change


The following guidelines for posting on mutual basis will be followed:-

(a) Individuals may themselves apply for mutual postings after completion of two years of physical stay in present station/office through proper channel.

(b) Mutual postings shall be ordered subject to the condition that the individuals concerned are not due for tenure posting.(c) All postings on mutual basis shall be at the expense of the individual.

No change

52POSTING ON ADMINISTRATIVE GROUNDSGroup ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees should not normally be transferred from one station to another except in very special circumstances like adjustment of surplus and deficiency, promotion, compassionate grounds/mutual basis, exigencies of service or as an administrative requirement. Mutual transfer will also be allowed.

To be deleted The posting types mentioned in this para are defined separately in para 8. As such ‘’Administrative”’ type is to be deleted as it has been manipulated many times in the deptt.

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53 Posting on Administrative ground or exigencies of services includes turn over posting to a hard/tenure station, maintaining essential manpower and posting on promotions, etc. However, it does not include posting out to substitute taking disciplinary action. Individuals guilty of misconduct are to be dealt with under the provisions of CCS (CCA) 1965 rules and not to be posted out on administrative grounds.

To be deleted as explained above

54ON ADJUSTMENT OF SURPLUS/DEFICIENCIESWhere units/formations are closed down due to reduction in workload the adjustment of surplus staff will be first done in the residual formations to make good deficiencies within the Command Manning Level. The remaining staff will be informed of the stations/complexes and approximate number of vacancies available in these stations/complexes of choice from amongst such individuals so as to enable to opt for three stations/complexes. If the number of optees for a particular station/complex is more than the number of vacancies available, posting will be considered in order of first priority to be adjusted as per the option given. Those who could not be accommodated at their stations/complexes of choice for want of vacancies, they will be posted as per job requirement. In all cases volunteers will be given first preference.

No change

55 In all cases where staff is rendered surplus, the re-adjustment will be carried out by posting out the longest stayees in the stations/complex. In case of posting involving Inter Command transfer, the junior-most person in the grade within the Command will be moved. When the surplus staff is to be adjusted with the Command, the staff concerned will be informed of the stations/complexes and approximate number of vacancies available there at, to enable them to opt for three stations/complexes of choice from amongst such stations/complexes. If number of optees for a particular station/complex is more than the number of vacancies available, posting till be considered in the order of seniority ie. longest stayee will get first opportunity to be adjusted as per the option given. Those could not be accommodated at their stations/complexes of choice for want of vacancies will be posted as per job requirement.

No change

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56 Due to exigencies of service, situation may arise when officers/works units are asked to move enbloc to other locations. In such cases the personnel to be moved will be selected bases on their length of service in the station/complex ie. the longest stayee will be moved making local adjustment.

No change

57.TIMES OF TRANSFERCare will be taken to ensure that transfers during the middle of the academic year are avoided as far as possible. Exceptions will be only to meet an emergent requirement in the exigencies of service. It will be desirable to give two months time in the posting order for completion of the move to enable an individual to sort out his personal administration. However, moves on administrative grounds may be ordered giving lesser time. General schedule for the bulk posting will be as under:-

No change

(a) Tenure Turn Over postings - Jan/Feb.(b) Compassionate postings -Feb/Mar and Aug/Sep.(c) Command Manning Level postings - Mar/Apr.(d) Local Turn Over/Satellite postings - May/Jun.

(a)Tenure Turn Over postings- Jan/Feb.(b)Compassionate postingsFeb/Mar and Aug/Sep.(c)Local Turn Over - end of Mar & once in two years. Delete Satellite postings being no meaning.

Justification already given in para 39.

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58AGE FACTORAll Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees will generally not be transferred preceding three years of their retirement except at their request to stations/complexes of their choice. However, if they have to move on promotion and if there is no clear vacancy in the station/complex where they are serving, they may be moved irrespective of the consideration of age.

Age Factor : Delete Gp D.For Tenure and other postings- (except LTO) preceding three years

For LTO : Preceding 1 year and 6 months.

Age factor for LTO is preceding 1 year and 6 months of his retirement

It has been experienced in LTO that existing clause of age not agreed by department for LTO and employees having less than one year posted. The pension proceedings starts by one year as such 1 year and 6 months is sufficient for exempting employee from LTO posting.

59FEMALE EMPLOYEESTaking into account the welfare of female employees they will be covered by the following policy norms:-

“ Female employees will not be posted to stations/complexes more than 80 Km from their existing station/complex to the extent possible. Where both the husband and wife are Central Government employees, the present policy to keep both at the same stations/complexes as far as possible will be maintained. However, organizational interest will take precedence over any other factor”.

It has been seen that female employees in many commands are posted beyond 80 KM. They should strictly be posted within 80 Kms radius.

60WIDOW/WIDOWERSWidow/Widowers with dependent children will not be posted out on tenure/CML posting as far as possible. The protection will cease after re-marriage.

No change

61REPRESENTATIONSRepresentation, if any against the posting order will be made by affected individuals (only) within 21 days of the receipt of posting order in concerned office who will ensure that the same is notified to the individual immediately. When the representation received through proper channel is considered and rejected by the competent authority, the concerned individual ahs to move without any further delay. Contingencies may arise when the individual is not satisfied by the decision of CE Command . In such cases the individual will be held up on this account. In case the decision of the E-in-Cs Branch is in his/her favour, the individual will be brought back at the Govt expense in the first availability vacancy.

Refer para 49. To be amended to 30 days on receipt of posting orders received in concerned office.

In para 61 it is shown 21 days and in para 49 it is15 days, which is unjustified, hence 30 days is recommended.

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62CONCLUSIONThis policy guidelines may be read in conjunction with other posting policies issued by this HQ. In case of contradiction, these guidelines will be precedence over earlier policies.

No change

63 Notwithstanding instructions contained in the SOP, a posting in the interest of organization and in the exigencies of service will always take precedence.

No change

64 Irrespective of what is stated here-in-before, E-in-C’s Branch will have over riding power to cancel, modify or hold in abeyance posting orders issued by CEs Command.

No change

NEW PARA Extension of tenure on child education groundOfficers have been granted extension of tenure whose child going to 12 th

class vide DG (Pers)/EIB, E-in-C’s, AHQ, New Delhi letters No B/20000/Policy/EIB dt 21 Apr 2015 and 24 Apr 2015. This policy should also be applicable to Gp B (NG) and Gp C.

- This clause may please be added in the revised policy

Similar facility may be given to other categories of employees in same department.

( Brij Kishore ) General Secretary

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1. Posting/transfer of Gp B (Non-Gazetted) and Gp C staff is mainly carried out by various Commands on the instructions issued by E-in-C’s Br., which is violative to the following guidelines issued by MoD and AG’s Branch.

(a)AG’s Br AHQ letter No 83584/Org4(Civ)(4) dt 11 Dec 1996 and Min of Def letter No 32(4)/73D(Appt) dt 21 May 1975:

(b) Point No 207 (2.8) of G.I.M.F OM No 7(2)E Coord/2007 dt 17 Sep 2007: TRANSFER POLICY“Transfer policies and the frequency & periodicity of transfers of official, whether within the country or overseas shall be reviewed, as frequent transfers cause avoidable instability, resulting in inadequate developments of expertise and grasp of the responsibilities, besides resulting in avoidable expenditure. All ministries including the Ministry of External affairs shall review the policies with a view to ensuring reasonable tenures at posting within the overall policy framework, thereby reducing the expenses on allowances and transfers”.

(c) During Aug 1993 in a meeting chaired by JS (E), Min of Defence, it was promised by ADG (Pers) of E-in-C’s Br that they will minimize the posting of low paid employees and thereafter a direction was issued by Min of Defence vide letter No 8(3)/72-D(Appts) dt 20 Aug 1993 stating that none LDC and UDC be posted out due to low paid employee. The existing Govt. has also issued instructions that un-necessary expdr. should be minimized. But E-in-C has issued instructions to all commands to issue indiscriminate posting transfer of LDSs, UDCs and Office Supdt, resulting approx 100 court cases has been filed, which entail a huge monitory loss to individuals concerned and Govt of India.

2. As per para 8 of Guidlines Management of Gp ‘C’& ‘D’ posts of MES (Aug 2007), the following contingencies warrants transfer of personnel from one place to another.

a) Tenure stations/complexes turnover.b) Compassionate grounds.c) Maint of Command manning level (CML)d) Local turn overe) Promotionsf) Mutual basis.g) Administrative groundsh) Adjustment of surplus/deficiency.

2. It reveals from the above that 8 types of postings are existing in M.E.S Deptt. The most disappointing is 2 (c), Command manning level (CML), which has been used by the officers of all Commands as a punishment tools. 3. CML posting policy has no approval from MoD and DOP&T. It is a fastened policy of E-in-C’s Br on the employees.


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4. As per para 36 (d) of E-in-C;s Br posting policy of 2007, preference will be given to volunteers, newly recruited and Ex-Servicemen and those who recruited under DCRE should be posted to stations having more deficiency. But Commands are not following this policy, they are posting individuals from one station and issue appointment letter under DCRE for same station. Recent case is of WC who appointed 19 LDCs under DCRE at Delhi and posted out 14 from Delhi under CML. All Commands are doing such type of postings.

5. There is alredy huge shortage of clerical cadre in the department. Transferring the employee from one station to another under CML has no justification. Department has already started outsourcing of clerical and data feeding operator. But, Commands are showing surpluses of LDCs and UDCs and posting them under CML and on the other hand outsourcing clerical and data feeding operator on the same station.

6. The following cases of wrong postings under CML are hereby brought to your kind notice please.

(a) Western Command who issued huge CML postings in Aug 2015 as inter complex and within complex and after heavy resentment of Association, E-in-C’s Br. issued orders to WC to cancel the same and they cancelled the within complex, but after the directions of DG (Pers) verbally as well as written ( dt 20 Oct 2015), WC has cancelled the inter complex postings in Jan 2016 . It is evident that how the orders of AHQ, E-in-C’s Br. have been disobeyed by WC.

(b) CML posting/transfer case of HQ CE SWC Jaipur is also brought to your kind notice. HQ, CE, SWC has carried out CML postings in Oct 14, Nov 2014, May 2015, Jul 2015 and in Oct 2015 . As per para 57 of 2007 E-in-C’s Br. posting policy, time of CML is Mar/Apr and it is evident from the above posting orders that SWC is continously doing the postings/transfer under CML through out the year. As per posting order dt 10 Oct 2015, 2 UDCs from Jaipur have been posted out and as per letter dt 17 Oct 2015 volunters (UDC) for Jaipur asked for. LDC/UDC from Bhtinda has earlier been posted out and now volunteers for these stations asked for. So is the case of Central Command, who is also issuing bulk posting orders under CML and recently Lt Col Awasthi, SO I (Pers) of HQ CE Central Command has been posted out from Command on this basis.

7. Establishment is based only on Auth, Holding, Sur. & Def. Only Authorization & holding is mandatory. No-body could justify CML being ill creation to disturb the employee as well as department. However, the deficiency could be make up by complete fresh recruitment and timely promotion and remaining by outsourcing, if necessary

8. The Association is regularly demanding for cancellation of CML posting policy due to reasons mentioned above. Most of the commands are doing postings as per their convenience and violating the laid down policy. There is also huge monetary loss to the state on account of TA/DA.

9. CML can be avoided by adopting correct procedure. All the fresh recruitment be made at deficient stations as per para 36 (d) of E-in-C’s Br. posting policy of 2007. Outsourcing if required is carried out at deficient stations.

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10. POSTING ON ADMINISTRATIVE GROUNDS : The transfer on administrative grounds covered “adjustment of surplus/deficiency, promotion, compassionate grounds, mutual basis, exigencies of services or as an administrative requirement”. These grounds are already mentioned in para 8 (a to h), as such, there is no need of separate clause. Hence it is recommended to delete this clause from policy.

11. It is further intimated that CML policy has now become obsolete. In view of above, the Command Manning Level posting Policy is recommended to be deleted from posting policy.

( Brij Kishore ) General SecretaryDated: 26 Feb 2016