unit 2. country life or city life

- 1 - Unit 2. Country Life or City Life? Reading One: The Farming Life for me 1 In the September 2007 issue 1) of your magazine, 2) you wrote that many farm kids wanted to live in the city. Well, I am a farm kid, and I don't want to live in the city. In fact, I want to explain exactly why I think it's better to grow up on a farm than to grow up in the city. 2 First, farm kids are too busy with farm work to get into trouble with 3) drugs and alcohol like a lot of city kids do. 4) We usually go home right after school to work on the farm and help our parents. We have to milk 5) the cows, feed 6) all the animals, drive the tractor in the fields, fix 7) fences, help with watering 8) the crops or any other kind of farm work. All these things keep 9) us busy and out of trouble. 10) 3 Second, farm kids understand at an early age what's really important in life. 11) We help our parents when animals are born, and we take care of these animals until they die. I remember 12) getting to 13) pull my first lamb 14) when I was six. Watching the birth of an animal always makes me feel warm and happy. 15) At the same time, I know why we raise these animals. 16) They are going to be hamburgers and fried 17) chicken. Like me, most farm kids learn a lot about death on the farm. That gives us an understanding of human life and death that 18) city kids don't have. 1) issue: U 발행; C 발행물; 발행 부수; 판(版); 호. 2) In the September 2007 issue of your magazine: ‘당신의 잡지 2007년도 9월호에서’ 3) get into trouble with A: A로 인해 문제를 일으키다 4) do = ‘get into trouble with drugs and alcohol’ 5) milk: ~의 젖을 짜다 【설명】타동사로 쓰였으므로 바로 다음에 ‘the cows’라는 목적어가 왔다. 6) feed: ~에게 먹을 것을 주다 7) fix fences: ‘울타리를 치다’ 8) water: ~에 물을 뿌리다 9) keep: 목적어와 목적보어를 취할 경우 ‘목적어를 목적보어한 상태로 두다’의 의미를 갖게 된다. 10) All these things keep us busy and out of trouble: ‘이 모든 것들이 우리를 바쁘고 문제로부터 벗어난 상 태로 둔다.’ 11) farm kids understand at an early age what's really important in life.: ‘농장에 사는 아이들은 이른 나이 무엇이 삶 속에서 정말로 중요한 지를 이해한다.’【설명】간접의문문이 understand의 목적어가 되었다. 물 론 ‘농장에 사는 아이들은 이른 나이에 삶 속에서 정말로 중요한 것들을 이해한다.’로 옮겨 ‘what’을 복합관계 대명사로 볼 수도 있지만 전자가 좀 더 매끄럽다. 12) remember ~ing: ~것을 기억하다; remember to 부정사: ~것을 기억하다 13) get to 부정사: ~하게 되다 14) pull a lamb: to help a mother sheep when she gives a birth to a baby lamb 15) feel warm and happy: ‘마음의 따뜻함과 행복감을 느끼다’ 16) I know why we raise these animals.: ‘나는 우리가 왜 이 동물들을 기르는지를 압니다.’ 혹은 ‘나는 우리 가 이 동물들을 기르는 이유를 압니다.’ 【설명】전자는 why가 의문사로 사용되었고 후자는 생략된 ‘the reason’을 선행사로 하는 관계부사로 사용되었다. 17) fry: (기름으로) ~을 튀기다 18) 관계대명사 that으로 이끌어지는 절이 수식하고 있는 선행사는 ‘understanding’이다. 가끔씩 선행사가 관계 대명사 바로 앞에 놓이지 않는 경우도 있다.

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Page 1: Unit 2. Country Life or City Life

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Unit 2. Country Life or City Life?

Reading One: The Farming Life for me

1 In the September 2007 issue1) of your magazine,2) you wrote that many farm kids wanted to live in the city. Well, I am a farm kid, and I don't want to live in the city. In fact, I want to explain exactly why I think it's better to grow up on a farm than to grow up in the city.

2 First, farm kids are too busy with farm work to get into trouble with3) drugs and alcohol like a lot of city kids do.4) We usually go home right after school to work on the farm and help our parents. We have to milk5) the cows, feed6) all the animals, drive the tractor in the fields, fix7) fences, help with watering8) the crops or any other kind of farm work. All these things keep9) us busy and out of trouble.10)

3 Second, farm kids understand at an early age what's really important in life.11) We help our parents when animals are born, and we take care of these animals until they die. I remember12) getting to13) pull my first lamb14) when I was six. Watching the birth of an animal always makes me feel warm and happy.15) At the same time, I know why we raise these animals.16) They are going to be hamburgers and fried17) chicken. Like me, most farm kids learn a lot about death on the farm. That gives us an understanding of human life and death that18) city kids don't have.

1) issue: U 발행; C 발행물; 발행 부수; ┅판(版); ┅호.

2) In the September 2007 issue of your magazine: ‘당신의 잡지 2007년도 9월호에서’

3) get into trouble with A: A로 인해 문제를 일으키다

4) do = ‘get into trouble with drugs and alcohol’

5) milk: ~의 젖을 짜다 【설명】타동사로 쓰였으므로 바로 다음에 ‘the cows’라는 목적어가 왔다.

6) feed: ~에게 먹을 것을 주다

7) fix fences: ‘울타리를 치다’

8) water: ~에 물을 뿌리다

9) keep: 목적어와 목적보어를 취할 경우 ‘목적어를 목적보어한 상태로 두다’의 의미를 갖게 된다.

10) All these things keep us busy and out of trouble: ‘이 모든 것들이 우리를 바쁘고 문제로부터 벗어난 상

태로 둔다.’

11) farm kids understand at an early age what's really important in life.: ‘농장에 사는 아이들은 이른 나이

에 무엇이 삶 속에서 정말로 중요한 지를 이해한다.’【설명】간접의문문이 understand의 목적어가 되었다. 물

론 ‘농장에 사는 아이들은 이른 나이에 삶 속에서 정말로 중요한 것들을 이해한다.’로 옮겨 ‘what’을 복합관계

대명사로 볼 수도 있지만 전자가 좀 더 매끄럽다.

12) remember ~ing: ~한 것을 기억하다; remember to 부정사: ~할 것을 기억하다

13) get to 부정사: ~하게 되다

14) pull a lamb: to help a mother sheep when she gives a birth to a baby lamb

15) feel warm and happy: ‘마음의 따뜻함과 행복감을 느끼다’

16) I know why we raise these animals.: ‘나는 우리가 왜 이 동물들을 기르는지를 압니다.’ 혹은 ‘나는 우리

가 이 동물들을 기르는 이유를 압니다.’ 【설명】전자는 why가 의문사로 사용되었고 후자는 생략된 ‘the

reason’을 선행사로 하는 관계부사로 사용되었다.

17) fry: (기름으로) ~을 튀기다

18) 관계대명사 that으로 이끌어지는 절이 수식하고 있는 선행사는 ‘understanding’이다. 가끔씩 선행사가 관계

대명사 바로 앞에 놓이지 않는 경우도 있다.

Page 2: Unit 2. Country Life or City Life

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4 In addition, farm kids have a much19) better understanding of nature20) than many city kids do. We work outside all year. We almost always get to watch the sunrise. We understand how heat or wind or snow can change our crops. We also understand how much water different21) crops need at different times of year22). We can put our hands in the soil23) and know how much water it needs. We know how to choose the best trees in our woods to cut down.24) Those are just a few25) of the many outdoor skills that farm kids learn young.26)

5 Finally, farm kids have a greater sense of responsibility27) than most city kids. We know that crops and animals are totally dependent on us. We know that they can die if we don't do our work. I learned at an early age to feed and water the animals on time28) and to water the crops regularly. Sometimes I'm tired or sick, or it's freezing cold29) or blowing snow.30) Even then, I know that I have to do these things because the animals, the crops, and31) my family depend on me.

6 For all these reasons, I think that it is better to grown up on a farm than to grow up in the city. My own experience growing up on a family farm in Colorado tells me this. I know that growing up on a farm made me the responsible, hardworking, and thoughtful young person my parents and community can be proud of.

Zachary Blaine, Colorado

19) much: 비교급 형용사를 수식하는 부사로서 사용되었다. 보통 ‘훨씬’으로 옮겨질 수 있다. 마찬가지로 사용될

수 있는 것들에는 ‘a lot,’ ‘still,’ ‘far,’ ‘even’ 등이 있다.

20) farm kids have a much better understanding of nature: ‘농장에 사는 아이들은 자연을 훨씬 더 잘 이해

한다.’ 【설명】understanding of nature

21) different: 서로 다른, 상이(相異)한, 다양한

22) at different times of year: ‘연중 다양한 시기에’

23) soil: the dirt or earth we plant our crops in

24) We can put our hands in the soil and know how much water it needs.: ‘우리는 흙 속에 손을 넣어 얼

마나 많은 물이 필요한지를 알 수 있습니다.’ 【설명】조동사 can에 ‘put’과 ‘know’가 모두 걸려있는 병렬구조

의 구문이다. 이 문장을 ‘우리는 흙 속에 손을 넣을 수 있고 . . .’란 식으로 해석하면 곤란하다.

25) a few: 소수

26) the many outdoor skills that farm kids learn young: ‘농장에 사는 아이들이 어려서 배우는 많은 야외 기

술들’ 【설명】여기서 young은 주어의 상태를 보충해주는 주격보어로 사용되었다. 그들이 야외 기술들을 배

울 당시의 상태가 어린 상태였다는 것이다. 예) Dae-Gil came back home tired. 대길이는 피곤한 상태로 집

에 돌아왔다.

27) a greater sense of responsibility: ‘더 큰 책임감’; sense of humour: 유머감각

28) on time: 시간을 어기지 않고, 제시간에

29) freezing cold: ‘살을 에이는 듯한 추위’

30) blowing snow: 날린눈(설풍): 지표면에 쌓인 눈이 날려 올라가 보는 사람의 눈 높이의 수평시정을 악화시키

는 일이다.

31) ‘A, B, and C’로 열거하는 방식에 주목. B 다음의 콤마는 종종 생략되기도 한다.

Page 3: Unit 2. Country Life or City Life

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Reading Two: Leaving the Farm by Christopher Blum

1 Scott Halley was a farmer . . . until a year ago. But the farm kept losing32) money. "You look at the numbers at the end of the pencil,"33) said Mr. Halley, 44, "and you realize it's time to try something different."34)

2 With a heavy heart35) but a clear head, Mr. Halley became one of the thousands of American farmers who sell their land each year. What surprised Mr. Halley and others36) is that the move to the city was so easy. The farmers are finding jobs and their families are enjoying the city way of life.

3 Mr. Halley found a good job working as a scientist at North Dakota State University. His salary is now twice what it was when he was a farmer.

4 But even for those farmers who find good jobs, there is a price to pay37) in leaving farming.38)

5 "It's not just about making money but39) about the other rewards that farming can bring . . . working land your parent's parents worked, spending your days in nature,40) caring for animals," said Dr. Michael Rosmann, a farmer and psychologist who helps farmers. "For most of them, that grieving41) lasts42) for the rest of their lives. To make the decision to quit43) farming, to do what's best for the family, takes an awful lot of courage."44) Mr. Halley feels the pull of the land45) every day. Once a week, he drives eight hours to work46) a small piece of his old farm, just to keep his connection to the land.

6 It was hard to leave, but Mr. Halley knows he did the right thing. For most families that leave the land, salary goes up and the stress from having little money goes down. Both parents and children are happier.

7 Halley's children love living in the city.

8 "The kids don't want to go back now," said Mr. Halley. "The telephone never

32) keep ~ing: 계속해서 ~하다

33) 농업으로 인한 수입과 지출을 계산하는 상황을 짐작할 수 있다.

34) something different: ‘다른 무언가’

35) a heavy heart: 무거운 마음 【설명】여기서 heart는 ‘심장’ 보다는 ‘마음’이 어울린다.

36) What surprised Mr. Halley and others: ‘Mr. Halley와 다른 이들을 놀라게 한 것’

37) a price to pay: ‘지불해야 할 대가’

38) in leaving farming: ‘농업을 그만둠에 있어’

39) not A but B: ‘A가 아니라 B다’의 의미를 지니고 있으며, A와 B에 올 수 있는 품사의 제한은 없으나 둘의

품사는 항상 같아야 한다. 이런 접속사를 상관접속사라고 한다.

40) your days in nature: ‘당신이 자연 속에서 보낸 나날들’

41) grieving: feeling very sad when we have lost somebody or something we love.

42) last: 계속(지속)하다; 종종 수동태처럼 ‘계속(지속)되다’로 해석되는 것이 더 어울리는 경우가 있다.

43) quit: 그만두다, 떠나다

44) an awful lot of courage: ‘엄청나게 많은 용기’

45) the pull of the land: ‘땅이 잡아당기는 힘’ 【설명】‘A of B’

46) work: (농장·사업을) 경영하다 【설명】여기서 work는 목적어를 취하는 타동사로 사용되었다.

Page 4: Unit 2. Country Life or City Life

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stops ringing."

9 Megan Halley, 13, spoke with excitement about her new school. She especially likes art and computer technology. "Back on the farm," she said, "the old phone system took five minutes or more just to dial up the Internet."47)

10 "It's cool here," said Megan. She loves going to the nearby mall48) to shop for49) new clothes and get the latest CDs of her favorite group. The closest store to the Halleys' Farm was a 10-mile drive.50)

11 Before moving to the city, Megan worried about getting along with51) city kids.

12 "The boys here aren't any different than back in the country," she said. "There's just a lot more of them."

Source: Based on information in "Leaving the Farm for the Other Real World," Dirk Johnson, The New York Times, November 7, 1999.

47) just to dial up the Internet: ‘인터넷에 접속만 하는데도’ 【설명】전화선을 이용한 모뎀방식으로 인터넷에

접속하는 것을 의미한다. 우리나라처럼 인터넷 환경이 구축된 곳은 세계에서 그리 흔하지 않다.

48) mall: a large building with a lot of stores in it.

49) shop for A: A를 사려고 쇼핑하다

50) a 10-mile drive: ‘차로 10마일을 가야하는 거리에’; 대략 경원대역에서 방배역까지의 거리 정도이다. 【설

명】‘a 10-mile drive’란 명사구가 부사역할을 한 경우이다. 예) He lives just a stone's throw from here.

그는 여기에서 엎어지면 코 닿을 거리에 산다.

51) get along with A: A와 함께 지내다