understanding photography for digital media products

Understanding photography for digital media products

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Post on 19-Jan-2017



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Page 1: Understanding photography for digital media products

Understanding photography for digital media products

Page 2: Understanding photography for digital media products

The Flash TV show poster This photo was taken for a TV show poster.This photo seems to be an action shot as it shows the character running. The framing has been used to capture a large portion of the character except the feet of the character and the angle seems to be fairly standard as it is not a low shot or anything. The focus of the image is extremely sharp especially around the characters face and some of the motion blur to show the characters abilities, speed and how intense his abilities are. The ‘Mise-en-scene’ has been used to set the character as if he was running at high speeds and the actors facial expression shows him to be smirking showing him to be quite cocky and a little happy however, there are no props or any other forms of special backgrounds or anything. The photo anchors the written material as it contrasts with the colour of the written material as the image is mainly red and the text is yellow and white so the image colour and the text colour appear to compliment each other quit nicely. The text and image promote the product as the text allows the audience to know where and when to find this show, the image shows the audience what the main characters abilities are and how he reacts to them (quite happy and confidently) So this may appeal to the target audience as it allows new fans of the character to know what his personality is like and it allows returning fans to know that they are getting an accurate representation of the character from the comic books. This may increase sales as it may appeal to new fans of the character and it may show old fans that the character is going to be presented accurately.

Page 3: Understanding photography for digital media products

The Hobbit movie poster This image was taken for a movie poster. The image is a wide shot, I know this as the image is not zoomed in on anything specifically. The frame is in a horizontal manner almost like a portrait so it can be used as a poster, the angle is also pretty straight forward as it is not a low shot or anything. The ‘mise-en-scene’ has been used as the scene shows the character standing and staring at a key location as the character and the location in the background are the only two things that stand out. The photo anchors the text as the photo makes the text stand out due to the dark colour of the image and the bright colour of the text. The text promotes the product as it tells the audience the release date of the movie and it also allows the audience to know who the director is as the text says “From the director of the lord of the rings trilogy” The image may appeal to the target audience as it makes them feel immersed almost as if they are the character as the fans may not know what lies ahead either… The photo tells the story of a big journey as the character seems to be carrying a large supply bag.