verbele neregulate in engleza

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  • 7/29/2019 Verbele Neregulate in Engleza


    Verbele neregulate in englezaLista verbelor neregulate este urmatoarea:

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to abide abode / abided abode / abided / abidden (a se supune)

    to alight alit / alighted alit / alighted (a aprinde)to arise arose arisen (a se ridica)

    to awake awoke awoken (a se trezi)

    to be was/were been (a fi)

    to bear bore born / borne (a naste)

    to beat beat beaten (a bate)

    to become became become (a deveni)

    to begin began begun (a incepe)

    to behold beheld beheld (a zari)

    to bend bent bent (a indoi)

    to bet bet bet (a paria)

    to bid bade bidden (a licita)

    to bid bid bid (a invita)

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to bind bound bound (a lega)

    to bite bit bitten (a musca)

    to bleed bled bled (a sangera)

    to blow blew blown (a sufla)

    to break broke broken (a sparge)

    to breed bred bred (a creste)

    to bring brought brought (a aduce)

    to broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted (a difuza)

    to build built built (a construi)

    to burn burnt / burned burnt / burned (a arde)

    to burst burst burst (a izbucni)

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to bust bust bust (a da buzna)

    to buy bought bought (a cumpara)

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    to cast cast cast (a arunca)

    to catch caught caught (a prinde)

    to choose chose chosen (a alege)

    to clap clapped / clapt clapped / clapt (a aplauda)

    to cling clung clung (a se agata)

    to clothe clad / clothed clad / clothed (a imbraca)

    to come came come (a veni)

    to cost cost cost (a costa)

    to creep crept crept (a se furisa)

    to cut cut cut (a taia)

    to dare dared / durst dared (a indrazni)

    to deal dealt dealt (a imparti)

    to dig dug dug (a sapa)

    to dive dived / dove dived (a se


    to do did done (a face)

    to draw drew drawn (a desena)

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed (a visa)

    to drink drank drunk (a bea)

    to drive drove driven (a conduce)

    to dwell dwelt dwelt (a locui)

    to eat ate eaten (a manca)

    to fall fell fallen (a cadea)

    to feed fed fed (a hrani)

    to feel felt felt (a simti)

    to fight fought fought (a lupta)

    to find found found (a gasi)

    to fit fit / fitted fit / fitted (a potrivi)

    to flee fled fled (a fugi)

    to fling flung flung (a arunca)

    to fly flew flown (a zbura)

    to forbid forbade / forbad forbidden (a interzice)

    to forecast forecast / forecasted forecast / forecasted (a prezice)

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    to foresee foresaw foreseen (a prevedea)

    to foretell foretold foretold (a prevesti)

    to forget forgot forgotten (a uita)

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to forgive forgave forgiven (a ierta)to forsake forsook forsaken (a abandona)

    to freeze froze frozen (a ingheta)

    to frostbite frostbit frostbitten (a degera)

    to get got got/gotten (a lua/ a obtine)

    to give gave given (a da)

    to go went gone/been (a merge)

    to grind ground ground (a macina)

    to grow grew grown (a creste)

    to handwrite handwrote handwritten (a scrie cu


    to hang hung/hanged hung/hanged (a


    to have had had (a avea)

    to hear heard heard (a auzi)

    to hide hid hidden (a


    to hit hit hit (a lovi)

    to hold held held (a tine)

    to hurt hurt hurt (a durea)

    to input input / inputted input / inputted (a introduce)to keep kept kept (a tine)

    to kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled (a


    to knit knit / knitted knit / knitted (a tricota)

    to know knew known (a sti/ a


    to lay laid laid (a aseza)

    to lead led led (a conduce)

    to lean leant / leaned leant / leaned (a sprijini)

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    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to leap leapt / leaped leapt / leaped (a sari)

    to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned (a invata)

    to leave left left (a pleca)

    to lend lent lent (aimprumuta)

    to let let let (a lasa)

    to lie lay lain (a minti)

    to light lit lit (a aprinde)

    to lose lost lost (a pierde)

    to make made made (a face)

    to mean meant meant (a insemna)

    to meet met met (a intalni)

    to melt melted molten / melted (a topi)

    to mislead misled misled (a induce in


    to mistake mistook mistaken (a gresi)

    to misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood (a intelege


    to mow mowed mown (a cosi)

    to overdraw overdrew overdrawn (a descoperi


    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to overhear overheard overheard (a auzi fara sa vrea)to overtake overtook overtaken (a depasi)

    to pay paid paid (a plati)

    to prove proved proven/proved (a dovedi)

    to put put put (a pune)

    to quit quit quit (a


    to read read read (a citi)

    to rid rid / ridded rid / ridded (a scapa)

    to ride rode ridden (a calari)

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    to ring rang rung (a suna)

    to rise rose risen (a se


    to rive rived riven / rived (a se


    to run ran run (a


    to saw sawed sawn / sawed (a taia

    cu ferastraul)

    to say said said (a


    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to see saw seen (a vedea)

    to seek sought sought (a cauta)

    to sell sold sold (a vinde)

    to send sent sent (a trimite)

    to set set set (a pune)

    to sew sewed sewn / sewed (a coase)

    to shake shook shaken (a scutura)

    to shave shaved shaven / shaved (a barbieri)

    to shear shore / sheared shorn / sheared (a tunde)

    to shed shed shed (a varsa)

    to shine shone shone (a


    to shoe shod shod (a incalta)

    to shoot shot shot (a impusca)

    to show showed shown (a arata)

    to shrink shrank shrunk (a micsora)

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to shut shut shut (a inchide)

    to sing sang sung (a canta)

    to sink sank sunk (a scufunda)

    to sit sat sat (a sta)

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    to slay slew slain (a ucide)

    to sleep slept slept (a dormi)

    to slide slid slid / slidden (a aluneca)

    to sling slung slung (a arunca)

    to slink slunk slunk (a se


    to slit slit slit (a


    to smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled (a mirosi)

    to sneak sneaked / snuck sneaked / snuck (a se


    to sow sowed sown (a


    to speak spoke spoken (a vorbi)

    to speed sped / speeded sped / speeded (a se


    to spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled (a silabisi)

    to spend spent spent (a cheltui)

    to spill spilt / spilled spilt / spilled (a varsa)

    to spin span / spun spun (a invarti)

    to spit spat / spit spat / spit (a scuipa)

    to split split split (a imparti)

    to spoil spoilt / spoiled spoilt / spoiled (a rasfata)

    to spread spread spread (a


    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to spring sprang sprung (a izvori)

    to stand stood stood (a sta in


    to steal stole stolen (a fura)

    to stick stuck stuck (a infige)

    to sting stung stung (a intepa)

    to stink stank stunk (a puti)

    to stride strode / strided stridden (a umbla)

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    to strike struck struck / stricken (a lovi)

    to string strung strung (a lega cu sfoara)

    to strip stript / stripped stript / stripped (a dezbraca)

    to strive strove striven (a se stradui)

    to swear swore sworn (a injura)

    to sweat sweat / sweated sweat / sweated (a transpira)

    to sweep swept / sweeped swept / sweeped (a matura)

    to swell swelled swollen (a se umfla)

    to swim swam swum (a inota)

    to swing swung swung (a se legana)

    to take took taken (a lua)

    to teach taught taught (a preda)

    to tear tore torn (a rupe)

    to tell told told (a spune)

    to think thought thought (a gandi)

    to thrive throve / thrived thriven / thrived (a prospera)

    to throw threw thrown (a arunca)

    to thrust thrust thrust (a izbi)

    to tread trod trodden (a calca)

    to undergo underwent undergone (a indura)

    to understand understood understood (a intelege)

    to undertake undertook undertaken (a prelua)

    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to upset upset upset (a supara)

    to vex vext / vexed vext / vexed (a necaji)

    to wake woke woken (a trezi)

    to wear wore worn (a purta)

    to weave wove woven (a tese)

    to wed wed / wedded wed / wedded (a casatori)

    to weep wept wept (a plange)

    to wend wended / went wended / went (a se indrepta)

    to wet wet / wetted wet / wetted (a uda)

    to win won won (a castiga)

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    Verbul la infinitiv Verbul la trecut Verbul la participiu trecut Traducere

    to wind wound wound (a intoarce)

    to withdraw withdrew withdrawn (a retrage)

    to withhold withheld withheld (a retine)

    to withstand withstood withstood (a rezista)

    to wring wrung wrung (a rasuci)

    to write wrote written (a scrie)

    Simple Past TenseTrecutul simplu in engleza

    Simple Past Tense : Forme

    Afirmativ :S + verbul la forma a II a de pe lista verbelor iregulate

    We went to the zoo yesterday. Am fost la zoo ieri.

    S + verb + ed pentru cele regulate

    I phoned her. I-am dat telefon.

    Negativ :

    S + aux DO la trecut (did) + not + verbul la infinitiv

    We did not finish the project in due time. Noi nu am terminat proiectul la timp.

    Interogativ :

    Did + S + verbul la infinitiv ?

    Did you eat all the chocolate? Ai mancat toata ciocolata?

    Trecutul simplu (Simple Past Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    A. Actiuni terminate in trecut la un timp stabilit

    o Cand locul si timpul unde se petrece actiunea ne sunt date

    Marta called me in the morning from the hospital. Marta m-a sunat dimineata de la spital.

    o Cand se intreaba timpul

    When did you go to the Opera? Cand ai fost la Opera?

    o Cand timpul e definit ca rezultat al unei intrebari

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    When did they find her? They found her 2 hours ago. Cand au gasit-o? Ei au gasit-o acum 2 ore.

    B. Actiuni care s-au intamplat imediat una dupa alta in trecut

    They went into the house, brought food from the fridge and set the table in the yard. Ei s-au dus in

    casa, au adus mancare din frigider si au pus masa in curte.

    C. Obiceiuri in trecut care acum sunt terminate

    I used to go to ballet 5 years ago. Obisnuiam sa ma duc la cursuri de balet acum 5 ani.

    Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Simple Past Tense : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week,

    two weeks ago

    Past Continuous TenseTrecutul continuu in engleza

    Past Continuous Tense : Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S + verbul To BE la past tense + verbul de conjugat + ING

    I was reading the lesson when the teacher came in. Citeam lectia cand a intrat profesoara.

    Negativ :

    S + verbul To BE la past tense la forma negativa + verbul de conjugat + ING

    They werent looking for Susan; they were looking for her sister. Ei nu o cautau pe Susan, ei o

    cautau pe sora ei.

    Interogativ :

    Verbul To BE la past tense + S + verbul de conjugat + ING

    Was he driving too fast when he had the accident? Conducea el prea repede cand a avutaccidentul?

    Trecutul simplu (Past Continuous Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    actiune care se afla in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut.

    While wou were having a bath, the phone rang. In timp ce faceai baie a sunat telefonul.

    actiune care continua de ceva vremeYesterday I was jogging in the park. Ieri, faceam jogging in park.

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    actiune care are loc in acelasi timp cu o alta actiune in trecut

    While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his favourite tv show. In timp ce eu

    revizuiam articolul sotul meu urmarea show-ul tv favorit.

    un echivalent in trecut al prezentului continuu

    They told us they were spending the night at Select. Ei ne-au spus ca o sa-si petreaca noaptea la


    Adverbe folosite cu Past Continuous Tense: while, when , all morning, all night, as

    Past Perfect TenseTrecutul perfect in engleza

    Past Perfect Tense : Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S + Past tense al verbului To HAVE + participiu trecut

    Atentie: La verbele regulate participiul trecut = verb + ed iar la cele neregulate este forma a 3a de pe

    lista verbelor iregulate.

    At last she showed me the dress she had bought. Intr-un sfarsit, mi-a aratat rochia pe care si-o


    Negativ :

    S + Past tense al verbului To HAVE + Not + participiu trecut

    They hadnt gone to Mt. Omu, they had gone to another peak. Ei nu au mers pe varful Omu, au

    mers pe alt varf.

    Interogativ :

    Past tense al verbului To HAVE + S + participiu trecut

    Hadnt he loved you? Nu te iubea?

    Past Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - O actiune care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni in trecut.

    By 12 o clock the cleaning lady had aired all the rooms in the hotel. Pana la ora 12 camerista aerisise

    toate camerele din hotel.

    - Cauza unui efect trecut

    Why did the window break? Because he had thrown a stone at it. De ce s-a spart geamul? Pentru ca el

    a aruncat o piatra in el.

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    Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Tense: just, already, by, hardly, scarcely

    Past Perfect Continuous TenseTrecutul perfect continuu in engleza

    Past Perfect Continuous Tense : Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S+ had been + participiu prezent Participiu prezent = verb + ing

    I have been thinking of writing you a mail when you called me. Eu ma gandisem sa iti scriu un

    mail cand tu m-ai sunat.

    Negativ :

    S + had + Not + been + present participle

    I hadnt been waiting long in a queue when I heard a voice calling my name. Nu stateam de mult la

    rand, cand au auzit o voce strigandu-mi numele.


    Had + S + been + present participle

    They hadnt been doing their tasks so they didnt get a bonus. Ei nu si-au indeplinit din taskuri deci

    nu au primit un bonus.

    Past Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut, durata fiind precizata.

    They had been working for over an hour until the bus came. Ei vorbisera timp de o ora pana a venit


    - Arata efectul unei actiuni intamplate in trecut.

    Marc was tired because he had been working for a project all night long Marc era obosit pentru ca a

    lucrat pentru un proiect toata noaptea.

    Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Continuous Tense: by the time, since, for, before

    Present Simple TensePrezentul simplu in engleza

    Present Simple Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

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    Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv

    Exceptie : La pers a III sg verbul se termina mereu in s sau es :

    The boy wants a toy car for Christmas. Baiatul vrea o masina de jucarie pentru Craciun.

    Atentie: 1. Verbele care se termina in -y la pers a III sg, y se transforma in -ies:

    I cry She cries.

    I play He plays.

    2. Verbele care se termina in o, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch primesc la pers a III sg - es

    My mother usually goes to the market in the morning. Mama se duce de obicei in piata


    Negativ :

    Subiect+ do not/ does not + verb

    She does not sing in the school chorus. Ea nu canta in corul scolii.

    Interogativ :

    do not/ does not + Subiect + verb

    Does she want to participate in the competition? - Vrea ea sa participle in competitie?

    Present Simple Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - Adevaruri general valabile :

    The earth has 2 emispheres - Pamantul are 2 emisfere.

    - Actiuni repetitive:

    She takes piano lessons each day at 5 oclock. Ea ia lectii de pian in fiecare zi la ora 5.

    - Actiuni de moment, terminate in momentul in care sunt savarsite :

    Mark gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom and washes his teeth. Mark se da jos din pat, se duce la

    baie si se spala pe dinti.

    - Actiuni obisnuite :

    My grandfather and Iusually look at the starts when the sky is clear. Bunicul meu si cu mine, noi ne

    uitam de obicei la stele cand e senin.

    - Actiuni planificate in viitor, obligatorii (cu verbe de miscare) :

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    The year ends with the 31st of December. Anul se termina cu 31 decembrie.

    Adverbe folosite cu Present Tense Simple : de obicei, des, mereu, in fiecare dimineata, cateodata,

    noaptea, dimineata.

    Present Continuous Tense

    Prezentul continuu in engleza

    Present Continuous Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    Subiect + Prezentul verbului a fi + ing :

    She is cutting the cake in slices. (Ea taie prajitura felii.)

    Negativ :

    Subiect + Prezentul verbului a fi + not + verb + ing :

    She is not talking at the moment, she is eating. (In acest moment ea nu vorbeste, mananca.)

    Interogativ :

    Prezentul verbului a fi + Subiect + verb + ing :

    Is she smiling ? (Ea zambeste ?)

    Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - actiune care se intampla in momentul vorbirii

    Ex. The wind is blowing.- Vantul sufla.

    It is raining outside. - Ploua afara.

    - actiune care se extinde pe o perioada putin mai lunga de timp

    Ex. Julia is reading a novel by Dickens. - Iulia citeste un roman de Dickens.

    - actiune temporara, limitata

    Ex. I live in Cluj but this year I am living in Bucuresti. Traiesc in Cluj dar in acest an locuiesc in Bucuresti.

    - planuri imediate pentru viitorul apropiat

    Ex. The children are going camping today. Copiii merg cu cortul astazi.

    - actiune frecvent repetata, suparatoare se foloseste deseori cu adverbele always, forever, constantly

    Ex. Ann is always making plans without taking into consideration all the facts. Ann isi face mereuplanuri fara sa ia in considerare toate aspectele.

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    - in propozitii subordonate

    Ex They will go jogging while the babies are sleeping. Ei vor face jogging cat timp copii dorm.

    Exista o serie de verbe care nu se folosesc la Prezent Continuu. Ele se impart in urmatoarele

    categorii :

    Verbe de perceptie : feel, hear, see, smell, taste

    Verbe de opinie : assume, believe, consider, doubt, feel (= a crede), find (= a considera), suppose, think

    Verbe care se refera la perceptie mentala: forget, imagine, know, mean, notice, recognize, remember,


    Verbe care exprima emotii sau chiar dorinte : envy, fear, dislike, hate, hope, like, love, mind, prefer,

    regret, want, wish

    Verbe folosite pentru masurat : contain, cost, hold, measure, weigh

    Alte verbe : look (= a se asemana), seem, be (in majoritatea cazurilor), have = a poseda)

    Unele verbe pot fi folosite la forma continua dar isi schimba sensul :


    Verbul to see (a imagina) :

    I think you are seeing things, there is no one in the house. Cred ca iti imaginezi lucruri, nu e nimeni in


    Verbul to smell (a adulmeca, a mirosi) :

    She is smelling the roses.- Ea miroase trandafirii.

    Verbul to look (a se uita) :

    Tom is looking at Maria.

    Verbul to be (a se comporta) :

    She is being rude. Ea se comporta nepoliticos.

    Expresii de timp folosite cu prezentul continuu : now, at the moment, at present, these days, still,

    nowadays, today, tonight.

    Present Perfect TensePrezentul perfect in engleza

    Present Perfect Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    Subiectul + Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + past participle al verbului de conjugat

    We are not going on holiday since the prices have rise. Noi nu mai mergem in vacant deoarece

    preturile au crescut.

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    Negativ :

    Subiectul + have/has not + past participle al verbului de conjugat

    I havent seen her this morning, she is probably sleeping. Nu am vazut-o de dimineata, probabil


    Interogativ :

    Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + Subiectul + past participle al verbului de conjugat

    Havent you eaten too much chocolate already? Nu ai mancat deja destula ciocolata?

    Present Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - o actiune care incepe in trecut, continua in trecut si se termina in prezent sau foarte aproape de prezent.Tell me, what have you done? Spune-mi, ce ai facut?

    - o actiune care s-a terminat recent al carei rezultat este vizibil si in prezent

    We have just finished redecorating our house. Tocmai am terminat de redecorat casa noastra.

    Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Tense: since si for, already, yet, just, ever, how long, recently

    Present Perfect Continuous TensePrezentul perfect continuu in engleza

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ participul prezent al verbului de

    conjugat (baza + ing)They have been reading a lot of book lately. Ei au citit o multime de carti in ultima vreme.

    Negativ :

    Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ NOT + participul prezent al

    verbului de conjugat

    They havent been watching TV this afternoon. Ei nu s-au uitat la tv in acesta dupa-amiaza.

    Interogativ :

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    Prezentul perfect al verbului to be + Subiectul + participul prezent al verbului de conjugat

    What have you been doing ? I have been working on a new project. Ce ai mai facut? Am lucrat la

    un nou proiect.

    Present Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - o actiune care incepe in trecut, ajunge in prezent si are sanse de a continua in viitor.It has been snowing for 4 hours. Ninge de 4 ore.

    - o actiune recenta ar carei rezultat poate fi vazut

    Why is you hair wet? Because I have been swimming. De ce ai parul ud? Pentru ca am inotat.

    Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Continuous : for, since

    Simple Future TenseViitorul simplu in engleza

    Simple Future Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S + will + verbul la infinitiv

    You will feel better if you take this pill. - Tu o sa te simti mult mai bine daca iei acesta pastila.

    Negativ :

    S + will not (wont) + verbul la infinitiv

    I wont tell where she is. Nu iti voi spune unde este ea.


    Will + S + verbul la infinitiv

    Will you love me in 10 years? O sa ma iubesti si peste 10 ani?

    Future simple se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - Promisiuni, amenintari, cereri, sperante

    I will never tell you anything. Nu o sa iti mai spun niciodata nimic.

    - Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor si peste care nu putem avea control

    Next year Easter will be on 15 of April.

    - Decizii luate pe moment, spontane

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    I will buy this car, I love it. Voi cumpara acesta masina, imi place.

    - Previziuni despre viitor

    I believe she will be a great politician one day. Cred ca va fi un bun politician intr-o zi.

    Going To Future

    Se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - Planuri, intentii pentru viitor

    I am going to travel to Spain one day. Intentionez sa vizitez Spania intr-o zi.

    - Predictii bazate pe ceea ce stim sau ce vedem

    Look at the sky. It is going to rain soon. Uita-te la cer, va ploua in curand.

    - Actiuni la care ne-am hotarat deja sa le facem in viitorul apropiat

    We are going to visit our relatives in the weekend. Noi vom merge sa ne vizitam rudele in acest


    Adverbe folosite cu Simple Future Tense : tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,

    soon, next week, in a week, month

    Future Continuous TenseViitorul continuu in engleza

    Future Continuous Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S + Will be + present participle

    The Health Organisation will be opening a new hospital in this city. Organizatia de sanatate va

    deschide un nou spital in acest oras.

    Negativ :

    S + will not (wont) + present participle

    The train wont be arriving any time soon; there was an accident on the road. Trenul nu va ajunge

    prea curand, a avut loc un accident pe drum.


    Will + S + be + present participle

    Will you be shouting at me if I tell you the truth? Vei tipa daca iti voi spune adevarul?

  • 7/29/2019 Verbele Neregulate in Engleza


    Future Continuous Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - Actiuni care se vor desfasura intr-un anumit punct din viitor

    By this time tomorrow I will be sailing on the Mediteranean Sea.

    - Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor ca urmare a unei actiuni de rutina sau unui aranjament

    Do not interrupt her now. She will be signing a contract. Nu o intrerupe acum. E pe cale de a semna

    un contract.

    Adverbe si locutiuni adverbiale folosite cu Future Continuous Tense : tomorrow, by this time


    Future Perfect TenseViitorul perfect in engleza

    Future Perfect Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S + will have + past participle al verbului de conjugat past participle = forma a III a verbului

    Tomorrow at 9 they will have left for Sibiu. Maine la ora 9 ei vor fi plecat spre Sibiu.

    Negativ :

    S + will not have + past participle al verbului de conjugat

    When you phone Julie I will not have arrived at the station. Cand o suni pe Julie eu nu voi fi ajuns

    in statie.

    Future perfect se foloseste pentru a exprima :

    - O actiune vazuta din viitor dar care se intampla in trecut

    They will have had dinner by the time their friend arrives. Ei vor fi luat cina pana vor ajunge prietenii


    Future Perfect Continuous TenseViitorul perfect continuu in engleza

    Future Perfect Continuous Tense: Forme

    Afirmativ :

    S + will have been + present participle al verbului de conjugat present participle = verbul + ing

    While Michael will have been writing his exercices, Maria will have been playing the violin. Cat

    timp Mihai isi va fi scris exercitiile, Maria va fi cantat la vioara.

  • 7/29/2019 Verbele Neregulate in Engleza


    Negativ :

    S + will not have been + present participle al verbului de conjugat

    You will not have been working here by this summer. Tu nu vei fi lucrat aici pana in aceasta vara.

    Future Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :- O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in viitor, durata actiunii find precizata.

    Tomorrow at 7 I will have been sleeping for 10 hours. Maine la ora 7 voi fi dormit de 10 ore.

    Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Future Perfect Continuous Tense : byfor

    Future-in-the-Past Tense"Viitorul in trecut" in engleza

    Future-in-the-Past Tense: FormeAfirmativ :

    S + would + infinitivul verbului de conjugat

    She told me I would be in trouble Ea mi-a spus ca voi intra in bucluc.

    Negativ :

    S + would not + infinitivul verbului de conjugat

    We never thought they would not win. Noi nu ne-am gandit niciodata ca ei nu vor castiga.

    Future-in-the-past se foloseste pentru a exprima :- o actiune posterioara unei actiuni din trecut.

    They knew the boss would not call them back to work. Ei stiau ca seful nu ii va chema inapoi la munca.

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