video synopsis yael pritch alex rav-acha shmuel peleg the hebrew university of jerusalem

Video Synopsis Yael Pritch Alex Rav-Acha Shmuel Peleg The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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Page 1: Video Synopsis Yael Pritch Alex Rav-Acha Shmuel Peleg The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Video Synopsis

Yael Pritch Alex Rav-Acha Shmuel Peleg

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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Detective Series: “Elementary”

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Video Surveillance Problem

• It took weeks to find these events in video archives.

• Cost of a lost information or a delay may be very high.

Terrorists, London tube, 7-7-05Cologne Train Bombs, 31-7-06

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Challenges in Video Surveillance

• Millions of surveillance cameras are installed, capturing data 24/365

• Number of cameras and their resolution increases rapidly

• Not enough people to watch captured data

• Human Attention is Lost after ~20 Minutes

• Result: Recorded Video is Lost Video– Less than 1% of surveillance video is


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Handling Surveillance Video

• Object Detection and Tracking– Background Subtraction

• Object Recognition– Individual people

• Activity Recognition– Left luggage; Fight

• A lot of progress done. More work remains.

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• Object Detection and Tracking– Background Subtraction (Assume Done)

• Object Recognition (Do not use)– Individual people

• Activity Recognition (Do not use)– Left luggage; Fight

• A lot of progress done. More work remains.

• Let People do the Recognition

Handling Surveillance VideoVideo Synopsis

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Video Synopsis

Video SynopsisOriginal video

• A fast way to browse & index video archives.• Summarize a full day of video in a few minutes.• Events from different times appear simultaneously.• Human inspection of synopsis!!!

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Synopsis of Surveillance VideosHuman Inspection of Search Results

• Serve queries regarding each camera:– Generate a 3 minutes video showing

most activities in the last 24 hours– Generate the shortest video showing all

activities in the last 24 hours

• Each presented activity points back to original time in the original video

• Orthogonal to Video Analytics

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Non-Chronological Time

Dynamic Mosaicing Video Synopsis


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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Dynamic Mosaics

Non Chronological Time

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HandheldStereo Mosaic

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Mosaic Image

Original framesstrips

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Frame tl



Frame tk


Mosaic Image


Visibility region

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First Slice

Last Slice


Creating Dynamic Panoramic Movies

First Mosaic - Appearance

Last Mosaic - Disappearance

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Dynamic Panorama: Iguazu Falls



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From Video In to Video OutConstructing an aligned

Space-Time Volume




bAlignment: Parallax, Dynamic Scenes, etc.

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Stationary Camera Panning Camera


Aligned ST Volume: View from Top

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Generate Output VideoSweeping a “Time Front” surface

Time is not chronological any more


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Generate Output VideoSweeping a “Time Front” surface

Time is not chronological any more


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Evolving Time Frontu



Mapping each TF to a new frame using spatio-temporal interpolation

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Example: Demolition

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Example: Racing

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Dynamic Panorama: Thessaloniki

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Creating Panorama: 4D min-cutAligned space-time




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Mosaic Stitching Examples

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Mosaic Stitching Examples

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Video Synopsis and IndexingMaking a Long Video Short

• 11 million cameras in 2008• Expected 30 million in 2013• Recording 24 hours a day, every day

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Explosive growth in cameras…




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Handling the Video Overflow

• Not enough people to watch captured data

• Guards are watching 1% of video

• Automatic Video Analytics covers less than 5%

– Only when events can be accurately defined & detected

• Most video is never watched or examined!!!

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A Recent Example

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• Key framesC. Kim and J. Hwang. An integrated scheme for object-based video abstraction. In ACM Multimedia, pages 303–311, New York, 2000.

• Collection of short video sequencesA. M. Smith and T. Kanade. Video skimming and characterization through the combination of image and

language understanding. In CAIVD, pages 61–70, 1998.

• Adaptive Fast Forward N. Petrovic, N. Jojic, and T. Huang. Adaptive video fast forward. Multimedia Tools and Applications,

26(3):327–344, August 2005.

Entire frames are used as the fundamental building blocks

• Mosaic images together with some meta-data for video indexingM. Irani, P. Anandan, J. Bergen, R. Kumar, and S. Hsu. Efficient representations of video sequences

and their applications. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 8(4):327–351, 1996.

• Space Time Video montageH. Kang, Y. Matsushita, X. Tang, and X. Chen. Space-time video montage. In CVPR’06, pages 1331–

1338, New-York, June 2006.

Related Work (Video Summary)

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• We proposed Objects / Events based summary as opposed to Frames based summary– Enables to shorten a very long video

into a short time

– No fast forward of objects (preserve dynamics)

– Causality is not necessarily kept

Object Based Video Summary

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Original video: 24 hours Video Synopsis: 1 minute

Video Synopsis• Browse Hours in Minutes• Index back to Original Video

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Video SynopsisShift Objects in Time

Input Video I(x,y,t)

Synopsis Video S(x,y,t)

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Objects Extracted to Database







How does Video Synopsis work?

Original: 9 hours

Video Synopsis:30 seconds


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How Does Video Synopsis works

Original: 9 hours

Video Synopsis:30 seconds

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• Detect and track objects, store in database.• Select relevant objects from database• Display selected objects in a very short

“Video Synopsis”• In “Video Synopsis”, objects from different

times can appear simultaneously• Index from selected objects into original video• Cluster similar objects

Steps in Video Synopsis

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Input Video


Synopsis Video


Object “Packing”

• Compute object


• Pack objects in shorter

time (minimize overlap)

• Overlay objects on top

of time-laps background

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Example: Monitoring a Coffee Station



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Original Movie Stroboscopic Movie

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Panoramic Synopsis

Panoramic synopsis is possible when the camera is rotating.


Panoramic Video Synopsis

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Endless video – Challenges

• Endless video – finite storage (“forget” events)

• Background changes during long time periods

• Stitching object on a background from a different time

• Fast response to user queries

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Online Monitoring• Online Monitoring (real time)

– Compute background (background model)– Find Activity Tubes and insert to database– Handle a queue of objects

• Query Service– Collect tubes with desired properties (time…)– Generate Time Lapse Background– Pack tubes into desired length of synopsis– Stitching of objects to background

2 Phase approach

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Online Monitoring• Online Monitoring (real time)

– Compute background (background model)– Find Activity Tubes and insert to database– Handle a queue of objects

• Query Service– Collect tubes with desired properties (time…)– Generate Time Lapse Background– Pack tubes into desired length of synopsis– Stitching of objects to background

2 Phase approach

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Extract TubesObject Detection and

Tracking• We used a simplification of

Background-Cut*– combining background subtraction

with min-cut

• Connect space time tubes component

• Morphological operations

* J. Sun, W. Zhang, X. Tang, and H. Shum. Background cut. In ECCV, pages 628–641, 2006

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Extract Tubes

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The Object Queue

• Limited Storage Space with Endless Video– May need to discard objects

• Estimate object usefulness for future queries– “Importance” (application dependent)– Collision Potential – Age: discard older objects first

• Take mistakes into account….

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Query Service• Online Monitoring (real time)

– Pre-Processing : remove stationary frames– Compute background (temporal median)– Find Activity Tubes and insert to database– Handle a queue of objects

• Query Service– Collect tubes with desired properties (time…)– Generate Time Lapse Background– Pack tubes into desired length of synopsis– Stitching of objects to background

2 Phase approach

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Time-Lapse Background

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Time-Lapse Background

• Time Lapse background goals– Represent background changes over time– Represent the background of activity tubes

Activity distribution over time(parking lot 24 hours)

20% night frames

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Tubes Selection

Guidelines for the tubes arrangement :• Maximum “activity” in synopsis• Minimum collision between objects• Preserve causality (temporal consistency)

This defines energy minimization process :

A time mapping between the input tubes and the appearance time in the output synopsis

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Energy Minimization Problem

Bb Bbb

tca bbEbbEbEME',


Activity Cost(favors synopsis

video with maximal activity)

Temporal consistency Cost(favors synopsis video that preserves original

order of events )

Collision Cost(favors synopsis

video withminimal collision between tubes )

synopsis theinto b tubeof shift) (time mapping the- b̂

ubesactivity t -

synopsis theinput to thefrom mapping temporal-



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Tubes Selection as Energy Minimization

• Each state – temporal mapping of tubes into the synopsis

• Neighboring states - states in which a single activity tube changes its mapping into the synopsis.

• Initial state - all tubes are shifted to the beginning of the synopsis video.

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Stitching the Synopsis

• Challenge : Different lighting for objects and background

• Assumption : Extracted tubes are surrounded with background pixels

• Our Stitching method :Modification of Poisson Editing – add weight for object to

keep original color

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Stitching the Synopsis

• Challenge : objects stitched on time lapse background with possibly different lighting condition (for example : day / night)

• Assumption : no accurate segmentation. Tubes are extracted surrounded with background pixels

• Our Stitching method : modification of Poisson editing

add weight

for object to

keep original color

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Stitching the Synopsis

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Stitching the Synopsis

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Webcam in Parking LotTypical Webcam Stream

(24 hours)

Webcam Synopsis :20 Seconds

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Video Indexing

Webcam Synopsis :20 Seconds

Link from the synopsis back to the original video context

synopsis can be used for video indexing

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Webcam Synopsis :20 Seconds

Link from the synopsis back to the original video context

synopsis can be used for video indexing

Video Indexing

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Link from the synopsis back to the original video context

Video Indexing

Hotspot on Tracked Objects

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Link from the synopsis back to the original video context

Video Indexing

Hotspot on Tracked Objects

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Who soiled my lawn?

Unexpected Applications

2 hours 20 seconds

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Video Synopsis Should be More Organized

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Clustered SynopsisFaster and more accurate browsing

cars people

Example: Cluster into 2 clusters based on shape

Continue Examining the ‘Car’ cluster

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Clustering by Motion of ‘Cars’ ClassSynopsis now useful in crowded scenes


Up HillRight

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1 k k




ikij ssss


Appearance (Shape) Distance Between Objects

Symmetric Average Nearest Neighbor distance between SIFT descriptors

 O. Boiman,  E. Shechtman   and   M. Irani,  In Defense of Nearest-Neighbor Based Image Classification .  

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and  Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2008    .

K’s Sift Descriptor in tube iSift Descriptor closest to K of tube j

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Spectral Clustering by Appearance

Cluster 1 Cluster 2

Cluster 3 Cluster 4

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• More Classes : Easy to Remove False Alarm Classes

Gate Trees

Spectral Clustering by Appearance

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)()( kSep


kwkMd ij


Object Distance: MotionTrajectory Similarity

– Computing minimum area between trajectories over all temporal shifts

– Efficient computation using NN and KD trees

Weight encouraging long temporal overlap

Common Time of tubes

Space Time trajectory distance

















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Spectral Clustering by Motion‘Cars’ Class


Up HillRight

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Creating Video Synopsis

• Goals – Video Synopsis Having Shortest Duration– Minimal Collision Between Objects

• Approach– Displaying clustered objects together– Objects packed in space-time like sardines

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Packing Cost Example• Packing cars on the top road

Affinity Matrix after Clustering

Arranged Cluster 1 Arranged Cluster 2

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Combining Two Clusters

Low Collision Cost Between


High Collision Cost Between


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An Important Application:Display Results of Video Analytics

• Display the hundreds of “Blue Cars”

• Display thousands of people going left

• Good for verification of algorithm as well as for


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Two Clusters



Camera in St. Petersburg

• Detect specific events• Discover activity patterns

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Two Clusters

Camera in China

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Automatically Generated ClustersUsing Only Shape & Motion

People LeftPeople Right

Cars LeftCars Right Cars Parking

People Misc.

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