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FP 2014 39

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Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

February 2014

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All materials contained within the thesis including without limitation text, logos,

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Malaysia unless otherwise stated. Use may be made of any material contained within

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Copyright © Universiti Putra Malaysia

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Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment

of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science






February 2014

Chairman : Lau Wei Hong, PhD

Faculty : Agriculture

Local Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV) was formulated using the

spray-drying technique to examine its effectiveness in controlling Spodoptera litura.

A total of seven UV protectants (Indian ink, coconut oil, albumen, charcoal, Tinopal

LPW, molasses and lignin) were prepared for sunlight and UVB exposure tests.

After 16 cumulative hours direct sunlight exposure, Spodoptera litura NPV treated

with albumen, charcoal, Tinopal LPW, molasses and lignin caused more than 80%

larval mortality after 96 hours post inoculation. UVB had caused a seven-fold

reduction in Spodoptera litura NPV effectiveness; however, treatment with Tinopal

LPW, molasses and lignin managed to protect the virus with the percentage larval

mortality scored at 60%, 56%, and 66%, respectively, after 96 hours post

inoculation. A total of 13 materials were tested for their phagostimulant

characteristics, namely wheatgerm flour, molasses, cabbage, pegaga, sweet potato,

caixin green, dwarf mustard, lettuce, Chinese kale, chilli leaf, chilli, Chinese

mustard, and mustard extract. The materials were tested on the food preference of S.

litura larvae based on the time taken for the larvae to have the first bite. Spodoptera

litura NPV treated with plant aqueous extracts, such as cabbage (54.6 seconds),

pegaga (56.2 seconds), sweet potato leaf (59.0 seconds), caixin green (80.4 seconds),

dwarf mustard (91.2 seconds), and lettuce (92.2 seconds) recorded a shorter mean

time for the larvae to have the first bite compared to the untreated virus (110.3

seconds). The aqueous extracts of these plants were further tested for their impact on

the larval food consumption and larval mortality. Among them, the aqueous extracts

of cabbage, pegaga and sweet potato leaf showed a promising phagostimulant effect

on S. litura larvae. The second, third and fourth instar larvae of S. litura had highly

consumed the cabbage, pegaga and sweet potato. The weight gain of the second,

third and fourth instars of S. litura larvae showed a positive correlation to the food

consumption. Higher larval weight gain was recorded in the older instar with higher

food intake resulted in higher larval mortality. The three aqueous extracts recorded

significant larval mortality in the second and third instar S. litura larvae after 72

hours post inoculation. The effect of these extracts on the fourth instar larval

mortality was reduced. Based on the screening tests, Tinopal LPW, molasses, lignin,

cabbage extract, pegaga extract and sweet potato extract were chosen for Spodoptera

litura NPV formulation. A combination of three UV protectants, three

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phagostimulants and two multipurpose materials were used to form 18 spray-dried

Spodoptera litura NPV formulations. Based on the electron microscopic

examinations, the calculated size of the microgranules ranged between 3 to 10 µm.

The formulations labelled as F1, F2, and F3 recorded higher percentage larval

mortality after 72 hours post inoculation. Based on this study, Tinopal LPW is a

promising UV protectant for Spodoptera litura NPV, and the plant extracts of

cabbage, sweet potato and pegaga could enhance the palatability of the formulation.

Keywords: Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus; Spodoptera litura; spray-dried;

UV protectant; phagostimulant; sunlight; UVB;

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Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai

memenuhi keperluam untuk ijazah Master Sains






Februari 2014

Pengerusi : Lau Wei Hong, PhD

Fakulti : Pertanian

Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV) tempatan telah diformulasikan

menerusi teknik sembur kering dan dikaji keberkesanannya dalam mengawal

Spodoptera litura. Sejumlah tujuh pelindung UV (dakwat India, minyak kelapa,

albumin, arang, Tinopal LPW, molases, dan lignin) telah disediakan untuk ujian

pendedahan kepada cahaya matahari dan UVB. Selepas 16 jam didedahkan kepada

cahaya matahari, Spodoptera litura NPV yang dirawat dengan albumin, arang,

Tinopal LPW, molasses, dan lignin menyebabkan 80% kematian larva selepas 96

jam diinokulasi. UVB telah menyebabkan pengurangan keberkesanan Spodoptera

litura NPV sebanyak tujuh kali ganda; namun begitu, rawatan dengan Tinopal LPW,

molasses dan lignin berjaya melindungi virus dengan menyebabkan 60%, 56%, dan

66% kematian larva secara turutan selepas 96 jam diinokulasi. Sebanyak 13 bahan

telah diuji untuk ciri perangsang makan adalah ekstrak kobis, ekstrak pegaga, ekstrak

daun ubi keledek, ekstrak sawi hijau, ekstrak sawi kerdil, ekstrak salad, ekstrak

kalian Cina, ekstrak daun cili, ekstrak cili, esktrak sawi Cina, esktrak sawi, tepung

terugu, dan molasses. Bahan-bahan ini diuji untuk dipilih oleh larva S. litura

berdasarkan masa yang diambil untuk larva mendapatkan gigitan yang pertama.

Spodoptera litura NPV yang dirawat dengan ekstrak kobis (54.6 saat), ekstrak

pegaga (56.2 saat), ekstrak daun ubi keledek (59.0 saat), ekstrak sawi hijau (80.4

saat), ekstrak sawi kerdil (91.2 saat), and ekstrak salad (92.2 saat) merekodkan masa

yang terpendek untuk larva mendapatkan gigitan yang pertama berbanding kawalan

(110.3 saat). Ekstrak-ekstrak ini kemudian diuji terhadap pengambilan makanan dan

kematian larva. Antara ekstrak tersebut, ekstrak kobis, pegaga dan daun ubi keledek

menunjukkan kesan perangsang makan yang berkesan ke atas larva S. litura. Larva

S. litura instar kedua, ketiga, dan keempat telah mengambil kobis, pegaga dan daun

ubi keledek dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Berat larva S. litura instar kedua, ketiga,

dan keempat selepas makan menunjukkan korelasi yang positif terhadap

pengambilan makanan. Semakin tinggi berat selepas makan dan jumlah makanan

yang banyak oleh instar yang lebih tua menyebabkan kematian larva yang lebih

tinggi. Tiga ekstrak tumbuhan tersebut merekodkan kematian larva S. litura instar

kedua dan ketiga yang signifikan selepas 72 jam diinokulasi. Kesan ekstrak-ekstrak

ini ke atas instar keempat berkurangan. Berdasarkan ujian pemilihan, Tinopal LPW,

molases, lignin, ekstrak kobis, ekstrak pegaga, dan ekstrak daun ubi keledek telah

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dipilih untuk formulasi Spodoptera litura NPV. Kombinasi tiga pelindung UV, tiga

perangsang makan, dan dua bahan pelbagai guna menjadikan 18 fomulasi sembur

kering Spodoptera litura NPV. Berdasarkan pemerhatian mikroskopi electron, saiz

mikro granul yang dikira adalah dalam lingkungan 3 hingga 10 µm. Formulasi yang

dilabel F1, F2, dan F3 merekodkan peratus kematian larva yang tinggi selepas 72

jam diinokulasi. Berdasarkan kajian ini, Tinopal LPW merupakan pelindung UV

yang berkesan ke atas Spodoptera litura NPV, dan ekstrak tumbuhan seperti ekstrak

kobis, ekstrak pegaga dan ekstrak daun ubi keledk mampu meningkatkan tahap

palatibiliti formulasi.

Kata kunci: Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus; Spodoptera litura; sembur

kering; pelindung UV; perangsang makan; cahaya matahari; UVB;

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I thank Allah S.W.T. for giving me the opportunity to thank and acknowledge each

and everyone concerning this master project. I would like to express my deepest

appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Lau Wei Hong, who gave

encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final stage of this

project. Without her supervision and consistent help, this project would not have

been possible. I am also heartily thankful to the members of committee, Prof. Dr.

Dzolkhifli Omar and Prof. Dr. Ahmad Said Sajap, who have contributed knowledge

and assistance throughout the project.

I would like to thank Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Institute of

Bioscience, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Biotechnology and Science Biomolecule

for providing me the facilities to complete my project. It is an honor for me to thank

Madam Fatimah and Miss Dayang from MARDI for helping me supplying the

larvae. I would like to thank Mr. Amran (Faculty of Food Science and Technology),

Mr. Rafi and Madam Faridah (Institute of Bioscience), Mr. Nordin (Faculty of

Science), Madam Nik Fauzan (Faculty of Biotechnology and Science Biomolecule),

Mr. Johari and Mr. Manan (Faculty of Agriculture) for their priceless assistance and

guidance in conducting materials regarding my project.

I am grateful to have my darling husband, Razis Shah Rizan b. Zainal by my side

along the journey. He has made his support available in numbers of way. I would

like to express my love and gratitude to my parents (Hj. Ithnin b. Badri and Hjh.

Semiah bt. Ramli), mother in-law (Hjh. Laila Ba’yah Bt. Nordin), siblings (Dr.

Nurjannah, Muhammad Azri, and Muhammad Nurhadi) for supporting,

understanding and endless love throughout the duration of my study. Not to forget,

to my beloved son, Nadeem Iman. I love you.

I am indebted to many of my bestfriends especially Sarah bt. Baharudin and

colleagues who had been supported me to finish my study. Lastly, I offer my regards

and blessings to all who supported me in any respect from the beginning to the final

level of the project. Thank you.

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This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been

accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science. The

members of the Supervisory Committee were as follows:

Lau Wei Hong, PhD


Faculty of Agriculture

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Dzolkhifli Omar, PhD


Faculty of Agriculture

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Ahmad Said Sajap, PhD


Faculty of Agriculture

Universiti Putra Malaysia




Professor and Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia.


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Declaration by graduate student

I hereby confirm that:

- this thesis is my original work;

- quotations, illustrations and citation have been duly referenced;

- this thesis has not been submitted previously or concurrently for any other degree

at any other institutions;

- intellectual property from the thesis and copyright of thesis are fully-owned by

Universiti Putra Malaysia as according to the Universiti Putra Malaysia

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- written permission must be obtained from supervisor and the office of the

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Declaration by members of supervisory committee

This is to confirm that:

- The research conducted and the writing of this thesis was under our supervision;

- Supervision responsibilities as stated in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Graduate

Studies) Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) are adhered to.

Signature: _____________________ Signature:________________________


Signature: _____________________

Name of


of Supervisory

Committee: Dr. Lau Wei Hong

Name of


of Supervisory

Committee: Prof. Dr. Dzolkhifli Omar

Name of


of Supervisory

Committee: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Said Sajap

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2.1 Baculovirus 3

2.1.1 Taxonomy 3

2.1.2 Biology 3

2.1.3 Virus Transmission 4

2.1.4 Field Application 4

2.1.5 Factors Affecting Viral Efficacy 5

2.2 Biopesticide Formulation 6

2.2.1 Liquid and Suspension Formulations 6

2.2.2 Wettable Powder Formulation 7

2.2.3 Granular Formulation 7

2.2.4 Encapsulated Formulations 7

2.3 Baculovirus Commercial Product 8

2.4 Inert Material 8

2.4.1 UV Protectant 8

2.4.2 Phagostimulant 9

2.5 Spodoptera litura 10

2.5.1 Biology 10

2.5.2 Economic Loss 12



3.1 Introduction 13

3.2 Materials and Methods 13

3.2.1 Insect Rearing 13

3.2.2 Source of Virus 14

3.2.3 In vivo Propagation of Virus 14

3.2.4 Purification of Virus 14

3.2.5 Counting of Occlusion Bodies 15

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3.3 Result 15

3.3.1 Insect Rearing 15

3.3.2 Characteristics of Infected Larvae 19

3.4 Discussion 21

3.5 Conclusion 22





4.1 Introduction 23

4.2 Materials and Methods 24

4.2.1 Insect Larvae and Virus Source 24

4.2.2 Radiation Source and Exposure Condition 24

4.2.3 UV Protectant 24

4.2.4 Effect of UV Protectants on SpltNPV Infectivity 24

after Direct Sunlight and UVB Exposure

4.2.5 Phagostimulant 25

4.2.6 Effect of Phagostimulants on SpltNPV Infectivity 25

4.3 Result

4.3.1 Effect of UV Protectants on SpltNPV Infectivity 26

after Direct Sunlight Exposure

4.3.2 Effect of UV Protectants on SpltNPV Infectivity 27

after UVB Exposure

4.3.3 Time Response of Spodoptera litura Larvae to 28


4.3.4 Effect of Phagostimulant on the Larval Food Consumption

and Larval Mortality 28

4.4 Discussion 31

4.5 Conclusion 34





5.1 Introduction 35

5.2 Materials and Methods 35

5.2.1 Source of Larvae, Virus Propagation and Purification 35

5.2.2 Preparation of Formulations 35

5.2.3 Encapsulation Formulation Process 36

5.2.4 Efficacy of Spray-dried Formulations after UVB Exposure 36

5.2.5 Electron Microscopic Examination 37

5.3 Results 38

5.3.1 Physical Characteristics of Spray-dried Formulations 38

5.3.2 Biological Characteristics of Spray-dried Formulations 41

5.4 Discussion 45

5.5 Conclusion 48



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Table Page

4.1 Plant-based Phagostimulants Used in This Study 25

4.2 Total Leaf Dry Weight Consumed by S. litura Larvae 29

4.3 S. litura Larval Weight Gain after Food Consumption 29

4.4 Larval Mortality after 72 Hours Post Inoculation 30

4.5 Correlation Analysis Based on Cononical Structure Matrics. 31

Values Higher Than 0.3 Indicates High Correlation

5.1 Selected Materials for Spray-dried Formulation 36

5.2 Average Sizes of Spray-dried Formulated Microgranules 40

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Figure Page

4.1 Effect of UV protectants on Spodoptera litura NPV

after 16 hours direct sunlight exposure. Percentage 26

larval mortality of 2nd instar Spodoptera litura larvae

was taken after 96 hours post inoculation. Mean with

the same letter is not significantly different at P<0.05

4.2 Effect of UV protectants on Spodoptera litura NPV

after 16 hours UVB exposure. Percentage 27

larval mortality of 2nd instar Spodoptera litura larvae

was taken after 96 hours post inoculation. Mean with

the same letter is not significantly different at P<0.05

4.3 Effect of phagostimulant on the time taken for the

S. litura larvae to have the first bite on the phagostimulant 28

treated leaf discs. Mean with the same letter is not

significantly different at P<0.05

4.4 PCA graph showing distribution data of larval weight

gain, total leaf dry weight consumed and larval mortality 30

of 6 selected phagostimulants for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar

larvae. Arrow indicates the distribution area of data which

was selected based on the Tukey test

5.1 Effect of UVB on the formulated and unformulated

Spodoptera litura NPV after 24 hours post inoculation. Mean 42

with the same letter is not significantly different at P<0.05

(Tukey test). Refer to Table 4.1 for each formulation

5.2 Effect of UVB on the formulated and unformulated

Spodoptera litura NPV after 48 hours post inoculation. Mean 43

with the same letter is not significantly different at P<0.05

(Tukey test). Refer to Table 4.1 for each formulation

5.3 Effect of UVB on the formulated and unformulated

Spodoptera litura NPV after 72 hours post inoculation. Mean 44

with the same letter is not significantly different at P<0.05

(Tukey test). Refer to Table 4.1 for each formulation

5.4 Effect of spray-drying process on the effectiveness

of phagostimulants. Percentage mortality of S. litura larvae

was recorded after 72 hours post inoculation. Mean with the 45

same letter is not significantly different at P<0.05 (Tukey test)

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Plate Page

2.1 Life cycle of S. litura. (A) egg mass, (B) larva,

(C) pupae, and (D) adult 11

3.1 Healthy S. litura larvae with clear body pattern

and firm body structure 16

3.2 Diseased S. litura larvae with abnormal body sizes

and blackish (A) and fungal infection of the eggs (B) 17

3.3 Healthy pupae of S. litura in a plastic container 18

3.4 Egg mass of S. litura 18

3.5 Newly ruptured infected S. litura larva after seven 19

days post inoculation with 10 µl of 1x106 OBs/ml

3.6 Two fractions were banded at 6 cm and 1 cm from 20

the gradient meniscus in a 30 to 80% sucrose

gradient at 175,610 xg for 1.5 hour

4.1 Occlusion bodies of Spodoptera litura NPV. 27

Magnification X1000

5.1 Physical feature of formulations with different 38

combination of active and inert ingredients. Creamy

white formulation contained albumen, brownish

formulation contained lignin and greenish formulation

contained Tinopal LPW

5.2 Example of formulation with cracked sections

under light microscope 41

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Micrograph Page

3.1 Scanning electron micrograph of

Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (Fraction 1) 20

isolated from diseased larvae of S. litura

3.2 Scanning electron micrograph of

Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (Fraction 2) 21

isolated from diseased larvae of S. litura

5.1 Scanning electron micrograph of spray-dried 39

formulated Spodoptera litura NPV

5.2 Scanning electron micrograph of Spodoptera litura NPV 39

5.3 Transmission electron micrograph of formulation 41

F1 showing an occlusion body enclosed in a microcapsule

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oC Degree celcius

RH Relative Humidity

LD50 Lethal dose 50

LT50 Lethal time 50

UPM Universiti Putra Malaysia

MARDI Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute

NPV Nucleopolyhedrovirus

GV Granulovirus

OB Occlusion body

ODV Occluded virion

SpltNPV Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus

S. litura Spodoptera litura

TEM Transmission Electron Microscope

SEM Scanning Electron Microscope

UV Ultraviolet

UVB Ultraviolet B

UVC Ultraviolet C

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

Xg x gravity

% Percent

cm Centimetre

µm Micrometre

nm Nanometre

ml Millilitre

kbp Kilo base pair

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OBs/ml Occlusion bodies per millilitre

w/v Weight per volume

kg/cm2 Kilogram force per square centimetre

ml/min Millilitre per minute

ANOVA Analysis Of Variance

VMD Volume Median Diameter

SAS Statistical Analysis System

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1.0 Introduction

Insect pests have had a huge detrimental impact on the economic and agronomical value

of crops through crop damage and the high cost of pest control. Spodoptera litura, for

example, has become a threat to commercial vegetable production. The insect attacks

150 plant species, such as tobacco, cocoa and many types of vegetable crop (Khoo et al.,

1991), causing serious economic loss every year (Rao et al., 1993). In South East Asia,

it is a local pest of a variety of crops and causes 26 to 100 per cent yield loss in ground

nut, cotton and tobacco depending on the crop stage and the infestation level (Dhir et al.,


Spodoptera litura has been reported to develop resistance to many conventional

chemical insecticides, such as organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, synthetic

pyrethroids (Kranthi et al., 2001 & 2002; Shi et al., 2003) and also to new chemical

insecticides, such as spinosad, indoxacarb, and abamectin in Pakistan due to their

extensive use (Ahmad et al., 2008). The misuse of pesticides, such as over application

and repetition of the similar mechanism of action or site specific pesticides, constitute

the major factors contributing to pesticide resistance in insects (Omar, 2011).

In addition to insect resistance, chemical pesticides are also toxic to humans and

livestock, causing negative effects on beneficial insects, pest outbreaks and

environmental problems due to their toxic residues (David, 2008; Muraleedharan and

Elangidam, 2008). Thus, emphasis has been made concerning the development of

microbial insecticides that are safe to humans and the environment. Entomopathogens,

which consist of fungi, viruses, bacteria, and protozoa have been used to control insect

pests for decades. They have been developed into commercial products due to their

effectiveness in targeting organisms and relative lack of toxicity or pathogenicity to non-

target organisms. Based on the United State Environmental Protection Agency


18/9/13), more than 250 biopesticide products (78 microbial pesticides, 160 biochemical

pesticides, 22 plant-incorporated protectants) have been registered since 1996. The

global biopesticide market was estimated at USD$260MM (US$18MM was for viral

products) in 2005 and was expected to rise to USD$350MM - $400MM by 2015.

Baculovirus has been extensively studied for controlling pests due to its host species

specificity and the fact that it does not cause harm to humans or animals. Members of

the Family Baculoviridae, which consists of Nucleopolyhedroviruses and

Granuloviruses are promising bioinsecticides against insect pests even when applied on

a small scale with low technology (Caballero et al., 2001). However, the most vital

factor that limits the efficacy of a baculovirus as an insect pest control agent is

ultraviolet (UV) radiation (Jones and Mc Kinley, 1986). Baculovirus could be

inactivated when exposed to a specific wavelength of UV (290-320 nm) and sunlight

(Maramorosch and Sherman, 1985). UV protectants are used in the formulation of

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baculoviral products to protect the virus from degradation by UV or sunlight (Jaques,

1971; Podgwaite and Shapiro, 1986).

Many formulations of biopesticides are prepared in the form of a liquid, granules,

wettable powder or encapsulation. Most of the commercial baculovirus formulations are

prepared in concentrated wettable powder form (Burges, 1998). The liquid formulation

is less marketable due to its shorter shelf life compared to dry formulations. However,

the particle size of the wettable powder formulation is relatively large and is difficult to

mix with water. The granule formulation needs extra cost for processing and additives

(Burges, 1998). Formulations based on the spray-dried encapsulation method may

overcome the problems due to its dry form and the low cost of the spray-drying process.

This study investigated the effectiveness of a range of spray-dried encapsulated local

Spodoptera litura nuclepolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV) formulations against a local insect

pest S. litura. Inert ingredients, such as UV protectant and materials with

phagostimulant properties, were tested for their ability to protect the virus and enhance

the effectiveness of the virus for killing S. litura. The objectives of this study were:

1. To identify effective UV protectant and phagostimulant materials for the

formulation of Spodoptera litura NPV.

2. To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of Spodoptera litura NPV

formulations against S. litura larvae.

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