uok knowledge center (2009-01)

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  • 8/14/2019 UOK Knowledge Center (2009-01)


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    University of Kalamoon

    Faculty of Business &


    Kheder Durah, Ph.D.

    ICT and Informatics Consultant

    P.O.Box 5466 Aleppo, Syria

    Email: [email protected]

    Mobile: 0944551257

    Establishment of

    Knowledge Center


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Knowledge Center DefinitionKnowledge Center Definition

    A Knowledge Center(K/C) is a virtual repository for collecting,organizing, and disseminating knowledge assets (K/A) of an


    Knowledge Assets are corporate intellectual resources of value to an

    organization. They may take the form of documents, databases,

    individuals, or groups of people, and include records of projects oractivities, knowledge maps, links to networks or communities of

    practice, reports, standard operating procedures, patent

    specifications, licenses, copyright material, taxonomies, glossaries of

    terms, etc ...

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    Knowledge Center ComponentsKnowledge Center Components

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    Oman Bio DiversityKnowledge Center Model

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    CWANA Bio DiversityKnowledge Center Model

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    To establish a sustainable platform for consolidating knowledge assets

    in UOK namely Knowledge Centerwhich will be a one-stop-shopwindow for the institutional scientific and research literature.

    The MissionThe Mission

    Short Termoffer and make available a research infrastructure and human resources to every

    Student, Staff, Professor, Management, Researchers, Visitors, Board Members

    within UOK.To act as scientific cooperating with the private sector.To operate an outstanding research and development network in Syria and

    thereby to enhance the countrys competitiveness to support economicdevelopment.

    The ObjectiveThe Objective

    Long TermTo operate as a center of excellence, which is one of the determinant

    factors in academic innovations in Syria and can be linked to other

    national, regional and international K/C thus making it globally recognized

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    Knowledge Center RequirementsKnowledge Center Requirements


    Server Middle Class Computer running

    Windows Server 2003 Standard, or Linux OS.


    Content Management System (CMS) namely

    TYPO3 open source www.typo3.org.

    Database Engine (Oracle, MS SQL, Fire Bird).

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    Decentralized maintenance.

    Typically based on a common web browser. Edit anywhere, anytime. Bottlenecks removed. Designed with non-technical content editors in mind.

    People with average knowledge of word processing can create the content easily. No HTML skills required. Configurable access restrictions.

    Users are assigned roles and permissions that prevent them from touching content in which they are not authorized to

    change. Consistency of design is preserved.

    Because content is stored separate from design, the content from all authors is presented with the same, consistent


    Navigation is automatically generated.Menus are typically generated automatically based on the database content and links will not point to nonexistent

    pages. Content is stored in a database.

    Central storage means that content can be reused in many places on the website and formatted for multiple devices

    (web browser, mobile phone/WAP, PDA, printer). Dynamic content.

    Extensions like forums, polls, shopping carts, search engines, news management are typically drop-in modules. A

    good CMS also allows for truly user defined extensions.

    Content Management SystemContent Management System


    Daily updates.

    You do not need to involve web designers or programmers for every little modification - you

    are in control of your website. Cooperation.

    Encourages faster updates, enforces accountability for content editors via log files and

    promotes cooperation between authors. Content scheduling.

    Content publication can often be time-controlled; hidden for previews; or require a user login

    with password.

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    1. Prepare project study for establishing UOKKnowledge Center.

    2. Prepare K/C teams terms of reference.

    3. Allocate the funds.

    4. Facilitate the procurement of hardware,

    software and technical services.

    5. Establish Portal site6. Monitor the use of technology thru timely


    Action Plan
