university of dhaka - · 9. sena rule in...

1 UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA Department of History Syllabus for Seven Affiliated Colleges (Under Dhaka University) First Year B.A. Honours Syllabus Four Year B. A. (Honours) Course Effective from the Session: 2017-2018

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Department of History

Syllabus for Seven Affi liated Colleges

(Under Dhaka University)

First Year B.A. Honours Syllabus

Four Year B. A. (Honours) Course

Effective from the Session: 2017-2018

Page 2: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena



Syllabus for Four Year B. A. Honours Course

Subject: History

Session: 2017-2018


Course Code Course Title Marks Credits

211503 Introduction to History 100 4

211505 History of Bengal (From earliest times to 1204) 100 4

211507 History of South Asia upto 1526 100 4

211509 Political and Cultural History of Islam upto 1258 100 4

212009 Introducing Sociology


Introduction to Social Work


Introduction to Political Theory

100 4



211501 History of the Emergence of Independent

Bangladesh 100 4

Total = 600 24

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Detailed Syllabus

First Year B. A. Honours

Course Code:

211503 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Course Title: Introduction to History Exam Duration: 4.00


1. Meaning and definition of History

a) Origin of the term History

b) Problems of universal definition, main characteristics, a working definition of history as

„Res Gestae‟ or the record of the past actions of mankind with special reference to the

interaction between man and his environment

2. Periodization and chronology in history

a) Pre-history, Proto-history and Historical periods

b) A. D. and B. C., decade, century and millennium

3. Different branches of history: Political, social, economic and culture (including art)

4. Nature of history: Different views on the nature of history, history perceived as art, science and

social science, specific characteristics of history as a branch of knowledge

5. History and other social sciences: Elementary approach

(a) History and Economics (b) History and Political Science (c) History and Sociology

(d) History and Geography (e) History and Science (f) History and Literature (g) History and


6. Historical methods: Methods of historical investigation based on available source materials,

classification of historical sources, steps of historical research, search for sources, inference from

sources and synthesis

7. Historian and his facts: Facts and their interpretation, two major components of history and

different views on their relative importance

8. Causation in history: Causation in history as a reflection of the cause-effect relationship of events

in reality, determinism and historical inevitability, chance factors or accidents in history, role of

the individual in history; role of people in history

9. Some great historians: (a) Ancient period: Herodotus, Kalhana; (b) Medieval period: St. Augustine,

Ziauddin Barani, Ibn Khaldun, Abul Fazl (c) Modern period: Leopold von Ranke, Karl Marx,

Arnold Toynbee, Friedrich Engels

Recommended Books:

1. R G Collingwood : The Idea of History

2. E H Carr : What is History?

3. W H Walah : An Introduction to the Philosophy of History

4. A Marwick : The Nature of History

5. E Sreedharan : A Textbook of Historiography

6. W. †`jIqvi †nv‡mb : BwZnvm ZË

7. B GBP Kvi (g~j) : Kv‡K e‡j BwZnvm (Abyev`: †mœ‡nvrcj `Ë I †m․wgÎ cvwjZ)

8. ‡gvt kvgmy¾vgvb : BwZnvm I HwZnvwmK

9. ‡gvt AvLZviæ¾vgvb : gymwjg BwZnvmZË¡

10. ggZvRyi ingvb Zid`vi : BwZnvm I HwZnvwmK

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Course Code:

211505 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: History of Bengal (From earliest times to 1204)

1. Geographical features of Bengal: Their influence and location-identification of ancient Janapadas

2. Sources: Dearth of literary sources leads to our reliance on epigraphic sources, copper-plates and


3. Outline of Bengal history up to the Gupta period: Pre-history, evidence from Pandu Rajar Dhibi,

Bengal in classical literature, Mahasthana Brahmi Inscription and the evidence of Maurya rule in


4. Gupta rule in Bengal: Evidence, the process of Gupta occupation, original home of the Guptas,

Gupta administration in Bengal, importance of Gupta rule

5. Shashanka: Rise to power, expansion of empire, involvement in northern Indian politics, estimate

6. The rise of the Palas: The period of Matsyanyayam, Gopala‟s accession to the throne, nature of

his occupation

7. Pala rule in Bengal:

a. Period of ascendancy: The reigns of Dharmapala and Devapala, tripartite struggle for the

supremacy over northern India, achievements of Dharmapala and Devapala

b. Decline and revival: The empire at the accession of Mahipala I, Mahipala I‟s achievements

and the extent of his empire, the implication of his Sarnath Inscription

c. The final phase: Mahipala II and the Samanta rebellion of northern Bengal, causes and nature

of the rebellion in the light of the Ramacharitam, Rampala, northern Bengal retrieved

8. South-East Bengal‟s separate political entity: The Devas and the Chandras, the coming of the

Chandras to power; achievements of Srichandra

9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena and


10. Administration in the ancient period: Administrative divisions, important officials and their

functions, land administration

Recommended Books:

1. R C Majumdar (ed.) : History of Bengal, Vol. I

2. R C Majumdar : History of Ancient Bengal

3. A M Chowdhury : Dynastic History of Bengal

4. Dilip K Chakrabarti : Ancient Bangladesh

5. Shahanara Husain : History of Ancient Bengal

6. bxnviiÄb ivq : ev½vjxi BwZnvm Avw` ce©

7. i‡gk P›`ª gRyg`vi : evsjvi BwZnvm, cÖ_g LÛ

8. `x‡bk P› ª gRyg`vi : cvj-†mb hy‡Mi eskvbyPwiZ

9. Gg G iwng, Ave`yj gwgb †P․ayix

wmivRyj Bmjvg I

G we Gg gvngy` (m¤úvw`Z) : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm

10. Ave`yj gwgb †P․ayix : cÖvPxb evsjvi BwZnvm I ms¯‹…wZ

11. ivLvj `vm e‡›`vcva¨vq : evOjvi BwZnvm, cÖ_g LÛ

12. kvnvbviv †nv‡mb : cÖvPxb evsjvi BwZnvm

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Course Code: 211507 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: History of South Asia upto 1526

1. Sources of ancient and medieval Indian history

2. Indus Valley and Vedic civilizations

3. Rise of Buddhism and Jainism

4. Sixteen Mahajanapadas and rise of Magadha

5. Invasion of Alexander and its consequences

6. The Mauryan empire: Sources of Mauryan history, Chandragupta Maurya, emperor Asoka, the

Mauryan administrative system

7. Rise of Kushanas: Emperor Kaniska

8. Gupta empire: Rise of the Guptas, Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, Chandragupta II

(Vikramaditya of the Legend), the account of Fa-hien, Gupta administration, Gupta civilization,

Golden Age of ancient India

9. Beginning of Muslim Rule: Conquest of Muhammad bin Qasim, Sultan Mahmud and

Muhammad Ghuri

10. The Delhi Sultanate: The Mamluks, Iltutmish, Sultana Razia, Ghyasuddin Balban, the

Khiljis -Alauddin Khilji, the Tughlaqs - Firoz Shah Tughlaq and Muhammad Bin


11. The administration, economy, society, culture, art and architecture during the Sultanate period

Recommended Books:

1. R E M Wheeler : The Indus Civilization

2. H C Ray Chowdhury : Political History of Ancient India

3. Provatanshu Maiti : Studies in Ancient India

4. Stanley Lane-Poole : Medieval India under Muhammadan Rule

5. S M Jaffar : Medieval India

6. R C Majumdar (ed) : Ancient India

7. V D Mahajan : Ancient India

8. S N Sen : Ancient Indian History and Civilization

9. Ishwari Prasad : History of Medieval India

10. Aziz Ahmed : Early Turkish Empire of Delhi

11. Aga Mahdi Hussain : History of the Tughlaq Dynasty

12. I H Qureshi : Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi

13. A B M Habibullah : Foundation of Muslim Rule in India

14. A L Basham : The Wonder That Was India

15. Avãyj Kwig : fviZxq Dcgnv‡`‡k gymwjg kvmb

16. Ck¦ix cÖmv` : ga¨hyMxq fvi‡Zi BwZnvm (m yjZvbx Avgj, cÖ_g LÛ)

(History of Medieval India MÖ‡š’i Abyev`)

17. G we Gg nvweeyjøvn : gymwjg kvm‡bi e ywbqv` (Foundation of Muslim Rule in India

MÖ‡š’i Abyev`)

18. mybxj P‡Ævcva¨vq : cÖvPxb fvi‡Zi BwZnvm (cÖ_g I wØZxq LÛ)

19. nx‡i›`ªbv_ P‡Ævcva¨vq : cÖvPxb fvi‡Zi BwZnvm

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Course Code: 211509 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: Political and Cultural History of Islam upto 1258

1. Per-Islamic Dark Age in Arabia: Social, political, economic and religious conditions 2. Life and activities of the Prophet Mohammad (Sm): Foundation of Islam in Arabia, new

society and administration in Madina 3. The Caliphate: Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar Faruque, Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Ali,

territorial expansion, politics and society during the Caliphate 4. The Umayyads: a. Foundation of Umayyad dynasty

b. Administration of Muawiyah and Abdul Malik c. Muslim expansion: Walid I and Hajjaj-bin-Yusuf d. Umar-bin-Abdul Aziz and the later Umayyads e. Umayyad administration and society f. Development of science, art and culture g. Fall of the Umayyad dynasty 5. The Abbasids:

a. Foundation of Abbasid Dynasty b. Administration of Al-Mansur c. Caliph Harun al-Rashid and the Golden Age of Abbasid Dynasty d. Civil war: Caliph Amin and Mamun e. The later Abbasids f. Abbasid administration g. Social and economic life during the Abbasids h. Education system, science, art and architecture i. Fall of Baghdad

6. The Crusades

Recommended Books:

1. Syed Ameer Ali : History of the Saracens

2. Syed Ameer Ali : The Spirit of Islam

3. Mafizullah Kabir : Outlines of Islamic History

4. Joseph Hell : Arab Civilization

5. S M Imamudddin : A Political History of Islam

6. B Lewis : The Arabs in History

7. S Khuda Baksh : Islamic Civilization, Vols. I and II

8. gwdRyjøvn Kwei : gymwjg mf¨Zvi ¯Y©hyM

9. gwdRyjøvn Kwei : Bmjvg I wLjvdZ

10. •mq` Avgxi Avjx : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm (Abyw`Z)

11. •mq` Avgxi Avjx : `¨ w¯úwiU Ae Bmjvg (Abyw`Z)

12. wdwjc †K wnwUª : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm (Abyw`Z)

13. †Rv‡md n¨vj : Avie mf¨Zv (Abyw`Z)

14. †kL †gvnv¤§` jyrdi ingvb : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm

15. Gg Gg BgvgDwÏb : †¯ú‡b gymjgvb‡`i ivR‰bwZK BwZnvm

16. G †K Gg BqvKze Avjx : gymwjg ’vcZ¨ I wkíKjv

17. G †K Gg BqvKze Avjx : Avie RvwZi BwZnvmPP©v

18. †gvt AvKZviæ¾vgvb : gymwjg BwZnvm ZË¡

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Course Code: 212009 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: Introducing Sociology

1. Definition, Nature and Scope of Sociology, relationship with other social

sciences. Development of Sociology: Contributions of Auguste Comte, Herbert

Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber

2. Culture, Beliefs and Values: Norms, sanctions, symbols, language, subculture,

counterculture, hegemony and resistance

3. Globalization, Culture and Society: Globalization and its different dimensions, cultural

globalization, global culture and social change

4. Urbanization and Social Formation: Definition of urbanization and urbanism, process

of urbanization in developing societies and social formation, over urbanization, growth

of slum and poverty in mega cities

5. Gender and Society: Discourse of WID, WAD and GAD, why gender is important in the

discourse of development, gender inequality and women‟s subjugation in developing


6. Environmental Problems, Natural Disasters and Social Crisis: Climate change and

its impact on society, natural disaster, social crisis and vulnerabilities, climate

change, deforestation and mal-development

7. Social Inequality: Dimensions of social inequality: class, gender, age, minority group

(religious and indigenous), economic vulnerability, social inequalities in developed and

developing countries

8. Types of Societies: Marxist view on classifying societies on the basis of type of control

over economic resources and Lenski‟s view on classifying societies by their main means

of subsistence

9. Deviance and Social Control: Definition of deviance, theories of deviance, crime and justice

system, agencies of social control

10. Health, Illness and Society: Nature and scope of the problem, urbanizations, acute,

chronic and life style diseases, social, environmental & behavioural factors affecting

health, communicable and behavioural diseases: STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, Hep-B etc.

Recommended Books: 1. Anthony Giddens : Sociology

2. Tony Bilton et al. : Introductory Sociology

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Course Code: 212111 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: Introduction to Social Work

1. Social Work: Meaning, characteristics, scope and importance relationship of

social work with other sciences -- Sociology, Economics, Psychology and

Political Science

2. Evolution: Evolution of social work in UK, USA, India and Bangladesh

3. Social reformers and their movements in pre-partition India and Bangladesh:

Raja Rammohan Ray, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, A. K Fazlul Haque, Sir Syed

Ahmed, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

4. Social legislations related to social security, women‟s welfare, child welfare

5. Profession and social work: Meaning and characteristics of profession, social

work as profession, philosophical, religious and ethical basis of social work

6. Industrial Revolution: Meaning, impact on society, industrialization, urbanization,

welfare state

7. Social problems and social services in Bangladesh

8. Methods of social work: Basic and auxiliary methods and their basic issues

such as meaning, elements, principles and area of use, importance of social

work methods in Bangladesh

Recommended Books: 1. L Robert Barker : Social Work Dictionary, 3rd ed., NASW, New York, 1995

2. Veronica Coulshed : Social Work Practice: An Introduction, 2nd ed., Macmillan, London, 1991

3. Walter A Friedlander : Introduction to Social Welfare, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1967

4. M Khalid : Welfare State, Royal Book, Karachi, 1968

5. B Shaefor & A Morales : Social Work - A Profession of Many Faces, 4th ed., Allyn and Bacon,

Boston, 1986

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Course Code: 211909 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: Introduction to Political Theory

1. Political Science: Meaning, nature, scope, methods, relations with other social sciences,

importance of Political Science as an academic discipline

2. State: Definition, elements, state and government, state and individual, state and society,

theories of the origin of the state

3. Fundamental concepts: Sovereignty, law, liberty, equality, rights and duties, nation, nationalism,


4. Concepts of political sociology: Political culture, elite theory, Max Weber and bureaucracy

5. Political thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes,

Locke, Rousseau, Karl Marx

Recommended Books: 1. R G Gettell : Political Science 2. J W Garner : Political Science and Government 3. R M MacIver : The Modern State

4. G H Sabine : A History of Political Theory 5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers - Plato to the Present 6. H G Laski : A Grammar of Politics

7. gynv&¤§` Av‡qk DÏxb : ivóªwPšÍv cwiwPwZ

8. GgvRDwÏb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi ivóªwPšÍv

9. ‡gvt `i‡ek Avjx Lvb : †cø‡Uv I Gwi÷U‡ji ivR‰bwZK wPšÍv

10. mi`vi dRjyj Kwig : †cø‡Uvi wicvewjK

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Course Code: 211501 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Title: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh

¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm

f~wgKv: ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm-cwiwa I cwiwPwZ

1| ‡`k I Rb‡Mvwôi cwiPq

K) f~ cÖK…wZi •ewkó¨ I cÖfve

L) b„ZvwË¡K MVb

M) fvlv

N) ms¯‥…wZi mgšqevw`Zv I ag©xq mnbkxjZv

O) Awfbœ evsjvi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z ZrKvjxb c~e©e½ I eZ©gvb evsjv‡`‡ki ¯Kxq mËv

2| ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi cÖqvm I Dcgnv‡`‡ki wefw³, 1947

K) Jcwb‡ewkK kvmb Avg‡j mv¤cÖ`vwqKZvi D™¢e I we Ívi

L) jv‡nvi cÖ Íve, 1940

M) ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi D‡`¨vM, 1947 I cwiYwZ

N) cvwK Ívb m„wó, 1947

3| cvwK Ívb: ivóªxq KvVv‡gv I •elg¨

K) †K›`ªxq I cÖv‡`wkK KvVv‡gv

L) mvgwiK I †emvgwiK AvgjvZ‡š¿i cÖfve

M) A_©‣bwZK, mvgvwRK I mvs¯‥…wZK •elg¨

4| fvlv Av‡›`vjb I evOvwji AvZ¥cwiPq cÖwZôv

K) gymwjg jx‡Mi kvmb I MYZvwš¿K ivRbxwZi msMÖvg

L) AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cÖwZôv, 1949

M) fvlv Av‡›`vjb: cUf~wg I NUbv cÖevn

N) nK-fvmvbx-†mvnivIqv`©xi hy³d«›U, 1954 mv‡ji wbe©vPb I cwiYwZ

5| mvgwiK kvmb: AvBqye Lvb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmbvgj (1958-71)

K) mvgwiK kvm‡bi msÁv I •ewkó¨

L) AvBqye Lv‡bi ¶gZv `Lj I kvm‡bi •ewkó¨ (ivR‣bwZK wbcxob, †g․wjK MYZš¿, a‡g©i

ivR‣bwZK e¨envi)

M) AvBqye Lv‡bi cZb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmb, GK BDwbU wejywßKiY, mve©Rbxb †fvUvwaKvi,

GjGdI (Legal Framework Order)

6| RvZxqZvev‡`i weKvk I ¯^vwaKvi Av‡›`vjb

K) mvs¯‥…wZK AvMÖvm‡bi weiæ‡× cÖwZ‡iva I evOvwj ms¯‥…wZi D¾xeb

L) †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 6-`dv Av‡›`vjb

M) 6-`dv Av‡›`vj‡bi cÖwZwµqv, ¸iæZ¡ I Zvrch©

N) AvMiZjv gvgjv, 1968

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7| 1969-Gi MYAfy¨Ìvb I 11-`dv Av‡›`vjb

K) cUf~wg

L) Av‡›`vj‡bi Kg©m~Px, ¸iæZ¡ I cwiYwZ

8| 1970 Gi wbe©vPb, Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb I e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv

K) wbe©vP‡bi djvdj Ges Zv †g‡b wb‡Z †K‡› ªi A¯xK…wZ

L) Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb, e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY, Acv‡ikb mvP©jvBU

M) e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv I †MÖdZvi

9| gyw³hy× 1971

K) MYnZ¨v, bvix wbh©vZb I kiYv_©x

L) evsjv‡`k miKvi MVb I ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ

M) ¯^Z:ù‚Z© cÖv_wgK cÖwZ‡iva I msMwVZ cÖwZ‡iva (gyw³‡d․R, gyw³evwnbx, †Mwijv I m¤§yL hy×)

N) gyw³hy‡× cÖPvi gva¨g (¯^vaxb evsjv †eZvi †K›`ª, we‡`kx cÖPvi gva¨g I RbgZ MVb)

O) QvÎ, bvix I mvaviY gvby‡li Ae`vb (MYhy×)

P) gyw³hy‡× e„nrkw³ (†mvwf‡qZ BDwbqb, gvwK©b hy³ivóª I Pxb) I gymwjg ivóª mg~‡ni f~wgKv

Q) `Lj`vi evwnbx, kvwšÍKwgwU, Avje`i, Avjkvgm, ivRvKvi evwnbx, ivR‣bwZK `j I †`kxq

Ab¨vb¨ mn‡hvMx‡`i ¯vaxbZvwe‡ivax Kg©KvÛ I eyw×Rxex nZ¨v

R) cvwK¯Ív‡b ew›` Ae¯’vq e½eÜzi wePvi I wek¦cÖwZwµqv

S) cÖevmx evOvwj I we‡k¦i wewfbœ †`‡ki bvMwiK mgv‡Ri f~wgKv

T) gyw³hy‡× fvi‡Zi Ae`vb

U) fviZ-evsjv‡`k †h․_ evwnbx MVb I weRq

V) ¯vaxbZv msMÖv‡g e½eÜzi †bZ…Z¡ Ges Ae`vb

10| e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi kvmbKvj, 1972-1975

K) ¯‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b

L) msweavb cÖYqb

M) hy× weaŸ ’ †`k cybM©Vb, ciivóª bxwZ

N) mcwiev‡i e½eÜz nZ¨v I Av`wk©K cUcwieZ©b

211501: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh

Introduction: Scope and description of the emergence of Independent Bangladesh

1. Description of the country and its people

a. Geographical features and their influence

b. Ethnic composition

c. Language

d. Cultural syncretism and religious tolerance

e. Distinctive identity of Bangladesh in the context of undivided Bengal

2. Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947

a. Rise of communalism under the colonial rule

b. Lahore Resolution of 1940

c. The proposal of Suhrawardi and Sarat Bose for sovereign undivided Bengal, consequences

d. The creation of Pakistan in 1947

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3. Pakistan: Structure of the state and disparity

a. Central and provincial structure

b. Influence of military and civil bureaucracy

c. Economic, social and cultural disparity

4. Language Movement and quest for Bengali identity

a. Rule by Muslim League and struggle for democratic politics

b. Foundation of Awami League, 1949

c. The Language Movement: context and phases

d. United front of Haque - Bhasani - Suhrawardi: elections of 1954, consequences

5. Military rule: The regimes of Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan (1958-1971)

a. Definition of military rule and its characteristics

b. Ayub Khan‟s rise to power and characteristics of his rule (Political repression, Basic

Democracy, Islamisation)

c. Fall of Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan‟s rule, abolition of One Unit, universal suffrage,

the Legal Framework Order

6. Rise of nationalism and the movement for self determination

a. Resistance against cultural aggression and resurgence of Bengali culture

b. The Six Point Movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

c. Reaction, importance and significance of the Six Point Movement

d. The Agartala Case of 1968

7. The Mass Upsurge of 1969 and the 11 Point Movement

a. Background

b. Programme, significance and consequences

8. Election of 1970, non-cooperation movement and the Declaration of Independence by


a. Election result and centre‟s refusal to comply

b. The non co-operation movement, the 7th March Address of Bangobondhu, Operation


c. Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu and his arrest

9. The War of Liberation 1971

a. Genocide, repression of women and refugees

b. Formation of Bangladesh Government and proclamation of Independence

c. The spontaneous early resistance and subsequent organized resistance (Mukti Fouz,

Mukti Bahini, guerillas and the frontal warfare)

d. Publicity campaign in the War of Liberation (Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the campaigns

abroad and formation of public opinion)

e. Contribution of students, women and the masses (People‟s War)

f. The role of super powers (USSR, USA and China) and the Muslim states in the Liberation War

g. The anti-liberation activities of the occupation army, the Peace Committee, Al-Badar,

Al-Shams, Razakars, pro-Pakistan political parties and Pakistani collaborators, killing of the


h. Trial of Bangobondhu in jail in Pakistan and reaction of the world community

i. Role of the Bengalis living abroad and the civil societies of different countries of the world

j. The contribution of India in the Liberation War

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k. Formation of joint Indo-Bangladesh command and the victory

l. The overall contribution of Bangobondhu and his leadership in the independence struggle

10. The Bangobondhu Regime 1972-1975

a. Homecoming

b. Making of the constitution

c. Reconstruction of the war-ravaged country, foreign policy

d. The murder of Bangobondhu and his family and the ideological turn-around

mnvqK MÖš’ / Recommended Books:

1. bxnviiÄb ivq, evOvjxi BwZnvm, †`ÕR cvewjwks, KjKvZv, 1402 mvj

2. mvjvn& DwÏb Avn‡g` I Ab¨vb¨ (m¤úvw`Z), evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³ msMÖv‡gi BwZnvm 1947-1971, AvMvgx cÖKvkbx,

XvKv, 2002

3. wmivRyj Bmjvg (m¤úvw`Z), evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm 1704-1971, 3 LÛ, GwkqvwUK †mvmvBwU Ae evsjv‡`k, XvKv,


4. W. nviæb-Ai-iwk`, evsjv‡`k: ivRbxwZ, miKvi I kvmbZvwš¿K Dbœqb 1757-2000, wbD GR cvewj‡KkÝ,

XvKv, 2001

5. W. nviæb-Ai-iwk`, evOvwji ivóªwPšÍv I ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Af~¨`q, AvMvgx cÖKvkbx, XvKv, 2003

6. W. nviæb-Ai-iwk`, e½eÜzi Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx cybcv©V, BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm wjwg‡UW, XvKv, 2013

7. W. AvZdzj nvB wkejx I W. †gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki mvsweavwbK BwZnvm 1773-1972, m~eY© cÖKvkb,

XvKv, 2013

8. gybZvwmi gvgyb I RqšÍ Kzgvi ivq, evsjv‡`‡ki wmwfj mgvR cÖwZôvi msMÖvg, Aemi, XvKv, 2006

9. AvwZDi ingvb, Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vj‡bi w`b¸wj: gyw³hy‡×i cÖ¯‘wZ ce©, mvwnZ¨ cÖKvk, XvKv, 1998

10. W. †gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm, 1905-47, Zvgªwjwc, XvKv, 2011

11. W. †gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm, 1947-1971, mgq cÖKvkb, XvKv, 2012

12. ‣mq` Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb, evsjv‡`‡ki ¯vaxbZv hy‡× civkw³i f~wgKv, Wvbv cÖKvkbx, XvKv, 1982

13. Aveyj gvj Ave`yj gywnZ, evsjv‡`k: RvwZiv‡óªi D™¢e, mvwnZ¨ cÖKvk, XvKv, 2000

14. ‡kL gywReyi ingvb, Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx, BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm wjwg‡UW, XvKv 2012

15. wmivR D`&`xb Avn‡g`, GKvˇii gyw³hy×: ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Af~¨`q, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb, XvKv, 2011

16. RqšÍ Kzgvi ivq, evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‰bwZK BwZnvm, myeY© cÖKvkb, XvKv, 2010

17. Dr. Harun-or-Rashid, The Foreshadowing of Bangladesh: Bengal Muslim League and

Muslim Politics, 1906-1947, University Press Limited, Dhaka, 2012

18. Rounaq Jahan, Pakistan: Failure in National Integration, University Press Limited,

Dhaka, 1977

19. Talukder Maniruzzaman, Radical Politics and the Emergence of Bangladesh, Mowla,

Brothers, Dhaka, 2003

20. ‡gmevn Kvgvj I Ckvbx PµeZx©, bv‡Pv‡ji K…lK we‡ ªvn, mgKvjxb ivRbxwZ I Bjv wgÎ, DËiY, XvKv, 2008

21. ‡gmevn Kvgvj, Avmv` I Ebmˇii MYAfy¨Ìvb, weeZ©b, XvKv, 1986

- 0 –

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Department of History

Syllabus for Seven Affi liated Colleges

(Under Dhaka University )

Second Year B.A. Honours Syllabus

Four Year B. A. (Honours) Course

Effective from the Session: 2017-2018

Page 15: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena



Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course

Subject: History

Session: 2017-2018


Paper Code Paper Title Marks Credits 221501 History of South Asia (1526-1757) 100 4

221503 History of Bengal (1204-1765) 100 4 221505 History of Ancient Civilization 100 4 221507 History of Medieval Civilization 100 4



Sociology of Bangladesh


Society and Culture of Bangladesh

100 4


222209 Bangladesh Economy 100 4

Viva-voce 50 2

Total = 650 26

221109 English (Compulsory 100 Non-credit

Page 16: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Detailed Syllabus

Second Year B. A. Honours

Paper Code: 221501 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of South Asia (1526-1757)

1. Sources of Mughal History

2. Conditions of the sub-continent on the eve of the Mughal conquest

3. Mughal and Afghan Rule: (a) Mughal-Afghan conflicts; (b) Babur: battles of Panipath

and the foundation of Mughal rule; (c) Humayun: his difficulties on accession and

Mughal-Afghan conflicts for supremacy, defeat of Humayun; (d) Sher Shah: founder of

the second Afghan empire and his reforms; (e) Akbar: conquest, land revenue systems,

religious policy. Rajput policy, Mansabadari system; (f) Jahangir: influence of Nur

Jahan, rebellion of Khurram and MahabatKhan; (g) Shah Jahan: Deccan and Central

Asian policy, administration, zenith of Mughal empire; (h) Auranzib: deccan and

religious policy.

4. Central and provincial administration, social and economic condition, literature, art and

architecture under the Mughals.

5. Causes of downfall of the Mughal empire.

6. The coming of the European trading companies

7. Anglo-French rivalry in the Deccan, causes of French failure and English success.

8. Anglo-French rivalry in Bengal.

Recommended Books:

1. Ishwari Prashad : A Short History of Muslim Rule in India

2. R. P. Tripathi : Rise and Fall of the Mughal Rule

3. J. N. Sarkar : Fall of the Mughal Empire

4. R. P. Tripathi : Some Aspects of Muslim Administration

5. S. R. Sharma : Religious Policy of the Mughal Empire

6. R. C. Majumdar (ed) : The History and Culture of Indian People

Vol. VIII & Vol. IX Part I

7. P. E. Roberts : History of British India

8. P. Spear : Oxford History of Modern Indian

9. V Smith : Oxford History of India

10. R. C. Majumdar

H. C. Ray Chowdhury &

Kalikindar Dutta : Advanced History of India

11. Avãyj Kwig : fviZxq Dcgnv‡`‡ki gymwjg kvmb e¨e¯’vi BwZnvm

12. cÖYe Kzgvi P‡Ævcva¨vq : fvi‡Zi BwZnvm

13. Gm Iqv‡R` Avwj : AvKe‡ii ivóªmvabv

14. Ave`yj Kwig : fvi‡Zi Dcgnv‡`‡k gymwjg kvmb

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Paper Code: 221503 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Bengal (1204-1765)

1. Sources of the history of medieval Bengal.

2. First phase of Muslim conquest and expansion in Bengal (1200-1322 A.D.)

(a) Bakhtiar Khalji, (b) Ghiyasuddin Iwaz Khalji; (c) Mughisuddin Tughril Khan; (d)

Sultan Shamsuddin Firuz Shah; (e) Circumstances leading to the independence of Bengal

up to Sultan Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah.

3. Second phase of expansion and independent Sultanate: (a) Ilyas Shah, his origin,

consolidation of power, estimation; (b) Raja Ganen (c) Alauddin Husain Shah: his origin,

conquests, character and achievements;

(d) Nusrat Shah.

4. Glories of Illyas Shahi and Husain Shahi periods, Mughal occupation of Bengal by

Akbar and the Battle of Rajmahal; Bengal‟s resistance to Mughal expansion; the Bara

Bhuiyans: Islam Khan.

5. Expansion under the Mughals: Mir Jumla; Shaista Khan his conquests, achievements.

6. Murshid Quli Khan as Dewan (1700-17): Revenue reforms; and as Subahdar (1717-1727).

7. Alivardi Khan: capture of power, Maratha raids.

8. Nawab Sirajuddoullah: Battle of Palashi, its causes, results and impact.

9. Administration and land revenue system under the Sultani, Nawabi and Mughal period.

10. Religious and cultural life under the Sultans (Sufism, Bhakhtibad, Kabir and Nanak)

Recommended Books:

1. J. N. Sarkar : History of Bengal,Vol. 2

2. Abdul Kari : Social History of the Muslims in Bengal (Down to A.D. 1538)

3. M. R. Tarafdar : Husain Shahi Bengal 1494-1938 A.D

4. K. K. Datta : Alibardi Khan and His Times

5. A. C. Roy : Bengal under the Bengal

6. A. M. Chowdhury : Dynastic History of Bengal

7. R. C. Majumder (ed) : History of Ancient Bengal (Vol. I)

8. i‡gk P› ª gRyg`vi : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm (cÖvPxb hyM)

9. Gg.G iwng, Avãyj gwgb †P․ayix

wmivRyj Bmjvg I GweGg gvngy` : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm

10. myLgq gy‡Lvcva¨vq : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnv‡mi y'‡kv eQi: ¯^vaxb myjZvwb Avgj

11. myLgq gy‡Lvcva¨vq : evsjvq gymwjg AwaKv‡ii Avw`ce©

12. Avãyj Kwig : evsjvi BwZnvm (myjZvwb Avgj)

13. Avãyj Kwig : evsjvi BwZnvm gyNj kvmb

14. ggZvRyi ingvb Zid`vi : û‡mb kvnx evsjv (Abyw`Z)

15. Gg. G. iwng : evsjvi mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK BwZnvm (1g I 2q LÛ)

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Paper Code 221505 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Ancient Civilizations

1. Prologue of Civilization

(a) The Stone Age, Paleolithic Age and Evolution of Man: Java Man, Peking Man, Neanderthal

Man, Cro-Magnon Man, their achievements in the later Paleolithic Age (30,000 - 10,000 B.C.),

Mesolithic Age.

(b) Neolithic Age and Neolithic Revolution: characteristics and significance of

Neolithic Revolution.

2. The Genesis of Civilization: factors responsible for growth; various theories.

3. Urban Revolution

Background, criteria and social, economic and political importance of Urban Revolution.

4. Egyptian Civilization: conditions for the growth of civilization, Egypt was „the Gift

of the Nile,‟ socio-economic condition, religion, intellectual achievements, writing,

science, art and architecture.

5. Mesopotamian Civilization:

(a) the Sumerian Civilization: system of law (Code of Dungi), religion,

intellectual achievements, system of writing (Cuneiform), literature, art and science.

(b) The Babylonian civilization: system of law (Code of Hammurabi), religion.

6. Persian Civilization: system of government, Zoroastrianism, a revealed religion, Mithraism,

Manichaeism, Gnosticism, the combined influence of the several off-shoots of Zoroastrianism, art

and architecture.

7. Phoenician Civilization: economy, religion and the alphabet

8. Hebrew Civilization: origin of the Hebrews, their gradual expansion and settlement religious

evolution, intellectual achievements, law, literature.

9. The Chinese Civilization: feudalism, administration and civil service, philosophy, art

10. The Greek Civilization

(a) Hellenic and Hellenistic civilization: the Homeric Age, evolution of City States, the armed

camp of Sparta, evolution of democracy, the Athenian triumph, tragedy and political debacle,

factors influencing the process of political development;

(b) the legacy of Greece: art, literature, history, philosophy and science.

11. Roman Civilization

The founding of Rome: system of government, early and late republic, from republic to empire.

Class struggle between the Patricians and the plebeians, Roman law, religion, philosophy, art.

Recommended Books:

1. Arnold J. Toynbee: A Study of History 10 volumes, Abridged by D.C. Somervell

2. V. Gordon Childe: Man Makes Himself

3. Walter Wallbank, Alastair Taylor & Nels Baikey: Civilization Past and Present, Volume 1. 4. Burns and P. Ralph: World Civilizations. 5. H.A. Davis: An Outline History of the world. 6. Edward Mcnall Burns, Robert Lerner, Standish Meacham: Western Civilization their History and

their Culture

7. J. E. Swain: A History of World Civilization.

8. Chester G. Starr: A History of Ancient world (New York, 1974)

9. Avey ‡gvt †`‡jvqvi †nv‡mb, †gvt Avãyj KzÏm wmK`vi: mf¨Zvi BwZnvm cÖPxb I ga¨hyM

10. iZb jvj PµeËx©: mf¨Zvi cUf~wg

11. G †K Gg kvnbvIqvR: wek mf¨Zvi cÖvPxb hyM

12. Gd. Gg. kvgmyi ingvb: cÖvPxb c„w_ex

13. byiæbœvnvi †eMg: gvby‡li BwZnvm cÖvPxb hyM

14. G. Gg. AvgRv`: mf¨Zvi BwZnvm cÖvPxb hyM

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15. •mq` Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb: cÖvPxb Pxb mf¨Zv

Paper Code 221507 Marks:

100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Medieval Civilization

1. "The Middle Ages"; Meaning and Periodisation

2. Spread of Christianity in Europe.

3. Feudalism: origin, development, characteristic, relationship between Lord and Vassal, its

merits and de-merits.

4. Manor system: origin and development, characteristics, administration of Manor, status

and duties of the people in the Manor, peasant life in Manor, relationship between Lord

and Serf.

5. The Age of Chivalry: Chivalry in feudal society, impact, attitudes towards women,

training for knight-hood, Heraldry, Nobles and their lifestyle, origin and development,

characteristics of knighthood, decline of Chivalry.

6. Monasticism: origin, institution of cloister life, Revolutionary effects, creation of regular

clergy, St. Basil, St. Benedict and St. Augustine, missionary activities of the monks,

impact of monasticism.

7. Rise of Papacy: origin, Doctrine of Apostolic Succession, Economical Council, Gregory

the Great (590-604) and Society or Christian Commonwealth, Holy Roman Empire,

Conflict between Church and the State: investiture conflict,

8. The rise of the towns: origin, causes of the rise of the Towns, development of the Towns,

urban centres, results of the rise of the towns.

9. Trade in the Middle Ages: barriers to trade, revival of trade, medieval fairs, merchants

and Guilds and their activities, development of money economy and banking system,

impact of the rise of trade.

10. Mediaeval education and rise of universities: origin of universities, two systems:

Bologna and Paris, the collegiate system, nature of the medieval universities, curriculum

and degrees, legacy of mediaeval universities, importance of universities.

Recommended Books:

1. Wallbank, Taylor : Civilization Past and Present, vol. I

2. J. W. Thompson : The Middle Ages (No.1.2)

3. J. E. Swain : A History of World Civilization

4. Carlo M. Cipolla (ed.) : The Middle Ages (C.500-c,1500)

5. Maurice Keen : A History of Medieval Europe

6. Joseph R. Starayer and Dano Carleton Munro: The Middle Ages 395-1500

7. G. G. Coulton : Medieval Village, Manor and Monastery.

8. Car Stephenson : Medieval History From the Second to the sixteen Century

9. Carl Stephenson : Medieval Feudalism

10. Avey †gv. †`jIqvi †nv‡mb I Ave`yj KzÏym wmK`vi : mf¨Zvi BwZnvm, cÖvPxb I ga¨hyM

11. wbg©jP› ª `Ë : ga¨hy‡Mi BD‡ivc, 1g I 2q LÛ

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Paper Code 222009 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: Sociology of Bangladesh

1. The Sociological Background of Bangladesh: The Ecological Background Context-The

Nature of Village Society-Religion, Culture & Ethnicity-The British Colonialism and its

impact-Pakistan era: the internal colonialism-emergence of Bangladesh: Language

Movement-Historic speech of Sheikh Mujib on 7th

March 1971-Liberaton War.

2. Population and Ethnicity: Population composition: age-sex-marital status-literacy-labor

force-Population change: fertility-mortality-migration and population control-Ethic groups

in Bangladesh.

3. Marriage, Family and Socialization: Changing pattern of marriage and divorce-Changing

patterns of family and kinship –Cultural change and nature of socialization.

4. Economy of Bangladesh: Real economy: farm and non-farm activities-problems of

agrarian transformation-Urban Economy: industrial growth-working class-underclass-

Informal economy. Problems of industrialization-Migration: Rural-urban migration.

International migration: remittance economy.

5. Social Inequality and Poverty: Nature of social inequality in Bangladesh-Income

inequality, gender inequality, ethic inequality, status inequality-Growth and nature of

middle class-Poverty tends.

6. Politics: Nature of the state, bureaucracy and political parties in Bangladesh-Political

culture-governance problems in Bangladesh-Local governments in Bangladesh.

7. Rural Society and Urbanization: Agrarian structure: Land tenure and class structure-

Community and power structure: samaj- salish- patron- client relationship.

8. Crime and Deviance: Pattern and forms of crime in Bangladesh-Penology and correctional

methods in Bangladesh-Policy, Civil Society and prevention of crime in Bangladesh.

9. Culture: Pattern of religious beliefs and rituals in Bangladesh-Social groups and language-

Pattern of cultural change: modernization-Problems of cultural identity: role of language,

religion and ethics-Globalization of culture: cultural dependency-local culture.

10. Education: Structure of education: Primary-Secondary-Higher Education and social

structure: differential access to education-class and social mobility-socialization and social

control-Changing pattern of education: Institutional expansion-changes in curriculum-

enrollment-dropout-Education policy: problems and prospects.

Recommended Books:

1. Nazmul Karim, Dynamics of Bangladesh Society

2. A. M. Chowdhury and Fakrul Alam (eds.), Bangladesh at the Threshold of the Twenty-

first Century, Dhaka: Asiatic Society, 2002

3. Anwarullah Chowdhury, Agrarian Social Relations and Rural Development in

Bangladesh, New Delhi, Oxford/IBH

4. Kamal Siddiqui, Jagatpur, Dhaka:UPL, 2000

5. Ashabur Rahman, Bangladesher Krishi Kathamo, UPL, 1986

6. Akbar Ali Khan, Discovery of Bangladesh, Dhaka, UPL, 1996.

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Paper Code 222115 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: Society and Culture of Bangladesh

1. Social and cultural background of Bangladesh society: People, Language, Ethnicity and Patterns

of rural and urban community.

2. Social institution, organization, Family, Marriage, Kinship, etc.

3. Agrarian social structure, Land tenure system and land reforms, Agrarian relations and modes of

production in Bangladesh. New method of farming, Rural electricity and communication network

and their impact on social structure.

4. Rural power-structure, Formal and informal power-structure, Changing power-structure and

leadership in contemporary Bangladesh.

5. Social rank and social stratification, Social class, Status groups, Caste and class, New urban class,

Civil society, Intelligentsia, etc.

6. Ethnicity and Tribal society in Bangladesh, Changes in Tribal societies, Major factors of change

missing action exposure to media, politicisation and expansion of education.

7. Bangladesh society and culture in transition, Current trend, Impact of urbanization,

industrialization on contemporary Bangladesh society and culture.

8. Rural development programmes in Bangladesh, Role of NGO and government organization for

social development.

9. Women and cultural change: Attempts of women empowerment from local level to national level,

Emerging new roles, Participation in public affairs, Special programme of women development,

Enterprising urban women, Women rights and awareness building by GO and NGOs. Special

programmes for mother and child health education.

10. The religion of the majority, Islamic norms and values, views and practices in societal level,

Islamic education vs secular education, Islam and political mobilization, Modernising factors

inherent in and Islamic culture.

Recommended Books: 1. Ahmed, Karmruddin : Social History of Bangladesh

2. Ester Boserup : Women's Role in Economic Development

3. Gunsen, Eric : Rural Bangladesh Society

4. Irene Tinker : Women and World Development

5. Islam, Md. Nural : Role of Agriculture in Socio-economic Development

6. Islam, Md. Nural : Social Mobility and Elite Formation in Rural Society of Bangladesh

7. Karim, Nazmul : Dynamics of Bangladesh Society

8. Margaret Mead : Male and Female: A Study of the sexes in Changing world

9. R.K. Mukherjee : The Dynamics of Rural Society

10. Salma Sobhan : Legal Status of Women in Bangladesh

11. Sen, Rangalal : Political Elite in Bangladesh

12. UNESCO : Women in South Asia.

13. Westergard : Rural Society. State & Class in Bangladesh

14. Women for Women : Situation of Women in Bangladesh

15. Women for Women : Women for Women in Bangladesh

16. Hunter, W.W. : The Indian Musalmans

17. e`iDÏxb Dgi : wPi ’vqx e‡›`ve Í evsjv‡`‡ki K…lK

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18. Abycg †mb : evsjv‡`k: ivóª I mgvR

19. Aveyj gbmyi Avn‡g` : evsjv‡`‡ki KvjPvi

20. Ave yj gI`y` : ga¨weË mgv‡Ri µgweKvk

Paper Code 222209 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Paper Title: Bangladesh Economy

1. Macroeconomic Situation: Bangladesh Economy: Growth, Savings and Investment-

Inflation-Fiscal Sector-Monetary and Financial Sector-Money & Credit, Interest Rate,

Capital Markets-External Sec-tor: Exports, Imports, Expatriate Employment &

Remittances, Balance of Payments, Foreign Ex-change Reserve, Exchange Rate-

Medium Term Macro Economic Framework-Reform Programs-Agriculture-Industry-

State-Owned Enterprises-Power & Energy-Transport & Communication-Human

Resource Development-Poverty Alleviation-Private Sector Development-Environment

& Development.

2. GDP, Saving and Investment: Sector wise Growth of GDP-Savings-Investment.

3. Prices, Wages and Employment: Consumer Price Index & Inflation-Wage-Labor Force

& Employment-Overseas Employment and Remittances.

4. Fiscal Policy and Management: Fiscal Policy-Government Receipts-Tax Management-

Revenue Collection Activities-Public Expenditure-Expenditure under ADP-

Composition of ADP Expenditure by Major Sectors-Budget Balance and Financing-

Resources for ADP-Public Debt Management.

5. Monetary Management and Financial Market Development: Monetary Policy &

Monetary Management-Money & Credit Situation-Financial Market Management-

Banking Sector-Non-Banking Financial Institutions-Interest Rate Movement-Financing

in Agriculture, Industry & SMEs -Financial Sector Management and Policy Reforms-

Capital Market & Capital Market Scenario.

6. External Sector: World Trade Scenario-Export and Import Policy, Simplification of

Tariff Structure-Reduction of Tariff-Export Policy-Steps towards Export Development-

World Trade Organization and Bangladesh-Regional Trade Agreement: APTA, SAFTA,

BIMSTECFTA, TPS-OIC, D-8, SAPTA, Balance of Payments-Export Position and

Composition of Export Commodities, Country wise Export Earnings-Country wise

Import Payment-Exchange Rate Policy-Foreign Exchange Reserve.

7. Agriculture: Management of Agriculture: Food Grains Production-Food Budget-Seed

and Planning Materials-Fertilizer-Irrigation-Agricultural Credit-Budget Allocation for

Agricultural Sector-Development Activities in Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock


8. Industry: Size and Growth Rate of Manufacturing Sector-Quantum Index of Production

of manufacturing Industries-SMEs-BSCIC-Production Performance of State Owned

Enterprises (SOEs)-Reform programs in State Owned Industrial Sector-Industrial

Investment Status: Industrial Loan-Bangladesh Export Processing Zones.

9. State Owned Enterprises: Non-Financial Public Enterprises of Bangladesh-Production

and Factor Income of SOE Sector-Net profit/Loss-Contribution to public Exchequer-

Government Grant/Subsidy-Debt Service Liabilities-Bank Loan-Financial Performance

of SOE Sector.

10. Power and Energy: Contribution of Electricity in GDP and its Growth Rate-Present

Power Generation Scenario-Transmission and Distribution-Power generation program-

Transmission System-Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation.

11. Transport and Communication: Road and Highways-Activities of Bridges Division-

Bangladesh Railway-Water Transport-Air Transport-Information and Communication-

Postal Service.

12. Human Development: Human Development and public Outlay for the social Sector-

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Education and Technology-Women Development-ICT Program and Education-

Education Policy 2010-Helth Sector Development-Women and Children Affairs-Social

Welfare Activities-Youth and Sports-Cultural Affairs-Labor and Employment.

13. Poverty Alleviation: Attainment of Millennium Development Goals-Poverty Reduction

Strategy Framework-Measurement of the incidence of Poverty in Bangladesh-Trends of

Poverty-Poverty Alleviation Programs. Employment generation program for the

poorest-Activities of the Department of Cooperatives-Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) for Poverty Alleviation.

14. Private Sector Development: Developing a Private Investment Friendly Environment-

Industrial Reforms-Investment Scenario-Privatization of State-Owned Enterprise-Public

Private Partnership-Privatization activities in various sectors in the economy.

15. Environment and Development: World Environment Movement-Kyoto Protocol-Clean

Development Mechanism (CDM) Activities-The Major Environmental Problems of

Bangladesh-The Government Initiatives to Address Environmental Protection and

Development-Climate Change and state of Vulnerability of Bangladesh.

Recommended Books

1. Islam, Mujahidul, S. M., Bangladesh Economy (Latest Edition)

2. Bangladesh Economic Review (Latest Edition), Ministry of Finance

3. Annual Report, Bangladesh Bank (Current Issue)

4. The Millennium Development Goals, Bangladesh Progress Report, GED,

Planning Commission, BBS

5. World Economic Outlook, April 2011, IMF

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Paper Code 221109 Marks: 100 Non-Credit

Paper Title: English (Compulsory)

Aims and objectives of this Paper: To develop students’ English language skills, to enable them to benefit personally and professionally. The four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing will be integrated to encourage better language use.

1. Reading and understanding 54=20 Students will be expected to read passages they might come across in their everyday life, such as newspapers, magazines, general books etc. Simple stories will also be included to give students a familiarity with different uses of the language. [N.B.: 5 Questions are to be answered. Each question will carry 4 marks. There may be division in each question] a) Understanding different purposes and types of readings

b) Guessing word-meaning in context.

c) Understanding long sentences d) Recognizing main ideas and supporting ideas.

e) Answering comprehension questions.

f) Writing summaries.

2. Writing 40 a) Writing correct sentences, completing sentences and combining sentences. 5 b) Situational writing: Posters, notices, slogans, memos, advertisements etc. 4 c) Paragraph writing: Structure of a paragraph; topic sentences; developing ideas;

writing a conclusion; types of paragraphs (narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive); techniques of paragraph development (such as listing, cause and effect, comparison and contrast). 8

Or, d) Newspaper writing: Reports, press releases dialogues etc. e) Writing resume©s.

Or, 8 f) Writing letters: Formal and informal letters, letters to the editor, request letters, job

applications, complaint letters etc. g) Essay: Generating ideas; outlining; writing a thesis sentence; writing the essay:

writing introductions, developing ideas, writing conclusions; revising and editing. 15

3. Grammar 25 a) Word order of sentences.

b) Framing questions.

c) Tenses, articles, subject-verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, verbs, phrasal verbs, conditionals, prepositions and prepositional phrases, infinitives, participles, gerunds. (Knowledge of grammar will be tested through contextualised passages).

d) Punctuation.

4. Developing vocabulary

Using the dictionary, suffixes, prefixes, synonyms, antonyms, changing word forms (from verb to noun etc.) and using them in sentences. 10

5. Translation from Bengali to English. 15=5

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6. Speaking skills:

Speaking skills should be integrated with writing and reading in classroom activities.

The English sound system; pronunciation skills; the IPA system; problem sounds, vowels, consonants and diphthongs; lexical and syntactic stress.

(Writing dialogue and practicing it orally students can develop their speaking skill. Dialogue

writing can be an item in writing test.)

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Department of History

Syllabus for Seven Affi liated Colleges

(Under Dhaka University)

Third Year B.A. Honours Syllabus

Four Year B. A. (Honours) Course

Effective from the Session: 2017-2018

Page 27: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena



Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course

Subject: History

Session: 2017-2018




Paper Title Marks Credits

231501 History of Bengal (1765-1905) 100 4

231503 History of South Asia (1757-1857) 100 4

231505 History of West Asia (1560-1914) 100 4

231507 History of USA (1776-1860) 100 4

231509 History of England (1485 to 1945) 100 4

231511 History of Africa since Colonial Period 100 4

231513 History of Europe (1453-1815) 100 4

231515 Far East and South-East Asia in Modern Times 100 4

Total = 800 32

Page 28: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Detailed Syllabus

Third Year B. A. Honours

Paper Code 231501 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Bengal (1765-1905)

1. Acquisition of Dewani by the East India Company and the Dual Administration.

2. Movements against the British during the company‟s rule.

Fakir-Sanyasi Rebellion/ Resistance

Rangpur Rebellion

Rebellion of Balki Shah

Aga Mohammad Reza

Paglapanthi Rebellion

Santal Rebellion

Chakma rising

Rebellion of Titumir

3. Faraizi and Wahabi movement

4. Western Education: the Anglicist- Orientalist debate

5. Political consciousness during the British rule and foundation of associations : Zamindars

Association, Bengal British India Society, British India Association, Anjumane Islamia and India


6. Bengal Renaissance: Raja Rammohan Roy, The Young Bengal Movement, Hindu Widow

Remarriage Act.

7. Nawab Abdul Latif and Syed Amir Ali.

8. Act of 1859 and the Tenancy Act, 1885

9. Partition of Bengal (1905): background. Arguments for the Partition of Bengal.

Implementation of the partition scheme.

Recommended Books:

1. Ramsay Muir : The Making of British India.

2. N. Chaterji : Bengal under the Dewani Administration

3. K. M. Mohsin : A Bengal District in Transition (1965-1793)

4. Sirajul Islam : The Permanent Settlement in Bengal.

5. A. N. Chandra : The Sannyasi Rebellion.

6. Muinuddin Ahmed Khan : A History of Faraizi Movement in Bengal.

7. Blair Kling : The Blue Mutiny.

8. Sufia Ahmed : Muslim Community in Bengal 1884-1912.

9. Nurul H. Choudhury : Peasant Radicalism in Nineteenth Century Bengal: The

Farazi, Indigo and Pabna Movement 10. wmivRyj Bmjvg (m¤úvw`Z) : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm (3q LÛ)

11. Avãyj iwng I Ab¨vb¨ : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm

12. wmivRyj Bmjvg : Dcwb‡ewkK kvmb KvVv‡gv|

13. wmivRyj Bmjvg : evsjv‡`‡ki fzwg e¨e¯’v I mvgvwRK KvVv‡gv

14. i‡gk P› ª gRyg`vi : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm, ga¨ I AvaywbK hyM

15. G. Avi. gwjøK : weªwUk kvmbbxwZ I gymjgvb

16. gybZvmxi gvgyb (m¤úvw`Z) : wPi¯’vqx e‡›`ve¯Í I evOvjx mgvR

17. gybZvmxi gvgyb (m¤úvw`Z) : e½ f½

18. Avãyi iwng : evsjvi gymjgvb‡`i BwZnvm

19. Kgj `vm¸ß : bxj we‡ ªvn

20. webq †Nvl : evsjvi beRvMwZ

21. gynv¤§` Bbvg Dj nK : fvi‡Zi gymjgvb I ¯^vaxbZv Av‡›`vjb 1707-1947

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Paper Code 231503 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of South Asia (1757-1857)

1. The Rise of the English power in Bengal

2. Clive‟s second Governorship of Bengal 1765-67

3. Warren Hastings (1772-85): administrative and judicial reforms and policy of expansion

4. Experiments on land revenue system 1765-1993

5. Administrative reforms of Cornwallis, 1786-93

6. Lord Wellesley, 1798-1805

7. Mysore under Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan

8. Lord Hastings and establishment of British Paramountcy in India

9. William Bentinck, 1828-35

10. Lord Dalhousie, 1848-56

11. Constitutional development: Regulating Act and the Charters Acts

12. Impact of East India Company‟s rule on administrative and agrarian structure, traditional

industries, judiciary and education.

13. The Great Revolt (Sepoy Mutiny) of 1857: its causes, nature.

Recommended Books:

1. Sumit Sarker : Modern India

2. P. E. Roberts : History of British India

3. K. K. Aziz : British and Muslim India

4. P. Spear : The Oxford History of Modern India 1740-1947

5. Gurmak Nihal Singh: Constitutional History of India (1740-1947)

6. E. Muir : The Making of British India

7. V. D. Mahajon : Modern Indian History

8. mywgZ miKvi : AvaywbK fviZ

9. cÖYe Kzgvi P‡Ævcva¨vq : AvaywbK fviZ (1g I 2q LÐ)

10. mgi Kzgvi gwjøK : AvaywbK fvi‡Zi †`ok eQi (1707-1857)

11. mgi Kzgvi gwjøK : AvaywbK fvi‡Zi iƒcvšÍi (ivR †_‡K ¯ivR (1858-1947)

12. KvwjcÖmbœ gwjøK †mb ¸ß: AvaywbK fviZ

13. Ave`yi iwng : evsjvi gymjgvb‡`i BwZnvm

14. mij P‡Ævcva¨vq : fvi‡Zi ¯^vaxbZv msMÖv‡gi µgweKvk

15. G. †K. Gg. Ave`yj Avjxg: fvi‡Zi gymwjg ivR‡Z¡i BwZnvm

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Paper Code 231505 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of West Asia (1560-1914)

1. Ottoman dynasty: decline and attempts at revival

2. Reforms of Salim II (1566-1574)

3. Later Ottoman Empire: reforms of Abdul Hamid I, Sultan Selim III

4. Mahmud II (1808-1839), the Greek War of Independence, relations with Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt.

5. Abdul Majid (1839-1861) and the beginning of the Tanjemat,

6. Sultan Abdul Hamid II: (a) Constitutional Movement (b) Young Turk Movement.

7. The Ottoman Institutions, society and culture

8. Egypt: (a) the French occupation, French administration, its importance and, (b) Mohammad Ali Pasha, reforms and foundation of modern Egypt.

9. Egypt under the Khedives: Khedive Ismail, European crisis over Egypt

10. Khedive Mohammad Tawfique, political instability in Egypt, British occupation of Egypt and Sudan (1882)

11. Egypt under the British occupation: nature of British Rule, British administration in Egypt, Nationalist Movement in Egypt upto 1914

12. The decline of Kaisar dynasty in Iran.

Recommended Books:

1. P. Sykes : History of the Middle East 2. George E. Kirk : A short History of Middle East 3. Jacob : History of the Ottoman Empire 4. Philips Price : A History of Turkey (from Empire to Republic) 5. Yahya Armyani : Middle East Past and Present. 6. A. H. Hourani : The Emergence of the Modern Middle East 7. A. S. Marsat : A Short History of Modern Egypt. 8. Nikshoy Ghattori Chattoryi : A History of Modern Middle East. 9. Bqvwnqv AvigvRvbx (Aby. Bbvg Dj nK) : ga¨cÖvP¨ AZxZ I eZ©gvb

10. gynv¤§` Avjx AvmMi Lvb : AvaywbK Zzi‡¯‹i BwZnvm

11. Gbvgyj nK : AvaywbK Bivb, Zzi¯‹ I wgki

12. gymv Avbmvix : AvaywbK wgk‡ii HwZnvwmK weKvk aviv

13. mwdDÏxb †Rvqvi`vi : AvaywbK ga¨cÖvP¨, cÖ_g I wØZxq LÛ

14. •mq` gvngy`yj nvmvb : gymwjg I AvaywbK we‡k¦i BwZnvm

15. Avkivd DÏxb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi gymwjg BwZnvm (1258-1800)

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Paper Code 231507

Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60


Paper Title: History of USA (1776-1860)

1. Background of the American Revolution and Paris Peace Treaty (1783)

2. Confederation Era: The Articles of Confederation, its Failure

3. The Philadelphia Convention (1787) and the main features of the US constitution of 1789

4. Administration of George Washington, reforms of Hamilton, the Secretary of Treasury.

5. Foreign policy of the Federalists, rise of political Parties.

6. Republican Era: administration of Thomas Jefferson and his Democratic Ideals, War of 1812,

background and effects, Monroe Doctrine (1823) and its impact.

7. Westward Expansion: causes and Historical Significance

8. Administration of Andrew Jackson: democratic ideals and administrative policy

9. Mexican-American War (1848): causes and effects.

Recommended Books:

1. Hicks & Mowry : A Short History of American Democracy

2. Morrison & Commager : The Growth of the American Republic

3. H. B. Parkes : The United States of America- A History

4. Nevins and Commager : A Short History of United States

5. Remis : The Diplomatic History of the United States

6. Reard & Beard : The Rise of the American Civilization, vol. I & II.

7. Kvwd Lvb : Av‡gwiKvi mswÿß BwZnvm

8. gwimb, K‡gRvi I wjDK‡UbevM ©: Av‡gwiKv cÖRvZ‡š¿i BwZnvm

9. †WMjvi : Av‡gwiKv t AZxZ †_‡K AvaywbK Av‡gwiKv cÖRvZ‡š¿i iƒc †iLv

10. †gvt Avãyj KzÏym wmK`vi : Av‡gwiKv hy³iv‡óªi BwZnvm, 1776-1945

11. †WMjvi : Av‡gwiKv: AZxZ †_‡K AvaywbK

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Paper Code 231509 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of England (1485 to 1945)

1. War of Roses and the foundation of Tudor dynasty.

2. Henry VIII: restoration of royal power, king and parliament, relation with Ireland, commercial

policy, foreign policy.

3. Henry VIII: administrative system, conflict with Pope and English Reformation, abolition of

monastery, relation with Parliament, Irish policy, foreign policy.

4. Elizabeth: Church Settlement, relation with Parliament, foreign policy, Irish policy.

5. James I: Administrative measures, religious policy, relation with Parliament.

6. Charles I: Religious policy, relation with Parliament, “Eleven Years Tyranny”, foreign policy,

Long Parliament, the beginning of Civil War and constitutional experiments under Cromwell.

7. Restoration and Charles II: Restoration settlement, domestic policy, foreign policy, relation with


8. James II: Glorious Revolution, (1688), its causes and results

9. George I and George II: Robert Walpole, his economic reforms, Pitt the Elder, Jacobite risings.

10. Industrial Revolution: Definition causes and results.

11. American was of Independence: causes and results.

12. England, the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte

13. Parliamentary reform: Reform Act of 1832 and the Chartist Movement.

14. Benjamin Disraeli: Disraeli as a conservative politician.

15. William Edward Gladstone: reforms, Irish policy, foreign policy.

16. Parliamentary Act of 1911

17. Britain and the two World Wars.

Recommended Books:

1. Adams, G. Burton : Constitutional History of England

2. Brett. S. Reed : British History 1485-1688

3. Brett. S. Reed : British History 1689-1785

4. Keir, Sir David Lindsay : The Constitutional History of Modern Britain Since 1485

5. Lockyer Roger : Tudor and Stuart Britain 1471-1714

6. Tanner, J. R. : Tudor Constitutional Documents, A.D. 1485-1603

7. Tanner, J. R. : English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century

8. Trevelyan, G. M : England under the Stuarts

9. Green, V. H. H : The Hanoverians 1783-1939.

10. Muir, Ramsay : A Short History of the British Commonwealth, Vol. I & II

11. Rovertson, Sir Charles Grant : England under the Hanoverians

12. J. A. R. Marriott : England Since Waterloo

13. W. Iqv‡R` Avjx : Bsj¨v‡Ûi BwZnvm

14. W. Gg kg‡ki Avjx : Bsj¨v‡Ûi ivR‰bwZK I kvmbZvwš¿K BwZnvm wUDWi I ÷zqvU© Avgj

15. G. we. Gg kvgmywÏb Avn‡g` : AvaywbK Bsj¨v‡Ûi BwZnvm

Page 33: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 231511 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Africa since Colonial Period

1. Pre-colonial Africa: ancient and medieval Period

2. Geography, climate, resources and geo-political importance of Africa.

3. The Scramble for Africa: coming of the European powers.

4. African response

5. Colonial rule in Africa: foundation of the colonial rule and its causes.

6. Colonial administration: characteristics of colonial administrative system: influence of colonial

Rule on African society, politics and economy.

7. Africa between the two World Wars: nationalism and Pan-Africanism.

8. The road to independence: de-colonization, different phases and the Independence of Nigeria,

Congo, Ghana and Senegal.

9. Problems of independent Africa: (a) political instability, (b) border disputes, (c) democracy, (d)

economy, (e) military rule, (f) national integration, (g) socialism and communism, (h) neo-

colonialism, (i) apartheid.

10. Efforts at African integrity and unity: a) Non-alignment movement, B) Organization of African

Unity (OAU), African Union (AU)

11. Africa in world affairs: (a) United States and Africa, (b) Soviet Russia and Africa, (c) China and

Africa, (d) United Nations Organization (UNO) and Africa.

Recommended Books:

1. J. M. Mackenzie : The Partition of Africa

2. James Cameron : The African Revolution

3. R. W. July : A History of the African People

4. T. Walter Wallbank : Contemporary Africa

5. Robin Hallett : Africa Since 1875

6. T. L. Hodjkin : Nationalism and Colonialism in Africa

7. J. D. Fage : A History of Africa

8. Colin Leguem : Africa: A Hadbook

9. Basil Davidson : The Africans An Entry to Cultural History

10. Geoge Peter Murdock : Africa: Its Peoples and their culture, History

11. Vinant Bakpetu Thompson: Africa and Unity of the Evolution of Pan-Africanism.

12. Roland Oliver & Anothony: Africa since 1800.

Anthony Atmore

13. Avey †gv. †`‡jvqvi †nv‡mb,

†gvnv¤§` †Mvjvg mvKjv‡qb mvKx,

†gvt gziv` †nv‡mb Lvb : Avwd«Kvi BwZnvm

14. mywgZ e‡›`vcva¨vq : Avwd«Kvi wPÎ

15. aªæe ¸ß : cwðg Avwd«Kvi BwZnvm

17. nicÖmv` P‡Ævcva¨vq : `wÿY Avwd«Kvi BwZnvm

18. aªæe ¸ß (m¤úvw`Z) : `wÿY Avwd«Kv

19. †bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv : msMÖvgB Avgvi Rxeb

20. kixdDwÏb Avn‡g` : µvwšÍKv‡j Ac~e© `wÿY Avwd«Kv

Page 34: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 231513 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Europe (1453-1815)

1. Transition from Medieval to Modern Period

2. Renaissance: definition, Italian Renaissance and characteristics

3. Reformation and Counter Reformation movements, and the results of the religious movements.

4. Geographical discoveries: causes, main discoveries and effects.

5. Charles V and Philip II

6. Dutch War of Independence

7. Foundation of the Bourbon Dynasty in France and Henry IV

8. Cardinal Richelieu.

9. Thirty years War: causes, results and significance.

10. Peter, the Great.

11. Internal and foreign policies of Louis XIV

12. Enlightened Despots: Frederick William II, Maria Theresa, Joseph II and Catherine II,

13. Austrian War of Succession: causes and results.

14. Seven Years War: causes and results

15. Partition of Poland.

16. Mercantilism: development of industries, trade & commerce.

17. France on the eve of the Revolution of 1789: political, social, economic conditions and the

writings of the intellectuals.

18. The works of the National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

19. Reign of Terror (1739-94)

20. The Directory

21. Napoleon: reforms, Continental system, downfall.

Recommended Books:

1. R. Ergang : Europe From Renaissance to Waterloo 2. C. J. H. Hayes : Modern Europe to 1870 3. Burns : Western Civilization 4. Wakeman : The Ascendancy of France 5. Riker : A History of Modern Europe 6. V. H. H. Green : Renaissance and Reformation 7. Wallbank and Taylor : Civilization: Past and Present, Vol. 2. 8. myfvl iÄb PµeZx© : BD‡iv‡ci BwZnvm

9. Aveyj Kvjvg : divmx wecø‡ei cUf~wg

10. Aveyj Kvjvg : divmx wecø‡ei BwZnvm

11. cÖdzjø Kzgvi PµeZx© : †qv‡iv‡ci BwZnvm 1789-1919

12. cyj‡Kk ivq, mvqšÍb `vm : DËi‡Yi c‡_ BD‡ivc (1400-1700)

13. ixjv gyLvRx© : iƒcvšÍwiZ BD‡ivc (900-1800)

14. †gvt kvn AvjgMxi : BD‡iv‡ci BwZnvm 1789-1945

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Paper Code 231515 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: Far East and South-East Asia in Modern Times

Part A: Far East: From the Opening of China upto 1939

1. Introduction: general overview of China: land and people, society, economy, political structure

2. Opening of China: background, Opium Wars, Unequal Treaties. Open Door Policy.

3. Chinese reaction and resistance: Taiping rebellion, Boxer Movement. Hundred Days‟ Reforms

4. Nationalist Movements in China: Chinese Revolution of 1911, its causes and results

5. China in Transformation: The Nationalist Revolution, 1920-28, China under Chiang K‟ai Shek,

the birth of Communist Party: the Kuomintang and Communist Alliance, the rise of Mao

6. Opening of Japan: The Perry Mission 1868, the opening of Japan, the end of Shogunate. Meiji

Restoration, Sino-Japanese war 1894-95, Russo-Japanese war 1904-05.

7. The Washington Conference (1921-22)

8. Japanese aggressions in China, 1931

9. Indonesia: rise of Indonesian nationalism. political parties, Indonesian Revolution and


10. Malaysia: British rule in Malaya states, emergence of nationalist movement and independence.

Recommended Books:

1. Beasley, W.G. : The Modern History of Japan

2. Clyde and Beers : The Far East: A History of the Western

Impact and the Eastern Response (1830-1970),

3. Crowley, J.B. : Modern East Asia: Essays in Interpretation,

4. Farmen, Hambley : Comparative History of Civilizations in Asia, Vol II, 1986.

5. Hsu, Immanuel C.Y. : The Rise of Modern Chin.

6. Vinacke, H.A. : A History of the Far East in Modern Times.

7. W. wm×v_© ¸n ivq : AvaywbK ~icÖvP¨: Pxb Rvcv‡bi BwZnvm

8. nicÖmv` P‡Ævcva¨vq : Px‡bi BwZnvm

9. nicÖmv` P‡Ævcva¨vq : Rvcv‡bi BwZnvm

10. Sardesai : Southeast Asia: Past and Present. 11. Hall : Southeast Asia.

12. Legge : Indonesia.

13. Bastin & Benda : A History of Modern South East Asia.

14. Miller : A Short History of Malaysia.

15. John F Cady : South-East Asia.

16. gymv Avbmvix : B‡›`v‡bwkqv I gv‡jqwkqvi HwZnvwmK µgweKvk

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Department of History

Syllabus for Seven Affi liated Colleges

(Under Dhaka University)

Fourth Year B.A. Honours Syllabus

Four Year B. A. (Honours) Course

Effective from the Session: 2017-2018

Page 37: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena



Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course

Subject: History

Session: 2017-2018


Paper Code Paper Title Marks Credits

241501 History of South Asia (1857-1947) 100 4

241503 History of Bengal (1905-1947) 100 4

241505 Constitutional History of India under British

Colonial Rule (1773-1947)

100 4

241507 West Asia in Modern Times upto 1945 100 4

241509 History of Russia and USSRupto 1945 100 4

241511 History of USA(1861-1945) 100 4

241513 History of Europe(1815-1939) 100 4

241515 Bangladesh: National Culture and Heritage 100 4

241517 History of Resistance Movements and Subalterns

(Selected Topics)

100 4

241518 Viva-voce 100 4

Total = 1000 40

Page 38: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Detailed Syllabus

Fourth Year B. A. Honours

Paper Code 241501 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



History of South Asia (1857-1947)

1. Effects of the Revolt of 1857; abolition of the Company‟s rule in India. Detailed Syllabus

2. Administrative reorganisation under the Crown

3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and the Aligarh Movement

4. India under Lord Lyton and Lord Ripon

5. The foundation of Indian National Congress

6. Lord Curzon: administration and reforms

7. Simla Deputation and the foundation of Muslim League 1906

8. Morely-Minto Reforms 1909

9. The Luknow Pact 1916

10. Government of India Act. 1919

11. Khilafat and Non-cooperation Movements

12. The Simon Commission, Nehru Report, Jinnah‟s 14 Points, Round Table conference, Communal


13. The Civil Disobedience Movements (1920-32)

14. Government of India Act. 1935

15. Elections of 1937

16. Lahore Resolution of 1940

17. Cripps Mission and Quit India Movements

18. Cabinet Mission Plan

19. End of British rule, partition of India 1947

Recommended Books:

1. Bipan Chandra : India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947

2. Humayan Kabir : Muslim Politics 1909-1947

3. B.B. Misra : The Administrative History of India 1934-1947

4. Sumit Sarkar : Modern India 1885-1947

5. A.B. Keith : Constitutional History of India

6. Ram Gopal : Indian Muslims: A Political History (1857-1947)

7. H. V. Hodson : The Great Divide

8. Pereival Spear : The Oxford History of Modern India, 1740-1975

9. nx‡i›` bv_ gy‡Lvcva¨vq : fviZe‡l©i BwZnvm

10. †M․iv½ †Mvcvj †mb¸ß : AvaywbK fviZ

11. cÖYe Kzgvi P‡Ævcva¨vq : AvaywbK fviZ 2q LÐ 1920-1947

12. mgi Kzgvi gwjøK : AvaywbK fvi‡Zi iƒcvšÍi ivR ‡_‡K ¯ivR (1858-1947)

13. wm×všÍ ¸n ivq,

my‡ik P‡Ævcva¨vq : AvaywbK fviZ e‡l©i BwZnvm (1857-1964)

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Paper Code 241503 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



History of Bengal(1905-1947)

1. Partition of Bengal: Swadeshi Movement and the annulment of the Partition

2. Khilafat and Non-cooperation 1920-21

3. C. R. Das and Bengal Pact 1922-26

4. Provincial elections, 1937 and the Fazlul Haque ministry

5. Nazimuddin Ministry

6. Elections of 1946

7. Suharawady Ministry

8. Greater Bengal Movements

9. Establishment of Dhaka University and the rise of Muslim Middle class

10. Hindu-Muslim relation and riots

11. Famine, 1943

Recommended Books:

1. Ramsay Muir : The Making of British India

2. Sufia Ahmed : Muslim Community in Bengal 1884-1912

3. Shila Sen : Muslim Politics in Bengal

4. wmivRyj Bmjvg (m¤úvw`Z) : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm (3 LÐ)

5. wmivRyj Bmjvg : Dcwe‡bwkK kvmb KvVv‡gv

6. gybZvmxi gvgyb (m¤úvw`Z) : e½f½

7. webq †Nvl : evsjvi be RvM„wZ

8. Gbv‡qZzi iwng : evsjvi ¯kvmb (1937-1943)

9. Agi `Ë : Dwbk kZ‡Ki gymwjg kvmb I e½f½

10. Ag‡j› y †` : evOvjx eyw×Rxex I wew”QbœZvev`

11. Rqv P¨vUvRx© : evsjv fvM n‡jv: wn› y mv¤úª`vwqKZv Ges †`k wefvM 1932-1947

12. †gvt gvneyei ingvb : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm, 1905-47

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Paper Code 241505 Marks: 100 Credit: 4

Paper Title Constitutional History of India under British Colonial Rule(1773-1947)

1. Beginning of British Colonial rule – Treaty of Allahadad (1765) & the Grant of Diwany,

Anglo-Mughal Joint Administration (1765-7772)

2. Constitutional Reforms:

(a) Regulating Act, 1773 and Pitt`s India Act, 1784

(b) Charter Acts, 1793, 1813, 1833, 1853

(c) Government of India Act, 1858

(d) Council Acts, 1861 & 1892

(e) Government of India Act, 1909-1919

(f) Government of India Act, 1935

(g) Indian Independence Act, 1947

Recommended Books:

1. A.B. Keith : Constitutional History of India

2. A.C Banerjee : Indian Constitutional Documents

3. R.N. Aggarwala : National Movement and Constitutional Development of India

4. W. AvZdzj nvB wkejx I : evsjv‡`‡ki mvsweavwbK BwZnvm

W. †gvt gvneyei ingvb

Page 41: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 241507 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



West Asia in Modern Times upto 1945

1. West Asia defined: countries included and the importance in international politics

2. Arab nationalism: meaning, contribution of Muhammad Ali and Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, revival

of learning in Syria, learned societies, Secret Societies,

3. Development during the world war:Sherif-McMahon correspondences, Sykes-Picot Agreement,

Balfour Declaration, Paris Peace Conference, Mandates.

4. Turkey: Treaty of Sevres, the Nationalist Movement, the Treaty of Lausanne, Kamalist Reforms,

Six principles, Turkey in the world, relation with the Soviet Union.

5. Egypt: Egypt and the World War I, declaration of British Protectorate in Egypt, Nationalist

Movement, Sa‟ ad Zaghlul Pasha and his WaffdPary, treaty of 1936, problems of the revision of

the treaty.

6. Iran: Reza Shah‟s reforms and foreign Policy, Russo-Iranian Relations (1919-1939).

7. Iraq: Iraq under the British mandate, the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1930; provisions and significance.

8. Syria and Lebanon: Syria and Lebanon under the French Mandate, freedom movements, Treaties

with France in 1936, British intervention in the Levant, independence of Syria and Lebanon


9. Palestine: Palestine under the British mandate, Arab-Jewish hostility, Jewish immigration, the

White Paper of 1920, 1930 and 1939 the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, the Partition

Plans, end of the mandate, birth of Israel (1948).

10. Saudi Arabia: foundation and consolidation of the Saudi Kingdom, Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud.

c) Modernization and Reforms.

11. The Arab League: background, organisational structure, evaluation of its works.

Recommended Books:

1. Edward Atiyeh : The Arabs

2. George E. Kirk : A Short History of the Middle East: From Rise

of Islam to the Modern times

3. Peter Mansfield : A History of the Middle East

4. Sydney N. Fisher : The Middle East: A History.

5. George Lenczowski: The Middle East in the World Affairs.

6. Hisham B. Sharabi: Nationalism and Revolution in the Arab World.

7. Donald N. Wilber : Iran: Past and Present.

8. Donald N. Wilber : The Resurrection and Reconstruction of Iran.

9. Majid Khadduri : Independent Iraq: 1960 hrs

10. George E. Kirk : Contemporary Arab Politics: A Concise History.

11. Albert Hourani : Syria and Lebanon.

12. Maxime Rodinson : Israel and the Arabs. 13. mwdDwÏb †Rvqvi`vi, : AvaywbK ga¨cÖvP¨, cÖ_g I wØZxq LÐ

14. Bqvwnqv AvigvRvbx : ga¨cÖvP¨ AZxZ I eZ©gvb [†gvnv¤§` Cbvg-Dj-nK (Aby.)]

15. byi †nv‡mb gRx`x (Aby) : Biv‡bi mgKvjxb BwZnvm

16. gymv Avbmvix : AvaywbK wgk‡ii HwZnvwmK weKvk aviv

Page 42: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 241509 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: History of Russia andUSSR upto 1945

1. Nineteenth-century Russia: social, political and economic conditions – revolutionary


2. Revolution of 1905:causes, nature and results

3. Spread of Marxism and rise of V. I. Lenin:

4. February Revolution, 1917

5. October Socialist Revolution of 1917: causes, nature and results, role of Lenin

6. Civil War:Red Army, Allied intervention, War Communism, Bolsheviks in power.

7. New Economic Policy (NEP): background, main features, success and importance, strategic


8. Death of Lenin and struggle for power: Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, Stalin‟s success.

9. Soviet Union under Stalin: industrialization, collectivization, Five Years Plan, Cultural

Revolution, constitution of 1936.

10. Foreign policy: Soviet foreign policy between the two World Wars, objectives and success

11. Non-aggression Pact with Germany

12. Great Patriotic War:Operation Barbarossa, Grand Alliance, results of the War.

Recommended Books:

1. C. Hill : Lenin and the Russian Revolution

2. D. J. Dallin : Soviet Foreign Policy after Stalin

3. Dallin and Larson : Soviet Politics since Khruschev

4. E. H. Carr : The Bolshevik Revolution (1917-1923), Vol. 1 and 2

5. E. H. Carr : The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin

6. J. Toynbee (ed.) : The Impact of the Russian Revolution

7. P. Dukes : A History of Russia

8. K. Dwisha : Eastern Europe, Gorbachev and Reform

9. L. Kochan : The Making of Modern Russia

10. R. J Hill (ed.) : Gorbachev and Perestroika

11. W. Kirchncr : A History of Russia

12. W. Lenhard : The Kremlin and the West

13. A Samsonov (ed.) : A Short History of the USSR

Page 43: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 241511 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



History of USA(1861-1945)

1. American Civil War: slavery and regionalism

2. Reconstruction after the Civil War: problems & solutions

3. Agricultural Revolution in America, rise of the Populist Party its success and failure

4. Industrial Revolution: causes, rise of Labour Organisation and their role.

5. Progressive Movements: Nature of the Movement and the role of President Theodore Roosevelt

6. Rise of the United States as a world power: Pan-Americanism, end of Isolationist Policy, Spanish-

American war (1898). World War I and the USA, Paris peace conference (1919) and the role of

the USA.

7. Isolationist policy between the two world wars.

8. Second world war and the USA: end of isolation policy, participation in the war, victory against


9. Depression and the New Deal.

10. Impact of World War II and its impact on USA economy and society.

Recommended Books:

1. Hicks & Mowry : A Short History of American Democracy

2. Morrison & Commager : The Growth of the American Republic

3. H. B. Parkes : The United States of America- A History

4. Nevins and Commager : A Short History of United States

5. Remis : The Diplomatic History of the United States

6. Reard& Beard :The Rise of the American Civilization, vol. I & II.

7. Kvwd Lvb : Av‡gwiKvimswÿßBwZnvm

8. gwimb, K‡gRvi I wjDK‡Ub evM© : Av‡gwiKv cÖRvZ‡š¿i BwZnvm

9. †WMjvi : Av‡gwiKv t AZxZ †_‡K AvaywbK Av‡gwiKv cÖRvZ‡š¿i iƒc †iLv

10. †gvt Avãyj KzÏym wmK`vi : Av‡gwiKv hy³iv‡óªi BwZnvm 1776-1945

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Paper Code 241513 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



History of Europe (1815-1919)

1. Congress of Vienna: main principles, territorial clauses, evaluation

2. Prince Metternich: domestic and foreign policy

3. Concert of Europe: origin, activities, causes of failure.

4. July Revolution, 1830: causes, nature and results.

5. February Revolution 1848: causes, nature and results.

6. Ideological developments in the nineteenth century: nationalism, liberalism, socialism, (utopian &


7. Napoleon III

8. Eastern Question, Crimean War

9. Tsar Alexander

10. Unification of Italy

11. Unification of Germany

12. Tripple Alliance and Tripple Entente

13. The First World War: causes and main events

Recommended Books:

1. David Thomson : Europe Since Napoleon

2. E. Lipson : Europe in the 19th

and 20th


3. S. H. Hughes : Europe in the Twentieth century

4. E.H.Carr : International Relations Between the Two World Wars

5. A.J.P.Taylor : Origins of the Second World War

6. mgi Kzgvi gwjøK : beiƒ‡c BD‡ivc 1848-1919

7. mgi Kzgvi gwjøK : BD‡iv‡c wecø‡ei Kvj 1789-1848

8. cÖdzjø Kzgvi PµeZx© : ‡qv‡iv‡ci BwZnvm

9. cÖfvZvsï gvBwZ : BD‡iv‡ci BwZnv‡mi iƒc‡iLv

10. myfvl iÄb PµeZx© : BD‡iv‡ci BwZnvm

11. bxnv‡i› y e‡›`vcva¨vq : AvaywbK BD‡ivc mgxÿv 1789-1939

12. Aveyj Kvjvg : BD‡ivcxq ivRbxwZ I K~UbxwZ 1815-1871

13. †gvt kvn AvjgMxi : BD‡iv‡ci BwZnvm 1789-1945

Page 45: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 241515 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



Bangladesh: National Culture and Heritage

1. Definition of culture and heritage

2. Religious beliefs in ancient Bengal

3. Introduction and development of Buddhist culture

4. Ancient language and literature of Bengal

5. Advance of Islam and its impact on Bengali culture

6. Social economic and religious life of the people in medieval Bengal

7. Sri Chaitanya and Bhakti movement

8. Influence of Christianity of Bengali culture

9. Development of Western education and the Bengal renaissance

10. Emergence of Hindu middle class

11. Emergence of Muslim middle class

12. Development of Political consciousness among the middle class; during the first-three

decades of the 20th


13. Origin and development of Bengali nationalism

14. Impact of modernism on Bengali society and culture.

Recommended Books:

1. Abdul Karim : Social History of the Muslims in Bengal

2. AZzjmyi : evsjvi mvs¯‹…wZK BwZnvm

3. webq †Nvl : evsjv be RvM„wZ

4. my‡ev` Kzgvi gy‡Lvcva¨vq : evOvwj ga¨weË I Zvigvbm ‡jvK

Page 46: UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA - · 9. Sena rule in Bengal: Rise under Vijayasena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, Vallalasena


Paper Code 241517 Marks: 100 Credits: 4



History of Resistance Movement and Subalterns (Selected


1. Definition and Characteristics of Resistance movement and subalterns

2. General condition of the subalterns or poor people of 18th and 19

th Century.

3. Characteristics of the Peasant resistance in the 18thand 19th Century.

4. Fakir- Sannyasi rebellion (1763-1800)

5. Chakma Revolt in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (1776-87)

6. Peasant rebellion of Rangpur (1783)

7. Pagalpanthi rebellion of Mymensingh (1820-33)

8. Wahabi Movement (1831)

9. Fariazi Movement (1840)

10. Sawtal rebellion (1855-57)

11. Indigo rebellion (1859-60 hrs.)

12. Pabna rebellion (1872-73)

13. Tebhaga movement (1946)

14. Peasant rebellion of Nachal (1949)

Recommended Books:

1. JaminiMohon Ghosh : Sannyasi and Fakir Raidens in Gengali

2. Qeyamuddin Ahmad : The wahabi movement in India

3. A. N. Chandra : The Sannyasi rebellion

4. Muinuddin Ahmad Khan : History of the Fara’idi movement

5. Muinuddin Ahmad Khan : Titumir and its Follwers in British Indian


6. Bliar B Kling : Indigo Rebellion

7. Kalyan Kumar sen Gupta : Pabna Disturbances and the politics of rent

8. Muntasir Mamun and

Mahbubur Rahman(ed.)

: Meterial condition of the Subultern classes of

East Bengal

9. gybZvmxi gvgyb I gvneyeyi ingvb : evsjv‡`‡ki Mixe gvby‡li Ae¯’v

10. gybZvmxi gvgyb m¤úvw`Z : wPi¯’vqx e‡›`ve¯Í I evOvwj mgvR

11. ‣mq` Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb I

gybZvmxi gvgyb m¤úvw`Z

: evsjv‡`‡ki mk ¿ cÖwZ‡iva Av‡›`vjb

12. mycÖKvk ivq : fvi‡Zi K…lK we‡`ªvn I MYZvwš¿K msMÖvg

13. ¯^cb emy : MY Am‡šÍvl I Dwbk kZ‡Ki ev½vjx mgvR

14. ‡Rqvi we wc­s : bxj we‡ ªvn

15. cÖ‡gv` iÄb †mb ¸ß : bxj we‡ ªvn I ev½vjx mgvR

16. Kgj †P․ayix : bxj we‡ ªvn I mgKvjxb e½ mgvR

17. ‡M․Zg f ª : Bkvb I wbkvb

18. Ave`yj gI`y` : Invex Av‡›`vjb

19. Kzgvj P‡Ævcva¨vq : ‡ZfvMv Av‡›`vj‡bi BwZnvm

20. abÄq ivq m¤úvw`Z : †ZfvMv Av‡›`vjb

21. gyBbDÏxb Avng` Lvb : weªwUk fviZxq wZZgxi I Zvi AbymvixMY

22. ‡gRevn Kvgvj I Bkvbx PµeZ©x : bv‡Pv‡ji K…lK we‡ ªvn

23. ‡M․Zg f ª (m¤úvw`Z) : wbgœe‡Y©i BwZnvm

Paper Code 241518 Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Paper Title: Viva-voce