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Staton 1 Reader Case Study Educ 301 Kristi Staton December 2, 2011

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Page 1:…  · Web viewDuring the first phase, the researcher obtained an Education Evaluation, Case Conference

Staton 1

Reader Case Study

Educ 301

Kristi Staton

December 2, 2011

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Reader Case Study – Phase I

Background Information

During the first phase, the researcher obtained an Education Evaluation, Case

Conference Committee Report and ISTEP scores of a fourth grade male. He attends a

local public elementary school. His teachers reported that he is a well-behaved student

and wants to learn. He demonstrates good verbal expression and socially has many

friends and is well-liked by his peers. His personality is pleasant and he is a joy to be

with. The student’s social economic status is unknown at this time. The student comes

from a one-parent home. His mother and father are divorced but have joint custody.

He lives with his mother and older brother. It is reported that the student, although

premature, has had a healthy childhood with no serious illnesses or injuries. The

student, however, does have an allergy to bee stings.

The student has chores to do at home such as cleaning his room but enjoys

swimming and riding horses in his free time. His mother commented that he hates to

read and becomes easily frustrated. She also reported that his relationships with others

were fine but it was noted that the father had a specific learning disability. His mother

has requested that the student be evaluated for SLD and ADHD.

The student has passed the school screening tests for both vision and hearing.

The student’s strengths are in visual and kinesthetic modalities. His weaknesses

included language arts skills, phonics and processing speed. He has a difficulty

understanding some new concepts and retaining what he has learned. His reading

scores remain below average. After being evaluated it was concluded that the student

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is eligible for a Specific Learning Disability and not a cognitive impairment under Article



After talking with the student’s teacher and looking over the educational

evaluation, the researcher decided that her main focus would be on the student’s

phonics and processing speed. Because of the low ISTEP scores, the researcher will

focus on other areas while in conjunction with phonics and processing, where the

student was below average. The student confuses his Bs and Ds often and the

researcher plans on addressing and introducing new ideas to help student differentiate

between the two. Phonics and processing speed will still be the main focus of the

reader case study. The researcher has noted that the student be given appropriate

breaks throughout assessments.

Assessments will be a very important part to this case study and two specific

ones will be administered at 3 different times. After looking at available benchmarks,

the researcher will choose an appropriate level book to assess the student with. The

research will use a benchmark to assess the student and will record words that are

mispronounced or skipped. The time to complete the book will also be recorded. The

researcher has noted that the student gets overwhelmed and frustrated when too much

information is on a page. This assessment will show the student’s improvement of

accuracy throughout the time spent with the researcher.

Using the three stages of assessment, the researcher will be able to record the

student’s improvement during the time spent between the researcher and the student.

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Before any instruction is provided to the student from the researcher, the research will

administer the initial screening. The researcher will use a Wilson assessment to assess

the student’s phonics and a benchmark to record how many words the student was able

to read correctly and note about the student’s fluency. Depending on the amount of

mispronounced words the researcher will develop her instruction’s difficulty. After the

third lesson has been taught the researcher will administer the benchmark and Wilson

Assessment for the second time and be used to check the student’s progress. The

researcher will compare the results from these assessments with those administered

before lessons were taught to see if any improvements need to be made. If

improvement is obvious, the researcher will continue with appropriate instruction,

however, if improvement has not been made the researcher will use different

techniques to instruct the student. The third and final time that this benchmark and

Wilson Assessment will be administered to the student will be used as outcome based

assessments. The researcher will compare both the initial assessment and the final

assessment. These two assessments will accurately show how much improvement has

been made and if the researcher was effective in instructing. Using an excel spread

sheet, all three scores will be recorded. The researcher will use a bar graph to visually

show the improvement of the student. The researcher will also use homework,

anecdotal notes, and graphic organizers as forms of assessments.

Assessment Database

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Name Grade How to

use it

When to use it

Information provided

Reference information

Reading Comprehension Tests

4th Administer like any test.

Throughout year to test for improvement

Several versions of reading comprehension tests to record improvement

Running Records K-12 Record accuracy

Once a week

Use to show improvement in fluency and sight words

Unaided Writing Assessment

K-4 Administer using the 6th phases

4 times a year

Use to find child’s strengths and weaknesses

Oral Fluency Assessment Calculator

3-5 Passage and timed to find out WPM

monthly Use for improvement comparison with student and peers

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) reading assessments

K-6 On computer

3 times a year

Phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension

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Reader Case Study – Phase II

Administration of Screening Assessment

The researcher will work to improve the phonics of a fourth grade male. The

researcher administered a Wilson Assessment and a benchmark. Both assessments

took place in the resource room with no other children around during the tests. For the

Wilson Assessment the student was shown all consonant letters and asked to say each

consonant sound aloud. He was then shown digraphs and trigraphs (sh, ck, ch, ect)

and asked to say each sound aloud. Next the student was shown vowels and asked to

repeat all possible sounds each vowel can make. The student was asked to say the

sounds of additional letter combinations such as am, an, all ect. Lastly the student was

given a list of words and asked to say each word aloud. If the student mispronounced 5

words in a row he did not move on to the rest of the lists. During this time the

researcher tracked the sounds that were said correctly and marked which sounds he

produced with difficulty. Those that were left blank the student did not attempt to say.

The researcher also used a benchmark for a Level K book. The researcher noted the

student’s average WPM and marked words that the student mispronounced or skipped

over. A fluency score was then given at the end of the assessment.

Interpretations of Assessment

Following the assessments, the researcher reflected on the scores. The student

was able to state at least one sound of each vowel and only mixed up the consonant

sounds of b and d. After looking at the assessments the researcher concluded that the

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problem was not based solely on phonics but on putting words together. She was able

to conclude this from the list of words the student verbally said at the end of the Wilson

Assessment. The researcher feels that the student needs one-on-one help to increase

his phonics skills and fluency. This will be done through a series of five lessons, which

the researcher will conduct during the morning from 9:05-9:30 in the resource room.

Plan of Action

Based on the background knowledge of the student the researcher was able to

pick out mystery books to incorporate in the lessons. The student seemed to get

excited about chapter books so the research was able to choose books at his reading

level that had small chapters. This seemed to motivate the student to continue to read.

It is noted in student’s IEP that he often got frustrated when reading and it was the

researcher’s intention to be able to use books to keep student engaged and motivated

throughout the lesson. The books were borrowed from a cooperating teacher that is the

school’s resource teacher. The researcher will chose a graphic organizer, review

games, and appropriate worksheets to use during the lessons. The researcher also

plans on using the mystery books to motivate that student to get through the lessons

quickly and efficiently. The researcher will develop lessons on phonics and have a

slight focus on fluency. The lessons will include strategies to differentiate between b

and d, the silent E rule, and beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Increasing speed is

not a goal in the researcher’s instruction but the researcher will incorporate the

importance of accuracy and help guide the student into re-reading until the words or

sentences make sense.

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Lesson Plans

Lesson 1

Teacher will allow student to read for 15 min in the book, The Silver Buckle.

Teacher will record how the student did and any problems that the student faced

while reading the book.

Next a worksheet will be introduced that worked on the silent E rule.

Teacher will show student the rule and use the worksheet to practice making the

long vowel sound with the silent E at the end.

Student will then look at the worksheet and read the different vowel sounds and

teacher will track if student is able to remember the silent E rule.

Lesson 2

Give student a cube that has either a B or a D on each side.

Have student roll cube and place the B or D on a word that starts with the

appropriate letter.

Teach student the “hand” strategy. (Make a B with the left hand and a d with the

right. Tell student that the B is the left hand because it comes before in the


Teach reviews silent E rule and ask if he remembers the rule.

Show the student the worksheet with the difficult words on the bottom and

introduce chunking.

Have student read the first row and use chunking to figure out the word that is


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Ready The Silver Buckle- throughout reading if B and D are reversed have

student use hand strategy to figure out the appropriate letter.

Lesson 3

Show student silent E flashcards and separate into piles. Which words did

student say incorrectly and which words did student say correctly.

Go over worksheet that was introduced in previous lesson and go over at least

one question in each section. Tell student to complete homework and bring it

back next week.

Introduce game- tell student that we are now going to work on beginning, middle

and ending sounds. Using chunking we can figure out the beginning middle and

ending sound. Go over multiple cards from game and have student say each

word and then the beginning middle and ending of each word. Tell student next

lesson we will play a matching game with these cards.

Ready The Silver Buckle- throughout reading if B and D are reversed have

student use hand strategy to figure out the appropriate letter.

Assess student using Benchmark for Level K and Wilson Assessment

Lesson 4

Collect student’s homework

Go over homework and ask student to say what he did for at least one question

in each section

Go over silent E flashcards and separate into piles of which words student was

able to say correctly and which ones he said incorrectly.

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Ready The Silver Buckle- throughout reading if B and D are reversed have

student use hand strategy to figure out the appropriate letter.

Play the game that matches beginning, middle or ending sounds with student

Note if student has grasped the silent e and sounds that were previously


Lesson 5

Pull out silent E cards and have student run through the flashcards.

Next play the game that has to do with the beginning, middle and ending sides

along with the silent e rule.

Introduce the graphic organizer and have student complete as much as he can


Ready The Silver Buckle- throughout reading if B and D are reversed have

student use hand strategy to figure out the appropriate letter.

At the end of lesson do final assessment. Have student complete Wilson

assessment. Student has been working on sound recognition and using

literature to accurately read words. See what improvement student has been

able to make through the lessons that you have instructed. Administer

Benchmark for Level K book.

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Dear Parents/Teachers,

Hello, I have been working with your child to determine what areas in reading he needs

additional help. After assessing your child, we have determined that he would benefit

from one-on-one instruction. The instruction will concentrate on fluency and sound

recognition. During our lessons we will focus on review of sounds, and reading to

increase fluency.

Within the 5 one-on-one intervention lessons, I will use different teaching strategies to

focus on the previously listed areas. If there is a book from home that the child would

like to read, please feel free to send it along with him. During our lessons your child will

be introduced to new strategies that will aid him in becoming a proficient reader. I ask

however, that at home when reading with the child you ask him to continue

demonstrating the skills that he is being taught. I will not additional reading for the child,

and ask that he complete the appropriate papers that are to be sent home with him

throughout our lessons.

I would like to thank you for allowing me to work with your child. During our time

together I am confident that he will benefit tremendously and with the extra one-on-one

instruction learn strategies that he will be able to use throughout his schooling career. If

you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 765-404-3401 or

email me at [email protected]

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Miss Kristi Staton

Information Page: Graphic organizer is not over a book since lessons are practicing

phonics rather than comprehension strategies.

Type of Graphic organizer: Working with middle sounds

This graphic organizer is designed to help student recognize that different letter

combinations can make the same sound. Student will write down words that have the

same sound as the ou in loud and ow in cow. Student will say all the words allowed and

underline the part of the word that has the same sound.

Philosophy: This graphic organizer is designed to be incorporated after the student has

been able to recognize the different sounds that come at the beginning, middle, or end

of words. Student will have practiced the matching sounds game multiple times before

this will be introduced. This will help the reader recognize words that may be spelled

differently but have the same sounds.

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Graphic Organizer to be used: Loud Cow

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Reader Case Study – Phase III

Implementation and Reflection

Lesson 1:


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o Introduce myself to student and spent 5 minutes talking about his interests

and what he enjoyed reading

o Student read from a book he picked out from the library

I took note of strengths and weaknesses (see image 1 for

annotated notes)

Mini Lesson:

o Student was asked if he knew the silent E rule

He said he had not

Explained what the silent E rule was. If the word setup was

a CVCE word the V says its name and the E is silent.

o Showed student the worksheet again

Student went over words that followed this rule (see image 2 for

worksheet) and it was noted which words he produced correctly

following the rule


o Student was asked to verbally explain the silent E rule

He did correctly

o Student read for 5 minutes in previous book he was reading from the


o Student was asked to read to his mom at night for 30 min

Student stated that was already being done

No additional homework was added

Reflection 1:

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This was the first lesson I was with the student, however, I have worked

with the student in a previous group setting when with my cooperating teacher. I

learned a lot about my student and after giving initial assessments I spent time

with the student reading to understand the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

I was able to determine the reader’s fluency and the genre of book the student

was interested in. I took note that during the reading the student had problems

differentiating between his bs and ds. The next lessons will include practice on

bs and ds, fluency, and vowel sounds along with diagraphs. Lastly the student

and I worked on silent Es and we looked at several words that were CVCE

words. (Bike, Mike, Ride, etc) I told him of the rule that if there is a silent E at

the end makes the vowel closest to the E say its name. Once the student heard

this rule, the student was able to read the listed words easily. At the end of the

lesson the student was asked to read for 30 minutes each night and stated he

was already doing so. I did not assign any additional homework or reading time

other than the 30 minutes.

I thought this lesson went well. The student seemed very enthusiastic to

work with me. I think the student was excited about the extra attention. There

was nothing that I think went wrong in this lesson. My student seemed eager to

learn and picked up on the silent E rule quickly. I am curious if he really was

unfamiliar with the rule or if he had learned about it in a previous lesson. After

today I am more excited to work will my student. His willingness to learn will

make the interventions run smoothly and think that these interventions will be

very beneficial to him.

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Lesson 2:


o Show student a cube that has either a b or d on each side (see image 3

for layout of die)

Student was asked to role the “die” 10 times and say if it was either

a b or a d (see image 4 for annotated notes)

Mini Lesson:

o After missing one student is introduced to the b and d hand signs (see

image 5 for pictures of hand signs)

It was explained to student how the left hand makes the b and the

right hand makes the d

Student makes hand motions and sees how the b and d are formed

The b is on the left hand and comes first in the alphabet while the d

is on the right and comes second

o Die is given back to student

Rolls 10 times and uses hand signals to decide if it was either a b

or d (see image 6 for annotated notes)

o Show student the silent E rule worksheet again

Student verbally explains the silent E rule

Have student say the CVCE words he was shown last lesson (see

image 7 for annotated notes and worksheet)

Go over words in second section or worksheet (refer back to image


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Introduce how we chunk each word

Student is familiar with word chucking

o Student “chunks the first line” and then says the word

chucks to form the difficult vocabulary (see image 8)


o Student reads from The Silver Buckle for 10 min and uses the b and d

hand signals when he comes across a b or d and the beginning of the


o Student verbally explains the silent E rule again before going back to class

Reflection 2:

During this lesson the student and I worked on his b’s and d’s. I was unsure if

the cube of bs and ds would be too easy for student but he seemed to enjoy the activity

and added excellent practice to differentiating between the two. After talking with the

corresponding teacher, she stated that student would benefit from activities that

incorporated practice with bs and ds since he often mixes the two up. Student seemed

to be more focused in this activity and after looking at the letters could state if they were

a b or d correctly. I believe that when reading the student tries hard to read fast and

does not spend enough processing time decoding the bs and ds. I then introduced a

worksheet that I plan on using throughout my time with the student. We worked on

again the silent E rule and how the closes vowel to the E says its name. The student

remembered the rule and read several words correctly. At the end of the lesson I

revisited the worksheet but the student had to be reminded several times about the rule.

We also worked with chunking familiar words to find out words that are not in his

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vocabulary. The student was able to read correctly a lot of the words after chunking the

words up and using the silent E rule.

This lesson also went well. It was more difficult for the student than the first

lesson, however, the student’s attitude was very positive. He was able to try multiple

times until he completed each activity and word correctly. My student seems to really

enjoy the mystery book, The Silver Buckle . He asked if it was possible to read for the

entire lesson. I am surprised by this response because previously I had learned the

student often gets frustrated with reading and does not enjoy it.

Lesson 3:


o Student was given the same Level K book, The Baby Monkey that he had

read previously to me. The benchmark was administered. (see image 9)

o Student then read 5 pages of The Silver Buckle

Asked to read more

Mini Lesson:

o Student was introduced to a matching game

Student was to match either beginning middle or ending sounds

o Each section of the worksheet was gone over to ensure student knew

what he was supposed to do

Student had no questions



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o Homework was given to the student to complete (see image 10)

Worksheet was previous silent E and chunking worksheet we have

gone over several times during our previous lessons

Reflection 3:

During this lesson I was able to assess the student. I used a Benchmark

for Level K which has been used before I started my assessment and then will be

used again at the end of the lessons. I also gave the student homework to

complete at home. We went over each of the three sections that practiced silent

e and word chunking the diagraphs. We have looked at this worksheet in

previous lessons but worked on them together. The student understood what he

was to do and even said he would have it finished by the end of the day. I told

him to keep it or turn it into my cooperating teacher so he could turn it in on my

next visit. Next I introduced the student to a game that we were to play. It

worked on what the worksheet was assessing him on. We were able to match

diagraphs and vowel sounds. The student had trouble distinguishing between

vowel sounds. The student also attempted to make matches with using rhyming.

These matches were counted, however, it was explained to the student that

these matches have to similar sounds the middle (said the middle sound) and the

ending sound separately.

Student did the activities, however, said he would rather read. Once we

placed the games the student changed his mind and stated he wished we had

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more time to read and play games. I wanted to expand the intervention time;

however, it did not work in the student’s schedule.

Lesson 4:


o Student did not turn in homework

Student was asked to verbally explain what he did in each section

and was asked to find the paper and turn it in during the next


o Student was given the Wilson Assessment (see image 11)

o Student was shown silent E rule flashcards

Student reviewed words

Mini Lesson:

o Student read from The Silver Buckle

When student came across bs and ds he was able to use his hand

signals to decide the appropriate letter

o Student was given a graphic organizer of a cow and was asked to list

words that had the same middle sound as cow and loud. (see image 12)


o Matching game was played that was previously played practicing

beginning, middle, and ending sounds

o Student was reminded to look for homework.

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Reflection 4:

Note: Student did not turn in his homework. First I administered a monitoring

process assessment. I used a Wilson Assessment which will again be used at the end

of lesson 5. We then went over the worksheet and it seemed that student had

completed the assignment but said he lost the paper. I told him to continue to look for it

and turn it in next time if he would find it. During this lesson with the student we

reviewed what we have previously worked on. We were able to use the silent E cards

as a review and the student seemed to understand the concept of the silent E during

this activity. He however, mispronounced cute and cut and quite and quit. We then

moved on to reading to work on fluency. We used The Silver Buckle. It was not only a

chapter book, which he had mentioned he enjoyed reading but rarely was able to but a

mystery, his favorite genre of book. We spent 15 minutes reading and the student was

able to read about 11 pages. We will continue reading the book in the next lesson.

During reading the student would skip over words or change words. For instance he

changed dirt bikes to better bikes. I pointed to the word dirt and reminded him of our

b/d technique that I had previously taught him. He then was able to realize his mistake

and correct the word.

During reading the student would change several words but once I pointed to the

word and make him relook at it he also was able to realize his mistake and fix the word

quickly. It seems to me as though the student tries to add words that he believes would

fit instead of looking at the words. Lastly we did an activity that used cards to match

either beginning, middle or ending sounds. This game we have played before and were

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able to finish the game at a faster pace, making me realize that the student is indeed

grasping the silent e and diagraphs that we had practiced in previous lessons.

Lesson 5:


o Silent E rule was reviewed and matching game

o Word chunking was then reviewed

Mini Lesson:

o Student was to read The Silver Buckle and use everything he had learned

during our interventions to help read.

Student was asked to say what he learned

Silent E rule

Word chunking


b and d hand signals

o Student read while practicing all the strategies that were taught to him


o Student was given the Wilson Assessment (see image 13)

o Student was given a benchmark for level K book (see image 14)

o Student was given several mystery and horse related books to continue

reading at home

Reflection 5:

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Staton 24

This was the last lesson given to the student. First we reviewed the silent e rule

and played a game that reviewed the beginning middle and ending sounds along with

the silent e rule that was introduced in previous lessons. Since it was the last lesson I

let the student read his book for 10 min after we had finished reviewing what had been

learned from the previous weeks. The student then was able to explain everything he

learned from working with me and was asked to incorporate the strategies while

reading. The student used all the strategies including the b and d hand signals while

reading the book The Silver Buckle.

We did not finish the book; however, the student was allowed to take the book

home to finish the reading. My cooperating teacher was excited to see the student

interested and excited about reading. She located several mystery books after she had

heard the students’ excitement level and gave him several books to read at home. At

the end of the lesson the student was given the Wilson Assessment and a benchmark

for the same level of book K that he was given throughout our lessons. The student

stated at the end of the lesson that he had fun and learned a lot.

Reader Case Study – Phase IV

Impact on Student:

The student’s reading ability changed drastically in the few weeks I instructed

one-on-one interventions. The researcher was very pleased with the scores from the

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assessments and the amount of student growth they showed. From the different

assessments used the researcher was able to see that the student improved on reading

fluency. Although this was not a goal of the researcher, the student was able to

increase his words per minute due to the new strategies the researcher introduced. The

initial screening benchmark showed the student at a below 95% making more than 13

errors and 33.66 wpm, the monitoring process assessment and ending assessment

showed that the student improved tremendously. The process monitoring benchmark

that was given after lesson 3 showed the student at a 97% making 8 errors and 37.6

wpm while the outcome based benchmark given after lesson 5 showed the student at a

99% making only 3 errors and 56.4 wpm.

Screening Process Monitoring Outcome Based 0







Student's Fluency Growth



ds p

er m



Screening Process Monitoring Outcome Based 92%









Student's Accuracy Rate Growth






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The Wilson Assessment that was given at three separate times also showed

great improvement. The student improved on vowel sounds, b/d confusion, and welded

sounds. The researcher noted that the student was receiving additional practice on

welded sounds throughout the weeks of her interventions which may have skewed the

outcome based data. The graphs below show the improvement the student achieved

throughout the weeks the researcher spent with him. The researcher would like to add

that the student attempted more vowel sounds during the outcome based assessment

then during the screening assessment.

Screening Process Monitoring Outcome Based 92%









Student's Accuracy Rate Growth






Screening Process Monitoring Outcome Based 0123456789


Student's Phonics Growth(vowel sounds)



el S


s p



d co



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Screening Process Monitoring Outcome Based 0








Student's Phonics Growth (Welded Sounds)










The curriculum design was created so that each lesson would build upon the

next and help teach different strategies the student could implement into his every day

reading. After doing screening assessments along with talking with his teacher, the

researcher decided to focus mainly on phonics. Each lesson was designed carefully to

Screening Process Monitoring Outcome Based 0123456789


Student's Phonics Growth(vowel sounds)



el S


s p



d co



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Staton 28

teach a different strategy. The researcher used strategies such as hand signals, the

silent E rule and word chunking to help the student improve his phonics and reading

fluency. She also worked to meet the needs of the reader by playing interactive games

that worked on the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words. The design seemed

to work well with the student. Each lesson was then able to incorporate a review activity

along with a mini lesson. The lessons also aided in fluency by having the reader read to

the researcher which was used as motivation throughout the lessons.

After looking at the data, the researcher was pleased with the improvement the

student had achieved. First, the student did an excellent job on participation. The

researcher had noted that previously the reader did not enjoy reading and often became

frustrated. The student seemed engaged and willing to participate in each activity of

every lesson. While using a graphic organizer the researcher noticed that the student

was familiar with how rhyming worked, however, often used his rhyming skill to find

words with the same middle or ending sounds. This was evident during the lesson the

incorporated the graphic organizer. The student used rhyming words instead of thinking

of additional words that may have the same middle sound as cow and loud but not the

ending sounds.

Throughout the weeks, the researcher was able to watch the student grow in his

fluency ability along with his phonics. By the end of the study, the student wanted to

read all the time and show his teacher the new strategies he had learned. The reader

always seemed confident in his ability to read but was more focused on reading during

instructional time. The reading time at the end was a great motivation to use with the

student and worked well since the student never seemed to be unfocused or off task.

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After completing each lesson the student did not act like he wanted to go back to

his classroom. He often asked if it was possible to read a few more pages. During the

30-45 minutes of instruction the student was engaged and focused on the activities so

no discipline was needed. The student seemed to notice his mistakes and would often

self correct them after the researcher had pointed them out.

Impact on Researcher:

The study not only helped the student make progress but also helped the

researcher grow in ability to assess, create and implement one-on-one interventions.

Spending one-on-one time with the student allowed the researcher to adapt lessons to

help focus on the readers needs. This allowed a great learning opportunity for the

researcher and she was able to see the effect she had in her student’s growth.

This study allowed the researcher to look at multiple assessments that could be

used with any student. It gave her the opportunity to not only research different

assessments but locate assessments that would be most beneficial in finding out the

student’s weaknesses. This experience gave the researcher practice on developing her

own lessons that related to the individuals specific needs for reading.

This study allowed the researcher to analyze the data after administrating the

different assessments that were used. She was able to self reflect on how she did

instructing the student. After interpreting the data in Excel spreadsheets, the researcher

was able to conclude that her interventions drastically helped the student develop as a


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The researcher was able to use this study to develop as a teacher candidate and

help a student along the way. Not only was she able to see the difference she made

through the interventions but she was able to learn how to analyze and interpret

assessment data and student work samples. This study will be used to help set future

goals for the researcher. One goal the researcher was able to create for herself was

that she would continue to improve on creating lesson that are directed to specific

needs of her students. She also plans on using Excel spreadsheets and the screening,

progress monitoring, and outcome based assessments to show parents, teachers, and

principals the improvement children can make when given one-on-one interventions.

These goals will help develop the researcher into a teacher that will make a difference

one child at a time.

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Image 1: Strength and Weaknesses- Annotated notes taken during Lesson 1.

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Image 2: Worksheet, silent E practice- Lesson 1

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Image 3: Layout of Die and then marked with a lowercase b and lowercase d- Lesson 2

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Image 4- Outcome of 10 rolls and students responses before learning hand signals – Lesson 2

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Image 5- Hand signals used in teaching b/d strategy- Lesson 2

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Image 6- Outcome of 10 rolls and students responses after learning hand signals – Lesson 2

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Image 7- CVCE words and extra practice- Lesson 2

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Image 8- Word chunking practice- Lesson 2

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Image 9- Bench mark- Lesson 3

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*Process Monitoring Data in red while screening data in black ink

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Image 10 Homework Sheet given to student –Lesson 3

*Student did not turn in completed homework sheet

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Image 11 Wilson Assessment –Lesson 4

*Process Monitoring Data in red while screening data in black ink

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Image 12 Completed Graphic Organizer-Lesson 4

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Image 13 Wilson Assessment –Lesson 5

*Outcome Based Data in red while screening data in black ink

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Image 14 Benchmark Assessment –Lesson 5

*Outcome Based Data in red while screening data in black ink

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