shazea begum question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Using real media conventions is important because they provide a good idea of the conventions of the genre that is chosen. Researching had given me an idea of what the genre characteristics were to be like. This enabled me to chose the costume, the location and also make the correct alternations so my music video had conformed to music videos of its kind. My music video is a hybrid of two genres, pop and indie. As a result of this I had to take conventions from both of the genres and apply it to my music video.

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Shazea Begum Question 1

In what ways does your media product

use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media products?

Using real media conventions is important because they provide a good idea of the conventions of the genre that is chosen. Researching had given me an idea of what the genre characteristics were to be like. This enabled me to chose the costume, the location and also make the correct alternations so my music video had conformed to music videos

of its kind.

My music video is a hybrid of two genres, pop and indie. As a result of this I had to take conventions from both of the genres and apply it to

my music video.

Page 2: Shazea Begum Question 1

• Conventionally it was found from research on artists such as Ellie Goulding and Gabrielle Aplin, that many indie pop and pop music videos are a split between narrative and performance style. This was to show a story whilst the singer was

singing. As this was found during the research, I knew I had to replicate this idea in my own music

video. Therefore I ensured I had a balance of shots showing the narrative and the artist



Page 3: Shazea Begum Question 1

• This is why in my music video you can see some scenes of the artist walking around couples and the other scenes of her singing the song. By doing so I

tried to develop the conventions of real media products such as music video’s by Ellie Goulding and Gabrielle Aplin,

who were both iconic artists of the same genre of music and people who I

had taken inspiration from. I

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• In most conventional pop music videos, the theme is often based

around love and relationships. This can be seen in music videos by Ellie

Goulding, Gabrielle Aplin and Demi Lovato. Due to the lyrics on my chosen

song revolving love, I had tried to emphasise it as much as possible in

the video.


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• In existing music video’s based on love and relationships, the narrative is shown in a explicit sexual way. This is had become a challenge for me to present onto my music video because the actress was a student and she wasn’t willing to snog another student. Also, it would have been too full on considering I am a student and this is a student coursework and having people be intimate would be weird for me to film. Therefore, I went for the romantic date type of love and relationships which was much easier for me to film.

Challenges of genre.

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• My music video had conveyed the concept of love as much as possible. This was through the

two couples doing stereotypical couple activities like, dancing, walking hand in hand,

going to the cinema and scenes of them during their date. Whilst they were doing that, the artist had walked through their scenes and sang. Therefore, it can be seen that my music video does develop conventions of real media of its kind because I had taken concepts from those music videos and manipulated it onto


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Examples of music videos portrayed couple(y) activities.

Katy Perry – Thinking Of You A married couple on a date, laughing together this is shown on the scene with the married couple on my music video

A couple dancing together. That is where I got the idea of the married couple dancing together

A couple at the cinema watching a movie. This was also shown on my music video with the young couple who are on their date at the cinema.

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• The artists’ costume had to cater to both pop and the indie genre. The conventional pop costume would be girly and voyeuristic, however typical costumes from

the indie genre would be less revealing and more grungy and cool. This is because, indie artists do not

want the emphasis to be on themselves because they want their music to be highlighted. Therefore, I had to make sure I was careful in picking out the costume for

my artist.



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• I had tried to conform the artists costume as close to the conventions as possible. I made sure there was an

element of girly-ness because she wore skirts and pretty dresses however, there was a hint of indie-ness. This was through making her wear dark coloured clothing to show

she’s grungy.

• In addition, I had made sure that Maria was chosen to be the artist because she has dark hair. This worked to my

advantage because it showed characteristics of a female indie artists such as Haim. This is because they have dark

hair, to match their costumes. However, I tried to manipulate her indie style hair to make it more pop

orientated by making sure it was curled to provide a flirty feel.

• Curled hair

• Feminine dress

• Wooly hat

• Long coat

Page 10: Shazea Begum Question 1

• A way in which my music video subverts the indie pop convention is through the “clapping scene”. Clapping scenes are found in country music (e.g. Miley Cyrus’,

Hoedown Throwdown) and for me to use it in my indie pop music video it was quite unusual. I was borrowing conventions from other genres and applying them onto

mine. I used the clapping scene in the music video because I felt that, that particular scene would suit that section of the song. In the pop genre, it’s found that there are many close-ups of the artists face and facial features used and by me using close ups of the

artists hands clapping, it shows a move away from the conventions of that genre.