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Post on 19-May-2015




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  • 1. Verisimilitude

2. Definition and Uses The appearance of being true or real. It is used in films to try to make the film asrealistic as possible, this is through the use of sound and through the use of a created universe, in which reality can be bended to fit the directors needs 3. Sound There are many types of sound, that are used to create realism in films Diegetic/ Non-Diegetic This is sound that exists within the universe/ doesnt exit within the universe Asynchronous Sound it is where the sound is either out of sync with the visuals or unrelated to the visuals. Synchronous Sound - it is sound that is in sync with the visuals and was recorded along with the visuals 4. Example Gulliver's Travels The story is told in a first person singular with an eyewitness account. Readers are directly addressed. The background is of the real world Imaginary characters and places with some real world touch Juxtaposition of real and unreal world 5. Example Superman As the audience we believe that this mancan fly and have super strength It is due to the fact that he is seen to exist within a different universe, one where this phenomena is completely plausible The believability is reinforced due to fact that his universe demonstrates no realism and doesn't attempt to match the real world