vibe - issue 4


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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Staff Magazine, Plus Dane Group


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• Neighbourhood Plans and the Delivery of the Seven Promises ....................................................................................... with Jackie Perry: Apr 19 – Princes Room, Park Rd Apr 20 – Shepherd’s Mill

• Income Management ....................................................................................... with Tony Kiely: May 11 – Princes Room, Park Rd May 12 – Shepherd’s Mill

• Youth Engagement ....................................................................................... with Julie Tomlinson: Jun 23 – Shepherd’s Mill & Emma Sneyd Jun 24 – Large Balti, Rodney St

• Geographical Information System ....................................................................................... with Alex Hill: Jul 13 – Large Balti, Rodney St Jul 14 – Shepherd’s Mill

Keep a lookout for future dates in the next issue of Vibe.

The next Bite Sized Briefi ngs are:

Staff have been busy raising funds for various charities, including Children in Need, and the Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity, which supports families with terminally ill children.


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Look out for ...

...4 new additions

to extended

Plus Dane family!

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All at Plus Dane were saddened to hear of the recent death of Dorothy Barnett, who was a committed friend and supporter of Plus Dane Group.

She was a former Congleton Town Mayor, and was also honoured as a Town Burgess in 1996, which gave her the freedom of the borough.

Mike Doran, Managing Director for Cheshire and Staffs, said: “We were very sad to hear the news of Dorothy’s passing. She has been a Board member and Chair of the Tenants’ Federation since stock transfer 11 years ago. Dorothy was very active on behalf of Dane and then Plus Dane tenants over many years and will be sadly missed. One of Dorothy’s passions was the development of our services to older people and she was immensely proud of the work we were doing to improve our sheltered accommodation.”

John Pollard, Chairman of the Plus Dane Group Board, added: “Dorothy and I were both Councillors and served together on Congleton Town Council for a number of years. She was also involved with what was then Dane Housing, and was always a great stalwart of the organisation. She always looked out for residents’ interests and was passionate and committed in everything she did. She will be sorely missed.”


to Dorothy






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A joint project between Plus Dane Group, Kensington New Deal police and contractors Crudens has promoted greater feelings of security for elderly and vulnerable residents in the area.

Gill Crawley, who was involved in implementing the scheme, said:

Extra security devices such as locks, bolts and spyholes were provided by the police, and Crudens will be installing them free of charge. They have also offered to hold workshops for residents to help them with minor household maintenance issues. So far the project has received great feedback from local people.”


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Students get LEAN on Castlefi elds

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supports struggling homeowners

Colleagues in HomesHub are supporting struggling homeowners through the government’s Mortgage Rescue scheme.

As the government’s HomeBuy Agent for Cheshire and Merseyside, HomesHub is working with Local Authorities, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and housing associations to manage a record number of Mortgage Rescue cases – with 21 completions and 30 live cases to date.

Judith Martin has recently joined the HomesHub team to manage Mortgage Rescue – as Alison Relph takes maternity leave following the birth of her second daughter, Katie. Both Judith and Alison have made a real difference to people’s lives – each successful Mortgage Rescue application helps a struggling homeowner to stay in their own home, avoid potential homelessness and solve some of their fi nancial diffi culties.

Last year, Laura Pollock and her two-year old son Joshua were facing the prospect of repossession until Laura successfully applied for Mortgage Rescue. Wirral Council put Laura in touch with HomesHub, who managed her application, enabling Laura to stay in her home as a housing association tenant.

“It has given me a fresh start,” Laura told us. “My advice to anyone in this situation is that the fi rst step is the hardest; people do tend to push their heads into the sand. Now I can start my life again – focused, fresh and debt-free.”

For further information, please contact;

Ben Clay, HomesHub Project Director, on 0151 708 4612 or email [email protected]


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been up to?n What’s K

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Pets Corner

We hope you all spotted our Plus Dane advert taking pride of place at Anfi eld recently. Maybe that’s what distracted Steven Gerrard! To celebrate our presence in the Premier League, we’re running a caption contest to go with this. If you have a witty idea for what COULD have been said here, let us know! The winning entry will be printed in the next edition of Vibe.

Caption Competition!