veteran legislation 160201

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  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201



    1 February 2016

    In each chamber of Congress, four forms of legislative measures may be introduced or submitted, and acted upon. These include bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions,and simple resolutions. Resolutions are not laws but rather the statements of intent or declarations that affect the operations of Congress

    Joint resolutions are legislative measure that requires approval by the enate andthe !ouse and is presented to the "resident for his approval or disapproval, ine#actly the same case as a bill.

    Concurrent resolutions are legislative measures adopted by both houses of a bicameral legislature that lac$s the force of law %is non&binding' and does notrequire the approval of the chief e#ecutive %president'. Concurrent resolutions aretypically adopted to regulate the internal affairs of the legislature that adopted it,or for other purposes where authority of law is not necessary&such as awards or recognitions

    imple resolutions are used to delegate official internal Congressional business. In total (,)(* bills containing +., - amendments and ** * resolutions have beenintroduced in the /nited tates Congress of which 0, * are under Committeeconsideration and )(1 are under 2loor consideration. 3f those, on average only about +4will become law. Those outstanding must be enacted before the end of the 5 *-&5 *1session of the **+th Congress sometime before 0 J67 5 *1. To date )0( bills have been

    passed by one chamber, *(0 bills have been passed by both chambers of which 0+ are


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    resolving differences, *5- have been sent to the president who to date has vetoed + non&veteran bills %not counting the 7866 5 *( initial veto' and signed **) into law of which) were veteran related9

    :eterans I8 6ct of 5 *- %!.R. *' Clay !unt 6: 6ct %!.R.5 0' Construction 6uthori;ation and Choice Improvement 6ct %!.R.5+ (' :eterans

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    -. =ills that have become public law.


    (ouse Leg"s a%"on

    (ouse &" sNo%e) >o to http9?? and enter bill number in the earch bloc$ to

    determine current cosponsor status and last major action ta$en by the !ouse.


    (.R.22 9 ("re +ore (eroes A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of * )( to e#emptemployees with health coverage under TRIC6R< or the :eterans 6dministration from being ta$en intoaccount for purposes of determining the employers to which the employer mandate applies under the"atient "rotection and 6ffordable Care 6ct.

    ponsor9 Rep 8avis, Rodney I &*0K %introduced *?(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse Lays and GeansM enate 2inance

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?)?5 *- Referred to enate committee. tatus9 Read twice and referred to theCommittee on 2inance.


    !.R.1( 9 (ERO Trans"%"on -ro/ &a%% es$a,e %o or $ a,e A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the InternalRevenue Code of * )( to provide a ta# credit to encourage private employers to hire veterans, to amendtitle 0), /nited tates Code, to clarify the reasonable efforts an employer may ma$e under the /niformed


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201



    !.R. * 9 Ve%eran s I3 Car# A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to direct the ecretary of:eterans 6ffairs to issue, upon request, veteran identification cards to certain veterans.

    ponsor9 Rep =uchanan, :ern 2 &*(K %introduced *?(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM enate :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 (?55?5 *- "assed?agreed to in enate. tatus9 "assed enate with an amendment by/nanimous Consent.La%es% +a4or A,%"on) 05 20 201 &e,a/e 7ub ", La! No) 118*91. : T;T < 73F = :A A,%"ons=


    !.R.*)5 9 VA Ve%eran Enro /en% Re$or%"ng. 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to permitthe centrali;ed reporting of veteran enrollment by certain groups, districts, and consortiums of educationalinstitutions.

    ponsor9 Rep Calvert, Pen C6&+5K %introduced *?1?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?1?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5 0 9 C ay (un% SAV A,%. 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to provide for the conductof annual evaluations of mental health care and suicide prevention programs of the 8epartment of :eterans6ffairs, to require a pilot program on loan repayment for psychiatrists who agree to serve in the :eterans!ealth 6dministration of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Lal;, Timothy J. G7&*K %introduced *?1?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsLa%es% +a4or A,%"on) 02 12 1 &e,a/e 7ub ", La! No) 118*2 >G7O) Te?%@73F


    !.R.5*- 9 3e-en#"ng Ve%erans -ro/ SeBues%ra%"on A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the =alanced =udgetand

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    !.R.5*) 9 C(A+7VA Ch" # E "g"b" "%y Age. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to increase thema#imum age for children eligible for medical care under the C!6G":6 program.

    ponsor9 Rep =rown, Corrine 2 &-K %introduced *?)?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?)?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via G366Es 6ction 7etwor$ athttp9??capwi;.com?moaa?issues?bills?@billA(+ 5 )-*


    !.R.55 9 Ve%erans 3e$en#en%s 7ar"%y A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to increase thema#imum age for children eligible for medical care under the C!6G":6 program.

    ponsor9 Rep 2ortenberry, Jeff 7

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    benefits of incorporating complementary alternative treatments available in non&8epartment of :eterans6ffairs medical facilities within the community.

    ponsor9 Rep =ilira$is, >us G. 2 &*5K %introduced *?*5?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*5?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.515 9 +e#a o- (onor 7r"or"%y Care A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to increasethe priority for enrollment of medal of honor recipients in the health care system of the 8epartment of:eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Lalberg, Tim GI&1K %introduced *?*5?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*5?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5) 9 VA E/$ oyee &onus Re,ou$/en%. 6 bill to authori;e the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs torecoup bonuses and awards paid to employees of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep Giller, Jeff 2 &*K %introduced *?*5?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 3versight and >overnment Reform

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?0?5 *- Referred to enate committee. tatus9 Received in the enate and Readtwice and referred to the Committee on :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5)) 9 Ve%erans +e#",a A,,ess A,% . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to provide forcoverage under the beneficiary travel program of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs of certain disabledveterans for travel for certain special disabilities rehabilitation, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep =rownley, Julia C6&5(K %introduced *?*0?5 *-' Related =ills9 .*1*Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5 + 9 Long*Ter/ Care Ve%erans Cho",e A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toauthori;e the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to enter into contracts and agreements for the transfer ofveterans to non&8epartment medical foster homes for certain veterans who are unable to live independently.

    ponsor9 Rep Giller, Jeff 2 &*K %introduced *?*0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.0 0 9 Re%"re# 7ay Res%ora%"on A,%. 6 bill to amend title * , /nited tates Code, to permit additionalretired members of the 6rmed 2orces who have a service&connected disability to receive both disabilitycompensation from the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs for their disability and either retired pay by reasonof their years of military service or combat&related special compensation.

    ponsor9 Rep =ilira$is, >us G. 2 &*5K %introduced *?*0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervicesM !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on 6rmedervices, and in addition to the Committee on :eteransO 6ffairs, for a period to be subsequently determined

    by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of thecommittee concerned.To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via G366Es or 86:Es 6ction 7etwor$sat http9??capwi;.com?moaa?issues?bills?@billA(+ 0*1-* or 86:Eshttps9??$?target?dav?+Q>qP20;>.asp#


    !.R.0*0 9 oun#e# arr"ors Fe#era Leave A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title -, /nited tates Code,to provide leave to any new 2ederal employee who is a veteran with a service&connected disability rated at0 percent or more for purposes of undergoing medical treatment for such disability, and for other

    purposes.ponsor9 Rep ynch, tephen 2. G6&)K %introduced *?*0?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse 3versight and >overnment Reform Related =ills9 .5+5atest Gajor 6ction9 **? -?5 *- igned by "resident


    !.R.0*- 9 F" "$"no Ve%erans 7ro/"se A,% . 6 bill to require the ecretary of 8efense to establish a process to determine whether individuals claiming certain service in the "hilippines during Lorld Lar IIare eligible for certain benefits despite not being on the Gissouri ist, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Geng, >race 7H&(K %introduced *?*0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 6rmed ervices, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.


    !.R.000 9 3"sab e# Ve%erans Ta? Ter/"na%"on A,%. 6 bill to amend title * , /nited tates Code, to permit retired members of the 6rmed 2orces who have a service&connected disability rated less than - percent to receive concurrent payment of both retired pay and veteransO disability compensation, to e#tendeligibility for concurrent receipt to chapter (* disability retirees with less than 5 years of service, and forother purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep =ishop, anford 8., Jr. >6&5K %introduced *?*0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervicesM !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on 6rmedervices, and in addition to the Committee on :eteransO 6ffairs, for a period to be subsequently determined

    by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of thecommittee concerned.

    To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via G366Es 6ction 7etwor$ athttp9??capwi;.com?moaa?issues?bills?@billA(+ 0*1-*


    !.R.0+5 9 Co//"ssary E?,hange E "g"b" "%y E?%ens"on. 6 bill to amend title * , /nited tates Code, toe#tend military commissary and e#change store privileges, without time&period limitation, to members ofthe 6rmed 2orces who are involuntarily separated with a service&connected disability and also to e#tendsuch privileges to their dependents.

    ponsor9 Rep 8enham, Jeff C6&* K %introduced *?*+?5 *-'

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    Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervicesatest Gajor 6ction9 *?*+?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    6rmed ervices.


    !.R.0++ 9 Ve% +anu-a,%ur"ng 7os"%"on E/$ oy/en% 7" o% 7rogra/ . 6 bill to provide for theestablishment of a pilot program to encourage the employment of veterans in manufacturing positions.

    ponsor9 Rep 8el=ene, u;an P. L6&*K %introduced *?*+?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse overnment ReformM!ouse JudiciaryM !ouse cience, pace, and Technology

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?*+?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committees on 6rmed ervices, 3versight and >overnmentReform, the Judiciary, and cience, pace, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of thecommittee concerned.


    !.R.+5* 9 C ass"-"e# Ve%erans A,,ess %o Care A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toimprove the mental health treatment provided by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to veterans who servedin classified missions.

    ponsor9 Rep inema, Pyrsten 6 & K %introduced *?5 ?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?5 ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.+-( 9 Re#u,"ng &arr"ers -or Ve%erans E#u,a%"on A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code,to include the cost of applying to an institution of higher learning as part of the benefits provided under the"ost& ?** overnment Reform

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 3versight and >overnment Reform, for a period to

    be subsequently determined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall withinthe jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


    !.R.+1+ 9 (o/e ess Ve%erans Re"n%egra%"on 7rogra/s Reau%hor" a%"on A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to o amendtitle 0), /nited tates Code, to provide for a five&year e#tension to the homeless veterans reintegration

    programs and to provide clarification regarding eligibility for services under such programs.ponsor9 Rep Lenstrup, =rad R. 3!&5K %introduced *?55?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.+1- 9 GI &" 7ro,ess"ng I/$rove/en% A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toma$e certain improvements in the laws administered by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs relating toeducational assistance, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Lenstrup, =rad R. 3!&5K %introduced *?55?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs
  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.+1( 9 GI &" E#u,a%"on Dua "%y Enhan,e/en% A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tatesCode, to clarify the process of approving courses of education pursued using educational benefitsadministered by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Lenstrup, =rad R. 3!&5K %introduced *?55?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.+)0 9 F" "$"no Ve%erans Fa/" y Reun"-",a%"on A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to e#empt children of certain2ilipino Lorld Lar II veterans from the numerical limitations on immigrant visas and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Ta$ai, Gar$ !I&*K %introduced *?55?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse Judiciary

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee onthe Judiciary.


    !.R.+ ) 9 E--","en% Serv",e -or Ve%erans A,%. 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs and theecretary of 8efense to jointly ensure that the :et Centers of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs have

    access to the 8efense "ersonnel Record Image Retrieval system and the :eterans 6ffairs?8epartment of8efense Identity Repository system.

    ponsor9 Rep 8enham, Jeff C6&* K %introduced *?55?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 6rmed ervices, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.


    !.R.- 5 9 In,reas"ng VA A,,oun%ab" "%y %o Ve%erans A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to establish a pilot programto improve the management and accountability within the :eterans !ealth 6dministration of the8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs, to provide oversight of the :eterans !ealth 6dministration, and for other

    purposes.ponsor9 Rep Pilmer, 8ere$ L6&(K %introduced *?55?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse =udgetatest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on the =udget, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.


    !.R.-*1 9 VA C a"/ A$$ea &a, og Tas For,e. 6 bill to establish a tas$ force to evaluate the bac$logof appeals to claims submitted to the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep Titus, 8ina 7:&*K %introduced *?55?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs


    !.R.-0- 9 F" "$"no Ve%erans o- or # ar II Congress"ona Go # +e#a A,%. 6 bill to award a

    Congressional gold medal, collectively, to the 2ilipino :eterans of Lorld Lar II, in recognition of theirdedicated service during Lorld Lar II.

    ponsor9 Rep :argas, Juan C6&-*K %introduced *?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 2inancial ervicesM !ouse 6dministration

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on2inancial ervices, and in addition to the Committee on !ouse 6dministration, for a period to besubsequently determined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the

    jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


    !.R.-(0 9 (onor"ng Our II +er,han% +ar"ners A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tatesCode, to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to establish the Gerchant Gariner

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    live more than + miles driving distance from the closest medical facility of the 8epartment that furnishesthe care sought by the veteran.

    ponsor9 Rep in$e, Ryan P. GTK %introduced *?51?5 *-' Related =ills9 !.R.-15, .5 1Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 *?51?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.- 0 9 Aurora VA (os$"%a F"nan,"ng an# Cons%ru,%"on Re-or/ A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to e#tend theauthori;ation for the construction of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs Gedical Center in 6urora,Colorado, and to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to enter into an agreement with the 6rmy Corps of

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    using their entitlement to educational assistance under the educational assistance programs administered bythe ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep =ilira$is, >us G. 2 &*5K %introduced 5?5?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.(-) 9 VA Reg"ona O--",e A,,oun%ab" "%y A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, torequire the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to submit to Congress an annual report on the performance of theregional offices of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep Geng, >race 7H&(K %introduced 5?5?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.((1 9 Ve%erans EBua A,,ess A,%. 6 bill to authori;e 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs health care providers to provide recommendations and opinions to veterans regarding participation in tate marijuana programs.

    ponsor9 Rep =lumenauer,

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    ponsor9 Rep GcPinley, 8avid =. L:&*K %introduced 5?-?5 *-' Cosponsors %*'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.1(0 9 VA Ve% Cho",e 7" o% 7rogra/ . 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to carry out a pilot program under which eligible veterans may elect to receive hospital care and medical services at non&8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs facilities, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep o=iondo, 2ran$ 6. 7J&5K %introduced 5?-?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.) 9 E?$ress A$$ea s A,%. 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to carry out a pilot program to provide veterans the option of using an alternative appeals process to more quic$ly determine

    claims for disability compensation.ponsor9 Rep 3ORour$e, =eto TN&*(K %introduced 5?-?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 5?-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via 86:Es 6ction 7etwor$ athttp9??w**.; 7ewsChat?topic?*** --1 ?*


    !.R.) 5 9 Ch"ro$ra,%", (ea %h 7ar"%y -or +" "%ary &ene-","ar"es A,%. 6 bill to require the ecretary of8efense to develop and implement a plan to provide chiropractic health care services and benefits forcertain new beneficiaries as part of the TRIC6R< program.

    ponsor9 Rep Rogers, Gi$e 8. 6 &0K %introduced 5?-?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on6rmed ervices.


    !.R.)() 9 Ve%erans TRICARE Cho",e A,%. To provide for coordination between the TRIC6R< programand eligibility for ma$ing contributions to a health savings account, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep tewart, Chris /T&5K %introduced 5?**?5 *-' Related =ills9 .++)Committees9 !ouse Lays and GeansM !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?**?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on Lays

    and Geans, and in addition to the Committee on 6rmed ervices, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.


    !.R. *+ 9 VA 3o3 Fe#era Re,overy Coor#"na%"on 7rogra/ O$era%"on. 6 bill to direct the ecretaryof 8efense and the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to jointly operate the 2ederal Recovery Coordination"rogram, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep >raham, >wen 2 &5K %introduced 5?*5?5 *-'

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 6rmed ervicesatest Gajor 6ction9 5?*5?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 6rmed ervices, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.

    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!.R. *- 9 Vo",es -or Ve%erans A,%. 6 bill to To amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to e#tend and e#pandthe membership of the 6dvisory Committee on Ginority :eterans to include veterans who are lesbian, gay,or bise#ual and veterans who are transgender.

    ponsor9 Rep 8el=ene, u;an P. L6&*K %introduced 5?*5?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?*5?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R. 5( 9 Ve% Gu"#e 3ogs. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to improve the provision of

    guide dogs to veterans blinded by a service&connected injury.ponsor9 Rep 6modei, Gar$

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    Committees9 !ouse !omeland ecurityM !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 5?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on

    !omeland ecurity, and in addition to the Committee on :eteransO 6ffairs, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned

    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!.R. 0 9 Ve%erans In#e$en#en% L"v"ng Enhan,e/en% A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tatesCode, to repeal the limitation on the number of veterans authori;ed to be enrolled in programs ofindependent living services and assistance administered by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep ujan >risham, Gichelle 7G&*K %introduced 5?*0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* *( 9 &"o og",a I/$ an% Tra, "ng an# Ve%eran Sa-e%y A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0),

    /nited tates Code, to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to adopt and implement a standardidentification protocol for use in the trac$ing and procurement of biological implants by the 8epartment of:eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Roe, 8avid ". T7&*K %introduced 5?5 ?5 *-' Related =ills9 .500+Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5 ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* *1 9 Ve%erans In-or/a%"on Se,ur"%y I/$rove/en% A,%. 6 bill to improve the information securityof the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs by directing the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to carry out certainactions to improve the transparency and the governance of the information security program of the8epartment, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Lalors$i, Jac$ie I7&5K %introduced 5?5 ?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5 ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* 0) 9 Ensur"ng VA E/$ oyee A,,oun%ab" "%y A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, torequire the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to retain a copy of any reprimand or admonishment received by anemployee of the 8epartment in the permanent record of the employee.

    ponsor9 Rep Costello, Ryan 6. "6&(K %introduced 5?5+?5 *-' Related =ills9 .*+ (

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM enate :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 -?* ?5 *- Referred to enate committee. tatus9 Received in the enate and Readtwice and referred to the Committee on :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* ( 9 Rea Cho",e -or Ve%erans A,%. 6 bill to amend the :eterans 6ccess, Choice, and6ccountability 6ct of 5 *+ to clarify the distance requirements regarding the eligibility of certain veteransto receive medical care and services from non&8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs facilities.

    ponsor9 Rep =yrne, =radley 6 &*K %introduced 5?5(?5 *-'


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    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 5?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.**51 9 VA Ve% Tr"ba Nurs"ng (o/e Gran%s . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toauthori;e the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to ma$e certain grants to assist nursing homes for veteranslocated on tribal lands.

    ponsor9 Rep Pir$patric$, 6nn 6 &*K %introduced 5?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.**5) 9 3e$ar%/en% o- Ve%erans A--a"rs Cyber Se,ur"%y 7ro%e,%"on A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0),/nited tates Code, to ma$e certain improvements in the information security of the 8epartment of:eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Pir$patric$, 6nn 6 &*K %introduced 5?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.**5 9 Ve%erans h"s% eb o!er an# 7a%"en% 7ro%e,%"on A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0),/nited tates Code, to establish within the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs an 3ffice of Lhistleblower and"atient "rotection.

    ponsor9 Rep Pir$patric$, 6nn 6 &*K %introduced 5?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.**00 9 FC Ve% &us"ness Loans. To amend the 2ederal Credit /nion 6ct to e#clude e#tensions ofcredit made to veterans from the definition of a member business loan.

    ponsor9 Rep Giller, Jeff 2 &*K %introduced 5?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 2inancial ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on2inancial ervices.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.**0+ 9 A,,ess %o T"/e y In-or/a%"on A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to improve

    the submission of information by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to Congress.ponsor9 Rep Giller, Jeff 2 &*K %introduced 5?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.**+* 9 GI &" Fa"rness A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to consider certaintime spent by members of reserve components of the 6rmed 2orces while receiving medical care from the


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    ecretary of 8efense as active duty for purposes of eligibility for "ost& ?** 6&)K %introduced 5?51?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 7atural Resources

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?51?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 7atural Resources, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.**)1 9 VA (o/e Loan L"/"%s. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to adjust certain limitson the guaranteed amount of a home loan under the home loan program of the 8epartment of :eterans6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep eldin, ee G. 7H&*K %introduced 5?51?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 5?51?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.*551 9 or -or arr"ors A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to authori;e a pilot program in the 8epartment of8efense to enhance efforts to provide job placement assistance and related employment services directly tomembers of the 7ational >uard and Reserves and veterans of the 6rmed 2orces.

    ponsor9 Rep Ta$ano, Gar$ C6&+*K %introduced 0?0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervicesM !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on 6rmedervices, and in addition to the Committee on :eteransO 6ffairs, for a period to be subsequently determined

    by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of thecommittee concerned.


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    !.R.*5 5 9 3"sab e# Ve%erans Co//"ssary an# E?,hange S%ore &ene-"%s A,%. 6 bill to amend title * ,/nited tates Code, to e#tend military commissary and e#change store privileges to veterans with acompensable service&connected disability and to their dependents.

    ponsor9 Rep 2ortenberry, Jeff 7

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 0?+?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*00) 9 3"gn"-"e# In%er/en% o- Our Ve%erans A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to require the ecretary of :eterans6ffairs to conduct a study on matters relating to the burial of unclaimed remains of veterans in nationalcemeteries, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep huster, =ill "6& K %introduced 0?(?5 *-' Related =ills9 .( -Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*0-( 9 o/en Ve%erans A,,ess %o Dua "%y Care A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to improve the provision ofhealth care for women veterans by the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Coffman, Gi$e C3&(K %introduced 0?*0?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to !ouse subcommittee. tatus9 Referred to the ubcommittee on



    !.R.*0-1 9 Ve%erans &ene-","ary Frau# En-or,e/en% A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code,to limit the designation of certain 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs employees as beneficiaries under:eteransO >roup ife Insurance, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Coffman, Gi$e C3&(K %introduced 0?*0?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?*0?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*0( 9 Ve%erans A,,ess %o E?%en#e# Care A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to modify the treatment of agreementsentered into by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to furnish nursing home care, adult day health care, orother e#tended care services, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Lalors$i, Jac$ie I7&5K %introduced 0?*(?5 *-' Related =ills9 .10Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201



    !.R.*0) 9 Ve%eran S%a%us +e#a "on E "g"b" "%y. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to e#pandthe eligibility for a medallion furnished by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to signify the veteran status ofa deceased individual.

    ponsor9 Rep Giller, Jeff 2 &*K %introduced 0?*(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?*(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*0)5 9 &oos%"ng Ra%es o- A/er",an Ve%eran E/$ oy/en% :&RAVE= A,% . 6 bill to amend title 0),/nited tates Code, to authori;e the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs, in awarding a contract for the

    procurement of goods or services, to give a preference to offerors that employ veterans.ponsor9 Rep Rice, Pathleen G. 7H&+K %introduced 0?*(?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 0?*(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    !.R.*0)+ 9 (onor A/er",a s Guar#*Reserve Re%"rees A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code,to recogni;e the service in the reserve components of certain persons by honoring them with status asveterans under law.

    ponsor9 Rep Lal;, Timothy J. G7&*K %introduced 0?*(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?*(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*0 9 Ve%eran E#u,a%"on E/$o!er/en% A,%. 6 bill to reauthori;e and improve a grant program toassist institutions of higher education in establishing, maintaining, improving, and operating :eteran

    tudent Centers.ponsor9 Rep 2ran$el, ois 2 &55K %introduced 0?*1?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    !.R.*+1- 9 orean ar Ve%erans +e/or"a a o- Re/e/bran,e A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to authori;e aLall of Remembrance as part of the Porean Lar :eterans Gemorial and to allow certain privatecontributions to fund that Lall of Remembrance.

    ponsor9 Rep Johnson, am TN&0K %introduced 0?* ?5 *-' Related =ills9 .* )5Committees9 !ouse 7atural Resources

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on 7atural Resources.


    !.R.*+ ( 9 Ve%eran Ch" # Care A,,ess a% VA Fa," "%"es. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toimprove the access to child care for certain veterans receiving health care at a facility of the 8epartment of:eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep !iggins, =rian 7H&5(K %introduced 0?* ?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*- 9 TRICARE 7r"/e Enro /en% E "g"b" "%y. 6 bill to ensure that certain TRIC6R< program beneficiaries may enroll in TRIC6R< "rime regardless of the location of their residence.

    ponsor9 Rep Pline, John G7&5K %introduced 0?* ?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on6rmed ervices.


    !.R.*- - 9 Ve%erans Eag e 7ar s 7ass A,%. 6 bill to ma$e the 7ational "ar$s and 2ederal Recreationalands "ass available at a discount to certain veterans.ponsor9 Rep 7ugent, Richard =. 2 &**K %introduced 0?* ?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse 7atural ResourcesM !ouse 6gricultureatest Gajor 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on

    7atural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on 6griculture, for a period to be subsequentlydetermined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.


    !.R.*- 9 Re"ns%a%e 3ra-%. 6 bill to amend the Gilitary elective ervice 6ct to require thereinstatement of the draft whenever an authori;ation on the use of military force or declaration of war is ineffect and to provide for the registration of women with the elective ervice ystem, and for other


    ponsor9 Rep. Rangel, Charles =. 8&7H&*0K %Introduced 0?* ?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse & 6rmed ervicesatest 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to the !ouse Committee on 6rmed ervices.


    !.R.*-*5 9 Annua A/er",an or # ar II C"%y 3es"gna%"on. 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans6ffairs to designate at least one city in the /nited tates each year as an U6merican Lorld Lar II CityU,and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Rou;er, 8avid 7C&1K %introduced 0?* ?5 *-'


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    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 0?* ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*-05 9 ee$"ng our 7ro/"ses %o Ve%erans A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the :eterans 6ccess, Choice,and 6ccountability 6ct of 5 *+ to modify the distance requirements regarding the eligibility of certainveterans to receive medical care and services from non&8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs facilities, and forother purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via G366Es 6ction 7etwor$ http9??capwi;.com?moaa?issues?bills?@billA(+ 5() *


    !.R.*- ) 9 Ve%eran S$ouses EBua Trea%/en% A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toamend the definition of the term UspouseU to recogni;e new tate definitions of such term for the purpose of the laws administered by the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep Titus, 8ina 7:&*K %introduced 0?5-?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?5-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*( 0 9 +" "%ary SAVE A,%. 6 bill to amend the :eterans 6ccess, Choice, and 6ccountability 6ct of5 *+ to improve the private treatment of veterans who are victims of military se#ual assault.

    ponsor9 Rep =arr, 6ndy PH&(K %introduced 0?5-?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?5-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*( + 9 Ve%erans +en%a (ea %h Care A,,ess A,%. To amend the :eterans 6ccess, Choice, and6ccountability 6ct of 5 *+ to e#pand the eligibility of veterans to receive mental health care at non&8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs facilities.

    ponsor9 Rep Gac6rthur, Thomas 7J&0K %introduced 0?5-?5 *-' Related =ills9 .)+*Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?5-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.

    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!.R.*( 1 9 Ru%h +oore A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to improve thedisability compensation evaluation procedure of the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs for veterans with mentalhealth conditions related to military se#ual trauma, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep "ingree, Chellie G

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    !.R.*()* 9 VA Cons%ru,%"on@ A,,oun%ab" "%y@ an# Re-or/ A,%. 6 bill to e#tend the authori;ation for themajor medical facility project to replace the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs Gedical Center in 8enver,Colorado, to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to enter into an agreement with the 6rmy Corps of. "6&)K %introduced 0?5(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse Transportation and InfrastructureM !ouse mall =usiness

    atest Gajor 6ction9 0?5(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee onTransportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on mall =usiness, for a period to besubsequently determined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the

    jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


    !.R.*10- 9 Na%"ona 3e-ense Au%hor" a%"on A,% -or F"s,a ear 2016. 6 bill to authori;e appropriationsfor fiscal year 5 *( for military activities of the 8epartment of 8efense and for military construction, to

    prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.ponsor9 Rep Thornberry, Gac TN&*0K %introduced +?*0?5 *-' Related =ills9 .*01(, !.R.51+1

    Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervicesatest Gajor 6ction9 -?5*?5 *- Received in the enate. Read twice. "laced on enate egislative Calendar

    under >eneral 3rders. Calendar 7o. .


    !.R.*1( 9 To?", E?$osure Resear,h A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to establish in the 8epartment of :eterans6ffairs a national center for research on the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions of the descendantsof veterans e#posed to to#ic substances during service in the 6rmed 2orces that are related to that e#posure,to establish an advisory board on such health conditions, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep =enishe$, 8an GI&*K %introduced +?*+?5 *-' Related =ills9 . *Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?*+?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 6rmed ervices, for a period to be subsequently


  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    determined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdictionof the committee concerned.To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via ::6Es action alert athttp9??capwi;.com?vva?issues?alert?@alertidA(00*(0 *StypeAC3


    !.R.*) 0 9 Ve%erans &a, %o or A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of * )( toma$e permanent the wor$ opportunity ta# credit for veterans and to allow an e#emption from an employerOsemployment ta#es in an amount equivalent to the value of such credit in the case of veterans.

    ponsor9 Rep "oe, Ted TN&5K %introduced +?*-?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse Lays and Geans

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?*-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee onLays and Geans.


    !.R.*)*( 9 Vu nerab e Ve%erans (ous"ng Re-or/ A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to e#clude from consideration asincome under the /nited tates !ousing 6ct of * 01 payments of pension made under section *-5* of title

    0), /nited tates Code, to veterans who are in need of regular aid and attendance.ponsor9 Rep !ec$, Joseph J. 7:&0K %introduced +?*-?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse 2inancial ervicesatest Gajor 6ction9 +?*-?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    2inancial ervices.


    !.R.*)*) 9 Ve%eran E/ergen,y +e#",a Te,hn","an Su$$or% A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the "ublic!ealth ervice 6ct to provide grants to tates to streamline tate requirements and procedures for veteranswith military emergency medical training to become civilian emergency medical technicians.

    ponsor9 Rep Pin;inger, 6dam I &*(K %introduced +?*-?5 *-' Related =ills9 .+-0Committees9 !ouse

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201



    !.R.*)(5 9 Ve%erans Cre#"% 7ro%e,%"on A,%. 6 bill to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to conductoutreach to veterans regarding the effect of delayed payments of claims for emergency medical carefurnished by non&8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs medical providers by the Chief =usiness 3ffice and todirect the ecretary to submit to Congress an annual report regarding such delayed payments.

    ponsor9 Rep =oustany, Charles L., Jr. 6&0K %introduced +?*(?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?*(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*)(0 9 E?$an# Ve%erans A,,ess@ Cho",e@ an# A,,oun%ab" "%y A,% o- 2018. 6 bill to amend the:eterans 6ccess, Choice, and 6ccountability 6ct of 5 *+ to e#pand the :eterans Choice "rogram toveterans who would otherwise receive medical care from a deficient medical facility of the 8epartment of:eterans 6ffairs.

    ponsor9 Rep =oustany, Charles L., Jr. 6&0K %introduced +?*(?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 +?*(?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.*)1- 9 F" "$"no Ve%erans Re,ogn"%"on A,%. 6 bill to e#tend the 2ilipino :eterans

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    !.R.* 9 Over 80 +" e Ve% Non*VA (ea %h Care. 6 bill to require the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs touse e#isting authorities to furnish health care at non&8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs facilities to veteranswho live more than + miles driving distance from the closest medical facility of the 8epartment thatfurnishes the care sought by the veteran.

    ponsor9 Rep Culberson, John 6bney TN&1K %introduced +?5*?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?5*?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* ** 9 VA Ve% Funera &ene-"%s In,rease. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to direct theecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to increase certain veteran funeral benefits.ponsor9 Rep !unter, 8uncan 8. C6&- K %introduced +?5*?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 +?5*?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* 0) 9 Ins$e,%ors Genera Trans$aren,y A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend the Inspector >eneral 6ct of * 1) to increase transparency of the Inspectors >eneral, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Pind, Ron LI&0K %introduced +?55?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 3versight and >overnment Reform

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on3versight and >overnment Reform.


    !.R.* +) 9 Ve%erans A,,ess %o Ch" # Care A,%. To amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to direct the

    ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to provide child care assistance to veterans receiving certain medical services provided by the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs.ponsor9 Rep =rownley, Julia C6&5(K %introduced +?55?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 +?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.* ( 9 +" "%ary an# Ve%eran Careg"ver Serv",es I/$rove/en% A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to e#pandeligibility for the program of comprehensive assistance for family caregivers of the 8epartment of :eterans6ffairs, to e#pand benefits available to participants under such program, to enhance special compensationfor members of the uniformed services who require assistance in everyday life, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep angevin, James R. RI&5K %introduced +?55?5 *-' Related =ills9 .* )-Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 6rmed ervicesM !ouse 3versight and >overnment ReformM!ouse overnmentReform,

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    To support this bill and?or contact your legislators send a message via 86:Es 6ction 7etwor$ http9??


    !.R.* 1) 9 Ve%erans Conserva%"on Cor$s A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to require the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs

    to establish a veterans conservation corps, and for other purposes.ponsor9 Rep "olis, Jared C3&5K %introduced +?55?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse Transportation and InfrastructureM !ouse JudiciaryM !ousecience, pace, and Technologyatest Gajor 6ction9 +?55?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, the Judiciary, andcience, pace, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the pea$er, in each case

    for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


    !.R.* + 9 201 VA A,,oun%ab" "%y A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to provide for theremoval or demotion of employees of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs based on performance ormisconduct, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Giller, Jeff 2 &*K %introduced +?50?5 *-' Related =ills9 !.R.0Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 3versight and >overnment Reform!ouse Reports9 **+&55- "art *, **+&55- "art 5

    atest Gajor 6ction9 1?5 ?5 *- "assed !ouse


    !.R.5 5 9 +" "%ary Cons%ru,%"on an# Ve%erans A--a"rs an# Re a%e# Agen,"es A$$ro$r"a%"ons A,%@2016. 6 bill ma$ing appropriations for military construction, the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs, andrelated agencies for the fiscal year ending eptember 0 , 5 *(, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep 8ent, Charles L. "6&*-K %introduced +?5+?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse 6ppropriations!ouse Reports9 **+& 5atest Gajor 6ction9 +?0 ?5 *- "assed !ouse


    !.R.5 +( 9 7res,r"$%"on 3rug A,,oun%ab" "%y A,%. 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code, toimprove the participation of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs in the prescription drug monitoring

    programs of the tates.ponsor9 Rep 8uffy, ean ". LI&1K %introduced +?5)?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 +?5)?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5 +1 9 Ensur"ng Ve%eran Sa-e%y Through A,,oun%ab" "%y A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0),/nited tates Code, to e#pand the authority of the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to remove seniore#ecutives of the 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs for performance or misconduct to include removal ofcertain other employees of the 8epartment, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep 8uffy, ean ". LI&1K %introduced +?5)?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse 3versight and >overnment Reform

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?5)?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs, and in addition to the Committee on 3versight and >overnment Reform, for a period to

    be subsequently determined by the pea$er, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall withinthe jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


    !.R.5 -0 9 +" "%ary Reserve Surv"vor &ene-"% EBu"%y A,%. To amend title * , /nited tates Code, toeliminate the different treatment under the urvivor =enefit "lan accorded members of the reservecomponents who die from an injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty during inactive&duty training compared to members of the 6rmed 2orces who die in the line of duty while on active duty.

    ponsor9 Rep Chaffet;, Jason /T&0K %introduced +?5)?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?5)?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on6rmed ervices.


    !.R.5 -+ 9 o/en Ve% A,,ess %o VA +e#",a Care. To amend title 0), /nited tates Code, to provide

    for increased access to 8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs medical care for women veterans.ponsor9 Rep =rown, Corrine 2 &-K %introduced +?5)?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsatest Gajor 6ction9 +?5)?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on

    :eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5 (1 9 Co # ar Serv",e +e#a A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title * , /nited tates Code, to providefor the award of a military service medal to members of the 6rmed 2orces who served honorably during theCold Lar, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep Israel, teve 7H&0K %introduced +?5)?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse 6rmed ervices

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?5)?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on6rmed ervices.


    !.R.5**+ 9 V",%"/s o- Agen% Orange Re "e- A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to direct the ecretary of tate, theecretary of !ealth and !uman ervices, and the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to provide assistance for

    individuals affected by e#posure to 6gent 3range, and for other purposes.ponsor9 Rep ee, =arbara C6&*0K %introduced +?5 ?5 *-'

    Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairsM !ouse

  • 7/25/2019 Veteran Legislation 160201


    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?0 ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5*0 9 Ve%eran s &ene-"%s C a"/s Fas%er F" "ng A,% o- 201 . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tatesCode, to direct the ecretary of :eterans 6ffairs to provide notice of average times for processing claimsand percentage of claims approved, and for other purposes.

    ponsor9 Rep 3ORour$e, =eto TN&*(K %introduced +?0 ?5 *-'Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?0 ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to the !ouse Committee on:eteransO 6ffairs.


    !.R.5*+- 9 7hys","an A/bassa#ors (e $"ng Ve%erans A,% . 6 bill to amend title 0), /nited tates Code,to establish the "hysician 6mbassadors !elping :eterans program to see$ to employ physicians at the8epartment of :eterans 6ffairs on a without compensation basis in practice areas and specialties withstaffing shortages and long appointment waiting times.

    ponsor9 Rep Culberson, John 6bney TN&1K %introduced +?0 ?5 *-' Related =ills9 .-(0Committees9 !ouse :eteransO 6ffairs

    atest Gajor 6ction9 +?0 ?5 *- Referred to !ouse committee. tatus9 Referred to