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  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    online 1.2010

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    Growsmore fexible

    with age.The new CFV-39 eatures a sensor that is twice as large as leading

    35mm DSLRs and matches the iconic design o your V System

    camera perectly. The CFV-39 allows you to choose between two

    image ormats, 29 megapixel square (5412 x 5412) and 39 mega-

    pixel rectangular (5412 x 7212 pixels) and can also be used with

    traditional view cameras. The CFV-39 is compatible with the 202

    FA, 203 FE, and 205 FCC models, eatures ISO speeds rom 50 to

    800, and a capture rate o 1.4 sec per capture with 39 captures

    per minute. The Hasselblad CFV-39 transorming your V System

    flm camera into a high-perormance digital workhorse.

    Free Factory Reurbishment

    with purchase o CFV-39

    I you purchase a CFV-39, we

    will make sure your old work-

    horse is up to the task, giving

    you a complete overhaul o your

    camera body, and a 6 month lim-

    ited warranty. To fnd out more

    about the details and to take

    advantage o this limited oer

    (valued at 285 Euro), log onto

    our website.






  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

    04 >> newsIn an interview with Hasselblads new CEO Dr. Larry Hansen, and

    rector of Product Management Peter Stig-Nielsen, they explain wh

    expect from Hasselblad in 2010; and why its all about the best pic

    06 >> alberto peroliIn October, 2009, the Italian photographer documented Smile

    a social project in Bangladesh. Using an H3DII-31, he produced s

    impressive photos of everyday life in slums, schools and hospital

    20 >> HigH fiveWhich photographers have made it to the top? International

    advertising agencies present their five candidates for the pantheo

    of the best (commercial) photographers in the world.

    22 >> Mark zibertPure dynamics Canadian photographer, Mark Zibert, captured

    the Chinese masses and their sports idols, as part of a large-scale

    Adidas campaign for the summer Olympic Games in Beijing.

    32 >> peter MatHisThe pictures by Hasselblad Master, Peter Mathis, capture the

    Austrians delight and fascination for sports and action, alwaysshowing the decisive moments of peak human performance.

    36 >> previewWhether photographing a real or a staged wedding, the

    Australian, Rodney Hobbs, always captures the most beautiful

    day in a persons life in sensitive, pathos-free pictures.

    It is incredibly simple to be-

    come a Hd M: just

    a nanosecond in time and unique

    photographic talent is all it takes

    to become part of Hasselblad

    history. The reality, however, is that most photog-

    raphers do not have what it takes; but the select few

    who possess the elusive x factor can look forward to

    a great future in photography.

    In the spring of 1940, the Swedish government

    approached thirty-four year old Victor Hasselblad and

    asked him if he could reproduce a camera identical

    to one conquered from Germany. His answer was,

    No, but I can make a better one. Victor immediately

    went about establishing a camera workshop, set up

    in a shed in a car repair shop in central Gothenburg.

    Right from the very beginning, Hasselblad began

    producing h cm d ym, inspi-

    ring and cooperating with the most talented photog-

    raphers in the world. These include landscape

    photographer, Ansel Adams. In the mid 1950s, he

    photographed the then-isolated Yosemite Indian

    reservation taking black and white images that are

    today considered historic, while still remaining just

    as vibrant and beautiful as when they were taken.

    There was also the young Annie Leibovitz, who

    worked her way behind the scenes to portray the

    worlds greatest rock icons and pop stars among

    them John Lennon and Yoko Ono in their New York

    apartment in the Dakota building, on that fateful

    December day, in 1980, when John was shot.

    Annie Leibovitzs photography will be seen and appre-

    ciated by generations long after we are gone; and the

    best bit is that she continues to be a very active

    photographer a supreme heavyweight who is still

    producing plenty of new work.

    Very soon well be celebrating another generation

    of Hasselblad Masters though they are no longer

    selected by Hasselblad itself. In the middle of January,

    2010, h x m all possessing

    the famous x factor will be in the spotlight. The

    amazingly talented photographers went through one

    of the toughest international photo contests around:

    the Hasselblad Masters Award. 15.000 images were

    submitted from all around the world. These were then

    processed and judged by two international juries

    as well as the general public who had the right to cast

    votes , which finally resulted in the selection of this

    years ten Hasselblad Masters. This means that we can

    confidently say that those selected are the real thing

    they are all truly Hasselblad Masters.

    And now the ten photographers can expect a lot

    of work: to start with, over the next months, they

    have to produce pictures for the Hd M

    b, Volume II Emotion, which will be published

    in September. In addition they will be busy with

    numerous photo exhibitions around the world

    including the Visual Gallery at photokina , where

    visitors will be able to enjoy their impressive work.

    All this and more, because these photographers have

    outstanding talent and only needed a nanosecond to

    capture a unique moment in space and time.

    We hope you enjoy the new issue of VICTOR online.


    Christian Nrgaard,

    Photographer Relations Manager Hasselblad


    equd h

    H3Dii-31, a

    p dcum

    h sm jc

    bdh h

    h khu h (.)

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    4 ONLINE 1/2010


    determined to build the bes

    P s-n,dc f Pc m

    d. l h, wpp Ceo f h

    digital innovation is tied in with our

    photographic virtues, and is at the

    core of all we do.

    Our basic business model has

    changed too. In the past, our cam-

    eras were made up of modular bodies

    onto which you could attach lenses,

    film magazines, and viewfinders.

    Moving into the digital age we have

    had to change our business model in

    such a manner that our modern cam-

    era platform, the H1, has become

    Hasselblads DSLR camera line, rath-

    er than a camera body for every 3rd

    party digital back vendor to use. This

    move has secured our strategic posi-

    tion for the future, but it has created

    difficulties in our customers percep-

    tion of the brand; they have claimed

    that we locked out 3rd party prod-

    ucts to achieve our business goals.

    ViCtor: What does this mean for

    the customer? What happened to

    customer relations during the move

    from a world of film to the DSLR


    hansen: First of all, that we will stay

    close, even closer to our customers. I

    have seen letters from Victor Hassel-

    blad to Ansel Adams, where he refers

    to product refinements dated back to

    1968, and I have met Buzz Aldrin and

    learned how Victor Hasselblad per-

    sonally followed the development of

    the Lunar camera very close ly.

    In the first chaotic years of our

    digital transition, we succeeded

    by focusing very narrowly on the

    needs of the very high-end profes-

    sional photographer, but I believe we

    missed out on the relationship with

    a section of our V customers. I intend

    to put a lot of effort behind keeping

    Hasselblad in tune with the very top

    end of photography, expanding on

    our position as a market leader in

    the high-end professional segment.

    Now, having reached an outstand-

    ing position with our current digital

    cameras, we can expand our relation-

    ships with all those customers who

    own a Hasselblad camera H and V.

    ViCtor: In what way?

    Peter stig-nielsen: Take a look

    at our H4D high-end DSLR camera

    line, which has been produced with

    a modern, digital fit lens line and

    optical accessories developed by

    combining a series of advanced elec-

    tronic, optical, digital and mechanical

    elements. The result is that an image

    captured through a high definition

    wide-angle lens, and mounted on a

    tilt/shift adapter, comes out perfect-

    ed from aberrations, distortions and

    light fall off. Just this year, this core

    set of features was transferred to the

    classic V-cameras, where Hasselblads

    digital backs now perfect the full line

    of Carl Zeiss lenses.

    In my view anyone who has in-

    vested in a Hasselblad camera is

    a Hasselblad customer, no matter

    which digital back or film magazine

    is attached. Our many Hasselblad

    photographers support one lead

    strategic feature, which is the use of

    central lens shutters in all our lenses,

    to ensure that any exposure can be

    flash-synced at shutter speeds up to

    1/800 sec. This allows for freedom of

    operation, which all photographers

    love. In the times to come, I look for-

    ward to seeing Hasselblad get back

    and deliver new benefits with spe-

    cific services and offerings. Essential

    to the whole equation is our quest to

    provide our loyal customers with the

    best possible system. Even more im-

    portant is to offer the best support,

    technical service and products fo-

    cused on our customers needs.

    hansen: Looking at our products,

    Im very impressed by the detail and

    color rendering of the images cap-

    tured by the sensors in a Hasselblad

    camera. Parts of the image perfection

    is closely related to our imaging soft-

    ware, Phocus. The latest version of

    the Phocus software offers a choice of

    light and standard use, improv-

    ing our service for the photographer

    who doesnt want to spend any time

    at all with software. Another way to

    open up to a wider use of the Hassel-

    blad raw files is through the support

    from Apple and Adobe application

    environments. Today, all Hasselblad

    raw files open directly into the

    Finder and Aperture and into A

    Camera Raw and Lightroom.

    ViCtor: So whats next?

    stig-nielsen: New photog

    products and features that wi

    age on what weve achieved

    past five years, of course. 201

    out with our launch of the H4

    of high-end DSLRs, employi

    TrueFocus solution to the trad

    multi-point auto-focus system

    Focus uses modern gyro senso

    advanced electronics to es

    necessary focus corrections in a

    and-recompose capture sit

    hansen: Whenever possib

    will also make the new techn

    developed for the H available t

    customers. This means, quite s

    that owners of a V system, w

    they bought it in the 50s, 60

    80s or 90s, can turn them in

    level digital systems by usi

    CFV-39, for example. Or that

    plying our digital lens optim

    technology originally dev

    for the H2D and H3D we ca

    improve the performance of t

    Zeiss lenses for these cameras

    ViCtor: Does all this lead to

    corporate vision?

    hansen: Id like to see the

    remain faithful to its principle

    of those principles is to do o

    to ensure that our customer

    opted for the right system.

    also derived from how we m

    up in questions of consisten

    customer care. With the exp

    of our core competences in

    digital world, and with our ne

    ness model supporting Hasse

    position as a high-end DSLR

    facturer, I look forward to g

    us into a sound, and custom

    ented, future. 60 years ago,

    Hasselblad already explaine

    our inspiration was to build t

    camera in the world and to

    best partner for our customers

    Nothing has changed in t

    spect its our guiding prin

    would probably broaden the

    a little and say that our job is t

    the best camera in the world

    lows our customers to take t

    photographs. After all, that i

    we should never forget: at the

    the day, its all about taking p

    raphy further. Thats what we

    to today, just as we did 60 yea

    ViCtor online: Mr. Hansen, what

    triggered off your joining Hasselblad

    and, after having been Chairman,

    taking on the role of CEO as well?

    dr. larry hansen: Ive been fol-

    lowing Hasselblad closely for quite

    some years, with great admiration

    for the cameras and their market po-

    sition. You know, this company has

    dominated professional photography

    for the past 60 years, and has been a

    driving force to the extent that, for

    anybody with a passion for photog-

    raphy, this is definitely the place to

    be. Thats why I am here. And be-

    cause I am thrilled by the challenge.

    ViCtor: The challenge?

    hansen: Well, looking at the state

    of the high-end camera industry after

    years of digital revolution, one could

    easily be scared off. A long list of re-

    nowned companies like Polaroid,

    Agfa, Bronica, and Contax have gone

    out of business and others, including

    Kodak, Hasselblad and Mamiya, have

    suffered huge losses, even though

    they knew early on what was com-

    ing, and even though they had many

    resources to invest. There still is a lot

    of room for failure for everybody.

    So this is the challenge.

    ViCtor: So what will change at


    hansen: Realizing that we are steer-

    ing the company within an area of

    constant digital evolution, we not

    only need Hasselblads burning

    passion for non-compromising pho-

    tography and courage to set extreme

    standards for image quality we

    need more. Our core competences

    have been extended to include prime

    optical, electronic, digital hardware

    and software expertise. Nowadays,

    In a resolute forward move, Hasselblad has been transformed from the

    premium manufacturer of the finest, professional analogue cameras to the

    market leader of medium format DSLR cameras. Newly appointed CEO,

    Dr. Larry Hansen, says its time to switch from revolution to accelerated,

    steady evolution, maintaining focus on Hasselblads core principle: build-

    ing the best camera in the world. VICTOR talked with Larry Hansen and

    Director of Product Management, Peter Stig-Nielsen.

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  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110



    PeroliEquipped wih a H3DII-31om Hassebad and a o

    o ideaism, Iaian phoo-

    gaphe, Abeo Peoi,

    aveed o Bangadesh

    n Ocobe, 2009, on as-

    ignmen o he Smie

    pojec, whee he cap-

    ued images o eveydayie in sums, schoos and

    hospias. His picues

    peak o he ie and su-

    eing o needy chiden

    and commied beneac-

    os diec, inuiive

    and cose up.

    Jus 23 yas d, bahadu pcks

    up hs svn ya-d daugh

    Sana fm sch. th sum

    sch, ha s as suppd y

    h Sm pjc, s cad n a

    hu gh nx h an acks

    6 ONLINE 1/2010

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    8 ONLINE 1/2010

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    ONLINE 1/2010

    lf: cckws (fm h p):

    A y was f hs un g

    ad; mas a a hspa n

    Khuna. tadnay, vyn

    ss n h gund; ccv

    wang n fn f h hspa

    n Khuna. Pans cm fm a

    v h cuny, vn fm inda

    rgh: Happy chdn a a

    phanag ha s n f F

    rcads pjcs (av)

    chdn d n hav phys

    ah psychgca p

    hy cm fm kn fam

    yung wmn saugh a

    n fn f h kchn (

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    10 ONLINE 1/2010

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    ONLINE 1/2010

    Sum, a g wh uns n h

    gs, cs a pcu P

    ugh. i was mad y Ca

    Sanga, a gaphc dsgn

    fnd f Ps. Many chd

    n bangadsh suff fmuns causd y h h us

    n h pn wks

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    12 ONLINE 1/2010

    lf: A y wh hap and cf

    paa, wh can n ak a

    ppy. A sugn maks h

    pacs pad n (av);

    a nwy pad y, a day

    w af h nvnn. Af a

    wk, h chdn can jus gn

    a hn sup (w)

    rgh: Cckws (fm h p):

    Snapsh n a Khuna hspa.

    th y has uns n hs dy;

    an pan n Khuna, dung

    whch P as had wa

    s chng; w f h iaan

    dcs, D. A bzz (f)

    and D. Anda d Fancsc

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

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    14 ONLINE 1/2010

    Dsp h dffcu chdhd

    Sanas fah s a hn

    addc and h mh a psu

    P was uchd y h gs

    psvnss. in hs pacua

    mmn, Fah rcad s x-panng h why s mpan

    ha sh g sch guay

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    16 ONLINE 1/2010

    lf: Fah rcad suundd

    y pups a h sum sch.

    P k h pcu fm h

    an acks (av); chdn n

    a vag na Khuna, akng

    up cks f cmn pducn.

    thy mus wk had n 35C

    mpaus and 90% humdy

    rgh: cckws (fm h p):

    Au 100 chdn v n tka

    Hus, an phanag n Khuna.

    P ugh wng us;

    h y wh h un gs

    hangs n h phgaphs

    am; a sand sng am juc,

    akn fm a mvng ca

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

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    18 ONLINE 1/2010

    In the end, people just want to be sat-

    isfied, happy and, above all, able to

    laugh; but its not always easy. This is

    clear in the pictures taken by Italian

    photographer, Albert Peroli, on as-

    signment in Bangladesh for the Smile

    project (Progetto Sorriso nel Mondo

    ONLUS) launched by a group of Ital-

    ian doctors. Created in 1997, the in-

    ternational team is dedicated to the

    treatment and cure of craniofacial

    deformities in developing countries,

    surgically correcting disfigured face,

    lip, or nose plunges or other facial

    malformations, and healing burns.

    These kind of problems touch an av-

    erage of one in every thousand chil-

    dren, often turning them, and their

    mothers, into outcasts. Poor nations,

    as is Bangladesh, lack the skills and

    resources to treat them adequately.

    The doctors and surgeons involved

    in the project are volunteers and op-

    erate on the affected children for free.

    From 1997 to 2008, the Smile project

    has performed over 2.500 surgical

    operations mainly children. Three

    missions are carried out every year

    in Bangladesh, as well as one in Af-

    rica (Congo and Burundi) and one in


    Born in 1978 in Bra/Cuneo, Italy,

    Peroli first came into contact with

    the project in 2002, through his

    teacher, the music critic and pho-

    tographer Guido Harari. After seven

    years working as Hararis assistant in

    the superficial and sterile world of

    beauty advertising and fashion, the

    Smile project seemed like a welcome

    contrast. Peroli makes it sound like

    its all about a search for meaning:

    moving away from superficiality

    into the depth of humanity. I liked

    the idea of pursuing a real project. A

    year later he decided to become a pro-

    fessional free-lance photographer.

    Since then, Peroli has traveled to

    Bangladesh three times at his own

    expense. The pictures shown here are

    from his last visit in October, 2009.

    With a straightforward attitude, and

    the precision of an H3D-II 31 and an

    80mm lens, Peroli set about docu-

    menting the doctors work. Before

    starting to shoot, I want to talk with

    the people who are part of the project,

    and see the places. Its only afterward

    that I go around with my camera

    day and night. I prepare by thinking

    about the project the who, where,

    when and why finding out as much

    information as possible about what I

    plan to photograph, Peroli says, ex-

    plaining his approach.

    Father Ricardo, an Xaverian mis-

    sionary involved with the project,

    also plays an important role. Dressed

    in civilian clothes, the priest has

    lived in Dhaka for more than 20

    years, looking after schools, orphan-

    ages and womens safe houses.

    Peroli a trained graphic designer

    has a direct style and appreciates the

    cameras possibilities. Just a bit of

    color or brightness calibration, but no

    post-production with the Hasselblad.

    To me, the most important thing is

    the picture itself. He also prefers

    natural light over artificial. However,

    because the midday sun throws dark

    shadows on the faces, Peroli did use a

    flash when appropriate.

    Accompanied by Father Ricardo

    for translation, Peroli traveled to

    Dhaka and Khulna, capturing situ-

    ations where doctors and patients

    come together, but also touching

    scenes of everyday life. I found the

    locations by following my intuition,

    by asking people, by following the

    light, Peroli says. My visual ap-

    proach evolves primarily through

    contact with the people, the light,

    and the feelings and vibrations con-

    veyed by the light and the people.

    It will very surely not be the

    last time Alberto Peroli impresses

    us with such touching images.



    POrtfOlIO Alberto Peroli

    A y fm tka Hus s

    ccupd cng an usan

    y Ca Sanga (av);

    a yung wman fm a saf

    hus, wh ans h vng dng

    mdy (w)

    Vw f a sum n Dhaka dvdd

    y a an ack. rgh n h

    mdd f h smn, makng

    h cn f h pcu, s Fah

    rcads sum sch (gh)

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    ONLINE 1/2010

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    20 ONLINE 1/2010


    5Mccann Erickson:esther haase

    Esther Haase has an unmistakeable style, fashionable and lively. This makesher predestined for fashion campaigns calling for joie de vivre, where her under-standing of styling and make-up also comes in good stead. Her photographsof women capture and focus on their uniqueness, regardless of their age.Models feel comfortable with Esther and love working with her. M We,Feee a Buyg, Mc E, Hmbug mg he

    Ee He: Born in Bremen/Germany in 1966; 19881993 studied at the HighSchool for Fine Arts, Bremen; freelance photographer since 1993. Campaignsinclude: Berliner Kindl 2007 for Dorland/Berlin, Esprit 2008 for TBWA/Dsseldorf.,

    WalkEr:uwe dttmann

    What makes Uwe Dttmanns style unusual is that it is quite undefinable. In spiteof his many years in the mtier, hes in a constant state of evolution. His insight-

    ful attitude helps him find the best realization for each assignment. Ive workedwith him on various occasions and hes a very friendly person. As, to a certaindegree, photographers have to be good psychologists, Uwe Dttmann hasa degree in psychology. Pu We, cee De, We, Zh

    Uwe Dm: born in Essen/Germany; freelance photographer since 1986.Campaigns include: Nivea 2008 for TBWA/Hamburg, Mercedes E-Klasse 2008 forJung von Matt/Hamburg. Awards include: 2007 ADC Photographer of the Year.,

    DDB:dwight eschliman

    What makes Dwight and his work unique is his endless striving for form andorder. His meticulous arrangements of apparently mundane objects result inbeautiful works of art. Dwight is a tortured perfectionist. He creates situations inwhich every burst of light and every reflection sits perfectly. Thanks to his greatartistry, energy, enthusiasm and relaxed manner, it's a real pleasure to work withhim.Du smh, cee De, DDB, s F

    Dwgh Ehm: Born in Grand Junction/USA in 1972; 1998 graduated fromthe Art College, San Francisco; freelance photographer since 1998. Campaigns in-clude: Absolut Vodka 2005 for Chiat/NY, Motorola 2007 for Cutwater/San Francisco.,

    sHacklEton:eugenio recuenco

    Im impressed by Eugenios ability to create new worlds. Eugenio manages totransform reality into something original. His creative approach is so differentthat you can spend ages just looking at his pictures. We used him for the presen-tation of a new perfume by Loewe. Working with him was like playing footballwith Zidane youre excited, but at the same time you feel insignificant.Pb Gzez de Pe, cee De, she, Mdd

    Euge reue: Born in Madrid/Spanien in 1968; 19881992 studied art;freelance photographer since 1997. Campaigns include: Cutty Sark 2007 forArnold Fuel/Madrid, Lavazza 2006 for Armando Testa/Milan. Awards include:Cannes Lion 2005, ABC National Prize for Photography 2005.,

    DUval GUillaUME:vincent fournier

    Vincent Fourniers specializes in outdoor images: his pictures breathe life.He understands how to take things that, at a first glance, might appear harmlessor banal, and refine them till they really move the viewer. Hes easy-goingto work with, but he knows exactly what he wants, and can be very demandingof himself and his colleagues to achieve his aims.Ey luey, a Buye, Du Guume, Be

    ve Fue: Born Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso in 1970; studied audio-visual art in Montpellier 19911994; 19941997 cole National de Photographiein Arles. Campaigns include: TGV 2007 for Duval Guillaume, the Belgian OlympicCommittee 2008 for Duval Guillaume, TGV 2007 for TBWA.,

    ty y by ! c, victor.

    the top photograph

    Ehe He: Ep, 2008, f tBWa/Dedf

    Uwe Dm: ne oymp mpg, 2008, f Wede & keey/shgh

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

    Dwgh Ehm: M Muu mpg, 2005 f lwe Wdwde/new Y

    Euge reue: lewe mpg, 2007, f she/Mdd

    ve Fue: tGv mpg, 2006, f Du Guume/Bue

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    ONLINE 1/2010

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    ONLINE 1/2010

    impossible is nothing

    PHotos: Mark Z

    th gly ncpd 29h Oly

    Gms s o gn on 8 augus

    by hn, M Zs conc phoog

    fo h adds dvsng cmpg

    nvlop n ow locs n Ch

    cpl cy, Png. th suls

    h monhs on locon wh hs

    smony o cung-dg p

    gphy nd logscs. ViCtOr ws g

    glmps no h mng of.

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    ONLINE 1/2010

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  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    26 ONLINE 1/2010

    the crwd and a ne

    impenerable blck behind

    he hree Chinee vlley-

    ball ar, Yang Yi, Xue Min

    and Yang Ha. the idea

    wa ee he olympic

    Game a a age, ran-

    frming he cunry f

    China in ne, maive

    pring nain where each

    individual i a par f he

    Game and inpired by he

    pr, explain Elvi Chau,

    creaive direcr a 180/

    tBWA, shanghai. the fir

    ep i build he nain ha hey can uppr

    he ahlee during he cm-

    peiin. We believe ha

    when 1.3 billin peple

    cme geher, nhing i


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    ONLINE 1/2010

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    ONLINE 1/2010

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    ONLINE 1/2010

    the exra reach f

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  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    30 ONLINE 1/2010

    Three hundred Chinese men and

    women crowd together on the lawn

    of a soccer stadium. They reach for

    the sky, cheering loudly. Whats hap-

    pening here? Mark Zibert is at work.

    The Canadian photographer hovers

    high above the yellow plastic seats

    of the stadium. From a raised ramp

    he focuses his H3D-39 on the sheer

    masses below him, and exposes.

    Take 1 stored to chip! Then, using

    a megaphone, the many extras are

    directed to the next position on the

    pitch, before being again asked to lift

    their arms and shout as loud as they

    can. In three hours, Mark will have

    repeated the same basic scene on

    different parts of the grass and thus

    created the background layer of one

    of his emerging photo concepts. The

    finished picture will show an ocean

    of people a nod to some 1.3 billion

    Chinese culminating in a human

    tower upon which stands perched

    Chinese Olympic gold medallist,

    Hu Jia, wearing only a swimming

    suit with the three white stripes and

    Adidas logo, as he prepares for the

    imminent dive.

    The basic idea of the campaign is

    to show how thousands of people can

    come together to support a common

    goal, explains Zibert. The young

    photographer was asked to direct a

    team of thirty (models not included)

    in the production of the Together in

    2008, Impossible is Nothing Olym-

    pic Games campaign commissioned

    by Adidas. To Mark Zibert and the

    advertising agency put in charge,

    180/TBWA of Shanghai, it was clear

    from the start that they would be

    creating new images of crowds as

    opposed to drawing from the pho-

    tographic archives. For the project

    to work, the crowd would not only

    have to cheer in the right way but,

    also, match the lighting of the iconic

    athlete portrayed in the foreground.

    Ziberts creative input and enthu-

    siasm was immediately apparent

    during initial phone conversations,

    when he was but an option in a

    sizeable shortlist. In retrospect,

    remembers Elvis Chau, creative

    director, its why we chose to work

    with him. His passion for the project

    was important to me. He loved the

    concept from the word go. Plus, he

    met all the specs. Hes a sports pho-

    tographer with a scrupulous eye for

    detail, and he retouches his work

    himself. Mark was simply the best

    man for the job.

    Its much cheaper to run a produc-

    tion in China than in North America

    or Europe especially given the sheer

    size and ambition of the endeavour.

    All 300 extras were booked within

    the budget of an advertising cam-

    paign for magazine print, Mark

    Zibert reported. Before a single

    photograph was taken we spent

    four full days running around in

    the stadium, establishing angles,

    marking the ground and setting up

    the light, Mark explains. Instead

    of duplicating every shot in Photo-

    shop we wanted the crowd to cheer

    in one position, move on to the next

    for more cheering and so on. Its an

    approach that puts a tremendous

    strain on the grass, and so it wasnt

    easy finding a suitable stadium.

    Eventually we found what we were

    looking for in a Peking stadium that

    will serve as a training ground during

    the Olympic Games.

    The two-day photo shoot took

    place in the heat of day and was not

    only strenuous for the ground but

    also the extras. On day two, some of

    the 300 extras were so tired they were

    ready to bail out. Scattered across dif-

    ferent parts of the stadium, the team

    had to seek them out one by one and

    politely ask them back to the pitch.

    However, once all the background

    pictures were finally in the can

    and the individual layers blended

    together seamlessly, the team was

    thrilled. The first important mile-

    stone had been reached what a

    perfect occasion to party with lots of


    This was Mark Ziberts first

    photo shoot in China. Prior to that,

    he had travelled the country but

    never actually worked there. The

    Adidas campaign had the 31-year-

    old camped out in Peking for three

    months. He was impressed by the

    positive working atmosphere and

    ease of production. Chinese athletes

    the prime subjects of each shot

    were extremely professional and

    cooperative. Each athlete commit-

    ted no more than half an hour to the

    photo shoot, but Mark Zibert an

    expert sports and portrait photogra-

    pher was sure to get the most out

    of the tiny window he was granted.

    His experience helped him capture

    the Chinese Olympians in their

    most expressive moments. And the

    athletes contributed with all their

    physical power and creative input

    particularly the soccer players,

    Mark Zibert recalls with admiration.

    When the time came to mount the

    athletes in the optical center of the

    crowd, the creative team was quick

    to discover a need to modify the

    original plan. Whilst photograph-

    ing the crowd, we simply imagined

    in our minds eye where the athletes

    would be placed. Then we photo-

    graphed the athletes depending

    on the stadium lighting, Zibert

    explains. When we added the ath-

    letes on top of the background,

    though, we found that the supporting

    hands didnt interact with the ath-

    letes in the way wed hoped for. In

    the original design, the assumption

    was that at least some of the hands

    would be near enough the athlete; all

    it would require were some retouch-

    ing and everything would fall into

    place. Alas, the idea blew up not

    realistic enough. And so the team

    changed plan. Once the final picture

    of each athlete had been selected, a

    stuntman was ordered into the stu-

    dio and suspended in a harness. He

    would imitate the pose and several

    actors would support him in the

    desired manner. These few actors

    were then layered into the crowd in

    the optical center of the image. Now,

    the athlete really looked as though

    he were being carried by the crowd.

    Each campaign image was pieced

    together from a number of photos

    and graphic layers. Fortunately, Zib-

    ert and his Canadian assistants were

    sure to station themselves in Peking

    for the duration of the project. When

    most of the material had been shot,

    Mark and digital assistant Andy Fer-

    reira traveled to Shanghai to work on

    the digital post production. Because

    the assignment was so gigantic it was

    important to me that Andy and I

    took care of the pixel processing our-

    selves. The amount of raw material

    was vast; and having a third party

    choose and communicate the work

    would have taken far longer than

    simply dealing with it ourselves,

    Mark Zibert explains. In the end,

    it proved to be the right decision.

    I am very, very pleased with what

    theyve achieved. Whenever I show

    the pictures, the first response I get

    is wow!, Elvis Chau remarks. Now,

    imagine the effect when these, the

    very largest prints ever produced by

    Adidas will be mounted for display

    in Peking. Some of them will mea-

    sure 55 yards in width and veil entire

    facades of skyscrapers. Who said that

    size doesnt matter? SUSANNE SCHMITT

    impossible is nothing

    Mark Zibert

    Canadian phgrapher Mark

    Ziber wa brn in trn in1977. Afer aending sheri-

    dan Cllege he wen n

    wrk a a ph aian

    beween 1998 and 1999. since

    2000, he keep himelf buy

    a a freelance phgrapher.

    Mark Ziber wrked n hi

    fir large-cale adveriing

    campaign fr Nike a he en-

    der age f 23. Hi clien al

    include Adida, timberland,

    Bria, Arrw, sim, Nian,

    tya, Lexu, Nkia, sella

    Ari and Pepi. Mark Ziber

    phgraphy ha been pub-lihed in Life, GQ/Ialy,

    sir, Enerainmen

    Weekly. He received

    numeru award, uch a

    he Cmmunicain Ar

    20012006, he silver

    Nainal Magazine Award

    2005, he Archive Magazine

    tp 200 Phgrapher 2006,

    ADCC 20022005 and he

    brnze Lin in Canne 2005.

    agncy:180/tbWa, Chin; cv dc-

    os:Yng Yo, elvis Chu, Lsly Zhou, John

    Mifild, Swu Hngswd;copyw-

    s:Lsly Zhou, Swu Hngswd, Nicky

    Zhng, Michll Wu;poduc:P

    Dllagns;ln poduc/gn:Johnny

    Lijonhufvud;gncy poduc: Lind tn;

    xcuv poduc/gn:Lsly Chlvn;

    gn:Ping Lim;sssn slls dco:

    romn bin;phoo sssns:Chis Mly,

    andy Fi;ouchs:Mk Zi, andy

    Fi;dgl opo:andw esson

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    32 ONLINE 1/2010

    Hasselblad Masters 2007

    T Bgnnng. When I used to

    go climbing, Id discover beautiful

    places in the mountains where there

    was an unusual atmosphere. And

    Id say to myself, you really should

    capture this somehow; so when I was

    18 years old I bought my first view-

    finder camera. A short while later I

    exchanged it for my first SLR.

    T o. From the very first

    moment I saw Ansel Adamss large-

    format, black&white photographs, I

    was fascinated by the wealth of detail

    and the fantastic light-plays in his


    T obby o. Landscape

    photography was always one of my

    passions; thats why, a few times a

    year, I take my H2D-22, a tripod, a

    sleeping bag and mat, and plenty

    of supplies, and go on a hiking

    trip. I find myself a photogenic

    mountaintop and start climbing in

    the early afternoon. Hours later I

    reach the peak and, while enjoying

    a good meal, wait for the last light of

    the day. Its a wonderful feeling to sit

    alone on a forsaken mountaintop,

    watching night descend and anti-

    cipating the dawning of a new day

    when, once again, great lighting

    heralds the approaching sunrise.

    T xctmnt.Because my roots

    are in mountain sports, I dont feel a

    hundred percent at ease on the water.

    So, I could say that my most exciting

    photo shoot took place high above

    a sailing ship. I was hanging at 25

    meters with only a rope securing me

    to the mast. The ship was ploughing

    through the water, when a speed

    boat crossed our bow with just a few

    PeTer MaThis

    Bon n honm/aut, n

    1961 | flnc potogp

    nc 1986 | publd n t Bll

    euop, Clmbng/Usa, snow-

    tyl/Jpn, nd stn, mong

    ot | advtmnt fo Blck

    Dmond, hlly hnn, Quck-

    lv, rd Bull, Vlkl, mong

    ot | exbton: Mountn

    potogpy now nd lwy

    n t G at Muum/Gmny| Pz: Cytl awd 2000,

    Bnff Mountn Potogpy

    Comptton 2005, mong ot.

    Blck Dmond cmpgn (2006,

    top); Volbg toum (2007,

    sknft potw (2006, lft)

    Cycl cng n honm/aut

    n augut 2006 (bov gt);

    alx Lug t t Lwnzn

    lpn clmbng gdn n aut

    (Blck Dmond 2006, bov)

    meters to spare. I tried to capture

    both the speed boat and a part of our

    boat on the film.

    T ploopy. It is the in

    thing at the moment to promote the

    idea that one has to have a completely

    new photographic style, something

    thats never been seen before. I refuse

    to have anything to do with such

    an idea its about as impossible as

    reinventing the wheel. In my private

    life I try to live in the present: in the

    here and now. I make an effort to do

    the things I like to do now, not later

    much less wait till Im retired.

    T tu.My most important

    publication was the book Freeride

    a collection of the best ski and

    snowboarding pictures Ive taken

    over the past few years. We self-pub-

    lished the book, which meant that

    we were able to choose everything

    ourselves: paper, cover and graphics.

    T hlbld. I work with the

    H2 with 22 megapixel CFH digital

    back, using wide angle, normal and

    telephoto lenses. The quick shutter

    speed is particularly advantageous

    when using a flash. What is more,

    Im continuously amazed by its

    faithful reproduction of detail.

    Pt Mt hlbld

    Mt bcu his pictures manage

    to fully capture his fascination for

    sports, action and the big world out

    there. The images breathe the cold,

    sweat in the heat, and reach up to

    the heights where they were taken.

    Decisive moments of peak human

    performance are always to be found

    right there in his pictures.

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    ONLINE 1/2010

    Peter Mathis took this shot in

    August 2006 for the administraof the city of Hohenems/Austri

    It shows a Rhine Valley panoram

    taken from the Gebhardsberg

  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    36 ONLINE 1/2010

    Next victor oNliNe:1 february 201

    It toic i t xt i o

    VICTOr oi cg o ot-

    o to itoi o ot o.

    sTuarTwesTOn>> it i t cooig

    tt k i ig-

    o itk

    hans sChlupp>> ct t t o ic

    ti t t lan c i bijig

    rOdney hObbs>> t ati ig otog

    t t itiv toc ct

    Be surprised by inspiring pfs,

    keep up-to-date with the most significan

    phgaph nds and read leading

    news for the photography community.

    On February 1st, 2010, check your monit

    for the next issue of VICTOR online.

    razan:IDC Corporate Publishing G

    Hamburg, Germany

    All articles and illustrations contained

    the online magazine are subject to the

    of copyright. Any form of utilisation bey

    the narrow limits imposed by the laws

    copyright and without the expressed p

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    prosecuted. We accept no responsibilit

    unsolicited material and this will only b

    returned if appropriate postage is inclu

    Hasselblad is a registered trademark of

    Hasselblad A/S, Denmark. Place of jurisd

    and execution: Hamburg, Germany

    VICTOR online | 1/2010

    [email protected]


    Stephan Bittner, Center of Service GmbH

    Pubshng Hus /Adsng:

    Center of Service GmbH

    Hammerbrookstr. 93

    20097 Hamburg, Germany

    Tel.: +49.40.254048-69 (Fax: -40)

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Phgaph rans

    Manag Hassbad:Christian Nrgaard

    [email protected]


  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


    Movement by Sarah Silver


    Light by broncolor Scoro

    Sarah Silvers talent for refined light mixed with cascad-

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  • 8/9/2019 VICTOR Online 0110


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