valuing ecosystem services for urban planning · 2017-05-11 · valuing ecosystem services for...

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings Bonn, Germany, 17-19 November 2015 Erik Gómez-Baggethun Norwegian Institute of Nature Research Environmental Change Institute,, University of Oxford

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Page 1: Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning · 2017-05-11 · Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning . Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings

Bonn, Germany, 17-19 November 2015

Erik Gómez-Baggethun

Norwegian Institute of Nature Research Environmental Change Institute,, University of Oxford

Page 2: Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning · 2017-05-11 · Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning . Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural

• Urban ecosystem services

• Valuing ecosystem services for urban policy

• Discussion


• Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

• Final thoughts

Page 3: Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning · 2017-05-11 · Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning . Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural

• Our urban planet depends more than ever on ecosystems and their services (expanding global metabolism)

Cities demand service provision areas ammounting to 500-1000 times their own surface (Folke et al. 1997); ‘Parasites of the biosphere’ (Odum 1971)

Artwork: Phil Testemale, in Wackernagel and Rees 1997

• More than 50% of world population and (more than 75% in Europe and USA) lives in cities. 3.000 additional million of urban dwellers are expected by 2050

• Ecosystem services against “extinction of experience” in our urban-technological societies: powerful metaphor to raise awareness on societal dependence on ecosystems

Urban ecosystem services

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Courtesy of Thomas Elmqvist

Urban ecosystem services Potential to improve human well-being, promote physical and mental health, and

build resilience to cope with climate and other global environmental change

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Food production

Provisioning services

• Agriculture in periurban areas, green roofs, allotments and communitary gardens

• More than 600 million people practive urban agriculture worldwide

Urban agriculture may cover large parts of urban demands for food:

•Dakar 60%; Dar es Salaam 90%; Phnom Penh 7%; Hanoi 58%; Vientiane 100%; (Moustier 2007)

• In Habana: 8.500 ton begetables, 7.5 millions eggs and 3,650 ton meat (Altieri 1999)

Gómez-Baggethun and Barton 2013, Ecological Economics 86 : 235–245

Urban ecosystem services

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Specially important for resilience during economic or social crises Food production

Provisioning services

Urban gardening by the Reichstag, Berlin 1946

Urban ecosystem services

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Noise attenuation • Urban vegetation buffers noise

through La vegetación amortigua el ruido mediante absorción, desviación, reflejo y refracción de las hondas

Regulating services

Gómez-Baggethun and Barton 2013, Ecological Economics 86 : 235–245

• Buffering of urban “heat island effects”

• Regulation of temperatures through shading, evapotranspiration, etc.

• Trees reflect sun radiation and reduces absorption of heat by sealed surfaces

Urban cooling

Urban ecosystem services

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• Recreation: Urban parks, lakes and forests provide

multiple benefits for recreation, relaxation, contemplation and exercise

Cultural services

• Aesthetic benefits: Some urban and peri-urban landscapes

provide aesthetic benefits for mental health and well-being

Gómez-Baggethun and Barton 2013, Ecological Economics 86 : 235–245

Urban ecosystem services

• Cognitive development: Urban nature provides multiple

opportunities for learning and exploration, especially among children

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Gómez-Baggethun and Barton 2013, Ecological Economics 86 : 235–245

Urban ecosystems deliver multiple services… but also some ecosystem disservices ie. Negative impacts from ecosystems in human well-being

Urban ecosystem services

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• Urban ecosystem services

• Valuing ecosystem services for urban policy

• Discussion


• Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

• Final thoughts

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Provisioning Goods obtained from


• Food

• Fresh water

• Wood, pulp

• Medicines

Supporting and Habitat Ecological functions underlying the production of ecosystem services

• Habitat for species • Maintenance genetic diversity

Source: Erik Gomez-Baggethun, 2013. Urban Ecosystem services (in COB-1). Icons produced by Jan Sasse for TEEB

Regulating Benefits obtained from

ecosystem processes

• Climate regulation

• Water purification

• Pollination

• Erosion control

Cultural Intangible benefits from


• Tourism

• Recreation

• Scenery

• Spirituality






Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

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• Valuation is about eliciting the importance of things: multiple valuation languages needed

• Within the discourse about ES ‘value’ is easily misread as merely denoting monetary value

• Oxford Dictionary defines ‘value’ as “the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something”. “[one’s judgment of what is important in life”.

• Values not only derived from preferences but also from principles (held values)

Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

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Lord Darlington, en la ‘Lady Windermere, de OSCAR WILDE


“A cynic is a man who knows the price of

everything and the value of nothing”

Cited by Leo Hickman in The Guardian 23 August 2011

Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

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/ AC










S / T


LS /

















Market analysis.



Market analysis. Cost methods.

Hedonic pricing. Contingent valuation.

Contingent election

Replacement and avoided

cost methods

Contingent valuation



Market-based / monetary / exchange value

Gómez-Baggethun and Groot 2010, Issues in Env. Sci. and Tech 30: 118-145. (input for TEEB-D0)

Group and deliberative


Joint analysis

Social valuation






Preference-based approaches Biophysical approaches


Insurance value


Regime shift


Joint analysis










Energy Analysis

Exergy analysis

Emergy analysis

Material flow analysis


Ecological footprint

Land-cover flow


Physical / Entropic cost


Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

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Regulating services Cultural services

Monetary valuation

Provisioning services

Supporting /Habitat / maintenance services




y va



Valuation based on human principles & preferences Biophysical assessment


Group and deliberative valuation

Q-Methodology, Mental models

Preference ranking


Social network analysis

DISCOURSE ANALYSIS Literature, photo, media interpretation

Environmental justice

Ethical values

Sociocultural values

Biophysical and energy


Ecological values

Resilience insurance


Ecosystem quality values

Direct use


Economic values

Symbolic, aesthetic


Non use


Relational and place



Market analysis

Production function


Replacement, restoration, avoided cost

Hedonic pricing

Travel cost method


Choice modelling

BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT Mapping, Measurement & Modelling

Indicator development

Species richness, rarity, diversity, and

vulnerability assessment


Embodied Energy/Exergy/Emergy analysis Ecological / water / carbon footprint

Human appropriation of NPP

Input-output analysis

Indirect use


Gómez-Baggethun et al, 2016 (in press) Handbook of ecosystem services

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l sca


Reliability & accuracy requirement

Recognizing value

Demonstrating value

Capturing value

Recognizing value Demonstrating value

Capturing value





Gómez-Baggethun and Barton 2012, Ecological Economics 86 : 235–245

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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• Urban ecosystem services

• Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

• Discussion


• Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

• Final thoughts

Page 18: Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning · 2017-05-11 · Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning . Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural

Source: own elaboration based on the 3rd edition of the Ecological Map of Barcelona (Burriel et al. 2006)

• Compact city: 1.62 million inhabitants; 10 121 Ha; 160 inhab./Ha

• Total green space: 2893 Ha (28.59%); 17.91 m2/inhab.

• Urban green space: 1098 Ha (10.85%); 6.80 m2/inhab.

• Main green areas: Montjuïc (450 ha) Collserola (1795 ha) • Single trees: 158 896

units (98.36 street trees per 1000 inhabitants)

Case Study: Cultural services provided by Montjuïc urban park, Barcelona, Spain

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Non-monetary valuation of cultural UES by Pebble Distribution Method

Monetary valuation of cultural UES by Individual Travel Cost Method



• Determination of average surplus value per visit for cultural ecosystem services

• Determination of relative preference values for cultural ecosystem services


rpt f




Tci - Individual Travel Cost TCsi - Stated Travel Cost (Transport) Imean - Mean Family Income per month tW - Working hours per month tTi - Individual Travel time TCni - Individual Travel Cost of cultural ecosystem PDn - Pebble Distribution value (in %)

Langemeyer et al. forthcoming

Benefits from green infrastructure in Barcelona

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Cultural Activities

Environmental Education

Spiritual experiences

and sense of place

Esthetical Inspiration


Split of monetary values among cultural ecosystem services (ITCM)

(Non ecosystem service value)


23,40 13,49%



18,09% Recreation and physical and mental

Langemeyer et al. forthcoming

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Source: own elaboration based on the 3rd edition of the Ecological Map of Barcelona (Burriel et al. 2006)

• Compact city: 1.62 million inhabitants; 10 121 Ha; 160 inhab./Ha

• Total green space: 2893 Ha (28.59%); 17.91 m2/inhab.

• Urban green space: 1098 Ha (10.85%); 6.80 m2/inhab.

• Main green areas: Montjuïc (450 ha) Collserola (1795 ha) • Single trees: 158 896

units (98.36 street trees per 1000 inhabitants)

Case Study 2: Ecosystem services provided by communitary gardens

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Communitary and allotment gardens in Barcelona municipality

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

Camps et al. Forthcoming in Environmental Policy and Planning

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Camps et al. Forthcoming in Environmental Policy and Planning

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Source: own elaboration based on the 3rd edition of the Ecological Map of Barcelona (Burriel et al. 2006)

• Compact city: 1.62 million inhabitants; 10 121 Ha; 160 inhab./Ha

• Total green space: 2893 Ha (28.59%); 17.91 m2/inhab.

• Urban green space: 1098 Ha (10.85%); 6.80 m2/inhab.

• Main green areas: Collserola (1795 ha) Montjuïc (248 ha)

• Single trees: 158 896 units (98.36 street trees per 1000 inhabitants)

Case Study 3: Regulating services provided by urban forests

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Quantification of regulating ecosystem services

• i-Tree: State-of-the art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service

• i-Tree Eco quantifies urban forest structure and functions based on standard inputs of field, meteorological and pollution data. Source:

• Carbon sequestration

• Air purification (O3, SO2, NO2, CO, PM2.5 & PM10)

i-Tree Eco Model:

Baró et 2014. Ambio

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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Land-use class Description* Total area


Sample data Sampled area (ha)

No. of plots

No. of plots with woody vegetation*


No. of trees No. of shrubs

Urban green Urban parks, lawns, allotment

gardens, permanent crops, flowerbeds

806 2.02 50 50 544 89

Natural green Woodland, scrubland, grassland,

riparian vegetation, bare rock 2184 5.05 125 117 1844 329 Low-density residential

1-2 family dwellings (normally with private garden) 424 0.81 20 15 174 55

High-density residential

Multi-family dwellings with or without commercial areas 3666 8.24 204 102 531 79

Transportation Parking lots, roads, rails and

streets, stations 513 1.21 30 14 69 10

Institutional Education, health, military, sport

and other public facilities, cemeteries, port

776 1.58 39 3 21 0


Factories and other industrial areas, warehouses, large

shopping centers 1185 2.83 70 7 14 0

Intensively used areas

Pedestrian areas, vacant areas, areas in transformation 567 1.66 41 24 148 8

Total 10 121 23.39 579 332 3345 570

Sampling strategy Total number of plots set at 579 units (404 m2 ; r = 11.34 m; Total area assessed: 23 Ha)

Baró et al. 2014. Ambio 43:466–479

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

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CO NO2 PM10 O3 SO2 Total







ve (t




January 0.05 1.61 11.13 0.37 0.16 13.31 February 0.57 4.89 17.75 3.22 0.54 26.97

March 0.76 4.91 16.53 5.83 0.59 28.62 April 0.66 6.81 15.27 8.23 1.06 32.04 May 0.62 6.44 14.41 9.80 0.93 32.20 June 0.55 6.51 15.45 10.27 1.21 33.98 July 0.55 5.86 16.07 11.05 0.56 34.09

August 0.50 4.45 14.56 10.12 0.57 30.19 September 0.54 5.01 14.60 7.81 0.45 28.42

October 0.60 5.11 16.22 4.33 0.41 26.67 November 0.15 1.71 7.06 1.14 0.17 10.24 December 0.05 1.30 6.96 0.45 0.13 8.87

Annual biophysical value

(t year-1)

5.60 54.59 166.01 72.62 6.78 305.59

Annual monetary value

(USD year-1)

7885 540 745 1 097 964 719 329 16 444 2 382 367

Biophysical values of air purification by urban forests (per month and per year)

Datos correspondientes al año 2008

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

Baró et al. 2014. Ambio 43:466–479

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Monthly and annual air pollution removal by air pollutant (Urban forests of the municipality of Barcelona. year 2008).

Air purification

Biophysical accounts Monetary values

Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

Baró et al. 2014. Ambio 43:466–479

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• Urban ecosystem services

• Valuing ecosystem services for urban planning

• Discussion


• Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

• Final thoughts

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Baró et al., forthcoming


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Market environmentalism: selling nature to save it?

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Smart cities: alienated people?


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Reestablishment of the urban commons and the links between people and between people and nature


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• Urban ecosystem services

• Valuing ecosystem services for urban policy

• Avoiding false sustainability discourses


• Recognizing the value of ecosystem services

• Final thoughts

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Concluding remarks

• Policy mix can be used to regulate capacity, flow and demand on urban ES, including prescriptive policy regulations (car free zones, pollution caps) and economic instruments, (taxes on emissions and private transport, subsidies to low emitting transport)

• It is critical to identify the governance scale at which NBS can be most effective. e.g. air quality and carbon require large scale governance, recreation can be effective locally. Importance of multilevel governance approaches for governing green infrastructure.

• Obtaining a comprehensive picture of green infrastructure’s societal importance require integrated valuation approaches that accommodate different valuation languages

• Protecting, enhancing and restoring green infrastructure offers multiple opportunities for improving well-being, health and resilience in cities but ecosystem services are still poorly incorporated in urban policy and planning. Much room to play.

• The effectiveness of NBS can vary greatly across types of problems and ecosystem services. Population exposure to benefits and impact on problem at stake are critical

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Further reading

Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (URBES)

Gómez-Baggethun et al. 2013. Urban

ecosystem services. In Elmqvist et al. (eds). Springer.

Cities and Biodiversity Outlook 1. A Global

Assessment of the links between Urbanization,

Biodiversity & Ecosystems

Gómez-Baggethun and Barton 2013, Ecological Economics 86 : 235–245

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Literature cited

• Baró, F., Chaparro, L., Gómez-Baggethun, E. … Terradas, J. 2014. Contribution of Ecosystem Services to Air Quality & Climate Change Mitigation Policies: The Case of Urban Forests in Barcelona, Spain. Ambio 43:466–479.

• Baro, F., Haase, D., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Frantceskaki, N. 2015. Mismatches between ecosystem services supply & demand in urban areas: A quantitative assessment in five European cities. Ecological Indicators 55: 146–158.

• Baró, F., Haase, D., Palomo, I., Vizcaino, P., Zuliang, G., Gómez-Baggethun, E. Mapping ecosystem service capacity, flow and demand for urban planning in Barcelona, Spain. Forthcoming in Land Use Planning.

• Camps-Calvet, M., Langemeyer, J. Calvet-Mir, L., Gómez-Baggethun, E. Ecosystem services provided by urban gardens: Towards broader recognition in land use policy. Forthcoming in Environmental Science and Policy.

• Elmqvist, T., Setälä, H., Handel, S., van der Ploeg, S., Aronson, J., Blignaut, J.N., Gómez-Baggethun, E. et al. 2015. Benefits of restoring ecosystem services in cities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14:101–108.

• Gómez-Baggethun, E., de Groot, R. 2010. “Natural capital and ecosystem services: The ecological foundation of human society”. In: R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison (eds.), Ecosystem services: Issues in Environmental Science and Technology 30, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 118-145.

• Gómez-Baggethun, E., Barton, D.N., 2013. Classifying and valuing ecosystem services for urban planning. Ecological Economics 86: 235–245.

• Gómez-Baggethun, E., Gren, Å., Barton, D. et al. 2013. “Urban ecosystem services”. In Elmqvist, T. et al. (eds.) Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, pp 175-251.

• Gómez-Baggethun, E., Barton, D., Berry, P., Dunford, R., Harrison, P. 2016. "Concepts and methods in ecosystem services valuation". In: Potschin et al. (eds.) Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, London and New York.

• Haase, D., Larondelle, N., Artmann, M., Borgström, S., Breuste, J., Gómez-Baggethun, E., et al. 2014. A quantitative review of urban ecosystem services: Concepts, models and implementation. Ambio 43:413–433.

• Langemeyer, J. Baró, F., Roebeling, P., Gómez-Baggethun, E. Contrasting values of cultural ecosystem services in urban areas: The case of park Montjuïc in Barcelona. 2015. Ecosystem Services 12: 178–186.

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Erik Gómez-Baggethun

[email protected]

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Research funding

Barcelona City Council

Barcelona Regional Government

European Commission (OpenNESS – FP7 grant 308428)

NILS Program on Science and Sustainability, EEA Grants


Francesc Baró, Johannes Langemeyer, Marta Camps-Calvet, Laura Calvet-Mir, Jaume Terradas, Lydia Chaparro, David Nowak


BFN, UZF, Nadja Kabisch