unit 12 - review boom & bust the 1920’s & 30’s. bust the recession of 1937 was primarily...

Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s

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Page 1: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

Unit 12 - Review

Boom & Bust

The 1920’s & 30’s

Page 2: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by

A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation.B) excess business speculation in the rebounding stock

market.C) failure of New Deal programs to effectively lower

unemployment and restore faith in the economy.D) overregulation of key national industries, resulting in

massive lay-offs.E) premature tightening of credit and cutbacks in

spending for New Deal programs.


Page 3: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustIn responding to the Depression, President Hoover placed primary

emphasis on

A) reducing the tariff

B) cutting federal taxes

C) regulating the sale of stocks

D) increasing federal income tax rates

E) encouraging private volunteer efforts E

Page 4: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustWhich of the following was NOT a reason given by President

Franklin Roosevelt in his attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court?

A) He believed he had a mandate after the 1936 election.

B) Most Supreme Court justices were interpreting the Constitution too broadly.

C) He wanted to ease the work load of the Court’s older members.

D) Most of the Supreme Court justices were conservative.

E) The Court was declaring too many New Deal programs unconstitutional.


Page 5: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomThe major nations at the Washington Naval Conference in 1922 agreed to I. limit the number of ships in their navies.II. support the U.S. Open Door Policy in China.III. punish any nations violating the agreement.IV. keep the status quo in the Pacific area.

A) I and III onlyB) II onlyC) I and II onlyD) I, II, IV onlyE) II, III, and IV only


Page 6: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomAll of the following were part of American economic policy during

the 1920s EXCEPT

A) lower taxes on the wealthy.

B) high tariffs.

C) opposition to parity prices for farmers.

D) limits on regulation of business.

E) support of public-works projects.E

Page 7: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustThe Glass-Steagall Act

A)took the United States off the gold standard

B) empowered President Roosevelt to close all banks temporarily

C) created the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate the stock exchange

D) created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure individual bank deposits

E) created 12 national located throughout the country to prevent funds from being isolated in one place


Page 8: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


All of the following were characteristic of the 1920’s EXCEPT

A) voting rights for women

B) prohibition and bootlegging

C) consumerism and easy credit

D) progressivist reform and union growth

E) Ku Klux Klan power and popularity


Page 9: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustIn personally taking over the task of setting the dollar amount the

government would pay for gold, FDR’s announced purpose was to

A) maintain the value of the dollar at a constant level

B) prevent inflation

C) prevent a run on banks, which would deplete the nation’s gold supply

D) manipulate the price of gold so as to raise prices

E) revise the value of the dollar so as to force prices down to affordable levels in the depressed economy


Page 10: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustAll of the following statements about the CCC are correct EXCEPT

A) its members lived in camps, wore uniforms, and were under semi-military discipline

B) it engaged is such projects as preventing soil erosion and impounding lakes

C) it eventually came to employ over ⅓ of the American work force

D) it provided that some workers’ pay should be sent home to their families

E) it was part of Roosevelt’s New DealC

Page 11: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


Sinclair Lewis generally depicted small-town America as

A) an island of sincerity amid the cynicism of American life

B) the home of such traditional virtues as honesty, hard work, and wholesomeness

C) merely a smaller-scale version of big-city life

D) dreary, prejudiced, and vulgar

E) open and accepting but naïve and easily taken in


Page 12: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomWhich of the following words best describes the spirit of American

intellectuals in the 1920’s?

A) Alienation

B) Complacency

C) Romanticism

D) Patriotism

E) PietismA

Page 13: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomBy “normalcy” President Warren G. Harding meant not only

peace after the recent war but also

A) a renewal of the Progressivist reform movement.

B) a return to the emphasis on domestic reform in place of Wilson’s foreign adventures.

C) an end to idealistic crusades and efforts at large-scale reform.

D) the establishment of new norms of international behavior.

E) U.S. membership in the newly formed League of Nations.


Page 14: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustPresident Herbert Hoover approached the task of caring for

the unemployed workers during the Great Depression by

A) emphasizing the importance of private charities

B) asking large corporations to hire war veterans

C) relying on the services of federal welfare agencies

D) enlarging the federal government’s payroll

E) reactivating the dole (unemployment payments)


Page 15: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


Margaret Sanger is best known for

A) contribution to the radical suffragist movement

B) endorsement of coeducation

C) advocacy of birth control

D) presidency of the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement

E) organization of the Women’s Trade Union League C

Page 16: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BustDuring the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt recommended

legislation to achieve all of the following EXCEPT

A) nationalization of the banks.

B) legal protection for workers who sought collective bargaining.

C) government payments to farmers who plowed up their crops.

D) the development of public power-generating facilities.

E) government-business cooperation in formulating “codes” of fair competition.


Page 17: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomBetween 1920 and 1939, American foreign policy included all of

the following EXCEPT:

(A) attempts to develop international agreements on disarmament.

(B) improved relations with Latin America.

(C) non-recognition of territory acquired by force.

(D) concern over the war debt and reparations issue.

(E) active intervention to prevent aggression.


Page 18: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


The fear of left-wing subversion during the 1920s was reflected in the

(A) America First Committee

(B) Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

(C) Scopes trial

(D) Palmer raids

(E) Army-McCarthy hearings D

Page 19: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


The novels of William Faulkner are set in

(A) Paris during the 1920s

(B) The South

(C) The frontier after the Civil War

(D) New England

(E) Small town in the Midwest B

Page 20: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomMarcus Garvey, leader of the Universal Negro Improvement

Association, argued for

(A) equal rights

(B) a return to Africa

(C) racial desegregation

(D) violence in the cities

(E) more representation in Congress for Washington D.C.


Page 21: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation


The non-business group that realized the most significant, lasting gains from World War I was

(A) labor.

(B) blacks.

(C) needy veterans.

(D) women.

(E) the Ku Klux Klan. C

Page 22: Unit 12 - Review Boom & Bust The 1920’s & 30’s. Bust The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by A) overextension of easy credit and high inflation

BoomSecretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon’s policies did

which of the following?

(A) Reduced income-tax rates for the wealthy to release money for private investment.

(B) Provided aid to the Allies after the First World War.

(C) Provided federal guarantees for bank deposits.

(D) Restricted loans to Mexico after the Tampico and Veracruz incidents.

(E) Combated the Depression by giving lower-income groups more purchasing power.