unit 11 activity 4 final evaluation by fateha begum

Unit 11- Activity 4: Final Evaluation By Fateha Begum Introduction: This will be an evaluation of my work during Unit 11. It will include the website design and pages; what's more it will include the design, final product, evolution of my work that I have designed for the website of my superhero. It also will include some information about why I have design and chose catwomen as part of my website in the presentation as well for the progress. Design of the Catwomen World: I have designed catwomen as part of my website because I thought that the character will achieves for the fans so that they can get more excited about catwomen and also that it can get more people to visit the website that I have created, they can check so many things for example catwomen bio, comic collection, merchant and lots more. So that is why I have chosen catwomen as part of my website. I have done the website by changing the font, background, headings, buttons and the font size to make the website more WOW and well improve to make it more stand out.

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Unit 11- Activity 4: Final Evaluation

By Fateha Begum


This will be an evaluation of my work during Unit 11. It will include the website design and pages; what's more it will include the design, final product, evolution of my work that I have designed for the website of my superhero. It also will include some information about why I have design and chose catwomen as part of my website in the presentation as well for the progress.

Design of the Catwomen World:

I have designed catwomen as part of my website because I thought that the character will achieves for the fans so that they can get more excited about catwomen and also that it can get more people to visit the website that I have created, they can check so many things for example catwomen bio, comic collection, merchant and lots more. So that is why I have chosen catwomen as part of my website. I have done the website by changing the font, background, headings, buttons and the font size to make the website more WOW and well improve to make it more stand out.

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Final product of Catwomen World:

The way I have made catwomen world as part for my website was actually hard to make because there was so much to do to make sure that the website is perfect and furthermore that there was some edited to do to make the catwomen world in the website. There are some tools I use to make the pictures come in the right pages. For example here is a diagram to show what tools I use to make the website. What I have done to make the website is I went file, my area, Dreamweaver, then after I got in the right page, I then went on select image source to gone one my website pages. After I done these things, I went and started on my catwomen website to make it more high and good. What I did for the different images in each is I first highlighted the picture I have choose for the website then I clicked on the a square shaped then after I have went on internet google, type the object that I have chosen then I clicked on the images, after viewed the picture then after I viewed it, highlighted the web name at that moment I paste the writing then clicked ok and that’s how I finished my catwomen website.

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After making the website how effective was it compared to your designs?

To compare with the website I have made quiet few changes and that is because I want make the website more improve and also I want the whole website page to standout in the actual website.To compare this I think that the second website page is better than the first one because of the headings, buttons, images and also the font of each of the pages.

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What did not work?

It did not work in some pages because for example the writing didn’t come out right and also that some of the images have kind of blocked out the background the catwomen doing a dramatic pose. The banner and buttons messed up the page from the website because it didn’t really suit with the pictures that are shown in the catwomen world website.

What do you wish you could have done with more knowledge/ time?

What I could have done is put more information and make the background picture more shown and also making sure that the pictures doesn’t get blocked by the other objects.

First Second

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Evolution of the catwomen website work:

In the website I have made few changes to make the website more interested and stand out and the changes that I have made are the pictures, background, banners and the buttons, the reason that I have changed these to the website because I want to make the website eye catching and also that I want the fans and audience to love the catwomen world website. It made my final work stand out because of the colour, pictures, links and loads more.

Evaluation of my progress:

The improvement I did during the course of unit 11 was really good because it helped me understand that there many ways to style website in the way others like and also that I get to make my own website to make it stand out to the internet. What I have learnt is what types of tools I can use to make the website more good and professional; this helped me to develop the website because I get to have the chance to design my own catwomen website without having any confusion and

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this has actually made me learn something new for a change.

To improve this I need to put in more detail in case of the few changes that might need to be in the evaluation. It also could have more information about the website about catwomen and her life.