using social media to improve job search

Using Social Media to Improve Job Search Keith Cobb Interactive Marketing and Social Media Leader

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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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Presentation given on 6/24/2010


Page 1: Using Social Media To Improve Job Search

Using Social Media to Improve Job Search

Keith CobbInteractive Marketing and Social Media

Page 2: Using Social Media To Improve Job Search

Your Payoff Understand sites to help in your job search Uncover best practices to improve your search Create an action plan of activities to help you

reach more employers Spur ideas for more approaches This is not:

A how-to of job search sites A complete rundown of ALL social media sites An endorsement of any specific product

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Agenda Protect Your Personal Brand Build Your Social Media Hub and Spokes Ideas to Build Your Network Strategies to Search for Jobs Ways to Improve Your Visibility

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Social Media Marketing StrategyBRANDING







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Social Media Job Search StrategyPERSONAL BRAND






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Social Media Job Search StrategyPERSONAL BRAND


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Protect Your Personal Brand – Why It Matters 70% of employers have rejected candidates based

on online content 85% say positive online image influenced decision

to hire … having no online image leaves an impression

too! Allows you to proactively address potential issues

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Protect Your Personal Brand – Google Yourself Search by various forms of your name and

city/state Look about 3 pages deep You may not be able to resolve all issues

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Protect Your Personal Brand –Facebook Review your profile picture Consider setting privacy settings to “Friends Only” During your job search, think about your postings

and photos

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Protect Your Personal Brand – Other Ideas Review your free credit report at On you can:

Access your driving record Access your criminal record There are fees

Check blog entries at

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Build a Social Media Hub and Spokes – The Hub: LinkedIn 70 million professionals, 60% in the US 1 million company profiles Executives from all Fortune 500 companies Your objectives: Impressive professional profile

and quality contacts

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Build a Social Media Hub and Spokes – The Hub: LinkedIn

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Build a Social Media Hub and Spokes – Spoke: Blog Spot Keep your blog professional Highlight your knowledge of a specific topic, a

subject you’ve researched, or a book you’ve read Update periodically

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Build a Social Media Hub and Spokes – Spoke: YouTube Tips:

2-3 minutes long Use a non-distracting background Professional clothes Short introduction Include resume info End with contact info

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Build a Social Media Hub and Spokes – Spoke: Employers, Associations, and Your Portfolio Make it easy to research your experience Sites where you are favorably referenced are

important Include links to any positive content about you

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Ideas to Build Your Network -Generate Leads from Facebook Search for friends at companies you are targeting Send messages to friends Use status posts Update Your Wall

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Ideas to Build Your Network -Other Ideas Use business cards – “Join my network at” Add to e-mail signatures Tweet

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Strategies to Search for Jobs – Job Sites LinkedIn Alumni sites

The Ladders

USA Jobs (Government)

Indiana Career Connect

Keep a list of companies you review each week

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Strategies to Search for Jobs LinkedIn Free Service

LinkedIn shows you employees in your network Look at the company profile

LinkedIn Pay Service Your submission moves higher up the list Send InMail to person who posted job Send InMail to employees at the company

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Strategies to Search for Jobs Facebook

Search Friends who are or have been employees Update status and wall about opportunity

Twitter Tweet about the opportunity

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Ways to Improve Your Visibility LinkedIn DirectAds (jury is still out) LinkedIn status updates are your billboard Reply to other people’s status posts Follow a company Use Facebook and Twitter status updates

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Social Media Job Search StrategyPERSONAL BRAND