verbish models: how to coax semantics into your … need verbs to write good business rules....

Business Rule Solutions, LLC The Business Rule Technique Company 1 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved. by by Ronald G. Ross Ronald G. Ross Co-Founder & Principal Business Rule Solutions, LLC Executive Editor Business Rules Journal Are You Verb Challenged? Are You Verb Challenged? Verbish Verbish Models: Models: How to Coax How to Coax Semantics into Your Data Models Semantics into Your Data Models New York DAMA New York DAMA March 18, 2010 March 18, 2010 References by Ronald G. Ross: Business Rule Concepts (3rd Ed), August, 2009, Principles of the Business Rule Approach , Addison-Wesley, 2003 Entity Modeling: Techniques and Application , Database Research Group, 1987

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Page 1: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 1 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

byby Ronald G. RossRonald G. RossCo-Founder & Principal Business Rule Solutions,

Executive Editor Business Rules

Are You Verb Challenged?Are You Verb Challenged?

VerbishVerbish Models:Models: How to Coax How to Coax Semantics into Your Data ModelsSemantics into Your Data Models

New York DAMA New York DAMA –– March 18, 2010March 18, 2010

References by Ronald G. Ross:Business Rule Concepts (3rd Ed), August, 2009,

Principles of the Business Rule Approach, Addison-Wesley, 2003

Entity Modeling: Techniques and Application, Database Research Group, 1987

Page 2: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 2 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Mr. Ross is recognized internationally as the “father of business rules.” He has served as Co-Chair of the annual Business Rules Forum Conference since 1997. He was a charter member of the Business Rules Group (BRG) in the 1980s, and an editor of the two landmark BRG papers, “The Business Motivation Model: Business Governance in a Volatile World” (2000, revised 2005, 2007) and the “Business Rules Manifesto” (2003). He is also active in OMG standards development for business rules and business models, including SBVR.

Mr. Ross ( is the author of eight professional books. His newest are: Business Rule Concepts (2009), a third edition of his popular, easy-to-read handbook, and Principles of the Business Rule Approach, Addison-Wesley (2003). An earlier work, The Business Rule Book (1994, 1997), was the seminal work in the field. Mr. Ross received his M.S. in information science from Illinois Institute of Technology, and his B.A. from Rice U.

Ronald G. Ross is Co-Founder and Principal of Business Rule Solutions, LLC ( BRS provides workshops, consulting, publications, and methodology supporting business analysis, business rules, business vocabulary, decisioning, and rule management. His popular public seminars, the first onbusiness rules (starting 1996) and the longest-running in the industry, are given through AttainingEdge in North America and IRM-UK in Europe.

Mr. Ross co-develops ProteusR, BRS’s landmark methodology, featuring numerous innovative techniques including the popular RuleSpeakR (free on, now also in Spanish, German and Dutch). These are the latest offerings in a 35-year career that has consistently featured creative, business-driven solutions.

Mr. Ross is also Executive Editor and regular columnist of BRCommunity.comand its flagship on-line publication, Business Rules Journal. Sponsored by BRS, is a non-commercial vertical community for professionals working in the field. Mr. Ross was formerly Editor of the Data Base Newsletter from 1977 to 1998.

About Ronald G. Ross

Page 3: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 3 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Verbish Models: Preview

What is the world’s leading cause of ambiguity?

Business Rule: An order must not be shipped if the outstanding balance exceeds credit authorization.

… something seems to be hidden or missing.

Ask: Outstanding balance of what?

order? …customer? …account? …shipment?

Credit authorization of what?

order? …customer? …account? …shipment?

Page 4: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 4 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Original Rule: An order must not be shipped if the outstanding balance exceeds credit authorization.

Facts: customer places ordercustomer has credit authorizationcustomer holds accountaccount has outstanding balance

Revised Rule: An order must not be shipped if the outstanding balance of the account held by the customer that placed the order exceeds the credit authorization of the customer.

Use facts explicitly in business rules!

Hidden or missing facts ...… are not good!

Example from:

Verbish Models: Preview

Page 5: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 5 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Facts verbs

You need verbs to write good business rules.You need verbs to write good requirements.You need verbs to write good business communications.

In short, you need verbs to write anything.

… So why aren’t we using verbs more fully?!

The Message …

Verbish Models: Preview

Page 6: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 6 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

About Verbs

“verb”… a word belonging to that part of speech that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being …

From: Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary (emphasis added)

““A verb, then, is not just a word that refers to A verb, then, is not just a word that refers to an action or state but the chassis of a an action or state but the chassis of a sentence. It is a framework with receptacles sentence. It is a framework with receptacles for the other parts for the other parts …… to be bolted be bolted onto.””

The Stuff of Thought, by Steven Pinker, Viking, 2007, p. 31

Myth: Verbs simply indicate processes

“predicate”2: the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said of the subject and that usually consists of a verb with or without objects, complements, or adverbial modifiers

Page 7: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 7 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Example: “To place” … as in, a customer placing an order

Which perspective most important for … ?!Expressing business rules (criteria for operational decisions).Achieving reusability or sharing of data (e.g., data modeling).Providing high-quality information (e.g., BI). Retaining know-how (knowledge retention).Eliminating stove-pipe products (product re-engineering).

There is something a customer can do:Place an order.

… That’s a process.There is something that can be known:A customer can place an order.

… That’s a fact.

About Verbs

Page 8: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 8 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

The Pedigree …

Sjir Nijssen, “An Architecture for Knowledge Base Software”, paper presented at the Australian Computer Society conference, July 1981, pp.1-96. Available at … [CogNIAM]

Terry Halpin (with Tony Morgan), 2nd Ed., Information Modeling and Relational Databases. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. … [ORM]

Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) 1.0, 2007, OMG.

Speak business in ‘data’ modeling!

For background on the SBVR and the consortium that produced it, refer to: “A Brief History of the Business Rule Approach,”Business Rules Journal. Available at

For explanation of SBVR modeling constructs, refer to: Business Rule Concepts (3rd Ed), Part II, by Ronald G. Ross, 2009,

About Fact Modeling

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 9 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

1. Unary Facts …Verbs about only one thing

A unary fact type always provides a simple yes-or-no answer (i.e., is assumed Boolean).

The fact type product is being actively marketed…Involves only a single term, product, and is

therefore unary.Indicates that a given product either is or is not

being actively marketed. Like any fact type, could be relevant to

business rules.


is being actively marketed

Example Rule: A briefing may be given only for a product that is being actively marketed.

Issues That Can Be Handled Well Only Using Verbs


= fact type

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 10 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

2. Roles …Nouns whose meaning (semantics) is all tied up with verbs

Business people often have a special term for a concept they use only in the context of some particular fact type.

Example Business people might say:flight arrives at destination

Destination is simply a special name given to a citywhere a flight arrives.

Such a role name designates the part the concept city plays in the context of the fact type.

city flightarrives at[destination]

Issues That Can Be Handled Well Only Using Verbs

Page 11: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 11 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

2. Roles …(cont)

Role names are a particularly good way to handle terms that simply reflect the wording of a fact type.

vehicle personowns [owner]

Owner simply reflects the wording owns.

Like any term, a role name could be relevant to business rules.

Example Rule: A parking citation may be given only to the owner of a vehicle.

Issues That Can Be Handled Well Only Using Verbs

Page 12: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 12 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

What are you going to do with …

Business Rule: A vehicle must not transport more than 4 passengers.

is involved withvehicle person


3. Reversal …Verbs of the opposite persuasion

Data Model …

Issues That Can Be Handled Well Only Using Verbs

Page 13: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 13 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

“Intersection data” in data models

Business Rule: A vehicle must not transport more than 4 passengers.

But people can own, lease, drive or ride in vehicles.

is involved withvehicle person



veh-pers-code•own•lea•dri•pasYou can put in a type code …

‘Data’ Rule: A vehicle must not be of more than 4 peoplewhere veh-pers-code = “pas”.


Data Model …

Issues That Can Be Handled Well Only Using Verbs

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 14 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

“Intersection data” in data models (cont)

Business Rule: A person must not lease a vehicle the person owns.

You can put in a type code …

‘Data’ Rule: A person must not be involved with the same vehicle where veh-per-code = “lea” and veh-per-code = “own”.

Double Yuck!Double Yuck!

is involved withvehicle person




Data Model …

Issues That Can Be Handled Well Only Using Verbs

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 15 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Associative fact types are expressed using verbish wording(s) indicating how (usually two) concepts relate.

Fact types are never ‘mandatory’ …They simply indicate what can be known or what can happen.

Two or more concepts can be relatedmore than once …… if the meanings (semantics) of the verbs are different(!).

Fact models are really verbal models



vehicle person

rides in


What Fact Types Are About

Page 16: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 16 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Binary fact types are always bi-directional (even if not worded explicitly).

The “direction” of the little arrow indicates how to “read” the fact type (and nothing more!).

Any verbish concept can have synonyms …

… if the meaning (semantics) is 100% the same(!).



vehicle person

rides in

leasesis owned by

is leased by

is driven by



Opposite-direction wordings …

What Fact Types Are About

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 17 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.



vehicle person

rides in

leasesis owned by

is leased by

is driven by



Back to the business rules …

Rule: A vehicle must not transport

Verbalizing business rules …

more than 4 passengers.

Rule: A person must not lease a vehicle the person owns.

What Fact Types Are About

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 18 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Objectification …

purchase datepurchase price



vehicle person

rides in

leasesis owned by

is leased by

is driven by





‘Intersections’ start off verbish!

Objectify: 1a : to cause to become or to assume the character of an object

In natural language, we often turn verbs into nouns, so we can talk about them as ‘things’.

In other words, we objectify (or reify) them.Because objectifications (e.g., ownership)

are ‘things’, they can have properties.

From: Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary


= fact type

What Fact Types Are About

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 19 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Objectification …

purchase datepurchase price



vehicle person

rides in

leasesis owned by

is leased by

is driven by





Like any term, an objectification could be relevant to business rules.

Example Rule: Proof of purchase must be provided to establish ownership of a vehicle.

What Fact Types Are About


= fact type

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 20 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Rule: Income must be GT 20% of the estimated Income must be GT 20% of the estimated value if subject to litigation.value if subject to litigation.Ambiguities …1. Which 1. Which ‘‘incomeincome’’??2. Which is2. Which is ‘‘subject to litigationsubject to litigation’’ ……‘‘partyparty’’ or or ‘‘propertyproperty’’??3. Which 3. Which fact typesfact types should be used to interpret the should be used to interpret the rule correctly?rule correctly?

a. Income and estimated value a. Income and estimated value of the propertyof the property??b. Income of the party who b. Income of the party who ownsowns the property?the property?c. Income of the party who c. Income of the party who leasesleases the property?the property?d. Income of the party who d. Income of the party who completes the loan completes the loan application listing the property as collateralapplication listing the property as collateral??e. Income of the party who e. Income of the party who completes the loan completes the loan application requesting financing for the application requesting financing for the propertyproperty??

loan application



is subject to litigation

party property





[subject property]

requests financing for

is subject to litigation

income income estimated


Mortgage applications

Back to Ambiguity

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 21 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Solution 1. Embedding the fact types …Rule:Rule: The income of the party who completes The income of the party who completes a loan application requesting financing for a a loan application requesting financing for a property must be GT 20% of the estimated property must be GT 20% of the estimated value of the property if the property is subject value of the property if the property is subject to litigation.

Now uNow unambiguous … but a bit wordy.

loan application



is subject to litigation

party property





[subject property]

requests financing for

is subject to litigation

income income estimated


Mortgage applications

Back to Ambiguity

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 22 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Solution 2. Using roles …Rule:Rule: The income of a borrower must be GT 20% The income of a borrower must be GT 20% of the estimated value of the subject property if the of the estimated value of the subject property if the subject property is subject to litigation.subject property is subject to litigation.

Now uNow unambiguous … and to the point.

loan application



is subject to litigation

party property





[subject property]

requests financing for

is subject to litigation

income income estimated


Mortgage applications

Back to Ambiguity

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 23 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Rule: A library card may be used to check-out a book only if the book is owned by a library for which the card is authorized.

Library fact model







is used to check-out




is made for

borrower type

holdsis charged


is authorized for


fee amount

is ownedby

Rule: A library card must be authorized for a library.

Business rules are verbish!

Note: “Must” and “may” are verbalauxiliaries.

Verbs, Fact Models and Business Rules

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 24 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

An ASSESSMENT is a specific monetary charge against a Library Card for abuse of books or borrowing privileges.

A BOOK is any document, publication or work in any media that is held by or available through a Library.

A BORROWER is a Person or Organization of interest to a Library that can potentially borrow Books.

A BORROWER TYPE is the category of a Borrower -- i.e., Person or Organization.

A FEE AMOUNT is the total amount of an Assessment.

A LIBRARIAN is a certified professional who can work in a Library in an official capacity.

A LIBRARY is a repository of Books and/or a lender of Books to Borrowers.

A LIBRARY CARD is an agreement between a Borrower and a Library indicating that the parties agree to abide by the Library’s book-lending rules.

An ORGANIZATION is legal entity that can act independently of particular persons.

A PERSON is an individual who acts in his own behalf.

Defining Terms: The Concepts Catalog (Glossary)

Verbs, Fact Models and Business Rules

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About the Business Rules Manifesto

Article 3. Deliberate Article 3. Deliberate Knowledge, Not A Knowledge, Not A ByBy--Product Product 3.1. Rules build on facts, and facts build on concepts as expressed by terms.

3.2. Terms express business concepts; facts make assertions about these concepts; rules constrain and support these facts.

3.3. Rules must be explicit. No rule is ever assumed about any concept or fact.

3.4. Rules are basic to what the business knows about itself — that is, to basic business knowledge.

3.5. Rules need to be nurtured, protected, and managed.

by Business Rules Group,

A building-block approach to developing and retaining …

Criteria for making operational decisions

Business know-how… that scales.

Reference: Business Rule Concepts, (3rd Ed), Chapter 1 and Part II.

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1. Protect us from known or perceived real-life risks

Good operationalGood operational--level rules level rules ……

Provide markers of known dangers.Provide markers of known dangers.

Keep you on Keep you on ‘‘friendly pathsfriendly paths’’..

Business rules:Business rules:

Never stand on the top rung of a ladder.Never stand on the top rung of a ladder.

Never use a ladder by yourself.Never use a ladder by yourself.

What Good Rules Do For Us

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 27 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

2. Provide criteria for making minute-to-minute business decisions

Human BehaviorHuman Behavior

“…“… criteriacriteria for conduct or action.for conduct or action.””

Business rule:Business rule:

A gold customer must be allowed A gold customer must be allowed access to the warehouseaccess to the warehouse. .

Is this a gold Is this a gold customer or customer or not? not? …… Yes!Yes!

Classifications and ComputationsClassifications and Computations

“…“… criteriacriteria for shaping concepts.for shaping concepts.””

Business rule:Business rule:

A customer is always considered a A customer is always considered a gold customer if the customer places gold customer if the customer places more than 12 orders during more than 12 orders during a calendar year.a calendar year.

Let this customer Let this customer in or not? in or not? …… Yes!Yes!

What Good Rules Do For Us

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“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”

Henry Ford (1863-1947)My Life and Work (1922), Chapter IV

3. Keep us aligned with business goals and objectives

Good operationalGood operational--level rules level rules ……

Ensure the Ensure the ‘‘big picturebig picture’’ doesndoesn’’t get t get lost in the nittylost in the nitty--gritty of minutegritty of minute--toto--minute work.minute work.

Define the boundaries of desirable Define the boundaries of desirable and/or optimal behavior.and/or optimal behavior.

Business rule: Business rule:

What Good Rules Do For Us

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 29 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

4. Provide a pragmatic means to express and retain know-how

Good operationalGood operational--level rules level rules ……

Encode knowledge.Encode knowledge.

Communicate that knowledge to Communicate that knowledge to people displaced in time, place and people displaced in time, place and activity.activity.

The The ““graygray--hairhair”” problem problem ………… and training.and training.

What Good Rules Do For Us

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5. Make the business agile

What Good Rules Do For Us

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How do you get from here to there … fast?

Bind HomeInsurance

Operational Operational Business Business ProcessProcess

Business Rule: Business Rule: A homeA home--owner owner insurance policy must not be bound insurance policy must not be bound for any home within the 4for any home within the 4--day cone of day cone of uncertainty for any tropical storm.uncertainty for any tropical storm.

Business Policy: Business Policy: No new No new homehome--owner insurance while owner insurance while a storm like this threatens.a storm like this threatens.

What Good Rules Do For Us

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 32 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Bind HomeInsurance

Operational Operational Business Business ProcessProcess

Dynamic Dynamic RulebookRulebook

Business PoliciesBusiness PoliciesContracts & AgreementsContracts & AgreementsRegulatory Constraints Regulatory Constraints Competitive TacticsCompetitive Tacticsetc.etc.

timely timely effectiveeffectiveselectiveselectivetraceabletraceablerepeatablerepeatableretractableretractable

Deployment should be …

What Good Rules Do For Us

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 33 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

What Good Rules Do For Us

Bind HomeInsurance

Operational Operational Business Business ProcessProcess

Dynamic Dynamic RulebookRulebook

Is there any alternative? fastfast--pacedpacedknowledgeknowledge--centriccentricglobally connectedglobally connected

Business PoliciesBusiness PoliciesContracts & AgreementsContracts & AgreementsRegulatory Constraints Regulatory Constraints Competitive TacticsCompetitive Tacticsetc.etc.

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 34 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

General General RulebookRulebookSystemSystem(GRBS)(GRBS)

Managing Your Guidance …Single-sourced (no matter how many times “published”)Versions trackedInterpretations trackedUsage and context trackedVocabulary is controlled

“…“… Rules apply across processes and procedures. There should Rules apply across processes and procedures. There should be one cohesive body of rules, enforced consistently across be one cohesive body of rules, enforced consistently across all relevant areas of business activity.all relevant areas of business activity.””

Business Rules Manifesto (2.3) –

Reference: Business Rule Concepts, (3rd Ed.), Chapter 3.

Fingertip Business


A best practice for rule management … Automated Rulebooks

About Rulebook Management

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 35 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.


Developed by Business Rule Solutions, LLC (BRS) starting in 1996.

Applied in hundreds of projects since that time.


One of three reference notations used in the creation of SBVR.

Fully consistent with that standard.


… for business-friendly business rules in structured natural language

… in English (2.0), Dutch, Spanish & German … released April, 2009

… free on

Expressing Business Rules

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About Business Rule Solutions, LLC

Ronald G. Ross Gladys S.W. Lam

Over 14 Years Exclusively in Business Rules

Co-Founders More Ways to Find Out More …

Just Announced!Oct. 17-21, 2010Washington, DC

Public Seminars …Toronto – April 6-9San Jose, CA – May 3-7

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Case StudyLarge Health Care Organization

Changes to business rules are passed to IT in the form of pseudo-code and rule engine statements.

Only one person on the business side is able to perform each of these two hand-offs, respectively.

Assessment: “fast and streamlined” … BUT, risks:Depends on single business-side resource.Requires training and expertise in arcane languages.Provides no guarantee that business intent won’t be prematurely

slanted to the technical expressions. Doesn’t allow broader review, analysis, communication and

refinement in the business intent associated with each change. Preempts business-level communication about the changes, and

sharing and retention of related motivation and know-how.

About Business Communication

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How to have business conversations in business terms

““Business people donBusiness people don’’t set variables t set variables and they donand they don’’t call functions.t call functions.””

Don Don BaisleyBaisley, Microsoft, Microsoft

Business Rule: An employee must have a name.

System Rule: If an employee does not have a name, then ???

Expressing Business Rules

A business rule statement does not look for and respond to violations!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 39 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

How to have business conversations in business terms

““Business people donBusiness people don’’t set variables t set variables and they donand they don’’t call functions.t call functions.””

Don Don BaisleyBaisley, Microsoft, Microsoft

…… And they donAnd they don’’t say t say ““nullnull””!!

Business Rule: An expeditor must be assigned to an ordershipped but not invoiced for more than a week.

System Rule: If system_date_time minus shipping_date_time is greater than 1 week and invoicing_date_time = null, then post …

Expressing Business Rules

The absence of something is not a something!

Page 40: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 40 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

How to have business conversations in business terms

““Business people donBusiness people don’’t set variables t set variables and they donand they don’’t call functions.t call functions.””

Don Don BaisleyBaisley, Microsoft, Microsoft

…… And they donAnd they don’’t naturally use t naturally use type type codescodes in most cases!in most cases!

Business Rule: A customer with preferred status must have its orders filled within a day.

System Rule: If customer_status = “P” and any ship_date > order_date + 24 hours , then post …

Expressing Business Rules

Type codes are how you represent something in a system!

Page 41: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 41 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.



DiscourseDiscourse--Dependent Rule:Dependent Rule:No smoking.No smoking.

DiscourseDiscourse--Independent Rule:Independent Rule:A person must not smoke any A person must not smoke any tobacco product inside any building. tobacco product inside any building.

A best practice for expressing rules …

Business rules must be understandable Business rules must be understandable ‘‘out of contextout of context’’..

Say what you fully mean …… and fully mean what you say.


Expressing Business Rules

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 42 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Questions …Is the person who drives a vehicle

considered a passenger?Does the rule apply to buses …

or just to passenger cars?Does the business rule mean a

vehicle can’t carry more than 4 passengers ever … or just at any given point in time?

Can the same person be a passenger in the same vehicle more than one time over time?



vehicle person

rides in

leasesis owned by

is leased by

is driven by




Back to …

Rule: A vehicle must not transport

How to have business conversations in business terms

more than 4 passengers.

About Business Analysis

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 43 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

The real business rules might be:

Rule: A passenger overload traffic citation must be written for a passenger vehicle carrying more than 4 passengers.

Rule: A traffic citation may be given only to a person driving.

How to have business conversations in business terms (cont)


citation type

citation datenumber of passengers


vehicle person

leasesis owned by

is leased by

is given to





vehicle type


is written for

About Business Analysis

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 44 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Current Rule: An order must not be shipped to more than one destination.

What happened to the cardinality? Example …

Company ABC currently permits an order to be shipped only to a single destination.

Customers are beginning to request multi-destination orders.

This new policy might have to be adopted in the future.

Note: This current rule can be changed or dropped at any time!

order destinationis shipped to

Building current business practices into structure ...… is not good!

Best Practices

Use business rules to express current business practices!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 45 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Business Rules:

A seasonal employee must be assigned to exactly one project.

A trainee must not be assigned to a project whose budget exceeds $1M.

A staff member must be assigned to at least one project, but not more than 10.

A manager need not be assigned to a project.

Cardinality is often conditional anyway ...

is assigned to




trainee seasonalemployee managerstaff



Best Practices

Express conditional cardinalities as business rules!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 46 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Revised VersionFact: employee approves orderCurrent Rule: An order may be approved only by a credit clerk.

Order approval

Ask:Why credit clerk?Why not other employees in the future?Why not any employee?

Note: The current rule can be changed or dropped at any time!


order employee



order employeeapproves

Generalize facts (within reason)!

Current Business PracticeFact: credit clerk approves orderFact: credit clerk is a category of employee

Best Practices

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 47 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Rule: A claim must not be assigned to a trainee adjudicator.Rule: A junior adjudicator must not be assigned to a bodily-injury claim.

Generalizing facts

is assigned toadjudicator


trainee junior senior



bodily-injury claim

material-damage claim

Design the fact model for stability!

Best Practices

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 48 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.


direct outlet



traditionalgas station

ultra servicecenter


is candidate for modification




Best Practices

Rule: A territory must not include more than one of the following kinds of direct outlet:

traditional gas station that is not a candidate for modificationultra service centerfood outlet

Rule: A sales representative must not represent a territory that … (same).

Example from:

Constraints just don’t come in nice, neat forms ...

Express complex constraints as business rules!

Page 49: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 49 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Rule: A payment may be issued only toa claimant who makes the claim forwhich the payment compensates.

Constraints just don’t come in nice, neat forms ...

Example: Cycle constraints




compensates for


is issued to

Note: The fact types “is issued to,”“makes,” and “compensates for”form a cycle.

Best Practices

Express cycle constraints as business rules!

Page 50: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 50 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Order is credit-

checked Order is filled

Order is shipped

Order is invoiced

Order is completed

Order is received


States in the life cycle (‘happy life’) of orders …

States are verbish!

Past Participle: a participle that typically expresses completed action …

Participle: [1]: a word having the characteristics of both verb and adjective; especially: the English verbal adjective ending in -ing or in -ed, -d, -t, -en, or –n

From: Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary (emphasis added)

A Closer Look at Past Participles

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 51 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Modeling states verbishlyOrder Status

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed





[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

States are best represented as a series of unary facts, each dependent on the former’s role.Notes:

“is credit-checked” requires that an order “is received”… that is, is dependent on the role “received order”.

“is shipped” implies … “order is received and is credit-checked and is filled and is shipped”.

A Closer Look at Past Participles

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 52 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Ask about state-specific constraints

Rule: A credit-checked order must be verified by at least 3 references.

Rule: A shipped order must be assigned to a carrier.

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed



[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

is receivedorder

[received order]

is assigned to



is verified by

Business Rules About States

Express state-specific constraints as business rules!

Page 53: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 53 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Ask about suspense criteria

Rule: An expeditor must be assigned to an order shipped but not invoiced for more than a week.

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed





[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

is assigned to


Business Rules About States

Express suspense criteria as business rules!

Page 54: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 54 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Business rules vs. data rules – one more time!

Business Rule: An expeditor must be assigned to an ordershipped but not invoiced for more than a week.

Data Rule: If system_date_time minus shipping_date_time is greater than 1 week and invoicing_date_time = null, then post …

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed





[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

is assigned to


Business Rules About States

Business rules and system /data rules are not the same!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 55 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Rule: A cancelled order must not have been shipped.

Ask about prohibited antecedents

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed





[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

is cancelled

[cancelled order]



Business Rules About States

Express prohibited antecedents as business rules!

Page 56: Verbish Models: How to Coax Semantics into Your …...You need verbs to write good business rules. You need verbs to write good requirements. You need verbs to write good business

Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 56 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Ask about coordination with processes

Rule: A order must be considered rejected if the most recent requested credit check for that order is not satisfactory.

is invoiced

is completed [invoiced order]

[completed order]

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped





[shipped order]

is rejected



is requested for

is satisfactory is


[requested credit check]

performcredit check

action Rule: A order must be considered credit-checked if all the following are true:

A credit check has been requested for that order

The most recent requested credit check for that order is satisfactory.

Business Rules About States

Express processing constraints as business rules!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 57 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Rule: A rejected order must not be credit-checked.

Rule: A back-ordered order must not be filled.

Ask about further activity

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed





[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

is back-ordered


is rejected


Business Rules About States

Express aging constraints as business rules!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 58 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

is received

is credit-checked

is filled

is shipped

is invoiced

is completed





[shipped order]

[invoiced order]

[completed order]

Ask about after life

Rule: A completed order must be retained for 7 years.

Business Rules About States

Express retention constraints as business rules!

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 59 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

What I have said …

You need verbish models to make complete sentences.Complete sentences are how you make sense.Making sense is how you communicate with people …

… and in the not too distant future, how you will communicate with machines(!).

Our journey today …

Business rules pertain to knowledge.Knowledge requires communication.

Communication is based on sentences.Sentences need verbs.

Verbs underlie facts.Facts imply semantics.

Verbish Models: Summary

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Business Rule Solutions, LLCThe Business Rule Technique Company 60 Copyright, BRS. All rights reserved.

Fact models are for …

Communicating with business people and …

Expressing business rules and …

Designing structures to manage data.


Thank you!

Verbish Models: Summary