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Update on Commission disaster management initiatives - Community approach to disaster prevention Thomas de Lannoy – DG ENV A4 DG ENVIRONMENT Civil Protection – Prevention and Preparedness

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Update on Commission disaster management initiatives

-Community approach to disaster


Thomas de Lannoy – DG ENV A4

DG ENVIRONMENTCivil Protection – Prevention and Preparedness

Community Civil Protection Mechanismadopted on 8 November 2007 (2007/779/EC, Euratom)

Civil Protection Financial Instrumentadopted on 5 March 2007 (2007/162/EC, Euratom)




European civil protection co-operation

Disasters in Europe








Floods & mass mov. wet


Earthquake, volcano & mass mov. dry

Epid. & insect infest.

Drought, extr. temp & wildfires

Source: CRED, 2009


Slide 3

l1 lannoth; 22/06/2009

Frequency of climatic disasters

Source: CRED, 2009









1980-89 1990-99 2000-08



Wind storm







Why a prevention strategy?

Links between prevention, preparedness, and response and reconstruction

Progress both in response and prevention

Links between policies areas

Announced in COM(2008)130 on reinforcing the Union’s disaster response capacity

Civil Protection

Disaster Risk Prevention

Other Policies

Facilitates and supports the provision of European civil protection assistance in the event of a major disaster

Both natural and manmade disasters

European Commission + 31 participating states (EU, EEA, Croatia)

Establishes the Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC)

Response – Community Civil Protection Mechanism

Operation during the last year: India / Mumbai (consular protection / medical

evacuation) Moldova gas shortage Fact finding mission Gaza (no MIC activation / MLO only) Namibia floods (Joint MIC-UNDAC Assessment teams) Italy earthquake (post-damage assessment, first intra-EU

assessment team) Tajikistan Floods Benin and Guinea Typhoon Morakot, Taiwan Several Forest Fires in Southern Europe Phillipines and Samoa Earthquake in Indonesia

MIC – What´s new ?

Community approach on the prevention of natural and man-

made disasters

Communication COM (2009) 82

Creating the conditions for the development of knowledge based disaster prevention policies at all levels of government Linking the actors and policies throughout the disaster management cycle Making existing instruments perform better for disaster prevention Reinforcing international cooperation in the field of prevention

Prevention – What is the aim?





Creating the conditions for the development of knowledge based disaster prevention policies

at all levels of government

Bringing together information on disasters

Spreading best practices

Community guidelines on hazard/risk mapping

Research activities

Linking actors and policies throughout the disaster management cycle

Extending the "lessons learnt" exercises to disasters prevention

Training and awareness-raising in the area of disaster prevention

Improving the linking between actors

Reinforcing early warning tools

Making existing instruments perform better for disaster prevention

More efficient targeting of Community funding

Taking account of disaster prevention in Community legislation

Reinforcing international cooperation in the field of prevention

Emphasise disaster prevention in upcoming cooperation initiatives with third countries

Coordinate with the International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and ensure close tieswith the EU Strategy for Disaster RiskReduction in developing countries

Feedback from the EU Institutions

European Parliament September 2009 Resolution on forest fires

Own initiative report (ENVI)

Council July workshop

Council Conclusion expected at Nov-Dec JHA Council (PROCIV)

EESC and CoR have adopted an opinion

Main initial activitiesRisk assessment and planning Comparative study of national practices Development of guidelines

Good practice programme Studies, workshops, guidelines

Improvement of disasters data and knowledge base – stakeholders expert groupMapping of financial instruments supporting prevention measuresMulti-sectoral disaster prevention network

Resources of one or more participating states

Can be dispatched at very short notice approx. 12 hours of a request for assistance

Work self-sufficiently and autonomously

Interoperable with other modules

Able to provide assistance to other international organisations, especially the UN

Examples of modules: forest fire-fighting; high capacity pumping

Preparedness and Response – Modules

13 Civil Protection Modules + TAST

High capacity pumpingWater purificationMedium and heavy urban search and rescueAerial forest fire fighting (helicopters + planes)Advanced medical post / with surgeryField hospitalMedical evacuationEmergency temporary shelterCBRN detection and samplingSearch and rescue in CBRN conditionsTechnical assistance support teams (TAST)

A. Preparatory Action on the development of an EU rapid response capability

B. Pilot Project on forest fires

• Aim: to explore innovative arrangements for the European CP, by:

a) creating modules for rapid deployment

b) creating additional reserve EU capacity on forest fires

What it is NOT: EU CP Stand-by Force

What it is: Test of possible arrangements

request from Budgetary Authority to COM to launch on a test basis activities in a defined policy area with the objective to prepare legislative proposals

Preparedness: what is at hand?

The Preparatory Action: successful projects

Main applicant and title Countries Modules Availab. EU (€)

Ministère de l'Intérieur FR, DDSC – "EU Rapid Response Capability 7"


HCP, WP, HUSAR, FF, AMP-S, FH, CBRNx2 May 09 997 600

Gruppo di Chirurgia per Interventi diProtezione Civile IT – "PISARTE" IT AMP-S

MUSAR May 10 774 374

Estonian Rescue Board EE - “Multinational flood response capability" EE, LV, LT HCP Jun 10 655 151

Die Johanniter DE – "European Technical Assistance" DE TAST Mar 09 462 250

Ministry of Interior CZ –"Increase Capability of CZ USAR Team" CZ HUSAR (Jan 09) 187 200

The Budgetary Authority (EP) reintroduced for 2009:

Preparatory Action - M€ 7.5on EU rapid response capability

- builds upon, complements and extends 2008 activities- merges Pilot Project into Preparatory Action

Aim: testing innovative arrangements to enhance the availability of CP resourcesfor the Mechanism interventions

Focus: activities not fully covered by 2008 projects

Preparatory Action 2009 :

Eurosot 2005 Italy

Escex 2004 FinlandWhat kind of exercises?

Large-scale pan-European simulation exercises

Call 2007 €2.6 million

Calls 2008 € 3.1 million

For 2009 available € 4.1 million

Around 30 exercises financed since 2002


Accelerate response decision-making procedures

Enhance interoperability

Identify further training needs

Preparedness – Simulation exercises

EULUX 2007 Luxemburg

EUDANEX 2006 Denmark/Sweden

EU FloodEx 2009 Netherlands

EC co-funded for €870,000 (=$ 1,300,000) of total of app. € 1,500,000 (=$2,250,000)

300 participants from Germany, UK, Poland and Estonia

300 participants from the Netherlands(police, firebrigades, healthservices, radio

amateurs, life savers, army)

300 roleplayers

• 500 participants• Exhibition: international partners, training centres, innovative technology + civil protection modules•Debates and seminars on prevention, response, cooperation with other actors in the field, etc.



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