j,11! im) u'd · j,11! im) designation: b 677 -04a 斗u'd int/6.rnatk»‘al standard...

J I Designation: B 677 - 04a D� INTRNAAL Standard Specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08354, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and Tube 1 Thi兑%恤ll i i uJ uner ll1e Iiλ ,k,i革阳ti‘》n吕 <, 77: chc n‘,mt,臼inmedi1el) I I I!υwing C הde兑,gi Ci οninal ; iJ《咱,t 呻『、 vr. in ch• 刷出。re叭阳、,,. the 旧。f la娟阳viυn. A numr i n prc111hcs,' in,lk;n 1h1: Y'"" of lu>t re:tpo,aJ. perI epsilon (tl indicutes an editvrial "hange 川’四川崎 last rcvi>iun or re�prov.,l. _ 1. Scope I . I This speci白cation cove UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08354. and UNS N08926 seamless, cold-咄ked or hot-finished pi פand tube intended for general corrosi、 e service. 1 .2 The values tated in inch-怀,um.I units are to be regarded a.� the standard. 1.3 This standard does nor purpmt to address all of 1he su j e;yιoncesan夕 1ssociuted wi1h its use. 11 is the reonsibility o f 1he user of rhis standard w become f umiluir with all hαws including those idenn开ed in the uppmpriate Material Sa f e作Dat<t She.et f or this produc1/material as p- vided by 1he man11 / (1({ure ro e.1·ra/,lish appropriate sa f ety am health prat rin limiwt1 ο p(r to use. 2. Referenced Document 2-1 ASTM S10das: 2 B 829 Specification r General Requirements for Nickel and Nickel Alloys Smless Pipe and Tube 3. Terminology Oefioitioos 3.1 averag diameter, nthe average of the maximum and minimurr outside diameteus determined at anv one ms ,ection of the tube or pipe. 3.2 pipe, n-seaml巳ss tube conrming lO the parcular dimen引ions commercially known as standard pipe sizes ( Ap- p已时以XI) . 3.3 r趾be. n-a hoHow pruct of round or any o由er cross section having a continuous peripheη. ’Thi,‘p:citkation 11dcr t:,t ju,权υ,ction of AS7M Commiuee 602 on :011k111>1•> Metal、;ind All <哈扣 o is the diret·t repons1hihl)' of Sub<or.1m1tt B02.IJ7 on fined Nidd :and Cobat ;u对节目,r Alluys. Current M JI\ pmwtl Oct. t. 2 』. ?ubl:shN1>vmber 2. Orgi lly arovεd in lWi(). l..1 1 prevedition pprm•eu ia 20$ a, 677 - oa. $ ,•,, clcsignacion e,t,.blhI io ,·ord cwithAST�1 E 527 �n<l SAE』1086. It四”’1mendc Prut,ce for Jumng Metals and >lloy在(UNSJ. 'For ref'r.ccd ASTM stnd•r�. vi<ic thASTM weite, w•o.astm.or忌。r Mιu AfM Cu•t :r Servlal、Cf\'iCC @刹时m.cg. Fm ',1111-,(1/ k AS S'1111d1Jrds voh11nc informd<. relcr to the d1rtl s Ooct1men1 Sum阳呵’问ge on 1he .ST."1 h1irc. 4 General Requirements 4.1 Material fuished under this sפcification shall con- form to the requirement of Specification B 829 unless other- wise provid herein. In the cae of conſtic1. the quirements of this specifition shal: take precence. 5. Oering Informaon 5.1 It is the responsibility of由e purchaser to specify all requiments that are necessary r material ordered under this speciliction. Examples of such r叫uire:nents include, but are not limited to the following: 5.1.1 Allov nnme or UNS numr. 5.1.2 ASTM designation and year of issu巳 S.1.3的nish. 5.1.4ρimens ions: 5. I .4. I T11he--Outsid巳di.1meter and thaverage or mini- mum wall thicknes5.1.4.2 Pipt-Slndard pi严si.c and schedule (App己nd/x Xl). S. l.4.3 Lt:ng1h. (t·ut LO lenglh or random). 5.1.5 Quantily (feet or number of pieces). 5.1.6 Nondl•.wmcrive Testing (see 8.2): Prss11re Req111re111e1;1s-Iest pressure if other than required by 8.2. I. Specify if un electric tcs1 is to be performed. 5.1.7 Ends-Plain ends cut and deburred will be fi�hed. lf threaded ends or ends bel r welding are desired, give details 5 .1.8 Ce rt(cmionlc if certification is required. 5.1.9 Samples f or Product ( Check)A11a! y sis-State whether sples for p:·oduct ( check) analysis should be furnished ( see 7.2). 5.1. IO Purdwser lmpectiun-lS the purchaser wishes to witness tem or inpection of 1nuterial ut the place of manu- fociure. the purchase order must so sla t e, indicating which tes or insp1,>ctio11 urc to忧wanes�e<l. 6. Materials and .Manufaιtur6.1 The material shall be supplied in the olutlon-treated condiLion. 句M ASTM I ntlicaal H earr 啪听台rise. FC x cno. weCons! 刑。ú1�8 二, 59. Unit Ss. www.TubingChina.com

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Page 1: J,11! IM) U'D · J,11! IM) Designation: B 677 -04a 斗U'D INT/6.RNATK»‘AL Standard Specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08354, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and Tube1

J,11! IM) Designation: B 677 - 04a


Standard Specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08354, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and Tube1

Thi兑%恤ll也矿址 i 萝 i忡ue<J un<ler ll1e Iiλ,:d ,k,i革阳ti‘》n吕 <,77: chc n‘,mt,臼inm、edi川1el) II‘JI!υwing Che de兑,gi阳Ciοn阜inal ;iJ《咱,t呻『、 vr. in ch• 刷出。( re叭阳、,,. the ye旧。f la娟阳vi:siυn. A number in p抽rc111hcs,':S in,lk;ne, 1h1: Y'"" of lu>t re:tppro,aJ. /1. 划per吼:“f)I epsilon (tl indicutes an editvrial "hange 川’四川崎 last rcvi>iun or re�p芦rov.,l.

_ 1. Scope I . I This speci白cation covers UNS N08904, UNS N08925,

UNS N08354. and UNS N08926-" seamless, cold-咄咄ked or hot-finished pipe and tube intended for general corrosi、,eservice.

1 .2 The values 品tated in inch-怀,um.I units are to be regarded a.� the standard.

1.3 This standard does nor purpmt to address all of 1he suje;yιoncerns, 扩an夕, 1.1ssociuted wi1h its use. 11 is the responsibility of 1he user of rhis standard w become fumiluir with all hαwrds including those idenn开ed in the uppmpriate Material Safe作Dat<t She.et for this produc1/material as pro­vided by 1he man11/(1({urer, ro e.1·ra/,lish appropriate safety am /health prat ’rin limiwt1ο,1S p』-j(.)r to use.

2. Referenced Document自

2-1 ASTM S10ridards: 2 B 829 Specification for General Requirements for Nickel

and Nickel Alloys S巳amless Pipe and Tube

3. Terminology Oefioitioos 3.1 averagf' diameter, n -…the average of the maximum and

minimurr outside diamete陀 us determined at anv one .:ms吕

,ection of the tube or pipe. 3.2 pipe, n-seaml巳ss tube conforming lO the particular

dimen引ions commercially known as standard pipe sizes (Ap­p已时以XI).

3.3 r趾be. n-a hoHow product of round or any o由er cross section having a continuous peripheη.

’Thi,‘p:citkation 刊 111dcr t:,t ju,权υ,ction of AS7M Commiuee 602 on :s/011k111>1•> Metal、;ind All<哈扣 ond is the diret·t re、pons1hihl)' of Sub<.:or.1m1tte川EB02.IJ7 on Refined Nidd :and Cobat ;u对节目,r Alluys.

Current M:“JI\ 句pmwtl Oct. t. 2以)』. ?ubl:sh叫 N1>v笛mber 2盼4. Orgi阳lly

ai;µrovεd in lWi(). l..1掌1 prev;,山民 edition 挡pprm•eu ia 2004 a, l:! 677 - oa. $ :-<,•,, clcsignac.ion e,t,.blhl础I io it:,·ord 四c宫 withAST�1 E 527 �n<l SAE』1086.

It四”’1mendc<l Prui:t,ce for J\'uml>cring Metals and >.lloy在(UNSJ.'For refa't'r.ccd ASTM st泣nd•r�. vi<ic th主 ASTM website, w、•111.astm.or忌。r

M叫ιu AS'fM Cu•t 臼n:r Servl四 al、Cf\'iCC@刹时m.c«"g. Fm ',1111-,(1/ Book uf ASJ;'>'f

S'1111d1Jrds voh11nc informd<l(I. relcr to the 山t、d1rtl ’s Ooct1men1 Sum阳呵’问ge on 1he .t>.ST."1 吨h1irc.

4. General Requirements

4.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con­form to the requirement!', of Specification B 829 unless other­wise provid巳d herein. In the ca1-e of conftic1. the requirements of this specifil:l!tion shal: take precedence.

5. Ordering Information

5.1 It is the responsibility of由e purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this specilic.1tion. Examples of such r叫uire:nents include, but are not limited to‘ the following:

5.1.1 Allov nnme or UNS numb号r.5.1.2 ASTM designation and year of issu巳 -

S.1.3的nish.5.1.4ρimens ions: 5. I .4. I T11h.e--Outsid巳di.1meter and th罕 average or mini­

mum wall thic.:knes品 . Pipt-S\llndard pi严si:1.c and schedule (App己nd/xXl).

S. l.4.3 Lt:ng1h. (t·ut LO lenglh or random). 5.1.5 Quantily (feet or number of pieces). 5.1.6 Nondl•.wmcrive Testing (see 8.2): Prc-ss11re Req111re111e1;1s-Iest pressure if other than

required by 8.2. I. Specify if un electric tcs1 is to be performed. 5.1.7 Ends-Plain ends cut and deburred will be fw-ni�hed.

lf threaded ends or ends b队’eled for welding are desired, give details

5 .1.8 Ce rt(licm ion-毛talc if certification is required. 5.1.9 Samples for Product (Check)A11a!ysis-State whether

samples for p:·oduct (check) analysis should be furnished (see 7.2).

5.1. IO Purdwser lmpectiun-lS the purchaser wishes to witness tem or in:毛pection of 1nuterial ut the place of manu­fociure. the purchase order must so slate, indicating which test'> or insp1.,>ctio11 筒 urc to忧wanes�e<l.

6. Materials and .Manufaιtur世

6.1 The material shall be supplied in the i-olutlon-treated condiLion.

C响句M。ASTM Int。rnalicaal HIO earr 啪啪听台rise. FC Sox cno. we町 Cons!刑。由四, FA1制�8 二,-959. Unitco Sto'<?s.


Page 2: J,11! IM) U'D · J,11! IM) Designation: B 677 -04a 斗U'D INT/6.RNATK»‘AL Standard Specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08354, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and Tube1
Page 3: J,11! IM) U'D · J,11! IM) Designation: B 677 -04a 斗U'D INT/6.RNATK»‘AL Standard Specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08354, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and Tube1