understanding bentley’s organization structure tony buono mg345 organization & environment fall...

Download Understanding Bentley’s Organization Structure Tony Buono MG345 Organization & Environment Fall 2014

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Understanding Bentleys Organization Structure Tony Buono MG345 Organization & Environment Fall 2014 Slide 2 7 Operating Divisions Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Center for Women and Business Center for Business Ethics Service-Learning Center External Relations Research & Scholarship Teaching & Academic Life Campus Life Bentley Ethics Policy & Campus-wide Ethics Committee Academic Integrity System UN Global Compact Academic Network: PRME Conscious Capitalism Institute Diversity Initiative Civic Leadership Program (Graduation Pledge Alliance Chapter) Wilder Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Development Initiatives Institutional Review Board Risk Management Research Program Spiritual Life Center Multicultural Center Bentley Beliefs Complex Problems/ s Creative Solutions Module/Fusion Pilots Ethics Point Global Business Ethics Symposium & Teaching Workshop sponsored by State Street Foundation EFMD Responsible Management Education Initiative Graduation Pledge Alliance Habitat for Humanity Club The Ghana Project: Bentley-Mmofra Trom Partnership Valente Center for Arts & Sciences Sustainability Office & Bentley Green Society Corporate & Community Partnerships Geneen Institute for Corporate Governance Liberal Studies Major American College & University Presidents Climate t Commitment Bentley Microfinance Initiative 2014-15 Bentley Alliance for Ethics & Social Responsibility Next Generation ESG Scholars Workshop Business Ethics Gadfly Workshop Pax Populi Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Academic Departments Department Chair Faculty Tenured Faculty Department Chair Adjunct Faculty Image Reality Slide 11 Environmental Change & Complexity Low Uncertainty Soft drink bottlers Beer distributors Container mnftng. Food processors Low Uncertainty Soft drink bottlers Beer distributors Container mnftng. Food processors Low-Moderate Uncertainty Universities Appliance mnftng. Chemical firms Insurance firms Low-Moderate Uncertainty Universities Appliance mnftng. Chemical firms Insurance firms High-Moderate Uncertainty E-commerce Fashion clothing Music industry Toy mnftng. High-Moderate Uncertainty E-commerce Fashion clothing Music industry Toy mnftng. High Uncertainty Computer firms Aerospace Cos. Telecommunications Airlines High Uncertainty Computer firms Aerospace Cos. Telecommunications Airlines Stable Unstable Environmental Change Environmental Complexity SimpleComplex Slide 12 Environmental Uncertainty & Organization Structure Low Uncertainty Structure: Mechanistic (formal, centralized) Few departments Indirect integration Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Low Uncertainty Structure: Mechanistic (formal, centralized) Few departments Indirect integration Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Low-Moderate Uncertainty Structure: Mechanistic (formal, some decentralization) Many departments Mostly indirect with some direct integration Some planning Low-Moderate Uncertainty Structure: Mechanistic (formal, some decentralization) Many departments Mostly indirect with some direct integration Some planning High-Moderate Uncertainty Structure: Organic (teamwork, largely decentralized) Few departments with boundary spanning roles Mostly direct with some indirect integration Planning orientation High-Moderate Uncertainty Structure: Organic (teamwork, largely decentralized) Few departments with boundary spanning roles Mostly direct with some indirect integration Planning orientation High Uncertainty Structure: Organic (informal, decentralized) Many departments, many boundary spanning roles Mostly direct integration Extensive planning & forecasting High Uncertainty Structure: Organic (informal, decentralized) Many departments, many boundary spanning roles Mostly direct integration Extensive planning & forecasting Stable Unstable Environmental Change Environmental ComplexitySimpleComplex