user experience design: from web to mobile to social

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Ray Valdes

Research VP

September 5, 2012

User Experience Design: From Web to Mobile to Social


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This presentation, including any supporting materials, is owned by Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is for the sole use of the intended Gartner audience or other authorized recipients. This presentation may contain information that is confidential, proprietary or otherwise legally protected, and it may not be further copied, distributed or publicly displayed without the express written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. © 2011 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Ray Valdes Research VP

September 5, 2012

User Experience Design: From Web to Mobile to Social

Expecting a Great Experience

"C'mon, people, it's just a phone!"

Expecting a Great Experience

"C'mon, people, it's just a phone!"

Expecting a Great Experience

What Is the Measurable Business Value of a Good User Experience?

Apple market capitalization: $525 billion

"C'mon, people, it's just a phone!"

Key Issues

1. What are the principles of user experience design, and how can these be applied to enterprise systems?

2. What is design process, and why does it outweigh technology as a key success factor?

3. What is the future of user experience design?

What Is User Experience?

• A subset of brand experience

• Direct interaction between a user and a company's products or services

• Related to:

– Interaction design

– Usability

– Information architecture

– Human factors engineering

• A source of competitive advantage

Driven by "moments of engagement"

What's Wrong With This Picture?

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Busy users won't read dense text.

Illustration is not


Prominent item is not relevant to

most users.

Menu items use cryptic

internal terms.

Important text is "below the fold." Missing:

user roles, common actions.

Lack of "liquid layout"

forces scrolling.

Users expect a top menu bar.

Important choices hidden in drop-down.

Search box not prominent.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Beyond visuals, some key factors:

• Lack of call-to-action

• Wording is unclear

• Slow system response

• No support for mobile form factor

• Lack of social dimension

These reduce conversion, limit audience, dampen engagement, block business value.

The Six P's of a Quality User Experience

Product A compelling and cohesive user experience

Enabled by:

People Deep understanding of user needs

Principles Using proven design principles and patterns

Process Ongoing process of continuous refinement

Profit Measurable scenarios tied to business value

Priorities Keep users' eyes on the prize

Key Issues

1. What are the principles of user experience design, and how can these be applied to enterprise systems?

2. What is design process, and why does it outweigh technology as a key success factor?

3. What is the future of user experience design?

Start Your Design by Understanding Users

Who are your users?

• Demographics

• Psychographics

• "Social-graphics“

What do they want?

• Roles

• Needs

What do they do?

• Observed behavior

• In the lab and in production

Building a Great Experience

Is a "design dictator"


Two Ends of Spectrum in Design Approach

Intuition-Driven Evidence-Based

Two Ends of Spectrum in Design Approach

Intuition-Driven • Deep Understanding

Know your users' needs even before they do.

• Creative Reinvention Take nothing for granted.

• Obsessing the Craft Getting details "just right."

• Cohesive Team Can deliver a cohesive product.

• Assumes Talent Talent guides intuition to target.

Evidence-Based • Acknowledge Ignorance

Sometimes there's no way to know beforehand.

• Reality Rules Objective data over subjective feelings.

• Coarse-Grained Result "Good enough" rather than exact.

• Team Can Be Loose Process and data provide cohesion.

Spectrum: From Intuition-Driven to Evidence-Based Design





iPhone Facebook

Intuition-Driven Hybrid Evidence-Based



Expedia Gmail

Compelling and Cohesive

Rule by Numbers

Packaged Enterprise


Internally Built Corporate


Design Czar

Improving the Average Enterprise Website or Application

Intuition-Driven Hybrid Evidence-Based



Compelling and Cohesive

iPhone Facebook

Expedia Gmail

Average Corporate


Multiple Roadblocks to Improvement

Intuition-Driven Hybrid Evidence-Based



Compelling and Cohesive

iPhone Facebook

Expedia Gmail

Lack Skill Set

Lack Tools

Lack Process

Average Corporate


A Design Process Based on Continuous Refinement and Validation


rces Business



Strategize Research Design Validate Build Test Ship Assess


User Research

Feedback Loops at Every Stage, Span Phases

Analytics Usability Testing




The Main Take-Away

Best Practice Methodology Consists of …

• A user-centered process of

• Continuous improvement that is

• Based on objective data about user behavior

• Guided by design patterns

• That implement key scenarios

• Tied to measurable outcomes

• Obtained by instrumentation and analytics

• That result in business value

Misconceptions About Usability Testing

"Our system has been up for years, and

customers love it."

"We are already customer-


"Usability validation will blow our budget."

"It will wreck our schedule."

"We don't have that kind of


Misconceptions About Usability Testing

"Our system has been up for years, and

customers love it."

"We are already customer-


"Usability validation will blow our budget."

"It will wreck our schedule."

In reality, usability-based validation:

• Can save money

• Can save time

• Can improve existing sites

• Is not that hard

• Can be outsourced, in part

"We don't have that kind of


All Else Being Equal: Speed Is the No. 1 Usability Factor

Speed is relative:

• To competitors

• To offline alternatives

You have:

• 3 clicks, or

• 3 minutes max … … to get the user to "ka-ching"

Page load scoreboard:

• Google: 0.97 s

• Facebook: 1.28 s

• Gartner: 2.69 s

All Else Being Equal: Speed Is the No. 1 Usability Factor

Top 10 Mistakes in User Experience Design Projects

Top 10 Mistakes in User Experience Design Projects

1. Selecting technology at the start.

2. Assuming that "everyone just knows" what users want.

3. Believing that design is only about adding features (rather than careful removal).

4. Piling up features, rather than a cohesive scenario.

5. Adding functionality at the expense of speedy response.


Top 10 Mistakes in User Experience Design Projects

6. Lacking an architecture of participation.

7. Not leveraging server-side processing.

8. Designing a complete solution now, rather than an expressive vocabulary later.

9. Ignoring nonvisual parts of design vocabulary (i.e., social interaction).

10.Accepting political compromises as design decisions.

Key Issues

1. What are the principles of user experience design, and how can these be applied to enterprise systems?

2. What is design process, and why does it outweigh technology as a key success factor?

3. What is the future of user experience design?

Technology Will Change, Physiology Won't

Proven design principles:

• Visible context keeps user oriented.

• Rapid response preserves user's train of thought.

• Continuous feedback validates actions.

• Undo reduces user anxiety.

• Concise writing allows quick scan.

• Drill down

gives user control over detail.

• "Rule of sevens" limits information overload.

Technology evolves, but not:

• The size of our hands

• The neurons in our brains

• Our vision

• Cognitive processing speed

The Future of User Experience

New technologies

• Multitouch

• Image recognition

• Geolocation

• Near field comm.

• 3D displays

• Voice to text

Old problems

• Immature process

• Lack of empirical


• Haphazard governance

• Insufficient user research

• Start and end with technology

Design for Mobile First


• Rapid growth

• Primary mode for some

• Competitive differentiator

• Start small, grow big (in form factor)

• Lean UI can be most effective


• Many diverse contexts of use

• Design for distracted use

• Must start fast

• Just one small piece of an app

• Ensemble code, cohesive experience across platforms

Designing the Tablet User Experience


• Expanded multitouch

• Inherently social

• Multicolumn

• Hardware video

• Rapid growth in enterprises


• Diverse platforms

• No fallback to voice comm.

• 1.5 columns

• Content consumption rather than production

Consider "Responsive" Web Design

• One website for all devices

• Three layouts in one

- Full width

- Tablet

- Smartphone

• Unfortunately, requires hand coding

• CSS media query does most of the work

The Design of Social Experiences

The Design of Social Experiences

Elements in design vocabulary:

• People Identity, reputation

• Relationships Friends, followers, referrals

• Interactions Tag, rate, poke, message, like

• Shared social objects Photos, videos, events, plans

• "Business rules" Access privileges/rules, visibility

• Culture and convention Rituals, groups, shared history

Social architecture:

• A growing part of UX design

Is "Gamification" Coming to Enterprises?

Is "Gamification" Coming to Enterprises?

Game Dynamics

• Achievements and badges

• Leaderboards

• Multiple levels

• Points and credits

Lessons Learned

• UX matters a lot

• Diverse incentives

• Ladder of learning

• Deep metrics of engagement


On Monday:

Product: Kill the splash screen and fire the firm that built it.

Profit: Review bus. priorities.

Process: Start defining metrics.

Next 3 months:

People: Survey and segment your users.

Profit: Look at your channel mix.

Process: Instrument site and get a baseline.

People: Recruit and motivate a great team.


On Monday:

Product: Kill the splash screen and fire the firm that built it.

Profit: Review bus. priorities.

Process: Start defining metrics.

Next 3 months:

People: Survey and segment your users.

Profit: Look at your channel mix.

Process: Instrument site and get a baseline.

People: Recruit and motivate a great team.

Next 12 months:

Process: Evolve your business metrics.

Process: Implement A/B testing.

Process: Build a pattern repository.

Next 24 to 36 months:

Product: Build a cohesive, compelling product.

Compete with yourself, because you have left everyone else behind.

Related Gartner Research

Usability Drives User Experience; User Experience

Delivers Business Value Ray Valdes, David Gootzit (G00152284)

A Value-Driven, User-Centered Design Process for

Web Sites and Applications Ray Valdes, David Gootzit (G00153074)

Generation 7 Portals: Unifying the User Experience Jim Murphy, Gene Phifer, Eric Knipp, Ray Valdes (G00201482)

Q&A on the Roles and Responsibilities for Public

Web Sites Ray Valdes (G00162857)

For more information, stop by Gartner Solution Central or e-mail us at [email protected].

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