units 2,3,22


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A D A M A N D R A D E , T A S K 1 U N I T S : 2 , 3 , 2 1


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When preparing for a production you need to put in the research to first find out what you are going to produce a product for. There are two types of main research qualitative and quantitative, these both consist and are based on different answers. Qualitative is based on answers, opinions and more detailed answers with analysis, whereas quantitative is more based on analysing statistics, numerical data and measurable fact.

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• Quantitative research is a research that is based on measurable and quantifiable facts and information, producing numerical and statistical data. This data is often presented in the form of tables, charts and diagram.

This picture shows an example of many are either interested in horror movies or thriller movies

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• Qualitative Research is research that is based on opinions, attitudes and preferences, rather than hard facts however qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas s for potential quantitative research.

•  A qualitative type of research for a producer Would be why do you prefer horror movieS or why do you prefer thriller movieS. This is because it is based on opinion and more of a detailed answered. This is an example of a qualitative survey

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• Primary research is to obtain new and original data for example groups or interviews, however primary research consists in the new piece of work that you have done, so that means that you haven’t got the actual idea from somebody else, you came up with idea and you are developing it in your own without anybody's help. An example of a primary method research would be you being a magazine writer, you would need to include some information on how to present a magazine and make a good layout, so what you is go and ask straightaway to maybe other expert magazine writers and get some advice and tips on how you could improve, and maybe even better than them.

• The advantages of doing a primary research would be that it will be your own work and you will get all the credit for it, the disadvantages will be that it will take a long time to research in your own without anyone helping you. Another way of explaining primary research will be that primary research is coming straight away from original source is reliable and is not modified throughout the way, the two basic types of primary research are qualitative and quantitative.

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• Secondary research involves the use of existing data and information from another source that would benefit the presentation or work that is being done, however you can easily find secondary information in newspaper, magazines, books and journals, the advantages of using secondary researches would be that you can get useful information from different sources and or compare them to your work, the disadvantages of secondary research would be that you could get the wrong information not relevant to your work and you will end up having to redo everything again.

• An example of secondary research will be if you where a magazine writer so you will have to get the information from the newspaper and then you will have to put in different words and summarise it. Qualitative research into people’s behaviours. This types of research is going into people’s attitudes, discovering their motivations and aspirations. However this type of research is helpful when for example deadline with consumers satisfaction and opinions how to improve the product. It is all to do with the complex , individual response on the given topic. A media scenario would be when producer 1 completes his survey and producer 2 comes along and asks for producer's 1 work in order to use it and benefit from it,

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Market research can be defined as recording and analysis data related to the project of the possession of which is necessary to develop a marketing program. These data are also improving the decision of marketing program. Often allow the identification of problems and errors committed by the company and help in choosing possible to make progress in the planning process, product, sales and promotions to increase costumer satisfaction. Cost of the production is a major factor as producer will try to stay in the budget the company has to offer as the main objective when releasing a game, movie or series is to make a profit and gain a high credit from the audience, which will expand and publicize the brand, but in reality you can only do this when the spending the budget has been planned out well .

Market research id helpful for you to identify opportunities to increase and measure changes, and especially the demand and the factors influencing it. The study explains the mechanism of behaviour of market consumers, competitors and help to identify the means to influence these behaviour. They also predict the trend of market and process and identify potential market in which the project operates. The Media marketplace is highly competitive and, therefore, media producers often undertake detailed market research into the target market, including research on What the market looks like. The other competitors and their texts or products, Economic factors and Potential revenue. In a media you can say that it depends on what other movies from other competitors are going to be released a producer should plan the release date around a time were other movies are not going to be release which would mean more income for the company releasing your movie.

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• The purpose of production research is to help companies to decide on a number of factors that will affect how they create their product. One of the factors that the company will have to research is how it would be best to show their product to their specific target audience. This is very important as the product must be shown in the correct way that their target audience will mostly use, whether this is broadcasting the product, showing the product on the web or showing it on a podcast.

• Other factors that will need to be taken into consideration will be the cast and crew, as this will majorly impact on the success of the product, location, where appropriate locations will need to be discovered and if filming will be allowed to take place there, finance, where the budget will need to be carefully assessed and given out accordingly into different areas to stay in budget, suppliers, which the production company will need to source out to find companies who would be willing to invest in their product, facilities, taking into account the filming and editing equipment and the content needed to create the product.

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• The purpose of audience research is to help project discover what target audience would be best suitable for the type of product that they are producing such as age, gender, ethnic background, location, income and what media do they already consume. This is extremely vital to any project trying to create a successful product as targeting a product at the wrong type of audience can cause problems throughout any research which is conducted, the production of the product and how this may be advertised thus causing the product to not be as successful as first hoped by the project owner , which can also lead to the cancellation of any future products related to the original. When trying to discover their major target audience, you can use a number of methods using qualitative and quantitative research to discover whom they should be aiming their product at

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• . Quantitative involves using data and numbers such as program ratings, box office sales, hits on websites and dvd sales to see how successful other products have been, which are similar to the product that you are producing. Qualitative research, on the other hand, involves you discovering your target audiences opinions and views on similar products and how they react to this. This usually takes the form of reviews, websites, newspapers, blogs and fanzine sites. As well as this, a mix of primary and secondary research can be used to also help identify a target audience for a companies product which can include questionnaires, statistics, focus groups and newspapers.

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• Demographics- demographics is the study of population based on factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, economic status level of education, income level and employment.  an example of this would be a movie such as toy story , Disney animations target children as their primary source and parents as their secondary source. These are examples of factors including demographic factors which could affect a business, a movie production etc. any thing looking to make a profit

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• Psychographics-The study and classification of people according to their opinions, ideas, attitudes, aspirations and other psychological criteria. In other words  Psychographic segmentation which divides the market into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. It is based on the assumption that the types of products and brands an individual purchases will reflect that persons characteristics and patterns of living. Characteristics can be such as The socio-economic scale which can effect the opinion of different people depending were they are on the scale

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Social grade

Social class Occupation

AUpper middle class

Higher managerial, administrative or professional

BMiddle class

Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional

C1Lower middle class

Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional

C2 Skilled working class Skilled workers

D Working class Working class

E Non working Non working

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In addition advertising is a major factor as it is key when promoting a brand or a product, so a producer should think about this if the movie is trying to target teenagers, then advertisement should really be put online all throughout social media as this age range is more likely to see the promotion of the trailer or movie there, another example would be if the target range for the producer was 50 upwards then the promotion should be more paper based or on TV simpler ways in which the older the generation find out news.
