unit 1. frequency distribution

UNIT 1. FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION BY PROF. SWATI BHALERAO FY BBA (Sem 2) – 205 – Business Statistics – Patten 2019

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Page 1: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution


FY BBA (Sem 2) – 205 – Business Statistics – Patten 2019

Page 2: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution


• 1.1 Raw data, variable, discrete variable, continuous variable, constant, attribute with illustration.

• 1.2 Classification- Concept and definition of classification, objectives of classification, types of

• classification.

• 1.3 Frequency Distribution- Discrete and Continuous frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency

• and Cumulative frequency distribution.

• 1.4 Graphs & Diagram- Histogram, Ogive curve, Pie-Diagram, Bar Diagram, Multiple bar Diagram,

• Sub-divided bar diagram

Page 3: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution


• Data consist of information coming from observations, counts, measurement or


• It is a term given to raw facts or figures, which alone are of little value. Data represent

something, like body weight, the name of a village, the age of a child, the temperature

outside, etc.

• Qualitative data consist of labels, features, nonnumeric entries. Quantitative data consist

of numerical measurements of counts and numbers used for calculations

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• The word population in statistics means the totality of the set of objects under study. It

should not be understood in the limited sense in which it is generally used to mean

people in a certain city or country.

• A sample is a selected number of entities or individuals which form a part of the

population under study. The study of a sample is more practical and economical in most

situations where the population is large and is used to make conclusions about the entire


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• In statistics characteristics are of two types. Measurable and non-measurable.

Measurable characteristics are those that can be quantified as expressed in numerical

terms. The measurable characteristics are known as variables. A non-measurable

characteristic is qualitative in nature and cannot be quantified. Such a characteristic e.g

nationality, religion, etc are called as attributes.

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• Discrete or categorical variables are those numeric or nominal variables that take a

finite, limited, countable number of possibilities or values (e.g. number of children in

families). They come in chunks that cannot be reduced. Discrete/categorical variables

can be further categorized as either nominal or ordinal variable

• Example of discrete variables: Sex or gender, type of building, livelihood zone, school

grade, province name, number of people, etc.

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• Continuous variables are variables that have an infinite or not countable number of

value possibilities. There always exists a third value between any two values on it. This

includes values for which numerous decimal places can be used. A continuous variable

can be transformed into categories and become a discrete variable. Continuous

variables can be further categorized as either interval or ratio variables.

• Example of continuous variables: Time, weight, height, income, age, distance, quantity

of milk produced, cultivated area, etc.

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• Classification is the process of arranging the data under various understandable homogeneous

groups for the purpose of convenient interpretation. The grouping of data is make on the basis

of common characteristics

• Objectives of classification

1. To facilitate comparison

2. To study the relationship

3. To trace location of important facts at a glance

4. To eliminate unnecessary details

5. To effect statistical treatment of the collected data

6. To facilitate easy interpretation

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• Significance of classification

1. It is helpful to tabulation

2. It leads to a valid result

3. It makes interpretation clear and meaningful

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• Geographical Classification

• In this type the data are classified on the basis of geographical locational differences among various items on

the basis of states districts, cities, regions, and the like

• Chronological Classification

• Under this type data are classified in them basis of differences in time or period such as rainfall for 12 months.

• Qualitative Classification

• In this classification, data are classified on the basis of some attributes or qualitative phenomena such as

religion, sex, marital status, literacy, occupation and the like.

• Quantitative Classification

• Under this type data are classified according to some quantitative phenomena capable of quantitative

measurement such as age, experience, income, prices, production, sales and the like

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• Frequency distribution is the process or method in simplify mass of data into grouped form of

classes and the member of items in such class is recorded

• a. Univaraite Frequency Distribution b. Bivariate Frequency Distribution

• a. Univariate Frequency distribution

• It is one way frequency single variable distribution and further classification into

• 1.Individual Observation 2. Discrete Frequency Distribution 3. Continuous Frequency


• b. Bivariate Frequency Distribution

• Bivariate Frequency Distribution is a two way Frequency distribution, where two variables are

measured in the same set of items through cross distribution

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• In discrete frequency distribution, values of the variable is arranged individually. The

frequencies of the various values are the number of times each value occurs.

Ex. The weekly wages in Rs. paid to the workers are given below. Form a discrete frequency




Page 13: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution


Weekly wages in


Tally marks No. of workers

120 ⫵ III 8

150 ⫵⫵ II 12

240 ⫵III 8

300 II 2

Weekly wages in Rs.(x) 120 150 240 300 Total

No. of workers(frequncies) 8 12 8 2 30

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Continuous frequency distribution is also known as grouped frequency distribution. This is a form in

which class intervals and respective class frequencies are given

We can find frequency distribution by the following steps:

1. Find the smaller and largest observation. Calculate the difference between them. This difference is called

as range.

2. Next, divide the Decide the classes, by dividing the range into several intervals. The number of classes be

preferred between 7 to 20.

3. Prepare the first column of table by entering the class intervals

4. Classify the observation one by one in the appropriate class by putting tally marks in the second column

against the corresponding class. Cross the observation from the original data to avoid double counting.

5. Count the tally marks and enter the number in the third column.

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• Let us consider the following example regarding daily maximum temperatures in in

• a city for 50 days.

• 28, 28, 31, 29, 35, 33, 28, 31, 34, 29,

• 25, 27, 29, 33, 30, 31, 32, 26, 26, 21,

• 21, 20, 22, 24, 28, 30, 34, 33, 35, 29,

• 23, 21, 20, 19, 19, 18, 19, 17, 20, 19,

• 18, 18, 19, 27, 17, 18, 20, 21, 18, 19.

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• Minimum Value= 17 Maximum Value=35 Range=35-17=18

• Number of classes=5 (say) width of each class=4

• Table Showing frequency distribution of temperature in a city for 50 days.

Class Intervals (Temperatures in ) Frequency

17-21 17

21-25 7

25-29 10

29-33 9

33-37 7

Total 50

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• Class Limits

• The class limits are the lowest and the highest values but can be included in the class

• Class Frequency

• The number of items included or counted in each of the classes is called class Frequency

• Mid-point

• Mid-point in their value lying half way between the lower and upper limits of a class


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• Class limits. There are two for each class.

The lower class limit of a class is the smallest data value that can go into the class.

The upper class limit of a class is the largest data value that can go into the class.

Class limits have the same accuracy as the data values; the same number of decimal places as the data values.

• Class boundaries. They are halfway points that separate the classes.

The lower class boundary of a given class is obtained by averaging the upper limit of the previous class and the

lower limit of the given class.

The upper class boundary of a given class is obtained by averaging the upper limit of the class and the lower limit

of the next class.

Open-ended classes are classes that do not have either an upper limit or a lower limit.

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• Exclusive Method : This method is useful whether the value is complete number or in

decimals. In case of exclusive series, value of the upper limit of a class is included in the

lower limit of the next class interval. Value of the upper limit of the class is included in

that very class interval.

• Inclusive Method : In inclusive series value of the upper limit of a class is included in

that very class interval. Inclusive series is useful when value is incomplete number.

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• There are two kinds of cumulative frequency distribution. i) Less than cumulative frequency

distribution and ii) More than cumulative frequency distribution

• i) Less than cumulative frequency distribution

Frequency distribution both discrete and continuous are to be taken in ascending order.

The total of the frequencies from the beginning up to and including each frequency is found.

That cumulative frequency shows how many items are less than or equal to the corresponding

value of the class interval.

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• ii) More than cumulative frequency distribution:

Frequency distribution both discrete and continuous are to be taken in ascending order.

The total of the frequencies from the end up to and including each frequency is found. That

cumulative frequency shows how many items are more than or equal to the corresponding

value of the class interval.

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• For the following distribution find (i) less than cumulative frequencies and (ii) More than

cumulative frequencies

Marks Frequencies

0 – 10 5

10 – 20 12

20 – 30 15

30 – 40 4

40 – 50 4

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• The proportion of number of observations in a class is the relative frequency.

• Relative Frequency = Class Frequency / Total Frequency

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• The various graphs associated with frequency distribution.

• Graphs are charts consisting of points, lines and curves. Charts are drawn on graph sheets.

Suitable scales are to be chosen for both x and y axes, so that the entire data can be

presented in the graph sheet. Graphical representations are used for grouped quantitative


• Statistical measures such as quartiles, median and mode can be found from the appropriate


• Graphs are useful for analysis of timeseries, regression analysis, business forecasting,

interpolation, extrapolation, and inverse interpolation.

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• Graphs are broadly divided into two

i) Graphs of time series or Historigrams and

ii) Graphs of frequency distribution

• Graphs of frequency distribution is further divided into

a) Frequency lines used to represent discrete frequency distribution

b) Histogram

c) Frequency polygon used to present continuous frequency distribution

d) Frequency curve

e) Ogive curve used to represent cumulative frequency distribution

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• Frequency lines: Are used to represent discrete frequency

distribution. Variable is taken in the X axis and the frequencies

in the Y axis, the pair of points (variable, frequency) is plotted

on the graph. From each point a vertical line is drawn to the X

axis. The resulting graph is the frequency line.

• Weekly wages in Rs. No. of workers

• 120 8

• 150 12

• 240 8

• 300 2

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• When the data are classified based on the class intervals it can be represented by a

histogram. Histograms are similar to bar diagram without any gap in between. There is no

gap between the bars, since the classes are continuous. The bars are drawn only in outline

without colouring or marking as in the case of simple bar diagrams. It is the suitable form

to represent a frequency distribution.

• Class intervals are to be presented in x axis and the bases of the bars are the respective

class intervals. Frequencies are to be represented in y axis. The heights of the bars are

equal to the corresponding frequencies.

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• Draw a Histogram for the following distribution giving the marks obtained by 60 students

of a class in a college .

• Marks : 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54

• No. of students: 3 5 12 18 14 6 2

• Solution: Here class intervals given are of inclusive type . State the upper limit of a class

is not equal to the lower limit of its following class , the class boundaries will have to

be determined

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Marks : 19.5-24.5 24.5-29.5 29.5-34.5 34.5-39.5 39.5-44.5 44.5-49.5 49.5-54.5

No. of 3 5 12 18 14 6 2


scale: x-axis 1 cm. = 10 marks y-axis 1 cm. = 5 students.

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• It is another method of representing a frequency distribution of a graph. Frequency

polygons are more suitable than histograms whenever two or more frequency

distributions are to be compared.

• Frequency polygon of a grouped or continuous freq. distribution is a straight line graph.

The frequencies of the classes are plotted against the mid-values of the corresponding

classes . The points so obtained are joined by straight lines (segments) to obtain the

frequency polygon.

• Frequency polygon and frequency curves are drawn along with the histogram or


Page 32: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution

• The following data show the number of accidents sustained by 313 drivers of a public utility

company over a period of 5 years. Draw the frequency polygon

• No. of accidents : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

• No. of drivers : 80 44 68 41 25 20 13 7 5 4 3 2

• Frequency polygon of a number of accidents

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• Draw a Histogram & Frequency polygon from the following distribution giving marks of 50 students in

statistics .

• Marks in Statistics : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90

• No. of students : 0 2 3 7 13 13 9 2 1

• Note that, here we will first draw Histogram and then the mid-points of the top of bars are joined by

line segments to get the frequency polygon.

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• Frequency curve is similar like frequency polygon, only the difference is that the points are

joined by a free hand curve instead of line segments as we join in frequency polygon.

• Let us study the following examples to study the concept of frequency curve .

• Example 10: Draw a frequency curve for the following data :

• Age (yrs) : 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-25 25-27 27-29 29-31

• No. of students : 7 13 24 30 22 15 6

• Solution: Here we will take ages on horizontal axis ( i.e. x-axis ) and no. of students on

vertical axis ( i. e. say y-axis )

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• We will plot the given frequencies

(No. of students) against mid-points

of the given class interval & then

join these points by free hand curve.

Extremities (first and the last points

plotted ) are joined to the mid-

points of the neighbouring class


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• Draw a Histogram & frequency curve for the following data:

• Age (yrs) : 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-25 25-27 27-29 29-31

• No. of students : 7 13 24 30 22 15 6

• Solution: First we will draw histogram & then the mid-points of the top of the bars are

joined by free hand curve to get the frequency curve .

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• Ogive is a graphic presentation of the cumulative frequency (c.f) distribution of

continuous variable. It consists in plotting the c.f. (along the y-axis ) against the class

boundaries (along x-axis ) . Since there are two types of c.f. distributions namely ' less

than ' c.f. and 'more than ' c.f. , we have accordingly two types of ogives , namely ,

• i) ' less than and equal to ' ogive ,

• ii) ' more than and equal to' ogive

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• 'Less than and equal to ogive : This consists of plotting the 'less than ' cumulative frequencies against the

upper class boundaries of the respective classes . The points so obtained are joined by a smooth free hand

curve to give 'less than ' ogive . Obviously, 'less than ' ogive is an increasing curve , sloping upwards from left

to right .

• Note : Since the frequency below the lower limit of the first class ( i.e. upper limit of the class preceding

the first class ) is zero , the ogive curve should start on the left with a cum. freq. zero of the lower

boundary of the first class .

• ‘More than and equal to’ ogive: This consists of plotting the ' more than ' cum. frequencies against the lower

class boundaries of the respective classes . The points so obtained are joined by a smooth free hand curve

to give ' equal give . Obviously, 'more than ' ogive is a decreasing curve , slopes downwards from left to right

• Note: We may draw both the 'less than' and 'more than and equal to‘ ogives on the same graph . If done so,

they intersect at a point. The foot of the perpendicular from their point of intersection on the x-axis gives

the value of the median .

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• Ex. The following table gives the distribution of monthly income of 600 families in a certain city .

• Draw a 'less than ' and a 'more than equal to' ogive curve for the above data on the same graph and from

there read the median income .

• Solution: For drawing the 'less than' and 'more than' equal to ogive we convert the given distribution into

'less than' and 'more than equal to' cumulative frequencies (c.f.) as given in the following table.

Monthly Income Below 75 75-150 150- 225 225- 300 300- 375 375- 450 Above 450

No. of families 60 170 200 60 50 40 20

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• 1) One dimensional diagrams:

• a) Simple Bar diagrams

• b) Multiple Bar diagrams (joint Bar Diagrams)

• c) Sub-divided Bar Diagram and

• d) Percent Bar Diagrams.

• 2) Two dimensional diagrams: Pie or Circular diagram .

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• To understand various trends of the data (which is already classified and tabulated) at a glance

and to facilitate the comparison of various situations, the data are presented in the form of

diagrams & graphs. Diagrams are useful in many ways, some of the uses are given below:-

• i) Diagrams are attractive and impressive.

• ii) Diagrams are useful in simplifying the data.

• iii) Diagrams save time and labour.

• iv) Diagrams are useful in making comparisons.

• v) Diagrams have universal applicability.

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• A simple bar chart is used to

represent data involving only one

variable classified on a spatial,

quantitative or temporal basis. In a

simple bar chart, we make bars of

equal width but variable length, i.e.

the magnitude of a quantity is

represented by the height or length

of the bars

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• The following diagram gives

the figures of Indo-US trade

during 1987 to 1990. The

figures of Indian Exports &

Imports are in billion.

Answer the following

questions from the diagram

given below:

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• The following diagram shows the

number of Govt. and Non-Govt.

Companies in various years. Study

the diagram and answer the

questions given below:-

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• A pie chart is a type of graph

that represents the data in

the circular graph. The slices

of pie show the relative size

of the data. It is a type of

pictorial representation of

data. A pie chart requires a

list of categorical variables

and the numerical variables.

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FY BBA (Sem 2) – 205 – Business Statistics – Patten 2019

Page 47: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution


• 2.1 Concept and meaning of Measure of Central Tendency, Objectives of Measure of Central

• Tendency, Requirements of good Measure of Central Tendency.

• 2.2 Types of Measure of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean (A.M), Median, Mode for discrete

• and Continuous frequency distribution, Merits & Demerits of A.M., Median , Mode,

• Numerical Problem.

• 2.3 Determination of Mode and Median graphically.

• 2.4 Empirical relation between mean, median and mode.

• 2.5. Combined Mean

• 2.6. Numerical Problems.

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• There is a tendency in almost every statistical data that most of the values concentrate at

the centre which is referred as “central tendency‘. The typical values which measure the

central tendency are called measures of central tendency. Measures of central tendency

are commonly known as ‘Averages.‘ They are also known as first order measures.

Averages always lie between the lowest and the lightest observation.

• The purpose for computing an average value for a set of observations is to obtain a single

value which is representative of all the items and which the mind can grasp simply and

quickly. The single value is the point or location around which the individual items cluster.

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• The following are the five types of averages which are commonly used in practice.

• 1. Arithmetic Mean or Mean (A.M)

• 2. Median

• 3. Mode

• 4. Geometric Mean (G.M)

• 5. Harmonic Mean (H.M)

• Of these, arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean are called mathematical

averages; median and mode are called positional averages. Here we shall discuss only the first

three of them in detail, one by one.

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• (i) For Simple or Ungrouped data:(where frequencies are not given) Arithmetic Mean is

defined as the sum of all the observations divided by the total number of observations in

the data and is denoted by x , which is read as ‗x-bar‘

• In general, if x1 x2……., xn are the n observations of variable x, then the arithmetic

mean is given by

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• If we denote the sum x1 + x2 +………………+x n as ∑x , then

• Note: The symbol ∑ is the Greek letter capital sigma and is used in Mathematics to

denote the sum of the values.

• Steps: (i) Add together all the values of the variable x and obtain the total, i.e, ∑x.

• (ii) Divide this total by the number of observations.

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• Formula where N = ƒ and x = Mid-point of the class intervals

• Steps : (1) Obtain the mid-point of each class interval

• ( Mid-point = lower limit + upper limit ) / 2

• (2) Multiply these mid-points by the respective frequency of each class interval and

obtain the total ∑fx.

• (3) Divide the total obtained by step (2) by the total frequency N.

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• 1. Find the arithmetic mean for the following data representing marks in six subjects at the

H.S.C examination of a student. (80.83)

• 2. Find arithmetic mean for the following data . 425 , 408 , 441 , 435 , 418

• 3. Calculate arithmetic mean for the following data . (13.83 Years)

Age in years: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

No . of Students: 7 10 16 12 8 11 5

• 4. Find the arithmetic mean for the following data representing marks of 60 students. (37.83)

Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

No. of Students 8 15 13 10 7 4 3

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• Solution: The class intervals are of inclusive type. We first make them continuous by

finding the class boundaries. 0.5 is added to the upper class limits and 0.5 is subtracted

from the lower class limits to obtain the class boundaries as

• 130-0.5= 129.5 and 134+0.5=134.5

• 135-0.5= 134.5 and 139+0.5= 139.5 and so on.

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• 6. Calculate the arithmetic mean of heights of 80 Students for the following data.

• Heights in cms

• 130- 134 135- 139 140- 144 145- 149 150- 154 155- 159 160- 164

• No. of Students

• 7 11 15 21 16 6 4

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• Merits of Arithmetic Mean .

• (1) It is rigidly defined .

• (2) It is easy to understand and easy to calculate .

• (3) It is based on each and every observation of the series .

• (4) It is capable for further mathematical treatment .

• (5) It is least affected by sampling fluctuations.

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• Demerits of Arithmetic Mean .

• (1) It is very much affected by extreme observations.

• (2) It can not be used in case of open end classes.

• (3) It can not be determined by inspection nor it can be located graphically.

• (4) It can not be obtained if a single observation is missing .

• (5) It is a value which may not be present in the data .

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• The median by definition refers to the middle value in a distribution. Median is the value

of the variable which divides the distribution into two equal parts. The 50% observations

lie below the value of the median and 50% observations lie above it. Median is called a

positional average. Median is denoted by M.

• (i) For Simple data or ungrouped data: Median is defined as the value of the middle item

of a series when the observations have been arranged in ascending or descending order

of magnitude.

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• Steps: 1) Arrange the data in ascending or descending order of magnitude.

• (Both arrangements would give the same answer).

• 2) When n is odd:

• Median= value of term

• 3 ) When n is even:

• Median= Arithmetic Mean of value of terms.

• i.e, adding the two middle values and divided by two. where n = number of observations

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• Steps:

• 1) Arrange the data in ascending or descending order of magnitude with respective

frequencies .

• 2) Find the cumulative frequency (c. ƒ) less than type .

• 3) Find N/2 , N = total frequency.

• 4) See the c. ƒ column either equal or greater than N/2 and determine the value of the

variable corresponding to it . That gives the value of Median .

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• Steps:

• 1) Find the c.f less than type

• 2) Find N/2, N= total frequency.

• 3) See the c.f column just greater than


• 4) The Corresponding class interval is

called the Median class.

• 5) To find Median, use the following


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• For Grouped data (or) discrete data: (values and frequencies are given )

• If x1, x2 …… xn are the values of the variable x with corresponding frequencies ƒ1, ƒ2,

………ƒn then the arithmetic mean of x is given by

• Steps :

• (1) Multiply the frequency of each row with the

variable x and obtain the total ∑fx.

• (2) Divide the total ∑fx by the total frequency.

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• 1. Find the median for the following set of observations 65, 38, 79, 85, 54, 47, 72 (65 units)

• 2. Find the median for the following data. 25, 98, 67, 18, 45, 83, 76, 35 (56 Units)

• 3. From the following data find the value of Median. (3000)

• Income in Rs: 1500 2500 3000 3500 4500

• No. of persons 12 8 15 6 5

• 4.The following data relate to the number of patients visiting a government hospital daily:

No. of patients : 1000- 1200 1200- 1400 1400- 1600 1600- 1800 1800- 2000 2000- 2200

No. of days : 15 21 24 18 12 10

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• 1. It is rigidly defined .

• 2. It is easy to understand and easy to calculate .

• 3. It is not affected by extreme observations as it is a positional average.

• 4. It can be calculated , even if the extreme values are not known .

• 5. It can be located by mere inspection and can also be located graphically.

• 6. It is the only average to be used while dealing with qualitative characteristics which

can not be measured numerically .

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• Demerits of Median :

• 1. It is not a good representative in many cases.

• 2. It is not based on all observations.

• 3. It is not capable of further mathematical treatment .

• 4. It is affected by sampling fluctuations.

• 5. For continuous data case , the formula is obtained on the assumption of uniform

distribution of frequencies over the class intervals. This assumption may not be true.

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• (i) For Raw data:

• Mode is the value which occurs most frequently ,in a set of observations. It is a value which is

repeated maximum number of times and is denoted by Z.

• (ii) For ungrouped frequency distribution:

• Mode is the value of the variable corresponding to the highest frequency.

• (iii) For Grouped data:

• In a Continuous distribution first the modal class is determined. The class interval

corresponding to the highest frequency is called modal class.

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Page 69: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution

• 1. Find mode for the following data. 64, 38,35,68,35,94,42,35,52,35

• 2. Calculate the mode for the following data.

• Size of Shoe: 5 6 7 8 9 10

• No.of Pairs: 38 43 48 56 25 22

• 3. Find the mode for the following data.

• Daily wages(in Rs): 20- 40 40- 60 60- 80 80- 100 100- 120 120- 140 140-160

• No . of employees: 21 28 35 40 24 18 10

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• Merits :

• 1. It is easy to understand and easy to calculate

• 2. It is unaffected by the presence of extreme values.

• 3. It can be obtained graphically from a histogram.

• 4. It can be calculated from frequency distribution with open-end classes.

• 5. It is not necessary to know all the items. Only the point of maximum concentration is


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• Demerits :

• (1) It is not rigidly defined .

• (2) It is not based on all observations.

• (3) It is affected by sampling fluctuations.

• (4) It is not suitable for further mathematical treatment .

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FY BBA (Sem 2) – 205 – Business Statistics – Patten 2019

Page 73: Unit 1. Frequency Distribution


• 3.1 Concept and meaning of Measure of dispersion, Requirements of good Measure of


• 3.2 Types of Measure of Dispersion- Absolute & Relative Measure dispersion (Range, Standard

• Deviation (S.D.), Variance, Quartile Deviation, Coefficient of Range, Coefficient of Quartile

• Deviation, and Coefficient of Variation (C.V).

• 3.4. Combined Standard Deviation

• 3.5 Numerical Problems

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• The common averages or measures of central tendency indicate the general magnitude of the

data and give us a single value which represents the data, but they do not tell us the degree of

spread out or the extent of variability in individual items in a distribution. This can be known

by certain other measures called measures of dispersion.

• Dispersion in particular helps in finding out the variability of the data i.e., the extent of

dispersal or scatter of individual items in a given distribution. Such dispersal may be known

with reference to the central values or the common averages such as mean, median and mode

or a standard value; or with reference to other values in the distribution. The need for such a

measure arises because mean or even median and mode may be the same in two or more

distribution but the composition of individual items in the series may vary widely

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• Range is the simplest measure of dispersion.

• When the data are arranged in an array the difference between the largest and the

smallest values in the group is called the Range.

• Symbolically: Absolute Range = L - S, [where L is the largest value and S is the smallest


• Relative Range = Absolute Range / sum of the two extremes

• Amongst all the methods of studying dispersion range is the simplest to calculate and to

understand but it is not used generally because of the following reasons

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1. Since it is based on the smallest and the largest values of the distribution, it is unduly

influenced by two unusual values at either end. On this account, range is usually not

used to describe a sample having one or a few unusual values at one or the other end.

2. It is not affected by the values of various items comprised in the distribution. Thus, it

cannot give any information about the general characters of the distribution within the

two extreme observations.

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• For example, let us consider the following three series:

• Series: A 6 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

• Series: B 6 6 6 6 46 46 46 46

• Series: C 6 10 15 25 30 32 40 46

• It can be noted that in all three series the range is the same, i.e. 40, however the

distributions are not alike: the averages in each case is also quite different. It is because

range is not sensitive to the values of individual items included in the distribution. It thus

cannot be depended upon to give any guidance for determining the dispersion of the

values within a distribution.

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• The dependence of the range on extreme items can be avoided by adopting this measure.

Quartiles together with the median are the points that divide the whole series of

observations into approximately four equal parts so that quartile measures give a rough

idea of the distribution on either side of the average.

• Since under most circumstances, the central half of the distribution tends to be fairly

typical, quartile range Q3 – Q1 affords a convenient measure of absolute variation. The

lowest quarter of the data (upto Q1) and the highest quarter (beyond Q3) are ignored.

The remainder, the middle half of the data above Q1 and below Q3 or (Q3 – Q1) are


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• This, when divided by 2, gives the semi-interquartile range or quartile deviation.

• In a symmetrical distribution, when Q3 (75%) plus Q1 (25%) is halved, the value reached

would give Median, i.e., the mid-point of 75% and 25%. Thus, with semi-interquartile range

50% of data is distributed around the median. It gives the expected range between which

50% of all data should lie. The Quartile Deviation is an absolute measure of dispersion .

The corresponding relative measure of dispersion is

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• As we have seen range is unstable, quartile deviation excludes half the data arbitrarily and

mean deviation neglects algebraic signs of the deviations, a measure of dispersion that does

not suffer from any of these defects and is at the same time useful in statistic work is standard


• In 1893 Karl Pearson first introduced the concept. It is considered as one of the best

measures of dispersion as it satisfies the requisites of a good measure of dispersion.

• The standard deviation measures the absolute dispersion or variability of a distribution.

• It is represented by σ (read as ‗sigma‘); σ 2 i.e., the square of the standard deviation is called

variance. Here, each deviation is squared.

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• The mean of squared deviation, i.e., the square of standard deviation is known as variance.

Standard deviation is one of the most important measures of variation used in Statistics.

Let us see how to compute the measure in different situation.

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FY BBA (Sem 2) – 205 – Business Statistics – Patten 2019

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• 4.1. Concept and meaning of Correlation, Types of correlation.

• 4.2. Methods to study Correlation:- Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson correlation coefficient,

• Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient ( with Repeated Ranks)

• 4.3 Numerical Problems on Correlation

• 4.4 Regression- Concept and meaning of regression, lines of regression equation of Y on X and X

• on Y.

• 4.5 Regression coefficients, properties of regression coefficients,

• 4.6 Numerical problems on Regression

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• Relationship between price and demand of a commodity When we collect the information

(data) on two of such characteristics it is called bivariate data. It is generally denoted by (X,Y)

where X and Y are the variables representing the values on the characteristics

• Following are some examples of bivariate data.

• a) Income and Expenditure of workers.

• b) Marks of students in the two subjects of Maths and Accounts.

• c) Height of Husband and Wife in a couple.

• d) Sales and profits of a company.

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• Between these variables we can note that there exist some sort of interrelationship or

cause and effect relationship. i.e. change in the value of one variable brings out the change

in the value of other variable also.Such relationship is called as correlation.

• Therefore, correlation analysis gives the idea about the nature and extent of relationship

between two variables in the bivariate data

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• There are two types of correlation.

• a) Positive correlation. and

• b) Negative correlation.

• Positive correlation: When the relationship between the variables X and Y is such that

increase or decrease in X brings out the increase or decrease in Y also, i.e. there is direct

relation between X and Y, the correlation is said to be positive. In particular when the

change in X equals to change in Y‘ the correlation is perfect and positive. e.g. Sales and

Profits have positive correlation.

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• : Negative correlation When the relationship between the variables X and Y is such

that increase or decrease in X brings out the decrease or increase in Y, i.e. there is an

inverse relation between X and Y, the correlation is said to be negative. In particular when

the ‗change in X equals to change in Y‘ but in opposite direction the correlation is

perfect and negative. e.g. Price and Demand have negative correlation.

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• The extent of correlation can be measured by any of the following methods:

1. Scatter diagrams

2. Karl Pearson‘s co-efficient of correlation

3. Spearman‘s Rank correlation

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• The Scatter diagram is a chart

prepared by plotting the values of X

and Y as the points (X,Y) on the


• Perfect Positive Correlation: If the

graph of the values of the variables is

a straight line with positive slope as

shown in Figure, we say there is a

perfect positive correlation between

X and Y. Here r = 1

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• (ii) Imperfect Positive Correlation:

• If the graph of the values of X and Y

show a band of points from lower

left corner to upper right corner as

shown in Figure, we say that there is

an imperfect positive correlation.

Here 0 < r < 1.

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• Perfect Negative Correlation: If the

graph of the values of the variables

is a straight line with negative slope

as shown in Figure, we say there is a

perfect negative correlation

between X and Y. Here r = –1.

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• Imperfect Negative Correlation:

• If the graph of the values of X and Y

show a band of points from upper left

corner to the

• lower right corner as shown in Figure,


• we say that there is an imperfect


• correlation. Here –1 < r < 0

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• (v) Zero Correlation:

• If the graph of the values of X and Y do not show any of the above trend then we say that

there is a zero correlation between X and Y. The graph of such type can be a straight line

perpendicular to the axis, as shown in Figure 4.5 and 4.6, or may be completely scattered

as shown in Figure 4.7. Here r = 0.

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• This co-efficient provides the

numerical measure of the

correlation between the variables X

and Y. It is suggested by Prof. Karl

Pearson and calculated by the


• Remark : We can also calculate this

co-efficient by using the formula

given by

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• The Pearson‘s Correlation co-

efficient is also called as the

‗product moment correlation co-

efficient‘ Properties of correlation

co-efficient ‗r‘ The value of ‗r‘ can

be positive (+) or negative(-) The

value of ‗r‘ always lies between –1

& +1, i.e. –1< r

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• As the correlation analysis studies the nature and extent of interrelationship between the

two variables X and Y, regression analysis helps us to estimate or approximate the value

of one variable when we know the value of other variable

• Therefore we can define the ‗Regression‘ as the estimation (prediction) of one variable

from the other variable when they are correlated to each other. e.g. We can estimate the

Demand of the commodity if we know it‘s Price. Why are there two regressions? When

the variables X and Y are correlated there are two possibilities,

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• (i) Variable X depends on variable y. in this case we can find the value of x if know the

value of y. This is called regression of x on .

• (ii) Variable depends on variable X. we can find the value of y if know the value of X. This

is called regression of y on x.

• Hence there are two regressions, (a) Regression of X on Y; (b) Regression of X on Y

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FY BBA (Sem 2) – 205 – Business Statistics – Patten 2019

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• 5.1 Concept and meaning of Index Number, Notations

• 5.2 Construction of Price Index Number, Problems in the construction of Index Number,

Cost of Living Index Number (CLI), Family Budget Index Number

• 5.3 Uses of Index Number

• 5.4. Numerical Problems.

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• Index number is an important statistical relative tool to measure the changes in a variable

or group of variables with respect to time, geographical conditions and other

characteristics of the variable(s).

• Index number is a relative measure, as it is independent of the units of the variable(s)

taken in to consideration. This is the advantage of index numbers over normal averages.

All the averages which we studied before are absolute measures, i.e. they are expressed

in units, while index numbers are percentage values which are independent of the units of

the variable(s). In calculating an index number, a base period is considered for comparison

and the changes in a variable are measured using various methods.

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• (1) It is a relative measure: As discussed earlier index numbers are independent of the

units of the variable(s), hence it a special kind of average which can be used to compare

different types of data expressed in different units at different points of time.

• (2) Economical Barometer: A barometer is an instrument which measures the

atmospheric pressure. As the index numbers measure all the ups and downs in the

economy they are hence called as the economic barometers.

• To forecast trends: Index numbers prove to be very useful in identifying trends in a

variable over a period of time and hence are used to forecast the future trends

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• (3) To generalize the characteristics of a group: Many a time it is difficult to measure the

changes in a variable in complete sense. For example, it is not possible to directly measure the

changes in a business activity in a country. But instead if we measure the changes in the

factors affecting the business activity, we can generalize it to the complete activity. Similarly

the industrial production or the agricultural output cannot be measured directly.

• (5) To facilitate decision making: Future estimations are always used for long term and short

term planning and formulating a policy for the future by government and private organizations.

Price Index numbers provide the requisite for such policy decisions in economics.

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• The price index numbers are classified as shown in the following diagram:

• Notations:

• P0: Price in Base Year Q0: Quantity in Base Year

• P1: Price in Current Year Q1: Quantity in Current Year

• The suffix ‘0’ stands for the base year and the suffix ‘1’ stands for the

• current year.

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• There are two methods for constructing this index number:

• (1) Aggregative expenditure method and

• (2) Family Budget Method

• (1) In aggregative expenditure method we construct the index number by taking the base

year quantity as the weight. In fact this index number is nothing but the Laspeyre’s index


• (2) In family budget method, value weights are computed for each item in the group and

the index number i

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• These index numbers reflect the effect of rise and fall in the economy or change in prices

over the standard of living of the people.

• 2. These index numbers help in determining the purchasing power of money which is the

reciprocal of the cost of living index number.

• 3. It is used in deflation. i.e. determining the actual income of an individual. Hence it also

used by the management of government or private organizations to formulate their

policies regarding the wages, allowance to their employees

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