uns curriculum - english language and literature 1991

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  • 8/11/2019 UNS Curriculum - English Language and Literature 1991



    urriculumand SyllabiDepartment of English

    adopted nDecember 99

  • 8/11/2019 UNS Curriculum - English Language and Literature 1991


    CurriculumDepartment of English Language Courses

    1 Introduction into the study of the English language2 English language Phonetics

    MorphologySyntaxEnglish erb

    Transformational/Generative GrammarLexicology3 History of the English language4 Methods of English language teaching

    Department of English Literature Courses

    1 Introduction intothe study of English literature2 English literature Historyof English literature until 1939

    Introductioninto the study of Shakespeare and Shakespeare s dramasShakespeare s tragedies

    Victorian novelDickens s novelsEnglish novel at the beginning of the 20th centuryConrad s novelsCultural and literaryexchange between the constituent countries of Yugoslaviaand England

    3 American literatureOverviewof American literature 1850-1945American poetry in the twentieth centuryAmerican novels in the nineteenth and twentieth century

    Elective coursesIntroductory professional coursesIntroductoryeducation courses

    EX MIN TIONS-upon completion of first semester-

    Introduction intothe study of English literature (oral)

    -upon completion of second semester-Introduction intothe study of English language (oral)English language (Morphology, Phonetics)English literature (until 1789)Foreign languageSociologyCivilDefense

    -upon completion of third semester-(optional) colloquia in English language

    English literature

    -upon completion of fourth semesterPsychology

    History of philosophy

    (written, oral)(oral)(written)(oral)(oral)

    (written, oral)


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    Foreign languageEnglish language Syntax)English literature until 1939)

    -upon completion of fifth semester- optional) colloquiain English language

    English literature

    -upon completion of sixth semesterBasics in pedagogyNative language Serbo-Croatian or Hungarian)Methods of English language teachingEnglish language English Verb)English literature Romanticism)

    -upon completion of seventh semesterMethods of English language teachingHistoryof the English language

    -upon completion of eighth semester-Diploma examination in English languageLexicologyand Generative Grammar)

    Diploma examination in English literatureTwentieth Century English Novel)


    First year -- paper in English literatureSecond year -- paper in English literature

    written, oral)written,oral)oral)

    oral)written, oral)oral)written, oral)written, oral)

    practical test)oral)

    written, oral)

    written, oral)

    Third year -- paper in English literature; paper in English languageFourth year -- paper in English language/English literature/Historyof the English language


    The curriculum consists of lectures, seminar classes and practice, with the following numberof hours perweek:

    SEMESTER II III IV V VI VII VIII2+0+10 2+0+10 2+0+10 2+0+10 2+2+8 2+2+8 3+3+6 3+3+6

    practice in phonetics 0+2)follows the lectures in semesters I,II,III,IVpractice in grammar O+1)

    follows the lectures in semesters I II III, IVtext analysis 0+2)

    treatment of text at all levels: grammar, semantics, lexicology and sociolinguisticcontexttranslating from English into Serbian or Hungarian 0+1)

    learning English at all levels together with the basic principles of translation from a foreign into thenative language

    translating from Serbian or Hungarian into English 0+1)learning English at all levels together with the basic principles of translation from the native

    into a foreign language

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    writing practiceenabling students to express ideas clearly and effectivelyin writing

    speech practiceenabling students to communicate clearly and effectively n standard English

    seminarsintroducing students to scientific scholarlyresearch

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    Curriculum for English language Courses

    English language Morphologysemesters: and IInumber of hours per week: 2+2course description: morphological structure of the modern English language and morphological

    analysis of English wordsexamination: oral after the second semester

    SYLLABUSMorphologyas the study of the word. Morphologyin relation to syntax and phonology. Infiection and

    derivation as parts of morphology. Lexicon. Word study in ancient Greece and Rome, in the Middle Ages,during the age of Romanticism, in structuralism and generativism. Word analysis. Definitionof word. Lexeme.Notion and word. Morpheme: distributionand classification. Structure of words: root, base, affixes. Morph andallomorph. Morpho-phonological changes. Classification of words. Vocabulary and grammar. Grammaticaland functional words. Word classes. Nouns and pronouns. Verbs and adjectives. Adverbs. Minor wordclasses: determiners and auxiliary verbs. Prepositions. Inflection. Grammatical categories. Marks of thecategory of person in pronouns, determiners and verbs. Marks of the category of case in nouns and pronouns.Marks of verbal categories: time, modality, aspect (perceptive and non-perceptive) and mood. Marks of thecategory of comparison in adjectives and adverbs. Derivation. Innovations. Coinages and loan words. Wordformation (based on existing elements). Compounds. Prefixation. Suffixation. Blending. Conversionas a wordformation process.

    SELECTED LITERATUREBauer, L. (1989). English Word-Formation.Greenbaum, S., R. Quirk. (1990). Student s Grammar of the English Language.Lyons, J (1968). Introduction t Theoretical Linguistics.Matthews, P. (1974). Morphology.Miseska-Tomic, O. (1980). The English Word.

    English language Phoneticssemesters: Inumber of hours per week: 0+2course description: phonetic structure of modern English language and phonetic analysis of English

    sounds, accent and intonationexamination: written and oral examination after the second semester

    SYLLABUSSubject and categories of phonetics. Methods in phonetics. Standard pronunciation in British and

    American English. Sound description and sound analysis. Speech organs and their functions. Features ofarticulation. Classification ofsounds. English consonants. English vowels (monophthongs and diphthongs).Phoneme description and phoneme analysis. Phonological principle. Phoneme and allophone. Englishphonemes. Basic allophones of English phonemes. Phonetic transcription. Analysis and description of soundchanges. Vowel changes in English: assimilation and elision. Length of English sounds. Strong and weakforms of English words. Syllable analysis and syllable description. Syllable constituents. Distributionof Englishphonemes within syllables. Accent analysis and accent description. Elements of English accent. Accent inEnglish words. English accent patterns. Accent in English sentences. Elements of English rhythm. Englishrhythmic patterns. Intonation analysis and intonation description. Elements of English intonation. Englishsentence melodies. Rules of writing.English letters. Principles of English orthography.

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    SELECTED LITERATUREGimson, A.C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English.Wells, J.C. Pronunciation Dictionary.Mihailovic,Lj The Phonemic Elements of Modern English.Roach, English Phonetics and Phonology.Brazil, D.et al. Discourse Intonation and Language Teaching.O Connor, J.D. Betler English Pronunciation.

    English language Syntaxsemesters: IIIand IVnumber of hours per week: 2+2course description: syntactic structure of modern English and syntactic analysis of English sentencesexamination: oral examination after the fourth semester

    SYLLABUSUnits of grammar and their functions. Word, phrase, clause and sentence (simple and complex).

    Composition and representation. Grammatical functions: subject, predicate, object, complements. Noun phaseanalysis. Noun as head of a noun phase. Types of nouns and their basic features. Determiners: article

    (indefinite, definite and zero), possessive determiners, demonstrative determiners, indefinite determiners.Numbers. Adjectives and their classification. Similarities and differences between determiners, numbers andadjectives. Adverbial phrase analysis. Adverbial and nominal expression. Types of adverbial phases. Verbphrase analysis. Lexical verb as head of a verb phrase and auxiliary verbs that accompany it. PredicationObjects, complements and complementizers. Qualifiers and modifiers. Types of modifiers. Classification ofverbs according to valence. Complex sentence analysis. Main clause and dependent clause. Types ofdependent clauses: nominal, adjectival or relative and adverbial. Nominalizers and relativizers. Types ofadverbial dependent clauses and adverbs or adverbial expressions that introduce them. Infinitival andgerundival expressions and their relations to the subject and the predicate of the sentence in which they arefound. Compound sentence analysis. Sentences and their conjunctions. Cumulative, adversative andalternative conjunctions and sentences they connect.

    SELECTED LITERATURECattell, N.R. The New English Grammar.Dekeyster, X et al. Foundations of English Grammar.Francis, W.N. The Structure of American English.Greenbaum, S and R Quirk. Student s Grammar of the English Language.Karlovcan, V Survey of English Grammar.Leech, G., M Deuchar, R Hoogenrad. English Grammar for Today.Stageberg, N An IntroductoryEnglish Grammar.

    English language The English Verbsemesters: V and VInumber of hours per week: 2+2course description: verbs in the structure of modern Englishexamination: oral examination after the sixth semester

    SYLLABUSThe verb. Classification ofverbs into lexical and auxiliary. Primary and secondary (modal) auxiliary

    verbs. Verbal categories: person, number, tense (present-past), aspect (progressive-perfective), mood(indicative, imperative, subjunctive) and voice (passive-active). Verb forms. Features of verb forms. Dynamicand stative verbs and their use. Verbs with particles. Prepositional verbs. Verb phrase. Basic paradigms of the

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    primary and secondary simple verb phrase. Verbs with obligatory complementation. Infinitival,gerundival andparticipial constructions. Structures with noun phrase. Expressing past, present and future in English.

    SELECTED LITERATUREAllen, R The Verb System of Present Day American English.Leech, G Meaning and the English Verb.Palmer, F.R The English Verb.Quirk, RS., Greenbaum, G Leech, J Svartvik. Grammar of Contemporary English.

    Twaddell,W.F. The English Verb Auxiliaries.English language Generative Syntaxsemesters: VIIand VIIInumber of hours per week: 2+1course description: syntax of modern English from the viewpoint ofone linguisticmodelexamination: oral examination after the eighth semester, as a part of diploma examination

    SYLLABUSIntroduction. The notion of syntax. Position of syntax among other linguisticdisciplines. Traditional

    syntax. Structuralism. Models. Basic elements of syntax. Syntactic units. Syntactic functions. Syntacticstructures. Immediate constituent analysis. Generative approach to sentence analysis. Some theoretical

    problems. Underlying structure in some models. Phrase structure rules. Derivation. Transformations.Restrictions. Principles. Lexicon.

    Selected topics from the generative syntax of English sentence. Passive-active and passivesentences; passive transformations. Negation. Questions-types of questions. Interrogative transformation.Wh-questions. Generic and cleft sentences. Non-restrictive clauses. Reduced relative clauses.Nominalization-types. Complement control. Conjunction connectors. Non-sentential conjunction. Nontransformational treatment of conjunction. Pronominalization-types. Coreference and reference .. Anaphor.

    SELECTED LITERATUREAkmajian, A. and F. Heny. An Introductionto the Principles of TransformationalSyntax.Brown, K and J Miller. 1982). Syntax: Linguistic Introductionto Sentence Structure

    Miseska-Tomic, O 1987). Syntax and Syntaxes. textbook)Radford, A 1981). TransformationalSyntax.Radford, A 1989). Transformational Grammar.

    English language Lexicologysemesters: VII and VIIInumber of hours per week: 1 2course description: lexicalstructure of English from synchronic and diachronic point of viewexamination: oral examination after the eighth semester as a part of diploma examination

    SYLLABUSLexicology: subject and classification. Lexicology and other scientific disciplines. Lexical system of

    language. Basic problems of word theory and meaning of words. Morphological structure of words.Morphological meaning of words. Derivation. Conversion. Compounding. Clipping, reduplication,blending,back-formation. Acronyms. Folk etymology.Semantic structure of words. Lexical meaning of words. Lexeme.Reference, denotation, connotation. Meaning of words and motivation. Changes in the meaning of words.Transitional meanings of words: metonymy and metaphor. Monosemy and polysemy. Homonyms. Relationsof meanings of words: synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, complementarity, incompatibility. Semantic fields.Free word groups, collocations, fixed expressions, idioms. Combinatory potential of words. Restrictions onselection. Semantic anomalies. Relations of meanings of sentences. Genesis and structure of Englishvocabulary. Sources, causes and effects of loans. Neutral and emotionallycolored words. Neutral words and

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    words marked for style. Terms. Standard, dialect and variant words. Neologisms, archaisms. Lexicology andlexicography. Britishand American lexicography.

    SELECTED LITERATUREAdams, V. 1973). An Introductionto Modern English Word FormationLeech, G. 1974). Semantics The Study of MeaningLyons, G. 1977). Semantics I IIPalmer, F.R. 1977). Semantics New Out/ine

    Tomic-Miseska, o. 1980). The English WordUllman, S. 1962). Semantics. An Introductionto the Science of Meaning

    English language History of English languagesemesters: VI and VIInumber of hours per week: 2+1course description: origin and development of English language and influencesexamination: oral examination after the seventh semester

    SYLLABUSHistorical diachronic) method of language study. Principle of language evolution. Indo-Europeanlanguage family. Centum and satem languages. Germanic languages. Phonological system of Indo-Europeanand Germanic languages. Accent.

    Division of history of English language into Old 450-1100), Middle 1100-1500) and Modern Englishperiod. Influence of social and political factors on development of English. Status of the English language inEngland from XI until XV century. English dialects. Development of spoken and literary standard. Spread ofEnglish onto other continents. British and American variants of English.

    Runes. Alphabet. Spelling rules in the Old English and changes in the Middle and Modern Englishperiod. Phonological system and phonological changes: spontaneous and conditional, qualitative andquantitative. Changes in unstressed syllables. Variation of accent. Grammatical and natural gender in English.

    Effect and results of analytical tendencies in the morphology of English. Appearance of new forms. Wordorder and sentence types during the development of English. Impersonal constructions. Multiple and singlenegation. Functional word changes. Indo-European and Germanic words. Loans. Hybrids. Synonyms. Wordformation. Lexical losses. Semantic changes in English words.

    SELECTED LITERATUREBaugh, Albert C. Historyof the English LanguageBrook, G.L. Historyof the English LanguageJaspersen, Otto. Growth and Structure of the English LanguageNist, John. StructuralHistoryof EnglishPyles, Thomas. The Origins and Development of the English Language

    English language Methods of English language teachingsemesters: VI and VIInumber of hours per week: 2+0 in the sixth semester

    0+2 n the seventh semester practicecourse description: theoretical and practical preparation of students for teaching English as a foreign

    languageexamination: oral examination after the sixth semester

    practical examination after the seventh semester

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    SYLLABUSMethods of teaching English as a scientific discipline. Relation of methodics and other scientific

    disciplines didactic, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics and others). Overview of methods of teaching foreignlanguages. Factors that influence teaching foreign languages personal and general). Goals of foreignlanguage teaching in our schools. Culture as an element of teaching foreign languages. Curriculum andsyllabus in education. Principles of selection and grading language material linguistic, psychological,didactic). Teaching language skills: comprehension, speaking, reading writing. Working on particular areas:pronunciation, lexicon, grammar. Text in teaching foreign languages: classification according to form


    content constructed,adaptive, original),

    possibilities ofuse,

    treatment.Planning the

    curriculum: types of curriculums, making individual curriculums. English language class: types of classes,organization, preparation. Further education of teachers: scholarly literature. Written schoolwork andhomework. Teaching aids. Teaching. Testing.

    SELECTED LITERATUREDimitrijevic,N 1966). Metod u pocetnoj nastavi stranih jezika. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, BeogradDimitrijevic,N 1977). Zablude u nastavi stranih jezika. Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Svjetlost,Sarajevo.Dimitrijevic,N 1982). Testiranje u nastavi stranih jezika, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Svjetiost,Sarajevo.

    Prebeg-Vilke, M 1977).Uvod u glotadidaktiku,Skolska knjiga, Zagreb.Skljarov, M 1987). Jezik gavor u nastavi stranih jezika, Skolska knjiga, Zagreb.

    Curriculum for English Literature Courses

    English literature Introduction to the study of English literaturesemester:number of hours per week: 2+0course description: political and cultural historyof England and introduction to the methods of work on Englishliterature, interpretation of history, literature and culture of Great Britain.examination: oral examination after the first semester

    SYLLABUSOverview of cultural and political history of England. Geographic position. Particularities of its

    historical and cultural development. Making of English nation and language. Medieval English civilizationandculture. English renaissance culture. Humanism. Reformation, Puritanism. Spread of literacy in the 18thcentury. Industrial revolution. Development of English working class. Victorian era. Crisis of Englishcivilization. Leftist movements in the thirties. Second World War. Introduction to methods and techniques ofwork on English literature. Classification of English literature. Literary genres. Trends in literature. Analysis ofa novel. Analysis of a drama. Literary criticism and theory of literature. Writing papers on literature. Usingscholarly works. Literature about English literature.

    SELECTED LITERATUREKovacevic-Cukovic,Dr. Ivanka. 1971). IstorijaEngleske. Beograd.Petre Fran i Zdenko Skreb. 1969). Uvod u knjizevnost. Zagreb.Seaman, L.C.B. 1947). Short Social Historyof England. London.Samic, Midhat. 1972). Kako nastaje naucno djelo. Sarajevo.Trevelyan, G.M. 1961) English Social History. London.Wellek, R and A. Warren. 1955). Theory of Literature. London.The Cambridge Bibliographyof English Literature.The Oxford Companion to English Literature.

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    Barnet, S. DictionaryofLiteraryTerms.Shipley, J Dictionaryof World Literature.

    English literature From the beginnings until 1789 (general course)sernesters: I and IInumber of hours per week: 2+2+2course description: basic trends and authors in English literature from its beginning until1789 in the

    frame of politicaland cultural conditions.examination: oral examination after the second semester

    SYLLABUSAnglo-Saxon literature, its origin and basic features. Beowulf. Elegies. Medieval literature: alliterative

    allegoric verse (Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). Chaucer. Drama: the mystery plays, the miracleplays and the morality plays. Humanism and the Renaissance - poetry: Wyatt and Surrey, Sir Philip Sidney:Astrophel and Stella. E. Spencer: The Fairy Queen. Drama: C.Marlowe. T. Kyd. W. Shakespeare, B, Jonson,Webster. Prose - Bacon: Essays. Late renaissance poetry - John Milton: Paradise Lost. Dryden's era.Restoration drama. Dryden: The Conguest of Granada. Comedy - W. Wycherley: The Country Wife and W.Congrieve: The Way of the World. Literature of the eighteenth century: enlightenment and classicism. Addison

    and Steele. Alexander Pope: overview of works. Sentimentalism. The eighteenth century novel: D. Defoe, JSwift, S. Richardson, H. Fielding, T. Smollett, L. Sterne, O.Goldsmith. eighteenth century drama: R.B.Sheridan: The School for Scandal. Preromanticism: Percy's and Macpherson's collection of ballads, RobertBurns.

    READINGLIST:sections from Beowulf, The Seafarer. The Wanderer. Woman's Lament; T. Wyatt: My galley .. , My luteawake .. , , Madame, withouten many words , They flee from me .. ; H. Surrey: The soote season , 0, happydames, .. ; P. Sidney: sonnets 1,2,20,21,31; E. Spencer: ProthalamionC. Marlowe: Dr. Faust; W. Shakespeare: sonnets 1, 18,55, 116, 130, 147. Henry IV-part I, Twelfth Night,Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Tempest; B. Jonson: Volpone; J. Webster: The Duchess of Malfi;J, Milton:

    Paradise Lost, book I, dialog of Samson and Delilah from Samson Agonistes; T. Congrieve: The Way of theWorld; J, Addison: Sir Roger at Church , The Royal Exchange ; R, Steele: Mr. RickerstaffVisits a Friend ;D. Defoe: MollFlanders; J. Swift: Gulliver'sTravels, books I and II; A. Pope: The Rape of the Lock, Canto III;An Essay on Man , Epistle I, lines 1-112; An Essay on Criticism, lines 215-383; S. Richardson: Pamela, part

    I; H. Fielding: Tom Jones; O. Goldsmith: The Vicar of Wakefield; L. Sterne: Tristram Shandy; T. Smallett:Roderick Random; R. Burns: To a Mouse , The Rigs 0 Barley , Duncan Gray ;

    SELECTED LITERATURE:Puhalo, D.(1963.1980). Istorija engleske knjizevnosti I. Naucna knjiga, Beograd.Puhalo, D. (1966.1977). Istorijaengleske knjizevnostiII Naucna knjiga, Beograd.KovaceviC, I., V. Kostic, D. Pervaz, M. Frajnd. (1979). Engleska knjizevnost 650-1700. Svjetlost i dr. Sarajevo,Vidan, I., B. Kogoj-Kapetanic.(1986), Engleska knjizevnost. Zagreb.Kovacevic, I. 1982).lz stare engleske knjizevnosti. Naucna knjiga, Beograd.Kovacevic, I. (1979), Iz engleske srednjevekovne knjizevnosti. Naucna knjiga, Beograd.Oxford Historyof English Literature. (1959). Oxford, Clarendon Press.Sphere Historyof Literature in the English Language. 1970). Sphere Books, London.Legouis, E. (1934). Short History of English Literature. Oxford Clarendon Press.Albert, E. (1934). Historyof English Literature. Oxford Clarendon Press.The Pelican Guide to English Uterature. (1957), London.The Oxford Companion to English Literature, (1985). Oxford,Longman Companion to English Literature, (1972). London.


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    English literature History ofEnglish literature from 1789 until 1939semesters: III and IVnumber of hours per week: 2+2+2course description: basic trends and authors of the English literature between 1789 and 1939, within the

    framework of politicaland cultural conditionsexamination: oral examination after the fourth semester


    WilliamBlake. Wordsworth and Coleridge. George Gordon Byron. Percy Bysshe Shelley. John Keats.Jane Austen. Victorian era. Charles Dickens. William Makepeace Thackeray. Bronte sisters. George Eliot.Thomas Hardy. Alfred Tennyson. Robert Browning. Aestheticism and decadence. Oscar Wilde. Twentiethcentury. John Galsworthy. Bernard Shaw. Joseph Conrad. David Herbert Lawrence. James Joyce. VirginiaWoolf. WilliamButlerYeats. Thomas Sterns Eliot. Poets of the thirties. Dylan Thomas.

    READINGLIST:WilliamBlake: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, "Proverbs of Hell";William Wordsworth:"TinternAbbey", "Ode on Intimations of Immortality", "The Rainbow", "The Solitary Reaper"; S.T. Coleridge: "TheAncient Mariner", "KublaKhan"; G.G. Byron: Childe Harold, Canto III, Don Juan, Canto II; P.B. Shelley: "Odeto the West Wind", Prometheus Unbound; John Keats: "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode to a Nightingale", "La

    Belle Dame sans Merci", "Bright Star"; Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice; Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist;W.M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair; EmilyBronte: Wuthering Heights; George Eliot: The Mill onthe FlossAlfred Tennyson: "The Lady of Shalott", "The Lotos Eaters", "Tears, Idle Tears", "Come into the Garden,Maud"; Robert Browning: "MyLast Duchess", "Andrea del Sarto"; Thomas Hardy: Tess of the D'Urbervilles;Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray; G.B. Shaw: Candida; John Galsworthy: The Man of Property:Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim; D.H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers; W.B. Yeats: "The Lake Isle of Innisfree","Easter 1916", "The Second Coming", "Sailing to Byzantium", "Byzantium";T.S.Eliot: "The Love Song of JAlfred Prufrock", The Waste Land; James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Virginia Woolf:Mrs. Dalloway;W.H. Auden: A Weary Asia Out of Sigh ...", "Rheumatic Old Patricians Weep", "The UnknownCitizen", "Museedes Beaux Arts"; Dylan Thomas: "Fern Hill","AGriefAgo".

    SELECTED LITERATURE:Kogoj-Kapetanic, Breda and Ivo Vidan. (1986). Engleska knjizevnost. SN Liber, Zagreb.Nejgebauer, Dr. Aleksandar. (1981). Engleska knjizevnost - doba romantizma (1789-1832). Univerzitet uNovom Sadu, Novi Sad.Nejgebauer, Dr. Aleksandar. (1986). Engleska knjizevnost XIXi XXveka (1832-1939). lectures, Novi Sad.Puhalo, Dr. Dusan. (1966). Istorijaengleske knjizevnostiXVIIveka i romantizma (1700-1832). Naucna knjiga,Beograd.Puhalo, Dr. Dusan. (1976). Engleska knjizevnostXIX-XXveka1832-1950). Naucna knjiga, Beograd.Engleska knjizevnost II. (1983). Svjetlos , Sarajevo. Noli , Beograd.Engleska knjizevnost III. (1984). Svjetlost, Sarajevo. Noli , Beograd.

    W Ward and R. Walter. (1933-34). Cambridge Historyof English Literature. 14 vols. Cambridge UniversityPress.Daiches, David. (1959). CriticalHistoryof English Literature. 4 vols. Longmans, London.Legouis, Emile. (1934). Short Historyof English Literature. Clarendon Press, Oxford.Legouis, Emile and Louis Cazamian. (1954). History of English Literature. Dent, London.eds. F.P. Wilson and Bonamy Dobree. (1959). Oxford Historyof English Literature. Oxford.Sphere Historyof Literature in the English Language. (1970). vols. 1-12. Sphere Books, London.Baker, Ernest, The Historyof the English Novel, vols. 3-10, Barnes and Noble, New York, 1950.Barnes, T.R. (1967). English Verse. Cambridge UniversityPress.Kettle, Arnold. (1959). An Introduction to the English Novel. Hutchinson, London.Markovic, Dr. Vida. (1963). Engleski roman XXveka, part I Naucna knjiga, Beograd.

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    English literature Poets of English Romanticismsemesters: V, VInumber of hours per week: 2+2+2course description: main characteristics, authors, works and criticismof English poetry during

    Romanticismexamination: written and oral examination after the sixth semester

    SYLL BUSRomanticism in England: history and spirit of the age, Romantic movement. Background of

    Romanticism, Definitions of Romanticism, Characteristics of romantic poetry, Romanticindividualism/subjectivity,Romantic poet: concept of the role of poet. Expression in romantic poetry: language,symbolism, organic and open forms, fragments, Romantic irony, Romantic quest. Romantic alienation,Romantic spirit/spiritof the modern age, English romantic epic: general characteristics, Sonnet in romanticpoetry, Ode, hymn and pastoral in English Romanticism,

    William Blake: artisan, artist, poet, prophet; poet of pre-romanticism/Romanticism, Blake's literaryreputation: in his time/in our time, Songs of Innocence: development, publishing, poetical forms and themes;child's world/poetry for children;analysis of particular poems, Songs of Experience: development, publishing,

    themes; analysis of particular poems, Blake's contrary states of human mind: innocence/experience, TheBook of Thel: overview; characters, themes, problems and solutions, Blake's prophetic books: The FrenchRevolution, Visionof the Daughters of Albion,America: overview, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: overview;Proverbs of Hell. Blake's late apocalypses, Blake and Milton, The Four Zoas: vision of apocalypse, Blake'snew mythology:visions, ideas, implications, Poetic achievement of WilliamBlake,

    William Wordsworth: biography of young poet; late career and works, Lyrical ballads: creation, title,publishing, reception by critics; Wordsworth and Coleridge: friendship and writing, common ideas;Wordsworth's foreword to the second edition: theoretical views of poetry, Wordsworth, Lyrical Ballads: WeAre Seven , The Thorn , 'The Idiot Boy ; Michael -analysis; Tintern Abbey Revisited : structure, themes,style, nature, childhood, poetry, spiritual world; The Leech Gatherer , Resolution and Independence :analysis, Lyrical Ballads: nature and human nature, Lucy Poems : inspiration, moods, themes, Three Years

    She Grew in Sun and Shower , She Dwelt Among the UntroddenWays , A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal ; ITravelled Among Unknown Men , Strange Fits of Passion , Lucy Gray : analysis, Ode to the Intimations ofImmortality : development, genre, structure; nature, spiritual crisis, consolation, Wordsworth's narrativepoems: epics, The Prelude: development, influences, form, style; overview; spots of time ; development ofpoetic spirit. Wordsworth's literary reputation: in his time and today; in England and in the rest of the world,

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge: life and poetical works, Cooperation with Wordsworth, Coleridge'sBiographia Literaria: fancyand poetry; poetical theory, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner : poetical form, story,expression, glossa; the marine; themes; possible interpretations, Coleridge's conversation poems : commonfeatures, The Eolian Harp ; This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison ; Frost At Midnight : analysis, Dejection: AnOde : versions, form, themes; comparison with Wordsworth's Ode on the Intimations of Immortality ;poem ofspiritual/creative crisis, Christabel: development, genre, poetical form, unity; themes, characters, possibleinterpretations, Poetical achievement of S,T, Coleridge, Coleridge's literary reputation,

    George Gordon Byron: man, poet, legend, Byron's early narrative poems and Turkish stories, TheCorsair: overview, Chi Ide Harold: conception, composition, form, reception; cantos and II: story, character,narrator; canto III analysis; canto IV: overview; view of man and society in the poem; character, poet, byronichero, Manfred: genre, literary impact, themes; Manfred as byronic hero, Marino Faliero: overview, Byron'ssatirical poems; Beppo, Byron's literary fame: in England/in Europe, Byron and byronism, Byron's Don Juan:development, genre, form, style; hero and narrator; hero and his story; viewof the world, themes, tone,

    Percy Bysshe Shelley: life and work, Shelly's love poems: themes and moods, Shelly's early narrativepoems: Queen Mab, Alastor, The Revolt of Islam, Epipsychidion: overview, The Cenci: sources, world,characters; Beatrice Cenci, The Defence of Poetry: poetical theory, Prometheus Unbound: literary sourcesand impact, composition, genre, style; capturing and liberation; society and mankind; Act III--worid


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    transforming; Act IV--transformed world. The Cloud : analysis. To a Skylark : analysis. Hymn to IntellectualBeauty : analysis. Mont Blanc : analysis. Ode to the West Wind : analysis. Shelly's poem The Triumph ofLife--obscured view of the world. Shelley's poetical achievement. Literary reception and reputation of P.B.Shelley.

    John Keats: short and intensive creative life. Endymion: visions, romance, allegory, themes. Keatsand Shakespeare: types of influences. Keats and classical literature. Other influences on Keats: Spencer,Milton.Narrative poem Isabella or the Pot of Basil: overview. The Eve of St, Agnes: analysis. Lamia: overview.Keats' epic attempt: Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion. The Fall of Hyperion: obscured view of the world. La

    Belle Dame Sans Merci : analysis/levels of meaning/interpretation/themes. Keats' odes: development, form,influences, moods; fancy, poetry, art; view of human life. Ode on Indolence , Ode to Psyche : overview. Odeto a Nightingale : analysis. Ode on Grecian Urn : analysis. Ode to a NightingaleJ Ode to Melancholy : darkvisions of life. Ode to Autumn : analysis. Poetical achievement of John Keats,

    SELECTED LITERATUREAbrams, M.H. (1960). English Romantic Poets. London: Oxford UniversityPress.Abrams, M.H, (1971). The Mirrorand the Lamp London: OxfordUniversityPress.Abrams, M.H, (1973). Natural Supematuralism. New York: WW. Norton Co,Bloom, Harold. (1970). Romanticism and Consciousness. New York: W. W. Norton Co.Bloom, Harold and Lionel Trilling.(1973). Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UniversityPress.

    Bostetter, Edward E (1963), The Romantic Ventriloquists. Seattle: University of Washington Press.Bowra, C. M (1969), The Romantic Image. Oxford: OxfordUniversityPress.Curran, Stuart. (1986). Poetic Form and British Romanticism. Brighton: The Harvester Press.Frye, Northrop. (1983). Study of English Romanticism. Brighton: The Harvester Press.Furst, Liliam (1975).Romanticism. London&NewYork: Methuen.Gleckner, Robert F. and Gerald E. Enscoe, (1975). Romanticism Points of View. Detroit: Wayne StateUniversity.Kermode Frank, (1986). Romantic Image. London: ArkPaperbacks.Kuic, Ranka. (1974). Antologijaeng/eske romanticarske poezije. Beograd: Naucna knjiga.Nejgebauer, Aleksandar. (1974), Eng/eska knjizevnostdoba romantizma (1789-1832). Novi Sad: UniverzitetuNovom Sadu, Filozofskifakultet.

    Puhalo, Dusan, (1966). Istorija engleske knjizevnostiXVIIIveka i romantizma. Beograd: Naucna knjiga.Thorsley, Peter I Jr. (1962). The Byronic Hero. Minneapolis: Universityof Minnesota Press.Thurley, Geoffrey, (1983), The Romantic Predicament. London: MacmillanPress.Wimsatt, WilliamK Jr. and Cleanth Brooks. (1957), Romantic Criticism. London: Routeledge&Kegan Paul.

    English literature English Twentieth Century Novelsemesters: VIIand VIIInumber of hours per week: 2+2+2course description: works of the most prominent authors of the first halfof the twentieth century.

    Interpretationof cultural and literaryphenomena of the age.examination: written and oral (diploma) examination after the eighth semester

    SYLLABUSSituation in society and politics. Development of science and technology. Influential ideas in Great

    Britain. FirstWorld War and its consequences,Features of English novel in the first half of the twentieth century. Theoretical bases of modern

    English novel. Stream of consciousness. Scientific and conceptual aspect of Wells's science fiction works,Humor and satire in Wells's social novels. Galsworthy's novels as criticism of Victorianism. Criticismandsentimentality. Autobiographicalfoundation of Conrad's work. Psychological, ethical and philosophical aspectsof his work. His contribution to English novel. Autobiographicalbackground of Lawrence's novels. Quest forbalance of personality. Criticism of industrial civilization, Joyce'sattitude towards Ireland. His comical epic.


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    Joyce's contribution to the technique of English novel. Vision of human reality in the works of Virginia Wool 'Her contribution to the novel.

    READINGLIST:H.G. Wells: The Time Machine, The First Men in the Moon, The Historyof Mr. Polly.John Galsworthy: The Forsyte Saga.Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, Nostromo.D.H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers, Women in Love, The Plumed Serpent.

    James Joyce: Portrait of the Artistasa

    Young Man, Ulysses.VirginiaWoolf: Mrs. Dalloway. To the Lighthouse, Between the Acts.

    SELECTED LITERATURE:general:Baker, Ernest. (1960). The Historyof English Novel. Vol. X New York.Daiches, David. (1970). The Novel and the Modern World. Chicago: The Universityof Chicago Press.Edel, Leon. (1955). The Psychological Novel 1900-1950. London.Kettle, Arnold. (1969). An Introduction to the English Novel. Vol. II. London: Hutchinson UniversityLibrary.Markovic,Vida. (1963). Engleski roman XXveka. I Beograd: Naucno delo.Van Ghent, Dorothy. (1967). The English Novel: Form and Function. New York: Harper and Row.

    on H.G. Wells:Belgion, Montgomery. (1953).H G. Wells. London: Longmans, Green and Co.Raknem, Ingvald. (1964). H.G. Wells and His Critics. Oslo.on John Galsworthy:Markovic, Vida. (1969).The Reputation of Galsworlhyin England. Beograd: Filoloski fakultet.Mottram, R H. (1953). John Galsworlhy. London.on Joseph Conrad:Baines, Jocelyn. (1960). Joseph Conrad, CriticalBiography. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.Crankshaw, Edward. (1936). Joseph Conrad. Some Aspects of the Arl of the Novel. London: The BodleyHead.Guerard, Albert. (1969). Conrad the Novelist. Cambridge, USA.

    Hay, Eloise Knapp. (1963). The PoliticalNovels of Joseph Conrad. Universityof Chicago Press.Markovic,Vida. (1970). The Changing Face. Southern Illinois UniversityPress.Sherry, Norman. (1971). Conrad s Western World. Cambridge UniversityPress.Stallman, R W. (1960). The Arl ofJoseph Conrad. CriticalSymposium. MichiganState University Press.Tanner, Tony. (1964). Conrad: Lord Jim. London: Edward Arnold.