university of dundee spermidine promotes bacillus subtilis

University of Dundee Spermidine promotes Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation by activating expression of the matrix regulator slrR Hobley, Laura; Li, Bin; Wood, Jennifer L.; Kim, Sok Ho; Naidoo, Jacinth; Ferreira, Ana Sofia Published in: Journal of Biological Chemistry DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M117.789644 Publication date: 2017 Licence: CC BY Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in Discovery Research Portal Citation for published version (APA): Hobley, L., Li, B., Wood, J. L., Kim, S. H., Naidoo, J., Ferreira, A. S., Khomutov, M., Khomutov, A., Stanley-Wall, N. R., & Michael, A. J. (2017). Spermidine promotes Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation by activating expression of the matrix regulator slrR. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(29), 12041-12053. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in Discovery Research Portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from Discovery Research Portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain. • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 23. Nov. 2021

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University of Dundee

Spermidine promotes Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation by activating expression ofthe matrix regulator slrRHobley, Laura; Li, Bin; Wood, Jennifer L.; Kim, Sok Ho; Naidoo, Jacinth; Ferreira, Ana Sofia

Published in:Journal of Biological Chemistry


Publication date:2017

Licence:CC BY

Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Link to publication in Discovery Research Portal

Citation for published version (APA):Hobley, L., Li, B., Wood, J. L., Kim, S. H., Naidoo, J., Ferreira, A. S., Khomutov, M., Khomutov, A., Stanley-Wall,N. R., & Michael, A. J. (2017). Spermidine promotes Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation by activating expression ofthe matrix regulator slrR. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(29), 12041-12053.

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Page 2: University of Dundee Spermidine promotes Bacillus subtilis

Spermidine promotes Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation byactivating expression of the matrix regulator slrRReceived for publication, April 3, 2017, and in revised form, May 23, 2017 Published, Papers in Press, May 25, 2017, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M117.789644

Laura Hobley‡§1, Bin Li‡¶, Jennifer L. Wood§, Sok Ho Kim‡2, Jacinth Naidoo¶, Ana Sofia Ferreira§, Maxim Khomutov�,Alexey Khomutov�, Nicola R. Stanley-Wall§3, and Anthony J. Michael‡¶4

From the Departments of ‡Pharmacology and ¶Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas,Texas 75390, the §Division of Molecular Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DD15EH, Scotland,United Kingdom, and the �Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov Street 32,Moscow 119991, Russia

Edited by Chris Whitfield

Ubiquitous polyamine spermidine is not required for normalplanktonic growth of Bacillus subtilis but is essential for robustbiofilm formation. However, the structural features of spermi-dine required for B. subtilis biofilm formation are unknownand so are the molecular mechanisms of spermidine-stimu-lated biofilm development. We report here that in a spermi-dine-deficient B. subtilis mutant, the structural analoguenorspermidine, but not homospermidine, restored biofilmformation. Intracellular biosynthesis of another spermidineanalogue, aminopropylcadaverine, from exogenously sup-plied homoagmatine also restored biofilm formation. Thedifferential ability of C-methylated spermidine analogues tofunctionally replace spermidine in biofilm formation indi-cated that the aminopropyl moiety of spermidine is more sen-sitive to C-methylation, which it is essential for biofilm for-mation, but that the length and symmetry of the molecule isnot critical. Transcriptomic analysis of a spermidine-de-pleted B. subtilis speD mutant uncovered a nitrogen-, me-thionine-, and S-adenosylmethionine-sufficiency response,resulting in repression of gene expression related to purinecatabolism, methionine and S-adenosylmethionine biosynthe-sis and methionine salvage, and signs of altered membrane sta-tus. Consistent with the spermidine requirement in biofilm for-mation, single-cell analysis of this mutant indicated reducedexpression of the operons for production of the exopolysaccha-ride and TasA protein biofilm matrix components and SinRantagonist slrR. Deletion of sinR or ectopic expression of slrR inthe spermidine-deficient �speD background restored biofilmformation, indicating that spermidine is required for expression

of the biofilm regulator slrR. Our results indicate that spermi-dine functions in biofilm development by activating transcrip-tion of the biofilm matrix exopolysaccharide and TasA operonsthrough the regulator slrR.

Most cells synthesize or take up small linear polycationicmolecules known as polyamines that are derived from aminoacids and are fully protonated at physiological pH (1, 2). Themost common polyamine is the triamine spermidine (Fig. 1)and this is the only triamine found in most eukaryotes. Somebacteria also synthesize the triamines sym-norspermidine orsym-homospermidine, being one methylene carbon shorter orlonger, respectively, than spermidine (Fig. 1). Whereas spermi-dine is likely to be essential for growth of all eukaryotes andarchaea (2) due to its role in the hypusine and deoxyhypusinemodification of the translation elongation factor IF5A (3–5),the analogous bacterial translation factor E-FP uses lysinerather than the aminobutyl group of spermidine for the equiv-alent modification (6, 7). The function of hypusinated IF5A andlysinylated EF-P is to facilitate translation of mRNAs encodingproteins containing polyproline tracts (8 –10). Although mostbacteria synthesize or are capable of taking up polyamines,unlike eukaryotes and archaea they lack a conserved essentialfunction for polyamines, and consequently, their role in plank-tonic growth varies between species. In Pseudomonas aerugi-nosa, Campylobacter jejuni, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens,spermidine is essential for planktonic growth (11–13). In con-trast, polyamine auxotrophic strains of Escherichia coli growfor multiple subcultures under aerobic conditions, albeit with a40% reduction in growth rate, and a similar reduction in growthrate was observed in polyamine auxotrophic strains of Yersiniapestis, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, and Vibriocholerae (14 –16). Spermidine auxotrophic strains of the Gram-positive species Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pneumoniaeexhibit normal planktonic growth in the absence of spermidine(17–19).

Polyamines also affect the formation of biofilms, which arecommunities of bacteria enveloped in an extracellular matrixof polysaccharide, proteins, and extracellular DNA (20 –23).Exogenous norspermidine was shown to stimulate biofilm for-mation in V. cholerae (24), and endogenous synthesis of nor-spermidine was required for biofilm formation in this species

This work was supported by University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas (to A. J. M), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences ResearchCouncil, UK Grant BB/1019464/1 (to N. R. S.-W.), a SULSA LEADERS award(to L. H.), and Grants RSF 14-14-01099 and RSF 14-50-00060 from the Rus-sian Science Foundation (to M. K. and A. K.). The authors declare that theyhave no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article.Author’s Choice—Final version free via Creative Commons CC-BY license.

This article contains supplemental Tables S1 and S2 and Fig. S1.The GEO accession number for the microarray data is GSE96942.1 Present address: School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences,

Queen’s University, Belfast BT9 7BL, United Kingdom.2 Present address: Realtox Labs, Reisterstown, MD 21136.3 To whom correspondence may be addressed. Tel.: 44-1382-386335; E-mail:

[email protected] To whom correspondence may be addressed. Tel.: 214-648-4170; E-mail:

[email protected].


Author’s Choice

J. Biol. Chem. (2017) 292(29) 12041–12053 12041© 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Published in the U.S.A.

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(25); however, exogenous spermidine inhibited biofilm forma-tion. Synthesis of putrescine and most likely spermidine isessential for biofilm formation in Y. pestis (16, 26). Endogenousproduction of polyamines can also be incompatible with robustbiofilm formation. Disruption of putrescine biosynthesis inShewanella oneidensis resulted in increased biofilm formation(27), and disruption of spermidine biosynthesis increased bio-film formation in A. tumefaciens (28). Exogenous spermidinerepressed biofilm formation in the A. tumefaciens spermidine-depleted mutant but norspermidine did not, even though nor-spermidine could replace the essential function of spermidinein planktonic growth.

In B. subtilis, although spermidine biosynthesis is not re-quired for normal growth, it is essential for robust biofilmformation (17, 18), and this role can be replaced by norspermi-dine but not homospermidine. However, some authors haveclaimed that low levels of exogenous norspermidine inhibit bio-film formation in B. subtilis (29). Two important componentsof the B. subtilis biofilm matrix, the protein TapA and fibrousprotein TasA (30), and the exopolysaccharide (31) are depen-dent on the operons tapA-sipW-tasA and epsA-O, respectively,for their production. Biofilm formation in B. subtilis alsorequires a hydrophobic coat protein BslA, formerly known asYuaB (32–34), which acts in concert with other matrix compo-nents to allow biofilm assembly. Transcription of the tapA-sipW-tasA and epsA-O operons is strictly regulated by parallelpathways that act to counter transcriptional repression medi-ated by the AbrB and SinR transcriptional regulators (22).These parallel pathways are controlled by the phosphorylatedform of the Spo0A transcription factor, which acts as a nexusfor integrating environmental signals that trigger biofilm for-mation (31, 35). Our goals were to determine which structuralfeatures of spermidine or its analogues are necessary for B. sub-tilis biofilm formation, to examine whether alternative poly-amines can be synthesized using the endogenous spermidinebiosynthetic pathway, to identify cellular processes dependenton spermidine biosynthesis, and to elucidate the role of sper-midine in biofilm formation.


Polyamine structural specificity in biofilm formation

The lack of effect of polyamine depletion on planktonicgrowth in B. subtilis is an advantage for analyzing the role ofspermidine in biofilm formation, due to the absence of con-founding growth-related pleiotropic responses. We previouslynoted that norspermidine but not homospermidine can replacespermidine in biofilm formation of the undomesticated B. sub-tilis strain NCIB3610 (18). Diverse diamines, triamines, andtetraamines (Fig. 1A) at a concentration of 100 �M wereassessed for their ability to replace spermidine in biofilm for-mation of the NCIB3610 parental strain (Table 1) and argininedecarboxylase (�speA) and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxyl-ase (�speD) gene deletion strains (Figs. 1B and 2A). Only nor-spermidine was able to replace spermidine, whereas diaminesputrescine and cadaverine, and triamine homospermidine hadno discernible effect on biofilm formation, confirming previousfindings (17, 18). Not shown is the effect of 1,3-diaminopro-

pane, which like putrescine and cadaverine was unable torestore biofilm formation.

A very small effect was detectable with norspermine andspermine but only in the �speA and not the �speD strain. Theseresults confirm that only norspermidine can replace the role ofspermidine in robust biofilm formation (17, 18). Norspermi-dine contains only aminopropyl moieties, and homospermi-dine only aminobutyl moieties, suggesting that the aminopro-pyl side of spermidine may be the active part of the structure forbiofilm formation. To test this hypothesis, synthetic C-methy-lated analogues (Fig. 1C) of spermidine were tested (at 100 �M)to determine whether they were able to replace spermidine forbiofilm formation (Fig. 2B). All C-methylated spermidine ana-logues were able to generate complexity (biofilm wrinklinessand three dimensionality) in biofilm formation in the �speAstrain but much less so in the �speD strain. Furthermore, the 1-and 2-methylspermidine analogues were less effective than the


































H agmatineNH






aminopropyl aminobutyl


S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)


















NHarginine agmatine

arginine decarboxylase(speA)







+ CO2

+ CO2


methylthioadenosine +

spermidinesynthase (speE)


spermidinesynthase (speE)

Figure 1. Polyamine structures and biosynthesis in B. subtilis. A, relevantpolyamine structures. The first methylene carbon of spermidine is by conven-tion designated as the 1 position and is on the aminopropyl side of the mol-ecule. B, pathway for spermidine biosynthesis in B. subtilis. C, synthetic poly-amine analogues. In the agmatine analogues, the number of methylenecarbons in the potential diamine chain are indicated in parentheses. Amino-propyl groups are shown in blue, aminobutyl groups in red, and aminopentylgroups in tan.

Spermidine-dependent biofilm formation

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3- and 8-methylspermidine analogues, indicating that C-meth-ylation on the aminopropyl side is more deleterious than on theaminobutyl side.

Exogenous agmatine restored biofilm formation to the�speA strain, whereas putrescine did not (Fig. 2, A and B).Agmatine is the product of SpeA activity and precursor toputrescine biosynthesis in B. subtilis (Fig. 1B). The SpeB, SpeD,and SpeE enzymes of B. subtilis convert agmatine to putrescineand then spermidine (Figs. 1B and 3A) (36, 37). It is surprisingtherefore that exogenous putrescine could not restore biofilmformation to the �speA strain (Fig. 2A). To determine whetherputrescine was converted to spermidine in the �speA strain, thestrain was grown in liquid MSgg containing 500 �M putrescine,agmatine, or neither (Fig. 3B). Analysis of polyamine content ofthe cells by HPLC revealed that no spermidine is producedfrom exogenous putrescine, whereas it is produced from exog-enous agmatine. Although the cells were washed four timeswith fresh polyamine-free MSgg growth medium before extrac-tion of intracellular polyamines with trichloroacetic acid, alarge peak of putrescine was present when �speA cells had beengrown in exogenous putrescine. With Gram-negative bacteria,such washing is sufficient to remove externally bound poly-amine, but it is feasible that the thicker envelope of Gram-pos-itive bacteria may bind polyamines more avidly. Alternatively,putrescine may be taken up but for whatever reason not con-verted to spermidine. It is significant that B. subtilis does notencode homologues of either the E. coli potABCD spermidine-preferential uptake transporter or the potFGHI putrescine-spe-cific uptake transporter.

There has been some confusion recently about which poly-amines are synthesized by B. subtilis (38), in particular norsper-midine. It is clear that B. subtilis does not encode the genes for1,3-diaminopropane biosynthesis (18) but it is formally possiblethat the SpeD/SpeE route (Fig. 1B) for spermidine biosynthesiscould aminopropylate nonnative diamines to form alternativetriamines. Although B. subtilis does not appear to take up

putrescine or alternatively, does not convert it to spermidine,the obvious uptake of agmatine and its subsequent conversionto spermidine offered an opportunity to determine whetheragmatine analogues could be used to overcome the lack of adiamine uptake transporter. We hypothesized that if agmatinecould be taken up and converted to putrescine by SpeB(agmatine ureohydrolase) and subsequently to spermidine,then noragmatine or homoagmatine (Fig. 3A) might be con-verted by SpeB to 1,3-diaminopropane or cadaverine, re-spectively; and then to norspermidine or aminopropylcadav-erine, respectively, by SpeD and SpeE (Fig. 3A). To explorethis hypothesis we synthesized 3-aminopropylguanidine(noragmatine) and 5-aminopentylguanidine (homoagma-tine) (Fig. 1) and grew NCIB3610, �speA and �speD in MSggmedium supplemented with 100 �M of the agmatine ana-logues. Agmatine fully restored biofilm development to the�speA strain (Fig. 2B), and homoagmatine partially restored it.However, the biofilm defect of the �speA strain was severelyexacerbated with noragmatine and even wild-type (NCIB3610)biofilm development was markedly inhibited by noragmatine.This is likely due to an observed inhibition of planktonic cellgrowth by exogenous noragmatine (results not shown).

Polyamine content analysis of planktonically-grown �speAcells incubated with 100 �M agmatine, noragmatine, or homo-agmatine showed that agmatine is converted to spermidine andthat a new peak accumulates after growth with homoagmatine,but no new peak was seen with cells incubated with noragma-tine (Fig. 3C). Cell extracts of the �speA strain grown with orwithout 100 �M homoagmatine were benzoylated and analyzedby LC-MS. A peak for tribenzoylated aminopropylcadaverine(Extracted Ion Chromatogram 472/473) was detected only incells grown with homoagmatine (Fig. 3D), and this peak con-tained masses corresponding to tribenzoylated aminopropylca-daverine (m/z 473.3) and its sodium-adducted form (m/z494.3). These data show that homoagmatine is taken up byB. subtilis and converted to the triamine aminopropylcadaver-

Table 1Bacterial strains used in this study

Strain Relevant genotype/description Source/constructiona,b

NCIB3610 Prototroph BGSC168 trpC2 BGSCJH642 trpC2 pheA1 67NRS1858 JH642 sinR::kan 63NRS1964 JH642 amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI (spc) 65NRS2097 3610 bslA::cat 63NRS2241 168 sacA::PepsA-gfpmut2 (kan) 65NRS2242 3610 sacA::PepsA-gfpmut2 (kan) 65NRS2388 168 sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) 65NRS2394 3610 sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) 65NRS2415 3610 tasA::spc 32NRS3089 3610 speA::spc 17NRS3972 3610 speA::spc sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) SPP1 NRS22413 NRS3089NRS3974 3610 speA::spc sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) SPP1 NRS23883 NRS3089NRS4005 3610 �speD 18NRS4015 3610 �speD sacA::PepsA-gfpmut2 (kan) SPP1 NRS22413 NRS4005NRS4100 3610 �speD sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) SPP1 NRS23883 NRS4005NRS5053 3610 �speD sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI (spc) SPP1 NRS19643 NRS4100NRS5330 3610 �speD sinR::kan SPP1 NRS18583 NRS4005NRS5331 3610 �speD amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI (spc) SPP1 NRS19643 NRS4005NRS5332 3610 sinR::kan SPP1 NRS18583 NCIB3610NRS5334 3610 �speD sacA::PepsA-gfpmut2 (kan) amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI (spc) SPP1 NRS19643 NRS4015NRS5337 3610 sacA::PepsA-gfpmut2 (kan) amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI (spc) SPP1 NRS19643 NRS2242NRS5338 3610 sacA::PtapA-gfpmut2 (kan) amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI (spc) SPP1 NRS19643 NRS2394

a BGSC represents the Bacillus Genetic Stock Centre.b Direction of strain construction is indicated with phage (SPP1)3 recipient strain.

Spermidine-dependent biofilm formation

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ine. The less effective restoration of the �speA biofilm defect byhomoagmatine compared with agmatine may be due to thesmaller amount of aminopropylcadaverine produced fromhomoagmatine compared with the amount of spermidine pro-duced from agmatine. These data would suggest that amino-propylcadaverine can replace the function of spermidine in bio-film formation. However, noragmatine is either not taken up, ornot converted to 1,3-diaminopropane, and considering thatdiamines are not taken up, together these data suggest that it isvery unlikely that B. subtilis is capable of synthesizing norsper-midine through the endogenous spermidine biosynthetic path-way. The inhibitory effect of noragmatine on wild-type plank-tonic growth and biofilm formation is not related to theproduction of either 1,3-diaminopropane or norspermidinebecause no detectable polyamines were produced from growthof �speA with noragmatine (Fig. 2C).

The spermidine-dependent transcriptome

To identify cellular processes dependent on the presenceof spermidine, we analyzed differences in the B. subtilis

NCIB3610 and �speD transcriptomes at the mid-exponentialphase of planktonic growth using whole genome Affymetrixmicroarrays. The experiments were performed in parallel inbiological triplicate (hereafter “set 123” (supplemental TableS1)) and then the experiment was repeated again (after 1 week)with fresh cultures (hereafter “set 456” (supplemental TableS2)). Only genes that were more than 2-fold repressed in bothsets (123 and 456) are shown in Table 2. A single gene wasup-regulated more than 2-fold in both the 123 and 456 datasets:yycC, a gene of unknown function in the TnrA regulon that isknown to be repressed by TnrA (39).

Genes that were more than 2-fold repressed in both the 123and 456 datasets indicated that the block in flux of methionineand S-adenosylmethionine into spermidine in the �speD strainwas sensed by the cell. There was a marked repression of genesin the PucR, TnrA, and S-box regulons, suggesting that nitro-gen sources and S-adenosylmethionine were present in excessin the �speD strain. Genes involved in purine catabolism (40),including xanthine dehydrogenase (pucACDE), uric acid per-mease (pucJK), and uricase (pucLM) in the PucR regulon, whichis itself in the TnrA regulon were repressed, again indicatingnitrogen excess. The regulator PucR was shown previously toinduce expression of the pucJKLM operon and to repressexpression of the pucABCDE operon (41), however, in the�speD strain both operons were repressed. Other TnrA-regu-lated genes that were repressed in the �speD strain were thedivergently transcribed nitrate uptake transporter nasA and thenitrate reductase catalytic subunits nasB and nasC, further sug-gesting nitrogen excess. The TnrA-regulated genes encoding asodium/proton-dependent alanine uptake transporter (yrbD),L-asparaginase (ansZ), and proteins of unknown function ywrDand ykoL, which are normally induced in the absence of a goodnitrogen source, were all repressed in the �speD strain.

Genes in the S-box regulon responsible for methionine bio-synthesis were repressed: cystathionine �-lyase (metC) andmethionine synthase (yitJ), as well as genes usually inducedby methionine starvation, 2-oxoglutarate-proton symporter(yoaB) and a xylulose kinase-like protein (yoaC). In addition,S-box-regulated genes involved in methionine salvage (42)from the decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine-derived meth-ylthioadenosine coproduct of spermidine synthase activitywere repressed: 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase(mtnA) and methylthioribose kinase (mtnK). The genes thatwere most repressed were the liaIH genes encoding a phageshock protein homologue (liaH) and its membrane anchor(liaI), which are thought to be induced by cell envelope stressand are suggested to protect membrane integrity (43). It may berelevant to the repression of liaHI expression that anotherrepressed gene in the �speD strain encodes a phospholipiddesaturase (des) that is repressed by increased membrane flu-idity (44).

In addition to transcriptome changes in the �speD strain thatreflect nitrogen and methionine excess, and potentially mem-brane fluidity changes, the other significant change to the tran-scriptome of the �speD strain is the repression of multiplemembers of the epsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA operons thatare required for production of the exopolysaccharide and thefibrous TasA protein that form essential components of the

NCIB3610 ΔspeA ΔspeD

NCIB3610 ΔspeA ΔspeDA


















Figure 2. The effect of exogenous polyamines on biofilm formation ofpolyamine auxotrophic strains derived from B. subtilis NCIB3610. Wild-type undomesticated strain NCIB3610, gene deletion of arginine decarboxyl-ase (strain �speA), and gene deletion of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxyl-ase (strain �speD). A, effect of exogenous natural polyamines (100 �M) onbiofilm formation. Spd, spermidine; Nspd, norspermidine; Hspd, homospermi-dine; Nspm, norspermine; Spm, spermine; Put, putrescine; Cad, cadaverine. B,effect of exogenous synthetic methylated spermidine analogues and agma-tine structural analogues (100 �M) on biofilm formation. 1-MeSpd, 1-methyl-spermidine; 2-MeSpd, 2-methylspermidine; 3-MeSpd, 3-methylspermidine;8-MeSpd, 8-methylspermidine; Agm, agmatine, Noragm, noragmatine; Homo-agm, homoagmatine. Colony biofilms were developed on solid MSgg agarcontaining 100 �M natural or synthetic polyamines. Wild-type NCIB3610 col-onies are �1 cm in diameter and the different sizes of other colonies areproportional to the wild-type.

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biofilm matrix. It is particularly notable that transcription ofthe SinR antagonist slrR is also repressed (although only 1.9-fold in the 123 data set and 2.0-fold in the 456 data set, so itdid not quite make the 2.0-fold repressed in both data setscriterion).

Spermidine depletion reduces the number of cells activatingmatrix gene expression

Transcriptome analysis of the �speD strain indicated that theepsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA operons were repressed in theabsence of spermidine. These operons exhibit a bimodal tran-scription profile that is a consequence of a dynamic and com-plex regulatory network (45, 46). To verify the data generated

by the transcriptome analysis and to determine whether: 1)transcript levels per cell, or 2) the number of cells activatingtranscription of the operons, were reduced in the absence ofspermidine, we used flow cytometry (FACS)-based single celltranscriptional analysis. The promoter regions of Peps and PtapAwere fused to the open reading frame encoding green fluores-cent protein (gfp) and integrated into an ectopic chromosomallocation (sacA) to generate transcriptional reporter fusionstrains (Table 1). Subsequent flow cytometry analysis of cellsgrown under biofilm formation conditions revealed that tran-scription from both the Peps and PtapA promoters was decreasedin the spermidine auxotrophs due to a reduction in the numberof cells activating matrix gene expression (Fig. 4).








e Fl




22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Time (min)



ΔspeAnone500 μM agmatine500 μM putrescine


Time (min)









e F





22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38



ΔspeAΔspeA + AgmΔspeA + NoragmΔspeA + Homoagm




EIC=472/473 m/z














1,3-diaminopropane putrescine cadaverine



Hsym-norspermidine spermidine




speB speB speB

speDE speDE speDE


Figure 3. Proposed biosynthesis of agmatine analogue-derived polyamines in B. subtilis and results of precursor feeding in the �speA strain. A,proposed pathway for conversion of agmatine structural analogues to diamines and triamines. B, exogenous (500 �m) agmatine but not putrescine isconverted to spermidine in �speA as detected by HPLC. Fl, fluorescent label; Put, putrescine; Spd, spermidine. C, growth of �speA with exogenous (100 �M)homoagmatine (Homoagm) but not noragmatine (Noragm) results in the production of a new peak (shown by vertical) arrow in the HPLC detection ofpolyamines. Fl, fluorescent label; Spd, spermidine. D, LC-MS analysis of �speA with or without growth in 100 �M homoagmatine (Homoagm). Extracted ionchromatograms (472/473) for the detection of protonated tribenzoylated aminopropylcadaverine (m/z 473.3). The mass spectrum (inset in lower panel) of thepeak at 3.527 min, found only after growth with homoagmatine, reveals masses for protonated tribenzoylated aminopropylcadaverine (m/z 473.3) and itssodium adducted form (m/z 494.3).

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The ability of each triamine to recover transcription of thetapA-sipW-tasA matrix operon in the �speA and �speD strainswas examined. Exogenous spermidine or norspermidine butnot homospermidine maintained transcription from the PtapApromoters (Fig. 4). Consistent with the greater effectiveness ofnorspermidine versus spermidine in restoring biofilm forma-tion to the �speA and �speD strains (18), lower concentrationsof norspermidine compared with spermidine were required tomaintain transcription from the biofilm matrix operons (Fig. 4).These data indicate that in the wild-type strain endogenously-synthesized spermidine is required for expression of the biofilmmatrix operons.

Modifying slrR or sinR levels controls matrix gene expressionand restores biofilm formation to spermidine auxotrophs

The transcriptome analysis provided a clue why expressionof the epsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA was reduced in the �speDstrain: the level of the slrR transcript was reduced 2-fold. SlrRfunctions as an activator of epsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasAexpression by binding to the transcriptional repressor SinR(47), preventing SinR from binding to the promoters of theepsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA operons. We predicted that therequirement for spermidine in biofilm formation could bebypassed by: 1) deleting the repressor sinR; or 2) ectopically

expressing the SinR antagonist SlrR. To test these predictionswe deleted the sinR coding region in the wild-type parentalNCIB3610 strain and in the �speD strain, and then assessedbiofilm formation. The sinR deletion (�sinR) strain forms tight,highly wrinkled macrocolonies that are a consequence of dereg-ulated expression of the biofilm matrix operons and lack ofmotility (45) (Fig. 5A). Deletion of sinR in the �speD back-ground (�sinR �speD) produced the same highly wrinkledmorphology as �sinR, indicating that deletion of sinR circum-vented the spermidine requirement for biofilm formation. Fur-thermore, we introduced the slrR open reading frame into the�speD strain at the amyE chromosomal locus under control ofan IPTG-inducible promoter. Increasing expression of slrR inthe �speD background by incubation of the strain with increas-ing concentrations of IPTG5 resulted in a correspondinglymore wrinkled, complex biofilm (Fig. 5B). Additionally, weintroduced the same slrR construct into strains carrying the Pepsand PtapA promoter-gfp reporter fusions to allow assessment ofthe impact of ecoptic expression of slrR on transcription of thematrix operons. Ectopic expression of slrR in the �speD strainresulted in an increase in Peps and PtapA expression due to more

5 The abbreviations used are: IPTG, isopropyl 1-thio-�-D-galactopyranoside;HRMS, high resolution mass spectra; ESI, electrospray ionization.

Table 2Genes with repressed steady-state levels of RNA transcripts in the B. subtilis �speD strain from mid-log phase of growth in polyamine-free liquidMSgg mediumThe fold-repression represents the average of two independent experiments (sets 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6). Each experiment analyzed three independent parallel samples(NCIB3610 compared with �speD) for a total, across the two experiments, of six microarrays each for the wild-type (parental) NCIB3610 and �speD strains.


Fold-change Functions Regulon

yvqI (liaI) 6.84 Membrane anchor for LiaH LiaRyvqH (liaH) 6.82 Phage shock protein A paralogue LiaRykoL 5.52 Unknown function, in operon with ykzB, induced by absence of good nitrogen sources TnrAyurC (pucD) 3.59 Xanthine dehydrogenase, purine catabolism PucRyurD (pucC) 3.59 Xanthine dehydrogenase, purine catabolism PucRnasA 3.54 Nitrate uptake transporter TnrAyurF (pucA) 3.48 Xanthine dehydrogenase, purine catabolism PucRywrD 3.41 Unknown, expressed in absence of good nitrogen source TnrAyurB (pucE) 3.41 Xanthine dehydrogenase, purine catabolism PucRcotN (tasA) 3.33 Protein fiber-forming component of biofilm matrix SinR, AbrB, RemAnasC 3.33 Nitrate reductase catalytic subunit, induced under nitrogen limiting aerobic conditions TnrAnasB 3.27 Nitrate reductase catalytic subunit, induced under nitrogen limiting aerobic conditions TnrAsipW 3.19 Bifunctional signal peptidase, processes TapA and TasA components of biofilm SinR, AbrB, RemAyqxM (tapA) 2.88 Anchor/assembly protein for TasA fibers biofilm component SinR, AbrB, RemA, LutRyccC (ansZ) 2.88 L-Asparaginase TnrA, CodYyveP (epsF) 2.83 Glucosyltransferase family 1, biofilm exopolysaccharide synthesis SinR, AbrB, RemAyveR (epsH) 2.79 Synthesis poly-N-acetylglucosamine, UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase SinR, AbrB, RemA, EARyveQ (epsG) 2.69 Unknown function, biofilm formation SinR, AbrB, RemAyrbD 2.66 Sodium/proton dependent alanine uptake transporter TnrAyveS (epsI) 2.64 Synthesis of poly-N-acetylglucosamine, polysaccharide pyruvyl transferase SinR, AbrB, RemAyoaB 2.63 2-oxoglutarate-proton symporter, induced by methionine starvation S-boxyveT (epsJ) 2.62 Glucosyltransferase family 1, biofilm exopolysaccharide synthesis SinR, AbrB, RemA, EARyocE (des) 2.60 Phospholipid desaturase, adaptation of membrane fluidity at low temperatures DesRyunJ (pucJ) 2.58 Uric acid permease, purine utilization PucR, TnrAykrT (mtnK) 2.55 Methylthioribose kinase, methionine salvage S-boxyveN (epsD) 2.47 Unknown function, glycosyltransferase 1 family SinR, AbrB, RemA, EARyvfD (epsM) 2.44 Unknown function, transferase hexapeptide repeat family SinR, AbrB, RemAyitJ 2.44 Methionine synthase S-boxyveK (epsA) 2.43 Unknown, putative modulator of EpsB activity SinR, AbrB, RemAyunK (pucK) 2.43 Uric acid permease, purine utilization PucR, TnrAyvfC (epsL) 2.42 Similar to UDP-galactose phosphate transferase SinR, AbrB, RemAyvfA (epsK) 2.39 Poly-N-acetylglucosamine exporter SinR, AbrB, RemA, EARyveO (epsE) 2.34 Glycosyltransferase and inhibitor of motility, clutch protein SinR, AbrB, RemA, EARyvfE (epsN) 2.28 Unknown SinR, AbrB, RemA, EARyunL (pucL) 2.14 Uricase, expressed in absence of good nitrogen source or presence of purines PucR, TnrAyveL (epsB) 2.13 Protein tyrosine kinase SinR, AbrB, RemAmetC (metE) 2.08 Cystathionine �-lyase, methionine biosynthesis S-boxyvfF (epsO) 2.00 Synthesis of poly-N-acetylglucosamine, polysaccharide pyruvyl transferase SinR, AbrB, RemAyveJ (slrR) 1.98 Antagonist of SlrA and SinR, transcriptional activator of sporulation, competence Abh, AbrB, SinR

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cells expressing these promoters (Fig. 5, C–F). This indicatesthat the spermidine-dependent maintenance of Peps and PtapAexpression can be bypassed by ectopic expression of slrR inspermidine auxotrophic strains, and that ectopic expression ofslrR results in all cells in the biofilm population expressing thematrix operons. This was observed for both wild-type and sper-midine auxotrophic strains confirming that increasing the levelof SlrR can bypass the requirement for spermidine in biofilmformation.


The physiological roles of polyamines in bacteria are poorlyunderstood. Furthermore, it is also important to distinguishbetween the role of free polyamines in cell physiology and poly-amines that are covalently incorporated into more complexmolecules such as siderophores and other natural products. Aclose relative of B. subtilis, the anthrax agent Bacillus anthracis,incorporates spermidine into the stealth siderophore petrobac-tin (48), which is a pathogenicity determinant of the anthraxpathogen (49). Although B. subtilis is not known to producespermidine-based natural products, it does have the ability toN-acetylate spermidine (50), a modification that would abro-gate its polyamine functionality. It is therefore reasonable toassume that the role of spermidine in biofilm formation is likelyto be manifested as the free triamine, interacting with unknownsubstrates or receptors. In eukaryotes it is well known that theessential role of spermidine in growth is dependent on transfer

of the aminobutyl group of spermidine to the translation elon-gation factor eIF5A to form the deoxyhypusine modification.This role of spermidine cannot be replaced by the aminobutylgroup of diamine putrescine (51), however, the aminobutylgroup of homospermidine can be used for deoxyhypusineformation by deoxyhypusine synthase (52). In contrast, theessential role of spermidine in growth of �-proteobacteriumA. tumefaciens C58 is determined by its 1,3-diaminopropanemoiety, containing the aminopropyl group (13). The functionof spermidine in growth of A. tumefaciens can be replaced bythe simple diamine 1,3-diaminopropane, although its functionin growth is unknown (13). With B. subtilis, we found that onlytriamines containing an aminopropyl moiety enable biofilmdevelopment, suggesting a specific interaction of the amino-propyl moiety with an unknown target. We noticed that exog-enous putrescine was not converted to spermidine in the�speA strain, whereas exogenous agmatine was readily con-verted to spermidine in the same strain. Inspection of theB. subtilis genome revealed that there are no homologues ofeither the putrescine-specific (potFGHI) or spermidine-prefer-ential (potABCD) ABC-type transporters that are present inclosely related species such as B. anthracis and Bacillus cereus.The lack of conversion of exogenous putrescine to spermidinein the �speA strain is consistent with the lack of a diamineuptake transporter in B. subtilis. Because agmatine is taken upby B. subtilis, we decided to use the agmatine transporter as

Figure 4. Expression of both the tapA-sipW-tasA and eps(A-O) operons is reduced in spermidine auxotrophic colony biofilms. Flow cytometry analysisof single cells harvested from complex colonies grown at either 37 °C for 17 h (A and B) or 30 °C for 40 h (C and D). A, C, and D, expression from the tapA promoter;B, expression from the epsA promoter. Strains analyzed were: NCIB3610, NRS2242 (3610, sacA::PepsA-gfp), NRS3972 (speA::spc, sacA::PepsA-gfp), NRS2394 (3610,sacA::PtapA-gfp], NRS4100 (�speD, sacA::PtapA-gfp] and NRS3974 (speA::spc, sacA::PtapA-gfp). C and D, the exogenous addition of spermidine (Sp), norspermidine(Nsp) or homospermidine (Hsp) to the growth medium is indicated. The NCIB3610 non-fluorescent control sample shown in C and D is the same, as theseexperiments were run simultaneously.

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an alternative approach to assess whether or not 1,3-di-aminopropane or cadaverine could be produced intracellu-larly and whether they could be aminopropylated to formnorspermidine or aminopropylcadaverine, respectively. We

synthesized the agmatine structural analogues noragmatineand homoagmatine and assessed their ability to restore bio-film formation to the �speA and �speD strains. Noragmatineinhibited wild-type biofilm formation and also inhibited

Figure 5. Restoration of slrR expression in the speD mutant results in restoration of colony biofilm complexity and expression of both the eps(A-O)and tapA-sipW-tasA operons. A, disruption of sinR results in a hyper-complex complex colony in both an otherwise wild-type strain and in the �speD mutant.Biofilms were grown at 30 °C for 48 h prior to imaging. Strains included: NCIB3610, NRS5332 (sinR::kan), NRS4005 (�speD), and NRS5330 (�speD, sinR::kan). B,restoration of slrR expression in �speD mutant restores colony biofilm complexity. Expression of slrR was induced by the addition of IPTG to the MSgg agar, andcomplex colonies were grown at 30 °C for 48 h prior to imaging. Strains included: NCIB3610, NRS4005 (�speD) and NRS5331 (�speD, amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI).C-F, heterologous expression of slrR in the wild-type (C, D) or speD mutant (E, F) results in unimodal expression of both the tapA-sipW-tasA (C, E) and eps(A-O) (D,F) operons. Flow cytometry analysis of single cells harvested from complex colonies grown at 37 °C for 17 h, either in the absence of IPTG induction or withinduction of slrR expression with the addition of 10 or 25 �M IPTG. Strains analyzed were: NCIB3610, NRS2394 (3610, sacA::PtapA-gfp), NRS5338 (3610,sacA::PtapA-gfp amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI), NRS5337 (3610, sacA::PepsA-gfp amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI), NRS5053 (�speD, amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI, sacA::PtapA-gfp),NRS2242 (3610, sacA::PepsA-gfp), and NRS5334 (�speD, amyE::Physpank-slrR-lacI, sacA::PepsA-gfp). In C–F the NCIB3610 sample is the same in all four graphs asexperiments were run simultaneously. In C and E the same wild-type sample is shown in both for ease of comparison with other samples. In D and F the samewild-type sample is shown in both to facilitate comparison.

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planktonic growth; no 1,3-diaminopropane or norspermi-dine was detected in cells. Homoagmatine was able to par-tially restore biofilm complexity to the �speA but not �speDstrains, and this correlated with the accumulation of amino-propylcadaverine in �speA cells.

The inability of homoagmatine to restore biofilm formationto the �speD strain is consistent with the fact that cadaverineproduced from homoagmatine could not be aminopropylatedin a strain lacking speD, suggesting that in the �speA strainaminopropylcadaverine synthesis is responsible for restorationof biofilm formation. It is notable that aminopropylcadaverineand homospermidine both possess eight methylene carbonsbut only the analogue containing an aminopropyl group, i.e.aminopropylcadaverine, was able to function in biofilm forma-tion. The fact that spermidine, norspermidine, and aminopro-pylcadaverine can restore biofilm formation to the �speA strainindicates that the length and symmetrical status of the triamineare not important for its function in biofilm formation. How-ever, the presence of an aminopropyl or 1,3-diaminopropanemoiety is critical. Together, these observations suggest that inthe wild-type strain, a rather specific interaction must occurbetween the aminopropyl side of spermidine and one or moreselect targets that may be sensors, receptors, or specific pro-teins that require spermidine to function. It should be notedthat we do not know whether the site of action of endogenous-ly-produced spermidine in biofilm development is intra- orextracellular.

Transcriptome response to spermidine auxotrophy

The two main transcriptome responses in the �speD strainconcern metabolism and production of the biofilm matrix. Rel-ative to the wild-type strain, the �speD strain has down-regu-lated pathways involved in purine catabolism, methionine sal-vage, and methionine and nitrogen starvation responses. Theseresponses are part of the PucR, TnrA, and S-box regulons. Elim-ination of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SpeD) activityblocks flux of methionine and nitrogen into spermidine viaS-adenosylmethionine. The transcriptome responses suggestthat the cell senses excess S-adenosylmethionine, methionine,and nitrogen generally. Furthermore, the methionine salvagepathway that rescues methionine and the purine componentfrom methylthioadenosine generated by spermidine biosynthe-sis is down-regulated. This may contribute also to the purinecatabolism/uptake response, which down-regulates enzymesand transporters involved in salvaging purines and nitrogen.Although this metabolic response to a presumed methionine/S-adenosylmethionine excess is unsurprising, it is an interest-ing insight into the extent of nitrogen flux through thesemetabolites into spermidine. Two unrelated genes affectingmembrane fluidity were repressed in �speD, the liaIH operon,encoding membrane anchor and phage shock protein A paral-ogue, and the des gene encoding a phospholipid desaturasewhose expression increases membrane fluidity (53) and isinduced at low temperatures. The phage shock protein A par-alogue LiaH is produced in response to cell envelope perturba-tions and is located in the membrane (43). Repression of liaHIand des expression suggests that the membrane of the �speDstrain may be sensed by the cell as being too fluid.

Microarray detection of repression of the epsA-O operonencoding the proteins required to produce and secrete thebiofilm matrix exopolysaccharide, and the tapA-sipW-tasAoperon required to produce and anchor the fibrous matrix pro-tein TasA, in the �speD strain explains at one level why sper-midine depletion prevents robust biofilm formation. Repres-sion of the slrR-encoded biofilm regulatory protein means thatthe biofilm repressor SinR would not be inhibited by its normalbinding to SlrR, and therefore unbound SinR would be moreable to repress biofilm formation. Using single cell gene expres-sion analysis, we demonstrated that spermidine and norsper-midine but not homospermidine restored biofilm formationand expression of the epsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA operons.The decrease in expression of the matrix operons detected inthe microarray analysis was due to a decrease in the number ofcells expressing the matrix operons rather than a decrease inthe rate of transcription per cell. Spermidine depletion there-fore decreases the number of cells expressing the biofilm matrixoperons. Ectopic expression of slrR restored biofilm formationto the �speD strain, and increased the number of cells express-ing the matrix operons.

Expression of slrR is known to be positively regulated by theDNA-binding protein RemA, and the sites bound by RemA thatare necessary for activation of slrR expression can also be par-tially bound by SinR, thereby occluding the RemA-binding sites(54). Deletion of sinR resulted in a highly wrinkled dense bio-film phenotype in the wild-type 3610 strain and a similar mor-phology resulted from its deletion in the �speD strain. Ectopicexpression of slrR or deletion of sinR in the �speD strainrestores biofilm formation. This effect of spermidine depletionon slrR expression, and the fact that deletion of sinR or ectopicexpression of slrR in the spermidine-depleted mutant strainrestores biofilm formation is reminiscent of the role of thephosphodiesterase YmdB in biofilm formation (55, 56). Expres-sion of slrR is dependent on the activity of YmdB but unlike theeffect of spermidine-depletion, deletion of ymdB activatesmotility genes, especially hag. Activation of biofilm matrixoperon expression in the �speD strain when sinR is deletedsuggests that spermidine depletion affects the activity of SinRrather than RemA, because deletion of sinR allows activation ofmatrix operon expression, indicating that RemA is likely to beactive. However, we did not detect up-regulation of motility-related genes such as the flagellin hag gene, which might beexpected if SinR was active, in the �speD strain. Levels of hagtranscript detected by the microarray analysis were changed byless than 10% in the �speD strain (in fact a decrease). In thedomesticated B. subtilis 168 strain, proteomic analysis of a speDdeletion derivative identified 10 proteins exhibiting alteredabundance, of which two were more abundant: the Hag proteinand MetK (methionine synthase) (37), whereas we did notdetect up-regulation of hag and we detected repression of theyitJ methionine synthase. The only agreement between thesetwo analyses was that TasA protein and tasA transcript wererepressed in a �speD strain of B. subtilis 168 and NICB3610,respectively.

The master regulator of SinR activity is the phosphorylatedform of the Spo0A transcription factor, which is regulated by acomplex of kinases and phosphorelay proteins that forms a

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nexus for integrating diverse environmental, nutritional, andphysiological signals (21, 22). Whether spermidine is requiredfor function of this regulatory complex is not known. However,it is known that deletion of spermidine synthase (speE) severelydelays sporulation in B. subtilis 168 (57), and pharmacologicalinhibition of arginine decarboxylase (SpeA) also results in par-tial depletion of spermidine and delayed sporulation in B. sub-tilis 168M (58). Furthermore, in B. subtilis the spermidineN-acetyltransferase PaiA, the activity of which reduces spermi-dine levels, is implicated in the negative regulation of sporula-tion (59). Master regulator of sporulation Spo0A (60, 61) is alsorequired for biofilm formation (35), although different kinasesphosphorylate Spo0A to different levels to instigate biofilm(low threshold levels of Spo0A-P) or sporulation developmen-tal programs (high threshold values) (21, 22). Within a biofilm,sporulating cells arise from matrix-producing cells, suggestinga sequence of low to high levels of phosphorylated Spo0A (62).The requirement for spermidine in sporulation and biofilm for-mation indicates that spermidine acts upstream of Spo0A phos-phorylation to enable normal initiation of developmental pro-grams. The effects of spermidine deficiency could be construedas a dampening of the stochastic/noisy processes that influencethe amount of Spo0A-P produced. However, it cannot be ruledout that spermidine affects sporulation and biofilm formationdownstream of Spo0A in different, independent manners.

Experimental procedures

Bacterial strains and growth conditions

All B. subtilis strains used in this study are listed in Table 1.For routine growth B. subtilis was cultured in liquid LB (10 g ofNaCl, 5 g of yeast extract, 10 g of tryptone per liter) or on LBplates solidified with 1.5% (w/v) select agar (Invitrogen) at37 °C. For growth in polyamine-free medium, B. subtilis wasgrown in liquid MSgg (5 mM potassium phosphate and 100 mM

MOPS at pH 7.0 supplemented with 2 mM MgCl2, 700 �M

CaCl2, 50 �M MnCl2, 50 �M FeCl3, 1 �M ZnCl2, 2 �M thiamine,0.5% glycerol, and 0.5% glutamate) (31), or on MSgg platessolidified with 1.5% select agar. Antibiotics were used at thefollowing concentrations as required: 100 �g/ml of spectino-mycin, 5.0 �g/ml of chloramphenicol, and 10 �g/ml of kana-mycin. Standard polyamines were obtained from Sigma, andsym-homospermidine was a kind gift from Patrick Woster(Medical University of South Carolina).

Strain construction

All B. subtilis strains created during this study are listed inTable 1. To introduce regions of interest into B. subtilis strainNCIB3610 and its derivatives, SPP1 phage transductions wereperformed as previously described (63).

Colony biofilm formation

Strains of B. subtilis were grown overnight on MSgg plates at37 °C. Three-ml aliquots of MSgg liquid broth samples wereinoculated with individual colonies and grown at 37 °C withshaking for 6 h. Ten �l of the cell culture was placed onto MSggplates and incubated at 30 °C for 48 h for morphology studies orat 37 °C for 17 h for flow cytometry studies. For growth of col-

ony biofilms in the presence of polyamine analogues, B. subtilisstrains were grown overnight on MSgg plates at 37 °C. Singlecolonies were inoculated into 3 ml of MSgg and grown withshaking at 37 °C for 6 h. To set up complex colonies, 10 �l ofcells were spotted on MSgg plates supplemented with differentconcentrations of polyamines or analogues and incubated for48 h at 30 °C before imaging. Images of colony biofilms wererecorded using a Nikon D3200 digital camera mounted on aKaiser RS3XA copy stand.

RNA preparation for microarray analysis

Single colonies of B. subtilis NCIB3610 and the derived�speD strain grown on solid MSgg agar plates were used toinoculate 25 ml of fresh MSgg liquid medium in 250-ml flasksand grown with shaking at 37 °C overnight. The A600 nm of theovernight cultures was determined and appropriate aliquotswere used to inoculate 25 ml of fresh MSgg in 250-ml flaskssuch that the starting A600 nm was 0.01. These cultures werethen grown to an A600 nm of 0.5. This subculturing process wasundertaken to ensure that any contaminating spermidinewould be diluted out of the �speD strain. Aliquots of 1.5 ml ofthe 0.5 A600 nm cultures were then transferred to 4 microcentri-fuge tubes and centrifuged to pellet the bacterial cells. Eachpellet was resuspended in 175 �l of RNAwiz (from an AmbionRibopure kit). The contents of pairs of tubes were combinedinto single tubes containing glass beads. These were then vor-texed, centrifuged, and the lysates combined into a single tubefor each sample. RNA was prepared from the lysates accordingto the Ambion Ribopure kit instructions and purified RNA wasstored at �20 °C until DNase treatment, which was also per-formed according to the Ambion Ribopure kit instructions.The integrity of the RNA and effectiveness of the DNase treat-ment was confirmed by analyzing the RNA samples on an aga-rose gel. Equal quantities of RNA for each sample were thendeposited with the UT Southwestern Microarray Core facilityfor analysis by Affymetrix B. subtilis whole genome microar-rays. Microarray data were analyzed with Partek software andthe normalization method employed was MAS5. Statisticalanalysis was performed using unpaired t test. The GEO acces-sion number for the microarray data is GSE96942.

Polyamine analysis by HPLC and LC-MS

Cells of B. subtilis NCIB3610 were grown in MSgg mediumwith or without exogenous amines then centrifuged in 1.5-mlmicrocentrifuge tubes (18,000 � g, 3 min) and the pellet washedseveral times. Bacterial pellets were resuspended in MOPS lysisbuffer (20 mM MOPS, pH 8.0, 10 mM NaCl, 4 mM MgCl2) andthe cell suspension was subjected to three cycles of freeze/thaw-ing. Trichloroacetic acid (40%) was added to a final concentra-tion of 10% to extract the polyamines. After centrifugation, thepolyamine-containing supernatant was frozen (�80 °C) untilfurther use. For HPLC analysis, the trichloroacetic acid extractsupernatant was derivatized with a fluorescent label (AccQ-fluor, Waters), using the AccQ-Fluor reagent labeling kit,according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Derivatized poly-amines were resolved by HPLC using a hydrolysate amino acidanalysis column as previously described (18). For analysis ofpolyamines by LC-MS, polyamines were benzoylated and ana-

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lyzed on an Agilent Infinity LC-MS and Agilent 1100 seriesLC-MS with electrospray probes, using an Agilent XDB-C18column, as previously described (64).

Flow cytometry

The fluorescence of strains harboring gfp transcriptionalreporter fusions was measured in single cells extracted fromcomplex colonies grown at 37 °C for 17 h by flow cytometry andthe resulting data analyzed as described previously (65). To lib-erate cells from the biofilm matrix, biofilm colony samples werecollected and disrupted and the resulting sample subjected togentle sonication to release cells from the matrix. During thecytometry the individual cells were detected and data from100,000 individual cells collected. The data were combined andused to generate the histograms shown in Figs. 4 and 5. A min-imum of three biological replicates were performed for eachexperiment.

Synthesis of noragmatine and homoagmatine

Noragmatine dihydrobromide and homoagmatine ditosylatewere synthesized from N-Cbz-1,3-diaminopropane hydrochlo-ride (Aldrich) and N-Cbz-1,5-diaminopentane hydrochloride(Aldrich), respectively, using N,N�-di-Boc-N�-trifylguanidine(Aldrich) for guanidinylation of the amino group. Reactionswere carried out in dichloromethane for 2 h at 20 °C following ageneral protocol of the amino group guanidinylation (66) thatresulted in Cbz-di-Boc-derivatives of noragmatine and homo-agmatine in almost quantitative yields. Simultaneous removalof Boc and Cbz-protecting groups with 35% HBr/AcOHafforded well crystallized dihydrobromide of noragmatine andsemi-solid dihydrobromide of homoagmatine. The last wasconverted to well crystallized ditosylate of homoagmatine usingDowex 1-X8 resin in TosO� form.

NMR spectra were registered in D2O on a Bruker AvanceAMX III 400 (Germany) spectrometer with the working fre-quency of 400.1 MHz for 1H NMR (2,2-dimethyl-2-silapen-tanesulfonic acid as an internal standard) and 100.1 MHz for13C (with carbon-proton decoupling, 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapen-tanesulfonic acid as an internal standard), chemical shifts aregiven in ppm (spectra for noragmatine (Gua-(CH2)3-NH2) andhomoagmatine (Gua-(CH2)5-NH2) are presented in supple-mental Fig. S1.

High resolution mass spectra (HRMS) were registered on aBruker Daltonics microTOF-Q II instrument using electros-pray ionization (ESI). The measurements were acquired in anegative ion mode; interface capillary voltage 3700 V; massrange from m/z 50 to 3000; external calibration (ElectrosprayCalibrant Solution, Fluka); nebulizer pressure 0.4 Bar; flow rate3 �l/min; nitrogen was applied as a dry gas (4 L/min); inter-face temperature 190 °C. A sample of 3-aminopropylguanidine(noragmatine) dihydrobromide in 50% aqueous acetonitrilesolution was injected into the mass spectrometer chamberfrom an Agilent 1260 HPLC system equipped with an AgilentPoroshell 120 EC-C18 (3.0 � 50 mm; 2,7 �m) column using anautosampler. Elution with a linear gradient of acetonitrile(50 3 100%) in water, flow rate of 200 �l/min, the retentiontime, 1.8 min. A syringe injection to mass spectrometer was

used for 5-aminopentylguanidine (homoagmatine) ditosylatesolution in 50% aqueous acetonitrile.

Melting points were determined in open capillary tubes onElectrothermals Mel-Temp 1202D instrument and are uncor-rected. TLC was carried out on Kieselgel 60 F254 plates (Merck)in the system: n-BuOH-AcOH-Py-H2O, 4:2:1:2, and amino-alkylguanidines (noragmatine) and (homoagmatine) weredetected on the plates by ninhydrin staining. Dihydrobromideof noragmatine: m.p. 153–154 °C (from EtOH); Rf 0.52. 1HNMR (D2O) �: 3.39 (t, 2 H, 3JHH 6.9 Hz, CH2NH) (where theunderlined H indicates the chemical shift), 3.16 (dd, 2 H, 3JHH

7.8 Hz, 3JHH 8.0 Hz, CH2NH2), 2.09 –2.03 (m, 2 H,CH2CH2CH2). 13C NMR (D2O) �: 156.93, 38.30, 36.96, 26.18.HRMS (ESI-MS): calculated for C4H13Br2N4 [M-H]� 274.9481,found 276.9484. Ditosylate of homoagmatine: m.p. 192–193 °C(from EtOH); Rf 0.55. 1H NMR (D2O) �: 7.77 (d, 4 H, 3JHH 8.1Hz, Ar-H), 7.36 (d, 4 H, 3JHH 8.1 Hz, Ar-H), 3.22 (t, 2 H, 3JHH

7.0 Hz, CH2NH), 3.05 (dd, 2 H, 3JHHa 7.6 Hz, 3JHHb 7.7 Hz,CH2NH2), 1.70 –1.62 (m, 2 H, CH2CH2NH2), 1.61–1.55 (m, 2H, CH2CH2NH), 1.41–1.35 (m, 2 H, CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2).13C NMR (D2O) �: 156.75, 142.51, 139.51, 129.47, 125.40, 40.88,39.34, 27.42, 26.36, 22.85, 20.50. HRMS (ESI-MS): calculatedfor C20H32N4O6S2 [M-H]� 487.1680, found 487.1684.

Author contributions—L. H., N. R. S.-W., and A. J. M. conceived thestudy and analyzed the data. L. H., B. L., J. W., A.-S. F., and S. H. K.performed experiments. J. N. performed LC-MS analysis. M. K. andA. K. synthesized polyamine and agmatine analogues. A. J. M.,N. S. W., A. K., and L. H. wrote the manuscript.

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MichaelFerreira, Maxim Khomutov, Alexey Khomutov, Nicola R. Stanley-Wall and Anthony J.

Laura Hobley, Bin Li, Jennifer L. Wood, Sok Ho Kim, Jacinth Naidoo, Ana SofiaslrRthe matrix regulator

biofilm formation by activating expression ofBacillus subtilisSpermidine promotes

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.789644 originally published online May 25, 20172017, 292:12041-12053.J. Biol. Chem. 

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