viet dreams year end magazine

A 501(C)(3) CHARITY ORGANIZATION VIETNAM UNITED STATES Get Involved Ryan Phung Water Kontum For a better community Water & Libraries Kontum, Vietnam | issue 002 | 2012 VIET DREAMS Every Kid Deserves to Dream Big

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We are proud to announce that in year 2012, with your supports, VIet Dreams was able to install 18 water filtration systems both in Quang Nam, Danang, & Kontum benefiting more than 9000 orphans and unfortunate students, bring the total systems we had installed in Vietnam to 31 systems up to date.



Get InvolvedRyan PhungWater

KontumFor a better communityWater & LibrariesKontum, Vietnam | issue 002 | 2012VIET DREAMS

Every Kid Deserves to Dream Big

2 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

The DreamTeam


Last year, with your support,

we raised over 92,000 dol-

lars. This amount has been trans-

ferred to many successful projects.

We have built two wells, 17 filtering

systems, replaced 4 bridges for 7

orphanage centers. We were able

to bring clean water to over 8000

orphan kids. As we all know, clean

water is the best way to prevent

many infections and illnesses .

Earlier this year, we went back

to VN to inspect these installa-

tions and to learn first hand of

their conditions. We also wanted to

make sure your generous donation

reached the most needed people. It

frightened us to see kids and even

the people who care for them suf-

fer. We are proud of the sisters brav-

ery and their will to help these poor

minority kids. With your support,

we have achieved so much in one

year but it does not stop here. I am

excited that we have many future

projects that you can join us.

Kính thưa quý mạnh thường

quân & quý ân nhân,

Cùng nhìn lại những thành

quả trong năm vừa qua, chúng tôi

vui mừng đựơc trình bày với quý

vị rằng VD đã gây quỹ được hơn

92,000 USD, đã xây dựng được 17

máy lọc nước & 4 thư viện tài trợ

bởi BeCause VN, cho 7 trại mồ côi

và 17 trường học, cung câ’p nguồn

nước sạch đến cho hơn 8,000 trẻ

em kém may mắn, góp phần hạn

chế bệnh tật và nâng cao hơn đời

sống các em.

Trân trọng những đồng tiền

đóng góp đầy tình thương, mồ hôi

và nước mắt của quí vị, chúng tôi đã

về tận nơi, giám sát tại chổ và kiểm

tra mọi quy trình lắp đặt để đãm

bảo rằng tấm lòng rộng rãi nhân

ái của quý vị sẽ đựơc xữ dụng hiệu

quả nhất.

Có trở lại quê hương, có được

nhìn tận mắt những thiếu thốn

cùng cực của các em, những mãng

đời quá nhiều đau khổ tự thửơ lọt

lòng, chúng tôi mới cảm nhận ₫ược

trọn vẹn giá trị to lớn mà quý vị đã

thương yêu mà chăm sóc, đóng

góp. Còn biết bao những hoàn

cảnh khốn cùng, còn biết bao

mãnh đời đáng được cứu gíup .

Quãng đừơng trước mặt dù có còn

xa xôi dịu vợi, nhưng chúng tôi –

cùng với sự đồng hành xẽ chia của

quý vị, luôn tự hứa với lòng rằng sẽ

mãi mãi cố gắng.

Xin phép được thay mặt Viet

Dreams và tất cả các trẻ em tại Việt

Nam, nơi cách xa nơi này hơn nữa

vòng trái đất, chúng tôi một lần nữa

kính gởi đến quý vị lòng biêt ơn

chân thành và sâu sắc. Mong quý vị

tiếp tục ủng hộ & cùng góp tay với

chúng tôi bắt đầu những dự án mới

trong tuơng lai.

Xuan-Nhut Tran

Vice Chairman, Viet Dreams

From our Vice Chairman

get in touch...Email [email protected] Phone 408-410-4920 Website

Help one kid a day

Another Milestone 2012

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 3


Our missiom is to provide disadvan-

taged children in Vietnam and Unit-

ed States with better educational opportuni-

ties and a more healthy, sustainable way of

living. It is our duty to provide these children

with clean water, vital medical supplies and

educational assistance so that they may live

better lives and one day fulfill their dreams.

The Team

Khac-Quan Nguyen

[Founder / Executive Director]

Anthony Tran Quoc My [Chairman]

Xuan-Nhut Tran [Vice Chairman]

Cuc Trinh [Treasurer]

Jacqueline Vo [Secretary of the Board]

Cong-Nguyen Bui [Project Coordinator /

Danang Vietnam]

Doan Tran [Project Coordinator / Saigon


Nhan-Ai Dang [Project Coordinator - US]

Chi Nguyen [Outreach Coordinator]

Dinh Ly

Trinity Vu

Accomplishments in 2012

17 UV drinking systems at 17 kindergarten & elementary schools in

Kontum And Quang Nam - Danang

Coordination for setting up 4 libraries in Kontum on behalf of Vietnam

Fund and BeCause Vietnam organizations

Christmas festival in Kontum for more than 1000 orphans and low-income

children in Konray - Kontum

100%of every dollar

donated went

to our projects

Another Milestone 2012

4 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Locations Helped in 2012Water projects done between January 2012 & Janu-

ary 2013

Another Milestone 2012

NameSao Mai OrphanageHoa Sen KindergartenHoa Tien KindergartenHoa Phuoc Elementary #1Hoa Phuoc Elementary #2Hoa Tien Elementary #1Hoa Chau ElementaryBe Van Dan ElementaryNguyen Huu Canh ElementaryLuong The Vinh ElementaryDang Tran Con ElementaryNguyen Viet Xuan ElementaryDao Duy Tu ElementaryDuy Nghia Elementary #1Duy Nghia Elementary #2Duy Nghia KindergartenDuy Hai Elementary

LocationPleikuQuang NamDa NangDa NangDa NangDa NangDa NangKontumKontumKontumKontumKontumKontumQuang NamQuang NamQuang NamQuang Nam


Date Completed04-01-201207-05-201207-05-201207-05-201207-05-201207-05-201207-05-201208-12-201208-12-201208-12-201208-12-201210-10-201210-10-201201-04-201301-04-201301-04-201301-04-2013


nulluptate magna faccum zzriliquis


e magna faccum zzriliquis


nulluptate magna faccum zzriliquis

Total Progress-2012

6 PARTNERS magna


Viet Dreams | Report # 2 5

Another Milestone 2012

S u p p o r t s a n d E x p e n s e s - Y e a r 2 0 1 2


Public Support Individuals $32,224 Corporations $22,940 Foundations and other organizations $3,520Special Event Revenue Ticket Sales $37,720 Auctions $1,627 Total Public Support and Revenue $98,031

Water Projects $34,671Food, tuitions and other needs for Kontum $2,655BeCause Vietnam projects $9,504Travel and other expenses $1,448Professional fee, postage, printing, publication $510Net direct benefit to donor ( Event Tickets) $14,481Auction and PR items $500 Partial payment for 2011 event $6,595 Total Expenses $70,364




6 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Each system helps 500 kids“Diseases from unsafe

water and lack of basic

sanitation kill more

people every year than

all forms of violence,

including war”

Charity Water

Another Milestone 2012




systems at orphanages in Kontum

Elelmentaryschools in Quang Nam-Danang

Kindergartenschools inQuang Nam

Elementaryschools inQuang Nam



Since 2011, with your gener-

osity, Viet Dreams has been

able to help more than 8000 kids at

7 orphanages, 3 kindergarten and

13 elementary schools throughout

Kontum, Gialai, Quang Nam and

Danang areas. Each system would

fulfil the water need for up to 500

students and people living around

the community. With our ambitious

dream, we would like to provide this

system to every single kindergar-

ten and elementary school in 4

regions. Each of these sophisticated

Ultraviolet clean water systems

could produce up to 500 litters of

drinking water per hour.

Christmas activitiesfor over 1000 kids

In the last 2 years, with the sup-

port from Dr. Anne Dang from-

Montreal Canada, Viet Dreams was able

to organize Christmas parties for

8 orphanages in Kontum, benefit-

ting more than 1000 unfortunate

children. The event includes

activities like group dances, singing,

games, story time, dinners and gifts for

each kid.

Nguyen Huu CanhElementary - Kontum

Collaborated with Viet Tribune Media. 150 gifts were given

out to low-income families and children at Domestic Violence

Prevention Center

Christmas Toy Drive 2011-US

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 7

Children at Vinh Son Orphanage #4

Support more than 8,000 kids Orphanages, Kindergarten, Elementary Schools, & Community center in Kontum, Gialai, Danang, Quang Nam

We work closely with other non-profit

organizations in these locations and

keep an up-to-date database to ensure that all

needs are met without the chance of resource

misallocations by doing work that may have

already been done.Every year, each organiza-

tion can take turn to have representatives come

and visit the plants.

Our clean water system can help to

eliminate the expenses of $100 per

month for drinking water at each school, and to

reduce the time teachers used for hauling clean

water from outside, so they can concentrate

and spend more time teaching.

Another Milestone 2012

New UV Systems16 schools in Kontum and Quang Nam

received new UV water filtration systems from

Viet Dreams in year 2012. Majority of them

had to spend almost $100 per month for drink-

ing water. Some had clean water for the first

time. Total 3 kindergarten and 13 elementary

schools benefited.

MaintenanceEvery 2 months, Viet Dreams vendor would

visit our water filtration systems at 28 current

locations to perform maintenance to ensure

these systems and parts are functioning prop-

erly. Each system cleansing and proper filters

replacement cost approximately $50 every 2


New Libraries4 brand new libraries were set up under the

coordination of Viet Dreams with the fund and

support from BeCause Vietnam chairity and

Vietnam Fund for Education, Music, and


8 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

BeCause Vietnam

BeCause’s mission is to bring

hope and optimism to the

less fortunate. They strive to

achieve their goal through carefully

vetted projects that focus on both long

term benefits to the communities, as well

as short term humanitarian aid relief

where needed. Through their work, they

hope to raise awareness of impoverish-

ment in Vietnam, and improve the lives

of those in need. BeCause Vietnam has

been collaborating with Viet Dreams on

different projects including library and

clean water in Kontum. http://becausevi-

Another Milestone 2012

Collaboration & Partnership

Since 2011, Viet Dreams has been collaborating with Friends of Vinhson to help 7 orphanages in

Kontum and Pleiku on clean water. Every 2 months, with support from Viet Dreams and FVSO ,

more than 12 systems at these locations receive regular maintenance and service to make sure

more than 1000 users always receive the best water. With support from Vietnam Fund and BeCause

Vietnam charity, Viet Dreams were able to set up another 17 systems at kindergarten and elementary

schools in Kontum, Quang Nam and Danang. With our good connections and resource throughout the

central areas of Vietnam, Viet Dreams also helped other organization to setup library programs at 4

elementary schools in Kontum. We believe in collaboration and are open to join partnership with differ-

ent organization in order to bring more resources to children in need in Vietnam.


Viet Dreams | Report # 2 9

Another Milestone 2012

Dang Tran Con - KontumCoordinated by Viet Dreams for beCause & Vietnam Charity


An 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, Friends of Vinh

Son Montagnard Orphanage, Vietnam, provides a

coordinated effort to raise resources (cash and in-

kind gifts) that provide a happier and more fulfilling quality of

life for the children at Orphanage. In the last 2 years, FVSO and

Viet Dreams have been collaborating on coordinating Christ-

mas party projects and water maintenance for 7 orphanages in


Our association with Viet Dreams has been wonderful. They have

well qualified people in country. They produced a clear analysis and ac-tion plan for each site.

Patrick LearyBoard Member of FVSO


The Vietnam Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to improv-

ing the lives of children in Vietnam through the support of primary

school libraries, education for orphaned girls, clean drinking water

systems, school food programs, and traditional music and musicians”.

“VFEMI was founded by Jane Coyle who worked for over two decades

providing services to refugees and immigrants in the US, and as creator and

director of an international adoption program placing Vietnamese and Eth-

nic Minority children with US families prior to starting the Vietnam Fund”.

Since you gave us a library everything here is more beauti-ful and more bright …Teachers

and students come to the library often to read books.They also come to school earlier in the

morning to take time to visit the reading room.Trinh Cong Hue

Head master of Nguyen Huu Canh Elementary

Friends of Vinh Son

Collaborating with Viet Dreams opens a door for us to the world of doing good deed. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to make a lasting impact to the less fortu-nate communities in Vietnam. We could not have done it without your guidance. Looking forward to our future projects to change one community at a time.Chi NguyenFounder of BeCause Vietnam

10 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Alexa Tran

Anne Dang

Annie Le

Andy Nguyen

Anhtuan Truong

Anthony My Tran

Bob Wong

beCause Vietnam


Carol Morodomi

Casino 580


Christopher Tran

Cuc Trinh

Dean Giang

Fund for Vietnam

Gia Cat Le

Friends of Vinhson

Hai Nguyen

Han Tran

Helen Trinh

Hoang Tuan Nguyen

Hung Phat USA

Hoang Le


James DePaul

Jonathan Tran

Justin Le

Khoe dep vui center

Kim Tin

Lan Tran

Lan Cao

Le Quoc Tuan

Lien Huong Pham

Lu Quan Trung Trac

Quoc Hoc Hue

Flowers by Ivy

Nhut Tran

Phu-Van Bui

Rick Flynn

Ryan Phung

Sheryl Einfalt

Skylawn Memorial Park

Teri Tran

Thanh Nguyen

Thanh-Tung Vo

Tho Ha

Tiffany Tran

Tina Tien

Tri Pham

Trinh-Ai Tasedan

Tu Phung

Uyen Le

UyenBinh Nguyen

Viet Tran

Vietnam Fund

Vinh Nguyen

Another Milestone 2012




Flowers by Ivy

Tax Consultation of America

ABSIncome Tax

101 Collison CenterSkylawn


Anhtuan TruongStevens Creek Toyota

Dr. Anthony-My Tran’sFamily

Kim Tin’sFamily

We gratefully acknowledge and thank those individuals and companies whose generous contributions have made our mission accomplished

Donors to Viet Dreams - 01-01-2012 > 01-30-2013

Viet Dreams Donors

Dr. Nguyen Hoang TuanChef Chu’s

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 11

Join & Support UsGIVE A HAND

We use our musical

talents to raise the

necessary funds to support

our projects. The majority

of our funding coming from

benefit concerts, auctions,

sponsors, and selling CDs

and various artworks. Our

mission is to give disadvan-

taged children in Vietnam

better educational opportu-

nities and healthier lives by

providing them with scholar-

ships, clean water & medical


Donate Money. Make an instant , secure tax-deductible contribution with your credit card


Visit our shop and purchase items donated from our artists and Viet Dreams branded


Make a matching gift through your companies to double the contribution. Viet Dreams is

on all trusted matching programs of majority of companies.

$3 Provides a kid access to clean-

drinking water

$1,400 To set up one UV

water filtration

system for a school of 500 kids

1 0 0 % o f y o u r d o n a t i o n g o e s t o o u r p r o j e c t s

Reach us at408-410-4920

[email protected]

Viet Dreams P.O. Box 360624. Milpitas, CA 95036-0624

Facebook: VietDreams

Twitter: VietDreamsOrg

Tax ID: 27-4115634

Donate now from your phone

12 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Get Involved

Tran Nguyen


The Tran Family

Another Milestone 2012

FLOWERS BY IVYFlowers-by-Ivy donates lovely ar-rangements to Viet Dreams for auction during the First Year Anniversary event. Thanks to Ivy for her thoughtful support!

HUNG PHAT USA A beautiful diamond necklace at value of $1,850 was given to Viet Charm event for First Prize Raffle. Thanks for their gen-erosity and strong community support!

GIANG FAMILYThis set of 2 Silver Oak, 2 Giang family special order & wine set was auctioned at Viet Charm event and help to provide 50% the cost a of water system.

MARTELLSpecial thanks to Mr. Jet Duong, Martel ambassador, for your generous dona-tions at last 2 events.

Tran Nguyen & her mother, Tina Tien

I still remember the first Viet Dreams event I attend-

ed with my family and seeing the pictures of these

underprivileged schools in Vietnam. Hearing the statistics of

the number of deaths and sickness that occur due to the lack of

access to clean water really disturbed me and made me think

about how lucky I was to be able to live in America. When the

pictures of the elementary schools and children popped up on

the screen, I couldn’t help but be moved by the fact that these

kids won’t have access to clean drinking water, which could

essentially kill them. I asked my mom if I could donate some of

the graduation money I had received earlier that month. She

looked at me and I saw in her eyes that she was very proud of

me for doing something like this. I ended up donating $1,500

to Viet Dream for the development of a water filter system to

provide access to clean water for ……Elementary School.

Giving will make our lives more meaningful so please

if you can do so, save some of your dollar bills to contribute to

Viet Dreams. I believe that the Viet Dreams organization can do

a lot for Vietnam, but they need more helping hands in order to

make the kids’ lives better. Think about the kids!

Jonathan, Alexa, and Christopher Tran attended the Viet

Charm charity event last year and put their savings together to

support Viet Dreams by selecting a project for clean water that

would help the greatest number of children.

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 13

...we can help for those who have too little.....

My story is very

simple. One day in

August 2012, we were sitting and

planning for Ryan’s one year old

birthday. Knowing that Ryan is little

with a big heart, he simply gives and

share everything he has to anyone

around him, he does it by reaching

his hands straight out and screams

for your attention until you take what

he has in his hands. Ryan would give

away all his pass-it-down toys to his

cousins and adults until he has noth-

ing left. To signify his give successes,

he smiles! With that said, we decided

to pledge Ryan’s birthday gifts from

our friends and families to build

water wells or filtration systems for

people who are in need of clean wa-

ter, especially for young children. We

raised enough money for two water

filtration systems

We reached out to Viet

Dreams and cooperated closely with

the organization. We will donate and

install two water filtration systems

on campus for each of the selected

school. The first water filtration

systems will serve clean water to 388

children. The second site is being determined.

I must say, I owe it to America and the American people who have strived before in order for me to have abundance

clean water for me and for my children and all of the children living in America. We have a challenge ahead of us, it is not

whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is if we can help for those who have too little.

This is Ryan’s father, I did

not have to travel far to

collect stories of how children had gone

walking for hours to collect water. I

had bear the burden of water collection

when I was young, walking 10 miles

daily to the nearest water source and

carry two gallons of unprotected water

home for cooking and drinking. Haul-

ing cans of water for long distances take

a toll on my spine and I am experience

back pain early in life.

I Gave up My 1st Birthday

...we can help for

those who have too

little....Tu Phung

Ryan’s father

Another Milestone 2012

Ryan Phung-1 Year Old-Los Angeles

Tran Nguyen & her mother, Tina Tien

14 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Nhan AiAvailable @

P.O. Box 612324 San Jose CA, 95161

408-839-3472 / [email protected]

Muisc for Time of LossLequoctuan.Net / / Itunes Store

408-705-6428 / [email protected]

Viet Tribune Media1590 Oakland Rd., Ste. # B210

San Jose, CA 95131

408- 437-9006 /

Nathalie Tran2635 Cunningham Ave. #D2

San Jose, CA 95148

408-724-8678 /

Nga Thanh Truong 1905 Concourse Dr. San Jose CA 95131

408-526-1800 / 408-892-1299 [email protected]

THANK YOU...Friends and Supporters

Bargain Fancy Posh

Justin Le319 Brokaw Road. Santa Clara, CA 95050

Phone: 408-727-6811

Feeling Inspired? Contact us to be in this featured section [email protected]

Another Milestone 2012

License # OD29818

Viet Face TV1430 Tully Rd. #403 San Jose, CA 95122

Tel. 408-891-5215

Tax Consultation Of AmericaVan Pham, C.P.A / Cuc Trinh, E.A

88 Tully Road #106. San Jose, CA 95111

Tel. 408-971-1888

TM North Valley Dental CareNguyen Hoang Tuan D.D.S.

2470 Berryesa Road, Ste. I, San Jose, CA 95133

Tel. 408-254-4567

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 15

Roger Lam

Roger Lam is a graduate from the drum department of Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, CA. He was born in East Coast but raised in the Bay Area in a

loving family. Roger had developed his drum obssesion since he was at young age. Despite the succesful business career of his family, he followed his dream to be a musician. He has a wide range of experiences including: marching with nonprofit organizations associated with DCI, high school level teaching experience, as well as making various appearances within the Vietnamese community through produc-tions such as Thuy Nga Paris by Night and Asia Entertainment. Beside his regular performance on these music videos, Roger is a bright and cheerful drum instructor who would love to share his experience and knowledge to the younger generation at VQT Music Academy in Orange County.

The most exciting event in year 2013 for Roger is joining with his own band - The Four Seasons - at “Summer Serenade” night. It is not only his band debut event but it is also a memorable and meaningful activity for him and peers.

Welcome home, Roger! Congrats to the new talented “The Four Seasons” band from OC!

I have always had a passion to be able to help unfor-tunate children from across the globe. It breaks my heart to see that there are so many children who needs our help, from orphans, to diseased, or just

living in destruction and poverty. In 2012, I was given an opportunity from Viet Dreams to volunteer in one of their charity event called, Viet Charms. Little did I know, that single event, changed my life forever. To be involved in a charity organization like Viet Dreams and to be able to work with a few others who share the same passion and goal is remarkably rewarding. I cannot ask for anything more than to begin my journey, along with a few friends from Viet Dreams, to help those in needs from all over the world. Still today, I believed there are far too many children who have been deprived of their past and endure a cruel present. Nonetheless, amidst all of this devastation, what strikes me, and what gives me hope, is the determination of Viet Dreams and our community to make sure children from across the world receive the help they need, despite the risks.

Trinity Vu

Little did I know,

that single event,

changed my life forever

New Faces

16 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Events Activities


Another Milestone 2012

One Year AnniversaryVietnamese Idol - Phuong Vy

Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto December 2011

Ao Dai presentation Viet Charm 2012

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 17

Celebrating our first birthday at Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto

December 2011

Valencia Hotel - Santana Row Viet Charm

Another Milestone 2012

One Year Anniversary

At Chef Chu’sAppreciation dinner 2012

Our guests participated in the charade game

Decorated by Flowers by Ivy

Thanh Ha & The Up Beat band

Viet Charm - VIP activitiesValencia Hotel - Santana Row

18 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

Give a Hand Improve Lives

They gave a hand every time.

Another Milestone 2012

Mrs. & Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tuan

Hung Phat USAPresenting the grand prizeWe are grateful to have Flowers by Ivy as our

main floral arrangement and decoration agent for all Viet Dreams occasions since the first day. And Thank you for all in-kind gifts.

“After the event, memories are all that you are left with, and Christine and her assistant did such a marvelous job capturing every happy moment that will never be forgotten....

Viet Dreams | Report # 2 19

On behalf of Viet Dreams, a nonprofit organization dedicated to im-

proverish children in Vietnam, we are humbly grateful and ap-

preciative of your donation. Without your generosity, our mission to give

these innocent lives a better future would be nearly impossible.

Please know that your funding will go directly into building essential

water systems, providing educational materials and the most basic

necessities that all humans are entitled to. Our organization is filled with

the most dedicated and honest people, who have fully committed their

time and efforts to give these youths a chance to live their dreams.

Flowers by Ivy

Christine Jade Photo

20 Viet Dreams | Report # 2

One Year Anniversary

5:00 PMSATURDAYJULY 27, 2013


Summer Serenade | [email protected] | 408.410 .4921

valencia hotel-santana row355 santana row san jose

A fundraising event | benefitting viet dreams

reception | dinner | auction | music