urban legend analysis


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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Urban legend analysis


Page 2: Urban legend analysis

In this shot there is writing on the wall in blood. This is conventional of horror films as it increases the fear and red connotes violence and death.

In this scene one of the victims opens the door to the killer. This is a popular shot to do in horror films as it is quite scary. The door is a polished hardwood, which suggests it is in a large old building, which is conventional of horror films as it enhances the seclusion and fear. The killer is almost blacked out despite the good ambient light in the scene, which is also conventional as the killer’s identity will not be revealed until the end.

Page 3: Urban legend analysis

In this scene the killer is chasing the victim. The killer is wearing what appears to be a parka with a hood. He is also carrying an axe, which is a popular weapon in horror films. The use of ambient lighting from the left shows enough of the killer to be scary but not enough to reveal them. A chase scene is conventional in horror films, and usually takes place in a dark location. The building in the scene is gothic and is the main location of the film. It is conventional of horror films that they are set in large gloomy places as they are generally secluded and this leads to a scarier film.