video analysis sirens.5

MUSIC ANALYSIS Of DIZZEE RASCAL – ‘SIRENS’… I thought it would be a good idea to use Dizzee rascal as my first video analysis as our song that we are using for our music video is very similar in the audience that Dizzee Rascal attracts and the different types of messages he portrays through his unique music Dizzee is aiming for a more commercial audience these days, but he usedo make grime music for the underground music scene. some fans feel he sold out his original fans by becoming more commercial sounding, but its where the money :

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Post on 03-Aug-2015



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I thought it would be a good idea to use Dizzee rascal as my first video analysis as our song that we are using for our music video is very similar in the audience that Dizzee Rascal attracts and the different types of messages he portrays through his unique music and lyrics which is what our artist ‘Joe’ also represents.

Dizzee is aiming for a more commercial audience these days, but he usedo make grime music for the underground music scene. some fans feel he sold out his original fans by becoming more commercial sounding, but its where the money :

Genre Characteristics - The key characteristics of the video sirens is a video that doesn’t stick to the normal conventions of rap/hip-hop video, yet it actually deviates from them and challenges it by creating it’s own original conception of a hip hop/rap video which makes it so different and iconic. It is a music video that is independent from the main stream culture which allows it to be in a pathway of it’s own. It’s simply uniqueness is all portrayed through the variety of shots in the video and the vast amount of different mise en scene used adds to the artist emotion. However because it is a British artist it does have it’s own conventions that simply structure it to be something of a ‘Tradition British Rap Music Video’ :-Setting: On the streets.- Time of day : Night- Clothing: Dark & Black.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals.

There is a very strong relationship between the lyrics and visuals, which opens up the lyrics to be interpreted in many different ways depending on the way in which the different audience members would interpret it. The artist makes the video so specific to the lyrics but adds a touch of confusion allowing the audience to have questions and then listen to the song on more than one occasion to reinforce those questions or for them to be answered. The visuals on screen don’t exactly match to the lyrics which challenges the usual simple conventions of a rap or hip hop video, by deviating and letting the lyrics and visuals stand as two separate things sets a challenge for the artist to see if he could sell. At times the lyrics and visuals do have a tight connection – but then but changing up the video at different moments to not making ay sense at all creates a whole new image of how rap and hip hop videos can be looked at.

The variety of shots from an extreme close up to a mid shot all emit certain characteristics all adding to the visuals and how that has a strict connection with the lyrics. Each shot used has its own relationship with the lyrics.

Demand of Record Label

Within the video there are many close ups of just the artist himself, simply just focusing on him and not his surrounding. By incorporating a load of close ups the record label are able to sell this British rapper as something new and fresh that a wider audience of people will grow to like. With the use of close ups it allows the audience to pick which part of the artist they like. The Record label is also attempting to sell his new image by putting in these new features to his music videos as well, some may question the reasons behind the record labels choice, but by proposing this new ‘Dizzee Rascal’ it challenges the traditional British rapper