unit 9 improvement

Unit 9 Improvements Use of have or get something done and making suggestions Lic. Edwin Loján, Msc. 2016

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Page 2: Unit 9 improvement

Have or get something doneUse have or get to describe a service performed for you by someone else


Do you know where I can have someone fix my bike?

You can have Hazel’s Personal Services fix your bike

You can get a repair shop to fix your bike


Do you know where I can have my bike fixed?

You can have your bike fixed by Hazel’s Personal Services

You can get your bike fixed at a repair shop

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PRACTICEImagine you want to have someone do these things for you. Write questions using the

active form of have or get.

I want to have someone / get someone to . . .

1. shorten my skirt 5. take my passport photo

2. cut my hair 6. massage my neck

3. repair my watch 7. clean my leather jacket

4. fix my scooter 8. take care of my pets while I’m away

Example: Do you know where I can get someone to shorten my skirt?

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Making suggestionsWith gerunds * the gerund: is the noun form of the verb, ending in -ing.

What about looking through the personal ads?

Have you thought about joining … ?

With infinitives *infinitives: are the base form of the verb

It might be a good idea to check out those discussion groups at the bookstore

One thing you could do is (to) go …

With modals + verbs *modal verbs express possibility, prohibition, permission, obligation and logical deduction

Maybe you could go to a chat room on the Internet

With negative questions

Why don’t you join a dating service

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PRACTICEMatch each problem below with the best suggestion. Then write sentences using the phrases in the grammar section. More than one answer is possible.


1. How can I build self – confidence?

2. What could help me be happier?

3. How can I lose weight?

4. What can I do to save money?

5. How can I improve my memory?

6. How can I get along with my roommate better?


a. Cut down on calories.

b. Play concentration games

c. Participate in more social activities

d. Try not to get peeved about little things

e. Come up with budget

f. Plan fun activities to look forward to every week

1. How can I build self – confidence? / One thing you could do is …

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PRACTICERead the problem. The choose the best suggestion with an “x”

1. I love my apartment, but the rent is too expensive. I don’t want to move, but I don’t know how I can keep lining there.

a) One thing you could do is move to a house. ____

b) Why don’t you look for a roommate?.____

c) Maybe you could stop paying rent. ____

2. My best friend is always late. I’m tired of missing the beginnings of movies and concerts because she’s not on time. Except for this problem, we get along so well.

a) It might be a good idea to find a new friend. ____

b) Have you thought about not going to movies and concerts. ____

c) One thing you could do is tell her to meet you 30 minutes before you need to leave.

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3. I’m good at my job, but I have one problem: I’m a terrible speller. I have to write letters at work sometimes, and I’m afraid my boss will notice. What should I do?

a) Have you thought about using a dictionary to check difficult words?____

b) Why don’t you ask your boss to type the letter? ____

c) One thing you could do is make phone calls instead or writing letters. ____

4. I’m going hiking in the mountains of Nepal for three weeks. I’m really looking forward to my vacation. However, I don’t know what to do with my cat while I’m gone.

a) Why don’t you take the cat with you? ____

b) What about asking a friend to feed the cat? ____

c) Maybe you could let the cat find its own food. ____

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5. I like going to the movies with my friend, but he always talks to me during the movies – loudly. Other people can’t put up with the noise and get angry at us. It’s very embarrassing!

a) It might be a good idea to ask your friend not to talk to you during the movie.__

b) Have you thought about telling the other people to mind their own business?__

c) One thing you could do is to sit far away from your friend. ____

6. I’m going to visit my aunt and uncle for the holidays. They have two young children I’ve never met. I want to bring everyone a few gifts, but I don’t know what kind of things children like.

a) What about just buying gifts for your aunt and uncle? ____

b) Have you thought about giving them your old toys? ____

c) Why don’t you go to a toy store and ask for some suggestions? ____