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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    Update the Knowledge.

    Just see the animation of Big bang Experiment. [ LHC]. Held in ran!e da" before #esterda".

    Is This The Beginning of TheEnd.......?????

    $he Large Hadron Collider %LHC&' a () *ilometer %+) mile& long parti!lea!!elerator straddling the border of ,wit-erland and ran!e' is nearl"set to begin its first parti!le beam tests. $he European rgani-ation for/u!lear 0esear!h %CE0/& is preparing for its first small tests in earl"

    1ugust' leading to a planned full2tra!* test in ,eptember 2 and the firstplanned parti!le !ollisions before the end of the "ear. $he final stepbefore starting is the !hilling of the entire !ollider to 2()+.(3 C %2435.(3&. Here is a !olle!tion of photographs from CE0/' showing 6ariousstages of !ompletion of the LHC and se6eral of its larger experiments%some o6er se6en stories tall&' o6er the past se6eral "ears. %27 photostotal&

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    7iew of the C8, %Compa!t 8uon ,olenoid& experiment $ra!*er uter Barrel %$B& in the!leaning room. $he C8, is one of two general2purpose LHC experiments designed to explore theph"si!s of the $eras!ale' the energ" region where ph"si!ists belie6e the" will find answers to the!entral 9uestions at the heart of (+st2!entur" parti!le ph"si!s. %8aximilien Bri!e' : CE0/&

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    $he ;lobe of

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    1ssembl" and installation of the 1$L1, Hadroni! end!ap Li9uid 1rgon Calorimeter. $he 1$L1,dete!tor !ontains a series of e6er2larger !on!entri! !"linders around the !entral intera!tion pointwhere the LHC=s proton beams !ollide. %0o" Langstaff' : CE0/&

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    Che!*s are performed on the alignment of the magnets in the LHC tunnel.

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    $he 1L

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    @hoto from the C8, pixel2strip integration test performed at the $ra!*er

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    7iew of the LHC !r"o2magnet inside the tunnel. %8aximilien Bri!e' : CE0/&

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    7iew from the surfa!e during lowering of the first 1$L1, small wheel into the tunnel on side C ofthe !a6ern. %Claudia 8ar!elloni' : CE0/&

    Lowering of one of the two 1$L1, muon small wheels into the !a6ern. %Claudia 8ar!elloni' :CE0/&

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    7iew of the 1$L1, dete!tor during Jul" (>>) %Claudia 8ar!elloni' : CE0/&

    1 welder wor*s on the inter!onne!tion between two of the LHC=s super!ondu!ting magnets"stems' in the LHC tunnel. %8aximilien Bri!e' : CE0/&

    7iew of the C8, dete!tor at the end of (>>). %8aximilien Bri!e' : CE0/&

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    $ransporting the 1$L1, 8agnet $oroid End2Cap 1 between building +G> to 1$L1, point +.%Claudia 8ar!elloni' : CE0/&

    7iew of the 1$L1, !a6ern side 1 beginning of ebruar" (>>G' before lowering of the 8uon ,mallheels %8aximilien Bri!e? Claudia 8ar!elloni' : CE0/&

    $he LD magnet in the 1L

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    Lowering of the last element %#E2+& of the C8, dete!tor into its underground experimental!a6ern. %8ona ,!hwei-er' : CE0/&

    $he first 1$L1,

  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


  • 8/21/2019 Update the Knowledge


    1erial 6iew of CE0/ and the surrounding region of ,wit-erland and ran!e. $hree rings are6isible' the smaller %at lower right& shows the underground position of the @roton ,"n!hrotron' themiddle ring is the ,uper @roton ,"n!hrotron %,@,& with a !ir!umferen!e of ) *m and the largestring %() *m& is that of the former Large Ele!tron and @ositron !ollider %LE@& a!!elerator with partof La*e ;ene6a in the ba!*ground. %: CE0/&

    More links and informationLHC- Official siteLarge Hadron Collider- Wikipedia entryLHC !ommissioning with beamCERN's website for commissioning the LC

    hat is the LHC- !"#LC $!" at the Large adron Collider%Let the @roton ,mashing Begin- N&imes(com )#
