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Unit 202 Support the work of your team NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual Element 1 Work effectively with other team members Element 2 Help to improve the work of your team 71

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Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual

Element 1 Work effectively with other team membersElement 2 Help to improve the work of your team 71

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual

Element 1 Work effectively with other team membersElement 2 Help to improve the work of your team



A team is a group of people working together towards a common goal. Teams are required todivide up the work so that it can be done effectively. For this to happen, individual team members must work together, and use their skills and strengths for the benefit of the team. Allteam members contribute to the effective working of a team. Diversity in gender, culture, personalities, experience and values is to be welcomed, as it can stimulate ideas.

There is no "I" in Team:

T ogether

E veryone

A chieves


To enable a pharmacy department to function effectively, good team work is essential. This unitwill help you to understand your role within your pharmacy team and how you can best worktogether to meet the daily work requirements and the needs of the patients and their relatives.

Effective communication skills are vital in order for the team to work well.

To ensure you become a useful team member, you will need to meet regularly with your manager and participate in the appraisal/individual performance review (IPR) and personaldevelopment planning process.

Appraisals/IPRs that you will have with your line manager will help you to look at what you havealready achieved, and to look at what you need to further learn to develop your job role. Yourappraisal/IPR will be able to give you future direction and help you put together a personaldevelopment plan. It will help you to look at the structure of the pharmacy department and theorganisation you work in, understanding what services you provide for your customers and howyou aim to meet the needs of your patients.

Participating in training and development and continuous Professional/Personal Development(CPD) will help you to develop your role as an effective Pharmacy Assistant.

Continuing Professional/Personal Development relates to everything you learn, whether at workor at home, that makes you do your job better. It is about learning new skills and experiences.CPD is for everyone and it should help you in meeting your needs as well as those of patientsand the organisation you work for.

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual

Key words and concepts74

These definitions are provided to explain how key words and concepts are used in this unit

Team includes managers and/or supervisors, as well as people working at the same level

Limits of your own role what you are and are not allowed to do

Passing on essential for example, telling someone about problems you are havinginformation with a job or passing on a message

Develop effective for example, by meeting with other membersworking relationship of your team to discuss work-related matters

Line manager includes your supervisor or team leader

Written communications includes short progress reports or messages

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual

Knowledge and UnderstandingYou must show that you know and understand:

For the whole unitK1 Why effective team work is important and how you can contribute to your team's effectiveness.

K2 The people who make up your team and how they contribute to the organisation's work.

K3 The responsibilities of your team and why they are important to the organisation as a whole.

K4 The business aims and objectives of your organisation.

Work effectively with other team members

K5 Why it is important to communicate clearly and effectively with members of your team andhow to do so face-to-face, by telephone and by writing short progress reports and notes.

K6 Why it is important to help members of your team with their work.

K7 The limits of your job role- what you can and cannot do when helping members of your team.

K8 What you should do if helping a member of your team makes you fall behind with your own work.

K9 The types of essential information that need to be passed on to members of your team and why you need to pass it on as soon as possible.

K10 The types of working relationships that help the team to work well and the types of relationships that do not.

K11 How to deal with difficult working relationships for example, by co-operating with other people to sort out problems.

K12 The procedures in your organisation to deal with conflict.

Help to improve the work of your team

K13 Why it is important for teams and organisations to continue to improve the way they work together.

K14 How to look for and identify possible improvements at work and in working relationships.

K15 How to make suggestions in a constructive way that do not sound too critical.

K16 The appropriate time and place to make suggestions for improvements in the way the team works.

K17 Why you should deal positively with team members' ideas about your suggestions.


Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


1. With help from your trainer, find out, and briefly describe the structure of theNational Health Service (NHS). Describe who sets the laws and regulations governing the NHS and how these regulations are implemented.

2 Find or draw your Organisation's organisational chart and structure.

3. Briefly describe the main services your organisation provides, including any specialities.

4. Draw a flow chart identifying how your pharmacy department fits into the overall structure of your organisation.

5. Identify the different types of staff that work within your pharmacy department.Briefly describe the roles and legal responsibilities of the staff types identifiedabove.Identify the roles performed by the professional bodies related to the staff types.

6. Find or draw your department's organisational chart and structure. Locate and read your department�s objectives and targets.

7. Find or draw the 'family tree' for your current working area.Label all team members' names on your 'family tree' and describe their job roles.

8. Find and read your organisation's policies and guidelines on appraisals/IPRs. Obtain and read a copy of the appraisal/individual performance review (IPR) paperwork.

Find out the following:

a) What are the purpose of staff appraisals/IPRs?

b) How often are staff appraisals/IPRs performed?

c) Who will conduct your appraisal/IPR?

d) How will the appraisal/IPR benefit your job and the department?

9. Find out who is responsible for Training and Development in your departmentand your organisation. Find out what development opportunities are available to you within the organisation and department.

10. Find out if your organisation runs any training sessions relating tocommunication skills and team work that you can attend. Feedback what you have learnt to your Trainer/Assessor, ensuring that the skills you have learnt are used in your day to day work.

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


11. Describe to your Trainer/Assessor what 'Clinical Governance' means and how this safeguards customers.

12. Arrange to have a session with a CPD Facilitator to find out more about CPD.

13. Identify and list the different ways your current team communicates.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the communication routesyou have identified above.Describe what you think is your current team's preferred method ofcommunicating.Identify and record which communication route you prefer to use.

14. Demonstrate to your Trainer/Assessor how you would deal with the scenariosbelow, listing any managers or team members you would speak to:

a) You take a telephone call from a team member informing you that they are unwell and will not be in work today. What would you do?

b) You have been delayed on your journey into work. What would you do?

15. Describe to your Trainer/Assessor how "team spirit" can be maintained and improved.List the sorts of problems that can arise within a team.Describe how you think the above problems may be resolved.Identify the support and guidance that is available within yourdepartment and organisation to ensure these problems are resolved fairly.Find out how the team's performance and achievements are measured andfed back to all the team members.

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K1 Why effective team work is important and how you can contribute to your team'seffectiveness.

� What makes an effective team?

� Why is it important for teams to work effectively?

� What can happen if teams do not work effectively?

� What can cause teams to work ineffectively?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K1 Why effective team work is important and how you can contribute to your team'seffectiveness.

� What is your role within your team?

� How can you contribute to the effectiveness of your team?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K2 The people who make up your team and how they contribute to theorganisation's work.

� Which people make up your team?

� What are the roles and responsibilities of the people in your team?

� How do these team members contribute to the work of your department?

� How do these team members contribute to the work of your organisation?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K3 The responsibilities of your team and why they are important to the organisationas a whole.

� What are the key responsibilities of your team?

� Why are these responsibilities important to your department?

� Why are these responsibilities important to your organisation?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K4 The business aims and objectives of your organisation.

� What are the business aims and objectives of your organisation?

� Who has overall responsibility for your organisation?

� What is the management structure of your organisation?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K4 The business aims and objectives of your organisation.

� What are the business aims and objectives of your department?

� Who has overall responsibility for your department?

� What is the management structure of your department?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K4 The business aims and objectives of your organisation.

� Where does your department fit in to the structure of your organisation?

� How does the work of your department contribute to your organisation?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K5 Why it is important to communicate clearly and effectively with members of yourteam and how to do so face-to-face, by telephone and by writing short progressreports and notes.

� What is meant by communication?

� Why is it important to communicate effectively with members of your team?

� What could happen if you did not communicate effectively with members of your team?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K5 Why it is important to communicate clearly and effectively with members of yourteam and how to do so face-to-face, by telephone and by writing short progressreports and notes.

� What methods can you use to communicate effectively with members of your team?

� Under what circumstances would you use each of these methods?

� Which of these methods can you use to communicate effectively with individual team members?

� Which of these methods can you use to communicate effectively with the whole team?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K6 Why it is important to help members of your team with their work.

� What help and support do you give to other members of your team?

� Why is it important to help and support other team members with their work?

� What could happen if you did not help and support other team members with their work?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K7 The limits of your job role - what you can and cannot do when helping membersof your team.

� What work can you not help with, due to the limits of your job role?

� What are the reasons for this?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K8 What you should do if helping a member of your team makes you fall behind withyour own work.

� What should you do if helping a member of your team makes you fall behind with your own work?

� What are the reasons for this?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K9 The types of essential information that need to be passed on to members of yourteam and why you need to pass it on as soon as possible.

� What types of essential information need to be passed on to members of your team?

� What could happen if you did not pass this information on to members of your team?

� Why is it important to pass this essential information on to members of your team assoon as possible?

� What could happen if you did not pass this information on to members of your team assoon as possible?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K10 The types of working relationships that help the team to work well and the typesof relationships that do not.

� What is a "positive working relationship"?

� Why is it important to have a positive working relationship with other members of your team?

� What could happen if you did not have a positive working relationship with other members of your team?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K11 How to deal with difficult working relationships for example, by co-operating withother people to sort out problems.

� How can you develop a positive working relationship with other members of your team?

� How can you improve a difficult working relationship with another member of your team?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K12 The procedures in your organisation to deal with conflict.

� What procedures are in place in your organisation and department which relate to dealing with conflict?

� What are the key points covered in these procedures?

� Why is it important that you follow these procedures?

� What could happen if you did not follow these procedures?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K13 Why it is important for teams and organisations to continue to improve the way they work and the way they work together.

� Why is it important for teams and organisations to continue to improve the way they work?

� What could happen if they did not do this?

� Why is it important for teams and organisations to continue to improve the way they work together?

� What could happen if they did not do this?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K14 How to look for and identify possible improvements at work and in working relationships.

� Why is it important for you to identify possible improvements at work?

� How can you do this?

� Why is it important for you to identify possible improvements in working relationships?

� How can you do this?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K15 How to make suggestions in a constructive way that do not sound too critical.

� Why is it important for you to make suggestions about the improvements you have identified in a constructive way?

� How can you do this?

� What could happen if you didn't do this?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K16 The appropriate time and place to make suggestions for improvements in the waythe team works.

� What is the appropriate time to make suggestions for improvements in the way theteam works?

� What is the appropriate place to make suggestions for improvements in the way the team works?

� In what situations might others in your team take your suggestions on board?

� In what situations might others in your team not take your suggestions on board?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K17 Why you should deal positively with team members' ideas about your suggestions.

� Why is it important to deal positively with team members' ideas about your suggestions?

� What could happen if you did not do this?

� Why is it important that your team members identify possible improvements in the way you work?

� How can they do this?

� What could happen if they did not do this?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K17 Why you should deal positively with team members' ideas about your suggestions.

� Why is it important to deal positively with team members' suggestions about possible improvements in the way you work?

� What could happen if you did not do this?

� What is the appropriate time for your team members to make suggestions about possible improvements in the way you work?

� What is the appropriate place for your team members to make suggestions about possible improvements in the way you work?

Unit 202 Support the work of your team

NVQ Level 2 Pharmacy Services award Underpinning Knowledge Manual


K17 Why you should deal positively with team members' ideas about your suggestions.

� In what situations might you take your team members' suggestions on board?

� In what situations might you not take your team members' suggestions on board?